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Affordable Arcana - Magic Rods

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Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods

Credits Contents
Published by d20pfsrd.com Publishing Introduction................................... 2
Writers: Kim Frandsen, Michael Ritter Magical Rods................................... 2
Editor: Kim Frandsen Angler’s Rod......................................................................2
Copy Editor: Michael Ritter Campsite Rod....................................................................3
Layout: Matt Thomason Gem Safe Rod....................................................................3
Artwork: Lycanthropy Rod..............................................................3
Matt Thomason Merchant Rod...................................................................4
Myriad Rod.......................................................................4
Publisher’s Choice Quality Stock Art © Rick Hershey
Rod of Angelic Tears.........................................................4
/ Fat Goblin Games
Rod of Battle Casting........................................................ 5
Rod of Coins...................................................................... 5
Compatibility Rod of Demonic Tears......................................................6
Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Rod of Fleetness................................................................6
requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Rod of Harmony............................................................... 7
Publishing, LLC. See http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG for Rod of Hostile Intent........................................................ 7
more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Rod of Ideal Climate......................................................... 7
Paizo Publishing, LLC does not guarantee compatibility, Rod of Measurements.......................................................8
and does not endorse this product. Rod of Nature’s Site..........................................................8
Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, Rod of Nobility..................................................................8
LLC, and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Rod of Redemption...........................................................9
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are Rod of Resist Undead.......................................................9
trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under Rod of Secrets...................................................................9
the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility License. Rod of Siege (Ballista)......................................................9
See http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/compatibility for Rod of Siege (Catapult)................................................... 10
more information on the compatibility license. Rod of Sorrows................................................................ 10
Product Identity: The following items are hereby Rod of Sun Absorption....................................................11
identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Rod of the Astral Alignment............................................11
Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Rod of the Blacksmith......................................................11
Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks, dialogue, Rod of the Bone Collector............................................... 12
plots, storylines, and artwork.(Elements that have
Rod of the Bounty Hunter.............................................. 12
previously been designated as Open Game Content are not
included in this declaration.) Rod of the Cavalier.......................................................... 13
Rod of the Charlatan....................................................... 13
Open Content: Except for material designated as Product
Rod of the Climbing Claw............................................... 13
Identity (see above), the game mechanics of this d20pfsrd.
com Publishing product are Open Game Content, as Rod of the Crow’s Call..................................................... 14
defined in the Open Gaming License version 1.0a Section Rod of the Farmer........................................................... 14
1(d). No portion of this work other than the material Rod of the Forced March................................................ 14
designated as Open Game Content may be reproduced in Rod of the Frog............................................................... 14
any form without written permission. Rod of the Half-Moon..................................................... 15
Rod of the Magistrate..................................................... 15
Rod of the Mountaineer.................................................. 16
Rod of the Packrat.......................................................... 16
Rod of the Scout.............................................................. 16
Rod of the Unturned Rock...............................................17
Rod of Tyranny................................................................17
Rod of Untrained Talents............................................... 18
Rod of Useful Summons................................................. 18
Rod of Vaulting............................................................... 18
Short-Ranged Rod.......................................................... 19
Slinger Rod...................................................................... 19
Stunning Fist Rod........................................................... 19
New Spells.................................... 20
Jumping Flight................................................................20
Open Game License .......................21

Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods

Introduction Magical Rods

These low-level rods allow all character
classes the ability to use some magic that
Angler’s Rod
may not normally be available to them. Aura moderate conjuration; CL 9th; Slot
With magical rods being such a rarity in —; Weight 3 lbs.; Price 500 gp
most campaigns, it’s time to scatter the
lands with these useful low-cost creations.
From defensive to offensive and everything An oversized fishing line spirals the length
in between, you will find a wide variety of this 4-foot-long wooden rod.
of magical rods that will benefit many
characters and campaign storylines. The
most impressive note about these magical Activating the angler’s rod grants a few
rods is that the cost to craft or purchase them different creations. Three times per day as
is very low. The target level of usefulness for a full-round action, the holder can choose
most of these rods are between 2nd and 7th one of three options (up to 8 hours per
level so, allowing access to these magic rods command).
will not sway the power level too strongly The rod transforms into a fishing pole and
in the character’s favor. Additionally, some creates bait and tackle for the user.
of these rods are specific to alignments,
The rod transforms into a 25-square foot
deities, and domains.
fishing net.
How many times have you seen a full plate
The rod transforms into a 5-foot long single
wearing fighter brandishing a magical
rider canoe with a wooden paddle.
rod? Not too many I bet, but with these
innovative rods, you may see a fighter using The rod can be returned to its normal
the rod of the frog, allowing him to interact form as a free action on touch, and only
with a watery environment and possibly by the creature that last activated it.These
change the outcome of the game instead of creations can be undone as a free action,
standing on the sidelines as useless player. but one must be holding the angler’s rod to
There are so many interchangeable options do so.
that depend on your character’s class and
the magical rods you choose to utilize.
Feats Craft Rod; Spells web; Cost 250 gp

Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods

gems that are placed in the bottom of the

Campsite Rod shaft of this rod can become locked inside of Introduction
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th; the rod. Opening the gem safe rod without
Slot —; Weight 7 lbs.; Price 500 gp the use of the command word requires a DC
29 Disable Device check. The stored gems
Magical Rods
can be accessed with the same command
This crude wooden branch looks like a word. The rod only holds gems and will not
piece of firewood instead of a magical rod. New Spells
store any jewelry or coins.
Once per day, the campsite rod transforms REQUIREMENTS
into a two-person hut that includes enough Feats Craft Rod; Spells
firewood for up to 8 hours of continuous arcane lock; Cost 200 gp

Lycanthropy Rod
REQUIREMENTS Aura moderate abjuration; CL 9th;
Feats Craft Rod; Spells wood Slot —; Weight 2 lbs.; Price 850 gp
shape; Cost 250 gp

Gem Safe Rod This is a black and grey steel stake with a
pure silver tip.
Aura moderate abjuration;
CL 9th; Slot —; Weight 4 EFFECTS
lbs.; Price 400 gp This rod provides a +1 resistance bonus
against lycanthropy saves to any creature
that keeps it in its possession for over 24
This metal rod is hours. As a full-round action, this rod can
two-feet-tall and as be used to damage a willing or helpless
wide as a hand, with a creature that has lycanthropy, dealing 1
compartment visible at one end. point of piercing damage to the creature
EFFECTS and absorbing the curse into the rod, curing
the lycanthrope. The rod then crumbles to
The gem safe rod is an oversized magical
dust, becoming unusable.
device that holds 20 gems and always
gives the owner a +1 circumstance bonus CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS
to Appraisal checks. As a standard action Feats Craft Rod; Spells remove curse;
when the command word is spoken, any Cost 425 gp

Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods

of himself, once per day for 9 rounds. These

Merchant Rod images duplicate the effect of mirror image,
Aura moderate enchantment; CL 9th; Slot granting the same benefits, but for the 1st
—; Weight 3 lbs.; Price 950 gp physical attack of each round, the 2 images
will also, due to the confusing effects,
use the aid another action on the owner,
A bright red jewel sits on top of a beautiful granting him a +2 bonus to attack.
golden shaft scattered with very small
Feats Craft Rod, Craft Arms & Armor;
Spells mirror image; Cost 705 gp
Any person handling this rod gains a +2
circumstance bonus to Appraise checks. Rod of Angelic Tears
The merchant rod also sways paid retainers
(though not those providing assistance in Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th;
combat) to accept 20% less pay per day. Slot —; Weight 4 lbs.; Price 1,000 gp
To do this, the rod must be handled when DESCRIPTION
negotiating the deal with the paid hireling.
This stylized rod has all the appearance
CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS of a golden crozier. The beautiful device
Feats Craft Rod; Spells charm person; is peppered with gold, silver, copper, and
Cost 475 gp gems.

Myriad Rod The holy rod of angelic tears allows the user
Aura moderate illusion; CL 9th; Slot —; to create 4 pints of holy water, once per day.
Weight 5 lbs.; Price 1,105 gp Any evil or chaotic character attempting to
hold this rod will suffer 1d4 points of sacred
damage per round it is held.
This masterwork light mace has an ivory
grip and a head shaped like a gemstone, CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS
but with innumerable facets. Feats Craft Rod; Spells bless water, create
water; Special creator must be good; Cost
500 gp
This rod functions as a masterwork light

When commanded, the rod grants the user

the ability to create two illusionary images

Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods


Magical Rods

Rod of Battle Casting New Spells
This rod has two separate functions.
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th;
Slot —; Weight 3 lbs.; Price 1,000 gp The first command grants the owner the
ability to identify one of three specific
DESCRIPTION metals if they are within 30 feet of the
A blood red crystal sits atop of this silver rod. The user must choose gold, silver, or
rod. copper. Once the metal is chosen, the rod
seeks out such treasure. If the chosen metal
is detected within 30 feet, the gem on top
While holding this rod, a spellcaster gains of the rod glows purple. The closer the
a +2 circumstance bonus to concentration wielder gets to the metal, the brighter the
checks. gem glows.
If the wielder has the Combat Casting feat, Once per day, as a standard action, the
then the rod grants a +3 circumstance wielder of a rod of coins may also fire a blast
bonus on the wielders first concentration of silver coins at a target up to 15 feet away.
check each day. The coins deal 2d6 piercing damage or
half with a successful DC 13 Reflex saving
throw. The coins instantly disappear after
Feats Craft Rod, Combat Casting; Spells this attack.
bear’s endurance; Cost 500 gp
The silver released from the rod does not
Rod of Coins leave any silver coins to retrieve after this
Aura moderate divination, moderate
evocation; CL 9th; Slot —; Weight 2 lbs.; CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS
Price 1,000 gp Feats Craft Rod; Spells detect magic,
locate object, burning hands; Cost 500 gp
This is a 3-foot-long cylinder, made entirely
of stacked coins containing the precious
metals copper, silver, and gold.

Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods

Rod of Demonic Tears Rod of Fleetness

Aura moderate necromancy; CL 9th; Slot Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th;
—; Weight 4 lbs.; Price 1,000 gp Slot —; Weight 4 lbs.; Price 1,105 gp

This rod is made mostly of onyx and has Constructed of brass with copper rivets,
all the appearances of an unholy crosier. this finely made light mace comes with a
It is covered in blood, bone, and flesh. A grip in the shape of a rod.
demonic skull sits atop of this magical rod.
EFFECTS A rod of fleetness can be used as a
This horrific item allows the user the create masterwork light mace.
4 pints of unholy water, once per day. Any
Once per day, the wielder gains a +1 insight
good or lawful character attempting to hold
bonus to initiative. This effect is automatic
the rod will suffer 1d4 points of evil damage.
and no command word is needed to activate
This damage continues each round that a
this ability as long as the rod is in-hand of
good or lawful presence retains their grip.
the wielder.
Feats Craft Rod; Spells create water,
Feats Craft Rod; Spells expeditious
curse water; Special creator must be evil;
retreat; Cost 705 gp
Cost 500 gp

Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods

do 1d8 force damage. The duration of each

Rod of Harmony command is 1-minute. The rod is useless to Introduction
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 9th; Slot any alignment other than chaotic.
—; Weight 1 lb.; Price 850 gp
Feats Craft Rod, Craft Arms and Armor;
This thin rod is a perfectly round silver Spells spiritual weapon; Special creator
cylinder that is 2 feet in length. New Spells
must be chaotic; Cost 500 gp

Rod of Ideal Climate
When you activate a rod of harmony, it
can summon any instrument that the Aura moderate abjuration; CL 9th; Slot
user is proficient with, for up to one hour. —; Weight 2 lbs.; Price 700 gp
Activating this rod is a standard action and DESCRIPTION
can only be used three times per day. The
A thin vial of mercury fills the center of this
summoned instrument grants the musician
crystal rod, extending from a blue shaded
a +2 circumstance bonus to Perform checks.
bottom to a red shaded top.
Feats Craft Rod; Spells summon
When held this rod grants the user the ability
instrument; Cost 425 gp
to change the temperature up or down, at a
rate of 5 degrees per round. within 30 feet,
Rod of Hostile Intent as long as the temperature does not exceed
Aura moderate evocation; CL 9th; Slot —; -10 degrees to 110 degrees Fahrenheit. If
Weight 8 lbs.; Price 1,000 gp the ambient temperature around this area
is above 110 or below -10 degrees, the rod
fails to function.
This 4-foot-long rod is made of wood and
one side is wrapped in 12 inches of steel. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS
Feats Craft Rod; Spells endure elements;
Cost 350 gp
If the wielder is chaotic, the rod can be
commanded to turn into either a greatclub
or greataxe of force, three times per day
as a standard action. These weapons
retain their respective critical range and
weapon type (bludgeoning, slashing) and

Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods

faint bird chirping sound. If

Rod of Measurements a poison is detected within
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th; 15-feet of the rod of nature’s
Slot —; Weight 2 lbs.; Price 500 gp site, the copper ends begin
to oxidize to a green color.
It will not, however, show
This metal rod has many notches and where the trap or poison is
markings that cover it from top to bottom.
When activated, as a standard action, the Feats Craft Rod; Spells
rod gives the wielder the knowledge of detect snares and pits,
the length, height, and width of an object detect poison; Cost 400 gp
or room. This magic has a maximum
measurement of 200-foot squared. The rod Rod of
can also be used to measure pits at depths
up to 200-feet.
Aura moderate illusion; CL
9th; Slot —; Weight 2 lbs.;
Feats Craft Rod; Spells arcane eye; Cost Price 950 gp
225 gp

Rod of Nature’s Site This golden rod gives

of a sheen, illuminating
Aura moderate divination; CL 9th; Slot —;
anything nearby.
Weight 3 lbs.; Price 800 gp
The possessor of this rod
A plant vine is engraved on all sides of this
gains a +1 circumstance
wooden rod. Rounded copper ends about 3
bonus to Diplomacy and
inches long cover the top and bottom of this
Knowledge (nobility) checks.
Additionally, on command,
as a standard action, the
Simply holding this rod allows you to holder of this rod can be
identify poisons and avoid natural hazards. clothed in a noble’s outfit
Any trap set with wilderness materials for up to 4 hours a day. As a
within 30-feet, causes the rod to emit a swift action, you can return

Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods

to your normal attire. Articles of clothing EFFECTS

that are removed instantly fade away. Introduction
When holding this rod, you to gain a +2
CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS sacred bonus on saving throws vs undead
effects and abilities. Magical Rods
Feats Craft Rod; Spells disguise self;
Feats Craft Rod; Spells consecrate; Cost New Spells
Rod of Redemption 450 gp
Aura moderate divination; CL 9th; Slot
—; Weight 4 lbs.; Price 1,105 gp Rod of Secrets
DESCRIPTION Aura moderate universal, moderate
transmutation; CL 9th; Slot —; Weight 1
This masterwork light mace has a steel
lbs.; Price 1,000 gp
handle and a head in the form of a silvered
praying angel. DESCRIPTION

EFFECTS This 12-Inch copper rod has a feather tip

carving that protrudes out from one side.
This rod functions as a masterwork light
mace. If you roll a natural 1 to hit, while EFFECTS
wielding the rod of redemption, you gain a The rod of secrets grants a +2 circumstance
+2 luck bonus on your next attack roll. This bonus to Linguistics skill checks and
effect can happen multiple times in combat, contains a secret compartment that holds 2
provided you keep rolling natural 1’s. oz. of ink and a quill. The wielder can also
CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS decipher and forge documents in 50% of the
normal time.
Feats Craft Rod, Craft Arms and Armor;
Spells true strike; Cost 805 gp CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS
Feats Craft Rod; Spells message, arcane
Rod of Resist Undead mark; Cost 500 gp
Aura moderate evocation; CL 9th; Slot —;
Weight 3 lbs.; Price 900 gp Rod of Siege (Ballista)
DESCRIPTION Aura moderate evocation; CL 9th; Slot —;
Weight 5 lbs.; Price 1,000 gp
The rod is made of pure white ivory shaped
into a 2-foot-long perfect cylinder. At
the top sits an outline of the sun, made of
polished gold.

Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods

DESCRIPTION touch attack and the ammo does 3d6

This rod has a 1-inch platinum tip that points of force damage. Once the catapult
extends out from a golden shaft. has launched 4 boulders or the duration
ends, the rod cannot be used until the next
EFFECTS sunrise.
As a full-round action, once per day, the rod
of siege (ballista) transforms into a magical
siege weapon made of force energy, taking Feats Craft Armor and Weapons, Craft
up a 5-foot space. This ballista stays active Rod; Spells magic missile; Cost 500 gp
for 1 hour. The rod of siege (ballista) has
a total of 4 force bolts and a range of 120 Rod of Sorrows
feet. Firing a force bolt from the ballista is Aura moderate necromancy; CL 9th; Slot
a ranged touch attack that takes a standard —; Weight 3 lbs.; Price 800 gp
action. This does 2d8 points of force
This rod is made of a human femur bone
and has a tiny crystal that adorns the top.
Feats Craft Armor and Weapons, Craft
Rod; Spells magic missile; Cost 500 gp
You must be evil to activate the magical
Rod of Siege (Catapult) effects of this rod. Three times per day a
rod of sorrows can shoot a ranged touch
Aura moderate evocation; CL 9th; Slot —;
attack of 20 feet and has multiple levels
Weight 5 lbs.; Price 1,000 gp
of power depending on your level of godly
DESCRIPTION compatibility. Any target hit by the attack
This rod has a 2-inch diameter platinum feels a chilling touch of pain that engulfs
globe that extends out from a golden shaft. the body. Evil characters may use this
device to deliver a ranged touch attack
EFFECTS causing 3 points of cold damage. Further,
As a full round action, once per day, the rod if you worship a deity that is Evil you do
of siege (catapult) transforms into magical an additional 1 Strength damage. A DC 13
light catapult made of force energy, that Fortitude save negates this damage.
takes up a 5-foot space. Once activated,
it stays active for 1 hour. With a standard
action, the transformed rod catapults a Feats Craft Rod; Spells chill touch;
boulder made of force at a target up to Special creator must be evil; Cost 400 gp
150-feet away. Each shot requires a ranged

Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods

Rod of Sun Absorption Introduction
Feats Craft Rod; Spells light, searing
Aura moderate evocation; CL 9th; Slot —;
light; Cost 500 gp
Weight 4 lbs.; Price 1,000 gp
Magical Rods
DESCRIPTION Rod of the Astral
The top of the rod contains an oversized Alignment
yellow crystal globe that attaches to a steel New Spells
Aura moderate divination; CL 9th; Slot —;
rod that is 3-feet in length.
Weight 2 lbs.; Price 850 gp
The rod of sun absorption can soak up to
This jet-black rod is adorned with white
8 hours of sunlight when held in mostly
stars from top to bottom.
sunny conditions. The absorbed light can
be reproduced into a 20-foot radius for EFFECTS
half the duration absorbed. If the wielder The rod always knows the direction north
worships a deity associated with the Sun and grants the wielder an additional
domain they gain +1 sacred bonus to all insight bonus to Knowledge (geography).
healing spells and effects within the light. If Additionally, when used at night the
the character has access to the Sun domain user feels a sense of direction through
they gain a +2 sacred bonus to all healing astral knowledge, gaining a continuous
spells and effects cast within the light’s +2 circumstance bonus on Knowledge
radius. A second function of the rod allows (geography) checks. The rod only functions
it to target a creature with a ranged touch when outdoors.
attack within 30 feet. This attack focuses a
ray of light that springs forth from the rod’s CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS
crystal dealing 1d6 points of fire damage Feats Craft Rod; Spells know direction;
per 2 hours of absorbed sunlight remaining Cost 425 gp
(max 4d6, double damage to undead
creatures, though this has no additional Rod of the Blacksmith
effect beyond this to creatures vulnerable
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Slot
to sunlight). When used in this manner, the
—; Weight 8 lbs.; Price 1,000 gp
remaining power stored in the rod is fully
This steel rod weighs 8 pounds and is
inscribed with stylized anvils running the
length of it.

Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods


Once per day, this rod acts as a masterwork Feats Craft Rod; Spells detect animal or
crafting tool (appears as a hammer) and plants; Cost 375 gp
can repair 3d4+2 points of damage to any
1 armor, object, shield or weapon, in a 24- Rod of the Bounty
hour period, as a full round action. It can
also fix +1 magic items and restores the
magic properties of the item repaired. Only Aura moderate
the lowest magical property returns to any transmutation; CL
item repaired in this way. If the wielder 9th; Slot —; Weight
worships a deity associated with the artifice 6lbs.; Price 850 gp
domain, the hammer gains a divine boon DESCRIPTION
and can repair 4d4+3 points of damage in a
A leather band wraps
24 hour period.
and covers this entire
Feats Craft Rod; Spells make whole; Cost small metal prongs
500 gp sticking upward on
one end.
Rod of the Bone EFFECTS
Collector Once per day on
Aura moderate divination; CL 9th; Slot command this rod
—; Weight 4 lbs.; Price 750 gp turns into a 10-foot-
long mancatcher with
DESCRIPTION a pair of manacles
Made of a series of miscellaneous bones that are accessible
wrapped in scraps of hide and scales. The from the bottom of
rod is topped with a small set of antlers. the mancatcher. This rods alteration lasts
for up to 12-hours.
Provides the rod’s wielder the knowledge of CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS
what category the creature is related to any Feats Craft Rod; Spells shrink item; Cost
bone, scale or piece of hide touched. The 425 gp
user can then roll a Knowledge check with
a special +2 insight bonus to identify what
the specific creature is.

Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods

Will DC 13 negates this effect. The target

Rod of the Cavalier mesmerized by the rod of the charlatan Introduction
Aura moderate evocation; CL 9th; Slot —; takes a penalty of -4 to all skill checks made
Weight 8 lbs.; Price 700 gp against the owner of the rod for 2 minutes.
Any character making the saving throw
Magical Rods
against being memorized does not know
This is a 3- foot-long steel rod with a very the effect took place and is open to another
sharp tip at one end. New Spells
As a standard action, a creature can Feats Craft Rod; Spells hypnotism; Cost
command the rod of the cavalier to extend 500 gp
into a full-length lance. This lance grants its
attacker a +2 circumstance bonus to unseat Rod of the Climbing
other mounted opponents. Retracting the
lance back into the rod is a free action.
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th;
Slot —; Weight 3 lbs.; Price 550 gp
Feats Craft Arms & Armor, Craft Rod;
Spells animate object; Cost 350 gp DESCRIPTION
This rod has a has a 1-inch diameter base
Rod of the Charlatan that extends into a larger 3-inch diameter
top resembling a closed bird claw.
Aura moderate enchantment; CL 9th; Slot
—; Weight 2 lbs.; Price 1,000 gp EFFECTS
DESCRIPTION As a standard action, the wielder can
command this rod’s top to turn into a
This small 2-foot rod is made of platinum
grappling hook that is shaped into an open
and is inset with countless pieces of colored
eagle’s claw, and which can be launched up
glass that reflect and distort the light
to 50-feet with a 100-feet of silk rope. The
around it.
grappling hook automatically hits its target
EFFECTS and holds weight equal to a silk rope. The
The wielder always gains a +1 circumstance claw can be released and retracted as a full-
bonus to Bluff and Sleight of Hand checks. round action.
Twice per day, as a standard action, the CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS
wielder can command the rod to mesmerize
Feats Craft Rod; Spells animate rope,
another person within 10 feet, a successful
mage —; Cost 275 gp

Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods

day’s worth of feed for one animal that also

Rod of the Crow’s Call heals 1 point of damage, when eaten. The
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 9th; Slot feed released can be eaten by any animal
—; Weight 3 lbs.; Price 600 gp or magical beast. The total feed released
weights 10 lbs.
Made from a solid piece of darkwood this CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS
rod features the carving of a life-sized Feats Craft Rod; Spells goodberry; Cost
crow perched on one end. 120 gp

Rod of the Forced
When the command word is spoken the
crow’s wings magically open and it begins
to caw loudly. Dozens of illusory crows’ Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th;
flock randomly into the area of 100-foot Slot —; Weight 2 lbs.; Price 500 gp
burst centered on the rod of the crow’s call
for three rounds. While within the area of
crow’s high pitch sound, Perception checks This 18-inch-long rod is made of copper
to listen suffer a -10 penalty. Once assembled and engravings on the side show troops
the murder of crows last for three minutes. marching.


Feats Craft Rod; Spells summon nature’s The rod of military march grants the
ally I; Cost 300 gp wielder a swifter long-range movement,
equivalent to double the distance traveled
Rod of the Farmer for 4 hours. This rod only functions in out
of combat traveling situations.
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th;
Slot —; Weight 5 lbs.; Price 240 gp CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS

DESCRIPTION Feats Craft Rod; Spells longstrider; Cost

250 gp
This solid wooden rod has been worked
into a corn cob shaped end and extends to
Rod of the Frog
Aura moderate evocation; CL 9th; Slot —;
Weight 4 lbs.; Price 1,000 gp
As a standard action, the wielder can tap the
ground with a rod of the farmer to release a

Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods

DESCRIPTION duration effect is over, there is a 1% chance

to contract the wererat lycanthropy curse. Introduction
Three separate wooden sticks twist into a
spiral form making a shaft with an emerald CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS
frog that sits atop the rod. Magical Rods
Feats Craft Rod; Spells beast shape II;
EFFECTS Cost 350 gp
Three times per day, as a standard action, New Spells
the handler of this rod can materialize a Rod of the Magistrate
large 10-foot lilypad that can hold up to 400
lbs. A water source must be within 30-feet
of the rod of the frog, to create a lilypad. If
multiple lilypads are created, they cannot
be more than 10-feet from each other. The
duration for each lilypad used is 10 minutes.

Feats Craft Rod; Spells floating disk;
Cost 500 gp Aura moderate enchantment; CL 9th; Slot
—; Weight 2 lbs.; Price 750 gp
Rod of the Half-Moon
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th;
Slot —; Weight 4 lbs.; Price 700 gp This rod is 3 feet long, metallic in color and
resembles a scroll case.
This silver rod has a half-moon shape, that
sits atop of a 3-foot rod. This rod gives the user a +1 circumstance
bonus on Sense Motive skill checks when
EFFECTS held. On command, as a standard action,
The rod only functions when a half-moon is any intelligent presence standing within 10
visible in the sky. When holding this rod and ft of the wielder must succeed on a DC 14
standing under a half-moon, you gain either Will save, or be unable to lie in response to
+2 to Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution any question, for the next 2 minutes. Any
as a racial bonus (chosen at random). You subject who succeeds on the save is aware
receive these modifiers the entire time of the aura. Creatures affected may choose
the half-moon remains in the sky. While to remain silent to the questions asked but
under this effect you are susceptible to cannot bend the truth or lie.
attacks that affect wererats. When the rods

Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods


Feats Craft Rod; Spells zone of truth; As a standard action, the rod can be
Cost 375 gp touched to an item and absorb,” and store it
(valued up to one gold piece per absorption,
Rod of the and with a weight of no more than 2 lbs.).
The rod can hold up to 30 items and always
weighs 3 lbs. The wielder may retrieve any
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th; stored item as a standard action.
Slot —; Weight 3 lbs.; Price 800 gp
Feats Craft Rod; Spells secret chest; Cost
This unique looking rod resembles a 350 gp
climbing piton.

EFFECTS Rod of the Scout

This piton shaped rod grants the owner a -2 Aura moderate divination, moderate
circumstance bonus on their Armor Check transmutation; CL 9th; Slot —; Weight 10
Penalty while climbing with the rod of the lbs.; Price 1,000 gp
mountaineer. Once per day if the rod feels DESCRIPTION
more than 5-feet of free fall, it automatically
This 5-foot-long steel rod has lead rivets
activates a special ability that bestows slow
that flow from the top to the bottom every
fall (like the monk special ability) for up to
6 inches. One of the ends is overlapped with
50-feet to the rods handler.
6-inches of lead.
Feats Craft Rod; Spells feather fall; Cost
This rod grants the wielder a +2 insight
400 gp
bonus to Reflex saves vs. traps. With a full-
round-action, it can be extended to double
Rod of the Packrat
its length (10 feet), and the 6-inch lead end
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 9th; Slot gains 50 pounds of weight when placed
—; Weight 3 lbs.; Price 700 gp on a solid surface. The increased weight
DESCRIPTION disappears as soon as the lead end is lifted
from the ground.
This hardened wood rod has a gold coin
fixed in place at both ends. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS
Feats Craft Rod; Spells cat’s grace,
animate object; Cost 500 gp

Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods

Rod of the Unturned Introduction

Aura moderate divination; CL 9th; Slot
Magical Rods
—; Weight 4 lbs.; Price 1,000 gp
This 18-inch long New Spells
This is a 3-foot limestone pole, covered
rod is jet black in
with a bright green moss.
color, is greasy to the
EFFECTS touch and smells faintly
of sulphur.
This rod grants a +1 circumstance bonus to
Knowledge (dungeoneering) checks. When EFFECTS
you activate this rod, it detects any fungi,
This rod functions as a
mold, moss, ooze, and slime within a 60-
masterwork heavy mace that
foot cone. If anything is detected, you
grants the user a +1 circumstance
can continue to focus as a standard
bonus to Intimidate checks s.
action allowing the wielder to identify
It also emits a 10 foot aura which
the detected creature’s specific type.
causes enemies to take a -1 penalty to
CONSTRUCTION all saves against fear effects.
Feats Craft Rod; Spells REQUIREMENTS
locate creature; Cost 500 gp
Feats Craft Arms and Armor, Craft Rod;
Spells cause fear; Special creator must
Rod of be evil; Cost 712 gp
Aura moderate
Rod of Untrained
necromancy; CL 9th; Talents
Slot —; Weight 4
Aura moderate divination; CL 9th; Slot
lbs.; Price 1,112
—; Weight 3 lbs.; Price 1,000 gp
Copper bands are placed every 4 inches on
this 2-foot-long steel rod.

Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods

D% roll Item Generated
The wielder of the rod of untrained
01-10 Acid Flask
talents gains a +1 circumstance bonus to
11-20 Caltrops
the following skills if they are untrained:
Disable Device, Handle Animal, Spellcraft, 21-30 Climbers Kit
and Use Magic Device. 31-40 Crowbar
41-50 Disguise Kit
51-60 Ladder, 10-foot
Feats Craft Rod; Spells guidance; Cost
61-70 50-foot Silk Rope with
500 gp Grappling Hook
71-80 Mirror, small steel
Rod of Useful Summons
81-90 Smokestick
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 9th; Slot 91-99 Tanglefoot Bag
—; Weight 4 lbs.; Price 850 gp
100 Spyglass
This 3-foot-long rod made of bronze has
Feats Craft Rod; Spells minor creation;
a large copper spike protruding from the
Cost 425 gp
lower half of the shaft.

EFFECTS Rod of Vaulting

The rod of useful summons creates Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th;
equipment that may be useful to adventurers. Slot —; Weight 4 lbs.; Price 1,000 gp
The rod can bring into existence items such
as caltrops, chalk, manacles, and more. As a
full-round action, the wielder can command This 2 foot long rod is made of uncured
the rod to create a piece of adventuring wood, and feels very springy to the touch,
equipment and it randomly creates an item like a newly cut branch.
for 1 hour. The rod can only be used three
times per day, and all items must be rolled
on the random items chart. When wielded this rod grants a +1
circumstance bonus to Acrobatics checks.
Speaking the command word as standard
action increases this bonus to +5 for the
next Acrobatics check, within 1 minute.
Commanding the rod of vaulting as a full-
round action, extends it into a 10-foot wooden

Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods

pole that can be used with an Acrobatics EFFECTS

check granting a +10 circumstance bonus Introduction
When the command word is spoken this
when jumping. Maneuvering with the rod turns into an oversized magical sling
extended feature requires two hands. As a that increases the range of splash weapons
free action, the holder can retract the rod
Magical Rods
by an additional 15-feet.
back to its original size.
Feats Craft Rod; Spells produce flame;
Feats Craft Rod; Spells jump; Cost 500 Cost 300 gp
Stunning Fist Rod
Short-Ranged Rod
Aura moderate enchantment; CL 9th; Slot
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th; —; Weight 2 lbs.; Price 1,000 gp
Slot —; Weight 2lbs.; Price 1,000 gp
This extremely small 12-inch rod has a
This 3-foot cold iron rod is wrought into the sapphire end that is shaped like an open
shape of a hand pointing. hand.
Three times per day the short-ranged rod When the command word is spoken, the
can increase a spell’s short-range from 25- rod turns into a sap that looks like a closed
feet, to 35-feet. fist. When used on an opponent, as an
CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS attack action, the sap can stun an opponent
3 times per day, though a DC 14 Fortitude
Feats Craft Rod; Spells telekinesis, mage
save negates this effect. The sap form causes
hand —; Cost 500 gp
damage as a normal sap.


Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Feats Craft Arms and Armor, Craft Rod;
Slot —; Weight 3 lbs.; Price 600 gp Spells hold person; Cost 500 gp

This solid rod is made up of iron and has a
leather strap that wraps around the top of
the rod.

Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods

speed, but the jump destination must be

New Spells on solid ground (which means you cannot
stay in jumping flight between rounds).
Jumping Flight This jumping distance changes depending
School transmutation; Level sorcerer/ on what armor type the target is wearing
wizard 2 (reduced to 40 feet in medium armor and
Casting Time 1 standard action 30 feet in heavy armor). The target cannot
Components V, S, F (leather strap jump if their maximum weight load is
wrapped around a feather) exceeded.
Range touch
Target creature touched The spell only stays active if the subject
Duration 1 minute/level continues to jump 10 feet or more per
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); round. When the spell ends, the subject can
Spell Resistance yes (harmless) no longer take flight through jumping. The
As a move action, the target can jump target of a jumping flight spell can charge in
50 feet in any direction as if it had a fly combat and can use feats like Spring Attack.

Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods

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Affordable Arcana: Magic Rods. © 2017 d20pfsrd.com Publishing;
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are Authors: Kim Frandsen, Michael Ritter
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