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Understanding IBR 1950

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Working together

for a safer world

Understanding the Indian

Boiler Regulations (1950)
A Lloyds Register Guide
IBR: A brief history 04 If you are making boilers or associated components to
IBR certification process 05
IBR Basics 06
ship and sell in the Indian market, you need to make
IBR material certification 06 sure they are certified to the Indian Boiler Regulations
IBR certification procedures 07
Boiler material requirements 08
Welding 08
Common problems 09
Our wider network 10
Contact us 11
The Indian Boiler Authorities strictly enforce the requirements of IBR, refusing site
installation or assembly of any materials that are not correctly certified to the Indian
Boiler Regulations.

Compliance with IBR is confirmed via certification on relevant IBR forms issued and/or
endorsed by Competent Persons of an Inspecting Authority recognized by the Central
Boilers Board - India.

This guide provides a general overview of what is involved in IBR certification through a
format of questions and answers.

2 The content contained herein is summary in nature, subject to change and intended for general information only. www.lr.org/inspection 03
IBR: A brief history IBR certification process
A tragic boiler explosion in Calcutta in 1863 was the origin of the
Indian Boiler Regulation.
A bill was passed by the Bengal Council in 1864 calling for the inspection of steam boilers in and around Calcutta.
A typical IBR inspection includes three stages:
Other Indian provinces followed, and eventually the country decided on one uniform set of regulations and
passed The Indian Boilers Act in 1923.

The regulations would cover not only inspections, but also the conditions for material procurement. The Central
Boilers Board was formed as a result of an amendment in 1937.
01 Design review
02 Material
Inspection 03 Pressure parts
inspection 04 Qualification
Tests for Welders

The latest version of the law is known as the Indian Boiler Regulation, 1950. Amendments are issued from time to

1. Manufacturer contacts 1. Inspecting Authority 1. The Inspecting Authority 1. Welders engaged in the
Inspecting Authority for inspects pressure part carries out stage inspections manufacture and site welding
Key terms used approval of boiler or boiler materials (plates, pipes, tubes, during the manufacture of a connected with erection and
component design. castings, forgings fittings, boiler or boiler components fabrication and repair of
in this guide standard parts, etc.) and signs per Appendix J of the IBR boilers shall be qualified by a
2. Inspecting Authority the relevant certificate forms. Regulations. Competent Authority.
provides feedback and 2. Typical stages are:
guidance on the design, a. Design review
IBR: calculations and drawings b. Material identification
Indian Boiler Regulations. The Act to ensure they meet the IBR c. Review of material
means the Boilers Act, 1923 as Regulations. certification
amended from time to time. d. Witness/review NDE
3. After both manufacturer e. Review heat treatment
CBB: and the Inspecting Authority records
Central Boilers Board - India are satisfied, the documents f. Witness production test
are to be sent by the coupons testing
Competent person: manufacturer to the CBB New g. Witness pressure test
A person recognized in such a Delhi and CIB of the Indian h. Carry out visual and
manner as may be prescribed by state in which the boiler or dimensional examination
regulations for inspection and components will be installed. i. Endorse manufacturers
certification of boilers and boiler certification and issue
components during manufacture, inspection authority
erection and use. certification

Chief Inspector of Boilers. This
is a government official in each
Indian state in which the boiler or
component will be installed.

Inspecting authority:
An agency recognised by the CBB
as an IBR certifying authority.

04 The content contained herein is summary in nature, subject to change and intended for general information only. www.lr.org/inspection 05
IBR Basics
IBR certification procedures
What does the IBR cover?
The IBR covers the design, fabrication, inspection, testing and certification of:
Boilers or any boiler part including feed piping and fittings or vessels attached thereto What needs to be done before boilers and/or components are manufactured?
Boiler components, meaning Manufacturing drawings and particulars of the material, design and construction need to be submitted to the Inspecting Authority
steam piping for examination and approval.
feed piping
economizers After approval by the Inspecting Authority, the manufacturing drawings are sent to CBB, New Delhi and CIB of the state by the
super heaters owners/users where the boiler will be installed. The CIB will examine them and give final approval. No manufacturing should begin
valves, including safety valves before the CIB gives final approval.
any mounting or fitting or any external or internal part of a boiler which is subjected to pressure exceeding one Kg/cm
square gauge What kind of documentation needs to be provided for certification of a completed boiler?
Steam receivers, separators, steam traps, accumulators and similar vessels To register a completed boiler, the owner must provide the following to the states CIB:
Heat exchangers, converters, evaporators and similar vessels in which steam is generated
Materials, e.g. forgings, castings, tubes, pipes, plates, welding consumables an approved plan showing the general arrangement of the boiler. It should also contain details of the principal components
and methods of manufacture, inspection and testing.
Who needs to receive IBR certification for materials? a certificate issued by the Inspecting Authority certifying that the materials were tested and the boiler built under their
Any manufacturer of boiler or boiler components wishing to send them to India needs IBR certification. This includes manufacturers supervision. In the case of a boiler on site, either representatives of the Chief Inspector of Boilers or LR Asia Competent Persons
in India as well. in six Indian states can undertake the site inspection, testing and certification.

What is an Inspecting Authority? Individual components manufactured outside of India require certification of construction and hydraulic test witnessed by the
An agency recognized by the Central Boiler Board as an IBR certifying authority. Inspecting Authorities are required to sign off on Inspecting Authority.
many parts of the IBR certification process. They are heavily scrutinized by the Indian government. Inspecting Authorities are given
certificates indicating their approval; always ensure that a Competent Person is approved by the CBB. Not all Inspecting Authorities What forms are needed for IBR boiler or component certification?
are authorized to inspect in all countries. For example, Lloyds Register Verification Ltd. (LRV), a subsidiary of Lloyds Register Group, Boilers:
is recognized as an Inspecting Authority globally. For operations in six Indian states, Lloyds Register Asia has CBB approval. Our
Competent Persons in India can undertake inspection as per IBR during site installation and assembly of boiler or boiler components. Form Name Issued by Details

What is a Competent Authority? Form II Inspecting Authority Issued on completion of construction of a boiler or
An institution recognized in such a manner as may be prescribed by regulations for issue of certificate to the welders for welding of boiler part, such as a steam drum.
boilers and boiler components. LRV is also recognized as a Competent Authority outside of India.
Form IIB Inspecting Authority Describes the materials, design, method of
manufacturer and testing of the boiler for which
IBR material certification variations from standard conditions have been

Form III Boiler manufacturer Certifies the manufacturer and test of the completed
What kind of boilers and components need certification? boiler. This form needs to be countersigned by the
A boiler is a pressure vessel in which steam is generated for external use. Inspecting Authority after satisfactory inspection.
Vessels that need inspection:
have a capacity of more than 25 litres (capacity is measured from the feed check valve to the main steam stop valve)
have more than one kilogram per centimetre square design gauge pressure and working gauge press Economiser certificates:
Form Name Issued By Details
Boiler components that need certification include:
steam piping Form VII Inspecting Authority Issued upon completion of economizer construction.
feed piping
economizers Form VIII Boiler manufacturer Certifies the manufacturer and test of completed
superheaters economizer. Form must be countersigned by
any mounting or fitting Inspecting Authority.
any other external or internal part of a boiler which is subject to a pressure exceeding one kilogram per centimetre square
gauge Component certificates:
Form Name Issued by Details
What kind of steam or feed pipes need certification?
Steam pipes need certification if: Form III A Pipe manufacturer Countersigned by Inspecting Authority.
the steam pressure exceeds 3.5 kilograms per square centimetre above atmospheric pressure or
such pipe exceeds 254 millimetres in internal diameter and; Form III B Tube manufacturer Countersigned by Inspecting Authority.
pressure of steam exceeds 1 kilogram per square centimetre above the atmospheric pressure and
includes in either case any connected fitting of a steam pipe Form III C Fitting manufacturer Countersigned by Inspecting Authority.

Feed pipes: Any pipe or connected fitting including heaters wholly or partly under pressure through which feed water passes directly Form III D Well-known pipe manufacturer Issued by well-known pipe manufacturer designated
to a boiler and which does not form an integral part. The requirements for feed piping are similar to steam piping. as such by the evaluation committee of the CBB.

Any reference to boiler in the regulations will apply equally to any of these boiler components. Form III E Well-known tube manufacturer Issued by well-known tube manufacturer designated
as such by the evaluation
committee of the CBB.

06 The content contained herein is summary in nature, subject to change and intended for general information only. www.lr.org/inspection 07
Boiler material requirements
What boiler materials are approved?
It is easiest to use materials from a list of well-known steel makers. This list can be provided by Lloyds Register upon request during
the inspection process.

Important: Materials ordered from any other manufacturer not on the list need to be delivered with relevant IBR forms and
inspection by Inspection Authority.

Does the material for the boiler need to come from India?
No the material for your boiler does not need to be sourced from India to meet IBR requirements. International material
manufacturers can meet the certification requirements with correct guidance and compliance to IBR rules and regulations.
Materials need to be produced under the inspection of the Inspecting Authority and relevant IBR forms to be endorsed by material
manufacturer and Inspecting Authority.

What forms are needed for IBR material certification?

Form Name Issued by Details
Form III F Well-known foundry or forge Issued by well-known foundry/forge as designated as
manufacturer such by the evaluation committee of the CBB

Form III G Foundry or forge shop for forgings/ Not a well-known manufacturer, form must be
castings in semi-finished condition counter-signed by inspection authority

Form IV Steel manufacturers Indicates the method of steel manufacturing, physical

and chemical tests


Are there any special requirements for welders working on boilers and components for IBR certification?
Yes. All welders working on boiler or their components for IBR must be certified to the IBR Regulations.
The CBB does not accept the work of welders qualified to any other code or standard.
Welder qualifications must be done as per IBR Chapter XIII. Written and practical examinations are required, as well as
mechanical testing. Please note that IBR stipulates different requirements for qualification of welders and the range for
qualifications are also quite different when compared to any other international Boiler Codes.
The Competent Authority can witness the welder qualification tests and qualify the welder. The qualification is good for two
years, provided that the welder has been employed with continuity on class and type of work for which he is qualified.

What is involved in welder theoretical examination?

A welder examined for IBR certification must answer questions on the following subjects, either orally or otherwise:
weld preparation
elementary knowledge of welding equipment
an understanding of properties of material to be welded Common problems
welding techniques
welding defects and their prevention
proper selection of filler metals
What are some common issues with IBR certifications?
How does a welder get a certificate? Lloyds Register Competent Persons often see problems with:
When the Competent Authority deems the welder has satisfactorily qualified, it then issues certification on the IBR form XII and XIII Design calculations not meeting requirements of IBR
indicating the class and type of welding in which the welder has qualified. Specific IBR requirements concerning production test coupons
Bend test requirements for materials
Incorrect test pressures
Failure to involve an Inspecting Authority in the case of deviations resolution
Material sourcing with relevant IBR forms appears to be the major issue
Incorrect/incomplete filling of relevant IBR forms
Welder qualification and certification as per IBR 1950

What is a typical delay for dealing with an IBR-related issue?

Delays can vary anywhere from weeks to months. It is crucial for a manufacturer to know all the common problems and issues up
front when constructing a pressure vessel or boiler, so as to reduce these costly delays. Engaging Lloyds Register at the feasibility
study of the project will show manufacturers where the bottlenecks are and what to do to get past them.

08 The content contained herein is summary in nature, subject to change and intended for general information only. www.lr.org/inspection 09
Our wider Contact us
network If you would like to speak to a member of our
Inspection team to find out how we could
The Lloyds Register Group is dedicated valuable assets where the cost of mistakes improving safety and quality. We are support your project, asset, operations or
to helping industry meet increasingly can be very high, both financially and in also committed to advancing education
complex challenges and to making the terms of the impact on local communities and understanding ways to improve how
business, visit www.lr.org/inspection for
world a safer place. and the environment. Organisations need businesses operate, whether by carrying details of your local office or contact one of
advice and support they can trust. Lloyds out our own research, funding others or
Our other businesses marine, Registers reputation is built on more than providing training.
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