Materials: Pressure Parts and Applicable Service Temperatures
Materials: Pressure Parts and Applicable Service Temperatures
Materials: Pressure Parts and Applicable Service Temperatures
The piping can be made of any one of the following materials: iron, steel, aluminum, copper, brass, Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC). The
material selected depends on the medium conveyed and the design temperature. At high temperature, creep is governing. At low temperature,
brittleness is governing. Materials with food impact strength and malleability are used. Cross-country piping experience different
environments. The valves, gages, instruments and appurtenances should be compatible with the piping. The cost of the piping is directly related to
the material of construction.
Commonly Used Seamless Tube Specifications in Boiler
Pressure Parts and Applicable Service Temperatures
Nominal CSN DIN Temperature
Product ASME (American) BS (British)
Composition (Czeek) (German) limit
SA192 SA210GrA1 BS 3059 P2 S2
CS T -- St35.8 St45.8 800°F (427°C)
SA210C 45
CS P SA106B SA106C -- St35.8 St45.8 BS 3602 HFS27 800°F(427°C)
1/2 Mo T SA209T1 -- 15 Mo -- 900°F(482°C)
BS3059 P2 S2
1 Cr½ Mo T -- -- 13Cr Mo44 995°F (535°C)
1 Cr½ Mo P SA335 P12 15111.1 13Cr Mo44 BS3604 HF 620 995°F (535°C)
1¼ Cr½ Mo T SA213T11 -- -- -- 1025 °F(552°C)
10 Cr Mo BS3059 P2 S21070° F(577°
2¼ Cr½ Mo P SA213 P22 --
910 622/50 C)
BS3604 HF 1070° F(577°
2¼ Cr½ Mo P SA335 P22 -- --
622/31 C)
1070° F(577°
½ Cr½ Mo V T -- 15123.1 14MoV63 +BS3604 CD660
1070° F(577°
½ Cr½ Mo V P -- 15123.1 14MoV63 +BS3604 CD660
1300° F(704°
18Cr 8Ni T SA213TP304H -- -- --
18Cr 10Ni 4C X10Cr Ni Ti 1300° F(704°
T SA213TP321H -- --
Ti0.6 89 C)
18Cr 10Ni 8C 1300° F(704°
T SA213TP347H -- -- --
Co+Ta C)
18Cr 8Ni 5C 1300° F(704°
T -- -- -- BS3605 822Ti
Ti0.7 C)
Legend: T — Tube, P — Pipe, Chemical compositions in %, Rest: Iron
3. Loads
The loads on the piping can be classified into the following three categories:
Primary Loads: internal pressure, external pressure, self weight of contents, insulation weight, refractory weight, weight of inner lining.
weight of outer lining, equipment loads, valves, fittings, gages, instruments and supports.
Secondary Loads: thermal load, thermal transients, anchor displacements, relative settlement if foundations and constrains for
Occasional Loads: wind load, seismic load (earth-quake load), snow load , ice load, flood load, fire load, vehicle passing load (under ground
piping), tsunami loads, and cyclone load
4. Load Combinations
The following load combinations are considered;
All the nine loads indicated above are considered to be mutually exclusive.
The following load combinations are not considered:
5. Allowable Stress
1. Introduction
This write-up gives particulars of the allowable stress as per the ASME.
2. Allowable Stress as per ASME-1 (Power Boilers)
The basic allowable stress (Sm) is the minimum of the following seven values:
6. Working Pressure
The working pressure of a component is the Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) for the metal working temperature (design
temperature). The MAWP permitted for different components as per The Indian Boiler Regulations, 1950 – (IBR - with amendments) – are given below:
IBR Formula for the shell of Headers and Drums (IBR-270, 1950)
2 f E(T –C)
WP =
(D +T – C)
WP x D
(2 f E – WP)
T = minimum required thickness, mm
WP = working pressure, kg / sq mm (g)
D = drum inside diameter, mm
f = drum metal allowable stress, kg / sq mm
p = tube hole longitudinal pitch, mm
d = tube hole diameter, mm
C = 0.03 inch = 0.762 mm
E = (p-d) / p = longitudinal ligament efficiency
2 f E(T – C)
WP =
WP x D + C
WP x D + C
WP =
(2 f +WP)
T = minimum required thickness, mm
WP = working pressure, kg / sq mm (g)
D = tube outside diameter, mm
f = tube metal allowable stress, kg / sq mm
C = 0.75 mm when WP = 70 kg / sq cm (g) and lower
= 0.0 mm when WP = above 70 kg / sq cm (g)
WP x D + C
(2 f E – WP)
T = minimum required thickness, mm
WP = working pressure, kg / sq mm (g)
D = tube outside diameter, mm
f = tube metal allowable stress, kg / sq mm
E = joint efficiency
C =0.75 mm
7. Support Span
The distance between two consecutive supports is to be allowable. The allowable support span for horizontal pipe lines is given in Table-7
Table-7: Suggested Horizontal Pipe Support Spacing
Nominal Pipe
Suggested Maximum Span
Water Steam, Gas, or Air
Number NPS NPS
Service Service
1 1 25 2.1 2.7
2 2 50 3.0 4.0
3 3 75 3.7 4.6
If the pipeline is inclined, the support span indicated in Table-7 can be based on the following assumptions:
Suggested maximum spacing between pipe supports for horizontal straight runs of standard and heavier pipe at maximum operating
temperature of 750° F (400°C)
This table does not apply where span calculations are made or where there are concentrated loads between supports, such as flanges,
valves, specialties, etc.,
The spacing is based on a fixed beam support with a bending stress no exceeding 2,300 psi (15.86 MPa) and insulated pipe filled with water
or equivalent weight of steel pipe for steam, gas, or air services, and the pitch of the line is such that a sag of 0.1 Inch (2.5 mm) between
supports is permissible
8. Deformations
Deformations can be linear deformation or angular deformation. Linear deformation is known as deflection. The deformation can be in the
horizontal plane or in the vertical plane. There limits on the deformation suggested by different codes and standard. These are not mandatory. These
are only empirical in nature. The allowable deviation to vertical plane is 3.0 mm per meter. The allowable deviation to horizontal plane is 3.0 mm
per meter. The allowable angular deformation is 0.5 Degree. The induced deformation are computed using computer software. These are reviewed
for deformation. These deformations are not applicable to thermal expansion induced movements.
The following loads induce deformations: primary loads, secondary loads and occasional loads. Suitable load combinations are considered. The
following types of restraints are used: limit stops, hydraulic snubbers, slings, anchors and two way restraints. The rigid supports for the piping also
work as deformation limits.
9. Valves
The following types of valves are used:
1. stop valve
2. check valve
3. non-return valve
4. butter-fly valve
5. globe valve
6. gate valve
7. safety valve
8. dead weight safety valve
9. relief valve
10. safety-relief valve
11. motor operated valve
12. pneumatically operated valve
13. hydraulically operated valve
14. valve with integral by-pass.
15. swing type non-return valve
16. fire resistant valve.
10. Gages
The following types of gages and instruments are used:
1. pneumatic controls
2. hydraulic controls
3. electronic controls
4. mechanical controls
5. feed-forward controls system
6. feed-back control system
1. rigid support
2. Variable Load Hanger (VLH)
3. semi constant load hanger
4. Constant Load Hanger (CLH)
5. restraints
6. limit stops
7. vibration snubber
8. anchors
9. floating anchors
10. directional restraints
11. bottom support
12. sliding bottom support
13. composite support
14. collector support
15. hanger bifurcation
fl W2
Pressure drop = hf =
f = friction factor = 0.02
l = length of pipe = 1.000m
V = mass flow rate = 10 tonne / hr = 10x1,000 /3,600 = 2.78kh / sec
p = density of fluid (water) = 1,000 kg / cu m
Wl = flow rate = V / p = 2.78 / 1,000 = 0.00278 cu m / sec
Use NPS 4 Sechedule 80 pipe – Ø 114.3 x 8.6 mm
d = pipe inside diameter = 114.3 = 2x8.6 = 97.1 mm = 0.0971 m
AF = pipe flow area = π (114.3 – 2x8.6)2 / (4 x 106 )7405 x 10-6 sq m
g = gravitational constant = 9.80665 m / sec2
W = velocity of flow = Wl/AF = 0.00278 / (7405 x 10 -6)= 0.375 m/sec
hf p W
HP AF = 1.5 x 1,000 x 0.375 x 7405 x 10-6 = 0.06 HP
75 75
Assuming a pump efficiency of 80% HP required = 0.06/0.8 = 0.0.08 Use 0.1 HP Pump
D = nominal diameter of pipe, mm
Y = total thermal movement to be absorbed, mm
L = developed length of piping, m
U = shortest distance between the two anchors, m
7. Exercise
a) D = 100 mm
b) Y = 24 mm
c) L = 6.8 mm
d) U = 3.3 m
(6.8 – 3.3)2
4. Lateral Restraints
Lateral restraints retain the piping layout against the forces of nature, such as wind load and seismic load (earth-quake load). Hydraulic snubbers
or mechanical snubbers can be used for this purpose. However, limit stops are used commonly. The loads, locations and direction of loads are
obtained from a stress analysis of piping. Lateral restraints are provided to serve the following puposes:
The designer is responsible for “Cradle to Grave” of the product. Pre-planing and pre-engineering are required for timely delivery of products.
Standard components are available across the shelf. This improves the project execution time. As the materials, shape, size and details are similar,
the design activity is done fast. This helps in completing the contract execution, early.
Given: I. Preface
Pipe Size = Ø Do x T – Ø 323.9x25.4mm
1. Introducti
Steam temperature = TI = 460 Degree C
Steam pressure = PI = 65 Kg/sq cm (a) 2. Materials
8. Deformati
9. Valves
10. Gages
11. Types of
14. Flexibilit
Q = heat transferred, kcal/hr
Dt = temperature difference, Degree C 15. Supports
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I. Preface
1. Introducti
2. Materials
3. Loads
4. Load Comb
5. Allowable
6. Working P
7. Support Sp
8. Deformati
9. Valves
10. Gages
11. Types of
The above can be written as: Force Vector = Stiffness Matrix x Displacement Vector Solution for structural problem can be 12. Flow Ana
obtained from this equation.
Matrices are used in solving structural mechanics problems. The structural mechanics problems can be expressed as linear 13. Codes an
simultaneous equations. By solving these equations using computer, these problems can be solved. Consider a rectangular
prism. Consider a two dimensional problem. The governing equations are given in the following. 14. Flexibilit
15. Supports
16. Lateral R
17. Fail-Safe
18. Insulation
19. Standard
20. Creep an
21. Design an
of Piping and
22. Pressure
23. Matrix Me