Nitronic® 40 Stainless Steel: Chemical Composition
Nitronic® 40 Stainless Steel: Chemical Composition
Nitronic® 40 Stainless Steel: Chemical Composition
Electralloy’s Nitronic® 40
pollution control and chemical processing; cryogenic service; and in the nuclear industry.
Electralloy’s Nitronic® 40 Stainless Steel is supplied in ingot, forging billet, bar and plate to meet the
AMS 5561, AMS 5562, AMS 5595, ASM 5656, ASTM 182, ASTM A269, ASTM A276, ASTM
A312, ASTM A314, ASTM A473, ASTM A479, ASTM A580, ASTM A666, ASTM A813, ASTM
A814, ASTM A943, ASTM A965, ASTM A988, ASME SA-412
The information and data contained in this Product Data sheet are intended for general information and do not constitute any warranty, expressed or implied, of suitability for any applications or design.
ºF ºC microhm-cm MACHINABILITY
75 24 73 Nitronic® 40 is machined to same methods as other austenitic
stainless steels, and like those alloys, also work hardens during
machining. This requires rigid tooling, heavy feeds and slower
Nitronic® 40 may be hot worked by the same methods used WELDABILITY
with other austenitic stainless steels. However the alloy is Nitronic® 40 is readily weldable using TIG, MIG and shielded
stronger and requires more power for forging. Heating for hot metal arc welding methods. Like other Nitronic® grades the
working should be in temperature range of 2100˚F to 2200˚F. high nitrogen content can interfere with electron beam
welding by severe outgassing.
Although it has higher yield strength than Type 304, Nitronic® MAGNETIC PERMEABILITY
40 may be formed on the same fabricating equipment, with Nitronic® 40 is useful in applications where low magnetic
the same techniques, only more power. In-process annealing permeability is important because it remains essentially
may be done between 1950˚F to 2050˚F. non-magnetic even in sub-zero temperatures or after severe
cold working.
Final annealing is done at 1900˚F to 2000˚F followed by rapid
cooling. Nitronic® 40 cannot be hardened by heat treatment. Nitronic® is a registered trademark of AK Steel. 2-2019