Alloy 410s Spec Sheet
Alloy 410s Spec Sheet
Alloy 410s Spec Sheet
O N E S A N D M E Y E R L A N E • P H I L A D E L P H I A , PA 1 9 1 1 6 - 3 5 9 8
8 0 0 - 5 2 3 - 3 6 6 3 • + 1 - 2 1 5 - 4 6 4 - 7 1 0 0 • FA X + 1 - 2 1 5 - 6 7 7 - 1 4 3 0
As shown in the above table, 410S has good corrosion resistance to low
concentratiions of mild organic and mineral acids.
Oxidation Resistance
The oxidation resistance of 410S stainless steel is good. It can be used in
continuous service up to 1300°F (705°C). Scaling becomes excessive above
1500°F (811°C) in intermittent service.
Fabrication Data
410S stainless steel can be easily formed by spinning, bending
and roll forming.
Heat Treatment
The alloy can not be hardened by heat treatment. It is annealed in the 1600 –
1650°F (871 – 899°C) range and then air cooled to relieve cold working
stresses. 410S should not be exposed to temperatures of 2000°F (1093°C) or
above due to embrittlement. If excessive large grains are encountered after
annealing mildly cold-worked material, the annealing temperature should be
decreased to a range of 1200 – 1350°F (649 – 732°C) range.
Machining NOTE
This technical data and information
Alloy 410S should be machined in the annealed condition using surface represents our best knowledge at the time of
speeds of 60 to 80 feet (18.3 – 24.4 m) per minute. printing. However, it may be subject to some
slight variations due to our ongoing research
Surface Preparation program on corrosion resistant grades.
We, therefore, suggest that information be
For maximum corrosion resistance to chemical environments, it is essential verified at time of inquiry or order. Furthermore,
that the 410S surface be free of all heat tint or oxide formed during annealing in service, real conditions are specific for each
application. The data presented here is only for
or hot working. All surfaces must be ground or polished to remove any traces the purpose of description and may only be
of oxide and surface decarburization. The parts should then be immersed in a considered as guarantees when our Company
warm solution of 10-20% nitric acid followed by a water rinse to remove any has given written formal approval.
residual iron.
410S is generally considered to be weldable by the common fusion and
resistance techniques. Special consideration should be given to avoid brittle
weld fractures during fabrication by minimizing discontinuities, maintaining low
weld heat input and occasionally warming the part somewhat before forming.
410S is generally considered to have slightly poorer weldability than the most
common ferritic stainless steel grade 409. A major difference can be attributed
to the alloy addition to control hardening which results in the need for higher
heat input to achieve penetration during arc welding. When a weld filler is SANDMEYER
required, AWS E/ER 309L or 430 filler material is most often specified. S T E E L C O M PA N Y