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Homework # 6: Name: MAT201A University of California, Davis Fall 2017

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MAT201A University of California, Davis Fall 2017

Homework # 6
(Due Monday, November 13)

Problem 1. Let k : [0, 1] [0, 1] R be a continuous function. Define the map T : C([0, 1]
C([0, 1]) by Z 1
(T f )(x) = k(x, y)f (y)dy, for all f C([0, 1]). (1)

a) Let kT k denote the operator norm of T . Prove

Z 1
kT k = sup |k(x, y)|dy. (2)
x[0,1] 0

b) Argue that the sup in (??) is attained in some x [0, 1].

c) Is it possible that kT k = 1 but kT 2 k = 0? Prove your answer.

Problem 2. Study Section 5.4 of the textbook.

Problem 3. Let X be the Banach space l2 (N), defined by

l (N) = {z = (zn )
n=1 | zn C, |zn |2 < },

and with the norm given by

kzk = ( |zn |2 )1/2 .

For m = 1, 2, . . ., define em X to be the sequence with elements (em )n = n,m , and define
Pm : X X by Pm z = zm em , for all z X.
a) Prove that Pm B(X), for all m 1.
b) Verify Pm Pn = n,m Pm , for all n, m 1.
c) Prove that kPm k = 1, for all m 1.
d) For m 1, define Sm by
Sm = Pk .

Calculate Sm Sn , for all n, m 1.

e) Show that kSm k = 1, for all n 1.

Problem 4. Let X be a Banach space and consider the map exp : B(X) B(X), defined by
the series
X 1 n
exp(T ) = T , (3)

where, by convention, T 0 = 1l.

a) Prove that the map exp is well-defined by showing that this series (??) converges absolutely
for all T B(X).
b) Prove the bound
k exp(T )k ekT k , T B(X).

c) Prove that exp is a continuous map when B(X) is considered with the uniform operator

Problem 5. Let B be a Banach space and consider a continuous function A : R B.

a) For a < b R, a A(t)dt can be defined as the limit of Riemann sums. E.g., show that the
following limit exists in the uniform topology:
Z b X
A(t)dt = lim 2 (b a) A(a + n2N (b a)).
a N

b) A() is called differentiable on an interval I if for all t I, the following limit exists in the
uniform topology:
d A(t + h) A(t)
A0 (t) := A(t) := lim ,
dt h0 h
and the function t 7 A0 (t) is continuous on I. Let X be a Banach space, A B(X), and
consider the map t 7 exp(tA). Show that exp(tA) is differentiable and that its derivative is
given by the following two expressions:
exp(tA) = A exp(tA) = exp(tA)A.

c) Let A(t) be a differentiable function R [0, 1] B(X). Show that exp(A(t)) is differentiable
and that its derivative satisfies:
Z 1
exp(A(t)) = exp(sA(t))A0 (t) exp((1 s)A(t))ds.
dt 0

(Hint: consider B(s) = exp(sA(t+h)) exp((1s)A(t)) and note that exp(A(t+h))exp(A(t)) =

B(1) B(0).

Problem 6. Let X be a Banach space and consider the T B(X) such that kT k < 1. Prove
that 1l+T is invertible and that its inverse is given by the following uniformly convergent series:

(1l + T )1 = (1)n T n .

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