Single-Sideband: A Method and Signals
Single-Sideband: A Method and Signals
Single-Sideband: A Method and Signals
Summary-This paper presents a third method of generation and the input signal frequency band will result in two equal
detection of a single-sideband signal. The method is basically dif- amplitude sinusoidal signals whose phases differ by
ferent from either the conventional filter or phasing method in that900. These quadrature signals are applied to a pair of
no sharp cutoff filters or wide-band 900 phase-difference networks
are needed. This system is especially suited to keeping the signal balanced modulators. The translating carrier frequency
energy confined to the desired bandwidth. Any unwanted sideband is also divided into two 900 components. When the out-
occupies the same band as the desired sideband, and the unwanted put signals from these two balanced modulators are
sideband in the usual sense is not present. added, one set of sidebands will add in phase, generating
the desired signal, while the other sideband will cancel
Tll XHE PURPOSE of this paper is to present a third itself out. By subtracting instead of adding, it is possible
basic method of generation and detection of to change sidebands.
single-sideband signals. Two methods are com-
monly used today. A block diagram of the first of these,
the filter method, is shown in Fig. 1. The input signal INPUT 90 PHASE-SS
(a speech waveform, for example) is applied to a bal- SIGNAL DIFFERENCE CIRCUIT OUTPUT
anced modulator along with the first translating or car-
rier frequency. The two normal sidebands appear in the
output of the balanced modulation, but the carrier fre- TRANSLATING P90
quency is balanced out. The purpose of the filter is to
select one sideband and reject the other. When the de- Fig. 2-Phasing method of SSB generation.
sired frequency location of the single-sideband signal is
high compared with the original location of the input
signal (e.g., translating speech to the hf region), it be- As this is a balancing method and does not require
comes very difficult to obtain filters that will pass one any sharp cutoff filters, it is possible to generate the de-
sideband and reject the other. To avoid this, the trans- sired sideband in a single translational step regardless
lation is done in several steps so as to ease the filter of how high the final signal frequency may be. However,
requirement. the degree to which the undesired sideband may be
suppressed depends upon accurate balancing and re-
quires very careful control of amplitudes and phases.
As a practical matter it is quite easy to realize 20-db
suppression, reasonable to expect 30 db, and quite diffi-
FIRST TRANSLATING SECOND TRANSLATING cult to go beyond 40 db. Suppression of 60 to 80 db or
more can be realized using the filter method, but ex-
Fig. 1-Filter method of SSB generation. treme care in maintaining low intermodulation in linear
amplifiers is necessary if this degree of suppression is to
Fig. 1 shows a system using two translational steps. exist in the final radiated signal.
In many radio transmission systems, three to five trans- The design and construction of a wide-band 90
lational steps may be used. The detection problem is phase-difference network is not a familiar art with most
simply an inverse operation; that is, the arrows in Fig. 1 circuit designers, and this often acts as a roadblock to
could be reversed. In detection, balanced modulators using the phasing method.
are not necessary, and ordinary converter circuits are A block diagram showing the new method of single-
satisfactory. sideband signal generation is shown in Fig. 3. The input
The second method, generally called the phasing signal e, is confined to a bandwidth W with the lower
method, is shown in Fig. 2. The input signal is applied to band limit fL as shown in Fig. 4. The band center is fo.
a wide-band 900 phase-difference network. This network
passes all frequencies of the input signal uniformly in fo = fL + W/2. (1)
amplitude. However, the phase response is such that a For convenience let the input signal be expressed as a
sinusoidal input whose frequency falls anywhere within summation of sinusoidal terms.
Original manuscript received by the IRE, June 25, 1956.
t Formerly with Stanford Res. Inst., Menlo Park, Calif., now ei(t) = , E. cos (o.1t + (2)
with Elec. Eng. Dept., Montana State College, Bozeman, Mont. nl-
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Canterbury. Downloaded on November 2, 2009 at 21:08 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
ea3 2fL
e; AND L.,-,, -41 _lr -F
- _ '.41 10, -#' Iri
IN ea2 W/2
0 fo 2fo-W/2 2fo 2fo + W/2
Fig. 5-Spectrum from first balanced modulators.
ea= En cos [(n - wo)t + bn] eb= -E cos [(CO, + Wn - COo)t + 4'nJ
n=1 n=l 2
ebl =
En sin [(COn oo)t + 4n] Finally, adding (13) and (14) gives the desired single-
sideband output.
+ Ensin [(cO + COn) t+ On)] (7)
e = ea3 + eb3 (15)
The frequencies f, w,1/27r are restricted to the original N
bandwidth W eO =
En cOs [(Rwc + n Co) + 4)n]. (16)
f L <f n < fL + W. (8)
Note that the frequency normally referred to as the
Hence the spectrum of the signals eai and ebl is as shown carrier corresponds to wc-coo and that the frequency
in Fig. 5. The low-pass filter passes the frequencies from cow is the center of the single sideband. Fig. 6 shows the
zero to W/2. From W/2 to 2fo W/2 there should be no
- spectrum of cO.
signal energy which provides a convenient transition This method of single-sideband generation does not
region for the filter. Above 2fo W/2 the filter should
- need either sharp cutoff filters or wide-band 900 phase-
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Canterbury. Downloaded on November 2, 2009 at 21:08 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
1956 Weaver: A Third Method of Generation and Detection of SSB Signals 1705
Fig. 6-Spectrum of output signal.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Canterbury. Downloaded on November 2, 2009 at 21:08 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.