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Building A Lock-In Amplifier PHY 312: 1. Filter

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Building a lock-in amplifier

PHY 312
In this lab you will learn some basic electronics techniques. The goal of the lab is to build a
“lock-in amplifier”- a device that was invented by Princeton professor Robert Dicke. Lock-in
amplifier is very useful in detecting very small signals at a specific frequency in the presence of
a large background noise. First, consider several methods for selecting a small signal at a specific
frequency in the presence of noise.
1. Filter
The simplest way to detect a signal at a specific frequency is to use a frequency filter. Frequency
filters for electrical signals can be easily constructed using simple electronic components, like
resistors and capacitors. They can also be implemented in the software at the data analysis stage.
Filters can be divided into low-pass, high-pass, band-pass and band-stop types. As the names
imply, low pass filters allow all frequencies below a certain cut-off frequency to pass through,
high-pass filters pass all frequencies above a cut-off frequency. Band-pass filters pass signals in
a certain frequency band and band-stop filters reject signals in a particular band, allowing all
others to pass.
Filters are never perfect. That is, they can not pass signals in one frequency region undistorted
and completely reject signals at other frequencies. The transition from the pass to the reject
region is usually gradual. Filters can also introduce other undesirable effects, such as a delay and
distortion of the signals.
Filters are useful for rejecting noise that is far away in frequency from the signal of interest.
Filters are easy to construct and they work in real time, giving a filtered signal without the need
for numerical analysis.
2. Fourier Transform
Fourier transform is a mathematical operation that separates signals into different frequency
components. If S(t) is the signal as a function of time, then the Fourier transform is given by
F (ω ) = ∫ S (t )e −iω t dt . The Fourier transform can also be performed on a discrete set of data
points by replacing the integral with a sum. If the number of data points is equal to an integer
power of 2, the transform is numerically efficient and is called a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).
Since the Fourier transform is a complex number, one often looks at the Fourier Transform
Power given by F(ω)F*(ω), which is proportional to the power of an electrical signal S as a
function of frequency.
Fourier transforms are convenient for looking at multiple frequency components contained in a
signal. They also allow one to measure the strength of the signal at a particular frequency and the
noise in the signal as a function of frequency. One can also implement a filter by multiplying the
Fourier transform by a certain function of frequency and then performing an inverse Fourier
transforms. Fourier filters have better properties than real-time filters, but they require numerical
analysis and cannot be implemented in real time.
The conversion of analog signals to digital form is usually performed by integrated circuits
called A/D converters. The A/D conversion is characterized by the sampling rate and the digital
resolution in number of bits. If the signal is sampled at a rate equal to R samples/sec, one can
show that the digital form will accurately represent signals with frequencies below fc = R/2.
Signals with a frequency f above fc will appear at a frequency 2fc−f. This phenomenon is called
aliasing. To avoid this problem, A/D conversion is usually preceded by an analog low-pass filter
with a cut-off frequency below fc.
3. Lock-in Amplifier
Lock-in amplifier is a device that “locks-in” on a signal of a particular frequency and amplifies
it, rejecting all other frequencies. To illustrate its operation, lets assume that the signal contains
two frequencies, S(t) = A1sin(ω1t+φ) + A2sin(ω2t). In the lock-in amplifier the signal is multiplied
by a reference function, R(t) = sin(ωrt) and the result is filtered using a low-pass filter. With
simple trigonometric identities one can show that
X (t ) = S (t ) R(t ) = A1 (cos[(ω1 − ω r ) t + φ ] − cos[(ω1 + ω r ) t + φ ]) / 2 +
A2 (cos[(ω 2 − ω r ) t + φ ] − cos[(ω 2 + ω r ) t + φ ]) / 2
If the reference frequency ωr is close to ω1, then ω1−ωr is a low frequency that will pass through
the low-pass filter, while the rest of the terms will be rejected by the filter. In this way the lock-in
can select the frequencies close to the reference frequency. If ω1 = ωr and φ = 0, then the lock-in
simply measures the amplitude of the signal at ω1. If the two frequencies are slightly different, it
measures the beats between them.
One can also determine the phase of the signal relative to the reference. If we multiply the signal
by a reference function R1(t) = cos(ωrt) then we obtain Y(t) = A1sin[(ω1−ωr)t+φ]/2 + (high
frequency terms). If ω1 = ωr, then Y/X = tan(φ). Sometimes it’s also convenient to look
at R = X 2 + Y 2 , which does not depend on the phase of the signal.
The cut-off frequency of the low-pass filter determines the selectivity of the amplifier. It’s more
common to refer to the time constant of the lock-in amplifier τ = 1/(2πfc). A long time constant
(a small cut-off frequency) is better for rejecting the noise but slows down the response of the
lock-in to changes in the signal. A small time constant (high cut-off frequency) increases the
speed of the response but also makes the signal noisier.
Lock-in amplifiers are usually used in combination with modulation techniques to detect a very
weak signal. The idea is to modulate a small signal on and off at a known frequency and then
detect the resulting response with a lock-in referenced to the same frequency.
4. Components of a lock-in amplifier
A block diagram of a lock-in amplifier is shown in the figure. Each of the elements can be
constructed using a simple integrated circuit.
Input Output
Pre-amplifier Low-pass Output
filter amplifier

a) Multiplier.
The heart of the lock-in is a multiplier that performs multiplication of the input signal and
reference signal. Analog multipliers use non-linear properties of transistors, with quite a bit more
circuitry to make an accurate transfer function Vout=V1 × V2. An example of such chip is AD633.
It is also possible to implement a lock-in amplifier using a switch instead of an analog multiplier.
With a switch one can get a signal that alternates between V and –V, which is equivalent to
multiplying the signal V by a square reference wave. The preceding discussion of lock-in
properties will mostly work for a square reference wave (can you think of any differences?). An
example of a fast electronic switch useful here is ADG419.
b) Reference generator
To make a sine reference wave we need an oscillator with sine output. It can be generated using
any amplifier with positive feedback (think of high-pitch audio feedback). However, the gain of
the oscillator needs to be controlled to obtain high-quality sine wave without distortion. For
example, you can use an OP-27 operational amplifier and a Wien-bridge oscillator described in
Analog application note AN-580.
If we use a switch to multiply a signal by a square wave, it is sufficient to build a square-wave
oscillator. A standard way of doing that is to use LM555 timer chip.
In some cases the reference frequency is not arbitrary, but is determined by an external reference
frequency. In this case the term “lock-in” is perhaps most appropriate, since the device is
supposed to lock-in to the specific frequency and keep track of it even if the frequency is
changing. A standard way of doing so is to use what is known as a “Phase-Locked-Loop”- an
oscillator whose frequency is locked to external reference. It can be implemented using LM565
PLL chip.
It is important to think about the phase between your signal and the reference. If they happen to
be 90° out of phase you will get no output! Hence it is good to incorporate some possibility of
phase adjustment between the signal and the reference. This can be accomplished, for example,
with an RC delay circuit.
c) Pre-amplifier
The purpose of the pre-amplifier is to increase the size of a small input signal. Depending on the
input type, different types of pre-amplifiers are used. For example, one often uses an
instrumentation amplifier to make differential measurements that are not affected by noise on the
ground lines. If the input signal is a current (from a photo-diode, for example) then a current-to-
voltage amplifier is used, usually implemented with an operational amplifier. OP-27 op-amp or
AD622 instrumentation amplifier can be used here.
d) Low-pass filter
The low-pass filter determines the output bandwidth of the lock-in and eliminates the first and
second harmonic of the reference signal generated in the multiplication process. The cut-off
frequency of the filter must be much lower than the lock-in operating frequency. Low-pass filter
can be implemented with passive elements, such as an RC-filter, or R and C elements can be
used together with an op-amp. Several stages of filtering improve the sharpness of frequency cut-
e) Output amplifier
After signals at the reference frequency and above are eliminated by the filter, the remaining
voltage is proportional to the signal we are trying to measure and hence will be fairly small. Now
one can amplify this signal without risking overloading the amplifier with a large reference
signal. A high-gain amplifier is appropriate here, which can be implemented using 1-2 stages of
op-amp amplification.
Testing lock-in amplifier
After building the lock-in amplifier and verifying that it works with large signals, you want to
test its utility for detecting very weak signals. For example, you can see if you can detect a
flashing LED in the presence of ambient light or a very weak sound tone at a specific frequency.
Perhaps you can think of other cases where a very small signal at a specific frequency needs to
be detected.
Design choices
Before building anything, read the datasheets for the chips you will use and understand how they
work. The handout on electronic circuits provides some general background. Decide on the
ultimate goal for signal detection and pick the operating frequency of the lock-in. Decide if you
want to use a sine or square reference waveform, external or internal reference. Remember that
you need some way to ensure that the lock-in “knows” the frequency of the weak signal you are
detecting. The input stage of the lock-in will depend on the input transducer (photo-diode,
microphone, etc). The lock-in can be build using the push-in breadboard.

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