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Cka Rubric

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Level: First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisite: CKA3900: Apprenticeship Safety

FOD3900: Food Safety or an equivalent to an approved Alberta Health food safety provincial certification course

Description: Students develop skills and abilities in the food service industry as they develop safe and efficient work habits.

Parameters: Access to a commercial food preparation facility and to instruction from an individual with journeyperson
certification in the cook trade.

ILM Resources: Tools and Equipment 180101f; Kitchen Fundamentals 180101g; Weights and Measures 180101i

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship
exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and
identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teachers responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

Assessment Tools Notes

Checklist Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to
be demonstrated.
The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course.
The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have
been successfully demonstrated.

Rubric Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting
expectations set out in the criteria.
This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and
summative assessments to ensure students competency in this course.


Cook Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, HRH: CKA3401 / 1

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015

Student Outcomes Student Teacher Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments

Check Check
1. use the tools and equipment
standard for the cook trade

2. describe a professional

3. perform calculations using

the metric and US standard

Teacher Signature Date

2 / CTS, HRH: CKA3401 Cook Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada


Student Name: Date:

Level Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited Not Yet

Criteria Demonstrated

1. use the tools and equipment standard for the cook trade
1.1 use hand tools, small I can consistently use I can usually use hand I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
wares and knives hand tools, small wares tools, small wares and assistance to use hand to use hand tools, small provided evidence of
and knives. knives. tools, small wares and wares and knives. this performance task.

1.2 use processing equipment I can consistently use I can usually use I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
processing equipment. processing equipment. assistance to use to use provided evidence of
processing equipment. processing equipment. this performance task.

1.3 use cooking equipment I can consistently use I can usually use I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
cooking equipment. cooking equipment. assistance to use to use cooking provided evidence of
cooking equipment. equipment. this performance task.

1.4 use re-thermalizing and I can consistently use I can usually use I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
holding equipment re-thermalizing and re-thermalizing and assistance to use to use re-thermalizing provided evidence of
holding equipment. holding equipment. re-thermalizing and and holding equipment. this performance task.
holding equipment.

1.5 use dishwashing and I can consistently use I can usually use I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
sanitizing equipment dishwashing and dishwashing and assistance to use to use dishwashing and provided evidence of
sanitizing equipment. sanitizing equipment. dishwashing and sanitizing equipment. this performance task.
sanitizing equipment.

1.6 use beverage dispensing I can consistently use I can usually use I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
equipment beverage dispensing beverage dispensing assistance to use to use beverage provided evidence of
equipment. equipment. beverage dispensing dispensing equipment. this performance task.

Cook Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, HRH: CKA3401 / 3

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015
1.7 use exhaust fans, hoods I can consistently use I can usually use I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
and ventilation systems exhaust fans, hoods and exhaust fans, hoods assistance to use to use exhaust fans, provided evidence of
ventilation systems. and ventilation exhaust fans, hoods and hoods and ventilation this performance task.
systems. ventilation systems. systems.

1.8 use coolers and freezers I can consistently use I can usually use I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
coolers and freezers. coolers and freezers. assistance to use coolers to use coolers and provided evidence of
and freezers. freezers. this performance task.

2. describe a professional kitchen

2.1 describe the classical I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
brigade describe the classical the classical brigade. assistance to describe to describe the classical provided evidence of
brigade. the classical brigade. brigade. this performance task.

2.2 describe the guild system I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
describe the guild the guild system. assistance to describe to describe the provided evidence of
system. the guild system. guild system. this performance task.

2.3 discuss the forebears of I can consistently I can usually discuss I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
modern cooking discuss the forebears of the forebears of assistance to discuss the to discuss the forebears provided evidence of
modern cooking. modern cooking. forebears of modern of modern cooking. this performance task.

2.4 discuss basic kitchen I can consistently I can usually discuss I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
terminology discuss basic kitchen basic kitchen assistance to discuss to discuss basic kitchen provided evidence of
terminology. terminology. basic kitchen terminology. this performance task.

2.5 describe the structure and I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
function in traditional and describe the structure the structure and assistance to describe to describe the structure provided evidence of
modern kitchens and function in function in traditional the structure and and function in this performance task.
traditional and modern and modern kitchens. function in traditional traditional and modern
kitchens. and modern kitchens. kitchens.

2.6 describe how to work I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
safely in a professional describe how to work how to work safely in assistance to describe to describe how to work provided evidence of
kitchen safely in a professional a professional kitchen. how to work safely in a safely in a professional this performance task.
kitchen. professional kitchen. kitchen.

4 / CTS, HRH: CKA3401 Cook Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada
3. perform calculations using the metric and US standard systems
3.1 use the metric system to I can consistently use I can usually use the I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
perform foodservice the metric system to metric system to assistance to use the to use the metric system provided evidence of
calculations perform foodservice perform foodservice metric system to to perform foodservice this performance task.
calculations. calculations. perform foodservice calculations.

3.2 describe the US standard I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
system as it relates to describe the US the US standard assistance to describe to describe the US provided evidence of
foodservice calculations standard system as it system as it relates to the US standard system standard system as it this performance task.
relates to foodservice foodservice as it relates to relates to foodservice
calculations. calculations. foodservice calculations.

3.3 identify the differences of I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
the US standard and the identify the differences the differences of the assistance to identify to identify the provided evidence of
imperial systems of the US standard and US standard and the the differences of the differences of the US this performance task.
the imperial systems. imperial systems. US standard and the standard and the
imperial systems. imperial systems.

Teacher feedback and


Cook Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, HRH: CKA3401 / 5

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015


Level: First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisite: CKA3401: Kitchen Orientation

Description: Students develop a basic understanding of the mathematics required in every aspect of the foodservices industry.

Parameters: Access to a commercial food preparation facility and to instruction from an individual with journeyperson certification in
the cook trade.

ILM Resources: Basic Kitchen Mathematics 180101h

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship
exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and
identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teachers responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

Assessment Tools Notes

Checklist Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to
be demonstrated.
The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course.
The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have
been successfully demonstrated.

Rubric Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting
expectations set out in the criteria.
This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and
summative assessments to ensure students competency in this course.

6 / CTS, HRH: CKA3406 Cook Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada


Student Outcomes Student Teacher Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments

Check Check
1. perform basic mathematic
calculations for foodservice

Teacher Signature Date

Cook Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, HRH: CKA3406 / 7

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015


Student Name: Date:

Level Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited Not Yet

Criteria Demonstrated

1. perform basic mathematic calculations for foodservice

1.1 establish item cost I can consistently I can usually establish I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
establish item cost. item cost. assistance to establish to establish item cost. provided evidence of
item cost. this performance task.

1.2 calculate yields I can consistently I can usually calculate I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
calculate yield. yield. assistance to calculate to calculate yield. provided evidence of
yield. this performance task.

1.3 cost a recipe I can consistently cost a I can usually cost a I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
recipe. recipe. assistance to cost a to cost a recipe. provided evidence of
recipe. this performance task.

1.4 establish selling price I can consistently I can usually establish I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
establish selling price. selling price. assistance to establish to establish selling provided evidence of
selling price. price. this performance task.

1.5 perform recipe I can consistently I can usually perform I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
conversions perform recipe recipe conversions. assistance to perform to perform recipe provided evidence of
conversions. recipe conversions. conversions. this performance task.

Teacher feedback and


8 / CTS, HRH: CKA3406 Cook Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada


Level: First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisite: CKA3401: Kitchen Orientation

Description: Students develop skills and abilities to recognize products and to learn how products are utilized and handled to ensure
foods are safe and wholesome to consume. Students also learn the essentials of pre-cut portions of meat, poultry and
fish products in preparing quality, cost-effective menu items.

Parameters: Access to a commercial food preparation facility and to instruction from an individual with journeyperson certification in
the cook trade.

ILM Resources: Purchasing, Grading, Handling and Storage 180102a; Portioning 180102b

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship
exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and
identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teachers responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

Assessment Tools Notes

Checklist Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to
be demonstrated.
The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course.
The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have
been successfully demonstrated.

Rubric Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting
expectations set out in the criteria.
This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and
summative assessments to ensure students competency in this course.


Cook Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, HRH: CKA3411 / 9

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015
Student Outcomes Student Teacher Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments
Check Check
1. demonstrate purchasing,
grading, handling and
storage techniques

Teacher Signature Date

10 / CTS, HRH: CKA3411 Cook Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada


Student Name: Date:

Level Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited Not Yet

Criteria Demonstrated

1. demonstrate purchasing, grading, handling and storage techniques

1.1 describe grading, quality I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
factors and purchasing describe grading, grading, quality assistance to describe to describe grading, provided evidence of
standards for meat quality factors and factors and purchasing grading, quality factors quality factors and this performance task.
purchasing standards standards for meat. and purchasing purchasing standards
for meat. standards for meat. for meat.

1.2 describe the grading, I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
quality factors and describe grading, grading, quality assistance to describe to describe grading, provided evidence of
purchasing standards for quality factors and factors and purchasing grading, quality factors quality factors and this performance task.
fish, seafood and shellfish purchasing standards standards for fish, and purchasing purchasing standards
for fish, seafood and seafood and shellfish. standards for fish, for fish, seafood and
shellfish. seafood and shellfish. shellfish.

1.3 describe grading, quality I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
factors and purchasing describe grading, grading, quality assistance to describe to describe grading, provided evidence of
standards for poultry quality factors and factors and purchasing grading, quality factors quality factors and this performance task.
purchasing standards standards for poultry. and purchasing purchasing standards
for poultry. standards for poultry. for poultry.

1.4 describe grading, quality I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
factors and purchasing describe grading, grading, quality assistance to describe to describe grading, provided evidence of
standards for a variety of quality factors and factors and purchasing grading, quality factors quality factors and this performance task.
meats purchasing standards standards for a variety and purchasing purchasing standards
for a variety of meats. of meats. standards for a variety for a variety of meats.
of meats.

1.5 use handling and storage I can consistently use I can usually use I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
procedures for meat handling and storage handling and storage assistance to use to use handling and provided evidence of
procedures for meat. procedures for meat. handling and storage storage procedures for this performance task.
procedures for meat. meat.

Cook Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, HRH: CKA3411 / 11

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015
1.6 use handling and storage I can consistently use I can usually use I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
procedures for poultry handling and storage handling and storage assistance to use to use handling and provided evidence of
procedures for poultry. procedures for poultry. handling and storage storage procedures for this performance task.
procedures for poultry. poultry.

1.7 use handling and storage I can consistently use I can usually use I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
procedures for fish, handling and storage handling and storage assistance to use to use handling and provided evidence of
seafood and shellfish procedures for fish, procedures for fish, handling and storage storage procedures for this performance task.
seafood and shellfish. seafood and shellfish. procedures for fish, fish, seafood and
seafood and shellfish. shellfish.

1.8 use handling and storage I can consistently use I can usually use I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
procedures for a variety of handling and storage handling and storage assistance to use to use handling and provided evidence of
meats procedures for a variety procedures for a handling and storage storage procedures for a this performance task.
of meats. variety of meats. procedures for a variety variety of meats.
of meats.

Teacher feedback and


12 / CTS, HRH: CKA3411 Cook Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada


Level: First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisite: CKA3401: Kitchen Orientation

Description: Students develop skills and abilities to recognize products and to learn how products are utilized and handled to ensure
foods are safe and wholesome to consume. Students also learn the essentials of pre-cut portions of meat, poultry and
fish products in preparing quality, cost-effective menu items.

Parameters: Access to a commercial food preparation facility and to instruction from an individual with journeyperson certification in
the cook trade.

ILM Resources: Purchasing, Grading, Handling and Storage 180102a; Portioning 180102b

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship
exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and
identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teachers responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

Assessment Tools Notes

Checklist Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to
be demonstrated.
The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course.
The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have
been successfully demonstrated.

Rubric Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting
expectations set out in the criteria.
This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and
summative assessments to ensure students competency in this course.


Cook Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, HRH: CKA3416 / 13

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015
Student Outcomes Student Teacher Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments
Check Check
1. prepare primal and
fabricated cuts

Teacher Signature Date

14 / CTS, HRH: CKA3416 Cook Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada


Student Name: Date:

Level Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited Not Yet

Criteria Demonstrated

1. prepare primal and fabricated cuts

1.1 identify primal and fabricated I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
cuts of meat identify primal and primal and fabricated assistance to identify to identify primal and provided evidence of
fabricated cuts of cuts of meat. primal and fabricated fabricated cuts of meat. this performance task.
meat. cuts of meat.

1.2 identify primal and fabricated I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
cuts of poultry identify primal and primal and fabricated assistance to identify to identify primal and provided evidence of
fabricated cuts of cuts of poultry. primal and fabricated fabricated cuts of this performance task.
poultry. cuts of poultry. poultry.

1.3 identify fabricated cuts of I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
fish, seafood and shellfish identify fabricated fabricated cuts of fish, assistance to identify to identify fabricated provided evidence of
cuts of fish, seafood seafood and shellfish. fabricated cuts of fish, cuts of fish, seafood and this performance task.
and shellfish. seafood and shellfish. shellfish.

1.4 identify fabricated cuts of a I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
variety of meats identify fabricated fabricated cuts of a assistance to identify to identify fabricated provided evidence of
cuts of a variety of variety of meats. fabricated cuts of a cuts of a variety of this performance task.
meats. variety of meats. meats.

1.5 prepare fabricated cuts of I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
meat prepare fabricated fabricated cuts of assistance to prepare to prepare fabricated provided evidence of
cuts of meat. meat. fabricated cuts of meat. cuts of meat. this performance task.

1.6 prepare fabricated cuts of I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
poultry prepare fabricated fabricated cuts of assistance to prepare to prepare fabricated provided evidence of
cuts of poultry. poultry. fabricated cuts of cuts of poultry. this performance task.

Cook Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, HRH: CKA3416 / 15

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015
1.7 prepare fabricated cuts of I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
fish, seafood and shellfish prepare fabricated fabricated cuts of fish, assistance to prepare to prepare fabricated provided evidence of
cuts of fish, seafood seafood and shellfish. fabricated cuts of fish, cuts of fish, seafood and this performance task.
and shellfish. seafood and shellfish. shellfish.

1.8 prepare fabricated cuts of a I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
variety of meats prepare fabricated fabricated cuts of a assistance to prepare to prepare fabricated provided evidence of
cuts of a variety of variety of meats. fabricated cuts of a cuts of a variety of this performance task.
meats. variety of meats. meats.

Teacher feedback and


16 / CTS, HRH: CKA3416 Cook Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada


Level: First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisite: CKA3401: Kitchen Orientation

Description: Students develop skills and abilities in using seasonings, flavourings and marinades. Students learn to use, cook and
handle proteins properly.

Parameters: Access to a commercial food preparation facility and to instruction from an individual with journeyperson certification in
the cook trade.

ILM Resources: Preparation and Seasoning 180103a; Cooking, Holding and Serving Techniques 180103b

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship
exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and
identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teachers responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

Assessment Tools Notes

Checklist Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to
be demonstrated.
The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course.
The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have
been successfully demonstrated.

Rubric Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting
expectations set out in the criteria.
This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and
summative assessments to ensure students competency in this course.

Cook Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, HRH: CKA3421 / 17

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015

Student Outcomes Student Teacher Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments

Check Check
1. select seasonings,
flavourings and marinades

Teacher Signature Date

18 / CTS, HRH: CKA3421 Cook Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada


Student Name: Date:

Level Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited Not Yet


1. select seasonings, flavourings and marinades

1.1 describe the effects of heat I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
and cold on seasonings, describe the effects of the effects of heat and assistance to describe to describe the effects provided evidence of
flavourings and marinades heat and cold on cold on seasonings, the effects of heat and of heat and cold on this performance task.
seasonings, flavourings flavourings and cold on seasonings, seasonings, flavourings
and marinades. marinades. flavourings and and marinades.

1.2 explain the difference I can consistently I can usually explain I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
between seasonings, explain the difference the difference between assistance to explain the to explain the difference provided evidence of
flavourings and marinades between seasonings, seasonings, difference between between seasonings, this performance task.
flavourings and flavourings and seasonings, flavourings flavourings and
marinades. marinades. and marinades. marinades.

1.3 use seasonings, I can consistently use I can usually use I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
flavourings and marinades seasonings, flavourings seasonings, assistance to use to use seasonings, provided evidence of
and marinades. flavourings and seasonings, flavourings flavourings and this performance task.
marinades. and marinades. marinades.

1.4 describe the five I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
components of taste describe the five the five components assistance to describe to describe the five provided evidence of
components of taste. of taste. the five components of components of taste. this performance task.

Teacher feedback and


Cook Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, HRH: CKA3421 / 19

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015


Level: First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisite: CKA3401: Kitchen Orientation

Description: Students develop skills and abilities in using seasonings, flavourings and marinades. Students learn to use, cook and
handle proteins properly.

Parameters: Access to a commercial food preparation facility and to instruction from an individual with journeyperson certification in
the cook trade.

ILM Resources: Preparation and Seasoning 180103a; Cooking, Holding and Serving Techniques 180103b

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship
exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and
identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teachers responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

Assessment Tools Notes

Checklist Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to
be demonstrated.
The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course.
The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have
been successfully demonstrated.

Rubric Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting
expectations set out in the criteria.
This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and
summative assessments to ensure students competency in this course.

20 / CTS, HRH: CKA3426 Cook Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada


Student Outcomes Student Teacher Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments

Check Check
1. demonstrate cooking
methods, holding and
serving techniques

Teacher Signature Date

Cook Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, HRH: CKA3426 / 21

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015


Student Name: Date:

Level Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited Not Yet

Criteria Demonstrated

1. demonstrate cooking methods, holding and serving techniques

1.1 use the dry heat method of I can consistently use I can usually use the I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
cooking the dry heat method of dry heat method of assistance to use the dry to use the dry heat provided evidence of
cooking. cooking. heat method of cooking. method of cooking. this performance task.

1.2 use the moist heat method I can consistently use I can usually use the I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
of cooking the moist heat method moist heat method of assistance to use the to use the moist heat provided evidence of
of cooking. cooking. moist heat method of method of cooking. this performance task.

1.3 use the combination I can consistently use I can usually use the I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
method of cooking the combination method combination method assistance to use the to use the combination provided evidence of
of cooking. of cooking. combination method of method of cooking. this performance task.

1.4 use holding and resting I can consistently use I can usually use I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
techniques holding and resting holding and resting assistance to use to use holding and provided evidence of
techniques. techniques. holding and resting resting techniques. this performance task.

1.5 use testing and doneness I can consistently use I can usually use I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
techniques testing and doneness testing and doneness assistance to use testing to use testing and provided evidence of
techniques. techniques. and doneness doneness techniques. this performance task.

1.6 carve and slice a variety I can consistently carve I can usually carve I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
of items and slice a variety of and slice a variety of assistance to carve and to carve and slice a provided evidence of
items. items. slice a variety of items. variety of items. this performance task.

22 / CTS, HRH: CKA3426 Cook Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada
1.7 use presentation I can consistently use I can usually use I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
techniques for service presentation techniques presentation assistance to use to use presentation provided evidence of
for service. techniques for service. presentation techniques techniques for service. this performance task.
for service.

1.8 demonstrate appropriate I can consistently I can usually I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
holding and serving demonstrate appropriate demonstrate assistance to to demonstrate provided evidence of
techniques holding and serving appropriate holding demonstrate appropriate appropriate holding and this performance task.
techniques. and serving holding and serving serving techniques.
techniques. techniques.

1.9 use rethermalizing I can consistently use I can usually use I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
techniques rethermalizing rethermalizing assistance to use to use rethermalizing provided evidence of
techniques. techniques. rethermalizing techniques. this performance task.

Teacher feedback and


Cook Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, HRH: CKA3426 / 23

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015


Level: First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisite: CKA3401: Kitchen Orientation

Description: Students learn how to prepare stocks and soups.

Parameters: Access to a commercial food preparation facility and to instruction from an individual with journeyperson certification in
the cook trade.

ILM Resources: Stocks 180104a; Soups 180104c

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship
exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and
identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teachers responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

Assessment Tools Notes

Checklist Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to
be demonstrated.
The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course.
The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have
been successfully demonstrated.

Rubric Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting
expectations set out in the criteria.
This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and
summative assessments to ensure students competency in this course.


24 / CTS, HRH: CKA3431 Cook Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada

Student Outcomes Student Teacher Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments

Check Check
1. prepare basic stocks

2. prepare basic soups

Teacher Signature Date

Cook Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, HRH: CKA3431 / 25

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015


Student Name: Date:

Level Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited Not Yet

Criteria Demonstrated

1. prepare basic stocks

1.1 use mirepoix I can consistently use I can usually use I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
mirepoix. mirepoix. assistance to use to use mirepoix. provided evidence of
mirepoix. this performance task.

1.2 use a bouquet garni I can consistently use a I can usually use a I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
bouquet garni. bouquet garni. assistance to use a to use a bouquet garni. provided evidence of
bouquet garni. this performance task.

1.3 use a sachet I can consistently use a I can usually use a I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
sachet. sachet. assistance to use a to use a sachet. provided evidence of
sachet. this performance task.

1.4 use an onion clout I can consistently use I can usually use an I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
an onion clout. onion clout. . assistance to use an to use an onion clout. provided evidence of
onion clout. this performance task.

1.5 use onion brle I can consistently use I can usually use I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
onion brle. onion brle. assistance to use onion to use onion brle. provided evidence of
brle. this performance task.

1.6 cook white stock I can consistently cook I can usually cook I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
white stock. white stock. assistance to cook white to cook white stock. provided evidence of
stock. this performance task.

1.7 cook brown stock I can consistently cook I can usually cook I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
brown stock. brown stock. assistance to cook to cook brown stock. provided evidence of
brown stock. this performance task.

1.8 cook fish stock I can consistently cook I can usually cook fish I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
fish stock. stock. assistance to cook fish to cook fish stock. provided evidence of
stock. this performance task.

26 / CTS, HRH: CKA3431 Cook Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada
1.9 cook multipurpose and I can consistently cook I can usually cook I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
specific-use vegetable multipurpose and multipurpose and assistance to cook to cook multipurpose provided evidence of
stock specific-use vegetable specific-use vegetable multipurpose and and specific-use this performance task.
stock. stock. specific-use vegetable vegetable stock.

1.10 use appropriate cooling, I can consistently use I can usually use I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
venting and handling appropriate cooling, appropriate cooling, assistance to use to use appropriate provided evidence of
procedures venting and handling venting and handling appropriate cooling, cooling, venting and this performance task.
procedures. procedures. venting and handling handling procedures.

1.11 use storage procedures I can consistently use I can usually use I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
for stocks storage procedures for storage procedures for assistance to use storage to use storage provided evidence of
stocks. stocks. procedures for stocks. procedures for stocks. this performance task.

2. prepare basic soups

2.1 prepare thick soups I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
prepare thick soups. thick soups. assistance to prepare to prepare thick soups. provided evidence of
thick soups. this performance task.

2.2 prepare thin and clear I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
soups prepare thin and clear thin and clear soups. assistance to prepare to prepare thin and clear provided evidence of
soups. thin and clear soups. soups this performance task.

2.3 prepare ethnic soups I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
prepare ethnic soups. ethnic soups. assistance to prepare to prepare ethnic soups. provided evidence of
ethnic soups. this performance task.

2.4 present a variety of I can consistently I can usually present a I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
finished basic soups present a variety of variety of finished assistance to present a to present a variety of provided evidence of
finished basic soups. basic soups. variety of finished basic finished basic soups. this performance task.

Teacher feedback and


Cook Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, HRH: CKA3431 / 27

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015


Level: First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisite: CKA3401: Kitchen Orientation

Description: Students learn how to use thickening and binding agents and how to prepare sauces that enhance the flavour of meats,
fish, poultry, vegetables and pasta.

Parameters: Access to a commercial food preparation facility and to instruction from an individual with journeyperson certification in
the cook trade.

ILM Resources: Thickening and Binding Agents 180104b; Sauces 180104d

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship
exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and
identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teachers responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

Assessment Tools Notes

Checklist Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to
be demonstrated.
The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course.
The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have
been successfully demonstrated.

Rubric Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting
expectations set out in the criteria.
This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and
summative assessments to ensure students competency in this course.

28 / CTS, HRH: CKA3436 Cook Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada


Student Outcomes Student Teacher Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments

Check Check
1. prepare binding agents

2. prepare basic sauces, pan

gravies and their derivatives

Teacher Signature Date

Cook Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, HRH: CKA3436 / 29

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015


Student Name: Date:

Level Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited Not Yet

Criteria Demonstrated

1. prepare binding agents

1.1 prepare roux I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
prepare roux. roux. assistance to prepare to prepare roux. provided evidence of
roux. this performance task.

1.2 prepare beurre mani I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need I have not yet
prepare beurre mani. beurre mani. assistance to prepare assistance to prepare provided evidence of
beurre mani. beurre mani. this performance task.

1.3 prepare slurry using I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
various ingredients prepare slurry using slurry using various assistance to prepare to prepare slurry using provided evidence of
various ingredients. ingredients. slurry using various various ingredients. this performance task.

1.4 prepare a whitewash I can consistently I can usually prepare a I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
prepare a whitewash. whitewash. assistance to prepare a to prepare a whitewash. provided evidence of
whitewash. this performance task.

1.5 prepare a liaison I can consistently I can usually prepare a I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
prepare a liaison. liaison. assistance to prepare a to prepare a liaison. provided evidence of
liaison. this performance task.

1.6 use ready-to-use and I can consistently use I can usually use I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
instant thickening agents ready-to-use and instant ready-to-use and assistance to use to use ready-to-use and provided evidence of
thickening agents. instant thickening ready-to-use and instant instant thickening this performance task.
agents. thickening agents. agents.

1.7 prepare a panade I can consistently I can usually prepare a I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
prepare a panade. panade. assistance to prepare a to prepare a panade. provided evidence of
panade. this performance task.

30 / CTS, HRH: CKA3436 Cook Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada
1.8 prepare an egg binding I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
agent prepare an egg binding an egg binding agent. assistance to prepare an to prepare an egg provided evidence of
agent. egg binding agent. binding agent. this performance task.

2. prepare basic sauces, pan gravies and their derivatives

2.1 prepare velouts and their I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
derivatives prepare velouts and velouts and their assistance to prepare to prepare velouts and provided evidence of
their derivatives. derivatives. velouts and their their derivatives. this performance task.

2.2 prepare bchamel and its I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
derivatives prepare bchamel and bchamel and its assistance to prepare to prepare bchamel provided evidence of
its derivatives. derivatives. bchamel and its and its derivatives. this performance task.

2.3 prepare tomato sauce and I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
its derivatives prepare tomato sauce tomato sauce and its assistance to prepare to prepare tomato sauce provided evidence of
and its derivatives. derivatives. tomato sauce and its and its derivatives. this performance task.

2.4 prepare espagnole and its I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
derivatives prepare espagnole and espagnole and its assistance to prepare to prepare espagnole provided evidence of
its derivatives. derivatives. espagnole and its and its derivatives. this performance task.

2.5 prepare hollandaise sauce I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
and its derivatives prepare hollandaise hollandaise sauce and assistance to prepare to prepare hollandaise provided evidence of
sauce and its its derivatives. hollandaise sauce and sauce and its this performance task.
derivatives. its derivatives. derivatives.

2.6 prepare pan gravy I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
prepare pan gravy. pan gravy. assistance to prepare to prepare pan gravy. provided evidence of
pan gravy. this performance task.

2.7 prepare au jus and jus li I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
prepare au jus and jus au jus and jus li. assistance to prepare to prepare au jus and provided evidence of
li. au jus and jus li. jus li. this performance task.

Cook Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, HRH: CKA3436 / 31

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015
2.8 prepare finished basic I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
sauces, pan gravies and prepare finished basic finished basic sauces, assistance to prepare to prepare finished provided evidence of
their derivatives using a sauces, pan gravies and pan gravies and their finished basic sauces, basic sauces, pan this performance task.
variety of techniques their derivatives using a derivatives using a pan gravies and their gravies and their
variety of techniques. variety of techniques. derivatives using a derivatives using a
variety of techniques. variety of techniques.

Teacher feedback and


32 / CTS, HRH: CKA3436 Cook Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada


Level: First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisite: CKA3401: Kitchen Orientation

Description: Students learn how to purchase, handle, store, cut and cook fruits and vegetables.

Parameters: Access to a commercial food preparation facility and to instruction from an individual with journeyperson certification in
the cook trade.

ILM Resources: Purchasing Specifications and Storing Procedures 180105a; Vegetable Cuts 180105b; Fruits and Vegetables 180105c

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship
exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and
identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teachers responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

Assessment Tools Notes

Checklist Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to
be demonstrated.
The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course.
The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have
been successfully demonstrated.

Rubric Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting
expectations set out in the criteria.
This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and
summative assessments to ensure students competency in this course.


Cook Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, HRH: CKA3441 / 33

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015

Student Outcomes Student Teacher Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments

Check Check
1. use proper purchasing
specifications and storage

2. demonstrate traditional
vegetable cuts

3. prepare basic fruit and

vegetable dishes

Teacher Signature Date

34 / CTS, HRH: CKA3441 Cook Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada


Student Name: Date:

Level Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited Not Yet

Criteria Demonstrated

1. use proper purchasing specifications and storage procedures

1.1 describe purchasing I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
specifications and quality describe purchasing purchasing assistance to describe to describe purchasing provided evidence of
standards for vegetables specifications and specifications and purchasing specifications and this performance task.
quality standards for quality standards for specifications and quality standards for
vegetables. vegetables. quality standards for vegetables.

1.2 describe purchasing I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
specifications and quality describe purchasing purchasing assistance to describe to describe purchasing provided evidence of
standards for fruit specifications and specifications and purchasing specifications and this performance task.
quality standards for quality standards for specifications and quality standards for
fruit. fruit. quality standards for fruit.

1.3 describe purchasing I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
specifications and quality describe purchasing purchasing assistance to describe to describe purchasing provided evidence of
standards for potatoes specifications and specifications and purchasing specifications and this performance task.
and potato products quality standards for quality standards for specifications and quality standards for
potatoes and potato potatoes and potato quality standards for potatoes and potato
products. products. potatoes and potato products.

1.4 describe purchasing I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
specifications and quality describe purchasing purchasing assistance to describe to describe purchasing provided evidence of
standards for pasta specifications and specifications and purchasing specifications and this performance task.
quality standards for quality standards for specifications and quality standards for
pasta. pasta. quality standards for pasta.

Cook Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, HRH: CKA3441 / 35

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015
1.5 describe purchasing I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
specifications and quality describe purchasing purchasing assistance to describe to describe purchasing provided evidence of
standards for rice specifications and specifications and purchasing specifications and this performance task.
quality standards for quality standards for specifications and quality standards for
rice. rice. quality standards for rice.

1.6 use proper storage and I can consistently use I can usually use I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
rotations techniques for proper storage and proper storage and assistance to use proper to use proper storage provided evidence of
vegetables rotation techniques for rotation techniques for storage and rotation and rotation techniques this performance task.
vegetables. vegetables. techniques for for vegetables.

1.7 use proper storage and I can consistently use I can usually use I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
rotation techniques for proper storage and proper storage and assistance to use proper to use proper storage provided evidence of
fruit rotation techniques for rotation techniques for storage and rotation and rotation techniques this performance task.
fruit. fruit. techniques for fruit. for fruit.

1.8 use proper storage and I can consistently use I can usually use I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
rotation techniques for proper storage and proper storage and assistance to use proper to use proper storage provided evidence of
potatoes rotation techniques for rotation techniques for storage and rotation and rotation techniques this performance task.
potatoes. potatoes. techniques for potatoes. for potatoes.

1.9 use proper storage and I can consistently use I can usually use I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
rotation techniques for proper storage and proper storage and assistance to use proper to use proper storage provided evidence of
pasta rotation techniques for rotation techniques for storage and rotation and rotation techniques this performance task.
pasta. pasta. techniques for pasta. for pasta.

1.10 use proper storage and I can consistently use I can usually use I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
rotation techniques for proper storage and proper storage and assistance to use proper to use proper storage provided evidence of
rice rotation techniques for rotation techniques for storage and rotation and rotation techniques this performance task.
rice. rice. techniques for rice. for rice.

2. demonstrate traditional vegetable cuts

2.1 demonstrate bton and I can consistently I can usually I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
btonnet cuts demonstrate bton and demonstrate bton and assistance to to demonstrate bton provided evidence of
btonnet cuts. btonnet cuts. demonstrate bton and and btonnet cuts. this performance task.
btonnet cuts.

2.2 demonstrate large and I can consistently I can usually I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
medium dices demonstrate large and demonstrate large and assistance to to demonstrate large provided evidence of
medium dices. medium dices. demonstrate large and and medium dices. this performance task.
medium dices.

36 / CTS, HRH: CKA3441 Cook Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada
2.3 demonstrate the allumette I can consistently I can usually I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
and julienne cuts demonstrate the demonstrate the assistance to to demonstrate the provided evidence of
allumette and julienne allumette and julienne demonstrate the allumette and julienne this performance task.
cuts. cuts. allumette and julienne cuts.

2.4 demonstrate small dice I can consistently I can usually I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
and brunoise demonstrate small dice demonstrate small assistance to to demonstrate small provided evidence of
and brunoise. dice and brunoise. demonstrate small dice dice and brunoise. this performance task.
and brunoise.

2.5 demonstrate the paysanne I can consistently I can usually I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
cut demonstrate the demonstrate the assistance to to demonstrate the provided evidence of
paysanne cut. paysanne cut. demonstrate the paysanne cut. this performance task.
paysanne cut.

2.6 demonstrate the chteau I can consistently I can usually I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
cut demonstrate the chteau demonstrate the assistance to to demonstrate the provided evidence of
cut. chteau cut. demonstrate the chteau cut. this performance task.
chteau cut.

2.7 demonstrate the I can consistently I can usually I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
chiffonade cut demonstrate the demonstrate the assistance to to demonstrate the provided evidence of
chiffonade cut. chiffonade cut. demonstrate the chiffonade cut. this performance task.
chiffonade cut.

2.8 demonstrate the concass I can consistently I can usually I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
method demonstrate the demonstrate the assistance to to demonstrate the provided evidence of
concass method. concass method. demonstrate the concass method. this performance task.
concass method.

3. prepare basic fruit and vegetable dishes

3.1 cook a variety of fruit and I can consistently cook I can usually cook a I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
vegetable dishes using the a variety of fruit and variety of fruit and assistance to cook a to cook a variety of fruit provided evidence of
moist heat method of vegetable dishes using vegetable dishes using variety of fruit and and vegetable dishes this performance task.
cooking the moist heat method the moist heat method vegetable dishes using using the moist heat
of cooking. of cooking. the moist heat method method of cooking.
of cooking.

Cook Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, HRH: CKA3441 / 37

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015
3.2 cook a variety of fruit and I can consistently cook I can usually cook a I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
vegetable dishes using the a variety of fruit and variety of fruit and assistance to cook a to cook a variety of fruit provided evidence of
dry heat method of vegetable dishes using vegetable dishes using variety of fruit and and vegetable dishes this performance task.
cooking the dry heat method of the dry heat method of vegetable dishes using using the dry heat
cooking. cooking. the dry heat method of method of cooking.

3.3 cook a variety of fruit and I can consistently cook I can usually cook a I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
vegetable dishes using the a variety of fruit and variety of fruit and assistance to cook a to cook a variety of fruit provided evidence of
combination method of vegetable dishes using vegetable dishes using variety of fruit and and vegetable dishes this performance task.
cooking the combination method the combination vegetable dishes using using the combination
of cooking. method of cooking. the combination method method of cooking.
of cooking.

3.4 describe preservation I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
techniques to preserve describe preservation preservation assistance to describe to describe preservation provided evidence of
colour, texture, flavour techniques to preserve techniques to preserve preservation techniques techniques to preserve this performance task.
and nutritional value of colour, texture, flavour colour, texture, to preserve colour, colour, texture, flavour
and nutritional value of flavour and nutritional texture, flavour and and nutritional value of
fruit and cooked
fruit and cooked value of fruit and nutritional value of fruit fruit and cooked
vegetables vegetables. cooked vegetables. and cooked vegetables. vegetables.

Teacher feedback and


38 / CTS, HRH: CKA3441 Cook Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada


Level: First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisite: CKA3401: Kitchen Orientation

Description: Students learn how to cook potato, pasta and rice dishes as well as learn how to prepare salads and make sandwiches.

Parameters: Access to a commercial food preparation facility and to instruction from an individual with journeyperson certification in
the cook trade.

ILM Resources: Potato, Pasta and Rice 180105d; Salads and Dressings 180105e; Sandwiches, Spreads and Fillings 180105f

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship
exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and
identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teachers responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

Assessment Tools Notes

Checklist Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to
be demonstrated.
The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course.
The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have
been successfully demonstrated.

Rubric Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting
expectations set out in the criteria.
This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and
summative assessments to ensure students competency in this course.


Cook Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, HRH: CKA3446 / 39

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015

Student Outcomes Student Teacher Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments

Check Check
1. prepare potato, pasta and
rice dishes

2. prepare salads and dressings

3. prepare sandwiches, spreads

and fillings

Teacher Signature Date

40 / CTS, HRH: CKA3446 Cook Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada


Student Name: Date:

Level Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited Not Yet

Criteria Demonstrated

1. prepare potato, pasta and rice dishes

1.1 cook potato dishes I can consistently cook I can usually use cook I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
potato dishes. potato dishes. assistance to cook to cook potato dishes. provided evidence of
potato dishes. this performance task.

1.2 cook pasta dishes I can consistently cook I can usually cook I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
pasta dishes. pasta dishes. assistance to cook pasta to cook pasta dishes. provided evidence of
dishes. this performance task.

1.3 cook rice dishes I can consistently cook I can usually cook rice I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
rice dishes. dishes. assistance to cook rice to cook rice dishes. provided evidence of
dishes. this performance task.

2. prepare salads and dressings

2.1 describe the basic structure I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
of salads describe the basic the basic structure of assistance to describe to describe the basic provided evidence of
structure of salads. salads. the basic structure of structure of salads. this performance task.

2.2 describe the classification I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
of salads describe the the classification of assistance to describe to describe the provided evidence of
classification of salads. salads. the classification of classification of salads. this performance task.

2.3 select ingredients for salad I can consistently select I can usually select I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
preparation ingredients for salad ingredients for salad assistance to select to select ingredients for provided evidence of
preparation. preparation. ingredients for salad salad preparation. this performance task.

Cook Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, HRH: CKA3446 / 41

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015
2.4 complete salad mise en I can consistently I can usually complete I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
place complete salad mise en salad mise en place. assistance to complete to complete salad mise provided evidence of
place. salad mise en place. en place. this performance task.

2.5 use correct storage and I can consistently use I can usually use I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
temperature techniques for correct storage and correct storage and assistance to use correct to use correct storage provided evidence of
salad ingredients temperature techniques temperature storage and temperature and temperature this performance task.
for salad ingredients. techniques for salad techniques for salad techniques for salad
ingredients. ingredients. ingredients.

2.6 prepare permanent I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
emulsified dressings prepare permanent permanent emulsified assistance to prepare to prepare permanent provided evidence of
emulsified dressings. dressings. permanent emulsified emulsified dressings. this performance task.

2.7 prepare temporary I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
emulsified dressings prepare temporary temporary emulsified assistance to prepare to prepare temporary provided evidence of
emulsified dressings. dressings. temporary emulsified emulsified dressings. this performance task.

2.8 prepare cooked dressings I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
prepare cooked cooked dressings. assistance to prepare to prepare cooked provided evidence of
dressings. cooked dressings. dressings. this performance task.

2.9 prepare dairy-based I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
dressings prepare dairy-based dairy-based dressings. assistance to prepare to prepare dairy-based provided evidence of
dressings. dairy-based dressings. dressings. this performance task.

2.10 prepare green salads I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
prepare green salads. green salads. assistance to prepare to prepare green salads. provided evidence of
green salads. this performance task.

2.11 prepare fruit salads I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
prepare fruit salads. fruit salads. assistance to prepare to prepare fruit salads. provided evidence of
fruit salads. this performance task.

2.12 prepare starch- and I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
grain-based salads prepare starch- and starch- and assistance to prepare to prepare starch- and provided evidence of
grain-based salads. grain-based salads. starch- and grain-based grain-based salads. this performance task.

2.13 prepare vegetable salads I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
prepare vegetable vegetable salads. assistance to prepare to prepare vegetable provided evidence of
salads. vegetable salads. salads. this performance task.

42 / CTS, HRH: CKA3446 Cook Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada
2.14 prepare protein-based I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
salads prepare protein-based protein-based salads. assistance to prepare to prepare protein-based provided evidence of
salads. protein-based salads. salads. this performance task.

2.15 present salads and I can consistently I can usually present I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
dressings present salads and salads and dressings. assistance to present to present salads and provided evidence of
dressings. salads and dressings. dressings. this performance task.

3. prepare sandwiches, spreads and fillings

3.1 select bread and baked I can consistently select I can usually select I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
products for sandwich bread and baked bread and baked assistance to select to select bread and provided evidence of
preparation products for sandwich products for sandwich bread and baked baked products for this performance task.
preparation. preparation. products for sandwich sandwich preparation.

3.2 prepare sandwich fillings, I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
spreads and garnishes prepare sandwich sandwich fillings, assistance to prepare to prepare sandwich provided evidence of
fillings, spreads and spreads and garnishes. sandwich fillings, fillings, spreads and this performance task.
garnishes. spreads and garnishes. garnishes.

3.3 follow assembly and I can consistently I can usually follow I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
cutting procedures follow assembly and assembly and cutting assistance to follow to follow assembly and provided evidence of
cutting procedures. procedures. assembly and cutting cutting procedures. this performance task.

3.4 use various cooking I can consistently use I can usually use I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
techniques in sandwich various cooking various cooking assistance to use to use various cooking provided evidence of
preparation techniques in sandwich techniques in various cooking techniques in sandwich this performance task.
preparation. sandwich preparation. techniques in sandwich preparation.

3.5 prepare a variety of I can consistently I can usually prepare a I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
sandwiches prepare a variety of variety of sandwiches. assistance to prepare a to prepare a variety of provided evidence of
sandwiches. variety of sandwiches. sandwiches. this performance task.

3.6 use proper wrapping and I can consistently use I can usually use I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
storage techniques proper wrapping and proper wrapping and assistance to use proper to use proper wrapping provided evidence of
storage techniques. storage techniques. wrapping and storage and storage techniques. this performance task.

3.7 present sandwiches, I can consistently I can usually present I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
spreads and fillings present sandwiches, sandwiches, spreads assistance to present to present sandwiches, provided evidence of
spreads and fillings. and fillings. sandwiches, spreads spreads and fillings. this performance task.

Cook Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, HRH: CKA3446 / 43

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015
and fillings.

Teacher feedback and


44 / CTS, HRH: CKA3446 Cook Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada


Level: First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisite: CKA3400: Kitchen Orientation

Description: Students learn how to plan and prepare traditional breakfast dishes as well as learn how to use dairy products for
cooking and baking.

Parameters: Access to a commercial food preparation facility and to instruction from an individual with journeyperson certification in
the cook trade.

ILM Resources: Breakfast 180106a; Dairy and Beverages 180106b; Evaluate Value-Added Products 180106c

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship
exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and
identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teachers responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

Assessment Tools Notes

Checklist Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to
be demonstrated.
The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course.
The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have
been successfully demonstrated.

Rubric Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting
expectations set out in the criteria.
This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and
summative assessments to ensure students competency in this course.

Cook Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, HRH: CKA3451 / 45

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015


Student Outcomes Student Teacher Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments

Check Check
1. prepare traditional
breakfast dishes

2. identify dairy products,

coffee, tea and juices for

3. evaluate value-added

Teacher Signature Date

46 / CTS, HRH: CKA3451 Cook Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada


Student Name: Date:

Level Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited Not Yet

Criteria Demonstrated

1. prepare traditional breakfast dishes

1.1 prepare poached and boiled I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
eggs prepare poached and poached and boiled assistance to prepare to prepare poached and provided evidence of
boiled eggs. eggs. poached and boiled boiled eggs. this performance task.

1.2 prepare omelettes I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
prepare omelettes. omelettes. assistance to prepare to prepare omelettes. provided evidence of
omelettes. this performance task.

1.3 prepare fried eggs I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
prepare fried eggs. fried eggs. assistance to prepare to prepare fried eggs. provided evidence of
fried eggs. this performance task.

1.4 prepare scrambled eggs I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
prepare scrambled scrambled eggs. assistance to prepare to prepare scrambled provided evidence of
eggs. scrambled eggs. eggs. this performance task.

1.5 prepare breakfast meats I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
prepare breakfast breakfast meats. assistance to prepare to prepare breakfast provided evidence of
meats. breakfast meats. meats. this performance task.

1.6 prepare hot and cold I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
cereals prepare hot and cold hot and cold cereals. assistance to prepare to prepare hot and cold provided evidence of
cereals. hot and cold cereals. cereals. this performance task.

1.7 prepare waffles I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
prepare waffles. waffles. assistance to prepare to prepare waffles. provided evidence of
waffles. this performance task.

Cook Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, HRH: CKA3451 / 47

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015
1.8 prepare pancakes and I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
crepes prepare pancakes and pancakes and crepes. assistance to prepare to prepare pancakes and provided evidence of
crepes. pancakes and crepes. crepes. this performance task.

1.9 prepare French toast I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
prepare French toast. French toast. assistance to prepare to prepare French toast. provided evidence of
French toast. this performance task.

1.10 use breakfast I can consistently use I can usually use I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
accompaniments, breakfast breakfast assistance to use to use breakfast provided evidence of
including syrup, preserves accompaniments, accompaniments, breakfast accompaniments, this performance task.
and flavoured butters including syrup, including syrup, accompaniments, including syrup,
preserves and preserves and flavoured including syrup, preserves and flavoured
flavoured butters. butters. preserves and butters.
flavoured butters.

1.11 prepare breakfast I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
garnishes prepare breakfast breakfast garnishes. assistance to prepare to prepare breakfast provided evidence of
garnishes. breakfast garnishes. garnishes. this performance task.

1.12 present finished I can consistently I can usually present I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
traditional breakfast present finished finished traditional assistance to present to present finished provided evidence of
dishes traditional breakfast breakfast dishes. finished traditional traditional breakfast this performance task.
dishes. breakfast dishes. dishes.

2. identify dairy products, coffee, tea and juices for service

2.1 describe the properties of I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
unfermented dairy describe the properties the properties of assistance to describe to describe the provided evidence of
products of unfermented dairy unfermented dairy the properties of properties of this performance task.
products. products. unfermented dairy unfermented dairy
products. products.

2.2 describe the properties of I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
fermented dairy products describe the properties the properties of assistance to describe to describe the provided evidence of
of fermented dairy fermented dairy the properties of properties of fermented this performance task.
products. products. fermented dairy dairy products.

2.3 identify coffee and tea I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
varieties and describe hot identify coffee and tea coffee and tea assistance to identify to identify coffee and provided evidence of
chocolate varieties and describe varieties and describe coffee and tea varieties tea varieties and this performance task.
hot chocolate. hot chocolate. and describe hot describe hot chocolate.

48 / CTS, HRH: CKA3451 Cook Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada
2.4 describe the effects of I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
brewing time and describe the effects of the effects of brewing assistance to describe to describe the effects provided evidence of
temperature on the brewing time and time and temperature the effects of brewing of brewing time and this performance task.
preparation of coffee temperature on the on the preparation of time and temperature on temperature on the
preparation of coffee. coffee. the preparation of preparation of coffee.

2.5 present coffee, tea and I can consistently I can usually present I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
assorted juices present coffee, tea and coffee, tea and assistance to present to present coffee, tea provided evidence of
assorted juices. assorted juices. coffee, tea and assorted and assorted juices. this performance task.

3. evaluate value-added products

3.1 evaluate the value and I can consistently I can usually evaluate I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
quality of ready-to-use evaluate the value and the value and quality assistance to evaluate to evaluate the value provided evidence of
products quality of ready-to-use of ready-to-use the value and quality of and quality of this performance task.
products. products. ready-to-use products. ready-to-use products.

3.2 evaluate the value and I can consistently I can usually evaluate I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
quality of ready-to-serve evaluate the value the value and quality assistance to evaluate to evaluate the value provided evidence of
products and quality of of ready-to-serve the value and quality of and quality of this performance task.
ready-to-serve products. products. ready-to-serve products. ready-to-serve products.

3.3 evaluate the value and I can consistently I can usually evaluate I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
quality of ready-to-heat evaluate the value and the value and quality assistance to evaluate to evaluate the value provided evidence of
products quality of ready-to-heat of ready-to-heat the value and quality of and quality of this performance task.
products. products. ready-to-heat products. ready-to-heat products.

3.4 evaluate the value and I can consistently I can usually evaluate I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
quality of ready-to-cook evaluate the value and the value and quality assistance to evaluate to evaluate the value provided evidence of
products quality of ready-to-cook of ready-to-cook the value and quality of and quality of this performance task.
products. products. ready-to-cook products. ready-to-cook products.

Teacher feedback and


Cook Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, HRH: CKA3451 / 49

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015


Level: First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisite: CKA3401: Kitchen Orientation

CKA3406: Kitchen Mathematics

Description: Students learn the functions of ingredients as well as how to convert formulas and apply accurate measuring and
mixing methods to the process of baking.

Parameters: Access to a commercial food preparation facility and to instruction from an individual with journeyperson certification in
the cook trade.

ILM Resources: Principles of Baking 180107a

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship
exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and
identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teachers responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

Assessment Tools Notes

Checklist Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to
be demonstrated.
The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course.
The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have
been successfully demonstrated.

Rubric Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting
expectations set out in the criteria.
This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and
summative assessments to ensure students competency in this course.


50 / CTS, HRH: CKA3456 Cook Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada
Student Outcomes Student Teacher Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments
Check Check
1. describe the ingredients and
procedures used in a

Teacher Signature Date

Cook Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, HRH: CKA3456 / 51

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015


Student Name: Date:

Level Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited Not Yet

Criteria Demonstrated

1. describe the ingredients and procedures used in a bakeshop

1.1 describe the properties of I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
different flours describe the properties the properties of assistance to describe to describe the provided evidence of
of different flours. different flours. the properties of properties of different this performance task.
different flours. flours.

1.2 describe the properties of I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
sugars and sweeteners describe the properties the properties of assistance to describe to describe the provided evidence of
of sugars and sugars and sweeteners. the properties of sugars properties of sugars and this performance task.
sweeteners. and sweeteners. sweeteners.

1.3 describe the properties of I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
starches describe the properties the properties of assistance to describe to describe the provided evidence of
of starches. starches. the properties of properties of starches. this performance task.

1.4 describe the properties of I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
fats, shortenings and oils describe the properties the properties of fats, assistance to describe to describe the provided evidence of
of fats, shortenings and shortenings and oils. the properties of fats, properties of fats, this performance task.
oils. shortenings and oils. shortenings and oils.

1.5 describe the properties of I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
dairy products describe the properties the properties of dairy assistance to describe to describe the provided evidence of
of dairy products. products. the properties of dairy properties of dairy this performance task.
products. products.

1.6 describe the properties of I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
eggs describe the properties the properties of eggs. assistance to describe to describe the provided evidence of
of eggs. the properties of eggs. properties of eggs. this performance task.

52 / CTS, HRH: CKA3456 Cook Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada
1.7 describe the properties of I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
flavourings describe the properties the properties of assistance to describe to describe the provided evidence of
of flavourings. flavourings. the properties of properties of this performance task.
flavourings. flavourings.

1.8 describe the properties of I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
leavening agents describe the properties the properties of assistance to describe to describe the provided evidence of
of leavening agents. leavening agents. the properties of properties of leavening this performance task.
leavening agents. agents.

1.9 perform recipe I can consistently I can usually perform I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
conversions perform recipe recipe conversions. assistance to perform to perform recipe provided evidence of
conversions. recipe conversions. conversions. this performance task.

1.10 scale and measure I can consistently scale I can usually scale and I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
ingredients for recipes and measure ingredients measure ingredients assistance to scale and to scale and measure provided evidence of
for recipes. for recipes. measure ingredients for ingredients for recipes. this performance task.

1.11 use correct mixing I can consistently use I can usually use I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
methods correct mixing correct mixing assistance to use correct to use correct mixing provided evidence of
methods. methods. mixing methods. methods. this performance task.

Teacher feedback and


Cook Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, HRH: CKA3456 / 53

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015


Level: First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisite: CKA3401: Kitchen Orientation

CKA3456: Introduction to Baking

Description: Students learn how to prepare yeast products as well as cookies and quick breads.

Parameters: Access to a commercial food preparation facility and to instruction from an individual with journeyperson certification in
the cook trade.

ILM Resources: Yeast Products 180107b; Cookies and Quick Breads 180107c

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship
exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and
identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teachers responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

Assessment Tools Notes

Checklist Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to
be demonstrated.
The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course.
The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have
been successfully demonstrated.

Rubric Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting
expectations set out in the criteria.
This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and
summative assessments to ensure students competency in this course.

54 / CTS, HRH: CKA3461 Cook Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada


Student Outcomes Student Teacher Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments

Check Check
1. prepare yeast products

2. prepare cookies and quick


Teacher Signature Date

Cook Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, HRH: CKA3461 / 55

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015


Student Name: Date:

Level Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited Not Yet

Criteria Demonstrated

1. prepare yeast products

1.1 bake loaves I can consistently bake I can usually bake I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
loaves. loaves. assistance to bake to bake loaves. provided evidence of
loaves. this performance task.

1.2 bake buns I can consistently bake I can usually bake I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
buns. buns. assistance to bake buns. to bake buns. provided evidence of
this performance task.

1.3 bake frozen dough I can consistently bake I can usually bake I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
frozen dough. frozen dough. assistance to bake to bake frozen dough. provided evidence of
frozen dough. this performance task.

2. prepare cookies and quick breads

2.1 bake quick breads using I can consistently bake I can usually bake I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
the muffin method quick breads using the quick breads using the assistance to bake quick to bake quick breads provided evidence of
muffin method. muffin method. breads using the muffin using the muffin this performance task.
method. method.

2.2 bake quick breads using I can consistently bake I can usually bake I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
the biscuit method quick breads using the quick breads using the assistance to bake quick to bake quick breads provided evidence of
biscuit method. biscuit method. breads using the biscuit using the biscuit this performance task.
method. method.

2.3 bake dropped cookies I can consistently bake I can usually bake I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
dropped cookies. dropped cookies. assistance to bake to bake dropped provided evidence of
dropped cookies. cookies. this performance task.

56 / CTS, HRH: CKA3461 Cook Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada
2.4 bake rolled cookies I can consistently bake I can usually bake I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
rolled cookies. rolled cookies. assistance to bake rolled to bake rolled cookies. provided evidence of
cookies. this performance task.

2.5 bake piped cookies I can consistently bake I can usually bake I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
piped cookies. piped cookies. assistance to bake piped to bake piped cookies. provided evidence of
cookies. this performance task.

2.6 bake refrigerated or frozen I can consistently bake I can usually bake I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
cookies refrigerated or frozen refrigerated or frozen assistance to bake to bake refrigerated or provided evidence of
cookies. cookies. refrigerated or frozen frozen cookies. this performance task.

2.7 bake wafer cookies I can consistently bake I can usually bake I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
wafer cookies. wafer cookies. assistance to bake wafer to bake wafer cookies. provided evidence of
cookies. this performance task.

2.8 bake bar cookies or I can consistently bake I can usually bake bar I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
squares bar cookies or squares. cookies or squares. assistance to bake bar to bake bar cookies or provided evidence of
cookies or squares. squares. this performance task.

Teacher feedback and


Cook Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, HRH: CKA3461 / 57

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015


Level: First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisite: CKA3401: Kitchen Orientation

CKA3456: Introduction to Baking

Description: Students learn how to prepare a variety of pies and pie fillings.

Parameters: Access to a commercial food preparation facility and to instruction from an individual with journeyperson certification in
the cook trade.

ILM Resources: Pies, Fillings and Finishing Techniques 180107d

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship
exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and
identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teachers responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

Assessment Tools Notes

Checklist Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to
be demonstrated.
The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course.
The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have
been successfully demonstrated.

Rubric Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting
expectations set out in the criteria.
This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and
summative assessments to ensure students competency in this course.

58 / CTS, HRH: CKA3466 Cook Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada


Student Outcomes Student Teacher Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments

Check Check
1. prepare pies and fillings

Teacher Signature Date

Cook Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, HRH: CKA3466 / 59

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015


Student Name: Date:

Level Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited Not Yet

Criteria Demonstrated

1. prepare pies and fillings

1.1 prepare basic pie dough I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
prepare basic pie basic pie dough. assistance to prepare to prepare basic pie provided evidence of
dough. basic pie dough. dough. this performance task.

1.2 prepare pie crusts I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
prepare pie crusts. pie crusts. assistance to prepare to prepare pie crusts. provided evidence of
pie crusts. this performance task.

1.3 prepare pie fillings I can consistently I can usually prepare I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
prepare pie fillings. pie fillings. assistance to prepare to prepare pie fillings. provided evidence of
pie fillings. this performance task.

1.4 demonstrate basic I can consistently I can usually I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
finishing techniques demonstrate basic demonstrate basic assistance to to demonstrate basic provided evidence of
finishing techniques. finishing techniques. demonstrate basic finishing techniques. this performance task.
finishing techniques.

Teacher feedback and


60 / CTS, HRH: CKA3466 Cook Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada


Level: First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisite: None

Description: Students develop knowledge, skills and attitudes in the practice of kitchen health and safety, communication and career

Parameters: Access to a materials work centre and to instruction from an individual with specialized training in occupational health
and safety (and understanding of the culinary arts industry) and/or a cook.

ILM Resources: Safety Legislation, Regulations and Industry Policy in the Trades 180101a; Climbing, Lifting, Rigging and Hoisting
180101b; Hazardous Materials and Fire Protection 180101c; Kitchen Orientation and Introduction 180101d; Food
Safety 180101e; Communication 090101d

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship
exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and
identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teachers responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

Assessment Tools Notes

Checklist Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to
be demonstrated.
The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course.
The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have
been successfully demonstrated.

Rubric Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting
expectations set out in the criteria.
This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and
summative assessments to ensure students competency in this course.

Cook Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, TMT: CKA3900 / 61

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015
62 / CTS, TMT: CKA3900 Cook Apprenticeship Assessment
2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada


Student Outcomes Student Teacher Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments

Check Check
1. describe legislation,
regulations and practices
intended to ensure a safe
workplace in the cook
apprenticeship trade

2. describe the use of personal

protective equipment (PPE)
and safe practices for
climbing, lifting, rigging and
hoisting in the cook
apprenticeship trade

3. describe the safety practices

for hazardous materials and
fire protection in the cook
apprenticeship trade

4. demonstrate professionalism
in the kitchen

5. demonstrate communication
skills and workshop safety
as they pertain to
occupational health and
safety standards

1. demonstrate an

Cook Apprenticeship Assessment CTS, TMT: CKA3900 / 63

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015
understanding of the cook
apprenticeship trade and of
opportunities that exist by
creating a personal career

Teacher Signature Date

64 / CTS, TMT: CKA3900 Cook Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada


Student Name: Date:

Level Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited Not Yet

Criteria Demonstrated

1. describe legislation, regulations and practices intended to ensure a safe workplace in the cook apprenticeship trade
1.1 demonstrate the ability to I can consistently I can usually I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
apply the Occupational demonstrate the ability demonstrate the ability assistance to to demonstrate the provided evidence of
Health and Safety Act, to apply the to apply the demonstrate the ability ability to apply the this performance task.
Regulation and Code Occupational Health Occupational Health to apply the Occupational Health
and Safety Act, and Safety Act, Occupational Health and Safety Act,
Regulation and Code. Regulation and Code. and Safety Act, Regulation and Code.
Regulation and Code.

1.2 explain the role of the I can consistently I can usually explain I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
employer and employee in explain the role of the the role of the assistance to explain the to explain the role of provided evidence of
regard to occupational employer and employee employer and role of the employer the employer and this performance task.
health and safety in regard to employee in regard to and employee in regard employee in regard to
occupational health and occupational health to occupational health occupational health and
regulations, Worksite
safety regulations, and safety regulations, and safety regulations, safety regulations,
Hazardous Materials Worksite Hazardous Worksite Hazardous Worksite Hazardous Worksite Hazardous
Information Systems Materials Information Materials Information Materials Information Materials Information
(WHMIS), fire Systems (WHMIS), fire Systems (WHMIS), Systems (WHMIS), fire Systems (WHMIS), fire
regulations, Workers regulations, Workers fire regulations, regulations, Workers regulations, Workers
Compensation Board Compensation Board Workers Compensation Board Compensation Board
regulations and related regulations and related Compensation Board regulations and related regulations and related
advisory bodies and advisory bodies and regulations and related advisory bodies and advisory bodies and
agencies agencies. advisory bodies and agencies. agencies.

1.3 explain industry practices I can consistently I can usually explain I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
for hazard assessment and explain industry industry practices for assistance to explain to explain industry provided evidence of
control procedures practices for hazard hazard assessment and industry practices for practices for hazard this performance task.
assessment and control control procedures. hazard assessment and assessment and control
procedures. control procedures. procedures.

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Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015
1.4 describe the I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
responsibilities of workers describe the the responsibilities of assistance to describe to describe the provided evidence of
and employers to apply responsibilities of workers and the responsibilities of responsibilities of this performance task.
emergency procedures workers and employers employers to apply workers and employers workers and employers
to apply emergency emergency to apply emergency to apply emergency
procedures. procedures. procedures. procedures.

1.5 describe positive I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
tradesperson attitudes with describe positive positive tradesperson assistance to describe to describe positive provided evidence of
respect to housekeeping, tradesperson attitudes attitudes with respect positive tradesperson tradesperson attitudes this performance task.
personal protective with respect to to housekeeping, attitudes with respect to with respect to
housekeeping, personal personal protective housekeeping, personal housekeeping, personal
equipment (PPE) and
protective equipment equipment (PPE) and protective equipment protective equipment
emergency procedures (PPE) and emergency emergency (PPE) and emergency (PPE) and emergency
procedures. procedures. procedures. procedures.

1.6 describe the roles and I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
responsibilities of describe the roles and the roles and assistance to describe to describe the roles and provided evidence of
employers and employees responsibilities of responsibilities of the roles and responsibilities of this performance task.
with respect to the employers and employers and responsibilities of employers and
employees with respect employees with employers and employees with respect
selection and use of PPE
to the selection and use respect to the selection employees with respect to the selection and use
of PPE. and use of PPE. to the selection and use of PPE.
of PPE.

1.7 select, use and maintain I can consistently I can usually select, I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
appropriate PPE for select, use and maintain use and maintain assistance to select, use to select, use and provided evidence of
worksite applications appropriate PPE for appropriate PPE for and maintain maintain appropriate this performance task.
worksite applications. worksite applications. appropriate PPE for PPE for worksite
worksite applications. applications.

66 / CTS, TMT: CKA3900 Cook Apprenticeship Assessment

2015 Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada
2. describe the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and safe practices for climbing, lifting, rigging and hoisting in the cook
apprenticeship trade
2.1 select, use and maintain I can consistently I can usually select, I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
specialized PPE and select, use and maintain use and maintain assistance to select, use to select, use and provided evidence of
materials for climbing, specialized PPE and specialized PPE and and maintain maintain specialized this performance task.
lifting and load-moving materials for climbing, materials for climbing, specialized PPE and PPE and materials for
lifting and load-moving lifting and materials for climbing, climbing, lifting and
equipment. load-moving lifting and load-moving load-moving
equipment. equipment. equipment.

2.2 describe manual lifting I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
procedures using correct describe manual lifting manual lifting assistance to describe to describe manual provided evidence of
body mechanics procedures using procedures using manual lifting lifting procedures using this performance task.
correct body correct body procedures using correct body mechanics.
mechanics. mechanics. correct body mechanics.

2.3 describe rigging hardware I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
and the safety factor describe rigging rigging hardware and assistance to describe to describe rigging provided evidence of
associated with each item hardware and the safety the safety factor rigging hardware and hardware and the safety this performance task.
factor associated with associated with each the safety factor factor associated with
each item. item. associated with each each item.

2.4 select the correct I can consistently select I can usually select the I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
equipment for rigging the correct equipment correct equipment for assistance to select the to select the correct provided evidence of
typical loads for rigging typical rigging typical loads. correct equipment for equipment for rigging this performance task.
loads. rigging typical loads. typical loads.

2.5 describe hoisting and I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
load-moving procedures describe hoisting and hoisting and assistance to describe to describe hoisting and provided evidence of
load-moving load-moving hoisting and load-moving this performance task.
procedures. procedures. load-moving procedures.

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Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015
3. describe the safety practices for hazardous materials and fire protection in the cook apprenticeship trade
3.1 describe the roles, I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
responsibilities, features describe the roles, the roles, assistance to describe to describe the roles, provided evidence of
and practices related to the responsibilities, features responsibilities, the roles, responsibilities, features this performance task.
Workplace Hazardous and practices related to features and practices responsibilities, features and practices related to
the Workplace related to the and practices related to the Workplace
Materials Information
Hazardous Materials Workplace Hazardous the Workplace Hazardous Materials
System (WHMIS) Information System Materials Information Hazardous Materials Information System
program (WHMIS) program. System (WHMIS) Information System (WHMIS) program.
program. (WHMIS) program.

3.2 describe the three key I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
elements of WHMIS describe the three key the three key elements assistance to describe to describe the three provided evidence of
elements of WHMIS. of WHMIS. the three key elements key elements of this performance task.

3.3 describe handling, storage I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
and transportation describe handling, handling, storage and assistance to describe to describe handling, provided evidence of
procedures when dealing storage and transportation handling, storage and storage and this performance task.
with hazardous materials transportation procedures when transportation transportation
procedures when dealing with procedures when procedures when
dealing with hazardous hazardous materials. dealing with hazardous dealing with hazardous
materials. materials. materials.

3.4 describe safe venting I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
procedures when working describe safe venting safe venting assistance to describe to describe safe venting provided evidence of
with hazardous materials procedures when procedures when safe venting procedures procedures when this performance task.
working with hazardous working with when working with working with hazardous
materials. hazardous materials. hazardous materials. materials.

3.5 describe fire hazards, I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
classes, procedures and describe fire hazards, fire hazards, classes, assistance to describe to describe fire hazards, provided evidence of
equipment related to fire classes, procedures and procedures and fire hazards, classes, classes, procedures and this performance task.
protection equipment related to equipment related to procedures and equipment related to
fire protection. fire protection. equipment related to fire protection.
fire protection.

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4. demonstrate professionalism in the kitchen
4.1 describe the I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
responsibilities of the describe the the responsibilities of assistance to describe to describe the provided evidence of
liaison officer responsibilities of the the liaison officer. the responsibilities of responsibilities of the this performance task.
liaison officer. the liaison officer. liaison officer.

4.2 describe the standards for I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
dress code in the cook describe the standards the standards for dress assistance to describe to describe the provided evidence of
trade for dress code in the code in the cook trade. the standards for dress standards for dress code this performance task.
cook trade. code in the cook trade. in the cook trade.

4.3 describe house policy I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
expectations in the describe house policy house policy assistance to describe to describe house policy provided evidence of
workplace expectations in the expectations in the house policy expectations in the this performance task.
workplace. workplace. expectations in the workplace.

4.4 describe professionalism I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
in the cook trade describe professionalism in the assistance to describe to describe provided evidence of
professionalism in the cook trade. professionalism in the professionalism in the this performance task.
cook trade. cook trade. cook trade.

4.5 use appropriate study I can consistently use I can usually use I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
methods appropriate study appropriate study assistance to use to use appropriate study provided evidence of
methods. methods. appropriate study methods. this performance task.

4.6 follow standard I can consistently I can usually follow I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
emergency procedures follow standard standard emergency assistance to follow to follow standard provided evidence of
emergency procedures. procedures. standard emergency emergency procedures. this performance task.

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5. demonstrate communication skills and workshop safety as they pertain to occupational health and safety standards
5.1 use various types of I can consistently use I can usually use I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
communication to provide various types of various types of assistance to use to use various types of provided evidence of
trade-related information, communication to communication to various types of communication to this performance task.
employing standard terms provide trade-related provide trade-related communication to provide trade-related
information, employing information, provide trade-related information, employing
standard terms. employing standard information, employing standard terms.
terms. standard terms.

5.2 identify key areas of I can consistently I can usually identify I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
responsibility that an identify key areas of key areas of assistance to identify to identify key areas of provided evidence of
employee has in regards to responsibility that an responsibility that an key areas of responsibility that an this performance task.
kitchen and trade safety employee has in regards employee has in responsibility that an employee has in regards
to kitchen and trade regards to kitchen and employee has in regards to kitchen and trade
safety. trade safety. to kitchen and trade safety.

5.3 explain the correct use of I can consistently I can usually explain I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
fire extinguishers and explain the correct use the correct use of fire assistance to explain the to explain the correct provided evidence of
explain fire prevention of fire extinguishers extinguishers and correct use of fire use of fire extinguishers this performance task.
techniques and explain fire explain fire prevention extinguishers and and explain fire
prevention techniques. techniques. explain fire prevention prevention techniques.

6. demonstrate an understanding of the cook apprenticeship trade and of apprenticeship opportunities that exist by creating a personal
career portfolio
6.1 demonstrate an I can consistently I can usually I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
understanding of the cook demonstrate an demonstrate an assistance to to demonstrate an provided evidence of
apprenticeship trade and understanding of the understanding of the demonstrate an understanding of the this performance task.
related job opportunities cook apprenticeship cook apprenticeship understanding of the cook apprenticeship
trade and related job trade and related job cook apprenticeship trade and related job
opportunities. opportunities. trade and related job opportunities.

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6.2 describe what it means to I can consistently I can usually describe I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
be an apprentice and describe what it means what it means to be an assistance to describe to describe what it provided evidence of
describe requirements for to be an apprentice and apprentice and what it means to be an means to be an this performance task.
the employee and describe requirements describe requirements apprentice and describe apprentice and describe
for the employee and for the employee and requirements for the requirements for the
employer. employer. employee and employee and
employer. employer.

6.3 refine and present a I can consistently refine I can usually refine I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
personal career portfolio, and present a personal and present a personal assistance to refine and to refine and present a provided evidence of
showing evidence of career portfolio, career portfolio, present a personal personal career this performance task.
strengths and showing evidence of showing evidence of career portfolio, portfolio, showing
strengths and strengths and showing evidence of evidence of strengths
competencies. competencies. strengths and and competencies.

6.4 demonstrate knowledge of I can consistently I can usually I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
workplace requirements, demonstrate knowledge demonstrate assistance to to demonstrate provided evidence of
rights and responsibilities of workplace knowledge of demonstrate knowledge knowledge of this performance task.
and relate this knowledge requirements, rights and workplace of workplace workplace
responsibilities and requirements, rights requirements, rights and requirements, rights and
to personal career or
relate this knowledge to and responsibilities responsibilities and responsibilities and
employment expectations personal career or and relate this relate this knowledge to relate this knowledge to
employment knowledge to personal personal career or personal career or
expectations. career or employment employment employment
expectations. expectations. expectations.

6.5 outline the educational I can consistently I can usually outline I sometimes need I often need assistance I have not yet
requirements to move into outline the educational the educational assistance to outline the to outline the provided evidence of
the cook apprenticeship requirements to move requirements to move educational educational this performance task.
trade into the cook into the cook requirements to move requirements to move
apprenticeship trade. apprenticeship trade. into the cook into the cook
apprenticeship trade. apprenticeship trade.

Teacher feedback and


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Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada 2015

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