EEE458 VLSI II Laboratory Laboratory Module 3: Schematic Driven Layout Design With Virtuoso Layout Suite XL (VXL) Editor
EEE458 VLSI II Laboratory Laboratory Module 3: Schematic Driven Layout Design With Virtuoso Layout Suite XL (VXL) Editor
EEE458 VLSI II Laboratory Laboratory Module 3: Schematic Driven Layout Design With Virtuoso Layout Suite XL (VXL) Editor
2. Next, you need to invoke Layout XL from the schematic editor. Execute Launch Layout
XL A schematic window dialog will pop up and ask you to define connectivity reference.
3. Now go back to the Virtuoso Layout Editor to create layout view for this schematic. At the
left most side of the bottom of the layout editor you will see Generate from source. Click
this icon. The following pop-up window will appear:
The dialog box shows that all I/O pins are in Metal1 layer(Metal1 dg).
Just as an exercise, if you were to use Metal2 instead for pins Ain, Bin, and Out, you would
have selected Ain, Bin, and Out (hold Ctrl for multiple selection), choose Metal2 drawing
layer, and click the Update button. Click OK.
Bounding Box
5. The transistors and pins are shown inside a bounding box, which is an estimate of the
optimum size of the final layout. Automatic router will use the bounding box to constrain
all routing to occur within the box. The bounding box may need to be re-sized to
accommodate all components. An important concept to keep in mind during resizing is that
standard cells typically have fixed height (so that power/ground rails line up correctly for
routing purposes).
6. VXL and gpdk045 allow us to create stacked transistors with shared source/drain areas.
Zoom in to two transistors on the bottom (to zoom in, type z and draw a box around the
transistors). Click on the transistor on the right and type m to move the object. As you
start dragging the object to the left, fly-lines indicating connectivity will appear as shown
7. When the source/drain areas are overlapped, left-click to fix the position. You should see a
transistor stack with shared source/drain areas like this (depending on how far you move,
you may need to move left/right a bit):
11. In gpdk045 the standard cell height is 1.71m, with the power rails extending by 0.15m
over the top/bottom edges. Bring all the components within the boundary. Select the PMOS
12. Use create wire option to connect the poly lines of signal Ain of NMOS and PMOS to be
connected. Similarly connect Bin signal of NMOS and PMOS. Finally use wire option to
connect the Ain and Bin signal of poly lines to metal wires and connect it to the pins at the
boundary of the layout. Use create via optionto connect the metal and poly layers.
13. Similarly wire up the Out and Vdd and Gnd signal of your layout with the corresponding
pin. Your layout would be something like below:
Perform the design rule check of the layout and make it DRC clean using PVS in the following
In the Layout window click PVS and select Run DRC. A DRC run submission form appears as
shown below:
Now click Rules file and select pvtech.lib as Technology mapping file and Gpdk045_pvs as
technology file and default as Rule Set. In input field confirm that library mylib and cell nand2
and view layout is selected. Additionally Start DRC DE give tick
You will soon find the console with message Waiting for Error and after some time output of the
DRC check will appear.
Correct the error and re-run the DRC until all the errors are corrected.
Perform the Layout Vs Schematic check and make sure that the schematic and the layout match
each other.
1) Execute PVS Run LVS. The LVS run window appear as shown below:
3) In Rules select
4) In input select
Library mylib,
Cell nand2,
View layout
5) In output select
Now perform Parasitic extraction from the layout and run SPECTR SPICE with the
parasitic included in the netlist.
For this purpose you need to execute QRC Setup Quantus QRC
1. Explain the good layout practices that were adapted in the schematic driven layout.