1. Introduction
Elongated cylindrical structures like rods, pipes, cable strands or bers, support the
propagation of mechanical waves at ultrasonic frequencies along their axes. This waveguide
behaviour is used in a number of scientic and engineering applications: the Non
Destructive Evaluation (NDE) of the structural health of civil engineering elements for safety
purposes (Rose, 2000), in linear displacement sensors (Seco et al., 2009) for high accuracy
absolute linear position estimation, in the evaluation of material properties of metal wires,
optical bers or composites (Nayfeh & Nagy, 1996), and as uid sensors in pipes transporting
liquids (Ma et al., 2007). These applications demand exact quantitative models of the
processes of wave generation, propagation and reception of the ultrasonic signals in the
The mathematical treatment of mechanical wave propagation in cylindrical structures was
provided by J. Pochhammer and C. Chree at the end of the XIX century, but its complexity
prevented researchers from obtaining quantitative results until the advent of computers. D.
Gazis (Gazis, 1959) reported the rst exact solutions of the Pochhammer-Chree frequency
equation, as well as a complete description of propagation modes and displacement and stress
distributions for an isotropic elastic tube, found with an IBM 704 computer. Since then, the
literature on the topic has grown steadily, and references are too numerous for this book
chapter. We will only mention a few landmark developments: the study of multilayered
waveguides beginning with a composite (two-layer) cylinder by H. D. McNiven in 1963;
the extension of Gazis results to anisotropic waveguides, initiated by I. Mirsky in 1965; the
consideration of uids and media with losses surrounding, or contained in the waveguides,
beginning with V. A. Del Grosso in 1968; and nally, the demonstration of ultrasonic guided
waves generated with electromagnetic transducers by W. Mohr and P. Holler in 1976, and
piezoelectrically by M. Silk and K. Bainton in 1979, for the nondestructive testing of pipes.
equations, which are more easily solvable. However, in order to nd the actual distribution
of the elastic eld excited in the waveguide, inverse contour integration in the complex
plane has to be performed, which is usually complicated. Due to the complexity of the
Pochhammer-Chree equations, this procedure is only practical with simplied versions of
the wave equation, which in general are not accurate enough for ultrasonic frequencies. See
for example, Folks solution for the transient response of a semi-innite rod to a step pressure
applied to its end (Folk et al., 1958).
The Semi-Analytical Finite Element (SAFE) method is a modication of Finite Element
Methods (FEM) in which the elastic eld is expanded as a superposition of harmonic
waves in the azimuthal-axial (-z) plane, while discretized mechanical equations are used
in the radial (r) direction of the waveguide. This reduction of the number of dimensions
permits a much higher efciency in the computation of the elastic elds (Hayashi et al.,
2003). Waveguides surrounded by innite media (like a pipe submerged in soil) can be
handled by SAFE techniques with proper discretized elements (Jia et al., 2011), as well as
waveguides with arbitrary proles: for example, a railroad rail in (Damljanovic & Weaver,
2004). Although nite element methods are powerful and exible, they have the shortcoming
of great requirements on computer memory and processing time when large structures
or high frequencies of operation are considered, and the difculty encountered in the
parameterization of transducer designs (for example, the determination of the transfer
function of the transducer-waveguide coupling).
Spectral methods are another numerical technique which approximate the differential elastic
equations of the waveguide (Helmholtz equations) by differentiation operators, turning the
problem of nding the wavenumber-frequency roots into a matrix eigenvalues determination
(Doyle, 1997). This numerical method, which is computationally simple and reportedly does
not suffer from the problems associated with large diameter waveguides at high frequencies,
has been recently applied to model multi-layered cylindrical waveguides (Karpnger et al.,
Modal analysis is an analytical method based on the expansion of the forcing terms acting
in the waveguide into the set of its proper modes (Auld, 1973). In (Ditri & Rose, 1992),
modal analysis is employed to model the loading of a waveguide by a transducer array. This
treatment is extended to more general transducers and antisymmetric modes by (Li & Rose,
2001). Modal analysis is a mathematically exact technique that leads to a closed form integral
equation for the elastic elds in the waveguide, and which incorporates in a natural way the
issue of mode selectivity, offering insight on the physics of waveguide behaviour. For these
reasons, modal analysis will be the approach used in this work.
circumstances. The main features of the PCDISP software will be introduced in this chapter
alongside with the theoretical concepts upon which it is based.
The purpose of PCDISP is freeing the researchers from the numerically delicate, time
consuming issues arising in the solution of the PC equations, such as the creation of
the waveguide matrix, the numerical instabilities encountered when the thickness of the
waveguide or the operating frequency are high, the determination of proper modes and
the tracing of the dispersive wavenumber-frequency curves. In this way, the researcher can
concentrate in the study of the waveguide/transducer interaction as such.
As far as we are aware of, only two other software suites specically designed for modelling
elastic wave propagation in cylindrical waveguides exist. Disperse (Pavlakovic & Lowe, 1999)
is a commercial package, based on matrix techniques, capable of analyzing cylindrical or
plate waveguides made of perfectly elastic or damped solids, as well as uids. GUIGUW
(Bocchini et al., 2011) is a Matlab-based software which utilizes a SAFE-based approach to
model ultrasonic propagation in cylindrical, plate, and arbitrary cross section waveguides.
However, none of these computer solutions permit to model the waveguide response to
external excitations.
The organization of this chapter is detailed next. Section 2 briey reminds the mathematical
background of the PC theory. Section 3 properly describes the main features of our
methodology and how it is implemented in the PCDISP package. Two common transducer
setups for the generation of ultrasonic waves are studied in section 4 with the help of PCDISP.
Finally, we will offer some conclusions and point to lines in which this research could be
further extended.
where the cylindrical system is used (with coordinates (r, , z), and unit vectors (er , e , ez )),
harmonic time variation e jt is assumed, and is the angular frequency, k the wavenumber,
4 Ultrasonic Waves
and integer n is a separation constant called the circumferential order, which determines the
symmetry of the solutions in the azimuthal direction.
The radial dependent part of the displacement vector and stress tensor is expressed in matrix
form as (Gazis, 1959):
L+ rr (r ) L+
L (r ) L
u r (r )
SV+ zz (r )
u (r ) = u (r ) = D (r )
u , ( r ) = = D (r ) SV+ .
SV (r ) SV
u z (r )
SH+ rz (r ) SH+
SH r (r ) SH
u = nW ( r ) rW
D11 n n+1 ( r )
u = nZ ( r ) rZ
D12 n 1 n+1 ( r )
u = krW
D13 n+1 ( r )
D14 = krZn+1 ( r )
u = nW ( r )
D15 n
u = nZ ( r )
D16 n
u = jnW ( r )
D21 n
u = jnZ ( r )
D22 n
u = jkrW
D23 n+1 ( r )
u = jkrZ
D24 n+1 ( r )
u = jnW ( r ) jrW
D25 n n+1 ( r )
u = jnZ ( r ) j rZ
D26 n 2 n+1 ( r )
u = jkrW ( r )
D31 n
u = jkrZ ( r )
D32 n
u = j rW ( r )
D33 2 n
u = jrZ ( r )
D34 n
u =0
u =0
Table 1. Coefcients of the displacement matrix D u of equation 2 (all Diju coefcients must be
multiplied by 1/r).
= (( k2 2 )r 2 + 2( n 1))W ( r ) + 2rW
D11 n n+1 ( r )
= (( k2 2 )r 2 + 2( n 1)) Z ( r ) + 2 rZ
D12 n 1 n+1 ( r )
= 2 kr 2 W ( r ) 2( n + 1) krW
D13 2 n n+1 ( r )
= 2kr 2 Z ( r ) 2( n + 1) krZ
D14 n n+1 ( r )
= 2n ( n 1)W ( r ) 2nrW
D15 n n+1 ( r )
= 2n ( n 1) Z ( r ) 2n rZ
D16 n 2 n+1 ( r )
= ((22 2 + k2 )r 2 2n ( n 1))W ( r ) 2rW
D21 n n+1 ( r )
= ((22 2 + k2 )r 2 2n ( n 1)) Z ( r ) 2 rZ
D22 n 1 n+1 ( r )
= 2( n + 1) krW
D23 n+1 ( r )
= 2( n + 1) krZ
D24 n+1 ( r )
= 2n ( n 1)W ( r ) + 2nrW
D25 n n+1 ( r )
= 2n ( n 1) Z ( r ) + 2n rZ
D26 n 2 n+1 ( r )
= (22 2 k2 )r 2 W ( r )
D31 n
= (22 2 k2 )r 2 Z ( r )
D32 n
= 2 kr 2 W ( r )
D33 2 n
= 2kr 2 Z ( r )
D34 n
= 2nkrW ( r )
D41 n
= 2nkrZ ( r )
D42 n
= k2 r 2 W
D43 n+1 ( r ) 2 nrWn ( r )
= k2 r 2 Z
D44 n+1 ( r ) nrZn ( r )
= nkrW ( r ) + kr 2 W
D45 n n+1 ( r )
= nkrZ ( r ) + kr 2 Z
D46 n 2 n+1 ( r )
= 2jnkrW ( r ) 2jkr 2 W
D51 n n+1 ( r )
= 2jnkrZ ( r ) 2j kr 2 Z
D52 n 1 n+1 ( r )
= j nrW ( r ) j ( 2 k2 )r 2 W
D53 2 n n+1 ( r )
= jnrZ ( r ) j ( 2 k2 )r 2 Z
D54 n n+1 ( r )
= jnkrW ( r )
D55 n
= jnkrZ ( r )
D56 n
= 2jn ( n 1)W ( r ) 2jnrW
D61 n n+1 ( r )
= 2jn ( n 1) Z ( r ) 2jn rZ
D62 n 1 n+1 ( r )
= j kr 2 W ( r ) + 2jkr ( n + 1)W
D63 2 n n+1 ( r )
= jkr 2 Z ( r ) + 2jkr ( n + 1) Z
D64 n n+1 ( r )
= j (2n ( n 1) 2 r 2 )W ( r ) + 2jrW
D65 n n+1 ( r )
= j (2n ( n 1) 2 r 2 ) Z ( r ) + 2j rZ
D66 n 2 n+1 ( r )
Table 2. Coefcients of the stress matrix D of equation 2 (all Dij coefcients must be
multiplied by G/r2 , where G is the shear modulus of the material).
Modelling the Generation
Modelling the Generation and
and Propagation of Propagation
Ultrasonic of Ultrasonic
Signals in Cylindrical Waveguides Signals in Cylindrical Waveguides 77
Equation 4 is called the frequency or characteristic equation of the waveguide, and its roots
(, k) determine the proper modes supported by it. Once these roots are known, the vector
of amplitude coefcients A is determined (up to a multiplicative constant) by solving the
following homogeneous system of equations:
D (, k) A = 0. (5)
Core routines
pcwaveguide Physical description of the waveguide
pcmat Computes matrices D u (r ) and D (r ) (tables 1 and 2)
pcmatdet Assembles and solves the waveguide description matrix
pcviewmatdet View the entries of the matrix determinant
Plotters and solvers of the frequency equation
pcplotmatdet1D One-dimensional plot of the freq. eq. determinant vs. k, f , or cph
pcplotmatdet2D Two-dimensional plot of the freq. eq. determinant in k- f space
pcsolvebisection Bisection method to nd roots of the freq. eq. vs k, f , or cph
pcdisp Plots the phase and group speeds vs. frequency
pckfcurves Traces k- f curves for real, imaginary, and complex k
pcsolverandom Random solutions of the freq. eq. for complex k
Field computing and wave propagation
pcwaveform Finds the displacement vector u (r ) and the stress tensor (r )
pcorthogonalcheck Checks the orthogonality of modes in the waveguide
pcsignalpropagation Simulates the propagation of a signal along the waveguide
Modal analysis
pcextsurfacestress External traction stresses e acting on the waveguide
pcextvolumforce External volumetric forces f e acting on the waveguide
pcplotexcitation Plots the excitation volumetric force and surface stress
pcmodalanalysis Finds the amplitudes of modes excited in the waveguide
anisotropic materials, be embedded in the ground, or transport (or be surrounded by, or both)
uids. We will consider next the extensions of the PC theory which permit to model these
r l=2
by a tube of inner radius r1 and outer radius r2 , in turn surrounded by an innite medium.
The corresponding system of equations is:
D1u (r1 ) D2u (r1 )
D t (r ) D t (r ) A1
1 1 2 1
A2 = 0. (6)
D2u (r2 ) D3u+ (r2 )
D2t (r2 ) D3t+ (r2 )
Note that the radiation conditions are used to simplify the system matrix, leading to discard
the + terms in region 1, since no waves can emanate from r = 0; similarly, the - terms in
region 3 are not considered, as no energy comes from r = ; however, both outgoing and
incoming terms are allowed in the middle region. In each case the unneeded columns of
matrix D t are removed. Next, this equation is solved by the SVD method to nd the modes
amplitude vector, in the same way as the single layer waveguide of section 3.1.1.
= c = c + c = (c jc ),
where and are the stress and strain tensors, and component c of the compliance tensor
models the viscoelastic losses. The solutions of the frequency equation for a waveguide with
viscoelastic losses, are, by default, complex wavenumbers.
A case of particular practical importance is that of waveguides including a uid layer (for
example, a pipe carrying a uid, submerged in a uid, or both). The theoretical treatment
depends on the viscosity of the uid.
The inuence of inviscid uids (which do not support shear stresses) on cylindrical
wave propagation is treated theoretically and experimentally in (Sinha et al., 1992). If the
waveguide is submerged in a liquid, propagating modes with complex wavenumber appear,
which radiate (leak) energy into the surrounding uid. That does not happen for waveguides
containing uids and surrounded by vacuum, although the propagating modes themselves
are modied from the unloaded situation.
A treatment for Newtonian viscous uids which is compatible with the PC based formulation
of wave propagation in cylinders is introduced in (Nagy & Nayfeh, 1996). In a form similar to
the Kelvin-Voigt model, the viscous liquid is modelled as an isotropic solid whose compliance
tensor includes complex elements:
4 2
c11 = + c44 c12 = c44 c44 = j, (7)
3 3
where is the compressibility of the uid, and its viscosity. This simple model has shown a
good accuracy in predicting propagation in waveguides with viscous uids (Aristegui et al.,
2001). Indeed, the changes in the propagation of ultrasonic waves in a pipe caused by the
presence of a uid in its interior can be used to measure the longitudinal wave speed and the
viscosity of the uid (Ma et al., 2007).
u(r l ) s(rl )
rL= rext
r0 = rint
Fig. 2. Partition of the waveguides cross section for solving the large f d problem.
use pcviewmatdet to see the individual entries of the waveguide description matrix). The
behaviour is different depending on the frequency range:
For cph < crot , both and are imaginary, and there exist two solutions of the frequency
equation, corresponding to two Rayleigh modes propagating close to the outer and inner
surfaces of the waveguide, and with amplitudes decaying exponentially from them. As the
frequency increases, these two modes become decoupled, the opposite waveguide surface
can ultimately be ignored, and the solutions are numerically stable.
For crot < cph < cvol , is imaginary and real. While the SV and SH terms remain
bounded, the terms L + and L decrease and increase, respectively, with the radius,
as described above. The condition number of the waveguide matrix grows with the
frequency, and its solution will eventually become unstable.
For cph > cvol , both and are real, and the solution is stable (this is also the case with
purely imaginary wavenumber).
Since the detection of the large f d problem in 1965, several solutions have been proposed to
increase the numerical stability in plane waveguides (Lowe, 1995). We have not been able
to locate similar studies for cylindrical waveguides, so, for the PCDISP software, we have
developed an algorithm adapted from the transfer matrix and global matrix approaches and
discussed here. We consider this method as a new contribution to the literature.
The cross section of the pipe is divided into L layers of equal thickness, where the l-th layer
is given by rl 1 < r < rl , and r0 = rint and r L = rext are the inner and outer radii of the pipe
(see gure 2). In the l-th layer, the displacement vector and traction part of the stress tensor
are given by:
u (r ) D u (r )
= Al , (8)
(r ) D t (r )
where the vector of amplitude coefcients Al = [Ll+ Ll SVl+ SVl SHl+ SHl ] T is permitted
to be different for each layer.
We use the shorthand notation:
D u (r l )
Dl = ,
D t (rl )
and scale this matrix by columns for each layer as:
Dls = Dl Gl , (9)
The elastic eld [ u ] T is propagated from the inner to the outer part of a layer by the following
u (r l ) u (r l 1 )
Pl = 0, (10)
(r l ) (r l 1 )
where Pl is the propagator matrix of layer l, and is given by:
Applying equation 10 to all the layers of the waveguide, we can assemble a global matrix:
P1 I6 u
P2 I6 1
.. ..
. = 0, (12)
PL1 I6 u L 1
PL I6 L1
Table 6. Physical data for the aluminium tube used for demonstration of the PCDISP
software in this book chapter.
(a) Spectrum of longitudinal modes L(0,m) up to 3 MHz (b) First longitudinal modes L(0,m) up to 850 kHz
800 L(0,5)
2500 700
500 L(0,4) &
f (kHz)
f (kHz)
L(0,5) L(0,2)
1500 400
(b) 200 L(0,3)
100 L(0,2) &
0 0
6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 1000 500 0 500 1000 1500
Im{k} (1/m) Re{k} Im{k} (1/m) Re{k}
(c) Zoom of near cross of real branches
1869.2 (d) Zoom of near cross of imaginary branches
1869.1 1525.15
1869 L(0,10)
L(0,8) 1525.1
1868.8 1525.05
f (kHz)
f (kHz)
1868.7 L(0,7)
1525 L(0,9) &
L(0,10) L(0,9)
1868.5 1524.95
1719.5 1720 1720.5 1721 1416.5 1416.481416.461416.441416.42 1416.4 1416.38
Re{k} (1/m) Im{k} (1/m)
Fig. 3. Wavenumber-frequency plot for the L(0,m) modes of the aluminum pipe of table 6, for
frequencies up to 3 MHz (part a). Part b shows the low-frequency spectrum, and the
labelling scheme for the modes. Parts c and d show near crosses of the branches of two
different modes; they have to be largely magnied to be visible.
Complex branches terminate either at zero frequency or at the maximum points (d/dk =
0, d2 /dk2 < 0) of imaginary branches.
The branches are ordered such that k i is positive for modes propagating in the z+ direction,
and that the sign of the group speed does not change along the curve (although it becomes
null at the cutoff frequencies, and at the purely imaginary branches).
i-2 Current
Parts (c) and (d) of gure 3 show the reason why a robust algorithm for curve tracing of the
dispersion branches is needed, in order to avoid the apparent crossings between branches,
such as modes L(0,7) and L(0,8), with real wavenumbers, and modes L(0,9) and L(0,10),
with imaginary wavenumbers. The curve tracing method used in pckfcurves is shown
in gure 4. The dispersion curve being traced is extrapolated from the three last computed
points {i 2, i 1, i } to dene an angular interval of width d in a circle of radius dr (i )
centered in the last correctly determined point (i) (dr is the step size of the algorithm, in
normalized coordinates of the k- f space). If a sign change is found in this interval, the
algorithm proceeds with a bisection method to accurately estimate the position of point i + 1
(this is the normal situation). Otherwise, the dispersion curve might have undergone a sudden
change of curvature, or another mode might have come very close to the one being traced,
provoking multiple sign changes. In this case, the step dr (i ) is decreased, or, if needed, points
i 1, i 2, etc, are recomputed with a smaller step dr. Summarizing, the tracing algorithm
of PCDISP keeps track of the curvature of the branch and the proximity of neighbouring
branches, adjusting the interval step between consecutive points accordingly.
It must be pointed out that the frequency equation has spurious solutions at the lines with
slope equal to the volumetric and rotational speeds of the solid (/k = cvol and /k =
crot ), which have to be removed by the root nding algorithm. In the case of multilayered
waveguides, the same phenomenon happens for the speeds of each layer.
The dispersion curves are completed by tracing the complex wavenumber branches k = kr +
jk i , starting from the extrema points of the real/imaginary wavenumber branches. Tracing
the complex wavenumber branches needs more computational effort, since it is required to
solve simultaneously for the real and imaginary parts of the wavenumber; we have obtained
satisfactory results with Mullers method (Press et al., 1992) using also an adaptive step.
Finally, the rules enumerated at the end of section 3.2.1 are used to convert the initially
obtained branches into continuous dispersion curves k = k( f ) for each mode. An example
of this procedure is shown in part (b) of gure 3. First, note that all longitudinal modes except
L(0,1) exhibit cutoff. Mode L(0,2) is cut off at (k = 0, f = 59.7 kHz), where it switches
to a branch with imaginary wavenumber which goes on until (k = 67j m1 , 58.5 kHz),
16 Ultrasonic Waves
r int
D int D ext
Fig. 5. Cross section of the waveguide and denition of the regions of integration for modal
the minimum point of the imaginary branch. At that point, it is joined by the branch
corresponding to mode L(0,3), and both go down to zero frequency with negative complex
conjugate wavenumbers kr + jk i and kr + jk i .
Similarly, mode L(0,4) is cut off at the minimum point of the real wavenumber branch (k =
345 m1 , f = 621.5 kHz). Mode L(0,5) is cut off at (k = 0, f = 698.6 kHz), changes to
imaginary wavenumber until it reaches point (k = 0, f = 669.4 kHz), and then again to real,
but negative, wavenumber down to (k = 345 m1 , f = 621.5 kHz), where it joins mode L(0,4).
Mode L(0,5) has a negative wavenumber (and consequently, negative phase speed /k), in
order to maintain a positive group velocity d/dk, since this is a propagating mode in the z+
direction of the waveguide, according to the last rule of section 3.2.1. Below 621.5 kHz, the
dispersion curves of modes L(0,4) and L(0,5) descend to zero frequency with negative complex
conjugate wavenumbers, in the same way as modes L(0,2) and L(0,3).
so equation 14 becomes:
2 u2
1 )e j( k1 k2 ) z + j(k1 k2 )e j( k1 k2 ) z (u1
2 u2
1 ) ez = 0. (15)
Discarding the common factor e j( k1 k2 ) z , integrating over the cross section D of the waveguide,
and applying the divergence theorem, we nd that:
2 u2
(u1 1 ) en dl + j(k1 k2 ) 2 u2
(u1 1 ) ez dS = 0. (16)
In equation 16, D = Dint Dext represents the inner and outer surfaces of the waveguide,
and the normal unit vector en is taken on each surface pointing out of the waveguides interior,
as shown in gure 5.
Because for proper modes the surface traction stress is null ( t =
en = 0 in D), the rst
integral of equation 16 is zero. Then a suitable scalar product of modes (1) and (2) is:
j j
P12 = 2 u2
(u1 1 ) ez dS = (u1 2 u2 1 ) ez r dr. (17)
4 D 2 rint
In the right part of equation 17 we have assumed that the circumferential order n of modes
(1) and (2) is the same; otherwise, P12 is zero automatically due to the integration over the
coordinate. The factor j/4 is introduced so that the quantity P11 equals to the integral of
the acoustic Poynting vector in the cross section of the waveguide, i.e., the power transported
by the mode. For nonpropagating modes with k i = 0, P11 is zero.
With this notation, equation 16 reduces to:
which implies that P12 = 0 unless k1 = k2 . In PCDISP, mode orthogonality can be veried
with routine pcorthogonalcheck.
The second condition for modal analysis is completeness, which is based on the premise that
an arbitrary perturbation in the waveguide can be expanded in the set of normal modes:
where the modes are indexed by p, and no distinction has been made between propagating
and evanescent modes. The problem lies in computing the set of coefcients a p (z), when the
waveguide is under an arbitrary excitation composed of:
1. A vector force eld f e (r, , z) acting on the bulk material of the tube (region D). In PCDISP,
this vector force eld is dened in pcextvolumforce.
e (r, , z) applied to the tube surfaces (region D). In PCDISP, this surface
2. A traction stress
stress is dened in pcextsurfacestress.
In the case of existence of external elds, the orthogonality relationship, equation 14, must be
generalized to (Auld, 1973):
1 ) = u1 f2 + u2 f1 ,
2 u2 (20)
f 1,2 (r, , z) represent the forcing terms.
18 Ultrasonic Waves
If we take subscript (1) for the wave existing in the waveguide (equation 19) and (2) as the
q-th proper mode of the waveguide:
we can insert both expressions into equation 20, and, letting f2 = 0 since it corresponds to a
normal mode in the waveguide, we obtain that:
a p (z)(up
p )e q = uq f1 e jk q z .
q uq jk z
which, when integrating across the transversal section of the tube, with the divergence
theorem, reduces to:
a p (z) q uq
(up p ) en dl +
p D
( A)
jk q + a p (z) q uq
(up p ) ez dS = uq f1 dS . (24)
dz D
p D
( B)
where the contributions to the mode amplitude due to the volumetric forces ( f1 = fe ) and the
1 =
surface tractions ( e ) appear clearly separated. With the following denitions:
f ps (z) = j [ up (r, )
e (r, , z)] en dl = j e jn p [ u p (r )
e (r, , z)] en dl, (26)
Modelling the Generation
Modelling the Generation and
and Propagation of Propagation
Ultrasonic of Ultrasonic
Signals in Cylindrical Waveguides Signals in Cylindrical Waveguides 19
f pv (z) = j [ up (r, ) fe (r, , z)] dS = j e jn p [ u p (r ) fe (r, , z)] dS, (27)
where the integration takes place in the region R g where the generating terms f s and f v are not
null, and z is the point where the ultrasonic signal is observed, in the direction of increasing z
from region R g .
If p is a non-propagating mode, our computation method is changed slightly, since Pp = 0.
However, Pp,p = 0, and we can set q = p , k q = kp , and modify equations 26-28 accordingly.
As a summary, we have established the equations that permit to nd the amplitude of the
proper modes excited in the waveguide by an arbitrary set of external driving forces. These
equations are used by routine pcmodalanalysis of PCDISP .
The imaginary and complex wavenumber parts of the spectrum are required in equation 29
if the exciting signal has signicant frequency content below cutoff of the propagating
mode, and the measurement point is not far away from the transducer, as was described in
section 3.2.1.
20 Ultrasonic Waves
(B) tail head
Fig. 6. Transducers used for generation of ultrasonic waves in cylindrical waveguides: (a)
Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducer (EMAT) for Lorentz force excitation; (b) Time-Delay
Periodic Ring Array (TDPRA) for piezoelectric excitation.
Table 7. General method used for modal analysis computations, and required PCDISP
(a) Phase speed of the L(0,m) modes of the waveguide (b) Group speed of the L(0,m) modes of the waveguide
10000 6000
9000 L(0,2) f1
L(0,4) 5000
8000 L(0,3) L(0,4)
TDPRA load
7000 line 1 f
Group speed (m/s)
4000 L(0,3)
Phase speed (m/s)
6000 L(0,2) TDPRA load
line 2 f2 L(0,1)
5000 f 3000
4000 L(0,1)
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Freq (kHz) Freq (kHz)
Fig. 7. (a) Phase and (b) group speeds of the rst axisymmetric modes of the waveguide of
table 6.
22 Ultrasonic Waves
(a) Displacements, mode L(0,2), f = 250 kHz (b) Stresses, mode L(0,2), f = 250 kHz
16.5 16.5
16 r 16 rr
15.5 15.5 zz
15 15
Radius (mm)
Radius (mm)
14.5 14.5
14 14
13.5 13.5
13 13
12.5 12.5
16.5 16.5
16 16
15.5 15.5
15 15
Radius (mm)
Radius (mm)
14.5 14.5
14 14
13.5 13.5
13 13
12.5 12.5
Fig. 8. Displacement and stress proles for mode L(0,2) at f = 250 kHz (upper row), and
mode L(0,3) at f = 565 kHz (bottom row), computed with pcwaveform.
The displacement and stress proles of the selected modes are shown in gure 8. Their
determination is important in NDE applications since the sensitivity of a propagating mode to
a waveguide defect depends on the matching between the defects shape and the mode prole
(Ditri, 1994).
In order to minimize the inuence of dispersion in the propagation of signals, we use as
excitation signal a tone burst consisting of ncyc = 16 cycles of a central frequency modulated
by a raised cosine window. This waveform does a good job in exciting a single frequency of
the waveguide with a nite length signal and minimum sidelobes (Oppenheim et al., 1999).
Previously to computing the Lorentz force, we must determine the distribution of the
electromagnetic eld in the waveguide. Although an exact solution exists, it is complicated
(Dodd & Deeds, 1968), so, for the purposes of this example, we will consider a simplied
model in which the penetration depth of the EM eld in the metal ( = (2/0 e )1/2 , with
0 being the magnetic permeability of vacuum and e = 38 MS/m the electrical conductivity
of aluminum) is small compared with the thickness rext rint of the tube (in our case <
(rext rint )/10 for f > 30 kHz). Then the magnetic eld in the tube is mainly axial and can be
written as:
where L s and Rs are the solenoids length and radius, Ns the number of turns, and Is the
current through one turn.
Computing the eddy current with Ampres law, J (r, z) = H (r, z), and since the bias eld
is H0 = H0 ez , we obtain:
f em (r, z) = 0
Hzext (z) H0 exp[(1 + j)(rext r )/] er . (34)
And using equation 27, we can compute the volumetric forcing term for mode p in the
waveguide as :
f pv (z) = 2j u pr (r ) f rem (r ) r dr. (35)
If we consider an EMAT with a solenoid length L s = 30 mm and Rs = rext = 16.70 mm
we obtain the dependence of transducer gain with frequency shown in gure 9 (a), where
the radial component of displacement at the surface, ur (rext ), is plotted on a log scale on
the vertical axis. As we can see, the EMAT exhibits high gain in the low frequency region,
which unfortunately coincides with the zone where the dispersive behaviour of mode L(0,1)
is maximum, making it difcult for guided waves applications. In parts (b) and (c) of the
same gure we show the transient response of the waveguide when excited with the pulse
train described in section 4.1, for central frequencies of 250 kHz and 565 kHz, respectively,
when the radial component of surface displacement (ur ) is measured at a point z = 1.5 m from
the EMAT. For 250 kHz, the faster propagating L(0,2) mode is excited with lower amplitude
than the mode L(0,1), while for 565 kHz all modes are excited with approximately equal
amplitudes, appearing also very close in the time domain.
Summarizing, the basic EMAT described in this section shows poor mode selectivity control,
exciting all modes within the bandwidth of the source signal with relatively equal amplitudes,
which makes it a poor choice for this waveguide.
30 0.4
40 L(0,1) 0.2
60 L(0,4)
L(0,2) 0.4
L(0,3) 0.6
80 0.8
90 1
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Frequency (kHz) Time (s)
(c) Transient response of the EMAT (f = 565 kHz)
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Time (s)
Fig. 9. (a) Computed frequency response of the EMAT for solenoid length L s = 30 mm;
transient waveforms at (b) 250 kHz and (c) 565 kHz. The signals in the transient plots have
been normalized to unit amplitude.
of its weakened side (Zhu, 2001). A TDPRA, shown in gure 6 (b), consists in a number of
piezoelectric rings capable of exerting a pressure loading on the outer surface of the tube. The
rings are organized into Np identical periods of Nr rings each, with the length of a period
matched to the wavelength of the mode to be excited. The rings of a period are connected
to the same excitation source, but with a relative delay between them proportional to their
position within the period of the TDPRA; this scheme is repeated throughout the TDPRA.
This reinforces the wavelength matching of a single period and also creates constructive
interference in the enhanced direction (the head of the array) and destructive in the other
(the tail).
To model numerically the TDPRA, we assume that each ring has width zw , with a separation
zs between adjacent rings and vibrates in its thickness mode, exerting a pressure loading,
rr = p over the outer surface of the waveguide, constant for all frequencies. This leads
to an axisymmetric loading (no dependence). In this case, the term corresponding to the
surface loading (equation 26) is:
while the volumetric term is null. The total pressure p(z) is a sum over the Np periods of Nr
rings each:
Np Nr 1
zci j2mod( i,Nr ) /Nr
p ( z ) = p0 (
)e , (37)
i =0
where zci = (zw + zs )i + zw /2 is the position of the center of each ring, and ( x ) = 1 for
| x | < 1/2, ( x ) = 0 for | x | > 1/2, is the rectangular function.
The parameters of the TDPRA must be tuned to the frequency to be excited. The load line of
the TDPRA, given by cph = Nr (zw + zs ) f , is shown in gure 7 (a), along with the phase speed
curves of the aluminum tube given in section 4.1, for two different designs: the rst one with
Np = 4, Nr = 8, zw = 2.2 mm and zs = 0.4 mm, intended to excite mode L(0,2) at 250 kHz,
and the second with Np = 5, Nr = 6, zw = 1.5 mm, zs = 0.4 mm for excitation of mode L(0,3)
at 565 kHz. The intersection points of these lines with the phase speed curves correspond to
the frequencies for which the TDPRA achieves maximum efciency in mode coupling.
The transducer gain of the rst TDPRA is shown in gure 10 (a). For 250 kHz, the mode L(0,2)
is effectively excited, and the excitation frequency can be ne tuned to make it coincide with
(b) TDPRA transient (f = 250 kHz)
(a) TDPRA frequency response (radial disp ur) 2
0 L(0,2)
L(0,1) 1.5
10 1
System gain, |ur(r=b)| (dB)
30 0.5
35 tail
50 2
150 200 250 300 350 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Frequency (kHz) Time (s)
(d) TDPRA transient (f = 565 kHz)
(c) TDPRA frequency response (radial disp ur)
L(0,3) L(0,3)
5 1.5 L(0,2)
L(0,4) L(0,1)
System gain, |u (r=b)| (dB)
20 L(0,1)
25 0
30 0.5
35 tail
50 2
500 550 600 650 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Frequency (kHz) Time (s)
Fig. 10. Plots of the (a) frequency and (b) transient response of the rst design of the TDPRA
at f = 250 kHz; plots of the (c) frequency and (d) transient response of the second design of
the TDPRA at f = 565 kHz. In the gain plots, the dashed lines correspond to the opposite
(tail) direction. The signals in the transient plots have been normalized to unit amplitude.
26 Ultrasonic Waves
a minimum of the amplitude of the L(0,1) mode, improving the dynamic range between the
two modes. The simulation of the propagated wave (at a distance z = 1.5 m from the TDPRA)
gives the expected results (part (b)). The results obtained with the second TDPRA design are
shown in parts (c) and (d) of gure 10. Mode L(0,3) dominates in this case at 565 kHz, with
a higher relative amplitude over the L(0,1) and L(0,2) modes. In this case, however, as the
group velocities are similar, the received signals appear closer in the time view of part (d). In
all cases, ultrasonic generation in the head side has higher amplitude than in the tail side.
As a conclusion, the TDPRA is an efcient transducer for generating ultrasonic signals
in cylindrical waveguides, and its feature of phase and wavelength matching permits to
excite modes selectively, ne tune the system gain to a desired frequency, and direct the
generated signal in only one direction. Although in this communication we have concerned
ourselves only with axisymmetric transducers, PCDISP can also be used to study excitation of
nonsymmetric modes by piezoelectric arrays (see reference (Li & Rose, 2001) for an example).
5. Conclusions
In this chapter we have presented a methodology to model the dynamic response of a
waveguide of cylindrical symmetry when subject to an arbitrary set of external forces acting
at ultrasonic frequencies, based on the combination of the mechanical Pochhammer-Chree
equations and modal analysis techniques. Furthermore, a software package (named PCDISP),
created in the Matlab environment, is offered freely with the intention of saving other
researchers from the time needed for implementation of the PC theory equations, permitting
them to focus on their particular problems.
Throughout this communication, we have paid special attention to the numerical issues
of stability of the matrix determinant for large frequency thickness products, provided
algorithms for robust root solving and tracing of the dispersion curves, and modelled
the dispersive effect of the waveguide on signal propagation. The methods described in
this chapter are valid for waveguides formed by any number of layers as long as they
have cylindrical symmetry. The PCDISP software can be further extended to consider
materials with anisotropy (transversely isotropic and orthotropic), as well as materials with
elastic damping and waveguides surrounded by, or containing, uids. Guidelines for such
extensions are given in the text.
The performance of modal analysis is illustrated by studying two common transducers
employed in guided wave ultrasonic applications: an electromagnetic-acoustic transducer
and a time-delay piezoelectric ring array. We believe that transducer analysis with
quantitative results is achieved comparatively easier and faster than with other competing
techniques like spectral or nite element methods, obtaining signicant time savings in the
design stage of ultrasonic transducers.
6. Acknowledgments
The nancial support for this work was provided by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e
Innovacin through project Lemur (TIN2009-14114-C04-03).
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