Study of The Centrifugal Pump Efficiency at Throttling and Speed Control
Study of The Centrifugal Pump Efficiency at Throttling and Speed Control
Study of The Centrifugal Pump Efficiency at Throttling and Speed Control
AbstractCentrifugal pumping systems are the common The VSD losses consist of the frequency converter losses
hydraulic devices mainly driven by electric drives. Their and motor losses. Since the useful power produced by the
efficiency varies significantly with the change of working point centrifugal pump is a part of the total power applied to its shaft,
location that depends on the positions of the performance and it is important to measure and maximize the pumping system
system curves. This paper is devoted to the study of the pumping efficiency. As it was shown in [8], [9], to achieve the minimal
system efficiency at throttling and speed control. A model-based pumping lifecycle cost, it is necessary to operate it as close to
calculation method for the single-drive centrifugal pump head the best efficiency region of a pump as possible.
and pressure control is described. The proposed Matlab model
was tested with the help of a real test bench. The results obtained An impact of the VSD on the system efficiency is in the
confirm the model validity and accuracy. focus of this paper. One study of such the impact was presented
in [10] where the losses of an induction motor of 2.2 kW,
Keywords energy efficiency, pumps, modelling, pressure 14 Nm fed from the frequency converter was explored. It was
control, simulation, variable speed drives. shown that its maximal efficiency depends on the motor and
converter size. Typically, it is of 92 98 % for 1 400 kW
I. INTRODUCTION VSDs. A decreasing effect on the VSD efficiency when the
Pumping systems represent complicated electromechanical motor is driven at a low rotational speed was demonstrated in
equipment including mainly the centrifugal pumps, variable [10] as well.
speed drives (VSD), pipelines, and various types of To analyse an influence of the VSD efficiency associated
sensors [1], [2]. They are among the most significant power with the changeable speed-torque conditions to the total
consumers and commonly work with variable loads those pumping system performance, in [11] the efficiency maps have
characteristics depend on many factors, such as pipe length and been adopted instead of using particular working points, such
material, a number of pumps, valves, drives, etc. [3]. These as the rated power at the rated torque and the rated speed. The
systems increase the kinetic energy of the liquid running required map was built there by processing the efficiency data
through the pump and thus create an appropriate pressure at the from [10] for the set of three-phase induction motors. Using
pump outlet. During the pump system study, the focus is this map, two situations were explored, both for the 30 % drop
mainly on the head, pressure, and flow control systems [4]. of torque. The former study was related to the stable (load-
Different methods and approaches are used to explore independent) speed levels of 250, 400, and 1350 rpm
pumping systems. Among the most efficient ways, the respectively. The latter study concerned the load-dependent
Simulink models are presented [5], [6]. These types of models situation where the speed dropped by 10 % due to the speed
are very useful tools for the pumping station testing and tuning. control inaccuracy. According to the analysis, in the first case
They allow replicating the processes that take place in real the efficiency decreased by 10 % at low speeds and 5 % at high
systems. Simulation cuts down financial costs and time during speeds, whereas in the second case the efficiency decreased by
the assessment process. The control systems developed with 20 % and 15 % respectively. This is the reason why the total
the help of the Simulink tools can be applied for the process efficiency of every pumping system has its individual non-
optimisation and for the real-time management without linear dependence on the flowrate and speed, which cannot be
expensive hardware prototyping. solved analytically.
According to recent European Union statistics [7], the total To assess the efficiency of the pumping system, the
share of energy consumed by the centrifugal pumps varies complex Simulink- and DriveSize-based model is proposed in
from 22 to 30 percent of the worldwide-developed volume. At this paper. It has some advantages useful for the pumping study
the same time, significant energy losses occur inside the pumps and process optimization. The paper is divided into the
mainly related to the volumetric losses inside the casing of a following parts. The next section explains the efficiency-
centrifugal pump and to the losses in the VSDs feeding the oriented head control of a pump. Here, an impact of the VSD
pumping units. efficiency is analyzed. Then, the topology of the model and its
subsystems are explained. The final part deals with
experimental verification of the model.
where an index s designates the coordinates of the points one more affinity law may be added to (2):
located on the s-th system curve, index r the points of the 2
Tis ni . (5)
rated performance curve, and i the points of the performance =
curve for the i-th speed. Trs nr
To adjust the head or pressure, two approaches may be Accordantly (5), the torque changes with a speed in a similar
used [14]: way as the head does. It is clear from this analysis, that to
select the proper control method throttling or speed control consumption in different pumping zones, and to emphasise an
every working point has to be assessed and compared from the importance of the VSD efficiency.
VSD efficiency point of view.
In order to implement the models of pumping units, two
separate modelling environments were used. The centrifugal
III. A MODEL OF THE CENTRIFUGAL PUMPING SYSTEM FOR pump and all hydraulic equipment including the pressure and
EFFICIENCY ESTIMATION flow sensors, pipeline, and tanks were modelled in
To verify operability of the method, computer simulation Matlab/Simulink. The model of the VSD consisting of an
was used [16]. The simulation was based on the pump and induction motor and a frequency converter was prepared in the
VSD models. The purposes of the simulation include the ABB DriveSize software tool [17]. Both models were brought
following: to demonstrate the distribution of losses between all together in the Simulink environment. Fig. 2 demonstrates the
devices in the pumping system, to compare the energy simulation architecture in brief.
QH lookup table
Parameters of Calculating
application H
Parameters of
converter S vs Pm lookup table
Motor power
Parameters of
Lookup table of Calculating efficiency
output power S vs P lookup table input power and
Power losses
depending on the pump speed and torque for each test case.
The special functionality was computed from the hydraulic
power at the output of the pumping system based on the
provided flow and pump head. The value of the current flow
was measured by the metering functionality of SimHydraulics. BEP
The achieved pump head was calculated by the pump model 1.55
implemented as the lookup table, which expresses the
performance curves of the pump. The input power was
estimated using the hydraulic power, pump input power, and 0.55
VSD losses obtained from the motor and frequency converter
model. To this aim, the model contains the modules for the
separate throttling and speed control. Q, m3/h
Fig. 3. Pressure control.
To analyse data from the model and the experimental test ACKNOWLEDGMENT
bench, the working point of the pump was initially located This research work has been supported by Estonian
close to the BEP as Fig. 3 shows. Ministry of Education and Research (Project SF0140016s11).
After measuring the efficiency at the BEP, the pressure
setpoint was moved from 1.55 bar to a lower level, 0.55 bar. REFERENCES
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