Lotus PDF
Lotus PDF
Lotus PDF
Lotus Coil
June 14, '07: Recently a friend (the same enterprising young fellow who built the fat
GridBlaster shown on OTB 21,) sent me pics and instructions to build a coil he'd devised. I'm
trying to figure out a way to publish this without manually converting the email format to
Apparently the NSA has determined that this individual is a dangerous influence on me,
because our emails seem to not arrive anymore.
My impression is that this is by far the ultimate coil for transmitting (not reception). There
are various variations one could explore.
Here is a collage of the pics he sent. Hopefully he won't mind me publishing them.
Even passive, they are extremely powerful, but as you can see, one can connect them up to
1 of 5 25.10.2017 9:34
Lotus Coil http://www.loohan.com/lotus-coil.htm
After looping the infinity symbols, I slipped the coil off the funky
pipes, and onto a clean one for finishing. It had 13 petals, which
wasn't good, so I undid one and wound the excess wire into a spiral
on top.
Since the coil was so springy, I did not attempt to glue it, but tied
the top loop to the bottom with a piece of string.
Do not confuse this coil with another coil by the same name that someone else made years ago
and posted about on a forum. That coil was interesting, but nothing special energetically.
This coil is a quantum leap, and revolutionizes things. I get that placed atop 2 CB pipes it
would do wonders. One on the north pipe, one on the south.
Embedded in a gridblaster it would make it several times as potent.
And it doesn't have to be big. Even 1046mm is stupendous (with thinner wire).
2 of 5 25.10.2017 9:34
Lotus Coil http://www.loohan.com/lotus-coil.htm
But lesser mortals can probably emulate this with 12 or 10 awg wire that has not been
I dowse incredible potencies for this. Like 10X as powerful as the first one. It is now on the
center pipe of a very powerful device. The lead is connected to the RoboCop output.
I did not wrap the wire around 2 pipes, then twist. Rather, I formed each petal in its place as
I went along.
This is on 3/4" pipe, but one could make one to fit 1" CB pipes. I think even with no input lead,
it would be mighty awesome.
botryoidal: adjective
(chiefly of minerals) having a shape reminiscent of a cluster
of grapes.
Oct. 11, '07: I did make a super transmitter with 4 of these heavy coils (like June 21),
though shorter, and the metals as given. And about 1/4 lb. of crunched fluorite. It rocks.
3 of 5 25.10.2017 9:34
Lotus Coil http://www.loohan.com/lotus-coil.htm
Jan. 11, '08: Here are some 8 awg coils. It's still fairly hard to make them, except for the
coil. With
this gauge,
it didn't
seem to
make much
whether the
wire was
annealed or
not. The one
on the right
was not.
What I
don't like
about the
heavy gauge
lotus coils
excluded) is that it seems almost impossible to do an aesthetically pleasing job, as the loops
around the center tend to undo themselves when you try to form the petals. Such coils still
have about just as good energy, but are perhaps better hidden in orgonite or something. But if
you are going to bury a lotus coil, it is far easier to do the infinity wrap around 2 bottles as in
the previous picture. Or a botryoidal coil, space permitting.
They are powerful, though, and fairly tough and bend-resistant. They would be good for
throwing in a lake as they are.
4 of 5 25.10.2017 9:34
Lotus Coil http://www.loohan.com/lotus-coil.htm
5 of 5 25.10.2017 9:34