EC302 Digital Communication
EC302 Digital Communication
EC302 Digital Communication
Syllabus: Overview of Random variables and Random process, Overall picture and
relevance of digital communication, Digital Pulse modulation, Signal space concepts,
Matched filter receiver, Review of Gaussian random process, Digital band pass modulation
schemes, Detection of signals in Gaussian noise, Pseudonoise sequences, Importance of
synchronization, Spread spectrum communication, Diversity techniques, Multiple Access
Expected Outcome
The students will be able to
i. Illustrate the Digital representation of analog source
ii. Compare the performance of various Digital Pulse Modulation Schemes
iii. Apply the knowledge of ISI problems in Digital communication to derive
Nyquist criteria for zero ISI
iv. Analyse the need for introducing ISI in Digital Communication in a controlled
v. Construct signal space representation of signal using Gram Schmidt
orthonormalisation procedure
vi. Compare the error probability for different digital modulation schemes like
vii. Describe the principle of spread spectrum communication and to illustrate the
concept of FHSS and DSSS
viii. Understand various Diversity Techniques
Text Books:
1. John G. Proakis, Masoud Salehi, Digital Communication, McGraw Hill Education
Edition, 2014
2. Nishanth N, Digital Communication, Cengage Learning India , 2017
3. Ramakrishna Rao, Digital communication, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Limited.
4. Simon Haykin, Communication Systems, 4/e Wiley India, 2012.
1. Couch: Analog and Digital Communication. 8e, Pearson Education India, 2013.
2. H.Taub and Schilling Principles of Communication Systems, , TMH, 2007
3. K.Sam Shanmugham, Digital and Analog Communication Systems, John Wiley & Sons
4. Pierre Lafrance ,Fundamental Concepts in Communication, Prentice Hall India.
5. Sheldon.M.Ross, Introduction to Probability Models, Academic Press, 7th edition.
6. Sklar: Digital Communication, 2E, Pearson Education.
7. T L Singal, Digital Communication, McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt Ltd, 2015
Course Plan
Module Course content End
Overview of Random variables and Random process:
Random variablescontinuous and Discrete, random process-
Stationarity, Autocorrelation and power spectral density, 3
Transmission of Random Process through LTI systems, PSD,
Pulse Code Modulation (PCM): Pulse Modulation, Sampling 15
I process, Performance comparison of various sampling
techniques Aliasing, Reconstruction, PAM, Quantization, Noise
in PCM system
Modifications of PCM: Delta modulation, DPCM, ADPCM,
ADM, Performance comparison of various pulse modulation 4
schemes, Line codes, PSD of various Line codes
The question paper shall consist of three parts. Part A covers modules I and II, Part B covers
modules III and IV, and Part C covers modules V and VI. Each part has three questions
uniformly covering the two modules and each question can have maximum four subdivisions.
In each part, any two questions are to be answered. Mark patterns are as per the syllabus with
30% for theory and 70% for logical/numerical problems, derivation and proof.