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Testing of Digital Systems - Introduction 1

Testing of Digital Systems

Zebo Peng and Petru Eles

Embedded System Laboratory (ESLAB)
Linkping University


Zebo Peng, ESLAB, LiTH

Testing of Digital Systems - Introduction 2


Basic principles and practice of digital system testing.

Design for testability techniques.

Integration of test consideration with system synthesis.

Testing of system-on-chip.

Zebo Peng, ESLAB, LiTH

Testing of Digital Systems - Introduction 3

Course Organization

General lectures.

- Lecture notes and selected papers.

Seminars and discussions, led by the participants.

- M. Abramovici, M. A. Breuer and A. D. Friedman, Digital System

Testing and Testable Design, Computer Science Press, 1990.
- Seminar notes by the participants.

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Testing of Digital Systems - Introduction 4

Lecture I: Introduction

1. Basic definition and terminology

2. Classification of test
3. Test process
4. Test cost and its reduction

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Design versus Test

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What is Testing?

Process of exercising a product and analyzing its resulting response to

check whether faults are introduced during the manufacturing or opera-
tion phase.

Process of exercising a product and analyzing its resulting response to

check whether it functions correctly.

Process of determining whether a product functions correctly.

Zebo Peng, ESLAB, LiTH

Testing of Digital Systems - Introduction 7

Hardware Life Cycle

Specification Validation
Verification Test
Design Review Preparation


Production Test

System Integration Testing

System Test

Operation and

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Testing of Digital Systems - Introduction 8

Causes of Incorrect Function of Digital Systems

Design errors usually consistent

Fabrication (manufacturing) errors

- often consistent, e.g., wrong components
- usually operator errors

Fabrication (manufacturing) defects Physical faults

- inconsistent, e.g., impurity of materials

Physical failures
- wear-out
- environmental factors

Zebo Peng, ESLAB, LiTH

Testing of Digital Systems - Introduction 9

Classification of Physical Faults

Permanent always present after their occurrence.

Intermittent existing only during some intervals.

Transient a one-time occurrence cased by a temporary change in

some environmental factor.

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Testing of Digital Systems - Introduction 10

Another Classification

Logic (functional) faults the logic function of CUT (circuit under test)
is wrong.

Parametric the magnitude of a CUT parameter is changed (e.g.,

power and current).

Zebo Peng, ESLAB, LiTH

Testing of Digital Systems - Introduction 11

Principles for Digital Test

Zebo Peng, ESLAB, LiTH

Testing of Digital Systems - Introduction 12

A Board Testing Example

Zebo Peng, ESLAB, LiTH

Testing of Digital Systems - Introduction 13

Test Head Fixtures

Edge-connector via the normal input/output pins.

Bed of nails.

Wafer prober a set of micro-probes arrange so as to make contact

with the bonding pads of a chip.
- Bare chip test for known-good die (for MCM application).
- Wafer-level screening.

- Mechanical probe.
- Electron-beam probe.

Zebo Peng, ESLAB, LiTH

Testing of Digital Systems - Introduction 14

Main Difficulties in Testing

Miniaturization -> Physical access difficult or impossible.

Increasing complexity -> Large amount of test data.

Number of access ports remains constant -> Long test application time.

High speed -> High demand on testers driver/sensor mechanism and

more complicated failure mechanism.

-> Testing accounts up to 50% of product development efforts.

The key to successful testing lies in the design process.

Zebo Peng, ESLAB, LiTH

Testing of Digital Systems - Introduction 15

Design for Testability (DFT)

To take into account the testing aspects during the design process so
that more testable designs will be generated.

The design is changed to make it more testable.

Advantages of DFT:

- Reduce test efforts.

- Reduce cost for test equipments (ATE).
- Shorten turnaround time.
- Increase product quality.

Zebo Peng, ESLAB, LiTH

Testing of Digital Systems - Introduction 16

Test vs. Diagnosis

Test Detection of faults.

Diagnosis Detection and location of faults (fault site and fault type).
- Repair.
- Manufacturing process optimization (reduce manufacturing errors).
- Re-design.

Cause-effect analysis (external fault location):

- Build a fault dictionary.
- Use dictionary look-up to determine the possible faults.

Effect-cause analysis (internal fault location): based on the erroneous

response, determine directly the faults that could produce it.
- Ex. guided-probe testing.

Zebo Peng, ESLAB, LiTH

Testing of Digital Systems - Introduction 17

Types of Testing
Production (manufacturing) test test individual products to check
whether faults are introduced during the manufacturing phase.

System test test a product in its operating environment to ensure that

it works correctly when interconnected with other components.

Operation and maintenance test test a product in the filed for diagno-
sis or "preventive" purpose.

Prototype test testing to check for design faults during the system
development phase. Diagnosis is required.

Different levels: chip, board, or system.

On-line, off-line, or concurrent testing.

Zebo Peng, ESLAB, LiTH

Testing of Digital Systems - Introduction 18

Types of Testing (Contd)

Functional test validating the correct operation with respect to its

functional specification.

Structural test testing of structural defects, such as open, stack-at,

and short-circuit.

Static v. at-speed testing.

In-circuit test the tester gains access to the internal nodes.

Parametric test testing of technology-dependent parameters, such

as power consumption.

IDDq test testing the entire circuit by making analog measurements

of IDD which is the current flows in a CMOS circuit when all nodes are
in the quiescent state.

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Testing of Digital Systems - Introduction 19

Test Classification

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Testing of Digital Systems - Introduction 20

Test Classification (Contd)

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Testing of Digital Systems - Introduction 21

A Typical Testing Process

Test Strategy

Test Generation

Test Evaluation

Test Application
Analysis and Design
Test Mechanism

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Testing of Digital Systems - Introduction 22

Composition of Testing Costs

Cost of test equipment (hardware):
- A test controller (usually a computer).
- Interface drivers/receivers and cable-connections.
- System of probe-contacts.
- A controlled environment.

Cost of software supports:

- Test pattern generation programs.
- Test evaluation procedures (fault simulation and analysis).

Testing time
- Test development time.
- Test application time (maybe very long for "burn-in" purpose).

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Testing of Digital Systems - Introduction 23

Cost of Finding Defects (Rule of Tens)




Chip Board System Field

Zebo Peng, ESLAB, LiTH

Testing of Digital Systems - Introduction 24

Methods for Test Cost Reduction

DFT simplifies/automates test pattern generation, which decreases de-

velopment cost and lead times.

DFT facilitates more efficient production test, i.e., lower fault levels and
shorter test application times.

BIST can reduce the need for expensive test equipment and supports
field test.

Better design verification reduces the need for functional test which has
long test application time.

Statistics-based methods reduces overall test cost.

Zebo Peng, ESLAB, LiTH

Testing of Digital Systems - Introduction 25


Testing is an expensive and complex task, and is becoming more diffi-

cult with the development of more complex chips, especially systems-

It takes typically 30% of the total production cost.

Hardware testing is mainly used to find physical faults introduced dur-

ing the manufacturing and operation phases.

Testing does not guarantee the absent of faults!

Zebo Peng, ESLAB, LiTH

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