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Certification Services Division

Newton Building, St Georges Avenue

Northampton, NN2 6JB
United Kingdom

Tel: +44(0)1604-893-811.
Fax: +44(0)1604-893-868.
E-mail: pcn@bindt.org

PCN/GEN APPENDIX A Initial Issue 1 dated 1st October 2011


Annex 1

Examination syllabus for the certification of personnel for Guided Wave Testing of pipes
Annex 2
Specimen examination questions for the certification of personnel for Guided Wave Testing of pipes


1. SCOPE....................................................................................................................................................2
2. EXAMINATION CONTENT ......................................................................................................................2
2.1 Level 1...................................................................................................................................................2
2.2 Level 2...................................................................................................................................................2
2.3 Level 3...................................................................................................................................................3
3. CERTIFICATION AVAILABLE .................................................................................................................3
3.1 Level 1...................................................................................................................................................3
3.2 Level 2...................................................................................................................................................3
3.3 Level 3...................................................................................................................................................3
4. RECERTIFICATION ................................................................................................................................3
5. GRADING ...............................................................................................................................................3
6. Trainers and examiners ...........................................................................................................................3
7. REFERENCE LITERATURE AND DEFINITIONS ....................................................................................3
ANNEX 1 TO PCN GEN APPENDIX A ........................................................................................................5
EXAMINATION SYLLABUS FOR GW INSPECTION ...................................................................................5

The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing is an accredited certification body offering

personnel and quality management systems assessment and certification against criteria
set out in international and European standards through the PCN Certification Scheme.

1.1 This document prescribes the specific requirements and procedures by which personnel may be
examined and, if successful, certified competent for Guided Wave Testing of pipes. Requirements contained
in this document are supplementary to those contained in the current edition of the General Requirements
for Qualification and PCN Certification of Guided Wave Testing Personnel. Information on the status of PCN
documents is available from PCN or from any PCN examination centre.


General information on examination content and time allowed for each written part is described in General
Requirements for Qualification and PCN Certification of Guided Wave Testing Personnel. This Appendix
amplifies the provisions of that document only where necessary.

2.1 LEVEL 1

All candidates will be required to attempt an examination comprised of the following parts:

2.1.1 General and Equipment Specific Theory of the Guided Wave Testing of Basic pipe.
2.1.3 Equipment Sector Specific Practical examination comprising:
(i) Setting up of test equipment.
(ii) Testing one straight pipe to a specified instruction (excluding areas close to other features)
with total attenuation no more than 1dB per metre range.
(iii) Reporting the results in a prescribed manner in accordance with the instructions provided.
(iv) Classify and report on a total of three recorded data files representative of GWT
examinations. Report the results in required format as per the training course showing the
location and classification of features present in the pipe. Time allowed 2 hours
The total time allowed for all parts of the practical examination is 4 hour. The minimum pass mark for the
practical part is 80% in each sample tested

2.2 LEVEL 2

All candidates will be required to attempt an examination comprised of the following parts:

2.2.1 Equipment Sector Specific Theory of the application of the Guided Wave Testing method in the
testing of pipes.

2.2.2 Equipment Sector Specific practical examination comprising:

(i) setting up of test equipment as defined for level 1.

(ii) test collect and store test data for one pipe sample selected by the Examiner. NDT
instructions, including information and test parameters will be provided to all candidates.
Time allowed: one hour per specimen.

(iii) interpret and report on a total of three recorded data files representative of a range of GW
examinations. Report the results in an indicated format, showing the location and
classification of flaws present in the pipe. Time allowed: 2 hours.

(iv) prepare a detailed NDT instruction suitable for level 1 certificate holders to follow for GW
screening of pipes to a provided code, standard or specification, and to prove the instruction
by testing. Time allowed: one hour.

The total time allowed for all parts of the practical examination is 4 hours.

PCN GW GEN Appendix A 2 of 7 dated 1 October 2011
2.3 LEVEL 3

All candidates will be required to attempt an examination comprising a Basic examination and a Main
Method examination. Information on the content and grading of PCN level 3 examinations is provided in
PCN General Requirements for Certification of Personnel engaged in Non-Destructive Testing.


All certification will be issued stating which GWT equipment the holder is certified to use MSS, Teletest or

3.1 LEVEL 1

Guided Wave Testing of Basic pipe.

3.2 LEVEL 2

Guided Wave Testing in advanced basic pipe.

3.3 LEVEL 3

Guided Wave Testing Only available during the transitional arrangement in accordance with CP 12A.


4.1 The general rules for level 1 and level 2 recertification are fully described in PCN document CP16,and
the rules for level 3 recertification are detailed in PCN document CP17.

4.2 Level 1 and Level 2 certificate holders seeking recertification will be required to undertake the practical
examination described above for their level.


General information on the grading of examinations will be as specified in the current edition of PCN
General Requirements, and information on the grading of practical examinations is provided in PCN
document CP22


Trainer qualification
Level 1 PCN GWT Level 2 (under supervision of Level 3) or 3
Level 2 PCN GWT Level 3
Level 3 PCN GWT Level 3

Examiner qualification
Level 1 PCN GWT Level 2 (under supervision of Level 3) Must be reviewed by Level 3 before
Level 2 PCN GWT Level 3
Level 3 PCN GWT Level 3 for both marking and peer review


1. Essential Reading

PCN GW GEN Appendix A 3 of 7 dated 1st October 2011

Product Technology Classroom Training Handbook The British Institute of Non-Destructive

Training Course Notes. PCN requires candidates to have attended an approved

course of training. Accredited Training Establishments are required to provide
trainees with an up-to-date set of training course notes. These are considered
essential reading
2. British Standard (ref when it becomes available)

3. Pre course information ( Where provided by the AQB)

PCN GW GEN Appendix A 4 of 7 dated 1st October 2011



GWT Levels 1 and 2 The letters T and P followed by a value indicate theory part of training and practical part of training respectively, in hours.

Content Level 1 Duration

Basic Pipe (h)

G.1 Tasks of NDT personnel T 1,0

Introduction to terminology and history of History of NDT
NDT History of GW
Terminology of GW
Purpose of GWT
G.2 Review of mathematical basis. T 8,0
Physical principles of the method and Wave propagation theory.
associated knowledge Dispersion, attenuation and reflection effect.
Properties of Guided waves in pipes.
This section to be rearranged into general Various types of GW modes
and specific Torsional, longitudinal and flexural
Transmission and reception of Guided Waves
Piezoelectric effect
Transduction (equipment specific)
Types of transducers/sensors.
Array arrangement.
Frequency limits.
Dead zone and near field
Influence of transduction and frequency on inspection.
Guided wave focusing.
Factors influencing selection of test conditions. Influence of pipe geometry and pipe configurations.
G.3 Pipe design and various defects related to the manufacturing processes and service-induced T. 4.5
Product knowledge and related capability defects.
of the method and derived techniques
Implementation of the testing techniques according to products and to expected discontinuities.
Influence of geometry and structure
G.4 Various probes and software functions. T.2.5
Equipment Pulser-receiver unit P. 5.0
Transducers/sensors and cabling system.
Pulse echo operation

PCN GW GEN Appendix A 5 of 7 dated 1st October 2011

A-scan presentation
C-scan type display (If applicable)
System self check and calibration.
Coupling check.
Distance calibration/time base calibration
Amplitude calibration.
G.5 Written instructions (prepared by a level 2 or 3): T 1.5
Information prior to testing Objectives and Requirements
G.6 Gathering data and recognition of symmetric features T 10.0
Testing Methodical approach to data analysis using GW pulse echo information. P 35.0
Recognition of Welds and flanges.
Distance amplitude correction/Time Corrected Gain (TCG)
Setting of range and sensitivity
Use of welds and flanges for DAC setting
Gathering data and recognition of non-symmetric features
Recognition of bends, branches, vents and different types of supports
Influence of coatings, linings and pipe condition on pulse echo analysis.
Various attenuation phenomena and typical result traces
Spurious echoes (See definitions)
Analysis of spurious echoes present in pulse echo traces.
G.7 Reporting of non visible features (hidden geometry) T 4.5
Evaluation and reporting Reporting of defects P 7.0
Reporting thresholds
Influence of frequency on defect detection
Influence of focusing on defect detection
Estimation of defect severity
G.8 Not applicable
G.9 Personnel qualification (according to EN473 and ISO 9712) T 1.0
Quality aspects Equipment verification
Roles and Responsibilities of Level 1, 2 and 3
Data quality assessment
G.10 Not applicable
Total duration T 33.0
P 47.0

Content Level 2 Group 3.1 Duration

Advanced basic pipe (h)
G.1 Review of level 1 knowledge. T 0.5
Introduction to terminology and history of Terminology and definitions

PCN GW GEN Appendix A 6 of 7 dated 1st October 2011

G.2 Review of level 1 T 4.0
Physical principles of the method and Various types of GW modes (deeper knowledge of dispersion curves normal transmission modes
associated knowledge available and how to apply them)
Factors influencing selection of test parameters.
Sensitivity to stiffness changes
Effect of feature geometry.
Transducer position
G.3 Same as level 1 plus: T 4.0
Product knowledge and related capability Implementation of testing techniques when targeting areas in close proximity or within axial extent of
of the method and derived techniques other features.
Various types of pipeline supports.
Structural integrity of pipelines codes and standards for the specific sector
G.4 Same as level 1 plus: T 0.5
Equipment Advanced transduction systems P 2.0
Hardware and software requirements for optimization of test parameters
C-scan presentation (deeper knowledge)
G.5 Contents and requirements of instructions, procedures and standards. T 3.0
Information prior to testing Preparation of written instructions.
G.6 Same as level 1 plus: T. 8.0
Testing Advanced DAC/TCG P. 10.0
Advanced spurious echoes
Phase information
Advanced C-scan display
Testing under supports
Temperature effect
G.7 Same as level 1 plus: T 1.0
Evaluation and reporting Estimation of defect severity (deeper knowledge) P 4.0
Identification of defects in close proximity of other features.
G.8 Evaluation and confirmation of test reports T 1.5
Assessment Application of the acceptance:
Criteria according to standards, codes and procedures.
G.9 Personnel qualification (according to EN473 and ISO 9712) T 1.0
Quality aspects Equipment verification (Calibration)
Written instructions
Traceability of documents
G.10 General information/Lessons learned T 0.5
Total duration T 24.0
P 16.0

PCN GW GEN Appendix A 7 of 7 dated 1st October 2011

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