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Question Bank For DSS

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UNIT 1 (Development of Telecommunications)

1. Explain the development of telecommunications.

2. Explain the different types of network structures with the help of

neat diagrams.

3. Write short notes on Multi-exchange area with neat diagrams.

4. Write short notes on Network services.

5. Write short notes on Regulations.

6. Write short notes on standards.

7. With the help of neat circuit diagram explain the principle of four
wire circuits.

8. Explain with the help of a neat figure echo and singing paths in four
wire circuits.

9. A four wire circuit has an overall (two wire to two wire) 2 dB and
the balance return loss at each end is 8 dB. Find: a) singing point, b)
stability margin, c) attenuation of talker echo and listener echo.

10. Explain the working principle of FDM with a neat diagram.

11. Explain the working principle of TDM with a neat diagram.

12. Explain the working principle of plesiochronous digital hierarchy

(PDH) with the help of a neat diagram.

13. Write the difference between bit interleaving and word


14. Write short notes on synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH).


1. With a neat figure explain the classification of switching systems.

2. Explain message switching and circuit switching with the help of

neat diagrams.

3. Distinguish between message switching and circuit switching.

4. Discuss the functions of switching systems.

5. Write short notes on distribution systems.

6. Draw a complete sketch of the trunking diagram of a director

exchange and explain the function of routing a call in the correct

7. With a neat sketch explain crossbar switching and its operation.

8. List the advantages of crossbar switching system over step-by-step

switching system.

9. Write short notes on electronic switching.

10. Explain with a neat block diagram basic central office linkages.

11. Explain with a neat diagram switching system hierarchy.

12. Write short notes on stored program control (SPC) switching


13. Explain with a neat diagram building blocks of a digital switching


14. Discuss basic call processing.


1. Define the terms Trunk and Trunking.

2. What is traffic intensity? What is the unit of traffic?

3. Define the terms Busy Hour, Busy Hour Calling Rate, Holding Time,
Peak Busy Hour, Time Consistent Busy Hour, Busy Hour Calling
Attempt, Call Completion Rate.

4. Explain the assumptions used in the mathematical model for tele

traffic problems.

5. Explain the state transition diagram for N trunks based on Markov


6. Derive Erlangs Lost Call formula (Erlangs 1st Distribution formula)

from the first principles.

7. Derive 2nd Erlangs Distribution formula from the first principles.

8. Derive the expression for finite queue capacity.

9. What is Congestion? What is Grade of Service (GOS)? How is it


10. On average, during the busy hour, a company makes 120 outgoing
calls of average duration 2 minutes. It receives 200 incoming calls of
average duration 3 minutes. Find 1) the outgoing traffic 2) the
incoming traffic 3) the total traffic.

11. During the busy hour, on average a customer with a single

telephone line makes three calls and receives three calls. The average
call duration is 2 minutes. What is the probability that the caller will
find the line engaged?

12. In a telephone system the average call duration is 2 minutes. A

call has already last 4 minutes. What is the probability that: 1) The call
will last at least another 4 minutes 2) The call will end within next 4

13. A group of 5 trunks is offered 2E of traffic. Find: 1) Grade of

Service 2) The probability that only one trunk is busy 3) The
probability that only one trunk is free 4) The probability that at least
one trunk is free.

14. A group of 20 trunks provides GOS of 0.01 when offered 12E of

traffic. 1) How much is the GOS improved if one extra trunk is added
to the group 2) How much does the GOS deteriorate if one trunk is out
of service?

15. An exchange serves 2000 subscribers. If the average BHCA is
10,000 and CCR is 60%. Calculate the BHCR.

16. In a group of 10 servers, each occupied for 30 minutes in an

observation interval of two hours. Calculate the traffic carried by the


1. Compare the features of single and multistage networks.

2. What is grading? Explain different types of grading.

3. Define the terms: a) Full availability, b) Link systems, c) Progressive


4. Explain with the help of neat diagrams: a) Skipped grading, b)

Homogeneous grading.

5. Obtain the total number of cross points for a 3-stage network: a) as

a concentrator, b) as an expander, c) with N incoming and N outgoing
trunks, d) with N incoming and M outgoing trunks.

6. Obtain the total number of cross points for a 2-stage network: a) as

a concentrator, b) as an expander, c) with N incoming and N outgoing
trunks, d) with N incoming and M outgoing trunks.

7. Design a 3 stage network for 100 incoming trunks and 400 outgoing
trunks. Specify assumptions and draw the 3-stage network.

8. A 4 group grading has the following specifications. Find out all the
possible combinations of grading with Availability = 10, Number of
trunks = 29.

9. Find out the most satisfactory grading for 4 group gradient with
Availability = 20, Number of trunks = 33.

10. Find out the most satisfactory grading with number of trunks 32
with availability 10.



1. Explain the different types of switching.

2. Explain with a neat figure the operation of a k x m size space

switch. Give the equivalent representation using a space division

3. With a neat figure explain the operation of a time switch.

4. Explain with a neat figure S-T-S switching network.

5. Explain with a neat figure T-S-T switching network.

6. Compare S-T-S and T-S-T switching networks.

7. Derive the expressions for GOS of T-S-T and S-T-S switching


8. An S-T-S switching network has 16 incoming and 16 outgoing

highways, each of which conveys 24 PCM channels. Between
incoming and outgoing space switches there are 20 links containing
time switches. During the busy hour, the network is offered 300 E
of traffic and it can be assumed that this is evenly distributed over
the outgoing channels. Estimate the GOS for Mode 1 and Mode 2.

9. A T-S-T network has 20 incoming and 20 outgoing PCM highways,

each conveying 30 channels. The required GOS is 0.01. Find the
traffic capacity for Mode 1 and Mode 2.

10. What are non-blocking networks?

11. Discuss the need for frame alignment in time division switching

12. Explain single-ended unilateral and bilateral synchronization



1. Explain with a neat block diagram basic software architecture.

2. Write short notes on database management.

3. Explain the basic concept of generic program.

4. Explain in detail software architecture for level 1, level 2, and level


5. Write classification of digital switching system software and explain

in detail.

6. Write short notes on call models.

7. Explain with a neat diagram a basic call model.

8. Explain with neat diagram software linkages required during a

typical call.

9. Draw and explain feature flow diagrams.


1. Write short notes on software maintenance.

2. Explain with a neat diagram organizational interfaces of a typical


3. Explain system outage and its impact on digital switching system


4. Explain impact of software patches of digital switching system


5. Explain with a neat diagram a simplified problem reporting system.

6. Write short notes on defect analysis.

7. Write short notes on software processes.

8. Explain with a neat diagram a strategy for improving software


9. Explain effect of firmware development on digital switching

10. Write short notes on switching maintainability metrics.


1. Explain with a neat block diagram generic switching hardware


2. Write short notes on software architecture.

3. Write short notes on recovery strategy.

4. Explain with neat diagram a simple call flowchart.

5. Write short notes on analysis report.

6. Write short notes on reliability analysis.

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