Telecommunication Switching Systems
Telecommunication Switching Systems
Telecommunication Switching Systems
Set No: 1
Code No: V3217/R07 III B. Tech - II Semester Regular, Examinations, April/May 2011 TELECOMMUNICATION SWITCHING SYSTEMS (Electronics & Communication Engineering) Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ***** 1. a) How are the switching systems classified? In what way is stored program control superior to hard-wired control? b) In a 100 line folded network, how many switching elements are required for non blocking operation. [10+6] 2. a) What are the disadvantages of single stage networks and explain how they can be overcome by adopting a multistage network. b) Explain about complete SPC control software with block diagram. [8+8] 3. a) What are the factors that limit the length of subscriber loop explain? b) Determine the reference equivalent of a local call circuit, given the following REs for the telephone set, TRE=3dB, RRE= -3dB For the subscriber line loop, TRE=10 dB, RRB=8dB for the exchange switch, RF= 1 dB [8+8] 4. a) Define the following terms: i) call completion rate ii) erlang iii) Busy hour call attempts iv) CCS b) A group of 20 servers carry traffic of 10 erlangs. If the average duration of a call is 3 min, calculate the number of calls put through by a single server and the group as a whole in a 1hour period. [8+8] 5. a) Compare and contrast serial and parallel data transmission. b) How do you classify data communication modems? Write a brief note on asynchronous voice band modems
6. a) Define open system interconnection. Name and explain functions of each of the layers of the OSI model. b) Describe the operation of star, bus ring and hybrid network topologies [8+8] 7. a) Discuss interactive and distributed services of BISDN. b) What are the principles and objectives of ISDN? c) Draw the structure of ISDN and explain the transmission rates supported. [5+5+6] 8. a) Describe signals, transmission rates and devices used in SONET system. b) Explain SONET layers and function of each layer.
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Set No: 2
Code No: V3217/R07 III B. Tech - II Semester Regular, Examinations, April/May 2011 TELECOMMUNICATION SWITCHING SYSTEMS (Electronics & Communication Engineering) Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ***** 1. a) Show that the harmonic frequencies of any two adjacent base frequencies in DTMF telephone cannot match with in the first 15 harmonics. b) A blocking crossbar switch is to be designed to support 1000 subscribers. If the estimated peak traffic is 10 erlangs with average holding times of 3 minutes per call, estimate the number of cross points required. [8+8] 2. a) With the help of block diagram briefly explain the concepts of the digital time switch. b) Four 32 channels TDM streams are multiplexed to form one input stream of an 8-stream TS switch. Determine the cost of the configuration including that of the multiplexers. [8+8] 3. a) What are the objectives of numbering plan? How are they classified? b) How international and national telephone numbering plan is defined and give telephone number structure? [8+8] 4. a) Define overload traffic and explain different ways of handling it. b) Over a 20 minute observation interval, 40 subscribers initiate calls. Total duration of the calls is 4800 seconds. Calculate the load offered to the network by the subscribers and average subscriber traffic. [8+8] 5. a) What are the functions of LCU? Explain. b) With the help of block diagram, explain the operation of UART receiver.
6. a) What is Internetworking? Explain in how many ways networks differ? What are the functions of Gateway? b) Distinguish between transparent and non-transparent fragmentation? [10+6] 7. a) What are the data link protocols used by ISDN? Explain. b) Describe the four categories of messages in the ISDN network layer. 8. a) How does ADSL divide the bandwidth of a twisted pair cable? b) How does ADSL modulate a signal? c) What is FTTC and who uses it?
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Set No: 3
Code No: V3217/R07 III B. Tech - II Semester Regular, Examinations, April/May 2011 TELECOMMUNICATION SWITCHING SYSTEMS (Electronics & Communication Engineering) Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ***** 1. a) Compare the features of single stage and multistage switching network configurations? b) A fully connected network supports full duplex communication using unidirectional links. Show that the total number of links in such a network with n nodes, is given by 2X nC2 [8+8] 2. a) Derive the expression for the blocking probability of a TSST switch if each stage is individually non blocking. b) Design an STS switch for 256 primary TDM signal of CCITT, PB =0.002 and p= 0.2 per channel. How many TSL circuits are needed? What is the complexity of the switch? [8+8] 3. a) A telephone company is required to give connections to a few subscribers located at a distance of 15km from its nearest exchange. Discuss the different design options available for this purpose. [8+8] b) What are the common methods used for deciding route for a particular connection.
4. a) What are the different forms of in channel signaling? Explain b) Define the following i) Inslot signaling ii) Outslot signaling iii) Bit stuffin iv)Synchronization [8+8] 5. a) Describe simplex, half -duplex, full duplex and full- full duplex transmission modes. b) What are the functions of serial interface? Compare and contrast RS-232, RS-449 serial interfaces. [6+10] 6. a) Define open system inter connection. Name and explain function of each of the layers of the OSI model. b) Describe the operation of star, bus ring and hybrid network topologies [8+8] 7. a) What is the relationship between ISDN layers and OSI layers? b) Discuss the function of ISDN physical layer. 8. Write short notes on: i) Traditional cable networks. ii) SONET networks [8+8]
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Set No: 4
Code No: V3217/R07 III B. Tech - II Semester Regular, Examinations, April/May 2011 TELECOMMUNICATION SWITCHING SYSTEMS (Electronics & Communication Engineering) Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ***** 1. a) Explain the fundamental features of a common control system. b) Calculate the time taken to dial a 12 -digit number in a DTMF telephone when i) The exchange is capable of receiving DTMF signals and ii) The exchange can receive only pulse dialing. Compare the result with a rotary telephone dialing. [8+8] 2. a) Give two stages TS switching network configuration and explain. b) Determine the implementation complexity of a TS switch with 128 input TDM PCM lines. Assume that each input line contains a T1 carrier signal. The space stage is realized as a single stage cross point matrix. [8+8] 3. a) What are the objectives of numbering plan? How are they classified? b) How international and national telephone numbering plan is defined and give telephone number structure? [8+8] 4. a) Describe typical telephone traffic pattern on a working day. b) An exchange serves 2000 subscribers. If the average BHCA is 10,000 and the CCIR is 60%, Calculate the busy hour calling rate. [8+8] 5. a) With the help of a block diagram, explain the two point data communication circuit. b) What is the function of serial interface? Explain physical, electrical and functional characteristics of the RS 232 serial interface. [6+10] 6. a) What is the need for layered architecture? Explain. [8+8] b) Distinguish between connection- less service and connection- oriented service. 7. a) What are the three access methods defined by ISDN. b) Explain the function of ATM and AAL layers of B-ISDN reference model. [6+10] 8. a) Explain the terms section, line & path related to SONET. b) Explain device layer relationship in SONET. c) What is the relationship between STS& STM signals?
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