Oil Terminal Port
Oil Terminal Port
Oil Terminal Port
1. Pre-arrival
1.1 General
1.2 Pre arrival information
2. Arrival
2.1 Berth approach
2.2 Pilotage
2.3 Maximum berthing speed
2.4 Anchorage
2.5 Tugs and towage
2.6 Mooring service
3. Berthing/mooring
3.1 Mooring
3.2 Location of terminals
3.3 Bollards
3.4 Berth limitations
3.5 Tide
3.6 Visibility restrictions
3.7 Provision of ship/shore acces
3.8 Under keel clearance policy
3.9 Maximum vehicle axle load at the quay
5. Responsibilities
5.1 Conditions of ships acceptance
5.2 Responsibility for loading and discharge
6. Operations alongside
6.1 General
6.2 Hose connection
6.3 Cargo transfer rate
6.4 Environmental criteria for suspending operations and leave berth
6.5 Emergency shutdown
6.6 Services while alongside
6.7 Garbage reception facilities
6.8 Potable water
6.9 Bunker and lubrication oils
6.10 Slops reception
6.11 Ballast procedures
6.12 Oil spill response
7. Safety requirements
7.1 Smoking
7.2 Use of matches and lighters
7.3 Clothing and footwear
7.4 Drug and alcohol policy
7.5 Portable electric equipment
7.6 Adverse weather
7.7 Still air conditions
9. Fire precautions
9.1 Maintaining the fire watch
9.2 Berthing outside the terminal
9.3 Ships emergency fire control plans
9.4 International shore connection
11. ISPS
11.1 General
12. Appendix
Appendix 1: Contact list
Appendix 2: Pre arrival checklist
Appendix 3: Ship/shore safety checklist
Appendix 4: Location of manifolds and mooring example
Appendix 5: Evacuation plan from each terminal
Appendix 6: EX zone on terminals with class 1 products (appendix not included - in preparation)
Port information and safety regulations for oil terminals in the port of Aalborg
1. Pre-arrival
1.1 General
The port of Aalborg is situated in position 57⁰ 03,1N 009⁰ 56,4E
Information about the port of Aalborg can be provided by the Port control and operation:
Port control, 24 hrs watch
Phone: + 45 99301520, VHF channel 16 + working channel 12.
E-mail: trafik@aalborghavn.dk
Pre-arrival information according to ISGOTT chapter 22.2.3 should be submitted to the port of Aalborg and
the terminal via the agent at least 24 hours prior to arrival or upon departure from the last port.
2. Arrival
2.2 Pilotage
Pilot is mandatory for vessels with a draft above 6 meters and for vessels loaded with oil or has uncleaned
cargo tanks, which are not inerted. Pilot can embark/disembark at pilot boardingpoints Hals 1, Hals 2 or
Hals 3 (See chart no 122). The Pilot can be ordered via the agent or Port control and operation.
2.4 Anchorage
It is prohibited to anchor inside the Limfjord and there are designated anchor positions located east of Hals:
3. Berthing/mooring
3.1 Mooring
Vessels moored at the terminals are required as a minimum, to comply with the OCIMF (Oil Companies
International Marine Forum) mooring recommendations.
The master is responsible for ensuring that the ship remains securely moored throughout the stay
alongside the quay. The master must ensure that all moorings are regularly tended and maintained in a
taut condition.
Emergency towing pennant/fire wires should be applied in accordance with OCIMF recommendations.
3.3 Bollards
SWL (Safe Working Load) on all bollards is 40 tonnes and the distance is 25meters between the bollards.
At quay number 4121 there are 2 large bollards with SWL 100 tonnes placed in each end of the quay
approx. 20m from the quayside. (See appendix 4)
3.4 Berth limitations
3.5 Tide
During normal weather conditions there is a +/- 30 cm tidal range.
4.1 General
During the pre-transfer conference, the terminal representative and the ship cargo officer has to agree on
primary communication system and preferable use portable VHF/UHF radio. The ships duty officer must
keep the radio at all times. The radio is to be used for cargo transfer and emergency use only. VHF/UHF
radios must be intrinsically safe.
Identification of the name of the ship should always be included in communications to avoid any
misunderstanding. The shore identity is the terminal name.
4.2 Ship/shore safety checklist and operational agreements
On arrival at the berth, the terminal representative will present the ship with the following documents:
• Safety letter to master
• Cargo handling plans
• ISGOTT ship/shore safety checklist
5. Responsibilities
6. Operations alongside
6.1 General
All operations at the terminal will be carried out fully in accordance with the recommendations in the latest
edition of ISGOTT.
When completed cargo operations, the vessel in general has to leave the berth.
during cargo operation. All hatches and openings must be closed while services alongside are performed,
and the area should be gasfree.
7. Safety requirements
7.1 Smoking
Smoking is strictly prohibited in the berth area and on board ships alongside the terminal except on the
designated smoking areas specifically by the master and terminal representative as “Smoking areas”.
Notices identifying designated smoking areas must be conspicuously placed.
7.2 Use of matches and lighters
Under no circumstances are members of the ship`s crew or terminal staff allowed to carry matches, lighters
inflammable liquid or any similar sources of ignition while at the terminal.
8.2 Closed operations
The loading, discharging and/or ballasting ship`s cargo tanks must be conducted under closed conditions.
The use of manual gauging/sampling of cargo tanks via sighting, ullage ports or similar openings is not
9. Fire precautions
The fire watch must ensure that at least two 12 kilo fire extinguishers are in place.
11. ISPS
11.1 General
The port of Aalborg has fully implemented the ISPS Code.
12. Appendix:
Appendix 1 – Contact list
Appendix 2 - Pre arrival checklist
The pre-arrival information should be submitted to the Port of Aalborg and to the terminal via the agent at
least 24 hours prior to arrival or upon departure from the last port.
Appendix 3 – Ship/shore safety checklist example
Berth: Port:
The safety of operations requires that all questions should be answered affirmatively by clearly ticking (v)
the appropriate box. If an affirmative answer is not possible, the reason should be given and agreement
reached upon appropriate precautions to be taken between the ship and the terminal. Where any question
is considered to be not applicable, then a note to that effect should be inserted in the remarks column.
A box in the columns ‘ship’ and ‘terminal’ indicates that checks should be carried out by the party
The presence of the letters A, P or R in the column ‘code’ indicates the following:
A - any procedures and agreements should be in writing in the remarks column of this check list or other
mutually acceptable form. In either case, the signature of both parties should be required.
P - in the case of a negative answer, the operation should not be carried out without the permission of
the port authority.
R - indicates items to be re-checked at intervals not exceeding that agreed in the declaration.
Part “A” – Bulk Liquid General – Physical Checks
15. All cargo, ballast and bunker tank lids are closed.
If the ship is fitted, or required to be fitted, with an inert gas system (IGS), the following points should be
physically checked:
Part “B” – Bulk Liquid General – Verbal Verification
36. Smoking rooms have been identified and A R Nominated smoking rooms:
smoking requirements are being observed.
48. The maximum wind and sweel criteria for A Stop cargo at:
operations have been agreed.
Disconnect at:
Unberthed at:
If the ship is fitted or is required to be fitted, with an inert gas system (IGS) the following statements should
be addressed:
If the ship is planning to tank clean alongside, the following statements should be addressed:
61. Permission has been granted for gas freeing Yes/No* Yes/No*
We the undersigned have checked, where appropriate jointly, the items on this check list and have satisfied
ourselves that the entries we have made are correct to the best of our knowledge.
We have also made arrangements to carry out repetitive checks as necessary and agreed that those items
with the letter ‘R’ in the column ‘code’ should be re-checked at intervals not
Checks: Checks:
Time/initials Time/initials
Name: Name:
Position: Position:
Signature: Signature:
Date: Time:
Appendix 4 – Location manifolds and mooring example
Quay 4121
Quay 4122
Quay 4123
Quay 4124
Quay 4125
Appendix 5: Evacuation plan from each terminal
Quay 4121
Quay 4122
Quay 4123
Quay 4124
Quay 4125
Appendix 6: EX zone on terminals with class 1 products
Appendix in preparation!!!