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Thing 1-Basics

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Thing 1: Basics

Name: Justina Moreno

Date completed: 12/27/2017

Part I “Technology Readiness” and Targets for Improvement

Assess Yourself!

 Review the Michigan K-12 Checklist, or an alternative more appropriate to your setting
 Based on your review of the checklist(s), identify/describe in the chart below 5 skill areas
that you feel are most important to target for improvement for your students’ success
and your own. Identify the skills that you feel need your own personal improvement with
an X in the right-hand column.

Student Tech Readiness I need to improve this too

Skills My Students Need (place an X)
to Learn
1 Students can fix errors while X
typing in word processing
2 Students can search the internet X
to find and summarize
3 Students can correctly use
every key on the keyboard when

4 Spreadsheet skills X
5 Students can use source
analysis strategies to determine
the credibility of search results
(e.g. existence of cross
references, domain name
examination (.org, .edu., .com,
etc.), date of last update, etc.).
Part II Basics: Technology Skills
1. Screenshots
Which tool will you will use for taking a screenshot?

I will be using the print screen button on my PC.

2. Take a screenshot of your favorite website and place in this document.

3. “Basic Shortcuts”

My computer: I will be using a __PC______ (ex: Mac, PC, Chromebook, Surface Pro, etc.) for
the majority of the work for this course.
Post a screenshot of your favorite keyboard shortcut, and briefly describe its use:

My favorite keyboard short cut is the copy and paste shortcut. I use this shortcut
all the time when I need to copy a direct quote for a homework assignment. This
shortcut allows me to copy a text and paste it back on another document.
Part III: Implementation
1. ISTE Teacher Standards
A. As you review these ISTE-T standards provide an example of at least one thing you do in
your teaching. See the sample provided below and then share your own example:
Standard: 2. Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments
Performance indicator addressed: I selected “a”.
Standard 2.a. “Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and
resources to promote student learning and creativity.”
My Lesson Example: I teach a math unit on geometric shapes. I have students use the digital
camera to take pictures of different features or items around our school. I recently started
having them edit the images to create a collage for different types of angles to post in the room.

Future Lesson:
Standard 2.c.: Customize and personalize the activity to meet diverse learning styles and
working strategies and abilities.
There are only two cameras available but our school is going to let students bring their own
mobile devices. I’d like to customize the geometry lesson so they can bring pictures of
geometric figures they take outside school and find a way to share the images to add to our
lesson, like on an online bulletin board.

Briefly describe an activity or lesson that meets one of the five ISTE-T standards you teach in
the table below:

ISTE Standard addressed by my activity or lesson:

Standard 5b--"design authentic learning activities that align with content area
standards and use digital tools and resources to maximize active, deep learning."

Performance indicator(s) addressed:

My lesson description: My activity idea is for each students to research a topic and
create a PowerPoint on a topic. For example, one student could research about their
favorite animal and have to design a PowerPoint to describe the different types of
trees with different aminations, transitions, add a video, and add pictures to the

Future Lesson: (target and describe an additional performance indicator from that
standard for a future lesson)

Standard: Standard 4a--"dedicate planning time to collaborate with colleagues to create

authentic learning experiences that leverage technology."

My activity idea is for the students to research a topic and create a PowerPoint with
their peers on the topic. For example, a group of students (three to four students)
could research about different types of trees and have to design a PowerPoint to
describe the different types of trees with different aminations, transitions, add a video,
and add pictures to the presentation while working with their classmates.

B. How I would rate myself based on the ISTE-Teacher Standards at this point using a 5-point
Performance ____ Beginning Developing Proficient Transformative
1 2 3 4 5
Rubric Not Beginning Awareness, Active Flexible
Description familiar awareness, feel somewhat Awareness, Awareness,
with have an experienced & Experienced the integration
idea of what knowledgeable and proficient of multiple
I need to user and tools/resources
work on integrator, at a high level
Very of functionality

Your score/reflection:

I would rate myself a 3 on the ISTE-Teacher Standards at this point using the 5-
point rubric. I gave myself a 3 because I believe I was aware of these standards, but I
never really thought before of these standards. Therefore, my skills are still developing.
2. Best Practice Connections
Select from one of the lesson/teaching examples you provided in the ISTE-T section, or another
from your teaching. Identify and give an example of three of the nine research-based “best
practice” teaching and learning strategies (identified in the Framework for Instructional Planning)
and a technology resource you use (or might use) in the chart below. You may find it helpful to
refer to the techbestpractice site.

Best Practice Technology Technology Brief description of

Category resource or tool(s) Categories what I do
Example: Setting Google docs (or printed Word processing At the beginning of
Objectives & handout from docs applications each new year (7th

Providing Feedback template) grade) I do a quick

review of math problem
solving steps from 6 th

grade. I help them

identify some learning
objectives. We check
progress at the end of
the month with
feedback and
1 Setting Google forms Data Collection & At the beginning
Objectives & (survey) Analysis Tools and end of each
Providing unit give the
Feedback students a survey
of how they feel
about a topic and
what they have
learned. This could
be used for their "I
can..." statements.
2 Setting Google drive Communication & The teacher could
Objective & Collaboration have a blank sheet
Providing software on Google drive
Feedback open for students
who have
questions about the
unit they are
working on and
they could post
their question on
that document.
Other students
could answer if
they know the
answer or the
teacher could go
over those question
the next day with
the students.
3 Setting Google drive Summarizing & While watching a
Objective & Note-taking film or video,
Providing students will be
Feedback provided with a
laptop to take notes
about the video on
a worksheet
template provided
and turned in to on
Google Drive
3. Models of Technology Integration
Review your examples in the Question #2 above (Best Practice Connections). Explore the
SAMR and TPACK models and identify a strategy you use in a lesson or activity that fits one or
more of these models and list it in the table provided below.
Example(s) SAMR level (Redefinition, TPACK Knowledge Level
Modification, Augmentation, (Technological, Pedagogical,
Substitution) Content)
1 Redefinition Content
3 Augmentation Content

Final Reflection
Based on the resources in Basics, and your own experience, reflect on how thoughtful
integration of best practice and technology can improve your instructional practice. Give some

With the rise of technology in the world, technology is a great resource for
students to know how to use properly. It is our job as teachers to give them the right
tools to know how and when to use certain technology. Technology can definitely
improve your instructional practice. Every student has different ways they like to learn
and having technology in a classroom could help with giving a different type of
instruction. Having different types of instruction in a classroom is very important. I know
that I learn best with hands-on activities and lecture-based instruction. If there was a
child like me in a classroom, a lecture about a subject could be done first, and then an
activity on a computer that shows me more about the subject would be perfect.
Integration of technology in the classroom just adds to the amount of resource a teacher
has in their classroom.

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