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Software installation

Software installation

Inhaltsverzeichnis (31.5.2011)
1 Software installation..........................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Automation Net - PVI............................................................................................................................1
1.1.1 System requirements - PVI.........................................................................................................1 System requirement - PVI Runtime...................................................................................2 System requirement - PVI Development...........................................................................2
1.1.2 Installing B&R Automation Net (PVI Runtime)............................................................................2 PVI Runtime......................................................................................................................2 PVI Development setup.....................................................................................................3
1.1.3 Adding PVI software components...............................................................................................3
1.1.4 Uninstalling PVI..........................................................................................................................4 PVI Runtime......................................................................................................................4 PVI Development..............................................................................................................4
1.1.5 PVI setup info.............................................................................................................................4 PVI Runtime / Developer - Setup......................................................................................4
1.2 Automation Studio................................................................................................................................8
1.2.1 Automation Studio system requirements....................................................................................8
1.2.2 Installing Automation Studio.....................................................................................................10
1.2.3 Adding software components in Automation Studio.................................................................12
1.2.4 Licensing...................................................................................................................................13 Automation Studio...........................................................................................................13 License automatically (online).........................................................................................14 License manually (offline)................................................................................................14 Option license..................................................................................................................15
1.2.5 Uninstalling Automation Studio.................................................................................................16 Applies to multiple installations (only Version AS2.x):.....................................................16
1.2.6 Automation Studio setup info....................................................................................................16 Automation Studio Help - Setup......................................................................................16 Automation Runtime - Setup...........................................................................................18 Automation Studio - Setup..............................................................................................20
1.3 Automation Studio Target for Simulink®............................................................................................21
1.3.1 Automation Studio Target for Simulink® - System requirements.............................................21
1.3.2 Automation Studio Target for Simulink® - Installation..............................................................22
1.3.3 Automation Studio Target for Simulink® - Uninstallation..........................................................22
1.3.4 Automation Studio Target for Simulink® - Documentation.......................................................22
1.4 FAQ....................................................................................................................................................22
1.4.1 Installing a USB dongle............................................................................................................22 Installation procedures....................................................................................................23

Software installation

1 Software installation
1.1 Automation Net - PVI
1.1.1 System requirements - PVI

The computer on which PVI is to be installed must meet the following requirements:

The computer also has to have an open online interface for the connection between the programming device
(computer) and the target system (controller).

An open interface (COM1 - COM4), a serial/USB adapter, or an Ethernet interface can be used.

1 Software installation 1
Software installation System requirement - PVI Runtime

Windows Windows
Windows XP Windows NT 4.0 Windows 95/98/ME
Vista / 7 2000
32 Bit 64 Bit 32 Bit 64 Bit
Operating 1) 2) 1) 1) 2)
5) 3) 6) 7) 4) 6)
Software SP3 for OPC Server Windows Socket
DA 2.0 (WinSock) version 2.2
PVI Components
• PVIControl.NET applications can only be created with Visual Studio 2003.
• PVIServices applications can be operated with any .NET framework.
Processor At least Pentium III 650 MHz (recommended Pentium IV 850 MHz)
RAM At least 256 MB (depending on the number of process objects)
Hard disk space At least 20 MB free

1) No CAN communication.
2) No USB Dongle support on 64 Bit operating systems. On B&R targets (IPC, APC, PPC) no PVI dongle
3) PVI services applications not possible.
4) No support for OPC server and PVIServices applications.
5) Limited USB support for CF creation, PVI Transfer.
6) No USB support for CF creation, PVI Transfer.
7) ARCNET OS9 line only up to SP5 System requirement - PVI Development

Windows Windows
Windows XP Windows NT 4.0 Windows 95/98/ME
Vista / 7 2000
32 Bit 64 Bit 32 Bit 64 Bit
Operating 1) 2) 1) 1) 2)
3) 4)
Software SP3 for OPC Server Windows Socket
DA 2.0 (WinSock) Version 2.2
PVI Components
• PVIControl.NET applications can only be created with Visual Studio 2003.
• PVIServices applications can be run with any .NET Framework.
Processor At least Pentium III 650 MHz (recommended Pentium IV 850 MHz)
RAM At least 256 MB (depending on the number of process objects)
Hard disk space At least 100 MB free

1) No CAN communication.
2) No USB Dongle support on 64 Bit operating systems. On B&R targets (IPC, APC, PPC) no PVI dongle
3) PVI services applications not possible.
4) No support for OPC server and PVIServices applications.

1.1.2 Installing B&R Automation Net (PVI Runtime) PVI Runtime

You need administrator rights to install software with the Windows NT/2000/XP operating system! Contact your
network administrator if necessary.

1. Insert the language-specific or multi-language (if applicable) installation CD in the computer's CD-ROM

2 System requirement - PVI Runtime

Software installation

2. If the "AutoPlay" option is activated on your computer, then the B&R Automation Software window
appears. If "AutoPlay" is not enabled, run the Install.exe file from the root directory of your installation

If a more current Automation Net version is already installed on your system, the PVI installation
is aborted.

The installation process begins after clicking on the "Start installation" button. PVI Development setup

If one of the components listed below should be installed, the "PVI Development setup" must be installed.

Components included:

PVI base system (PVI Runtime Setup)

Runtime Utility Service (PVI Runtime Setup)
PVI Development Tools
PVI Server
PVI Help, German
PVI Help, English
PVI PDF Documentation
PVI Samples
PVI Tutorial

1.1.3 Adding PVI software components

Setup must be run again in order to add individual components.

Components can be deselected or selected for installation by clicking on the selection tree in the component
selection dialog box. PVI Runtime 3

Software installation

Every time Automation Net is installed, the components selected for installation are shown. Therefore, the only
components in the selection tree that can be selected are ones that have been added or those that have not yet
been installed.

If components should be removed, the entire Automation Net must be removed and then reinstalled without the
respective components (these can then not be selected in the selection tree).

1.1.4 Uninstalling PVI PVI Runtime

PVI Runtime can be removed from the system in the Start menu under All Programs / B&R Automation /
PVI%Version% / Uninstall PVI Runtime. PVI Development

PVI Development can be removed from the system in the Start menu under All Programs / B&R Automation /
PVI%Version% / Developer / Uninstall PVI Developer.

1.1.5 PVI setup info PVI Runtime / Developer - Setup General setup information for PVI Runtime / Developer

This setup was created using the scripting language NSIS. This makes it possible for B&R to implement logic
completely independent of the system. Overview of the available transfer parameters for the PVI Runtime / Developer setup

Transfer parameters can be used to influence, control or configure preset values for all B&R setups. The
following section describes the transfer parameters recognized by the Automation Studio setup.

4 1.1.3 Adding PVI software components

Software installation

The names are case sensitive. The preceding characters for each of the parameters (e.g. - or /) must also be
entered correctly.

Parameter Meaning Comment Example

/L GUI 1033 for English, 1031 for German /L=1031 : Dialog boxes in German
language /L=1033 : Dialog boxes in English
/R Program The installer is started in "reduced mode". No /R
mode user input is necessary. The progress bars are
(reduced shown during installation, but not the greeting,
mode) license or components windows.

/RC Program Like the /R option, the user can select the /RC
mode components to be installed, despite working in
(reduced reduced mode.
mode with
component This option only has an effect in PVI Runtime
selection) Setup, and not in PVI Developer Setup.
However, PVI Developer Setup applies this
option in PVI Runtime Setup if it calls it.
/RP Program Like the /R option, however, user input is /RP
mode needed to close the installation dialog box. This
(reduced mode is mostly used in order to check the
mode with installation process in the details window.
This option only has an effect in PVI Runtime
Setup, and not in PVI Developer Setup.
However, PVI Developer Setup applies this
option in PVI Runtime Setup if it calls it.
/ARS AR setup This parameter can be used to specify the file /ARS=PVIRuntime.exe
file name name for the Automation Runtime setup. If the
parameter is not specified, the developer setup
uses the default file name for the runtime setup.

In order to automate setup using a batch file, it

may be necessary to manually rename the
runtime setup file, and if the /ARS parameter is
not specified the developer setup would no
longer be able to find the runtime setup.

The /ARS parameter only looks for a file name,

and not the entire path for the AR setup.

This option only has an effect in PVI Developer

Setup, and not in PVI Runtime Setup.

This functionality is available starting with PVI

V2.06.00.3x08 PVI Runtime / Developer - Setup 5

Software installation

/O Options The options that should be installed can be /O=pvi.ini

specified in an .ini file. The options are entered
in the form of a section identifier. The
corresponding identifier is shown in the options
dialog box under "description" when you move
the mouse over the components (=section).

A detailed description can be found in the pvi.ini


/Log File name Here you must always enter the complete path, /Log=C:\Temp\InstallationProcess.log
for the log including the file name. The file is not generated
until the end of the installation. While the setup or
is running this file doesn't yet exist.
The /Log parameter can also be entered alone
(without = and the file path). In this case, the
setup chooses a name for the log file
automatically. The file is stored in the

This functionality is available starting with PVI

/D Target The target directory for the installation is set /D=C:\Program Files\BrAutomation
directory using the option /D. The /D option must always
be the last parameter entered. "Reduced Mode" installation

All PVI setups can be installed without user input, e.g. from a batch file.

Example of a batch file:

"Automation Net PVI Runtime V2.6.0.exe" /R /O="pvi.ini" /L=1031 /D=C:\Program Files\BrAutomation ExitCode

A Windows program can return an ExitCode (or return code). This is normally 0 and doesn't affect a user
installation. However, there are certain circumstances (e.g silent installation), in which it can be helpful for the
ExitCode to have a different value. The following values are possible:

0 = No errors occurred during setup.

1 = User cancelled installation manually.
2 = An error occurred during setup.

Transfer parameters for the setup (e.g. /D or /Log) are not validated explicitly. An invalid parameter must
therefore not necessarily result in an error or in an ExitCode <> 0.

Example of a batch file for evaluating the ExitCode:

6 PVI Runtime / Developer - Setup

Software installation

"Automation Net PVI Runtime V2.6.0.exe" /R /O="pvi.ini" /L=1031 /D=C:\Program Files\BrAutomation


Possible reasons for an ExitCode with the value 2 would be:

- User executing the setup is not an administrator.

- A process with the name 'pviman.exe' is running.
- A process with the name 'pvimon.exe' is running.
- A process with the name 'pvitransfer.exe' is running.
- A PVI is already installed that is incompatible with the version being installed.
- The installation directory is read-only. pvi.ini

The /O option lets you to provide the PVI Developer and PVI Runtime Setups with a file that allows them to
control the individual components of the setup. The options are entered in the form of an identifier. The identifier
is shown in the setup's options window under "description" when you move the mouse over the components.

The PVI Setup currently contains the following components:

PVI Developer Setup PVI Runtime Setup

Identifier Description Identifier Description
S0100 PVI Automation Net S0101 PVI Runtime
S0110 PVI Base System S0102 PVI Manager services
S0120 PVI Development Tools S0200 PVI Driver
S0130 PVI Controls S0201 CAN Driver
S0131 Runtime System S0202 LS251 Driver
S0132 Developer Tools S0301 PVI Transfer Tool (starting with
V2.06.00.3x08 )
S0140 PVI Controls .NET S0401 PVI Runtime Help
S0150 PVI Services S0500 PVI Runtime Dongle
S0160 PVI Server S0501 Parallel Interface
S0161 PVI OPC server S0502 USB Interface
S0161a PVI OPC Server DA 3.0
S0161b PVI OPC Server Diagnostics
S0162 PVI DDE server
S0163 PVI web server
S0164 PVI FastDDE Server
S0170 PVI Help English
S0180 PVI PDF Documentation (not
currently used)
S0190 PVI Samples
S01A0 PVI Tutorial

If in the INI file, which here in the Help is always named pvi.ini, there is no component specified explicitly, the
Setup uses the default value. However, the value is different for each component. It is therefore advisable to
always specify all components explicitly in such an INI file.

Example of a complete pvi.ini

S0202=1 PVI Runtime / Developer - Setup 7

Software installation


S0132=0 The value 0 means that this component should not be installed.
S0132=1 The value 1 means that this component should be installed.

The PVI Runtime Setup and the PVI Developer Setup use separate "INI sections". The name "INI section"
should not be confused with the name "Section", in the sense of an NSIS Setup. An "INI section" refers to a
group of values within an INI file. The name of an "INI section" is written in brackets. For example [PVI260]. An
NSIS "Section" refers to a encapsulated area within the NSIS Setup. In NSIS terminology, this is called a
component. A component can be selected in the component list with a checkmark.

Currently the PVI Runtime Setup always uses the name [PVI260] as the INI section. The PVI Developer Setup
user [PVI260_DEV]. This makes it possible for both setups to use a common INI file. It is also possible to move
both INI sections to separate INI files. The file name pvi.ini is only an example. The transfer parameter /O only
looks for a file name, and not the entire path for pvi.ini.

1.2 Automation Studio

1.2.1 Automation Studio system requirements

The computer on which Automation Studio is to be installed must meet the following requirements:

Minimum Recommended
Processor Pentium IV 2 GHz or higher Dual Core
RAM 1 GB 2 GB or higher
Hard disk space At least 5 GB At least 10 GB
Graphics XGA (1024 x 768) SXGA (1280 x 1024) or higher
Internet Explorer 6.0 7.0 or higher

Automation Studio is supported on the following operating systems:

Windows AS 2.x AS 3.0.71 AS 3.0.80

XP - 32-bit Yes Yes Yes
XP - 64-bit No No Yes1)
Vista - 32-bit Yes2) Yes3) Yes
Vista - 64-bit No No Yes1)
7-bit ... 32-bit Yes4) Yes3) Yes
7-bit ... 64-bit Yes4) Yes4) Yes1)
8 1.2 Automation Studio
Software installation
1) The default installation directory suggested for the programs (C:\Program Files\(x86)\BrAutomation) during
setup is not supported. Limitations for SG3 and SGC projects. Further information regarding operation on 64-bit
operating systems available upon request.
2) with AS 2.7 UP08
3) with AS 3.0.71 UP03
4 ) v i a v i r t u a l i z a t i o n w i t h W i n d o w s X P m o d e . A d d i t i o n a l i n f o r m a t i o n :


The computer also has to have an open online interface for the connection between the programming device
(computer) and the target system (controller).

An open interface (COM1 - COM4), a serial/USB adapter, or an Ethernet interface can be used.

1.2.1 Automation Studio system requirements 9

Software installation

1.2.2 Installing Automation Studio

You need administrator rights to install software with the Windows NT/2000/XP operating system! Contact your
network administrator if necessary.
1. Insert the language-specific or multi-language (if applicable) installation CD in the computer's CD-ROM drive.

2. If the "AutoPlay" option is activated on your computer, then the B&R Automation Installation window appears. If "AutoPlay" is not enabled, run the
Install.exe file from the root directory of your installation CD.

3. If a multi-language installation CD is being used, the language must be selected.

4. Select the desired language with the mouse.

5. In the next window, start the installation by pressing the "Start installation" button.

10 1.2.2 Installing Automation Studio

Software installation

Menus will now lead you through the installation process.

If a current Framework or PVI version is not present on the target computer, they will be
installed during setup.

After confirming the license agreement and entering the user data, the installation dialog box for
selecting components is displayed.

If a component should not be installed, it can be deselected in the selection tree before
continuing the installation by clicking on Next>.

1.2.2 Installing Automation Studio 11

Software installation

In the dialog box shown below, the installation directory can be changed by clicking the

Begin the installation by clicking on the Install... button.

1.2.3 Adding software components in Automation Studio

Setup must be run again in order to add individual components.

Components can be deselected or selected for installation by clicking on the selection tree in the component
selection dialog box.

12 1.2.3 Adding software components in Automation Studio

Software installation

1.2.4 Licensing Automation Studio

The following dialog box is displayed as long as Automation Studio has not yet been registered:

Enter the B&R serial number (included on the CD insert) into the first input field.

1.2.4 Licensing 13
Software installation

Once a valid serial number is entered, all buttons become active. License automatically (online)

Pressing the License automatically (online) button automatically licenses the B&R Automation Studio™
Version online if there is an existing Internet connection.

An error message is output if a connection cannot be established to the B&R server. License manually (offline)

Pressing the License manually (offline) button opens up a licensing dialog box. You can use the system code
(Sys-ID) shown here to apply for the actual activation code from the B&R Homepage Services site.

14 Automation Studio

Software installation

Entering the system code (Sys-ID) and pressing the Register button displays the activation code, which must
then be entered into the lower input field in the Automation Studio licensing window (License code (Sec-ID)).

If the correct code has been entered, then the licensing procedure can be completed with the OK button.

If a valid B&R serial number is not input, the dialog box can still be closed with License later, which starts the
30 day evaluation period.

The time left in the evaluation period is shown each time Automation Studio™ is started. Operation is possible
during this period without limitations.

If the evaluation period expires, then the software must be licensed to be able to continue using it. Option license

In the information dialog box in Automation Studios pressing the "Option license" button while the option "B&R
AS C++ Option" has not yet been enabled, the following appears: License manually (offline) 15

Software installation

Enter the B&R serial number in the first input field. Once a valid serial number has been entered, the enabled
option is displayed in the Automation Studio information dialog box.

If a valid license number has already been entered and the "Option license" button is pressed, then the existing
license can be deleted.

1.2.5 Uninstalling Automation Studio

If there are several version of B&R Automation Studio being used on your computer simultaneously, only the
active version can be uninstalled.
If no versions are active, the Version Changer can be used to activate the one you want to uninstall (see Version
Changer help).

Automation Studio can be removed from the system in the Start menu under All Programs / B&R Automation /
Automation Studio %Version% %Language% / Uninstall Automation Studio.

Once the uninstall wizard is started, the uninstall process is carried out automatically. Applies to multiple installations (only Version AS2.x):

If there is still a B&R Automation Studio version present on your computer after one has been uninstalled, it has
to be activated using the Version Changer.

1.2.6 Automation Studio setup info Automation Studio Help - Setup General setup information for the Automation Studio Help

The Automation Studio Help setup installs both the English and the German Help for Automation Studio. Available transfer parameters for the Automation Studio Help setup

Transfer parameters can be used to influence, control or configure preset values for all Automation Studio 3.x
setups. The following section describes the transfer parameters recognized by the Automation Studio setup.

The names are case sensitive. The preceding characters for each of the parameters (e.g. - or /) must also be
entered correctly.

Parameter Meaning Comment Example

/L GUI language 1033 for English, 1031 /L=1031 : Dialog boxes in German
for German /L=1033 : Dialog boxes in English

16 Option license

Software installation

/R Program mode Currently only /R=Y

"reduced mode" is
available. This
provides a simplified
Superfluous dialog
boxes are hidden (e.g.
license screen).

/Log File name for the log Here you must always /Log=C:\Temp\InstallationProcess.log
enter the complete
path, including the file or
name. The file is not
generated until the /Log
end of the installation.
While the setup is
running this file
doesn't yet exist.

The /Log parameter

can also be entered
alone (without = and
the file path). In this
case, the setup
chooses a name for
the log file
automatically. The file
is stored in the

This function is
available starting with
Automation Studio
/D Target directory The target directory for /D=C:\Program Files\BrAutomation
the installation is set
using the option /D.
The /D option must
always be the last
parameter entered. ExitCode

A Windows program can return an ExitCode (or return code). This is normally 0 and doesn't affect a user
installation. However, there are certain circumstances (e.g silent installation), in which it can be helpful for the
ExitCode to have a different value. The following values are possible:

0 = No errors occurred during setup.

1 = User cancelled installation manually.
2 = An error occurred during setup.

Transfer parameters for the setup (e.g. /D or /Log) are not validated explicitly. An invalid parameter must
therefore not necessarily result in an error or in an ExitCode <> 0.

Example of a batch file for evaluating the ExitCode:

"Automation Studio V2.6.0 English Help.exe" /R /L=1031 /D=C:\Program Files\BrAutomation

IF %ERRORLEVEL% 0 Automation Studio Help - Setup 17

Software installation

Possible reasons for an ExitCode with the value 2 would be:

- A valid installation of Automation Studio could not be found. Automation Runtime - Setup General setup information for Automation Runtime

This setup was created using the scripting language NSIS. This makes it possible for B&R to implement logic
completely independent of the system. The Automation Runtime setup consists of multiple subordinate setups.
Depending on the selected components, the individual setups are started in the background of the superordinate
Automation Runtime setup. Available transfer parameters for the Automation Runtime setup

Transfer parameters can be used to influence, control or configure preset values for all Automation Runtime
setups. The following section describes the transfer parameters recognized by the Automation Runtime setup.

The names are case sensitive. The preceding characters for each of the parameters (e.g. - or /) must also be
entered correctly.

Parameter Meaning Comment Example

-L GUI language 1033 for English, /L=1031 : Dialog boxes in German
1031 for German /L=1033 : Dialog boxes in English

-R or Program mode This parameter runs -R=Y

/R the setup in "reduced
mode". This provides
a simplified GUI.
Superfluous dialog
boxes are hidden (e.g.
license screen).

The -RP parameter

must not also be

-RP or Program mode The "reduced mode -RP

/RP with pause" parameter
functions in the same
way as the -R
parameter, with the
only difference being
a pause at the end of
the setup. This means
that the last dialog
box of the setup is not
closed automatically.

The -R parameter
must not also be

-G Path Global installation -G=C:\Program Files\BrAuto


-V Path Local installation path -V=C:\Program Files\BrAuto\AS30070

-T Structure entry Specifies the -T=3.0.70

installation structure

18 Automation Runtime - Setup

Software installation

for Automation Studio.

There are currently
two options here:
- 2.6.0
- 3.0.70

-h or Setup help Shows the possible -h

-? transfer parameters
for setup as
MessageBox. The
setup doesn't continue
to run afterward. This
means that it would
be pointless to specify
other transfer

/Log File name for the log Here you must always /Log=C:\Temp\InstallationProcess.log
enter the complete
path, including the file or
name. The file is not
generated until the /Log
end of the installation.
While the setup is
running this file
doesn't yet exist.

The /Log parameter

can also be entered
alone (without = and
the file path). In this
case, the setup
chooses a name for
the log file
automatically. The file
is stored in the

/D Destination path The target directory /D=C:\Program Files\BrAutomation

for the installation is
set using the option
/D. The /D option
must always be the
last parameter
entered. ExitCode

A Windows program can return an ExitCode (or return code). This is normally 0 and doesn't affect a user
installation. However, there are certain circumstances (e.g silent installation), in which it can be helpful for the
ExitCode to have a different value. The following values are possible:

0 = No errors occurred during setup.

1 = User cancelled installation manually.
2 = An error occurred during setup.

Transfer parameters for the setup (e.g. /D or /Log) are not validated explicitly. An invalid parameter must
therefore not necessarily result in an error or in an ExitCode <> 0.

Example of a batch file for evaluating the ExitCode: Automation Runtime - Setup 19
Software installation

"Automation Runtime" /R /L=1031 /D=C:\Program Files\BrAutomation


Possible reasons for an ExitCode with the value 2 would be:

- A valid installation of Automation Studio could not be found.

- The installation directory is read-only. Automation Studio - Setup General setup information for Automation Studio

This setup was created using the scripting language NSIS. This makes it possible for B&R to implement logic
completely independent of the system. Available transfer parameters for the Automation Studio setup

Transfer parameters can be used to influence, control or configure preset values for all Automation Studio 3.x
setups. The following section describes the transfer parameters recognized by the Automation Studio setup.

The names are case sensitive. The preceding characters for each of the parameters (e.g. - or /) must also be
entered correctly.

Parameter Meaning Comment Example

/L GUI language 1033 for English, 1031 /L=1031 : Dialog boxes in German
for German /L=1033 : Dialog boxes in English

/R Program mode Currently only /R=Y

"reduced mode" is
available. This
provides a simplified
Superfluous dialog
boxes are hidden (e.g.
license screen).

/Log File name for the log You must always enter /Log=C:\Temp\InstallationProcess.log
the complete path,
including the file or
name. The file is not
generated until the /Log
end of the installation.
While the setup is
running this file
doesn't yet exist.

The /Log parameter

can also be entered
alone (without = and
the file path). In this
case, the setup
chooses a name for
the log file
automatically. The file
is stored in the

/D Target directory /D=C:\Program Files\BrAutomation

20 Automation Studio - Setup

Software installation

The target directory for

the installation is set
using the option /D.
The /D option must
always be the last
parameter entered. ExitCode

A Windows program can return an ExitCode (or return code). This is normally 0 and doesn't affect a user

0 = No errors occurred during setup.

1 = User cancelled installation manually.
2 = An error occurred during setup.

Transfer parameters for the setup (e.g. /D or /Log) are not validated explicitly. An invalid parameter must
therefore not necessarily result in an error or in an ExitCode <> 0.

Example of a batch file for evaluating the ExitCode:

"Automation Studio V3.0.71.exe" /R /L=1031 /D=C:\Program Files\BrAutomation


Possible reasons for an ExitCode with the value 2 would be:

- User executing the setup is not an administrator.

- The file 'BrAddOn.ini' could not be found.
- The operating system is Windows 2000 on which the SP4 is not yet installed.
- The operating system is Windows XP on which the SP2 is not yet installed.
- A process with the name 'pviman.exe' is running.
- A process with the name 'pvimon.exe' is running.
- A process with the name 'pvitransfer.exe' is running.
- A process with the name 'pg.exe' is running.
- A version of Automation Studio is already installed that is incompatible with the version being installed.
- The installation directory is read-only.

1.3 Automation Studio Target for Simulink®

1.3.1 Automation Studio Target for Simulink® - System requirements

The following components are required for automatic code generation with B&R Automation Studio Target for

• Automation Studio 3 (Version 3.0.71 or higher)

• The MathWorks products, Release 2007b or higher
• MATLAB® (Version 7.5 or higher)
• Simulink® (Version 7.0 or higher)
• Real-Time Workshop® (Version 7.0 or higher)

Optional (for source code that is more efficient and easier to read):

• Real-Time Workshop® Embedded CoderTM (Version 5.0 or higher)

In order to use Stateflow® objects, the following is also required:

• Stateflow® (Version 7.0 or higher) Automation Studio - Setup 21

Software installation

• Stateflow® CoderTM (Version 7.0 or higher)

Nearly all toolboxes from The MathWorks are fully compatible with B&R Automation Studio Target for Simulink®.

1.3.2 Automation Studio Target for Simulink® - Installation

B&R Automation Studio Target for Simulink® is installed under MATLAB® by running the file install.p, which is
located in the installation directory after Automation Studio is installed
"%AS_Installationsverzeichnis%\BrAutomation\Simulink Target Setup".

The components for automatic code generation are copied to a user-specific directory (e.g. C:\Program
Files\BrAutomation\B&R Automation Studio Target for Simulink® - the name "B&R Automation Studio Target for
Simulink®" is automatically added to the selected directory names) and then registered in MATLAB®.

After the installation, MATLAB® should be restarted to ensure proper integration.

1.3.3 Automation Studio Target for Simulink® - Uninstallation

To remove B&R Automation Studio Target for Simulink® from the system, run uninstall.p under MATLAB®.

1.3.4 Automation Studio Target for Simulink® - Documentation

Documentation for B&R Automation Studio Target for Simulink® can be found as a PDF file in the following

%AS_Installationsverzeichnis%\BrAutomation\Simulink Target Setup\B&R Automation Studio Target for


1.4 FAQ
1.4.1 Installing a USB dongle

Can be used for:

• ARwin

22 1.3.1 Automation Studio Target for Simulink® - System requirements

Software installation

• Automation Net / PVI Installation procedures

If the dongle was already connected during the installation of Automation Studio or Automation Net, it had to be
removed and reconnected to the interface once before installing the driver.

The first time a USB dongle is used, its driver must be installed. This is done as follows:

• Insert the USB dongle in the USB port. The operating system will detect the new hardware and display
the following dialog box

select Yes, this time only and click on Next> to continue.

• In the next dialog box, select Install the software automatically and continue with Next>.

1.4.1 Installing a USB dongle 23

Software installation

• The system now searches for the dongle's driver.

This process can take several minutes!

• If the driver cannot be found, the path shown in the dialog box must be entered in order to continue the

24 Installation procedures

Software installation

Component Description
ARwin For the ARwin, use the directory described above "C:\Windows\system32\Drivers", since
a different dongle driver is used than for PVI.

The dongle driver for the ARwin can only be used in Windows XP, since the ARwin is only
released for this operating system.
PVI For PVI, use the dongle drivers in the directory

The dongle driver for PVI can also be used in Windows Vista and Windows 7 (both only
the 32-bit version).

• Once installation is complete, click Finish. Installation procedures 25

Software installation

26 Installation procedures

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