1. Develop a mathematical model for the tractor and plow shown in Fig. 1 by considering
the mass, elasticity, and damping of the tires, shock absorbers, and plows (blades).
17. Find the equivalent spring constant of the system shown in Fig. 14 in the direction of the
load P.
18. In the Charpy impact test a specimen is struck and broken by a pendulum (or hammer)
and the energy absorbed in breaking the specimen is measured. This energy values serve
is used for comparing the impact strengths of different materials. As shown in Fig. 15,
the pendulum is suspended from a shaft, and is released from a particular position, and
is allowed to fall and break the specimen. If the pendulum is made to oscillate freely
(with no specimen), find (a) an expression for the decrease in the angle of swing for each
cycle caused by friction, (b) the solution for (t)if the pendulum is released from an
angle 0, and (c) the number of cycles after which the motion ceases. Assume the mass
of the pendulum is m and the coefficient of friction between the shaft and the bearing of
the pendulum is
Pipe cutting mechanism in a continuous production process consists of a large disc of
radius R and mass M which can oscillate around its centre O. At the end of a light rod of
length length L, a motor of mass m is attached with a cutting wheel (Fig. 16). The system
can oscillate on the plane of the disc about the point O. Determine the time period of
oscillations of the system for small angles. Also determine the maximum angular velocity
20. Figures 17 (a), (b) and (c) shows the same vibratory system in three different orientations.
Establish the governing equations of motion and obtain the natural frequency in each
21. A body of mass M = 1 kg, lies on a dry horizontal plane and is connected by spring to a
rigid support. The body is displaced from the unstressed position by an amount equal to
0.255 m with the tension in the spring at this displacement equal to 49 N and then released
with zero velocity. How long will the body vibrate and at what distance from the
unstressed position will it stop if the coefficient of friction is 0.25?
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 4
Fig. 3
Fig. 5
Fig. 6 Fig. 7
Fig. 9
Fig. 8
Fig. 10
Fig. 11
Fig. 12
Fig. 13 Fig. 14
Fig. 15 Fig. 16
Fig. 17