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2018 Vestry Nomination Bios

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Pohick Church Annual Parish Meeting, Sunday, January 14, 10:30 am

Four new vestry members to be elected to three-year terms, and the ratification of the
Nominated Youth Representative (Amanda Ljuba) to a one-year term
Micheyl Bartholomew
Retired Interior Decorator.
Current and Previous Church Committees and Related Activities:
I re-established a docent group that eventually became the Historic Pohick Church Docent Guild. I
was as Director of the Guild from 2011-2014. From 2014 to present, I serve on the Docent Guild Board as
Special Events Chair. I have planned and organized candlelight dinners, teas, the garden party, and an
upcoming Mardi Gras event. I serve on the Historic Pohick Church Foundation as secretary.
Community Participation:
I owned an Interior Decorating company, Fabric Fancies, from 1980-1986 in Burke, VA. After moving from
Virginia, I established a design company, The Whole 9 Yards, and did both commercial and residential design in
Colorado, San Diego, CA, and Virginia from 1988-2012. I have been a docent at Gunston Hall and assisted in
fund raising for Gunston Hall.
Personal Ministry Statement:
My personal ministry in the life of Pohick Church is to attract folks from the community to Pohick to share in
the spiritual benefits and fellowship that Pohick offers so lovingly. It is my goal to perpetuate an environment
within our spiritual community that is supportive, kind, and accepting to all who attend Pohick Church.
Don Cooke
High School Math Teacher
Current and Previous Church Committee and Related Activities:
Brotherhood of St. Andrew – Treasurer, Pohick Church Usher, Vestry - Olivet Episcopal Church, Sunday
School Director – Olivet Episcopal Church, Board of Deacons – Galatia Church, Eagle Rock, VA
Community Participation:
Little League Coach, Springfield, VA/Eagle Rock, VA; PTA President – Eagle Rock Elementary School.
Personal Ministry Statement:
Serving on the Vestry is a role of helping to feed the spiritual growth of the church and the surrounding
community. The sharing of the message of God’s love and forgiveness should always remain vital in the
church’s mission.
Andy Heymann
Facility Program Manager, Retired US Army Corps of Engineer Officer
Current and Previous Church Committees and Related Activities:
Pohick Choir, Past Apple Butter production & Church Fairs. Choir at several other Episcopalian and Anglican
Churches. EYC.
Community Participation:
Vice President, Board of Directors of Mount Air Homeowners Association. Committee Member, Troop 1076
BSA since 2009.
Personal Mission Statement:
Making a Joyful Sound unto the Lord by furthering the musical ministry as a member of the Pohick Choir.
Preserve and maintain our National Historic Landmark, through the development of resources to further the
upkeep of the church, appurtenant facilities, objects and artifacts. Continue our outreach by assisting the
existing organizations within the Pohick Congregation to spread the teachings of Christ through our actions and
Clint Herbert
Retired Federal Employee (Senior Executive)
Current and Previous Church Committee and Related Activities:
Pohick Vestry (Junior Warden); Chairman, Country Fair Committee; Assistant Chair, Country
Fair Committee; Country Fair Games Chair (ongoing); Country Fair Grounds Chair (ongoing)
Community Participation:
President, Board of Directors, Lorton Valley Homeowner’s Association (November 2007-Present); Committee
Member: New South Country Police Substation/Animal Control, Facility Construction Advisory Committee
Personal Ministry Statement:
My personal ministry in Pohick Church continues to be one of discovery, rejuvenation, and community service.
As a child of God I am always searching for how I can best serve God while still seeking to understand who and
what he is, and receiving renewal of spirit through the volunteering of time and talent that I use to further
advocate for the church as a vibrant and welcoming place, thereby growing the parish into the next decade.
Alex Smith
Recent College Graduate
Current and Previous Church Committee and Related Activities:
Former EYC youth advisor; Active in Pohick 20 & 30s ministries; Active member of Pohick
parish for life
Community Participation:
Tutor for the Gunston Partners program for 4 years
Personal Ministry Statement:
With the demographics of the region changing, Father Don and others feel that the parish needs to expand and in
particular get younger, attracting not only those who are already practicing Christians but also those who have
had little to no exposure to the Christian faith, a demographic that is much larger now that it has been in the past.
Forming the 20 and 30s Group was a good start but more can and should be done to help ensure the health of the
church in the future. I would like to help Pohick identify and make the necessary changes to help attract the
younger demographic that has up to this point been underrepresented. I hope to bring a unique viewpoint of being
both a millennial and a Pohick lifer, and help discern which changes would be effective and worth pursuing,
while also lending a voice in favor of maintaining the traditional structures, institutions, and methods of worship
that make Pohick what it is. As someone who has spent his whole life as a member of Pohick Church, I am
particularly aware of how amazing this community is. Pohick has been a part of my life from the very beginning;
it’s where I was baptized, raised in the faith, and confirmed. As an adolescent it helped nurture my faith, helping
me to grow into the Christian I am today. It is a parish that has celebrated with me during the high points of my
life, and comforted me during the lowest of lows. In large part thanks to Pohick, faith plays a central role in my
life, something that is sadly lacking for an increasing number of people my age. I want to see Pohick continue to
be a pillar in the community of Lorton for generations to come, continuing to spread God’s word while remaining
the incredible community that has made me and so many others proud to call Pohick our home.
Herb Stankwitz
Current and Previous Church Committee and Related Activities:
Choir; Handbells; Lay Committee Meeting (Seminarian Guidance)
Community Participation:
Spring and Fall Cleanups; Pohick Country Fair; Coffee Hours; Candlelight Suppers
Personal Ministry Statement:
The Pohick Church Community gave a very warm welcome to me and my family (Rita, Clare and Carl) in the
Fall of 2006, whereupon we were confirmed into the Episcopal faith in the Summer of 2007. Since then, Pohick
has played a very significant part in our spiritual and social lives, including the officiating by Dr. Ruth Correll at
our son Carl’s wedding. I hope to be able to give back to Pohick, strengthening it as a sustaining and growing
presence in the community with an ongoing Christian witness in all that we do. While my travel schedule in the
past has not been conducive to vestry participation with the full and regular attention required, that seems to
have abated and will likely remain so through the next year or two.

Melody Yezek
Homemaker & Volunteer
Current and Previous Church Committees and Related Activities:
Sunday school teacher, Foyers, Coffee Hour Host for 11:15 service, Altar Guild
Community Participation:
Docent Gunston Hall, Gunston Hall Docent Association Secretary; Secretary for a private church school (2004-
Personal Ministry Statement:
I would like to help wherever needed, within the limits of my competence.
Amanda Ljuba
Current and Previous Church Committee and Related Activities:
Acolyte for 8 years, EYC member since 5th grade, bell choir setup person this year.
Community Participation:
Participated in 2 mission trips, member of high school golf team, pit orchestra for the high school spring
musicals member, psychology club member, and a member of multiple honor societies.
Personal Ministry Statement:
I feel God calling me to help others in need through spreading God and trying to provide them with the things
they need like food, clothes, etc. I would make a good Vestry Youth Rep because I am very involved with the
Church and I want to help make the Church the best it can be.

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