March 2017 Pohick Post
March 2017 Pohick Post
March 2017 Pohick Post
The struggle against persecution certainly goes evangelized countries in the world with one of the
against spiritual forces, but many times the evil on youngest and fastest-growing populations.
earth impacts the people much more immediately as As throughout the Middle East, conversion from
in the nation of Yemen. This country sits at the mouth Islam is condemned not just by Islam but also by the
of the Red Sea, across the water from the Horn of culture and families. Nevertheless, www.OpenDoor-
Africa, and is one of the oldest centers of civilization provides the heartening story of Jamil (not
in the Middle East. Historically, the area was famous his real name), a Yemeni convert from Islam. He left
for its frankincense and myrrh and tradition says that the country before the recent conflict began but regu-
the Queen of Sheba - of King Solomons time - ruled larly returns and notes that much has changed for the
over the land. Yemen has always been a crossroads of remaining Christians in the country. Jamil testifies
civilizations due to its strategic location between Asia that [m]any Christians had to leave their commu-
and Africa. nities; they are now scattered all over the country
Unfortunately, Yemen has seen little long-term It may sound strange, but the fact that many Chris-
peace in its recent history. North Yemen (actually the tian families had to flee has become a huge blessing.
eastern half ) became independent from the Ottoman There are Christians everywhere in the country now,
Empire in 1918 while the British had already occu- not just in certain pockets. And the faith is growing
pied the other half due to the strategic port of Aden. because, as Christians, we seem to have lost our fear.
The British left South Yemen in 1967 and the coun- Through the crisis and the war God has empowered
try unified in 1990. However, little peace followed. us to share the Gospel wherever we are. He tells how
Fighting broke out in the unified country and in 2011 some pastors regularly baptize new believers who are
the Arab Spring spread to Yemen, igniting the most disillusioned with Islam and the conflict it has appar-
recent conflict. In March 2015, an Arab coalition led ently brought.
by Saudi Arabia intervened while the United Nations However, the number of Christians is small and
has attempted to mediate an end to the bloodshed. they are often targeted by Islamic militant groups
The conflict, though, goes on with over 10,000 dead, (ISIS and Al Qaeda offshoots) who hope to gain ter-
the danger of an impending famine, and continuing ritory and who specifically look to remove Christians
destruction of the poorest country in the Arab world. from the country, often using them as scapegoats for
The Christian element in this country on the the problems besetting the society. This will continue
southern coast of the Arabian peninsula is small but along with the other needless bloodletting among the
alive. Christianity had a strong presence in the area civilian population, so please in the coming month
during its early history but the Muslim conquest in pray for the small Yemeni Christian population as
the 7th century virtually wiped it out. Now, 99% of well as Yemenis in general that:
the more than 27 million Yemenis are Muslim (65% the conflict will come to an end and spare in-
Sunni, 35% Shia) with the current conflict tending nocent lives
to follow the Sunni-Shia split. Religious minorities the threat of a famine will be met with interna-
make up a very small 1% of the population but in- tional intervention to avoid catastrophe, and
cludes Christians, Jews, Hindus and others. Many Yemeni Christians will be able to continue to
of these Christians were refugees (especially Ethio- spread the Gospel of Jesus love and the hope it pro-
pian) or temporary residents. Several years ago, before vides.
the most recent conflict, Yemen had perhaps 20,000 As Jamil emphasized: The war creates new
Christians and 300 Jews. Due to the ongoing violence, chances for the gospelThis is a great chance for
most of the expatriate or migrant Christians have left, Christians, not to introduce [the Muslims] to a new
leaving only a few thousand Christians in the country, religion, but to show them that a relationship with
mostly converts from Islam. Yemen is one of the least Jesus Christ is the answer.
Page 6 March 2017 Pohick Episcopal Church
Update on Issues in the Anglican Communion, place at the heart of the Communion.
continued from page 6 GAFCONs UK branch added, The confusion
created by the General Synod vote on 15th February
teaching document must thus ultimately come from makes it abundantly clear that a new vision is now
the Bishops. However, all episcopal ministry must be needed of what Anglican Christianity in England can
exercised with all the people of God, lay and ordained, and should be, and made it clear GAFCON UK has
and thus our proposals will ensure a wide ranging and that new vision.
fully inclusive approach, both in subject matter and in ***
those who work on it. Bp. Stacy Sauls, who served as chief operating of-
Supporters of full inclusion of gays and lesbians in ficer of The Episcopal Church from 2011 until De-
the life of the church welcomed the statement. cember 2015, is suing the church over his dismissal.
Canon Jeremy Pemberton, chair of the group Bp. Sauls and two other senior staffers were placed
OneBodyOneFaith and the first COE priest to on administrative leave shortly after Presiding Bishop
marry a same-sex partner in a civil ceremony, said the Michael Curry assumed office over
letter was a bold and welcome response to address the accusations of personnel policy vio-
disjunction between the House of Bishops and Hous- lations. An investigation found that
es of Clergy and Laity in their understanding of and the other two violated established
response to human sexuality. We applaud the tone set workplace policies and to have failed
by Archbishop Justin as he seeks a radical new Chris- to live up to the Churchs standards
tian inclusion and his affirmation that, no person is a of personal conduct in their rela-
problem or an issue [because] people are made in the tionships with employees, which
image of God. In this we find echoed our own vision, contributed to a workplace environment often incon-
longing for Christs body to be one, finding unity in sistent with the values and expectations of The Epis-
a diversity which includes all whom Christ has called, copal Church. They were fired.
that they might participate in Gods mission, leading The investigation concluded that Bp. Sauls was
to transformation for our world. unaware of the policy violations and did not violate
For Bishops to consult with local synod repre- policy himself. However, Bp. Michael concluded it
sentatives in how to establish a way forward on hu- was best that he too be let go.
man sexuality that is about love, joy and celebration A letter from Bp. Michael and The Rev. Kay Jen-
of our common humanity will indeed be a significant nings, president of the House of Deputies, said that
change. Bp. Michael tried his best to negotiate a good faith
GAFCON, the organization representing theo- and compassionate severance, but Bp. Sauls rejected
logical conservatives in Africa, the United States it.
and elsewhere, saw things very differently saying in a As officers of the church, we are not going to
statement after the vote, The Church of England is in comment directly on pending litigation that involves
turmoil. the church. We have complete confidence in one an-
It seems likely that this is a watershed moment other and in the staff, officers, and leaders of the Epis-
with the Church of England now set on the same path copal Church. We are united in our desire to resolve
as the Episcopal Church of the United States (TEC) this suit as quickly and compassionately as possible,
and other Provinces that have taken it upon them- and we are committed to working together to create a
selves to reinvent fundamental Christian doctrine. church culture that follows the loving, liberating and
It is also increasingly clear that a new vision is life-giving way of Jesus.
needed for the Anglican Communion as a whole. De- Rev. Jennings figures prominently in Bp. Sauls
spite its enduring historical symbolism, Canterbury lawsuit. It claims he is the victim of a wrongful
can no longer be the defining centre, but through the conspiracycarried out as part of a scheme to el-
GAFCON movement a growing number of faithful evate the stature and authority of the President of the
Anglicans are now recovering their true identity in
the gospel itself as the Bible is restored to its rightful Continued on page 8
Page 8 March 2017 Pohick Episcopal Church
Contact the Parish Secretary, Susan Hayward-Costa, to list group meetings or events on the calendar,
Page 10 March 2017 Pohick Episcopal Church
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