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March 2017 Pohick Post

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Pohick Episcopal Church

9301 Richmond Highway Lorton, VA 22079
Telephone: 703-339-6572 Fax: 703-339-9884

Let your light so shine (Matt. 5:16)

March 2017
From The Rector lish who surrounded them, the early Pennsylvania
Dutch spoke a regional dialect of German (Dutch
The Reverend comes from Deutch) and so developed their own
Donald D. Binder, PhD series of religious customs tied to the Lutheran, Re-
formed and Anabaptist churches. Growing up in

A s we have done for many years now, our series of

Lenten Suppers, Studies and Services will be-
gin on Wednesday, March 8 at 6:30 pm in the Parish
Lehigh County Pennsylvania, I was surrounded by
many of these customs, and my fathers father could
still speak the language, even though he didnt do so
House and run over five weeks. For adults, I will of- very often.
fer a class entitled, American Folk Religion, which In reflecting upon this family history, it occurred
I will write about below. Meanwhile, our seminarian to me how much of our religious life in America is
Wesley Arning will share experiences from his recent colored by these regional and ethnic traditions that
trip to East Africa in his adult study, Lessons from have not always hewed closely to the hierarchical
the Plains of Africa. line: while certainly imbued with orthodox Christian
For their Lenten programs, our teens and pre- teachings, many have incorporated religious practices
teens will be exploring the Beatitudes, while the or emphases from earlier cultural ties. These regional
younger children will learn about prayer. Childcare folk customs together form a rich spiritual tapestry
is available for ages three and under during the class across our nation, one that is not often appreciated or
time. explored.
The evenings each begin with a potluck supper As a means of remedying this oversight, my Lent-
(6:30 pm - 7:05 pm) prior to the studies themselves en class will survey a sampling of these American folk
(7:10 pm - 7:50 pm). These are then capped off by a religions, including those practiced by the Amish (a
worship service from 8:00 pm - 8:30 pm featuring subset of the Pennsylvania Dutch), by Native Ameri-
Celtic prayers and music. I hope that many of you can Christians, and by those living in the hollows of
will be able to attend these, continuing the wonderful Appalachia and the bayous of Louisiana. It is my hope
participation we have had over the past several years. that through such an exploration, we might not only
As for the topic of my study, American Folk Re- gain greater clarity about the theological boundaries
ligion, its choice was inspired in part by family his- of our Christian faith, but also potentially appropri-
tory: I am half Pennsylvania Dutch, descended from ate meaningful practices from these traditions, thus
that collection of early American immigrants who enriching our own personal and corporate spirituality.
came to this country from Germany, Northeastern So, whether you attend my class on this topic or
France, Switzerland, and the Netherlands in pursuit
of religious freedom. Unlike the predominant Eng- Continued on page 2
Page 2 March 2017 Pohick Episcopal Church

From the Rector: continued from page 1

Wesleys course on the church in East Africa - not to Christian Education
mention the Celtic communion service at the end of Frances Sessums, Director of Christian Education
each evening - prepare to have the cultural horizons
of your faith expanded! March 8 will be the first Wednesday evening
As that old folk hymn proudly proclaims, In Lenten Program. During the class time, the nurs-
Christ there is no East or West, in him no South or ery will be available with a paid attendant. The pre-
North; but one great fellowship of love, throughout schoolers through fourth graders will be studying
the whole wide earth. The Meaning of Lent and Prayer. Frances Sessums
is looking forward to working with the students and
teaching this class. Rusty Booth will be teaching the
Junior Wardens Report 4th through 12th grade students. They will be study-
Fred Crawford, Junior Warden ing The Beatitudes. Mite boxes will be handed out
to the Church School students. They are also available
Thanks: To Rodger Jones and Stew Remaly for outside the Education Office as well as downstairs on
getting the new dishwasher installed. There are a few the information table.
installation issues to work through but it does work On February 12, the 5th through 12th grade stu-
and dishes can now be washed in the new machine. dents visited The Fairfax to deliver Bud Vases and Val-
To John Sessums for repairing the mechanisms entines. They had very good visits. Thanks to everyone
for the ladder to the attic in the choir room. It took who supported the event and made it such a success!
a long time to obtain the proper springs. John stuck
with it, finally received them, and installed them in
early February.
EYC News
Rusty Booth, Youth Minister
To John Sessums for fixing another moving panel
between the Common Room and Annex. These pan- What is Lent? Why should teens participate in the
els give a lot of flexibility. However, the panels have Lenten program on Wednesday nights at the church?
occasionally been moved without raising the foot on Lent is the church season of preparing for Easter and
the panel. This breaks the mechanism and causes the Christians spend this time observing a period of fast-
need for a two hour repair job. In addition, although ing, repentance, and spiritual discipline.
John has been able to get a small number of spare The Wednesday Lenten program at Pohick helps
parts, there may not be any more due to the age of the teens observe Lent by conducting a study class on
panels. If unfamiliar with the panels and they need to various subjects relevant to their spiritual journey. This
be moved, please ask for help from someone who has year study will focus on the Beatitudes from the Ser-
that experience. mon on the Mount found in the Gospel of Matthew.
What has been done: There have been no major is- Teens will learn how they work and impact daily lives,
sues to date for the new year, so planning has contin- and hopefully, accept them and let them shape and
ued to plan for minor repairs and upgrades. Note the change relationships with others. This study will allow
new feet on the new chairs in the Common Room. teens to focus on themselves and their spiritual life
These replace the original feet which were leaving and to make changes necessary for a Christ led life.
marks on the new tile floors. Take this time to encourage teens to join this
What is planned: Replacement of the gaskets on program and spend time with the Bible exploring the
the kitchen refrigerator. Gaskets have been ordered words of Jesus. This is a great opportunity for teens to
and will be installed after receipt. Planning will con- hear from their peers about their thoughts and beliefs
tinue on the proposed conversion of the Sanctuary to and for teens to examine their own spiritual life.
all electric heat and ventilation of the underfloor area. The Lenten program is every Wednesday night
Continue trouble shooting and repair of the court- during Lent, starting with a potluck dinner at 6:30
yard lamp by the Vestry House. The open in the cir- pm and class following in the trailer. Come and let
cuit has not been found. Jesus change your life!
Pohick Episcopal Church March 2017 Page 3

try, office staff, and sextons without whom the game

From The Assistant Rector cannot be played. The spectators include everyone
The Reverend watching the game, that is, the world. The fans, gam-
Dr. Ruth E. Correll, Ed.D. blers, and naysayers together make up a crowd of on-
lookers. Some want to play and love the game; others
just want to watch while shouting comments typical of
Meditations on Super Bowl, 2017 back seat drivers, whether in cheers, advice, or insults.
Faithfully watching Super Bowl is my one annual Second, the game itself: The field certainly rep-
bow to the football industry. The other 364 days of the resents the earth, and the boundaries encompass the
year, I consider this industry organized brutality, next reach of the church. The heart of the game is the ball,
of kin to shooting animals for pleasure and profit. Just the Gospel. The object of the game is to take the Gos-
look at the maimed veterans of these games when pel in ones own hand to the end zones of the earth.
they are sixty years old. But on a recent trip to see my Every team member has the responsibility to keep
family, I started to see the light. My 6-year-old grand- his eyes on the Gospel throughout the game. A team
nephew evangelized me. I was enthralled to watch him scores a touchdown by carrying the Gospel by run-
work (or is it play?) his Madden 17 program. ning or passing it to another team member so it edges
It was just shy of three weeks till Super Bowl 51. toward and enters the end zones. The goal posts in the
He recited the names, numbers, and positions of the end zone bear a resemblance to the high and lifted
team members hoping to leave Texas lifting high the up Cross. The team earns extra points when the des-
coveted trophy. He knew the signals and calls the ignated kicker sails the Gospel through the air so its
umpire makes. He can recite and apply the rules plus path intersects with the Cross. Disciplined skill devel-
many other terms that go with the game. While he is a opment is vital. For hundreds of hours, throwers and
staunch fan of the Pittsburgh Steelers, he conceded to receivers practice the art of passing and catching the
cheer for the Atlanta Falcons in Super Bowl 51. Now Gospel. Of course the Rector is the quarterback who
to redeem the tearful ending to this story, I shall spin calls the plays and designates the players to carry them
some theological reflection illustrated by the mighty out.
game of football. On the big night of Sunday, Febru- Lessons from Super Bowl 51. An accurate pass
ary 5, something happened for the first time in my life. with a spectacular reception almost surpasses ballet
I was more inspired by the game than the commer- in beauty. The game isnt over till the buzzer buzzes.
cials and half time show. Heres a sampling of football Never give up. Committed team work can break all
meditations. sorts of records. It generates an awesome communion
First of all, the people: God the Father created the (note the lower case).
game and wrote the rules. God the Son modeled the
perfect player for any position, understood by experi- St. Patricks Day Celebration Dinner
ence every game wound, and triumphed over all oppo- The Brotherhood of Saint Andrew will spon-
nents. God the Holy Spirit acts an umpire with yellow sor a dinner in honor of St. Patrick with tradi-
flags at hand, protecting players from injury and call- tional Corned Beef and Cabbage and all the fix-
ing out players who go out of bounds, foul, or break the ings. The dinner will be held on Saturday, March
rules. On a lower level, team owners are the denomi- 18 at 6:00 pm in the Common Room.
national trustees and money holders, some authentic This has been a popular family event. The
fans and some in it for material gain and prestige. The Brotherhood looks forward to a large crowd and
coaches are the spiritual directors, seminary professors, asks that tickets are bought in advance from any
Christian authors, and influential lay persons whose Brotherhood ticket salesman
guidance shapes a churchs direction and skills. The or call Fred Crawford at 703-
team members are the leaders of the church: bishops, 680-1664. Tickets are $15 for
priests and deacons, Sunday School teachers, organist/ adults, $40 for a Family and
choir directors, and actively involved parishioners. The children under 12 are free.
football teams support staff members include the Ves-
Page 4 March 2017 Pohick Episcopal Church

Marthas Table Sandwich Making

Coffee Hour Fellowship Ministry
Wednesday, March 1 9:30 am
The Coffee Hour Fellowship Ministry for the
Participate in this monthly program to help make
9:00 am service is short-handed this spring.
sandwiches for this wonderful and important hunger
Each service needs a volunteer (or a couple of ministry. Marthas Table is a DC-based non-profit,
people working together) to make the coffee, charitable organization that provides many services
set out light refreshments, and wash up after- for the homeless and less fortunate in the Washing-
wards. An inexperienced person can be paired ton DC area. These services include providing meals
with an experienced per- served daily from McKennas Wagon, which supplies
son and partners can sandwiches, soup, fruit, and beverages; Marthas Out-
be found for those who fitters provides clothing to the needy; special meals on
would like to help but holidays; and learning activities for over 300 children
not be in charge. Please each day.
contact Lucy Look lu- Sydenstricker United Methodist Church in
cylook00@gmail.com or Springfield has worked with Marthas Table for over
30 years providing sandwiches for their many activi-
ties. In 2016, Sydenstricker volunteers made about
4,000 sandwiches each month. The current menu is
Stewardship Corner peanut butter and jelly along with luncheon meat
and cheese made with over 500 loaves of bread each
Stewardship and the Eucharist
month. Volunteers are Sydenstricker members, neigh-
The Episcopal Church has put the concepts of steward- bors, and friends. These sandwich days provide a great
ship at the heart of our weekly celebration of the Eucharist. opportunity for fellowship and to meet members of
As our celebration of Holy Communion begins, parishio- other denominations to share in a local mission project
ners bring forth their offering of bread and wine - sym- that touches so many people. Sydenstricker would like
bolically bread baked in their ovens and made with wheat to extend an invitation to Pohick Church members to
from their fields and wine from the fruit of their vineyards.
share in this ecumenical work on the first Wednesday
These offerings represent the giving back of a portion of
morning of every month.
the bounty God has given us. The wine, for example, repre-
sents a portion of the time spent planting and tending the No experience necessary - just a willingness to
vines, a portion of the talent involved in pressing the grapes help. Show up on the first Wednesday of each month
and turning them to wine, and a portion of the treasure at Sydenstricker UMCs Hottle Hall (their version of
the completed wine represents in commerce. At that point Pohicks Common Room) at 9:30 am and the work is
they are ordinary gifts of stewardship. And then a miracu- generally finished by 11:00 am.
lous thing happens. Through the Eucharist God transforms Sydenstricker United Methodist Church, 8508
these gifts of men into the living body of Christ. This is Hooes Road, just off the Fairfax County Parkway be-
the very heart of stewardship - the presentation of earthly tween Pohick Road and Rolling Road in Springfield.
time, talent, and treasure to God and His transformation of For more information contact Rev. Tom at tom_nich-
those things into the living, breathing body of Christ - His olas@verizon.net.
In our weekly Stewardship Perspectives, we endeavor to
show you just how that transformation happens here at Po- Send News for April
hick - how your presentation of time, talent, and treasure to Articles for the April 2017 Pohick Post
God becomes the living, breathing body of Christ as it ex- are due no later than March 15!
ists in this parish. Over the coming weeks we will also sug- Forward input by email in Word compatible
gest, often by implication, how we could further strengthen format to Lori Buckius, raebuck@aol.com.
that body of Christ through increased commitment. Design concerns & items for the Sunday
Service Volunteers page should be addressed
Yours in Christ, to Carmel Hodge, cchodge@aol.com.
Your Stewardship Commission
Pohick Episcopal Church March 2017 Page 5

The Persecution Corner

By Bob Munson
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities,
against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. - Ephesians 6:12 (NIV)

The struggle against persecution certainly goes evangelized countries in the world with one of the
against spiritual forces, but many times the evil on youngest and fastest-growing populations.
earth impacts the people much more immediately as As throughout the Middle East, conversion from
in the nation of Yemen. This country sits at the mouth Islam is condemned not just by Islam but also by the
of the Red Sea, across the water from the Horn of culture and families. Nevertheless, www.OpenDoor-
Africa, and is one of the oldest centers of civilization sUSA.org provides the heartening story of Jamil (not
in the Middle East. Historically, the area was famous his real name), a Yemeni convert from Islam. He left
for its frankincense and myrrh and tradition says that the country before the recent conflict began but regu-
the Queen of Sheba - of King Solomons time - ruled larly returns and notes that much has changed for the
over the land. Yemen has always been a crossroads of remaining Christians in the country. Jamil testifies
civilizations due to its strategic location between Asia that [m]any Christians had to leave their commu-
and Africa. nities; they are now scattered all over the country
Unfortunately, Yemen has seen little long-term It may sound strange, but the fact that many Chris-
peace in its recent history. North Yemen (actually the tian families had to flee has become a huge blessing.
eastern half ) became independent from the Ottoman There are Christians everywhere in the country now,
Empire in 1918 while the British had already occu- not just in certain pockets. And the faith is growing
pied the other half due to the strategic port of Aden. because, as Christians, we seem to have lost our fear.
The British left South Yemen in 1967 and the coun- Through the crisis and the war God has empowered
try unified in 1990. However, little peace followed. us to share the Gospel wherever we are. He tells how
Fighting broke out in the unified country and in 2011 some pastors regularly baptize new believers who are
the Arab Spring spread to Yemen, igniting the most disillusioned with Islam and the conflict it has appar-
recent conflict. In March 2015, an Arab coalition led ently brought.
by Saudi Arabia intervened while the United Nations However, the number of Christians is small and
has attempted to mediate an end to the bloodshed. they are often targeted by Islamic militant groups
The conflict, though, goes on with over 10,000 dead, (ISIS and Al Qaeda offshoots) who hope to gain ter-
the danger of an impending famine, and continuing ritory and who specifically look to remove Christians
destruction of the poorest country in the Arab world. from the country, often using them as scapegoats for
The Christian element in this country on the the problems besetting the society. This will continue
southern coast of the Arabian peninsula is small but along with the other needless bloodletting among the
alive. Christianity had a strong presence in the area civilian population, so please in the coming month
during its early history but the Muslim conquest in pray for the small Yemeni Christian population as
the 7th century virtually wiped it out. Now, 99% of well as Yemenis in general that:
the more than 27 million Yemenis are Muslim (65% the conflict will come to an end and spare in-
Sunni, 35% Shia) with the current conflict tending nocent lives
to follow the Sunni-Shia split. Religious minorities the threat of a famine will be met with interna-
make up a very small 1% of the population but in- tional intervention to avoid catastrophe, and
cludes Christians, Jews, Hindus and others. Many Yemeni Christians will be able to continue to
of these Christians were refugees (especially Ethio- spread the Gospel of Jesus love and the hope it pro-
pian) or temporary residents. Several years ago, before vides.
the most recent conflict, Yemen had perhaps 20,000 As Jamil emphasized: The war creates new
Christians and 300 Jews. Due to the ongoing violence, chances for the gospelThis is a great chance for
most of the expatriate or migrant Christians have left, Christians, not to introduce [the Muslims] to a new
leaving only a few thousand Christians in the country, religion, but to show them that a relationship with
mostly converts from Islam. Yemen is one of the least Jesus Christ is the answer.
Page 6 March 2017 Pohick Episcopal Church

Update on Issues in the Anglican Communion

Don Brownlee, Member of Policy and Planning Commission
This monthly report is part of the Vestrys ongoing effort to in- No person is a problem, or an issue. People are
form and update the Parish about the ongoing controversies made in the image of God. All of us, without excep-
within The Episcopal Church (TEC) and the Anglican Com- tion, are loved and called in Christ. There are no prob-
munion. These controversies largely involve the blessing of same- lems, there are simply people.
sex unions, ordination of non-celibate homosexuals, interpreta-
How we deal with the real and profound disagree-
tion of Scripture, and breakdown of traditional boundary lines
ment - put so passionately and so clearly by many at
between Provinces.
thedebate on marriage and same-sex relationships
today - is the challenge we face as
As reported last month, the bishops of the Church
people who all belong to Christ.
of England (COE) culminated two years of conver-
To deal with that disagree-
sations over issues of human sexuality by conclud-
ment, to find ways forward, we
ing there was little support among the bishops for
need a radical new Christian in-
clusion in the Church. This must
be founded in scripture, in reason,
in tradition, in theology; it must be
based on good, healthy, flourish-
ing relationships, and in a proper 21st century under-
standing of being human and of being sexual.
He and the Archbishop of York echoed that call
for radical new Christian inclusion in a letter to
member of the Synod a few days later.
We are therefore asking first for every Diocesan
Bishop to meet with their General Synod members
for an extended conversation in order to establish
changing the Churchs formal teaching on marriage,
clearly the desires of every member of Synod for the
but there that is a strong sense that existing resources,
way forward.
guidance and tone needed to be revisited.
As Archbishops we will be establishing a Pastoral
Their Report with those conclusions came before
Oversight group led by the Bishop of Newcastle, with
the COEs General Synod in February. In a stunning
the task of supporting and advising Dioceses on pas-
rebuke to the church leadership, it was rejected. A
toral actions with regard to our current pastoral ap-
motion to take note of the report - in essence, al-
proach to human sexuality. The group will be inclusive,
low Synod to discuss its content and recommenda-
and will seek to discern the development of pastoral
tions without committing to formal acceptance of it
practices, within current arrangements.
- was defeated. While the bishops voting supported
Secondly, we, with others, will be formulating
it almost unanimously, and the lay delegates did so by
proposals for the May House of Bishops for a large
a wide margin, the clergy narrowly voted it down. A
scale teaching document around the subject of hu-
majority of each of the three Houses was needed to
man sexuality. In an episcopal
take note and move forward with discussions.
church a principal responsibil-
Even the official Anglican Communion News
ity of Bishops is the teaching
Service report called the vote a significant rejection
ministry of the church, and the
of the bishops.
guarding of the deposit of faith
After the vote, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin
that we have all inherited. The
Welby directly addressed those who said the report as
drafted showed the Church of England saw gays and
lesbians as a problem to be dealt with. Continued on page 7
Pohick Episcopal Church March 2017 Page 7

Update on Issues in the Anglican Communion, place at the heart of the Communion.
continued from page 6 GAFCONs UK branch added, The confusion
created by the General Synod vote on 15th February
teaching document must thus ultimately come from makes it abundantly clear that a new vision is now
the Bishops. However, all episcopal ministry must be needed of what Anglican Christianity in England can
exercised with all the people of God, lay and ordained, and should be, and made it clear GAFCON UK has
and thus our proposals will ensure a wide ranging and that new vision.
fully inclusive approach, both in subject matter and in ***
those who work on it. Bp. Stacy Sauls, who served as chief operating of-
Supporters of full inclusion of gays and lesbians in ficer of The Episcopal Church from 2011 until De-
the life of the church welcomed the statement. cember 2015, is suing the church over his dismissal.
Canon Jeremy Pemberton, chair of the group Bp. Sauls and two other senior staffers were placed
OneBodyOneFaith and the first COE priest to on administrative leave shortly after Presiding Bishop
marry a same-sex partner in a civil ceremony, said the Michael Curry assumed office over
letter was a bold and welcome response to address the accusations of personnel policy vio-
disjunction between the House of Bishops and Hous- lations. An investigation found that
es of Clergy and Laity in their understanding of and the other two violated established
response to human sexuality. We applaud the tone set workplace policies and to have failed
by Archbishop Justin as he seeks a radical new Chris- to live up to the Churchs standards
tian inclusion and his affirmation that, no person is a of personal conduct in their rela-
problem or an issue [because] people are made in the tionships with employees, which
image of God. In this we find echoed our own vision, contributed to a workplace environment often incon-
longing for Christs body to be one, finding unity in sistent with the values and expectations of The Epis-
a diversity which includes all whom Christ has called, copal Church. They were fired.
that they might participate in Gods mission, leading The investigation concluded that Bp. Sauls was
to transformation for our world. unaware of the policy violations and did not violate
For Bishops to consult with local synod repre- policy himself. However, Bp. Michael concluded it
sentatives in how to establish a way forward on hu- was best that he too be let go.
man sexuality that is about love, joy and celebration A letter from Bp. Michael and The Rev. Kay Jen-
of our common humanity will indeed be a significant nings, president of the House of Deputies, said that
change. Bp. Michael tried his best to negotiate a good faith
GAFCON, the organization representing theo- and compassionate severance, but Bp. Sauls rejected
logical conservatives in Africa, the United States it.
and elsewhere, saw things very differently saying in a As officers of the church, we are not going to
statement after the vote, The Church of England is in comment directly on pending litigation that involves
turmoil. the church. We have complete confidence in one an-
It seems likely that this is a watershed moment other and in the staff, officers, and leaders of the Epis-
with the Church of England now set on the same path copal Church. We are united in our desire to resolve
as the Episcopal Church of the United States (TEC) this suit as quickly and compassionately as possible,
and other Provinces that have taken it upon them- and we are committed to working together to create a
selves to reinvent fundamental Christian doctrine. church culture that follows the loving, liberating and
It is also increasingly clear that a new vision is life-giving way of Jesus.
needed for the Anglican Communion as a whole. De- Rev. Jennings figures prominently in Bp. Sauls
spite its enduring historical symbolism, Canterbury lawsuit. It claims he is the victim of a wrongful
can no longer be the defining centre, but through the conspiracycarried out as part of a scheme to el-
GAFCON movement a growing number of faithful evate the stature and authority of the President of the
Anglicans are now recovering their true identity in
the gospel itself as the Bible is restored to its rightful Continued on page 8
Page 8 March 2017 Pohick Episcopal Church

Update on Issues in the Anglican Communion, General Browns Scalpel

continued from page 7 By Lawrence M (Larry) Nelson, MD, MBA
Churchs House of Deputies and to constitute that CAPT USPHS, Retired
position as an office to be regarded and treated, in re- The Director of the Pohick Chapter of the
spect to Church governance and the exercise of au- Brotherhood of Saint Andrew asked me to submit
thority over the staff and resources of the Church, as a correspondence to the Pohick Post each month.
co-equal with the office of the Presiding Bishop. It This is a worldwide ministry with chapters in
makes numerous other references to her, and people Africa, Japan, the Philippines, Great Britain,
colluding with her. Canada, Haiti, and the United States. Founded
The original charges have never been made public,
in 1883 by a group of workingmen at Saint James
but according to Bp. Sauls suit, he and the others were
told by church attorneys they involved racism, sex-
Episcopal Church in Chicago, the focus is to
ism, retaliation, sexual harassment, and creation of a bring men and boys to Christ. The founders en-
hostile workplace. visioned a muscular form of Christianity, a source
Elsewhere: of strength for dealing with adversity. In 1908, an
The archbishops of both the Church of Wales Act of Congress signed into effect by Theodore
and Church of Scotland are retiring. Roosevelt incorporated the Brotherhood.
Abp. Barry Morgan, who had served as Archbish- The Pohick Chapter meets every Saturday
op of Wales for 14 years, retired on his 70th birth- morning at 8:00 am for a hearty mans breakfast,
day at the end of January. He was the longest-serving prayer, service, and study. I am indeed grateful to
archbishop in the Anglican Communion and one of this Brotherhood for introducing me to Pohick
its longest-serving bishops. He became Archbishop Church! Once I experienced the energy of this
of Wales when Abp. Rowan Williams was chosen as
chapter I was convinced this was the place for me.
Archbishop of Canterbury.
During his arch-episcopacy, Abp. Morgan pushed
I also serve on the Pohick Church Docent Guild
through changes in cannon law that allow women to and portray the character Physician General
be consecrated as bishops. William Brown, MD. Hence, I title this monthly
To the north, the Most Rev David Chillingworth, update General Browns Scalpel.
Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church has an-
nounced he will retire at the end of July after serving
since 2009.
He has pushed the church to reshape its life in Ash Wednesday
the cause of mission and growth, and played a major
role in various organizations in the Anglican Com- March 1, 2017
munion working through conflicts over human sexu-
ality. 7:00 am, 12 noon,
It is important to remember that despite all these controversies, the
work of the Church - globally, nationally, and locally - goes on. In the first six 4:30 pm and 7:30 pm
months of 2016, Pohick has donated more than three tons of food to the Lor-
ton Community Action Centers food pantry, helping feed mothers, fathers
and children who would otherwise go hungry. Over the same period, Pohick
provided nearly 1,400 lunches to residents of the Eleanor Kennedy Shelter
at Ft Belvoir. The annual December New Hope Housing Dinner provided
dinner to over 100 people, and Breakfast with Santa later that week was
attended by approximately 75 LCAC clients. Through youth mission trips,
food donations to LCAC, donations of school supplies and backpacks, and the Imposition
Community of Hope, Pohick continues to leak the love of God to those in
need. As Bp. Ted reminded us during his episcopal visit in June, the Chris- of Ashes
tian lives we lead may be the only Bible some of our neighbors ever read.
Pohick Episcopal Church March 2017 Page 9

Pohick Church Activities March 2017

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
FEB 26 27 28 MARCH 1 2 3 4
Epiphany Last, Year A 9:30a Falls 9:30a Staff Mtg Ash Wednesday 10a Diocese Exec 8a Brotherhood
7:45a HE I Church Docents 5p Pancake Sup- 7:30a Ash Wed Service Mtg of St. Andrew
9a HE II 6p Marriage per 12p Ash Wed Service 6:15p Bell Choir 10:30a Yoga
10:15a Inquirers Class 2p HE, the Fairfax 7p Boy Scouts 1p 1st Sat
10:20a Alpha Course 7:30p Choir of Docent Tour
7p EFM 4:30p Ash Wed Service
11:15a HE II Pohick
6p St. Cecelia St.
5p Confirmation Class 8:30p AA
Alban Choir
6:30p EYC
6p St. Francis Choir
7:30p Ash Wed Service
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Lent Ia 7p EFM 9:30a Staff Mtg 2p HE, the Fairfax 6:15p Bell Choir 8a Brotherhood of
7:45a HE I 7p Tutoring 6p St. Cecelia St. St. Andrew
7p Boy Scouts
9a HE II Alban Choir 10:30a Yoga
7:30p Choir of Pohick
10:15a Inquirers Class 6p St. Francis Choir
10:20a Alpha 8:30p AA
6:30p Lenten Pot-
11:15a HE I luck & Program
5p Confirmation Class
6:30p EYC
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Lent IIa 7p EFM 9:30a Staff Mtg 2p HE, the Fairfax 6:15p Bell Choir St. Patricks 8a Brotherhood
7:45a HE I 9:30a Ann Ma- 6p St. Cecelia St. 7p Boy Scouts Day of St. Andrew
9a HE II son Guild Mtg Alban Choir 7:30p Choir of 10:30a Yoga
10:15a Inquirers Class 7p Tutoring 6p St. Francis Choir Pohick 6p St. Pats
10:20a Alpha 7:30p Vestry 6:30p Lenten Pot- 8:30p AA Dinner
11:15a HE II Mtg luck & Program
5p Confirmation Class
Pohick Post Deadline
6:30p Jr/Sr High
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Lent IIIa 7p EFM 9:30a Staff Mtg 2p HE, the Fairfax 6:15p Bell Choir 7:30a EYC/
7:45a HE I 7p Tutoring 6p St. Cecelia St. 7p Boy Scouts Spring Day of
9a HE II Alban Choir 7:30p Choir of Service
10:15a Inquirers Class 6p St. Francis Choir Pohick 8a Brotherhood
10:20a Alpha 6:30p Lenten Pot- 8:30p AA of St. Andrew
11:15a HE I 10:30a Yoga
luck & Program
5p Confirmation Class
6:30p EYC
26 27 28 29 30 31 APRIL 1
Lent IVa 6p Marriage 9:30a Staff Mtg 2p HE, the Fairfax 6:15p Bell Choir 8a Brotherhood
7:45a HE I Course 7p Tutoring 6p St. Cecelia St. 7p Boy Scouts of St. Andrew
9a HE II Alban Choir 7:30p Choir of 10:30a Yoga
6p COH
10:15a Inquirers Class 6p St. Francis Choir Pohick 1p 1st Sat
10:20a Alpha 7p EFM 8:30p AA Docent Tour
6:30p Lenten Pot-
11:15a HE II 6p LCAC Gala
luck & Program
5p Confirmation Class

Contact the Parish Secretary, Susan Hayward-Costa, to list group meetings or events on the calendar, shcosta@pohick.org.
Page 10 March 2017 Pohick Episcopal Church


7:45 Mike Zane Tony Marsico Stew Remaly Rodger Jones Mike Zane
Mike Vaughn Alan Mayberry Becky Wagner Mike Vaughn Tony Marsico
9:00 Tom Bland Mo Faber Edwardene Pitcock Matt Gurrola Dru Hodges
Chris Brown Kathy Kirkland Dan Derbes Don Cooke Beth Altman
Grant Hodges John Pasour Jim Foster Brent Goeller Fuzzy Thurston
Pehr Pehrsson Greg Wilson Bill Patton Ron Schow Hal Yarwood
11:15 Hank Foresman Bill Bland Sandra Caesar Rick Nelson Paul Walden
Mike Wooten Ed McGovern Dave Billingsley Rita Smith Hank Foresman
7:00 F. Thurston B. Altman C. McCullough F. Thurston E. Thorson
1:00 D. Smith A. Choi J. Albertson A. Derbes J. Albertson
12:15 Bartlett/Remaly M/M Myers Hodges/Altman Heintze/Jacobus Faber/Kirkland
AM BJ McPherson BJ McPherson J. Sunderland J. Sunderland J. Wells
A. Powell, J. Schmid A. Powell, J. Schmid B. Altman B. Altman N. Sage
M. Tonkin M. Tonkin N. Bireley N. Bireley C. Foster
S. Caesar S. Caesar V. Jones V. Jones J. Geschickter
E. Pitcock E. Pitcock J. MacDonald J. MacDonald J. Mullins
A. Marsico A. Marsico R. Teale R. Teale H. Parker
M. Yezek M. Yezek B. Wagner B. Wagner R. Stankwitz
7:45 M/M Remaly M/M Altman M/M Stankwitz M/M Vaughn M/M Bryant
9:00 Armstrong/White Pitcock/Schmid M/M Wise Turner/TBD M/M Myers
11:15 Sandra Caesar Ryan Ickes Darling/Antonelli M/M Nelson Susan Pehrsson
7:45 C. Wylie G. Schweler T. Look Pagan/Wallace M/M Holben
9:00 Choi Family Stribling/Brimmer TBD J. Sweetser C. Turner
11:15 M. Kanu P. Walden M/M Ickes Darling/Antonelli D. Sebastian
9:00 J. Wells L. Nelson H. Parker C. Knipling N. Sage
11:15 T. Costa D. McHugh C. Darling H. Foresman G. Delaune
7:45 Sunderland (R) Thorson (P) Booth (R) Sunderland (R) Thorson (R)
Foresman (P) Foresman (R) Sunderland (P) Thorson (P) Nelson (P)
9:00 Ayorinde (P) Sage (P) Pasour (P) Ayorinde (R) Pasour (R)
Egan (R) Prior (R) Faber (R) Nelson (P) Elston (P)
11:15 M. Harding (R) Nelson (P) Walden (R) M. Harding (P) Arning (P)
S. Harding (P) Arning (R) Elston (P) S. Harding (R) Cockroft (R)
The Sunday Service Volunteers Schedule is also available at Pohick Churchs website, www.pohick.org, under Ministries.
Pohick Episcopal Church March 2017 Page 11

Golden Dove Gift Shop Martha Guild News

Visit the Golden Dove for unique gifts! Come see Connie Myers
the Pohick tote bags, mugs, tea canisters, cookbooks
and wooden cross ornaments, along with toys and
coloring books for the kids, lovely new cross earrings,
The Martha Guild will NOT meet in March so
necklaces, and bracelets, and items for the home. More that members can participate in the Lenten Sup-
new items coming soon! pers and Programs. Thanks to everyone that came
The new Golden Dove sign welcomes all to the out to participate in the annual Happy Hats Work-
shop on Sundays between services, during special shop - it was another great success! Any questions
events, and the about the group, please contact Connie Myers,
first Saturday of 703-201-2204 or jetskiing@hotmail.com.
each month from
1:00 pm until
3:00 pm. Please p SAVE THE DATE P
be sure to invite Saturday, May 6, 2017
families, friends,
and neighbors to
Martha Guild Wine Tasting
stop by. 4:30 pm 7:00 pm
Home of John Cutler
8439 Lee Alan Drive, Fairfax Station
Cost - $30 per person
Make reservations with Helen Parker, Judy
Schmid, Edwardene Pitcock or Connie Myers
Be a part of this fabulous event!
Proceeds will go towards various Outreach Projects.

Easter Flowers
To make contributions toward flowers for the Church at Easter, please fill out this form and return it to the Church office with pay-
ment no later than Sunday, April 9, 2017. Forms can be mailed to: Pohick Church, 9301 Richmond Highway, Lorton, VA 22079.
Telephone: ________________________________________ Email: ________________________________________
Please write the memorial, thanksgiving, or other designation for publication in the Easter Bulletin:

Enclosed is a check payable to Pohick Church, marked For Easter Flowers

in the following amount: $11 (1) $22 (2) Other _________________
Please note For Easter Flowers on the memo line of check.
The Purpose of Pohick Church is to be a nourishing community where Christs love is experienced and taken beyond its walls.
Non-Profit Org.

Permit No. 2
U.S. Postage

Lorton, VA

Date: _____________________ Subject: _____________________

To: The Vestry
Pohick Church Staff Pohick Church Vestry
Rector: The Revd Donald Sr. Warden: Fuzzy Thurston
Binder, PhD Jr. Warden: Fred Crawford
Assistant: The Revd Dr. Ruth Treasurer: Doug Smith
E. Correll, Ed.D. Register: Susan Pehrsson
Lorton, Virginia 22079-1519

Seminarian: Wesley Arning Members: Beth Altman, Amanda Choi,

9301 Richmond Highway

Minister of Music: Linda Egan Caroline Cockroft,

Return Service Requested

Director of Anne Derbes, Isabel Hogg,

Christian Ed: Frances Sessums Kathy Kirkland,
Pohick Church

Youth Minister: Rusty Booth Carney McCullough,

Parish Secretary: Susan Hayward-Costa Edwardene Pitcock,
Finance Admin: Mike Morgan Eric Thorson
Sexton: John Sessums
Telephone: 703-339-6572 Fax: 703-339-9884
Church Office Email: shcosta@pohick.org Web Site: www.pohick.org

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