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@ First

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The Art of the Covenant Children’s Class

show off their Pentecost kites on Pentecost

Sunday 2010.

@ first
FALL 2010

Spiritual Formation and Mission Calendar for

First Christian Church, Minneapolis

Young Adult Youth
Sundays @ First
Begins September 12

9:15 am
Spiritual Formation

10:30 am
Senior Pastor Bob Brite leading
folks in camp songs at the
annual church picnic on August
8, 2010. 11:45 am

Starving Children to the Welcome

Basket Drive, to sponsoring a
Fall is just around the corner.
refugee family from Somalia.
With the changing of leaves comes
the beginning of school for kids and
a more regular schedule for adults
at their places of work.
The purpose of @ first is to
Fall can be a challenging time at provide a source of what is going on
church as well as the lull in here at First Christian in Minneapolis
congregational life gets back into and how you can get involved. We
the swing of things. Sunday School hope you will keep this guide and
classes start anew. Youth programs place it in a visible place.
welcome new kids and old hands
alike. The choir gets back to If you are new to First Christian,
singing. we hope this will provide some
insight about who and what First
In some case, we here at First Christian, Minneapolis is all about.
never really took a summer break. If you have any questions, please
Art of the Covenant, our children’s feel free to contact us.
class continued during the summer
with an abbreviated version; we had To everyone, may God bless
a special summer Adult class on during this fall!
Jesus, and for the first time in several
years, First Christian participated in Bob Brite, Interim Minister
Vacation Bible School hosted by
Plymouth Creek Christian Church.

The summer also saw mission

projects take place, from Feed My
Art of the Covenant Children’s Class, 9:15 am Sundays
This fall, we will continue what has become known by the kids as “Art Class”.
This class is for 6th grade and under. We read Bible stories and then create
art that is related to that story in a one-room schoolhouse sort of approach.
The art helps the children become familiar with the stories of the Bible and to
explore the meaning of those stories and their own relationship with God and
Jesus. We will continue to explore both the Older Testament and Newer
Testament with a variety of art. There has also been a special request by the
children to do a play, so watch for that in the coming year.

Facilitator: Deb Murphy

The Life of A Biblical Teenager, 9:15 am Sundays

This class will be for our youth, grades 7-12. Although Biblical teenagers are
not often thought of (sound familiar?), there are several stories about Bible
personalities that include stories of their youth. This class will look at the ‘teen-
age’ portion of those lives: Samuel, David, Joseph, Mary, Jesus, et al. We
will learn about their lives and discuss how they do or don’t relate to the lives
of today’s teens. Please plan to bring your Bibles.

Facilitator: To Be Determined
Young Adults
Spirituality Study on the Gospel of Luke, 9:15 am Sundays
Senior Pastor Bob Brite will lead a study for Young Adults (ages 18-
40ish) where people will engage in a study and discussion of the Gospel of
Luke. Come and bring a cup of coffee to learn more about Luke’s version of
the story of Jesus and how it relates to our every day lives. The class beings
Sunday, September 19.

Facilitator: Rev. Bob Brite

Disciples Young Adults: Mission and Fellowship Events

  Attention all young adults: we are busy planning activities for the fall, including a get
together in September as well as a Mission Project for the Dignity Center and Bible
Study.  If you are interested in taking part or have an idea to share, please contact
either  Pastor Bob Brite, Associate Pastor Dennis Sanders or Spiritual Formation Director
Deb Murphy.  You can also send an email to the church office at
office@fccminneapolis.org. More information on these activities will come shortly.
Twelve Steps for Christians: Sundays, 9:15 am
As Christians, the 12-step recovery program is a solid resource
for developing as healthy and mature persons, and can be an Spiritual Art Crawl
invaluable resource in learning to rely on God in a community of
This “class” will be offered as a series.
caring concern. For this class, we’ll be using the Bible and the book There are several churches near First
The Twelve Steps for Christians as tools for personal study, prayer, Christian and even more beyond that
reflective exercises and discussion. have art galleries and art displays.
Specific dates have yet to be determined
It is one thing to want to make a change in our life and another to (it will depend on the hours of the
have a process to make that change. "The Twelve Steps" in in reality galleries and availability of curators/
a process of realizing what is getting in our way of turning our lives guides). Some of the galleries we hope
and our will over to God and then actually doing it. It is also when to arrange visits with are at Westminster
practiced together a process and path for Christians to help others Presbyterian Church, Hennepin Avenue
while helping themselves. United Methodist Church, Plymouth
Congregational Church, Bethlehem
Facilitators: Rev. Jay Hillestad and Rev. Mike Brady
Lutheran Church, Central Lutheran
Church, Luther Seminary and United
Theological Seminary. The plan is to visit
Skipping Through the Gospels: Wednesdays, 6:00 a gallery and have a discussion on-site
with the curator, or we can go off-site for
refreshments and discussion. We will also
Did you want to know more about the Bible? Starting on make a tour of specific displays at the
September 15, the Midweek Bible Study will go through an overview Minneapolis Institute of Art.
of the Four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John). If you are an
experienced theologian or just studying these stories for the first If interested, please let Deb Murphy
time, please come out and learn about Jesus anew. know. Once the first visit is arranged,
there will be announcements in the
Courier and the Bulletin.
Facilitator: Rev. Dennis Sanders

Men’s Lectionary Study, 9AM Saturdays

The FCC Men's Group (snappy name, huh; women are welcome, too)
meets for Bible study and occasional service projects at the church on
Saturday mornings at 9:00 A.M.  Our guide for Bible study is the common
lectionary readings for the next day.  Study and discussion (with frequent
tangents) conclude by 11 A.M. Participation in any service projects (including
yard work, painting, and minor repairs) is optional.

Facilitators: Mike Morgan, Skip Wolverton, and Max Hurlocker

Jesus, the Bible and Homosexuality

What does the Bible say about homosexuality? What did Jesus say
about it? What does it mean to have same sex attractions? Can one be gay
and Christian? How can churches welcome those who are gay?

When it comes to the topic of homosexuality, no matter who we are gay

or straight, we have questions. In our effort to be more diverse and
welcoming, we are scheduling a class to talk about these issues and how we
are followers of Christ should best respond. We will read the book, Jesus,
the Bible and Homosexuality, by Jack Rogers. Feel free to come with
questions. This class will begin in October. Check the church website at
fccminneapolis.org, the weekly announcements or the Courier newsletter for
dates and times.

Facilitator: Rev. Dennis Sanders

Forums @ First
Getting to Know the Downtown Congregations to End
Homelessness Questions Wanted.
Sunday, September 26 at Noon
Homelessness is a big problem here in Minnesota. According to recent
study by the Wilder Foundation, at least 13, 100 Minnesotans don’t have a From time to time, First
place to call home on any given night. Christian will present
speakers from the wider
On September 26, meet two people community to talk about
trying to end homelessness from the various topics from
Downtown Congregations to End spirituality, to mental health
Homelessness; Heidi Johnson McAllister issues, from biblical studies,
and Annie Harm.
to meetings on social action.
Please come and learn a
First has been a member of DCEH for several years. This is a chance for
little bit more about the
people to become more acquainted with this ministry and how we as a
congregation and as individuals can be more involved in providing shelter for world we live in.
the least of these.

Depression: The Church’s Response

Sunday, November 14 at Noon

There are times when we can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. For some people, this is a
daily struggle that affects them as well as their families.

We probably know someone struggling with clinical depression. It might even be yourself.
How do we as Christians learn to be Christ to our hurting sisters and brothers?

Join the Rev. Ross Aalgaard of the Westminster Counseling Center as he helps us learn the signs of depression and
how we can help our families and friends.
forums @ first
The Journeying been involved in sewing many stoles
and paraments for local
The Lydia churches. Come and

To Be Determined
Project hear Rev. Sanders and a
woman in the Lydia
First Christian is in the midst of
To Be Project talk about how
change and trying to discern how
needle and thread have
will we be church in the near future. Determined
How do worked a miracle in the
We are not alone
countless lives of women
in facing these you lift up a
decisions. Lake community that
Nokomis has been
Presbyterian weighed down so long by poverty
Church in and racism? One stitch at a time. A The Dignity Center
Minneapolis has few years ago, Kwanzaa
To Be Determined
embarked on a Presbyterian Church, an African
First Christian has entered into a
journey that allows American church in North
new partnership with the Dignity
them to try new ways to be church in Minneapolis, gave birth to a ministry
Center, a ministry of Hennepin
their neighborhood. Join Lake called Lydia Women’s Empowerment
Avenue United Methodist Church
lorem ipsum
Nokomis dolor
pastor Kara Rootmet set as
as well Ministries, or Lydia Project for short.
that works to get persons who are
membernunc parum
from the congregation, as Led by Presbyterian minister, Paula
homeless on the road to self-
Sanders, the Lydia Project seeks to

they explain their journey as a faith sufficency. Meet Director Ann
community and what insights First empower women spiritually, socially
Carlson, the director and learn how
Christian can learn. and economically. The Project has
you can get involved.
Feed My Starving Children Hennepin Avenue United Methodist
Church. Come and join us make
September 9 at 6pm
some sandwiches and then come
October 23 at 9am
together for fellowship.
At the Coon Rapids facility
It’s might be the most important
90 minutes in your life. Come with
us we go to this Twin Cities-based Grande Sale
charity to make food packets that October 14-16 Being Church.
will go to feed hungry kids around First Christian’s annual rummage
the world. First Christian is an active
sale sponsored by Disciples Women
congregation, not only coming
and our ministry partner Spirit of St.
to church on Sundays, but
Stephen’s Catholic Community. Part
learning to be the church
Community Emergency of the proceeds will go the Disciples
Mission Fund, aiding mission projects throughout the week. If you
Service are interested in taking part ,
here and around the world.
To Be Determined please contact Associate
We have had a relationship with Pastor for Diversity and
this social service agency in the Mission, Dennis Sanders, at
Phillips Neighborhood. We will associatepastor@fccminneapoli
spend a Saturday morning working The Advent Conspiracy s.org.
at their foodshelf. November 28-December 24
During Advent there will be
several opportunities to serve the
least of these. From the Heifer
Young Adult Sandwichworks
Project, to the Toiletries Drive, to the
September 11 at 5:30pm; other Aliveness Project Gift-Giving. Read
dates to be determined the Courier to find out more about
The Young Adults will come these exciting mission events!
together to make sandwiches for the
Dignity Center, a ministry of

First Christian Church is located W Franklin Ave. Turn right at

at 2201 First Avenue South in 1st Ave S.
Minneapolis, at the corner of
First Avenue South and 22nd From the South:
Street. The Minneapolis Institute
of Arts is located nearby. Follow I-35W North.  Take
exit 15 toward Lake St/31st
From the West and North: St. Merge onto 2nd Ave S.
Follow I-94 East. Take exit 231A- Turn left at E Lake St. Turn
B for Lyndale Ave/Hennepin right at 1st Ave S.
Ave. Merge onto Lyndale Ave N.
Turn left at W Franklin Ave. Turn Metro Transit Bus Routes
right at 1st Ave S. Go one block. 2,11,17 and 18 all stop near
the church.  Go to
From the East and North: metrotransit.org to get
Follow I-94 West. Take exit 231B
for Lyndale Ave toward
Hennepin Ave.Keep right at the
fork, follow signs for Lyndale
Ave S/Lyndale Ave N/Hennepin
Ave N.Turn right at Dell Pl.Turn
right at Groveland Ave. Turn
right at Pillsbury Ave. Turn left at

Open Table Ministry

Every Sunday at First Open Table is a ministry have fun. It should be up and
Christian, we gather of support, fellowship running in the fall of 2010.
around a table to and welcome to gay,
celebrate communion. lesbian, bisexual and If  you would like to know more
The act of communion is transgendered (GLBT) about Open Table, please
very central to our persons and allies who contact the church office or send
Disciples of Christ seek to follow Christ
an email to
heritage and we and welcomed to First
Disciples believe that Christian.  We seek to
everyone is welcome at be an active and visible
the Table, since it isn’t presence through
our Table, but Christ’s fellowship (potlucks and
table. game nights) as well as
At First Christian, we
strive to make known that all our We also seek to provide an active
welcome at Christ’s Table, no matter welcome especially to gay youth. 
who they are.  We are currently working on a
lorem ipsum dolor met set ministry where gay teens can find a
safe space to fellowship and
quam nunc parum

Ministry Team Deb Murphy, Director of James Barnett, Pianist
First Christian All Members of the
Spiritual Formation and
Community Ministry Serena Carlson,
Church, Minneapolis Chris Wogaman, Office
Nursery Attendant
Robert Brite, Interim
Manager Martha Harris, Courier
612-870-1868 Dennis Sanders,
Bill Stump, Director of
Minister of Diversity and
www.fccminneapolis.org Rick Bowman, Building

Mission of First Christian Vision of First Christian

In response to the grace of God, At First Christian Church, we
the mission of First Christian Church seek to be an alive community of
is to be a Christ-centered presence, faith striving to serve all people.
to share the Good News of Jesus
Christ, and witness through service
to God’s World.

Faith. Fellowship. Future.


@ first

Addressee Name
4321 First Street
Anytown, State 54321

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