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The Indian Institute of Welding (IIW-India) was incorporated on the 22nd April, 1966 at
Calcutta to foster the development of welding science, technology and engineering in India and
since then has been serving the cause of the welding industry through its 13 branches / chapters
throughout India. The institute is a non-profit making organisation registered under Section 25 of
the Company's Act 1956 and is also registered under Section 12A of the Income Tax Act 1961,
as an Institution for charitable purpose. Through its various activities and programmes, IIW-
India is now recognised as the premier Institute related to welding in the country with over 4500
Individual and Corporate Members. Further, as a member society of the International Institute of
Welding, it is helping to project the importance and achievements of the Indian Welding Industry
to the global community.


With a mission to be the Premier Professional Institute in India for the advancement of Welding
Science & Technology and related activities, IIW-India has been continuously developing itself
for achievement of the following objectives.
• Assist Human resources development in Welding in India.
• Technology diffusion to Industry and the individual.
• Foster R&D in welding.
• Promote health & safety in welding.
• To Promote education, training and qualification in welding in India in line
with international standards which would be globally recognised and
• Establish International standards of quality for the Indian fabrication

Click here to Download IIW India-Brochure

Education, Training and Certification activities
AMIIW: IIW India conducts AMIIW examination all over India to confer certification
equivalent to Graduate Engineering Degree of a University as recognised by the HRD
Department Government of India.
ANB: The Institute is the only Authorised National Body (ANB) of the Int.I.W. in India for
award of International Diplomas to Welding Personnel at various levels, which are globally
recognised and accepted. The Diplomas offered are for Welding Coordination and Welding
Inspection conforming to the requirement of ISO 14731. International Welder curriculum is also
conducted at Approved Training Bodies (ATB) of ANB-India. ANB-India also awards Welders
Certification and Approval test against ISO 9606, EN 287 & ASME Sec IX
ANBCC-India: IIW-India has now received full approval from IAB to operate as an
Authorised National Body for Company Certification (ANBCC) in India under IIW’s
Manufacturers Certification scheme. This will allow ANBCC India to conduct certification audit
of companies for conformance to ISO 3834.
MES-SDI: IIW India has been empanelled by Government of India, DGE&T (Director General
of Employment and Training) as an assessing body in Fabrication sector under its Skill
Development initiatives – MES-SDI (Modular Employment Schemes – Skill Development
NWTCS: The Institute’s NWTCS (National Welders’ Training and Certification Scheme) at
the national level has been launched to meet the industries’ demand for welders trained and
certified to a level of competency commensurate with their requirements. The scheme covers
requirements for ‘Training & Certification’ or ‘Certification’ only to be operated by the IIW
National Certification Board.

Other Activities
1) Conduct technical meetings, workshops; industry oriented training programs etc. at the Branch
2) Organise seminars and conferences on welding and allied sciences at Branch, National and
International level.
3)Organise National and International Welding & Cutting exhibitions.
4)Publish the Indian Welding Journal quarterly in collaboration with AWS and a monthly
Newsletter on the web-site.
5) Launch and maintain a website www.iiwindia.com for dissemination all information about the
Institute, its activities, announcements, educational training, certification, R&D initiatives etc.
The website contains links to current and archived technical information of welding technology,
technical education, training and certification schemes and all other relevant updated information
about the Institute.
6)Support Welding Research & Development activities by instituting Awards to scientists,
research holders and engineers which are presented at the annual seminar.
7)To co-ordinate with the International Institute of Welding and other technical / research
institutes in India and abroad for exchange of technical information.
8)Provide and disseminate technical information and advice to the individual and industry.



Designation Name Email Cell

President Dr. A. K. Bhaduri arunkbhaduri@gmail.com 9940146768

Immediate Past President Mr. R. Srinivasan srinivasan@iiwindia.com 9892258785

Past President Mr. Pabitra Kumar Das pabitra.das@iiwindia.com 9830279466

Vice President Mr. Harish Khurana harish.khurana.iiw@gmail.com 9910079039

Vice President Mr. A. K. Datta akdatta4@rediffmail.com 9831704912

Vice President Mr. D. V. Acharya deepak.acharya@inoxcva.com 9824089963

Vice President Dr. Shaju K. Albert shajualbert@gmail.com 9443382372

Hony. Secretary General Mr. Parimal Biswas parimal.biswas@iiwindia.com 9831052652

Hony. Treasurer Mr. Paramesh Kr. Dutta pkd.powermax@gmail.com 9432366711

Mr. Rajesh Madnani rajesh_madnani@yahoo.com 9099591911

Mr. Jose P. Philip josepphilip50@gmail.com 9847042477

Mr. Avinash Abnave avinash@aaryans.org 9511912989

Mr. Manas Ghosh manas.ghosh@iiwindia.com 9879514502

Mr. N. Kalyan kalyan@elcalabs.com 9821056975

Members Representing
Fellow / Member / Associate Mr. Rituraj Bose rituraj.bose@iiwindia.com 9830476249
Member / Associate
Professional Member Mr. Somenath Ghosh g.somenath79@gmail.com 9331265184
M/s. ESAB India Ltd.,
Chennai, T.N. (Mr. P.
Ravikumar) Ravi.Palli@esab.co.in 9840939812

M/s. Indira Gandhi

Centre for Atomic
Research, Kalpakkam,
T.N. (Mr. Hemant
Kumar) hemant@igcar.gov.in 9445125160

M/s. voestalpine Bohler

Welding India Pvt. Ltd.,
Mumbai, Maharashtra
(Mr. Abby Joseph) abby.joseph@voestalpine.com 9833395016

M/s. Welding Research

Institute, Tiruchirapalli
(Dr. N. Raju) nraju@bheltry.co.in 9994722100

M/s. Larsen & Toubro

Ltd, Mumbai,
Maharashtra (Mrs. RENUN.GUPTA@larsentoubro.
Renu Gupta) com 9820346717

M/s. Techno Electric &

Engg. Co. Ltd., Kolkata
(Mr. A. K. Mukherjee) ajit.mukherjee@techno.co.in 9831567329

M/s. ADOR Welding

Ltd, Mumbai,
Maharashtra (Mr. S. M.
Bhat) satishbhat@adorians.com, 9594056399

M/s. Kemppi India Pvt.

Ltd. (Rashmi Ranjan Rashmi.Mohapatra@kemppi.co
Mohapatra) m 7338744501

M/s. ADOR Fontech

Ltd, Bangalore,
Members Representing Karnataka (Mr. Mr.
Industrial Corporate Member Melvile Ferns) fernsm@adorfon.com 9379167530

Representatives of Functional Committees in the Council

Dr. A. K. Bhaduri,
International Committee Chairman arunkbhaduri@gmail.com 9940146768

Mr. D. V. Kulkarni, dileep.kulkarni@larsentoubro.co

Technical Committee Chairman m 9870510830
General Purposes Mr. Bimal Kumar Das,
Committee Chairman bimalkumar.das1@gmail.com 9230015002

Mr. Ratan Poddar,

Membership Sub-Committee Chairman ratanpoddar@gmail.com 9831219894

Meetings & Publications Mr. Debaprasad Hajra,

Sub-Committee Chairman hajra.dp@gmail.com 9432164678

Mr. Rituraj Bose,

Infotech Sub-Committee Chairman rituraj.bose@iiwindia.com 9830476249

Mr. Paramesh Kr. parameshdutta2000@gmail.co

Finance Committee Dutta, Chairman m 9432366711

Welding Education Prof. Santanu Das,

Committee Chairman sdas.me@gmail.com 9433956050

Skill Development Mr. Pabitra Kumar Das,

Committee Chairman pabitra.das@iiwindia.com 9830279466

Mr. Bimal Kumar Das,

ANB-India Chairman-EC bimalkumar.das1@gmail.com 9230015002

Mr. B. K. Mishra,
ANBCC-India Chairman-MC iiw.bkm@gmail.com 9830060993

Mr. N. Kalyan,
IIW-India Foundation Chairman kalyan@elcalabs.com 9821056975

Branch Representatives

Bangalore Mr. T. Ravikumar ravi@trinityndt.com 9844129439

Baroda Mr. Pravin Virmani weldtechad1@bsnl.in 9898033680

Mr. Gautam Gohil gohil.gautam@gmail.com 9879528508

Bhilai Mr. R. K. Bisare rkbisare@sail-bhilaisteel.com 9407981157

Chennai Mr. T. V. Prabhu prabs@igcar.gov.in 9445309266

Mr. M. Krishnamoorthy mkrishm@igcar.gov.in 9444518900

Cochin Mr. P. J. Vargheese m 9895705117

Delhi Mr. Rajeev Khanna rajeevkanish@rediffmail.com 9873566614

Hyderabad Dr. P. Venkata Ramana pvramana04@yahoo.com 9848025631

Jamshedpur Dr. Anand Prabhakaran om 9234567623

Kolkata Mr. Debajyoti Debnath debnathiiw@gmail.com 9831505365

Mr. Ratan Poddar ratanpoddar@gmail.com 9339521739

Mumbai Mr. Ashok Malage ashokmalage77@gmail.com 9820904268

Mr. Suresh Agrawal kailajialloys@gmail.com 9820155351

Pune Mr. Vineet Marathe vineetsm@vsnl.net 9823069983

Tiruchirapalli Mr. N. Rajasekaran nrajas@bheltry.co.in 9442503065

Visakhapatnam Mr. K. N. Raman Rao knramanrao@gmail.com 9949055520

General Information
The Indian Institute of Welding is a member of the International Institute of Welding (IIW)
which was created in 1948 and now has 56 members. IIW have developed and administer a
Unified International System for Education, Examination and Qualification of Welding
Personnel, which is globally recognised and internationally accepted.
The Indian Institute Of Welding has been accredited by IIW as its only ‘Authorised National
Body' (ANB) in India (To be referred to as ANB-India) to operate its above international
schemes and award followingInternational Welding Diplomas.
The Following IIW Diplomas are offered
• International Welding Coordination Personnel:
• International Welding Inspection Personnel:
Comprehensive, Standard & Basic
• International Welder:
Fillet, Plate and Tube/Pipe in various processes & materials
The ANB seeks to achieve harmonisation and a common standard in the examination and
qualification of professional welding personnel internationally. The ANB accepts responsibility
for the implementation of the current IIW system for education, examination and qualification of
welding personnel at the national level.
It is the role of the Indian Institute of Welding - Authorised National Body (IIW-India ANB) to
act within India for International Institute of Welding (IIW) in respect of Personnel
Qualification& Certification in accordance with the Guideline of its International Authorisation
Board (IAB), including:
• Administer award of IIW Diplomas by Transition Route for qualified & experienced
professionals following (IAB) approved eligibility Criteria and procedure.
• Appoint after thorough audit ‘Approved Training Bodies' (ATBs) for the conduct of courses in
accordance with IIW - IAB guidelines and monitoring their performance
• Control and approve admission of students for Standard Route to ATB according to
approved access (entry) qualification.
• Administer and approve the applications of candidates for award of Diploma by Alternate
Route , ensure compliance at various stages toapproved procedure before final examination.
• Conduct of written & oral examinations and practical tests based on IAB Guideline. Operating
Procedure (OP)& ANB QSM
• Award of Diploma of the International Institute of Welding to successful candidates from
above procedure and maintain relevant information and Records.
• Certification of Welders and preparation of WPS and WPQR following International
Standards and Codes

The ANB is assessed and monitored in compliance with the Rules of the IIW by IAB, and are
responsible for ensuring that the standards of education, examination and qualification are
maintained. In this, the objective is that the IIW qualified personnel at a certain level will have
achieved the same minimum level of knowledge, irrespective of the country in which they had
been qualified.

The ANB is a division of The Indian Institute of Welding (Registered under companies act) and managed
by an elected Council. All the legal and statutory responsibilities of the ANB rest with the II W ANB-
India Council.

Governing Board

The ANB has a Governing Board comprising eminent professional persons drawn from all over India and
cover stakeholders as per IAB Guideline and are appointed by the Council. All policy decisions are taken
by the Governing Board of the ANB. The ANB is headed by a Chairman who is elected by the Governing
Board members.

Executive Committee is made of G.B members nominated by the Governing Board to monitor and to
routinely guide the activities of ANB. The working decisions may be taken by the Executive Committee,
based on the overall policy decision of the Governing Board and as detailed in the IIW-India -ANB
Quality System Manual (QSM)

Executive Staff

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is responsible for all executive function of ANB with support of Director
ANB and other qualified executives. CEO reports directly to Chairman of Governing Body.

Members of the Board Of Examiners are nominated by ANB Governing Board and are headed by
a Chairman responsible for overseeing activities and guide Controller of Examination relating to
Examination independent of CEO as per IAB Guideline.


Lead Assessor and Peer Assessors appointed by the Board of Governors to ensure compliance of all ANB
& ATB activities as per Quality Policy and IAB Guideline, liaise with the ANB officials as required and
report to the Executive Committee.
International Qualifications In Welding
International Institute of Welding (IIW) is the accredited global agency for implementation of
International qualifications on welding are based on the curriculum developed by International
and being implemented in India by the Indian Institute of Welding-ANB as the only Authorise
Institute of Welding;
International Welding Co-ordination Personnel: (IWCP)

• International Welding Engineer (IWE)

• International Welding Technologist (IWT)
• International Welding Specialist (IWS)
• International Welding Practitioner (IWP)
International Welding Inspection Personnel : (IWIP)

• International Welding Inspector-Comprehensive (IWIP-C)

• International Welding Inspector-Standard (IWIP-S)
• International Welding Inspector-Basic (IWIP-B)
International Welder :(IW)

• International Fillet Welder (IFW)

• International Plate Welder (IPW)
• International Pipe/Tube Welder (ITW)

IWCP- Different Levels & Responsibilities Conforming to ISO 14731 requirement
(IWE): International Welding Engineer is the most knowledgeable in the profession
to guide and advise for resolution of technical issues relating to actual welding,
process & procedure, inspection, design of welding and fabrication technique, quality
control with inputs of "state of the art". He is able to take the position of Welding Co-
ordinator with full responsibility in most industries with diverse requirements for
welding and fabrication with assured safety.

(IWT): International Welding Technologist are expected to have greater in depth

technical knowledge and expertise to undertake work of the responsibility of weld
design, selection of process & procedure for fabrication with safety and can take
responsibility as Welding Co-ordinator in a manufacturing industry.

(IWS): International Welding Specialist is required to have much greater in depth

knowledge on various aspects of welding covering processes, material, weld failures
& inspection, joint design & fabrication of welded structures and quality control apart
from necessary welding skill, suitable for job function as shop floor inspector, senior
supervisor, instructor, and Welding Co-ordination in a shop with limited variation in
parameters on process, material, joint design etc.

(IWP): International Welding Practitioner is an experienced highly skilled welder in

at least one process with approval qualification as per ISO 9606. He is able to read
technical drawings and is well informed about production methods concerning welded
products, including some training on visual and liquid penetration examination. He
can supervise & instruct industrial workers and assist the responsible Welding Co-
ordinator. He is suitable to hold the position of supervisor in a manufacturing industry
or as an Instructor for welders in a training institute.
International Welding Inspector's Diplomas are awarded in three levels
of increasing knowledge, skill & responsibility starting with Basic level.

1)Basic (IWI-B)
2)Standard (IWI-S) and
3)Comprehensive (IWE-C) respectively

The Inspector's role begins well before welding starts, continues during welding
operation, involves action after welding is completed, and is finished only when the
results are properly reported. As a part of quality system, inspection activities are
defined in an inspection and test plan, which clearly describes what, is required. The
inspector is frequently responsible for producing documents that ensure traceability of
the components and related fabricating action. Prior to welding, the inspector must be
assured that the base materials and consumables are correct and the shop has approved
welding procedures and appropriately qualified welders. Written procedures and
competent operators are important to the production of a quality welded product, but
the actual execution of the weld is also critical point for the inspector. Once the
inspector is satisfied that all is in order for welding to proceed, the task becomes one
of witnessing and monitoring. There are two basic interests at this point, ensuring that
written procedures are followed and of course, watching for any physical sign of non-
conformance of the final product. The inspector must verify that the base material and
consumables are correct and observe the fit-up and preparation for weld. Once the
welding is completed a new series of inspection tasks begin according to an approved
procedure, keeping track of the status of examination and testing and selecting
specific welds for further NDT or mechanical testing.
Welder training Institutes in different parts of the country as Approved Training
Bodies (ATBs) impart the practical and theoretical training programs under IAB
GuidelineIAB-089r4-12. Prospective candidates are required to undergo training in
these ATB's in the welding course of their choice. IIW-India ANB is responsible for
conducting examinations conforming to International Standard of IIW-IAB & tests
(Conforming to ISO 9606 / EN 287) For the International Welder course: The
Diploma Certificate issued specifies different Welding Processes and Materials at
three levels of increasing knowledge & skill as
1) International Fillet Welder (IFW)
2) International Plate Welder (IPW)
3)International Pipe/Tube Welder (ITW)
Supplementary Processes‘S' presently available for Specialisation (One
of these must be selected) are in

Optional Material under ‘P':

The normal material for instruction is Ferritic Steel. There is scope for selecting
following optional Material under ‘P'
 Stainless Steel: SS
 Aluminium: AL
Eligibility Criteria for Candidates at Entry Level to ATB
 Must have completed Secondary Education (Class X) from a State or Central Board,
or equivalent with ability to comprehend written/oral instructions in English
 Must possess appropriate health, physical and mental capability i.e. no physical or
mental disability that precludes safe operation of welding equipment or interferes with
full performance of duties in industry
 Minimum age requirements prescribed in the State and Indian Central Labour Laws
applicable in the state in which the ATB is located
 Basic skill in metal working is required as a pre-qualification
Entry at Higher Level / Module:
For suitable and eligible candidates access at higher module will be allowed on the
basis of their prior knowledge and training to be examined by ATB under ANB
Exemption Application Form is available under downloadssection
Alternative Route for Qualification as International Welder:
This route opens the door for experienced welders with minimum educational
qualification as prescribed for Access to International Welder's Course to obtain
Diploma without attending the full curriculum at an Approved Training Centre
(ATB). However they have to appear and pass all the Theory Examinations like a
Standard Route Candidate attending in an ATB and weld test coupons as specified in
IW Guideline under supervision of ANB Authorised Examiners and comply with
requirement of ISO 9606/EN 287-1 or any other International recognised standard.
Entry form for "Alternate Route" is same as Exemption Application Form and
available under downloads section
Entry Requirements
• Have a Class X level education with proof
• Any candidate who can show a welder approval (i.e. EN 287-1) valid under the
scope for the Diploma he/she wants.
• Evidence of 3 years of experience as a welder
Intending ATB applicants may refer to our Brochure & make a Preliminary Application by
downloading the formats. The duly fill in application form must be accompanied with aa DD of
Rs. 5000/+ Service Tax payable at Kolkata in favour of “The Indian Institute of Welding -ANB”.
1) Click here to view Brochure for Approved Training Body (ATB)
2) Click here to view FORM 13_Application for ATB_BLANK FORMAT.pdf
3) Click here to view FORM 13_B Application for Reneawal as ATB.pdf
4) Click here to view FORM 13A_Preliminary Application to ATB_Rev-03.pdf
5)Click here to view FORM APPLICATION_ATB Course Renewal.pdf


General Information
Vocational Training is a concurrent subject under the constitution. The Central and State
Government share responsibility for effective implementation of vocational Training system in
the country. At the National level, the Directorate General of Employment and Training (DGE
& T) Ministry of Labour and Employment (MoLE) is the nodal body to formulating policies,
laying down norms, standards, conducting trade tests and Certification of vocational training
under the aegis of training advisory body “National Council of Vocational Training (NCVT).
Government of India have taken an initiative to get 1 million people trained annually and 5
million by 2020 in various trades in order to enhance their employability in the job market,
through Modular Employable Skills – Skill Development Initiative Scheme (MES-
SDIS)scheme run by (DGE&T) under Ministry of Labour and Employment
A National Project Management Cell (NPMC) in DGE & T Hqrs and six regional
Cells (RDAT) have been set up. Each region may consist of a number of states/Union
Territories and constitutes a State Society to implement the scheme.

What Is The Scheme?

 DGE & T’s MES-SDI scheme has been developed to provide vocational training to school
leavers, existing skilled and semi-skilled workers, ITI graduates, etc. to improve their
employability by optimally utilizing the infrastructure available with Government / Private
institutions and the industry. Existing skills of the persons can also be tested and certified under
this scheme.
 Demand driven short-term training courses based on Modular Employable Skills (MES) decided
in consultation with industry.
What Is MES?
 MES -Modular Employable Skills defines the minimum skill set in a chosen trade or profession which is
sufficient to get an employment in job market.
How It Helps?
 In this scheme, Central Government will facilitate and promote training against a
nominal refundable fee while various Vocational Training Providers (VTPs), registered under
DGE&T will conduct the actual practical and theoretical training courses.
 Flexible training timing (part time, full time, weekends, on-site / off-site to suit the needs of
various segments of people.
Who Are VTPS?
 ITIs, any other Government or Private Training Institutes recognised by Govt of India and
registered under DGE&T who provide practical and theoretical training courses to the
candidates under MES scheme are known as Vocational Training Providers.
Who Is an ‘Assessing Body’ and What Is it’s Role?
 Testing and assessment of skill and of candidates / trainees after the training is over is to be
done by independent organisations / bodies known as assessing bodies, who would not be
involved in providing training to candidates. This is done to ensure that assessment is done
impartially and without any prejudice.
Top of the page

The Indian Institute of Welding (IIW-India)

The institute is an empanelled Assessing Body by DGE&T under the MES-SDI scheme for the
Fabrication Sector courses in all States and Union Territories in India. The operation of the
certification system of IIW-India is strictly guided by a quality manual.
Qualified and Approved Assesors conducts examination and tests as specified for evaluation of
knowledge and skill levels for recommending certification in the following courses under
Fabrication Sector:
o FAB 101: Basic Welding (Gas)
o FAB 102: Basic Welding (Arc)
o FAB 103: Gas cutting
o FAB 204: TIG Welding
o FAB 205: MAG/CO2 Welding
o FAB 206: Fabrication Welding
o FAB 207: TIG and Arc Welding
o FAB 108: Basic Fitting Work
o FAB 109: Basic Sheet Metal Work
o FAB 210: Structural Fabrication
o FAB 211: Pipe Fabrication
Interested candidates for Certification under the scheme may contact IIW-India at 033-22813208 or
mail to indianwelding@vsnl.net
IIW India's National Welding Training and Certification Scheme ( NWTCS ) has been prepared
to meet the demand of industry for welders, trained and certified to a level of competency
commensurate with the requirements of any of the welder qualification and certification
standards or codes i.e. IS:7310 / IS:817, IBR, ISO:9606-1, BSEN:287 and ASME Sec IX / AWS
D1.1. and many other.
The scheme is also designed for large number of pre-school leaving candidates and dropouts who
are unable to continue with formal education and provides an opportunity to build alternative
careers. The National Welding Training and Certification Scheme (NWTCS) will make the
qualified welders better acceptable to industry all over India and open up opportunity and
mobility throughout the country. The scheme covers requirements for 'Certification' and / or
'Training & Certification' only and is operated by the IIW-INDIA.

Various Certification Schemes under NWTCS

Scheme Name: Certification Scheme for Oxy Fuel Gas Cutting (Foundation)
 Scope of certification: To certify a candidate with respect to his competency in carrying out
Basic level of Oxy Fuel Gas Cutting covering the following…
 Working safely.
 Preparation of equipment and materials for Cutting operation.
 Carrying out gas-cutting operations of plate materials of non-critical structure.
 Preparation of basic Gas Cut components/parts for assessment of quality.

 Job and task description: The candidate should be able to carry out Oxy Fuel Gas cutting,
having a basic understanding of the process, equipments, consumables and procedures. Also
having knowledge of the hazards from Gas cutting operation and safety precautions required.
 Required competence:
 The candidate should be able to perform Oxy Fuel Gas Cutting of carbon steels for producing
desired quality of cut using correct equipment, correct nozzles, gas cylinders and regulator
equipments and carry out cutting operations in a safe manner ensuring safety for self and others.
 He should be able to perform manual straight-line cutting of 300 mm length plates of thicknesses
varying from 6mm-20mm. He should also be able to cut shapes and round holes as marked on
the plates in horizontal positions.
 Should be conversant with hazards of gas cutting and correct precautions to be adopted.
 He should use proper PPEs and have fair idea of PPEs, First Aid, Fire fighting process and group
 Required ability:
Should be able to do cutting using different fuel gases e.g. DA, LPG, propane in down hand
position on plates, sheets and structural components with minimum defects ensuring a clean cut
surface with minimum dross/slag sticking to bottom of plate. It is desirable that he should have
fair idea of cutting operation in different positions. He should be able to mark the cutting line
with punch.
 Required prerequisite:

 Class VIII pass with knowledge in regional language and basic English/Hindi Vocabulary (May
be relaxed in special cases e.g. for SC/ST/OBC, School dropout etc.)
 The candidate may be considered for certification if he has minimum 6 months experience or has
been previously trained in this job for a sufficient length of time.
 The candidate should be of minimum 18 years of age on the date of application for certification.
 Required code of conduct:
The candidate should behave in a professional and disciplined manner which will not affect the
safety and security of his fellow workers. The candidates’ behavior towards his superiors, peers
and subordinates should be in line with organizational protocols.
Scheme Name: Certification Scheme for Oxy Fuel Gas Cutting (Advance)
 Scope of certification: To certify a candidate with respect to his competency in carrying out
advanced level of Oxy Fuel Gas Cutting covering the following…
o Working safely.
o Preparation of equipment and materials for Cutting operation.
o Carrying out gas-cutting operations of plate materials.
o Carry out cutting of critical structure parts.
o Preparation of basic Gas Cut components/parts for assessment of quality.
 Job and task description: The candidate should be able to carry out advance Oxy Fuel Gas
cutting both manually and using straight line cutting machine. Have a good understanding of the
process, equipments, consumables and procedures. Also have knowledge of the hazards from
Gas cutting operation and safety precautions required.
 Required competence:
o The candidate should be able to perform Oxy Fuel Gas Cutting of carbon manganese/ Low Alloy
Steels for producing desired quality of cut using correct equipment, correct nozzles, gas
cylinders, regulator equipments and carry out cutting operations in a safe manner ensuring safety
for self and others.
o He should be able to do shape and circle cutting of M.S. plates of various thicknesses e.g. 2-
20mm manually in down hand and vertical/horizontal positions. He should be able to operate
straight line cutting machine and cut bevels of required angles.
o Should be conversant with hazards of gas cutting and correct precautions to be adopted.
o They should use proper PPEs and have good idea of PPEs, First Aid, Fire fighting process and
group work.
 Required ability:
Should be able to do cutting using different fuel gas e.g. DA,LPG, Propane in down hand and
horizontal/vertical position on plates, sheets and structural components by using Oxy Fuel Gas
Cutting process with minimum defects ensuring a clean cut surface with minimum dross/slag
sticking to bottom of plate. It is desirable that he should have good idea of cutting operation in
different positions. He should be able to mark the cutting line with punch.
 Required prerequisite:
 Class VIII pass with knowledge in regional language and basic English/Hindi Vocabulary (May
be relaxed in special cases e.g. for SC/ST/OBC, School dropout etc.)
 The candidate may be considered for certification if he has minimum 6 months experience or has
been previously trained in this job for a sufficient length of time.
 The candidate should be of minimum 18 years of age on the date of application for certification.
 Students who have completed Class X/ school leaving examination / NA will have added
advantage in the learning process.
 Age: The candidate should be of minimum of 18 years of age.
 Required code of conduct:
The candidate should behave in a professional and disciplined manner which will not affect the
safety and security of his fellow workers. The candidates’ behavior towards his superiors, peers
and subordinates should be in line with organizational protocols.
Scheme Name: Certification Scheme for Plasma Cutting (Foundation) (NWTCS
– PC - F)
 Scope of Certification: To certify a candidate with respect to this competency in carrying out
Basic level of Plasma Cutting covering the following…
 Working safely.
 Preparation of equipment and materials for Cutting operation.
 Carrying out Plasma-cutting operations on plate materials for non-critical structure.
 Preparation of basic Plasma Cut components/parts for assessment of quality.

 Job and task description: The candidate should be able to carry out Plasma cutting, having a
basic understanding of the process, equipments, consumables and procedures. Also having
knowledge of the hazards of Plasma cutting operation and safety precautions required.
 Required Competence:
a. The candidate should be able to perform Plasma Cutting of ferrous materials using Air Plasma
and produce desired quality of cut using correct equipment, amperage and pressure in a safe
manner ensuring safety for self and others.
b. He should be able to perform manual straight line cutting of 300 mm length carbon steel plate
of thicknesses varying from 2mm to 10mm. He should also be able to cut round holes and
different geometrical shapes on plates marked with point or chalks ensuring a clean cut surface
with minimum taper.
c. He should be conversant with hazards of Plasma Cutting and correct precautions to be
 He should use proper PPEs including ear muffs and have fair idea of First Aid, Fire fighting
process and group work. He should also have basic knowledge of the hazards associated with
Plasma Cutting.
 Required Ability:
Should be able to do different cutting in down hand position on plates, sheets and structural
components by using Plasma Cutting process with minimum defects. It is desirable that he
should have fair idea of cutting operation in different positions. He should be able to mark the
cutting line with punch.
 Required prerequisites:
 Class VIII pass with knowledge in regional language and basic English/Hindi Vocabulary (May
be relaxed in special cases e.g. for SC/ST/OBC, School dropout etc.)
 The candidate may be considered for certification if he has minimum 6 months experience or has
been previously trained in this job for a sufficient length of time.
 The candidate should be of minimum 18 years of age on the date of application for certification.
Required code of conduct:
The candidate should behave in a professional and disciplined manner which will not affect the
safety and security of his fellow workers. The candidates’ behavior towards his superiors, peers
and subordinates should be in line with organizational protocols.
Scheme Name: Certification Scheme for Plasma Cutting (Advanced) (NWTCS –
PC - A)
 Scope of Certification: To certify a candidate with respect to this competency in carrying out
Plasma Cutting covering the following.

a. Working safely.
 Preparation of equipment and materials for Cutting operation.
 Carry out Plasma-cutting operations of different materials (Ferrous and Non Ferrous) including
cutting of critical components.
 Prepare basic Plasma Cut components/parts for assessment of quality. Cuts to be done on
Carbon-Manganese/Low alloy Steels/ Stainless Steels/Aluminum plates/sheets of varying
 Job and task description: The candidate should be able to carry out Plasma cutting, having a
good understanding of the process, equipments, consumables and procedures. Also having
knowledge of the hazards of Plasma cutting operation and safety precautions required.

 Required Competence:
a. The candidate should be able to perform Plasma Cutting of Carbon-Manganese/Low alloy
Steels/ Stainless Steels/Aluminum plates/sheets for producing desired quality of cut using correct
equipment, correct amperage and pressure and carry out cutting operations in a safe manner
ensuring safety for self and others.
b. He should also be able to do various shape cutting on Mild Steel/Stainless Steel/ Aluminum
plates of various thicknesses of 2-16mm manually in down hand horizontal positions.
 Should be conversant with hazards of Plasma cutting and correct precautions to be adopted.
 He should use proper PPEs including ear muffs and have fair idea of First Aid, Fire fighting
process and group work. He should also have basic knowledge of the hazards associated with
Plasma Cutting.
 Required Ability:
He should be able to do different cutting in down hand position on plates, sheets and structural
components by using Plasma Cutting process with minimum defects. It is desirable that he
should have fair idea of cutting operation in different positions. He should be able to mark the
cutting line with punch.
 Required prerequisites:
 Class VIII pass with knowledge in regional language and basic English/Hindi Vocabulary (May
be relaxed in special cases e.g. for SC/ST/OBC, School dropout etc.)
 The candidate may be considered for certification if he has minimum 6 months experience or has
been previously trained in this job for a sufficient length of time.
 The candidate should be of minimum 18 years of age on the date of application for certification.
 Students who have completed Class X/ school leaving examination / NA will have added
advantage in the learning process.
 Age: The candidate should be of minimum of 18 years of age.
Required code of conduct:
The candidate should behave in a professional and disciplined manner which will not affect the
safety and security of his fellow workers. The candidates’ behavior towards his superiors, peers
and subordinates should be in line with organizational protocols.


Scheme Name: Certification Scheme for MMAW Foundation (MMAW – F)

Scope of certification: To certify a candidate with respect to his competency in carrying out
Basic level of Manual Metal Arc Welding covering the following…
1. Working safely.
2. Preparing of equipment and materials for welding operation.
3. Carrying out gas-cutting operations of plate materials prior to welding if required.
4. Carry out welding of non-critical structure by MMAW process.
5. Preparation of basic weld joints for assessment of quality.
Job and task description: The candidate should be able to carry out basic manual metal arc
welding for joining of non-critical structure such as grills, gates, furniture, light structure work,
repair of equipments etc. having a basic understanding of the process, equipments, consumables
and procedures. Also having a knowledge of the hazards from welding and safety precautions
Required competence:
1. The candidate should be able to perform manual metal arc welding (MMAW) for
producing fillet and groove welds on carbon and low alloy steels in 1G (groove joints)
and in 2F (H – V – fillet) and 3F (Vertical up fillet) using correct equipment, raw
materials and welding consumables and carry out welding operations in a safe manner
ensuring safety for self and others
2. Should be conversant with hazards of gas and arc welding and correct precautions to be
3. Should be able to do gas cutting and should be familiar with MMAW process and its
4. Should have a basic idea of the MMAW and Gas Welding/Cutting Process and.
equipments required.
Required ability:
Should be able to prepare different weld joints in different positions on plates, sheets and
structural components by using MMAW process with minimum of significant defects.
Required prerequisite:
1. Class VIII pass with knowledge in regional language and basic English Vocabulary (May
be relaxed in special cases e.g. for SC/ST/OBC, School dropout etc.)
2. The candidate may be considered for certification if he has minimum 6 months
experience or has been previously trained in this job for a sufficient length of time.
3. The candidate should be of minimum 18 years of age on the date of application for
Required code of conduct:
The candidate should behave in a professional and disciplined manner which will not affect the
safety and security of his fellow workers. The candidates’ behavior towards his superiors, peers
and subordinates should be in line with organizational protocols.

Scheme Name: Certification Scheme for Auto Sector Welding (GMAW – A)

1. Scope of Certification: To certify a candidate with respect to his competency in carrying
out Industry oriented Standard Auto Sector Welding jobs covering the following…
1. Working Safely.
2. Preparing of equipment and materials for welding operations
3. Carry out gas cutting of plate materials prior to welding if required.
4. Carry out welding of joints and assemblies using various welding processes viz. GMAW
and MMAW, GTAW in different welding positions for welding of auto components and
2. Job and task description:
1. Should be able to carry out welding of carbon and stainless steel plates and sheets
using different welding processes, correct welding equipments, raw materials and
welding consumables.
2. Should be able to prepare fillet and butt weld joints on carbon steel and stainless
steel plates and sheets in different welding positions using GMAW along with
MMAW & GTAW processes..
3. . Should be able to do gas cutting if required
4. Should be conversant with hazards of gas cutting and different arc welding
processes and correct precautions to be adopted...
3. Required Competence:
a) Should be able to use GMAW, MMAW and GTAW processes for producing fillet welds on
carbon steels in 2FR position..
b) Should be able to use GMAW process for producing butt joints using both Down-hand and
Vertical Welding.
4. Required ability:
Should be able to prepare different weld joints in different welding positions on carbon steel and
stainless steel plates and sheets to meet the welding quality standards required by auto industries.
5. Required prerequisites:
(a) . Minimum class VIII pass with knowledge in regional language and basic English
Vocabulary (May be relaxed in special cases e.g. for SC/ST/OBC, School dropout etc.)
(b) Must have completed basic level of MMAW, GTAW and GMAW courses conducted by
IIW-India or equivalent certificates.
The candidate should have adequate experience in working in this field.
Students who have completed Class X/ school leaving examination will have added advantage in
the learning process.
Age: The candidate should be of minimum of 18 years of age.
6. Required code of conduct:
The candidate should behave in a professional and disciplined manner which will not affect the
safety and security of his fellow workers. The candidates’ behavior towards his superiors, peers
and subordinates should be in line with organizational protocols.
Scheme Name: Certification Scheme for Expert Welder (NWTCS – EW)
Scope of Certification: To certify a candidate with respect to this competency in carrying out
high quality welding with all types of welding processes using various materials e.g. carbon
steel, stainless steel, aluminum etc. and commensurate welding consumables for critical jobs.
Job and task description: The candidate should be able to carry out highly specialized
welding jobs with high level of skill as required for various sectors of industries like Boiler and
Pressure Vessels, fabrication-heavy duty and light duty, power, shipping and manufacturing etc. .
Required Competence:
1. He should be able to read and interpret WPS for different welding jobs being prepared
using different welding processes and materials.
2. He should be familiar with operation of different welding equipments and should be able
to set parameters for these equipments.
3. He should be able to prepare and set up the joint assemblies to be welded.
4. He should be able to carry out welding operations with different welding processes
(including MMAW, GMAW, FCAW, GTAW, and PTAW. Gas welding, cutting &
brazing, Plasma cutting etc.) equipments and consumables on different materials to
prepare various critical weld joints require by industry to meet the radiographic and other
requirements of various national and international code and specifications
5. He should be able to perform post welding activities.
Required Ability:
Should be able to weld Carbon Steel, Alloy Steel, Stainless Steel and Aluminum plates, sheets
and pipes in different welding positions using different welding processes with high level of skill
He should have knowledge in safety in industries and about different hazards in industries
including fire hazard.
Required prerequisites:
1. Minimum class X pass with knowledge in regional language and Basic English
vocabulary with adequate experience in handling different types of welding equipments,
materials and consumables (May be relaxed in exceptional cases)
2. He should have sufficient experience and exposure to welding of different engineering
materials used in various sectors of industries.
1. Qualification: Class XI pass or ITI in welding and have undergone basic training in
MMAW, GMAW & GTAW welding processes.
2. Experience: In lieu of minimum qualification the candidate may have worked as a skilled
worker for minimum 3 years in the same job role.
3. Age: The Candidate should be of minimum 21 years of age on the date of application for
certification .
Required code of conduct:
The candidate should behave in a professional and disciplined manner which will not affect the
safety and security of his fellow workers. The candidates’ behavior towards his superiors, peers
and subordinates should be in line with organizational protocols.
(A Member Society of The International Institute of Welding)
 The Indian Institute of Welding conducts the “Best Welder” competition every year.
 The preliminaries are conducted at local branches of IIW-INDIA. The winners from branch level
competitions are eligible to take part in the final.
 The National Level Competition (Finals) - for the Best Welders (Best Structural Welders and
Best Pipe Welders) is held during the National Welding Seminar (or the yearly event) organized
by the institute at different venues.
 This competition is FREE and open to all members of the institute as well as to the non-
members. The desirous candidates are required to contact the respective branches before 21st
October 2017.
 Only the best candidate at the branch level in each of the six different categories shall be eligible
for the National level competition.
 The candidates selected for the National Level Competition shall be provided with free Boarding
and Lodging by the Organisers of the National Welding Seminar (or the yearly event).
 The Best Welders selected at Finals will be given the “IIW–INDIA ELCA Lab Best Welder
Award”, inclusive of a Cash prize of ₹ 5000.00 and a certificate for each Category.
 The past winners of the National Level Competitions for the above are not eligible to take part in
this competition.


Eligibility for the Best Welders:

1) Must be able to read and write in English and / or in any Indian Language.
2) Must have minimum 3 years’ experience in practical welding of different materials.
3) Must have basic theoretical knowledge of welding of different materials.
4) Must have some knowledge of the Codes / Standards being followed in their work place.
5) Must be within 34 years of age as on 31.12.2017.

General Rules / Procedures

1) To be held across all the branches of IIW- India for Preliminary Round.
2) Branches to propose one person as the responsible contact, for this competition.
3) This year, the International Congress (IC 2017) is scheduled during 7th to 9th December
2017, in Chennai. Therefore, final competition is planned to be conducted during the 1st week of
December (2017), at Chennai.
4) The branch level competitions must be conducted within 4th November 2017, so that the
names of selected personnel can be sent for the National Level competitions by the 15th
November 2017, positively.
5) Carrying out the competition through the branch will be the responsibility of each branch.
6) This will entail, arranging a suitable workshop, material, consumables, safety gear and other
essentials as required.
7) This will also entail arranging suitable Assessors for evaluating the candidate's performance.
8) Only two to three days (night) stay is expected at the venue for the competition and
declaration of results.
9) The competition can be carried out in two time slots on the same day. Number of machines
available should be enough to achieve this objective.
10) Competition will be for two types of Welders, Structural Welder and Pipe Welder. Structural
welder: SMAW & GMAW Processes – 3 G Position, Carbon Steel Pipe Welder: SMAW,
GMAW, GTAW & OFW Processes – 6 G Position, Carbon Steel

The Criteria

1) Only one pre-prepared test coupon (either two pipe pieces or two plate pieces, as applicable,
to make one joint) shall be given to each competitor.
2) The welded test coupon should qualify in Visual and Radiography Tests.
3) Total Marks: 100. (50 marks for Visual assessment and 50 marks for Radiography
4) In case there is a Tie in marks, completion time will be the factor for winning the competition.
i.e., Welder, who have completed earlier, will be the winner.

Specification for Testing


1) Plate: ASTM A36 / IS 2052 / S235 or Equivalent Carbon Steel.

2)Pipe: ASTM A106 Gr. B / API 5L Gr. B / 20# or Equivalent Carbon Steel.


1) Plate: 300 mm X 125 mm X 10 mm (2 Pieces) for Structural category A & B (SMAW &
2) Pipe: NB 6” Sch. 80 X 125 mm lg. (2 pieces) for Pipe Category C & D (SMAW & GMAW)
3) Pipe: NB 2” Sch. 40 X 125 mm lg. (2 pieces) for Pipe Category E & F (GTAW & OFW)

Assembly and Tack Welding:

1) Bevel angle: 60 ~ 65 degree

2) Root gap and root face: As per Welder’s choice
3) Tack welding: Plate shall be tacked in both end of the groove with no more than 15 mm length
6” Pipe shall be tacked in 3 positions with no more than 20 mm length each.
2” Pipe shall be tacked in 2 positions with no more than 10 mm length each.

1) Category A: E7018 dia 2.5 mm & 3.2 mm
2) Category B: ER70S-6 dia 1.2 mm
3) Category C: E6010 dia 2.5 mm for root and E7018 dia 2.5 mm & 3.2 mm for subsequent
4) Category D: ER70S-6 dia 1.2 mm for root and subsequent passes.
5) Category E: ER70S-6 dia 2 mm for root and dia 2 mm & 2.4 mm for subsequent passes.
6) Category F: ER70S-6 dia 2 mm for root and dia 2 mm & 2.4 mm for subsequent passes.

Grinding is not allowed during and after welding. Hacksaw Blade, file and brush can be used for

Completion Time:

1) Category A: 50 min.
2) Category B: 45 min.
3) Category C: 100 min.
4) Category D: 90 min.
5) Category E: 80 min.
6) Category F: 70 min.


1) Visual assessment for all coupons shall be done in accordance with ISO 5817.
2) Radiography assessment (only for the visually qualified test coupons) shall be done in
accordance with ASME SEC. IX 191. 2.
3) Final marks will be provided by adding both the marks of visual and radiographic

Note: It is suggested that minimum of 2 assessors each for visual and radiographic assessments
shall be deputed. Radiography Laboratory may also act as the Third Party Assessor for
radiographic assessments.

1. Certificate of Participation to be issued to each welder at branch level competition by the
respective Branch. Certificates also to be issued to the Winner in each category by the Branch.
2. Certificate of Participation to be issued to each welder at Final Level by the Organising
Committee of annual event (IC 2017). Certificates also to be issued to the Winners in each
category at Finals by the IIW-India HO during the annual event (IC 2017).

ATTACHMENT: Proforma for Application / Nomination for Best Welder’s Competition

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