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Ding 2013

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Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 62, No. 8, April 2013, pp.


Analytical Models for the Electric Potential, Threshold Voltage and Drain
Current of Long-channel Junctionless Double-gate Transistors

Zhihao Ding, Guangxi Hu,∗ Ran Liu and Lingli Wang

ASIC & System State Key Lab, School of Information Science and Technology,
Fudan University, Shanghai, P. R. China 200433

Shuyan Hu
School of Electronics and Information, Tongji University, Shanghai, P. R. China 200092

Xing Zhou
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 639798

(Received 15 February 2013, in final form 11 March 2013)

Analytical models for the electric potential, threshold voltage and drain current of long-channel
junctionless (JL) double-gate (DG) field-effect transistors (FET) are presented. A regional method
is used to solve the Poisson equation under different gate biases, and the electric potential is
obtained. With the potential model, an analytical expression for the threshold voltage is achieved.
An expression for the drain current is derived from the potential model. The analytical results are
compared with simulations, and excellent agreements are observed. The models accurately describe
the characteristics of JLDG FETs, and they are very helpful for the design and optimization of

PACS numbers: 85.30.Tv

Keywords: Analytical, Junctionless, Double-gate, MOSFET, Modeling
DOI: 10.3938/jkps.62.1188

I. INTRODUCTION are reported in the literature [9–14].

Unlike the traditional inversion MOSFET, in a JL
MOSFET, most of the on-state drain current comes from
The performance of traditional single-gate metal- the channel center [7,8]; therefore, the traditional model
oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) is not applicable for this new device. We present and de-
degrades seriously with the scaling of the gate length velop an analytical model to describe the potential pro-
and the gate oxide thickness [1]. A decrease in the car- file of a JLDG MOSFET by solving the Poisson equation
rier effective mobility and short-channel effects (SCEs) (PE). Based on the potential model, we obtain analytic
will largely degrade the device. To improve the device expressions for the threshold voltage and the drain cur-
performance, a new type of transistor, called the junc- rent. We compare our model results with Medici simu-
tionless (JL) multigate MOSFET, has been proposed and lations [15], both of which match very well. The models
studied to some extent [2–6]. provide a simple method to calculate the channel poten-
Distinct from the traditional double-gate (DG) MOS- tial, the threshold voltage, and the drain current, and to
FET that has different doping concentrations in the understand the behavior of the device.
channel region and the source/drain regions, the JL
transistor has a uniformly high doping concentration
throughout the source/drain and the channel regions,
which greatly simplifies the fabrication process [3] and
improves the device’s electric properties, such that sub- II. CHANNEL-POTENTIAL MODEL
threshold slope is small and the on-state current is large
[3–8]. The drain current characteristics, the quantum
electron density in the subthreshold region, and thresh- The structure of a JLDG MOSFET is shown in Fig.
old voltage models have been researched, and the results 1. The gate length, gate oxide thickness, and channel
thickness are L, tsi , and tox , respectively. The Fermi
∗ E-mail: gxhu@fudan.edu.cn level at the source is chosen to be the reference potential.
Analytical Models for the Electric Potential, Threshold Voltage and · · · – Zhihao Ding et al. -1189-

Fig. 2. Schematic view of the three conditions, with the

shaded region indicating the depletion region: (a) fully de-
pleted condition, (b) partly depleted condition, and (c) near
flat-band condition.

The solution of Eq. (2) can be obtained with the bound-

ary conditions
Fig. 1. (Color online) Diagram of a junctionless double- dφ
gate MOSFET. |x=0 = 0 , (3)
εsi dφ
VG − VF B − φs = |x=tsi /2 (4)
Cox dx
The PE can be expressed as
where VG is the voltage applied to the gate, VF B is the
   flat-band voltage, φs is the surface potential, and Cox =
d2 φ qND φ−V εox /tox , with εox being the permittivity of the oxide. The
=− 1 − exp , (1)
dx2 εsi Vt solution is
qND t2si qND
where φ is the electric potential, εsi is the silicon permit- φ= − x2 + tsi + VG − VF B . (5)
tivity, ND is the doping concentration, Vt = kB T /q is the 2εsi 4 2Cox
thermal voltage and V is the quasi Fermi potential. It is The maximum of φ occurs at x = 0, which means that
difficult to obtain an analytical solution to Eq. (1). For the whole region will now be depleted if (φc − V )/Vt ≤
simplicity, but without loss of physical insight, we solve −1, with φc being the potential at x = 0. When (φc −
Eq. (1) under different gate biases with different approx- V )/Vt = −1, we obtain
imations. The gate bias will put the channel into one of
four conditions: (i) for the fully-depleted (FD) condition, qND 2 qND
the inequality (φ − V )/Vt < −1 is valid throughout the VG = V + VF B − Vt − t − tsi . (6)
8εsi si 2Cox
whole channel region; (ii) for the partially-depleted (PD)
condition, the inequality (φ−V )/Vt < −1 is satisfied only
in part of the channel region; (iii) for the near-flat-band 2. PD Condition
(NFB) condition, the inequality −1 < (φ − V )/Vt < 1
holds true for the whole channel region, and φ − V = 0
corresponds to the flat-band condition; (iv) for the accu- If VG is larger than the value given in Eq. (6), the
mulation condition, (φ − V )/Vt > 1 is guaranteed. A JL electrons near the channel center cannot be neglected,
transistor seldom works in the accumulation condition, but part of the channel region (near the silicon-oxide
so we only discuss the situations (i) ∼ (iii). Figures. 2(a) interface) is still depleted. We solve different PEs in
∼ (c) respectively demonstrate these three situations. different regions as [16].
We define a location, x0 , at which the equation φ(x0 )−
V = −Vt holds true. The depletion approximation is still
valid for the region x0 < |x| < tsi /2. Because the value
of φ − V is between −Vt and 0 in the region |x| < x0 ,
1. FD Condition the exponential term in Eq. (1) can be approximated as
exp[(φ − V )/Vt ] ≈ 1 + (φ − V )/Vt [17], and PE can be
expressed as
In the FD condition, the exponential term in Eq. (1) 
can be neglected in the whole region |x| < tsi /2, and Eq. d2 φ qND φ−V
εsi Vt for |x| > x0
(1) is simplified to = (7)
dx2 − qN D
εsi for x0 ≤ |x| ≤ tsi /2

d2 φ qND One point that should be noted is that, as we take into

=− . (2) account the dopant concentration only and ignore other
dx2 εsi
-1190- Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 62, No. 8, April 2013

charges, the model addressed here applies only to a de- With the boundary conditions that φ(0) = φc , φ(x0 ) =
vice with a heavily-doped channel. V − Vt and Eq. (3), the solution to Eq. (7) is

⎨ V + (φc − V ) cosh x qND /εsi Vt , |x| < x0 (8a)
⎪ qN
⎩ − D (|x| − x0 )2 − E0 (|x| − x0 ) + V − Vt , x0 ≤ |x| ≤ tsi /2 , (8b)

where E0 = −(dφ/dx)|x=x0 . Substituting Eq. (8b) into 3. NFB Condition

Eq. (4), we obtain
qND qND In the NFB condition, −1 < (φ − V )/Vt < 1 holds in
(∆x)2 + + E0 (∆x) the whole region, and Eq. (1) can be approximated as
2εsi Cox
εsi E0
+ + VG − VF B − V + Vt = 0 , (9) d2 φ qND φ − V
Cox = . (14)
dx 2 εsi Vt
The electric potential can be expressed as
∆x = tsi /2 − x0 (10)

φ = V + (φc − V ) cosh x qND /εsi Vt . (15)
Because the electric potential has an almost parabolic
form with respect to x, the electric field’s x component,
With the boundary condition in Eq. (4), we obtain
E, can be approximated as E ≈ gx in the region |x| <
x0 , with g being a constant. Then, the electric field’s
2(VG − VF B − V )
x component at x = 0, E0 , can be obtained, by using φc = V +

. (16)
the finite difference method, E0 = 2[φc − (V − Vt )]/x0 . 1+ εsi
εsi Vt exp tsi
εsi Vt
Expanding E0 at x0 = tsi /2 and then neglecting φc − V ,
we obtain a concise expression for E0 :
If (φ − V )/Vt is larger than unity, the device will be in
4Vt 8Vt accumulation, which is beyond the scope of this study.
E0 ≈ + 2 ∆x . (11)
tsi tsi

Substituting Eq. (11) into Eq. (9), we obtain

−B + B 2 − 4AC
∆x = , (12)
1. Threshold Voltage
where A = qND /2εsi +8Vt /t2si , B = qND /Cox +4Vt /tsi +
8εsi Vt /Cox t2si and C = VG −VF B −V +Vt +4εsi Vt /Cox tsi .
φc can be obtained from Eq. (8a) by using φ(x0 ) = The threshold voltage Vth is the gate voltage that
V − Vt : causes the whole channel to be fully depleted. With Eq.
(6) and V = 0, we can obtain its expression as
φc = V −

. (13) qND 2 qND

cosh x0 qND /εsi Vt Vth = VF B − Vt − tsi − tsi . (17)
8εsi 2Cox
With the use of Eqs. (11), (12), and (13), the electric The saturation drain voltage Vsat that depletes the drain
potential in the whole region can be obtained with Eq. end can also be obtained by setting V = Vsat in Eq. (6):
When C = 0, from Eqs. (12) and (10), we find that
qND 2 qND
∆x = 0 and x0 = tsi /2; thus, φ(x0 ) = φs = V −Vt , which Vsat = VG −Vth = VG −VF B +Vt + t + tsi .
is the beginning of a transition from the PD condition to 8εsi si 2Cox
the NFB condition. (18)
Analytical Models for the Electric Potential, Threshold Voltage and · · · – Zhihao Ding et al. -1191-

2. Drain Current (A) For V < C, which corresponds to the NFB condi-
tion, φs can be obtained with Eq. (15), and the expres-
We will obtain the drain current in the linear region sion for Qn (V ) can be obtained as
and the subthreshold region separately.
(i) In the linear region, when VG > Vth and Vds < Vsat , γ−1
Qn (V ) = 2Cox (VG − VF B − V ) − qND tsi , (21)
the drain current can be expressed as γ+1
W where γ = (1/Cox )(qεsi ND /Vt )1/2 . The first term on
Ids = µef f [−Qn (V )] dV , (19)
L 0 the RHS in Eq. (21) is much smaller than qND tsi in the
Qn (V ) = −qND tsi + 2Cox (VF B + φs − VG ) . (20) NFB condition, so we have Qn (V ) ≈ −qND tsi .
Qn (V ) is the charge density per unit area. The first term
on the right-hand side (RHS) of Eq. (20) is the negative (B) For V ≥ C, which corresponds to the PD condi-
charge from the ionized donor atoms. The second term tion, we obtain φs from Eq. (8). With Eq. (20), Qn (V )
describes the charge induced in the silicon by the gate can be expressed as
voltage, which may be positive or negative, depending
on the gate bias. W is the channel width, and µef f is Qn (V ) = 2εsi E0 − 2qND x0 . (22)
the effective electron mobility. The surface potential can
be obtained by substituting x = tsi /2 into Eqs. (8) and Substituting Eqs. (21) and (22) into Eq. (19) and finish-
(16); then, Qn (V ) can be obtained with Eq. (20). There ing the integral, we obtain an analytical expression for
are two conditions: the drain current in the linear region:

   V =Vds 
W 8εsi Vt 16εsi Vt −BV (B 2 − 4AC)3/2
Ids = µef f qND tsi Vds + H (Vds − V0 ) + H + 2qND + , (23)
L tsi t2si 2A 12A2 V =V0

where V0 = C for C > 0; otherwise, V0 = 0. H = 0 if where xa = (2/k)1/2 . When x > xa , the second term
Vds < V0 ; otherwise, H = 1. on the RHS of Eq. (26) is small enough to be neglected.
For x < xa , we use 1 − (x/xa )(1 − exp(−2)) to approx-
(ii) Now we will obtain the drain current in the sub- imate exp(−kx2 ); the approximation can be justified by
threshold region. In the subthreshold region (VG < Vth ), numerical computations. Therefore, the integral can be
the electron charge density can be expressed as finished:
 tsi /2  tsi /2  xa √
2 2
e−kx dx ≈ e−kx dx ≈ (1+e−2 )/ 2k . (27)
Qn (V ) = −2 qND e Vt dx . (24)
0 0 0

Because now the device is fully depleted, φ can be The analytical expression for subthreshold current is
 1 + e−2 
obtained with Eq. (5). Substituting Eq. (24) into Eq.
(19), the subthreshold current is W
−Vds /Vt
Isub = 2qVt ND µef f 1−e √
L 2k
1 − e−Vds /Vt   
Isub = 2qVt ND µef f
L 1 qND t2si qND tsi
 × exp + VG − VF B + (28)
tsi /2 Vt 8εsi 2Cox
× e−kx dx
1 qND t2si qND tsi
× exp + V G − VF B + , IV. VERIFICATION
Vt 8εsi 2Cox
In order to verify the models, we compare the analytic
where k = qND /(2εsi Vt ). To obtain an analytical ex- results with the Medici simulations. The doping concen-
pression, we approximate the integral in Eq. (25) as tration ND is 1019 cm−3 , which is a typical value for a
 tsi /2  xa  tsi /2 JL device. The effective electron mobility is set to be
2 2 2 µef f = 85 cm2 /V·s. We use a p+ polysilicon gate, and
e−kx dx = e−kx dx+ e−kx dx . (26)
0 0 xa the corresponding flat-band voltage is VF B = 1.09 V.
-1192- Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 62, No. 8, April 2013

Fig. 3. (Color online) Surface and center electric potentials

versus gate voltage. W = L = 1 µm.

Fig. 5. (Color online) Drain current versus gate voltage

for (a) different channel thicknesses and (b) different oxide
Fig. 4. Drain current versus drain voltage. Solid lines are
thicknesses. W = L = 1 µm.
simulation results [7, Fig. 2] while symbols are results of our
analytical model. W = L = 1 µm, tsi = 10 nm, tox = 7 nm,
and ND = 1019 cm−3 .
with a larger tox , the oxide capacitance per unit area will
be smaller, and fewer positive charges will be induced in
Figure 3 shows the electric potentials under different the channel, which results in an increase in the drain cur-
gate biases. An excellent match between the model and rent. Figure 5(a) and (b) show that each of the curves
the Medici simulation results is observed. It is noted that for the drain current has a turning point (TP), to the
the potential in the channel center, φc , is larger than the left of which the drain current is almost the same, and
surface potential, φs , which means the electron density to the right of which the current increases very rapidly
in the channel center is larger than that near the inter- with increasing gate bias. The gate voltage correspond-
face; therefore, most of the drain current is contributed ing to the TP is none other than the threshold voltage
from the transport of electrons located near the center Vth . Generally speaking, the extrapolated intercept of
of the channel. This is an advantage of the device, be- the linear portion of the Ids − VG curve with the VG -axis
cause the electrons will now be less scattered by the in- will give the value of Vth [18]. With this definition, ac-
terface. Figure (4) shows the drain current versus drain cording to Fig. 5(a), VGT P = −0.2 V for a device with tsi
bias. Squares are our analytical model results while solid = 10 nm and tox = 5 nm, we obtain Vth = −0.28 V from
lines are the simulation results obtained by Duarte, et al. Eq. (17). Figure 5(b) shows that VGT P = 0.0 V for a
[7]. It’s noted that model results fit the simulations. device with tsi = 12 nm and tox = 3 nm, Vth = −0.04 V
Figure 5(a) and (b) show drain current versus gate is obtained from Eq. (17). Therefore, the analytical re-
bias. The model results agree with the Medici simula- sults for Vth match very well with the simulation results
tions well. The drain currents increase with increasing VGT P .
tsi and/or tox . For a device with a larger tsi , the num-
ber of carriers in the channel is larger, as is the drain
current. As we know, when VG − VF B < 0, the gate bias
will induce positive charges in the channel. For a device V. CONCLUSIONS
Analytical Models for the Electric Potential, Threshold Voltage and · · · – Zhihao Ding et al. -1193-

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