Campfire Skits
Campfire Skits
Campfire Skits
• Greatest Pickpocket
*Audience Participation • Raisin Bran
• Furniture Store
• Candy Store *Rehearsed Skits
• Greatest Spitter in the World • Flower and Bee
• Three Headed Monster/Know it All • Shy Person Making a Move
• Complaint Department • I’ve Come to Marry The Princess
• Freeze Frame • The Three Horsemen
• Zoo (?) • The Arcade Cowboy
• Kicks are for Trids • Enlarging Machine
• Shoe Genie
*No Rehearsal Needed/Pass it • Attack on the Tent
Down • Frustrated Director
• Invisible Bench • Wanna Buy a Pencil?
• What Time Is It?
• Gotta Go Wee *Stupid Human Tricks
• B’ar Over Thar • Talking Chin
• Grandma Went to Town Today • Someone Else’s Hands
• Ugliest Man • Someone Else’s Legs
• Movie Theater
*The Messier The Better
*No Rehearsal Needed/Add- • Weather Report
ons • Banana Bandana
• Doctor’s Office • Coke and Pie
• Dinner Party • Toothpaste
• Applause • Human Hot Dog/Sundae
• On the Can • Group PBJ
• Puppy in a Box • Trip to the Moon
• Kid in a Toilet
• Change Under Lamppost *Fillers
• Tracking • Baby Deer/Sounds of Nature
• Camp Stew • Echo
• Bubble Gum
*Little Prep Needed • ESP
• Centipede • Luge/Roller Coaster
• Security Camera
• JC Penny’s Clothes *Closure
• Brown Pants • Rain
• Radio Station • Group Storytelling
• Most Important Paper • Story of Night Sky
• Light Choreograph
Audience Participation
Punch Line:C
Skit: Complaint Department
Props Needed: None
Cast of Characters: A store worker, a customer
Plot Outline: The store owner explains that the customer (volunteer from audience) will be
returning something at the store, but only the audience will know what the something is. The
skit will end when the customer figures out what they’re returning. The customer goes far
enough away that they can’t hear the audience talking. The store owner gives guidelines for
acceptable items (not overly gross, inappropriate, not too difficult to guess for the age of the
“customer”) and then takes suggestions for a minute or two. The audience votes on the item
and calls the customer back. (The store owner should advise the customer to act like they
know what it is when speaking – “I’m returning this because it’s too small, smells funny, didn’t
work when I plugged it in…” instead of phrasing it as a guess “Is it too big?”
Punch Line: Customer states “I’m returning this _____ (correct item) because it _______
(appropriate to item).
Skit: Applause
Props Needed: Boom box and music
Cast of Characters: An emcee, an assistant, a panel of judges, 3 or 4 volunteers to be in a
dance contest
Plot Outline: The assistant takes the volunteers far enough away that they can’t hear
what’s going on. The emcee explains to the crowd that when each volunteer comes back,
their job is to get the judges to applaud, but the judges are just going to mimic whatever the
contestant is doing. In the meantime, the assistant explains to the contestants that there will
be music playing and a panel of judges. Each of them will go in and do whatever they can do
to get the judges to applaud. Once they applaud, they contestant can sit down. (Panel of
judges should be lined up behind and to the side of the contestants.
Punch Line: Watching the crazy dance moves that take place until they figure out to just
Skit: Tracking
Props Needed: None
Cast of Characters: A tracker, a few volunteers, a sound effects person (train)
Plot Outline: The tracker is carefully examining the ground and following tracks. One by
one, the volunteers happen by, become curious about what’s going on, and join in the search.
Excitement grows as they puzzle over and then identify different animal tracks in the area.
(All discussions happen in a stage whisper, so as not to scare off the creatures they’re
pursuing.) Tracks found in order are: rabbit, bird, human, train
Punch Line: Trackers realize it’s a train as whistle blows and the sound of the train is heard
Skit: Camp Stew
Props Needed: A big pot with water and some rags in it, a wooden spoon, food to add to
stew, bowls and spoons
Cast of Characters: The cook, and volunteers
Plot Outline: The cook is busy stirring a pot over the fire. One by one, the volunteers
happen by, become curious about what’s going on, and learn that the cook is heating up
water. Each is so hungry that they run to get something to add to the stew. They come back
and put it in the pot. The cook says nothing throughout this process, but continues to stir,
occasionally adjusting the temperature. The others get a ladle and help themselves to a bowl
of stew.
Punch Line: The cook uses the spoon to fish the dish towels out of the pot, wrings them out,
and wipes down the table as the others start to feel sick.
Rehearsed Skits
Skit: Toothpaste
Props Needed: Toothbrush, toothpaste, cups of water, empty cup
Cast of Characters: Five staff members
Plot Outline: The staff members line up shoulder to shoulder and facing the audience. The
first person holds a toothbrush, toothpaste, cup of water, and an empty cup. Everyone else
holds a cup of water. Person #1 makes a production out of brushing their teeth, and at the
end spits into the cup. They pass the supplies onto person #2, who does the same, and so on
for person #3 and #4.
Punch Line: The fifth person comes along, thinks the cup is a drink of water, and drinks it.
Skit: Group PBJ
Props Needed: Two pieces bread, Peanut Butter, Jelly, garbage can
Cast of Characters: Five staff members
Plot Outline: The staff members line up shoulder to shoulder and facing the audience. The
first person holds a piece of bread, the second a bowl of PB, the third a bowl of jelly, the fourth
a piece of bread, and the fifth should have a garbage can nearby (just in case). #1 puts the
bread in their mouth, chews it, and then transfers it to #2’s bowl. #2 then puts the bread and
PB in their mouth, chews it, and transfers it… This continues until person #4 transfers all the
ingredients to #5, who ideally finishes eating the sandwich.
Punch Line: Gross enough-no punch line needed.
Skit: Echo
Props Needed: None
Cast of Characters: A caller and an echo
Plot Outline: The caller calls out a phrase and the echo repeats it. “Hello” “Hello-o-o”
“How are you?” “you-oo-oo” “Spaghetti” “etti-etti-etti” “Bologna” (no response) “Bologna”
Punch Line: “I am the greatest person in the world” “Bologna”
Skit: Rain
Props Needed: None
Cast of Characters: A person to lead the audience
Plot Outline: Explain that the activity involves total silence except for the sound effects in
order to truly work. You will be moving from one side of the audience to the other and doing
particular motions. When you are standing in front of them, they should mimic your actions
and then continue to do that action until you return. When you return, you change the action
(it’s like the wave, but instead of standing up, they are doing a sound effect). If done well, it
sounds like a thunderstorm. Sounds: rubbing palms, tapping a finger on palm, golf clap,
snapping, clapping, drumming hands on thighs, stomping feet (then reverse sounds till