The document summarizes two proposals submitted to obtain research funding. The first is a Proposal Submitted Under Research Promotion Scheme requesting approximately 196 lakhs for 13 projects in various engineering departments. The second is a Modernization and Removal of Obsolescence in Technical Education Project sanctioned by AICTE for approximately 4 lakhs to upgrade an existing computer network laboratory. Both documents list the proposed projects, lead investigators, titles, and estimated budgets.
The document summarizes two proposals submitted to obtain research funding. The first is a Proposal Submitted Under Research Promotion Scheme requesting approximately 196 lakhs for 13 projects in various engineering departments. The second is a Modernization and Removal of Obsolescence in Technical Education Project sanctioned by AICTE for approximately 4 lakhs to upgrade an existing computer network laboratory. Both documents list the proposed projects, lead investigators, titles, and estimated budgets.
The document summarizes two proposals submitted to obtain research funding. The first is a Proposal Submitted Under Research Promotion Scheme requesting approximately 196 lakhs for 13 projects in various engineering departments. The second is a Modernization and Removal of Obsolescence in Technical Education Project sanctioned by AICTE for approximately 4 lakhs to upgrade an existing computer network laboratory. Both documents list the proposed projects, lead investigators, titles, and estimated budgets.
The document summarizes two proposals submitted to obtain research funding. The first is a Proposal Submitted Under Research Promotion Scheme requesting approximately 196 lakhs for 13 projects in various engineering departments. The second is a Modernization and Removal of Obsolescence in Technical Education Project sanctioned by AICTE for approximately 4 lakhs to upgrade an existing computer network laboratory. Both documents list the proposed projects, lead investigators, titles, and estimated budgets.
Proposal Submitted Under Research Promotion Scheme (RPS).
S. Name of The Title of the Project Name of the Faculty Estimat
No. Department Member Involved ed Budget 1 Department of Design & Implementation of Intelligent Principle Investigator: 17.6 Electronics Image Segmentation & Facial Emotion Prof. S. D. Giripunje Engineering Recognition Co-Investigator : P.M. Palsodkar 2 Department of Modeling & Verification of Principal Investigator: 19.147 Electronics Performance of Multi-Core Embedded Prof. M.M. Khanapurkar Engineering Controller & Automotive Black Box Using Vehicle Networking Protocols For Intelligent Transportation System Co-Investigator Prof. D.V. Padole 3 Department of Computational Capacity of Vehicle Ad- Principal Investigator: 18.15 Electronics & hoc Network Prof. S.S. Dorle Tele- Communication Co-Investigator Engineering Prof. S.S. Kurumbanshi 4 Department of Design & Implementation of Fuzzy 16.27 Electronics & Logic based Systems with VLSI Principle Investigator : Tele- approach for optimal performance with Prof. A.Y. Deshmukh Communication Application Specific Hardware Engineering Accelerators 5 Department of Evolving Intelligent Methods & Principle Investigator : 10.0 Computer Systems for Gene Data Prof. S.A. Chhabria Science & Engineering 6 Department of Study & Analysis of effectiveness of Principle Investigator : 14.25 Computer Optimization Parameters in wireless Dr. M.U. Kharat Science & Networks: A Virtual Class Room Engineering Approach Principle Co- Investigator: Mr. S.V. Gumaste 7 Department of Evaluation and Enhancement of Principle Investigator : 15.5 Computer Networking Protocols for Wireless & Prof. K.N. Hande Science & wired Networks Principle Co- Engineering Investigator: Mrs. G.J. Tripathi
8 Department of Development Of Diesel Particulate Principle Investigator : 20.6
Mechanical Filter System For A Stationary C.I. Mr. M.S. Deshmukh Engineering Engine 9 Department of Heat transfer in a Sound Assisted Principle Investigator : 16.4 Mechanical Fluidized Bed Mr. U.S. Wankhede Engineering
10 Department of Performance Augmentation of Process Principle Investigator : 9.5
Electrical Machines using Input Power- Prof. (Mrs.) M.V. Engineering Monitoring and Advanced Energy Palandurkar Storage Principle Co- Investigator: Dr. S.G. Tarnekar
11 Department of To Investigate Role Of UPFC In Principle Investigator : 14.0
Electrical Damping Power System Oscilations In Prof. P.P. Jagtap Engineering Multimachine Systems Principle Co- Investigator: Dr. V.K. Chandrakar 12 Department Of Improved Direct Torque Control Principle Investigator : 10.0 Electrical Induction Motor Drive Prof. J.G. Chaudhari Engineering Principle Co- Investigator: Dr. V.K. Chandrakar 13 Department of Computerised flame analyzer from Principle Investigator : 14.7 Information Combustion Systems : A tool for energy Prof. Mrs. A.R. Mahajan Tech. conservation
Approx cost 196.117 Lakhs
G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Modernization and Removal of Obsolescence in Technical Education
(MODROB) Project
Sanction by AICTE
2008 – 2010
File No : 8024/RID/BOR/MOD-47/2008-09
Date of Sanction : 04/12/2008
Project Coordinator : Prof. K. N. Hande
Project Co-coordinator : Prof Ms V P Bhute
Project Title : “Up gradation of Existing Computer Network Laboratory”
Date of Commencement : 01/01/2009
Of the Project
Duration of the Project : 1.5 Yrs.
Amount sanction By : Rs. 4.00 Lakhs
Proposal Submitted Under Modernization & Removal of Obsolescence in Technical Education
S. Name of The Title of the Project Name of the Faculty Estimated
No. Department Member Involved Budget 1 Department of Modernization Of Computer Co-ordinator : 9.10 Electrical Applications Laboratory Prof. S.R. Vaishnav Engineering Co-Coordinator : Prof. M.B. Gaikwad 2 Department of To Develop Automated Power Co-ordinator : 12.0 Electrical Distribution Laboratory Prof. S.R. Vaishnav Engineering Co-Coordinator : Prof. Ms. S.P. Kanojia 3 Department of Advance Wireless & Network Co-ordinator : 17.243 Computer Communication Prof. Mr. A.N. Jaiswal Science & Co-Coordinator : Engineering Prof. Mr. G.B. Bhoyar 4 Department of Modernization of Automation in Co-ordinator : 14.85 Mechanical Production Laboratory Dr. V.M. Kriplani Engineering Co-Coordinator : Prof. S.S. Khedkar 5 Department of Soft Computing Laboratory Co-ordinator : 14.76 Electronics & Prof. A.Y. Deshmukh Communication Co-Coordinator : Engineering Prof. V.R. Rathee 6 Department of Up graduation Of Geotechnical Co-ordinator : 16.3125 Civil Engineering Dr. P.B. Nagarnaik engineering Co-Coordinator : Mr. P.P. Dahale 7 Department of Multimedia Laboratory Co-ordinator : Mr. N. 14.0 Information V. Chaudhari Tech.