Strategic Change Management: Faisal Mohamed
Strategic Change Management: Faisal Mohamed
Strategic Change Management: Faisal Mohamed
Faisal Mohamed
Assignment front sheet
Qualification Unit number and title
In this assessment you will have the opportunity to Task (Page no)
Learning Outcome present evidence that shows you are able to: no.
Understand the
background to Discuss models of strategic change 1
organisational 1.1
strategic change
Understand issues 2
relating to strategic
change in an Examine the need for strategic change in an
2 2.1
organisation organisation
Be able to lead
stakeholders in 3.1 Develop systems to involve stakeholders in the
developing a planning of change
strategy for change
Be able to plan to
implement models for
Develop appropriate models for change 4
ensuring ongoing
change 4.1
Plan to implement a model for change 4
I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged.
Qualification Level 7
Start date
Assessor Abu Tahir
This assignment provides the learner with the understanding and skills to support active engagement in the process of
strategic change management.
Achievement Summary
Unit Number and title Student
Faisal Mohammed
Assignment Feedback
Summative feedback
Even though organizations in current economy run operations with current strategies, much
will change for future benefit and success. Any change brings doubt and some arrangements
and individuals are better capable to cope with this than others.
This report analyses the internal and external factors that could potentially drive the need for
change. This is undertaken in the frame of a SWOT, PESTLE, and Competitor Analysis.
While analyzing the Ansoff matrix to know the growth option, the need for change was found.
I have chosen an organization, Cybrosys techno solutions private limited which is unstable
in the current market and they need to expand their operations (develop, market) into foreign
countries like Australia, Europe (apart from the UK where they presence) because of high
competition. Their rivals are expanding their market and due to that they have been driven to
extend their market place in order to be a successful company.
This report contains the information about stakeholder management which will provide
details on the stakeholders who are affected by the change and also provide a useful framework
to deal with all types of stakeholders appropriately.
This report also addresses the key strategic change (i.e. market development) that will affect
within Cybrosys due to the shift in the corporate policies, target market, mission, and how
Cybrosys can overcome this strategic marketing problem within the organization and how
they can involve their stakeholders in this change. For that I have used various models of
change and provided the relevance of using that model within Cybrosys.
Cybrosys Techno Solutions Pvt. Ltd is a technology and software enabled business situated in
the Kinfra Techno Park, Kakkanncherry in Malappuram district, Kerala. They also have
Strategic Business Unit in InfoPark, Kakkanad which is in Ernakulum district. Cybrosys started
its operations in the year 2007, which was founded by Mr. Sainul Abideen, who was very
passionate in information technology field in his college days. Cybrosys current employees
around 50 to 99 employees, who is well determined and committed towards the organization
and to their assigned tasks as well, Cybrosys have several departments in their organization
like; human resource management, finance department, media relation, facility
management, customer service, marketing and security. Each department is carried out by
department assistants and Mr. Sainul Abideen acts as a central head of whole departments. The
strategies involved in the functioning of business are planned by the Mr. Sainul Abideen
(Cybrosys, 2014).
Cybrosys have strategic alliance with IBM, Intel, HP and other global and local
giants which enabled them to gain global presence within a little period of time, in fact,
their products and services are applied with clients across India, USA, UK, Middle East
and Maldives (Cybrosys, 2014).
Cybrosys provides complete product life cycle services, ranging from new product
development and product advancement to product migration, re-engineering and
support, by leveraging their experience working on over several product releases over the last
three years, they bring products to the market faster, with better quality and reduced product
costs (Cybrosys, 2014).
Their focus is about web technologies and windows application as they are being adapted
using leading technologies in the market. Cybrosys specializes in the development of high
end client-server application and robust enterprise applications. Cybrosys have six
patents which are expected to make revolutions in technology and their vision is to achieve a
patent a month (Cybrosys, 2014).
In order to bring together this report, I had to do various research. This consisted of a number
of primary and secondary techniques.
Firstly, I interviewed Mr. Sainul Abideen who is the current CEO of Cybrosys. He
provided a large amount of first-hand information and was priceless. He was also able to
provide me with a large amount of information about the current organization’s structure and
Mr. Sainul Abideen is also acting as an advisor for Cybrosys Pvt. Ltd through certain aspects
of the change. I also managed to speak with the head of the marketing team. Mr. Ranjith
Kanakkath is marketing team’s primary contact within Cybrosys and is the marketing manager
I also used a number of textbooks, listed in the Reference, written by respected authors on
Change, Leadership and Management. This is secondary research, but of good superiority.
Change is the only thing which is constant (Toffler). Change is happening all around,
individually and organizationally, all the time. Due to globalization organizations are forced to
change if they like it or not and be reactive and proactive towards the change.
It is possible to plan and identify the need for change in advance, which is obviously a much
more favorable approach. Being able to identify the drivers for change are essential in order
for the organization to spot the necessity for making change happen, and also to determine
exactly how you will combat these drivers and produce an effective change plan.
A SWOT analysis is a simple tool which allows an organization to list the Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats within them in the current climate. These brief
statements put on paper help to identify where the company can improve. The ultimate aim of
an organization would be to reduce its weaknesses and increase its strengths and also avoid
any threats that may occur and explore the opportunities that are available in the market.
These observations organically show both why an organization needs to change and allow an
organization to discuss how they would convert them. These would form the basis of the
organization’s change objectives.
Another tool which can be used to identify drivers for change could be a PESTLE Analysis.
This allows the organization to look at Political, Environmental, Social, Technological,
Legal and Economic factors which could impact the organization, or the environment it
operates in. This type of analysis generally applies to the external environment which the
organization operates in. These observations can structure an organization’s SWOT analysis
(the opportunities and threats, which are generally specific to the external environment) and
allow the organization to group the factors in their SWOT in order to more clearly define these
change drivers.
With both of these analyses, it can be useful to rank the factors in the list of importance. This
could range from financial risk, opportunity for big sales, likelihood, and level of impact
and so on. This had been partially done in my pestle analysis; however, another method could
be used to rank these factors driving change.
Analyzing a mix of all these factors allows the organization to relatively easily identify the
need for change and the organization can then start thinking about how they can bridge the gap
between where they are now and where they want to be, which is the whole point of an
organization’s strategy, and the plan for change.
After obtaining these factors within and outside of Cybrosys and analyzing them.
I have to say that, these are by no means full analysis. Normally these would have been
performed by a team of people over a series of days or weeks and can go into really fine detail.
As I am not part of Cybrosys I do not have enough first-hand knowledge to fully complete
these tools. The important thing to remember is that these tools should not be considered as
static and it would be good practice to review these regularly, perhaps every 6 months. Only
through a regular review you can prevent these issues before they actually exist, or Cybrosys
could further enhance the branding, revenues or cut costs of the company.
After analyzing the SWOT, PESTLE Analyses and Ansoff matrix of Cybrosys, I have
identified a significant change which is required in the immediate future, let me explain.
After analyzing the Ansoff matrix, I have found that Cybrosys have huge
opportunities to expand their market to countries like Australia and Europe.
Cybrosys currently require to expand their market to these countries, because of high
demand and huge competition from the local and global IT companies and due to that Cybrosys
will have to go through various changes within the organization and this report documents and
addressed the change process involved in Cybrosys and how can manage change effective and
In the current business environment there is a huge competition from the local as well as foreign
players. The competitors of Cybrosys are expanding their market space and in order to be a
market leader Cybrosys will also have to expand their market. The IT companies are offering
wide range of services to foreign clients along with their IT product, which can be an added
advantage for the company.
Cybrosys is a private limited company with huge potential and they have some issues in the
market in which they operate too, so the company needs to phase out its current market. The
products and services offered by Cybrosys are provided by various competitors and due that
there is huge competition in the current market.
The imbalance in the economy in which Cybrosys operates is also another factor. Cybrosys
performs its operation in India and provide services to other countries. Cybrosys will have to
review their existing mission, vision and strategy and they have asked their strategic team,
The structure of the Cybrosys is very rigid for their existence and the future growth. There is a
communication barrier between the different levels within Cybrosys. Of all the things Cybrosys
can change, this is by far the most difficult to undertake. The needs and wants of the clients
are different and are changing rapidly. Some of them will require more technically advanced
products/services; someone else will prefer something different.
Cybrosys can’t compete with their existing product in the existing market, so this makes
an urgency to make an overall change in the Cybrosys. As of now, since Cybrosys is operating
in four different countries, in order to survive in the IT industry, it is important for them to
develop a new market either with existing products/services or with new and diversified
products/services (Cybrosys, 2014).
The reasons pointed out above are the foremost reasons, which has prompted the higher
management of the company to look and decide for marketing strategy, which cater the current
and future need of the business.
There will be high implication on the Cybrosys’s business and operations; if the resources of
Cybrosys do not respond to the marketing strategy. The resources involved in this strategic
change are the workforce, the IT infrastructure, and the department heads of marketing. The
implications of not responding to the change will be as follows:
If the marketing team is not well motivated and passionate of the plan, then there will be a lack
of enthusiasm, and this will have an impact on the quality and the planning of the market
development. If market development is not implemented properly, then it will not serve the
whole purpose of the plan and this may cause the scrap of whole plan. If the workforce is not
Cybrosys as a whole will have to bear serious issues and consequences, if the
marketing plan does not go well, as it will not only be a monetary loss to Cybrosys, but
will impact the future growth process and the morale of whole organizations. It will
also impact the business operations of Cybrosys, as the morale and motivation of the
workforce will be impacted a great deal.
The three standard models of Individual, Team and Organisational strategic change has
been discussed below.
In 1984 Kolb published his learning styles model. Kolb’s model of learning styles has four
distinct learning styles (Diverging, Assimilating, Converging and Accommodating) which
are further based on four stage learning cycles also known as learning cycles.
Diverging (Feeling and watching): Cybrosys will have dealt with people with
diverging styles who are sensitive and they prefer to watch rather than to do. They
have broad cultural interests and tend to work in groups, to listen with an open mind
and are usually imaginative and emotional.
Dr. Bruce Tuckman published his four stage model of team change in 1965. It consists of:
Forming: This is a stage where the whole responsibility of change is on the leader, as
individual roles and responsibilities are unclear and team members are highly
dependent on leader for guidance and direction.
Storming: This is a description of the dynamic that occurs when a team of individuals
come together to work on a common task, and have passed through the phase of being
Kotter’s (1995) eight steps to transforming Cybrosys go a little further than the basic machine
metaphor. Kotter’s eight-step model derives from analysis of his consulting practice with 100
different organizations going through change. The model addresses some of the power issues
around making change happen, highlights the importance of a ‘felt need’ for change which
Cybrosys may have, and emphasizes the need to communicate the vision and keep
communication levels extremely high throughout the process (Mike Green). They are as
Create urgency: To spark the initial motivation to get the change moving, managers
will have to create a sense of urgency within Cybrosys. This happens by identifying the
potential threats and developing a future scenario.
Form a powerful coalition: To lead a change, all the influential people, the team and
the management within Cybrosys need to be convinced and a coalition is to be formed.
Kotter’s model of change suggests that change is a slow but sure process and it should be dealt
likewise. The change itself starts when urgency in Cybrosys is created either to accomplish the
new requirement or need to resolve current issues. This leads to formation of vision and clear
objectives which defines the change to be taken forward.
In the current economic scenario, where the IT industry is in very competitive in nature and
the economic downturn has further tightened its position, it becomes necessary for Cybrosys
to win the confidence of the workforce and keep them involved and engaged with the proposed
marketing strategy. Any failure in the marketing plan will further dry out the overall business
growth of Cybrosys and this could occur if Cybrosys does not consider taking the change
seriously and following a standard approach of handling change at an organizational level. To
resolve this scenario, Kotter’s 8 step change model has a great relevance to it. There should be
a proper communication between the key stakeholders of Cybrosys on the need of taking
change. When change occurs at an organizational level, then every member of Cybrosys
directly or indirectly gets affected and henceforth to avoid any sort of hurdle a change model
should be used at the organizational level, to prepare and plan to resolve the unwarranted
Similarly, the change model of team has its relevance because, the change in Cybrosys is
initiated by a team and it’s the responsibility of the team to take the change forward and bring
it to an organizational level. Keeping this in view, the Tuckman’s model of learning styles
becomes important as it discusses the stages of team development and henceforth, by focusing
on these stages, it becomes easier to prepare for the change. The stages of Forming, Norming,
Storming, Performing, adjourning defines the five stages and this in turn helps to identify
where and at which stage what policy and strategy to be considered. The team consists of
individuals and every team member is an individual first and then a part of the team and
therefore, it becomes important to consider how to involve individuals first in the change. Of
individuals are not ready for the change, then a strong team can never be formed and if the
team fails, then the change at organizational level can never be successful. And this gives high
importance to consider the individual change model. By evaluating and studying the current
economic scenario, it becomes necessary for every organization to consider the change models
John Kotter’s 8 step change process can be used to explain the proposed change process.
1. Create a Sense of Urgency – At this level in first a conversation needs to be built up as
the reason for a change. Accordingly, the board members of the ‘Cybrosys’ needs to be
aware as to what are the changes that are taking place in the market and what are the plans
of the competitors. By doing so it enables to motivate the top management and other
stakeholders of Cybrosys to accept that a change is needed in order to survive in the market.
It is said that in order to change to be taken place at least 75% of the management needs to
be believed that a change is goods and is needed for survive.
Accordingly a conversation needs to start as to why it is necessary to start a web based news
site to survive in the market and to reduce operational cost.
2. Creating/forming a good coalition – In this step a good coalition needs to be built up from
leaders within Cybrosys who have respect and good recommendations. By doing so,
Cybrosys can maintain and develop the conversation about the change and obtain the input
of those leaders to the change process.
After forming a good committee the change process can be implemented effectively. In order
to form a good coalition following activity can be used,
Search for leaders within the organization who are respected by the employees
Once the team is building up it should make sure that the team as a whole use one change
models to plan the change and team members needs to have sound knowledge on the model
apply for the change.
3. Develop/ Crate a change vision – In this step Cybrosys needs to develop a vision change.
Vision provides three valuable purposes,
It summarizes and simplifies many decisions
It provides motivation to people to execute actions.
It helps to coordinate activities of many persons in an efficient manner.
In order to expand the market Cybrosys needs to create a vision that has the following
4. Communicate the vision – The created vision in the previous step needs to be
communicated throughout “Cybrosys” from board of directors to lower level employees.
By communicating the vision to the employees it is very helpful to perform the change
activities effectively. Cybrosys may use any type of communication method that is used for
internal communications. Methods such as emails, newsletters, and meetings can be used
to communicate the vision of the change.
6. Create short term wins – In the long process of change it is essential to incorporate some
short term achievements to motivate the people involved in the change process. Further by
incorporating short term achievements the Cybrosys can ensure that the change process is
taking place effectively, for example company can incorporate following short term
Plan out the format and layout of the new web site
Procure the latest technology and proper people
7. Build on the change/don’t let up - It is said that before completing the job declaring the
victory is too risky. Thus the work needs to be completed before the success is declared.
For a success is sustainable the organization needs to build upon changes continuously.
8. Institutionalize the change - In this last step Cybrosys needs to ensure that the change is
evident through every aspect of Cybrosys. This will helps to maintain the change activities
continuously all parts of the Cybrosys.
By following above mentioned eight steps Cybrosys will be able to implement the change
process effectively and efficiently.
The implementation plan becomes the stepping stone for any plan and it determines the success
and failure of the marketing plan. Therefore, implementation plan achieves high importance
and should be planned and decided by considering all the business factors which includes
internal and external and all the stakeholders should be taken in confidence. The widely
accepted implementation plan for strategic change being suggested by Johnson, Scholes and
Whittington has been considered. The steps are given below:
Gaining support of the key stakeholders of Cybrosys, who include key decision
makers and the facilitators. They should be provided with enough relevant information
on the needs and benefits of adopting the planned change.
A full detailed plan should be prepared by Cybrosys with proper start and end date
and should include and define the various stages of the change process with the time
frame. This detailed implementation plan should be agreed by all the department heads
and the decision makers.
A strategy should be planned by Cybrosys to obtain the commitment of the staff to
make this strategic change feasible and achievable.
The ground level workforce and strategic plan should be brought in, in the market
development plan and should be asked for their feedback and reviews.
The workforce should be given proper recognition and reward on the success
of developing the market.
The workforce should be given development and training programs with the new skills
required, which will help in making the implementation plan successful.
The changes happening at various stages should be analyzed and evaluated as well.
The areas which are causing problems and are creating hurdles in the plan should be
studied and be removed.
The whole implementation plan should be monitored and reviewed and governance
model need to be defined to handle the escalation and the key decision processes.
Strategic interventions contribute to align Cybrosys with its environment. Cummings and
Worley (2001) state, “link the internal functioning of the organization to the larger
environment; transforming the organization to keep pace with changing conditions”.
Strategic intervention help organizations to gain a better understanding of their current state,
and their environment, that allow them to better target strategies for competing or collaborating
with other organizations.
Kormanik (2005) is included under the umbrella of strategic interventions, the following:
Strategic planning and goal setting.
Visioning/scenario planning.
Communication audit/strategy.
Cybrosys is a company who has a presence in more than four countries and working on more
than 1000 projects in a year. Strategic intervention techniques will help Cybrosys to find their
own core of strengths and is helpful doing the process of change. Strategic intervention
techniques will help Cybrosys to involve every stakeholder and prepare them for the planned
change i.e. Market development. By adopting these techniques, Cybrosys would be able to
achieve successful change process.
The strategic intervention plays a vital role in the enactment of the company.
Stakeholders should be taken in self-assurance and should be convinced properly to make the
change successful at the organizational level. The Stakeholders of the planned marketing
strategic change in Cybrosys are:
Managing Director
Finance head and team
IT Director and team
Marketing Head and team
Sales Head and team
Supply chain and logistics head and team
Human resource director and team
Admin head and team
The activities which are planned needs to be undertaken to convince and involve the above
stakeholders in planning the change are, (Knowhow Non Profit, 2011):
To any strategic decision, there will always be some who will be enthusiastic about the change
and will be ready to adopt, while there will be some who will be reluctant at the first moment
and then there will be people who will be putting resistance to the change and it could because
of individual behavior and emotional responses or could be another factor due to which they
will be resistant to change.
Considering the above defined model on the behavior of the stakeholders and people on the
response of the change, a planned strategy need to be discussed and decided upon. A well
common standard theory of management used widely in the business industry has been used to
involve the stakeholders in the change. It is as follows, (Knowhow Nonprofit, 2011):
Leverage Strategies: This strategy is basically defined and planned by Cybrosys for
those who are among the early adopters and are ready to embrace the change which
Development of the market will be a marketing strategy decision involving change process at
the organizational level. It will change the overall of work process and operations of Cybrosys.
Each and every stakeholder of Cybrosys will be directly or indirectly related and impacted with
this change. Henceforth, it becomes important for Cybrosys to plan out a marketing strategy
which involves the stakeholders (like employees and shareholders) in the planning of the
change. The change process itself can initiate only with the help of the shareholders and the
loyal employees of Cybrosys. If they, the stakeholders (employees/shareholders) are against
the change, then no change process can become successful. As discussed above, the
shareholders and employees of Cybrosys should be taken into confidence, by keeping them
well informed and educated about the requirement of bringing the marketing change. They
should be involved in all the major decision making process. The feedbacks and the reviews
given by the stakeholders should be considered and this all can be achieved by a proper
communication strategy. The stakeholders involved should be well informed about the various
Resistance to change is part of the change process. It is something which can have both positive
as well negative impacts on Cybrosys. Kotter & Schlesinger (1979) explained the importance
of strategy to handle the resistance in Cybrosys. As per their theory, the principles are:
Monitoring the progress becomes important as it helps to find out and analyze the current status
of the change happening and the performance. It helps to find out, what steps need to be taken
to improve the performance, so Cybrosys can achieve its objective successfully.
To monitor the performance, the management of Cybrosys should follow given methods,
(Teachmebussiness, 2011):
Cybrosys should set SMART objectives for every individual team, which should be
reviewed on a monthly basis.
Balance scorecard: It is a performance management approach that focus on various
overall performance indicators within Cybrosys, often including customer perspective,
internal-business processes, learning and growth and Financials, to monitor progress
toward Cybrosys's strategic goals, this KPIs should be measured.
Benchmarking: It is basically looking outside Cybrosys to examine how others achieve
their performance level and to understand the processes involved. Benchmarking
facilitate improved performance within Cybrosys and the key business processes of
Cybrosys. The objective of benchmarking is to ideally understand and evaluate the
current position of Cybrosys in relation to "best practice" and to identify areas and
means of performance improvement (The best organization for Cybrosys to benchmark
is ‘Infosys’ who is the market leader in India, in the sector of Information Technology).
Reviews and evaluations: By setting up model of weekly and monthly reviews of the
process, to keep an eye on the status of the progress. The evaluation will help to find
out the weaknesses or the strengths of the project (i.e. Market development).
180 and 360 degree feedback: By setting up this model of feedback from the individuals
and the team, management of Cybrosys will be able to get the actual performance and
efforts of each and every resource involved with the project.
This report refers to the strategic change management in the case of Cybrosys Pvt. Ltd. It
identifies much useful information attempts to internally change towards to the environmental
change. However, it is a primary research. This report helped to identify the need to involve
the stakeholders and various strategies to engage them in the change process, which is of utmost
importance to make change process a success at the organizational level. To implement
strategic change management, it may need a further investigation in order to achieve the
effectiveness of business development for the implementation.
Political Political factors that may affect Cybrosys can be government rules and
regulation in the business environment that Cybrosys operate.
For IT industry the political structure is stable in the foreign countries.
In India, decision making in parliament is quick because the majority
of votes is enjoyed by single party i.e. BJP.
The U.S. government has declared that U.S. firm that outsources IT
work outside the U.S. will not get tax benefits; this has caused reduced
revenue from the U.S.
Likewise the IT sector does not have any influence of the political
stability of the industry.
And if the foreign government policies change, there is little effect on
the industry.
Social Social factors for Cybrosys are English is widely spoken language in
India, English medium being the most accepted mediums of education,
especially in Kerala where the literacy is very high. Thus, India boasts
of a large English speaking population.
In the foreign countries the above resource is already available.
Working age population in India compared to other countries is very
high and the number of technical institutes and universities over the
country offer IT education.
Economically Environmental factors that may affect Cybrosys and needs to focus is,
Energy Efficient processes and equipment: Companies are focusing on
reducing the carbon footprints, energy utilization, water consumption,
SWOT analysis is the factor that may internally and externally affect Cybrosys and it stands
for Strengths, Weaknesses which are the internal part or can be controlled by Cybrosys by itself
and Opportunities and Threats are the external part which are neglected by the companies like
Cybrosys but need to give maximum attention, the SWOT of Cybrosys is:
Strength Weakness
Opportunities Threats
To know the growth option for Cybrosys, I have used Ansoff Matrix:
Cybrosys can ‘Penetrate the Market’ Markets which Cybrosys can exploit
with existing product in the existing are Europe (apart from the UK),
market. Australia etc.
For Cybrosys current market is India, Where they can sell their current
USA, UK, Middle East and Maldives and products/services as this region are
product/services are Web Application & fast developing IT market.
Designing, Android Development, and Cybrosys needs a paradigm shift in
Business & Technology Consultation. focus from USA and UK markets to
As most large clients in foreign countries these markets.
are cutting costs, I would like to
recommend that Cybrosys can be more
aggressive about cost and quality front.