Astm G 123 - 00 - Rzeymw
Astm G 123 - 00 - Rzeymw
Astm G 123 - 00 - Rzeymw
Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
G 123
provide greater assurance of resistance for those materials
which do not crack.
4.3 It is recommended that samples of a susceptible mate-
rial, for example, UNS S30400 or S31600 (Type 304 or Type
316 stainless, respectively), be included as a control when
more resistant materials are evaluated.
G 123
7.3 Sodium Chloride (NaCl)—A solution of 25 % NaCl (by 9.5.3 The metallic fastener must be electrically isolated
mass) acidified to pH 1.5 with phosphoric acid (H3PO4) is from the specimen by a rigid shoulder washer, (that is, zirconia
used. The solution may be prepared by adding 750 g H2O (750 or another material that will not be compressed during the test).
mL) to 250 g NaCl, and adjusting to pH 1.5 with H3PO4. 9.5.4 The extended end of the bolt may require cutting to fit
Varying quantities of solution may be prepared and larger into the test vessel.
amounts may be stored indefinitely in appropriate glassware. 10. Procedure
The pH must be determined prior to each use.
10.1 Stress the specimens, examine at 203, and replace any
8. Hazards specimens with cracks or other defects.
8.1 Normal precautions for handling boiling liquid should NOTE 2—The direction and intensity of the incident light may affect
be observed. crack detection during the 203 examination.
8.2 All heating or boiling of the NaCl solution should be 10.2 Degrease in a halogen-free solvent or laboratory deter-
done in an area where personnel are not likely to accidentally gent, rinse as necessary, and dry. It is best practice to stress the
bump the flask. A hooded area is preferred. specimens immediately before the beginning of the test. Any
8.3 Minimum personal protective equipment for handling storage of the specimens should be in a clean enclosure. A
boiling sodium chloride should include safety glasses or desiccant such as silica gel may be used. The specific level of
goggles, face shield, laboratory coat, and rubber gloves. relative humidity is not important for the alloys of interest.
(Warning—U-bends (and other highly stressed test speci- 10.3 Place duplicate specimens in each 1000-mL Erlenm-
mens) may be susceptible to high rates of crack propagation eyer flask. Duplicate flasks (four specimens) are necessary to
and a specimen containing more than one crack may splinter evaluate a given sample of the specific material, material
into two or more pieces. This may also occur due to a cracked condition, etc. (The specimens may be placed in the flasks after
restraining bolt. Due to the highly stressed condition in a the solution has been added, if convenient.)
U-bend specimen, these pieces may leave the specimen at high 10.4 The specimens in each flask must be kept separate and
velocity and can be dangerous.) completely submerged. Tight crevices between the stressed
9. Test Specimens (bend) area and any means of specimen support should be
avoided. The stressed area should be free from direct contact
9.1 U-bends are preferred but other stress corrosion crack-
with heated surfaces. Specimens may be supported on glass
ing specimens may be used with this test solution. The
rods or tubes or by glass fixtures.
specimen style chosen should provide sufficient stress to crack
10.5 Drop boiling chips9 into the flasks.
less resistant materials (for example, UNS S30400 or S31600)
10.6 Add 600 mL of 25 % NaCl solution, pH 1.5 to each
in 1000 h or less). (See Annex A1.) Regardless of the specimen
flask. When each flask contains two U-bends as described in
style, it is recommended that UNS S30400 or UNS S31600, or
Annex A1, the solution volume to sample surface area ratio is
both, be included as controls.
5:1 mL/cm 2 (33 mL/in2).
9.2 The test specimen must be thick enough so that the
10.7 Place the flasks on a hot plate and insert the condenser.
applied stress does not cause mechanical rupture of less
Begin recording the test duration when the solution begins
resistant materials if the cross section is reduced by pitting or
boiling. The boiling point during interlaboratory testing was
general corrosion.
106 to 110°C (223 to 230°F).
9.3 The size of alternate specimens (other than those in
10.8 After one week remove the flask from the hot plate,
Annex A1) must allow a solution volume to specimen surface
determine the final pH of the solution at room temperature, and
area ratio of at least 5:1 mL/cm2 (33 mL/in.2).
discard the remaining solution. A final pH over about 2.5
9.4 A minimum of four replicates (two per flask) is required
suggests that general corrosion or pitting of the specimen or
because of the variability typical in stress-corrosion testing.
fastening device has occurred. A pH at this level is expected to
9.5 Methods of fabricating U-bend specimens are provided
reduce the test severity and may delay or preclude failures of
in Annex A1. These procedures are based on Practice G 30, but
UNS S31600. More rapid cracking of UNS S31600 appears
in addition provide a specimen that fits through a 45/50
likely with a final pH of about 2 or less.
ground-glass joint. Assurance that the legs are stressed suffi-
10.9 Rinse and dry the specimens. Examine the bend area,
ciently by the bolt is also provided.
legs, and area adjacent to the crevice (at the fastener) at 203
9.5.1 Other methods of producing U-bends described in
for cracking. See Note 3. Record location of cracks. Additional
Practice G 30 may be used; however, during exposure the
exposures or metallographic evaluation may be used to deter-
U-bends must be (a) in the plastic range and (b) stressed to the
mine if questionable indications are, in fact, stress-corrosion
maximum applied tensile load experienced during fabrication.
The same methodmust be used to fabricate all the U-bends in
a given study. NOTE 3—Any cracking at the fastener is very likely due to residual
9.5.2 The bolt, nut, and flat washer must be made of a stresses and more aggressive solution which may be formed in crevices. If
material resistant to general corrosion, pitting, and stress
corrosion cracking in the environment. UNS N10276 (Alloy The sole source of supply of amphoteric alundum granules known to the
committee at this time is Hengar Co., Philadelphia, PA. If you are aware of
C-276) is recommended because some other materials (for alternative suppliers, please provide this information to ASTM Headquarters. Your
example, titanium or UNS N06600 [Alloy 600]) may be comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
attacked resulting in an increase in solution pH. technical committee, which you may attend..
G 123
crevices are expected in service (due to design of service equipment or and reproducibility for time-to-fail data developed using UNS
deposits), a U-bend specimen employing a crevice on the bend may be S30400 and S31600 in an interlaboratory test program (Ap-
evaluated. pendix X1). Such variability is typical in time-to-fail data for
10.10 Periodic removal of the specimens from the solution stress-corrosion cracking tests, and is expected to preclude
may be necessary during the first-week to determine the time detection of small differences between samples.
when cracks first appear. Removal of the specimens is expected 12.1.1 Histograms of the time-to-crack for UNS S30400
to disturb local corrosion cells and may influence test results. and S31600 tested in accordance with this test method appear
All specimens in a given test program should have the same in Appendix X1 along with data from each laboratory. The
removal/examination schedule. When the time-to-crack is time-to-crack values in Appendix X1 are not necessarily the
recorded, the test duration at the previous examination (no maximum or minimum values which could be obtained in other
cracks) should also be noted. testing.
10.11 Expose for additional one-week periods as necessary. 12.1.2 Every specimen of UNS S30400 and S31600 cracked
Fresh solution must be used for each exposure and the initial within the 1000-h interlaboratory test duration while no crack-
and final pH (at room temperature) must be recorded weekly. ing occurred for more resistant materials, UNS S32550 (Fer-
See 10.8 regarding the effect of the final pH. ralium11 Alloy 225) and N08020.
10.12 After the final 203 examination (following the last 12.1.3 It has been observed in stress-corrosion tests of
test period) remove the fastener and examine the crevice areas various metal-alloy systems that the precision is best for tests
at 203 for cracking. of specimens that have either a very low probability of
10.13 A final examination for cracks may be performed by stress-corrosion cracking (few, if any, failures in the prescribed
additionally bending the specimens until the ends of the legs test duration) or a high probability (short failure times). The
touch. This may expose tight cracks which were not previously precision is least for groups of test specimens with an inter-
detected. The additional bending may not be appropriate for mediate probability. This was observed in the interlaboratory
materials which are susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement in test program. There were no failures of the more resistant
this environment. Do not re-expose specimens after this materials, (UNS S32550 and UNS N08020), generally rapid
additional bending. failure of the least resistant material (UNS S30400, see Fig.
10.14 Ruptured specimens should also be examined for X1.3) and greater variation in failure times for the material
evidence of mechanical failure resulting from the action of expected to have intermediate resistance (UNS S31600, see
applied stress on specimens whose cross sections have been Fig. X1.4).
reduced by general or pitting corrosion, or both. Such failures 12.1.4 Reproducibility between laboratories frequently var-
usually show evidence of ductility. Repeat tests with thicker ied more widely than repeatability within each laboratory.
specimens should be made in case of doubt. Although this variation is substantial, it is within what may be
expected for a stress-corrosion cracking test. The effects of
11. Report
interlaboratory variation must be considered if data from
11.1 Report the type of specimen used, method of specimen multiple laboratories are used.
fabrication, times to cracking (including maximum time with- 12.1.5 Analysis of the interlaboratory test data using a log
out cracks), location of cracks, final pH of each exposure, and normal distribution appears in Appendix X1.
details regarding the Allihn condenser drip tip. Note whether or 12.2 Bias—The procedure in this test method for measuring
not metallographic techniques or additional bending of the time-to-cracking of specimens in acidified sodium chloride
specimen (see section 9.13) were employed. Electronic data solution has no bias because the time-to-cracking is defined
exchange can be facilitated by using the fields suggested in only in terms of this test method, and there is no absolute
Appendix X2. (excerpted from Guide G 107). standard for reference. Time-to-cracking is a function of
11.2 Data for resistant materials shall be accompanied by specimen type as well as stress and material composition.
data for at least four susceptible control specimens for ex-
ample, UNS S30400 or UNS S31600. 13. Keywords
13.1 boiling acidified sodium chloride (NaCl); glassware;
12. Precision and Bias 10 histograms; stress corrosion cracking; U-bend specimens; UNS
12.1 Precision—Variability occurred in both repeatability N08020
10 11
The data used to evaluate precision are filed at ASTM Headquarters. Request Ferralium is a registered trademark of Langley Alloys, Ltd. of Slough, United
RR G01-1013. Kingdom.
G 123
(Mandatory Information)
G 123
(Nonmandatory Information)
G 123
X2.1 Table X2.1 defines the data categories and specific Table X2.1. Reference numbers not pertinent for this test
data elements (fields) considered necessary for searching and method have been omitted from the table.
comparing data using computerized databases. Pertinent items
from Guide G 107 have been included along with additional X2.3 Items in Table X2.1 which are not pertinent for a
items specific to evaluation of stress-corrosion cracking using specific test series (for example, details for wrought-annealed
this test method. specimens) may simply be omitted from the report.
X2.2 The Guide G 107 Reference Number is shown in
G 123
TABLE X2.1 Standard Data Entry Format for Corrosion Database Development
Guide G 107
Field Field Name/Description Category Sets/Fields Type/UnitsA
Reference Number
1 5.1.1 Individual test number to identify grouping of specimens tested alphanumeric
concurrently. See subsequent entries for test method
Type of Test
2 Standard test specification alphanumeric
3 Laboratory test L = laboratory
4 Date test started YYYYMMDD
Test Emphasis
5 Type(s) of corrosion evaluatedB stress corrosion
Chemistry of EnvironmentC
6 Generic description of environment 25 % NaCl (by mass) acidified to pH
1.5 with H3PO4
7 Component, common name sodium chloride, phosphoric acid
8 Chemical abstracts registry number NaCl-7647-14-5
9 Concentration (liquids) g/L
10 Component form (1) solid
(2) liquid
11 Ionic species Na+, Cl−, H+, PO4−3
Exposure Conditions
12 Exposure duration days
13 Temperature, average boiling
14 pH, min real number
15 pH, max real number
16 pH, average real number
17 Flow none
18 Sparging none-less than saturated (open to air)
19 Exposure zone continuous immersion
20 Ratio of specimen surface area to corrodent volume mm2/L, in.2/L
21 ... Allihn condenser drip tip (1) none
(2) length in mm
Material IdentificationD
22 Material class alphanumeric
23 Subdivision of class alphanumeric
24 Finer subdivision of class alphanumeric
25 Common name/trade name (include owner of trade name) alphanumeric
26 Material Designation—UNS No. alphanumeric
27 Specification/standard alphanumeric
28 Product shape (1) pipe/tube
(2) plate
(3) sheet/strip
(4) wire/rod/bar
(5) other—describe in
29 Description for (5) in alphanumeric
30 Product production method (1) extrusion
(2) forging
(3) casting
(4) rolling
(5) powder compaction
(6) other—describe in
31 Description of (6) in alphanumeric
32 Heat/lot identification alphanumeric
33 Heat/lot chemical analysis alphanumeric
Specimen Identification
34 Specimen thickness mm, in.
35 Specimen width/diameter mm, in.
36 Specimen length mm, in.
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G 123
G 123
The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at
610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website (