Astm A772 PDF
Astm A772 PDF
Astm A772 PDF
Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
A 772/A 772M
A 772/A 772M
where: A = cross-sectional area, m2;
Hz = assumed peak magnetic field strength, Oe; m = specimen mass, kg;
N1 = number of primary turns; l = mean magnetic path length, m; and
lm = rms magnetizing current, A; and d = specimen density, kg/m3.
l = mean magnetic path length of specimen, cm.
Note that the core height or lamination stacking factor is not
7.4 Calculation of Peak Flux Density, Bmax
required in the preceding equation.
7.4.1 The peak flux density when using an average respond-
8.3 Calculation of the Assumed Peak Magnetic Field
ing voltmeter calibrated to yield rms values for a sine wave is
Strength, Hz
calculated as:
The assumed peak magnetic field strength is calculated from
108 Ef the rms value of magnetizing current as:
Bmax 5 (5)
=2pfN2A =2N1Im
Hz 5 (11)
7.4.2 The peak flux density when using a true average l
responding voltmeter is calculated as:
108 Eavg Hz = assumed peak magnetic field strength, A/m;
Bmax 5 4fN A (6)
2 N1 = number of primary turns;
lm = rms magnetizing current, A; and
where: l = mean magnetic path length of specimen, m.
Bmax = peak flux density (induction), gauss;
8.4 Calculation of Peak Flux Density, Bmax
Ef = flux voltage measured across secondary winding,
8.4.1 The peak flux density when using an average respond-
Eavg = average voltage measured across secondary wind- ing voltmeter calibrated to yield rms values for a sine wave is
ing, V; calculated as:
f = test frequency, Hz; Ef
Bmax 5 (12)
N2 = number of secondary turns; and =2pfN2A
A = cross-sectional area of test specimen, cm2.
8.4.2 The peak flux density when using a true average
A 772/A 772M
responding voltmeter is calculated as: relative impedance permeability which is the ratio of the
Eavg absolute permeability to the permeability of free space or:
Bmax 5 4fN A (13)
2 Bmax
µz 5 G H (14)
m z
Bmax = peak flux density (induction), tesla;
Ef = flux voltage measured across secondary winding, Gm = magnetic constant equal to 4p 3 10–7 H/m.
Eavg = average voltage measured across secondary wind- 9. Precision and Bias
ing, V; 9.1 The precision and bias of this test method have not been
f = test frequency, Hz; established by interlaboratory study. However, it is estimated
N2 = number of secondary turns; and that the precision of measurement is no worse than 65 %.
A = cross-sectional area of test specimen, m2.
8.5 Calculation of Impedance Permeability, µz 10. Keywords
8.5.1 In the SI system of units, the ratio of Bmax to Hz is the 10.1 magnetic field strength; magnetic flux density; mag-
absolute impedance permeability. A more useful form is the netic induction; permeability; sinusoidal current; toroidal core
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
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