Comparative Study of Design of Water Tank With Reference To Is: 3370
Comparative Study of Design of Water Tank With Reference To Is: 3370
Comparative Study of Design of Water Tank With Reference To Is: 3370
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Singhal Dhirendra
Department of Civil Engg, Punjab Technical University, Giani Zail Singh campus
Dabwali Road, District Bathinda, Punjab-151001, India
Indian Standards for the design of liquid retaining structures have been recently revised. This recently revised edition
incorporated limit state design method. Limit state design method for water retaining structures was not adopted so far
as liquid retaining structures should be crack free. However, this edition of Indian Standards adopts limit state method
mainly considering two aspects.
Firstly, it limits the stresses in steel so that concrete is not over stressed and in the second aspect it limits the cracking
width. In this study an Intz type of tank was designed as per IS: 3370 (2009) which included these aspects as well as
working stress method. The tank was chosen as per the guidelines of this new edition. The tank was also designed
considering working stress method. The results were then compared. It was found that the area of steel required
approximately same when the stresses in steel were kept less than 130 MPa.
However, under limit state of collapse there was considerable decrease in the required steel.
Key words – hoop tension, water pressure, cylindrical wall, conical dome, bending stress .
Storage reservoirs and overhead tanks are used to store state method. However, ultimate load method has become
water, liquid petroleum, petroleum products and similar obsolete these days. Other two methods generally used
liquids. In general there are three kinds of water tanks- have been discussed here.
tanks resting on ground, underground tanks and elevated
tanks. The tanks resting on ground like clear water Limit state design method, though semi-empirical
reservoirs, settling tanks, aeration tanks etc. are supported approach, has been found to be the best for the design of
on the ground directly. The walls of these tanks are reinforced concrete structures over the elastic theory of
subjected to pressure and the base is subjected to weight design where the level of stresses in concrete and steel are
of liquid and upward soil pressure. limited so that stress-deformations are taken to be linear.
There are two limit states- limit state of collapse and limit
From design point of view, the tanks may be classified as state of serviceability which includes deflection and
per their shape as rectangular tanks, circular tanks, over- cracking. The structure is first designed under limit state
head service reservoir (OHSR), and Intz type tank i.e. of collapse and then checked under serviceability.
OHSR for large capacity. Rectangular tanks are provided Because of its superiority over other two methods, IS
for smaller to moderate capacity. For small capacities, 456:2000 has been thoroughly updated in its fourth
circular tanks prove uneconomical as the formwork for revision in 2000 taking into consideration the rapid
circular tanks is very costly. The rectangular tanks should development in the field of concrete technology and
be preferably square in plan from point of view of incorporating important aspects like durability etc.
economy. It is desirable that longer side should not be This standard has put greater emphasis to limit state
greater than twice the smaller side. method of design by presenting it in a full section
Three methods of design have been adopted so far i.e. (section 5), while the working stress method has been
working stress method, ultimate load method and limit given in Annex B of the same standard.
Accordingly, structures or structural elements shall comparison of provisions can thus be better highlighted
normally be designed by limit state method. through Intz type of water tank.
It is important to point out here that a structure designed An Intz type water tank of 1 million litres capacity,
through limit state method when fails, the failure will be supported on an elevated lower comprising of 8 columns.
in plastic stage and not in elastic stage. Therefore, the The base of the tank is 16 m above ground level. Depth of
cracking and cracking width can be significant at the foundation 1 m below ground level was chosen in this
failure stage. study. M30 grade of concrete and Fe-415 grade of tor
steel was used conforming to the stresses specified in IS
Design Methods 3370 and IS 456.
Working stress method of design, considered as the
Fe-500 grade of steel may be taken, but it may not be
method of earlier times, has several limitations. However,
more useful in liquid retaining structures since the
in situations where limit state method cannot be permissible stresses in steel is independent of grade of
conveniently applied, working stress method can be steel as per clause of IS :3370 (Part 2 ) 2009.
employed as an alternative. It is expected that in the near Grade of concrete is taken as M30, as minimum grade of
future the working stress method will be completely concrete for RCC structures is M30 as per IS : 3370
replaced by the limit state method. Though the choice of (Part1 ) 2009.
the method of design is still left to the designer as per cl. As per discussion above, the water tank was designed by
18.2 of IS 456:2000. the following four design methods.
1. Working stress method in accordance IS 3370 (1965).
Limited cracking width in the liquid retaining structure 2. Working stress method in accordance IS 3370 (2009).
designed by working stress method was the main reason 3. Limit state design method with crack width
why the Indian Standard IS: 3370 (1965) did not adopt calculations and check in accordance IS 3370 (2009).
the limit state design method even after adoption by IS; 4. Limit state design method deemed to satisfy (limiting
456 – 1978. However, IS:3370 adopted limit state design steel stresses) in accordance IS 3370 (2009).
method in 2009 with the following advantages - limit
state design method considers the materials according to RESULTS & DISCUSSIONS:
their properties , treats load according to their nature , the The design parameters and the section designed
structures also fails mostly under limit state and not in component wise has been detailed here as under.
elastic state and limit state method also checks for However, the calculations which are well established
serviceability. which has not discussed here.
IS:3370-2009 adopts limit state design method with
precautions. It adopts the criteria for limiting crack width TOP DOME
when the structures are designed by considering ultimate Meridional Thrust = 22.22 kN/m
limit state and restricts the stresses to 130 MPa in steel so Circumferential Force = 10 kN/m
that cracking width is not exceeded this is considered to Meridional Stress = 0.22 N/mm2
be deemed to be satisfy condition. This precaution Hoop Stress = 0.10 N/mm2
ensures cracking width to be less than 0.2 mm i.e. fit for
Top Working Stress Limit state design
liquid storage. This also specifies clearly how a liquid Method method
storage structure differs with other structures. Dome IS 3370- IS 3370- Crack Deemed to
1965 2009 Theory satisfy
A thorough study through both the versions of IS:3370 Thickness 100 100 100 100
reveals the following four methods of designs: Area of
300 175 120 -----
1. Working stress method in accordance IS 3370 (1965). steel
2. Working stress method in accordance IS 3370 (2009). Note : Thickness is in mm and area in mm
3. Designing by Ultimate Limit State and then checking
cracking width by limit state of serviceability IS 3370 TOP RING BEAM
(2009). Hoop Tension = 106.6 kN
4. Limit state design method by limiting steel stresses in
accordance IS 3370 (2009) and checking cracking width Top Working Stress Limit state design
under serviceability. Ring Method method