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Calculate The Standard Free Energy For The Following Reaction by Using Given Data

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Test Power 38

Calculate the standard free energy for the following reaction by using given data.

CCl4(l) + H2O(l) COCl2(g) + 2HCl(g)

 Heat of formation of CCl4 = –135.44 kJmol-1

 Heat of formation of H2O = –285.83 kJmol-1
 Heat of formation of COCl2 = – 218.8 kJmol-1
 Heat of formation of HCl = – 92.307 kJmol-1

By applying Hess’s law, given data can be written as follow.
CCl4(l) C(s) + 2Cl2(g) ΔH1 = – (–135.44 kJmol-1)
H2O(l) H2(g)+ ½O2(g) ΔH2 = – (–285.83 kJmol-1)

C(s)+ ½O2(g) + Cl2(g) COCl2(g) ΔH3= (–218.8 kJmol-1)

H2(g) + Cl2(g) 2HCl(g) ΔH4 = 2(–92.307 kJmol-1)

Overall reaction:
CCl4 (l) + H2O (l) COCl2 (g) + 2HCl (g) ΔH = +17.856 kJmol-1
Test Power 39
Write all energy changes involve in Born-Haber cycle for the formation of calcium

Enthalpy of atomization of Ca(s):

Ca(s) → Ca(g) ; Δ Ha°
 First ionization energy of Ca(g):
Ca(g)→ Ca+(g) + e ; I1
 Second ionization energy of Ca(g) :
Ca+(g) → Ca2+(g) + e ; I2
 Enthalpy of atomization of O2(g):
½ O2(g) → O(g) ; Δ Ha°
 First electron affinity of O(g):
O(g)+ e-→ O– (g) ; Δ HEA1°
 Second electron affinity of O(g):
O– (g) + e- → O2– (g) ; Δ HEA2°
 Enthalpy of formation of CaO(s):
Ca(s) + ½ O2(g) → CaO(s) ; Δ Hf°
 Lattice enthalpy of CaO(s) :
Ca2+(g) + O2– (g) → CaO(s) ; Δ HLE°
Ca2+(g) + O(g) + 2e

Ca+(g) + O(g)
Ca2+(g) + O–(g)

Ca (g) + O(g)

Ca2+(g) + O2–(g)
Ca(g) + ½O2(g)

Ca(s) + ½ O2(g)

Test Power 40:

Calculate the lattice enthalpy of calcium oxide from the following data.

Δ Ha°of Ca(s) : +178 kJmol-1

1st Δ HIE°of Ca(g) : +590 kJmol-1

2nd Δ HIE°of Ca(g): +1150 kJmol-1

Δ Ha° of O2(g) : +249 kJmol-1

1st Δ Hea°of O(g) : –141 kJmol-1

2nd Δ Hea°of O(g) : +844 kJmol-1

Δ Hf°of CaO(s) : –635 kJmol-1

Determination of Lattice energy for Calcium oxide through Born Haber


Δ Hf = Δ Ha°(Ca) + ∑ Δ HIE° + ΔHa°(O) + ∑ Δ HEA° °+ ∆HLE°

∆HLE° = Δ Hf° – Δ Ha°(Ca) – ∑Δ HIE°– Δ Ha°(O) – ∑Δ HEA

= (– 635) – 178 – (590 + 1150) – 249 – (–141) – 844

= (–635) + ( – 2870)
= – 3505 kJmol-1
Test Power 41

By using Born Haber cycle for the formation of silver chloride, calculate the
lattice enthalpy of silver chloride from the following data.

 Enthalpy of atomization of Ag(s) : +284 kJmol-1

 1st ionization energy of Ag(g) : +731 kJmol-1
 Enthalpy of atomization of Cl2(g) : +122 kJmol-1
 1st electron affinity of Cl(g) : –349 kJmol-1
 Enthalpy of formation of AgCl(s) : –127 kJmol-1

∆HLE° = ∆Ha°(Ag)+ ∑∆HIE°+ ∆Ha°(Cl2)+ ∆Hea° - ∆Hf°
= 284 + (731+ 122) + (–349) – (–127)
= 788 – (–127)
= +915KJmol-1

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