Dewey Chart PDF
Dewey Chart PDF
Dewey Chart PDF
Dewey Decimal
Classification System
Library Website:
The Dewey Decimal Classification system is used in many libraries. The system divides the world’s knowledge
into 10 main classes. Each class is then broken down into more specific categories. Below is the list of the 10
main classes.
000 GENERAL WORKS 610 Medical Sciences
020 Library and Information Science 620 Engineering
030 General Encyclopedias 630 Agriculture
050 General Periodicals 640 Domestic Sciences
060 General Organizations 650 Business and Management
100 PHILOSOPHY 660 Chemical Technology
110 Metaphysics 670 Manufacturers
130 Psychology, occultism 690 Building Construction
140 Philosophy 700 THE ARTS
150 Psychology 710 Landscape and Civic Art
160 Logic 720 Architecture
200 RELIGION 730 Sculpture, Plastics
220 The Bible 740 Drawing, Decorative Arts
230 Christian Doctrine 750 Painting
290 Comparative and Other Religions 760 Prints and Print Making
770 Photography
310 Statistics 790 Recreation, Performing Arts
320 Political Science
330 Economics 800 LITERATURE
340 Law 810 American Literature
350 Public Administration 820 English Literature
360 Social Welfare 830 German Literature
370 Education 840 French Literature
380 Public Service 850 Italian, Rumanian Literature
390 Customs and Folklore 860 Spanish, Portuguese Literature
870 Latin and Other Italic Literatures
400 LANGUAGE 880 Classical and Modern Greek Literature
410 Comparative Linguistics 890 Other Literature
420 English and Anglo Saxon
430 German Language 900 HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY
440 French 910 Geography, Travel
450 Italian, Rumanian 920 Biography, Genealogy
460 Spanish, Portuguese 930 Ancient History
470 Latin and Other Italic Languages 940 Europe
480 Classical and Modern Greek 950 Asia
490 Other Languages 960 Africa
970 North America
500 SCIENCE 980 South America
510 Mathematics 990 Pacific Ocean Islands
520 Astronomy 991 Indonesia
530 Physics 993 New Zealand and Melanesia
540 Chemistry 994 Australia
550 Earth Sciences 995 New Guinea (Papua)
560 Paleontology 996 Polynesia
570 Life Sciences 997 Atlantic Ocean Islands
580 Botanical Sciences 998 Arctic Region
590 Zoological Sciences 999 Antarctic Regions
Books are arranged on the shelf using the Dewey Decimal Classification scheme. This system
divides all knowledge into 10 broad classes and subdivides them into more specific subject groups
as follows:
100-199 Philosophy
Psychology 150 Logic 160 Ethics 170
200-299 Religion
400-499 Language
Auslan 419 English 420 English Dictionaries 423
English Graded Readers 428 German 430 French 440
Italian 450 Spanish 460 Chinese 495.1 Japanese
495.6 Indonesian 449.223
500-599 Science
800-899 Literature
Communication & Writing Skills 808.066 English
Literature 820 Australian Literature 829