Multicultural Counseling Competencies - Extending Multicultural Training Paradigms Toward Globalization - Tomlinson-Clarke (2013) PDF
Multicultural Counseling Competencies - Extending Multicultural Training Paradigms Toward Globalization - Tomlinson-Clarke (2013) PDF
Multicultural Counseling Competencies - Extending Multicultural Training Paradigms Toward Globalization - Tomlinson-Clarke (2013) PDF
Article 60
More than three decades ago, a call to the counseling profession identified the
need to prepare culturally competent helping professionals to meet the challenges of a
multicultural and diverse American society (Sue et al., 1982). Multicultural counseling
competencies were defined, revised, and operationalized with goals of training
multiculturally skilled counselors who are able to provide ethical and effective
counseling interventions to culturally diverse clients (Arredondo et al., 1996; Pedersen,
1994; Sue, Arredondo, & McDavis, 1992). Conceptualized within the historical and
sociopolitical context of the United States, multiculturalism referred to race, ethnicity,
and culture, focusing on four racial-ethnic minority groups (Asian, Black /African,
Latino/Hispanic, Native American and groups who have historically resided in the
continental United States and its territories) while diversity referred to dimensions of
personal identity and individual differences (Arredondo & Glauner, 1992; Arredondo et
al., 1996). The attributes of cultural competence were identified using a tripartite model:
(1) awareness of one’s own personal beliefs, values, biases, and attitudes, (2) awareness
and knowledge of the worldview of culturally diverse individuals and groups, and (3)
utilization of culturally appropriate intervention skills and strategies (Sue & Sue, 2013).
A model of personal identity operationalized dimensions of human differences, in
addition to the complexities of diversity and shared identity (Arredondo & Glauner,
1992). The components of cultural competence and dimensions of personal identity
provided frameworks for developing the goals and strategies for counselor cultural
competency-based training (Arredondo & Arciniega, 2001).
Ideas and Research You Can Use: VISTAS 2013
In the early 1990’s, Sue et al. (1992) called attention to the diversification of
America, as evidenced by a growing multiracial, multicultural, and multilingual U.S.
society. Recent reports continue to show an increasingly diverse U. S. population, with
Hispanics and Asians having the highest rate of growth when compared to African
Americans, Native Americans, and Whites (U. S. Census Bureau, 2011). Immigrants are
estimated to comprise 12% of the U.S. population (Sue & Sue, 2013). Consistent with the
nation’s growing and changing racial-ethnic diversity was a decrease in the monolingual
English-speaking White population (Portman, 2009). Reflecting the 21st century
demographic profile of the United States, Sue and Sue’s (2013) text, Counseling the
Culturally Diverse: Theory and Practice (6th edition) included chapters on the four
American minority groups (African American, American Indians/Alaska Natives, Asian
Americans/Pacific Islanders, and Latinos) as well as chapters focused on counseling
practice with Arab and Muslim Americans, Jewish Americans, immigrants and refugees,
LGBT individuals, the elderly and individuals with disabilities. Furthermore, increasing
interactions across national borders have resulted in the globalization of the counseling
profession and an interconnectedness of human, environmental, and technological
concerns affecting people worldwide (Gerstein, Heppner, Ægisdóttir, Leung, &
Norsworthy, 2009).
Given the realities of an interdependent and changing world, counselors may be
limited in their ability to provide effective interventions that extend to culturally diverse
populations in global communities. Glockshuber (2005) reported that counselors
experienced difficulty in perceiving multicultural diversity within a global context.
Multicultural training and the development of multicultural competencies typically have
been conceptualized from U. S. national perspectives (Leong & Ponterotto, 2003). In
advancing globalization of the counseling profession, the generalizability of national
models must be examined and the discussion must include global perspectives that extend
beyond national borders (Leung, 2003). Therefore, the purpose of this research is
threefold. Firstly, attributes of multicultural competence are examined within the context
of the globalization of the counseling profession. Secondly, multi-dimensional,
developmental multicultural training models designed to prepare helping professionals to
work with culturally diverse clients in global communities are discussed. Thirdly,
attributes of cultural competence that increase counselors’ abilities to work effectively
with culturally diverse clients living in the U.S. and globally are explored.
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Ideas and Research You Can Use: VISTAS 2013
Cultural Knowledge
Sue and Sue (2013) define cultural knowledge as understanding and sharing the
world view of clients through cognitive empathy rather than affective empathy (p. 48).
Limited cultural knowledge resulted in a reliance on stereotyped generalizations about
racial-cultural groups that increased the likelihood of inappropriate decision-making
(Tomlinson-Clarke, 2000). Tomlinson-Clarke and Clarke (2013) found that direct
ongoing cross-cultural interactions facilitated cultural knowledge and cultural empathy,
enabling helping professionals to connect with cultural diverse others, understand and
appreciate the uniqueness of their daily lives and to recognize universal commonalities
(etic) that existed between them. Inherent in this level of knowledge is an understanding
of the social and political context in which clients live their lives.
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Cultural Skills
The ability to provide effective counseling interventions is maximized when
counselors are continually working to develop the attributes of cultural competence. Sue
and Sue (2013) discussed the implications of assuming universal applications to the
exclusions of cultural specific views when working with culturally diverse client
populations in the U.S. and globally. For example, Minami (2008) cautioned that a
counselor with high cultural awareness competency, high cultural knowledge
competency, and low attitude/belief competency will be unlikely to successfully engage
in effective cross cultural interactions or provide culturally responsive counseling. Also,
McRae and Johnson (1991) asserted that multicultural training that focused on cultural
differences limits trainees’ ability to apply acquired cultural knowledge in providing
culturally appropriate interventions to culturally diverse clients. Culture-specific
knowledge about racial-ethnic groups may be unintentionally misused and become
stereotyped generalizations. Similarly, the use of culture-general knowledge may
overlook important nuances necessary in making culturally appropriate clinical
judgments. Therefore, the ability to develop appropriate interventions strategies and
techniques are dependent on the ability to acquire and utilize cultural awareness, and
cultural knowledge (Sue & Sue, 2013).
Ideas and Research You Can Use: VISTAS 2013
Ideas and Research You Can Use: VISTAS 2013
Ahmed, S., Wilson, K. B., Henriksen, R, C, Jr., & Jones, J. W. (2011). What does it mean
to be culturally-competent counselor? Journal of Social Action in Counseling and
Psychology, 3, 17-28.
American Psychological Association. (2003). Guidelines on multicultural education,
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Arredondo, P. (1999). Multicultural counseling competencies as tools to address
oppression and racism. Journal of Counseling & Development, 77, 102-108.
Arredondo, P., & Arciniega, G. M. (2001). Strategies and techniques for counselor
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Multicultural Counseling and Development, 29, 263—273.
Arredondo, P., & Glauner, T. (1992). Personal dimensions of identity model. Boston,
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Arredondo, P, Toporek, R., Pack Brown, S., Jones. J., Locke, D. C., Sanchez, J., &
Stadler, H. (1996). Operationalization of the multicultural counseling
competencies. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 24, 42-78.
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Castillo, L. G., Brossar, B. F., Reyes, C. J., Conoley, C. W., Phoummarath, M. J. (2007).
The influence of multicultural training on perceived multicultural counseling
competencies and implicit racial prejudice. Journal of Multicultural Counseling
and Development, 35, 243-254.
Chao, R. C. (2013). Race/ethnicity and multicultural competence among school
counselors’ multicultural training, racial/ethnic identity, and color-blind attitudes.
Journal of Counseling & Development, 91, 140-151.
Chao, R. C., Wei, M., Good, G. E., & Flores, L. Y. (2011). Race/ethnicity, color-blind
racial attitudes, and multicultural competence: The moderating effects of
multicultural counseling training. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 58, 72-82.
Clarke, D., & Tomlinson-Clarke, S. (2009). Creating non-traditional multicultural
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Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs. (2009).
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Ideas and Research You Can Use: VISTAS 2013
Ideas and Research You Can Use: VISTAS 2013
Ideas and Research You Can Use: VISTAS 2013
Note: This paper is part of the annual VISTAS project sponsored by the American Counseling Association.
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