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Airtop HT

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Airtop HT

Synthetic compressor fluid for rotary screw applications

Description  Very good coolant properties to

Airtop HT synthetic compressor fluids are help dissipate compressor heat
formulated with synthetic base stocks and  Very long life fluid allows for
special synergistic super high performance extended oil drains
additives specifically for rotary screw air  Excellent carbon and varnish
applications. control to help reduce valve
Benefits  Excellent rust & corrosion control
 Excellent oxidation stability and
long life at very high temperatures Applications
 Very high VI index or better Airtop HT synthetic compressor fluids are
compressor protection at elevated used as lubricants/coolants in rotary screw
temperatures air compressors.
 Very high flash & auto-ignition
points for added safety Performance level
 Low volatility and carry over into Airtop HT meets VDL requirements
filters and storage tanks according to DIN 51506 and ISO 6743-3A
 Excellent film strength and anti DAJ.
wear properties

Typical performance data

HT 32 HT 46 HT 68 HT 100 HT 150
Viscosity Index ASTM D2270 101 102 102 99 114
Viscosity cSt @ 40 °C ASTM D445 34 46 67 103 152
Viscosity cSt @ 100 °C ASTM D445 5,6 6,8 8,7 11,5 16,4
Flash point, °C ASTM D92 214 218 221 226 246
Auto ignition point, °C ASTM D92 322 327 331 335 360
Pour point, °C ASTM D97 -34 -32 -30 -30 -24
Copper corrosion, 24 hr ASTM D130 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a
Demulsibility, 54 °C, 30 min ASTM D140 40/40/0 40/40/0 40/40/0 40/40/0 40/40/0
4-ball wear test
 Wear scar, 40 kg, ASTM D4172
1200 rpm @ 75 °C, kg 0.45 0.45 0.44 0.44 0.40
 Welding load, kg ASTM D2596 100 100 100 100 100
Rust test (distilled water, sea Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass

All performance data on this Technical Data Sheet are indicative only and can vary during production
Matrix Specialty Lubricants BV - info@lubes-portal.com – www.lubes-portal.com

24/12/2015 Version 2 Page 1 of 1

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