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IEEE Std 1364.


1364.1 TM
IEEE Standards
IEEE Standard for Verilog Register
Transfer Level Synthesis

IEEE Computer Society

Sponsored by the
Design Automation Standards Committee

Published by
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA
Print: SH95068
18 December 2002 PDF: SS95068

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IEEE Std 1364.1™-2002

IEEE Standard for Verilog® Register

Transfer Level Synthesis

Design Automation Standards Committee
of the
IEEE Computer Society

Approved 10 December 2002

IEEE-SA Standards Board

Abstract: Standard syntax and semantics for Verilog® HDL-based RTL synthesis are described in
this standard.
Keywords: hardware description language, HDL, RTL, synthesis, Verilog®

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA

Copyright © 2002 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

All rights reserved. Published 18 December 2002. Printed in the United States of America.

Print: ISBN 0-7381-3501-1 SH95068

PDF: ISBN 0-7381-3502-X SS95068

No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior
written permission of the publisher.

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(This introduction is not part of IEEE Std 1364.1-2002, IEEE Standard for Verilog® Register Transfer Level Synthesis.)

This standard describes a standard syntax and semantics for Verilog® HDL-based RTL synthesis. It defines
the subset of IEEE Std 1364-2001 (Verilog HDL) that is suitable for RTL synthesis and defines the seman-
tics of that subset for the synthesis domain.

The purpose of this standard is to define a syntax and semantics that can be used in common by all compliant
RTL synthesis tools to achieve uniformity of results in a similar manner to which simulation and analysis
tools use IEEE Std 1364-2001. This will allow users of synthesis tools to produce well-defined designs
whose functional characteristics are independent of a particular synthesis implementation by making their
designs compliant with this standard.

The standard is intended for use by logic designers and electronic engineers.

Initial work on this standard started as a RTL synthesis subset working group under Open Verilog Interna-
tional (OVI). After OVI approved of the draft 1.0 with an overwhelming affirmative response, an IEEE
Project Authorization Request (PAR) was obtained in July 1998 to clear its way for IEEE standardization.
Most of the members of the original group continued to be part of the Pilot Group under P1364.1 to lead the
technical work. The active members at the time of OVI draft 1.0 publication were as follows:

J. Bhasker, Chair
Victor Berman Don Hejna Doug Smith
David Bishop Mike Quayle Yatin Trivedi
Vassilios Gerousis Ambar Sarkar Rohit Vora

An approved draft D1.4 was ready by April 1999, thanks very much to the efforts of the following task
David Bishop (Web Admin.) Don Hejna (Syntax) Doug Smith (Pragmas)
Ken Coffman (Semantics) Yatin Trivedi (Editor)

When the working group was ready to initiate the standardization process, it was decided to postpone the
process for the following reasons:
a) The synthesis subset draft was based on Verilog IEEE Std 1364-1995.
b) A new updated Verilog language was imminent.
c) The new Verilog language contained many new synthesizable constructs.

It wasn’t until early 2001 that Verilog IEEE Std 1364-2001 was finalized. The working group restarted their
work by first looking at the synthesizability aspects of the new features in the language. Thereafter, RAM/
ROM modeling features and new attributes syntax were introduced into the draft standard.

Many individuals from many different organizations participated directly or indirectly in the standardization
process. A majority of the working group meetings were held via teleconferences with continued discussions
on the working group reflector.

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At the time this standard was completed, the working group had the following membership:

J. Bhasker, Chair
Ed Arthur Vassilios Gerousis Alain Raynaud
Victor Berman Paul Graham Ambar Sarkar
David Bishop (Web Admin.) Don Hejna Steven Schulz
Stefen Boyd Jim Hudson Doug Smith
Shalom Bresticker Muzaffer Kal Daryl Stewart
Mike Ciletti Apurva Kalia Jenjen Tiao
Ken Coffman Tommy Kelly Praveen Tiwari
Ben Cohen Erich Marschner Yatin Trivedi
Cliff Cummings Mike McNamara Alain Vachoux
Mark Curry Paul Menchini Eugenio Villar
Tom Fitzpatrick Gilbert Nguyen Rohit Vora
Krishna Garlapati Sashi Obilisetty Joe Wetstein
Mike Quayle

The following members of the balloting committee voted on this standard. Balloters may have voted for
approval, disapproval, or abstention.
Peter Ashenden Bill Galloway Mike McNamara
Stephen Bailey Steve Golson Paul Menchini
Victor Barinov Jonathan Greenlaw Yinghua Min
J. Bhasker Ian Andrew Guyler J. Manuel Moreno
Stefen Boyd William Hanna Fumiaki Nagao
Dennis Brophy Downing Hopkins Karen Pieper
Kai Moon “Charles” Chow Mitsuaki Ishikawa Mike Ricchetti
Keith Chow Masamichi Kawarabayashi Francesco Sforza
S. M. Claassen Muzaffer Kal David R. Smith
Ken Coffman Jake Karrfalt Stuart Sutherland
Ben Cohen Jim Lewis Atsushi Takahara
Cliff Cummings Gregory Luri Jenjen Tiao
Brian Dalio James Markevitch Srinivasa Vemuru
George Economakos Gregory Maston Scott Wecht
John Eldon Michael McKinney John Williams
Peter Flake Mark Zwolinski

When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this standard on 10 December 2002, it had the following
James T. Carlo, Chair
James H. Gurney, Vice Chair
Judith Gorman, Secretary

Sid Bennett Toshio Fukuda Nader Mehravari

H. Stephen Berger Arnold M. Greenspan Daleep C. Mohla
Clyde R. Camp Raymond Hapeman William J. Moylan
Richard DeBlasio Donald M. Heirman Malcolm V. Thaden
Harold E. Epstein Richard H. Hulett Geoffrey O. Thompson
Julian Forster* Lowell G. Johnson Howard L. Wolfman
Howard M. Frazier Joseph L. Koepfinger* Don Wright
Peter H. Lips

*Member Emeritus

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Also included are the following nonvoting IEEE-SA Standards Board liaisons:

Alan Cookson, NIST Representative

Satish K. Aggarwal, NRC Representative

Andrew Ickowicz
IEEE Standards Project Editor

Verilog® is a registered trademark of Cadence Design Systems, Inc.

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1. Overview.............................................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Scope .......................................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Compliance to this standard ....................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Terminology ............................................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Conventions................................................................................................................................ 2
1.5 Contents of this standard ............................................................................................................ 2
1.6 Examples .................................................................................................................................... 3

2. References............................................................................................................................................ 3

3. Definitions............................................................................................................................................ 3

4. Verification methodology .................................................................................................................... 4

4.1 Combinational logic verification................................................................................................ 5

4.2 Sequential logic verification....................................................................................................... 5

5. Modeling hardware elements............................................................................................................... 6

5.1 Modeling combinational logic ................................................................................................... 6

5.2 Modeling edge-sensitive sequential logic .................................................................................. 7
5.3 Modeling level-sensitive storage devices................................................................................. 10
5.4 Modeling three-state drivers..................................................................................................... 11
5.5 Support for values x and z........................................................................................................ 13
5.6 Modeling read-only memories (ROM) .................................................................................... 13
5.7 Modeling random access memories (RAM) ............................................................................ 15

6. Pragmas.............................................................................................................................................. 16

6.1 Synthesis attributes................................................................................................................... 16

6.2 Compiler directives and implicit-synthesis defined macros .................................................... 27
6.3 Deprecated features .................................................................................................................. 28

7. Syntax ................................................................................................................................................ 29

7.1 Lexical conventions.................................................................................................................. 29

7.2 Data types ................................................................................................................................. 34
7.3 Expressions............................................................................................................................... 39
7.4 Assignments ............................................................................................................................. 41
7.5 Gate and switch level modeling ............................................................................................... 42
7.6 User-defined primitives (UDPs)............................................................................................... 45
7.7 Behavioral modeling ................................................................................................................ 46
7.8 Tasks and functions .................................................................................................................. 52
7.9 Disabling of named blocks and tasks ....................................................................................... 55
7.10 Hierarchical structures.............................................................................................................. 55
7.11 Configuring the contents of a design........................................................................................ 61
7.12 Specify blocks .......................................................................................................................... 63
7.13 Timing checks .......................................................................................................................... 63
7.14 Backannotation using the standard delay format ..................................................................... 63
7.15 System tasks and functions ...................................................................................................... 63

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7.16 Value change dump (VCD) files .............................................................................................. 63
7.17 Compiler directives .................................................................................................................. 63
7.18 PLI ............................................................................................................................................ 64

Annex A (informative) Syntax summary ................................................................................................... 65

A.1 Source text................................................................................................................................ 65

A.2 Declarations.............................................................................................................................. 67
A.3 Primitive instances ................................................................................................................... 72
A.4 Module and generated instantiation ......................................................................................... 74
A.5 UDP declaration and instantiation............................................................................................ 75
A.6 Behavioral statements .............................................................................................................. 76
A.7 Specify section ......................................................................................................................... 80
A.8 Expressions............................................................................................................................... 85
A.9 General ..................................................................................................................................... 89

Annex B (informative) Functional mismatches.......................................................................................... 93

B.1 Non-deterministic behavior...................................................................................................... 93

B.2 Pragmas .................................................................................................................................... 93
B.3 Using `ifdef .............................................................................................................................. 94
B.4 Incomplete sensitivity list......................................................................................................... 95
B.5 Assignment statements mis-ordered......................................................................................... 96
B.6 Flip-flop with both asynchronous reset and asynchronous set................................................. 97
B.7 Functions .................................................................................................................................. 97
B.8 Casex ........................................................................................................................................ 98
B.9 Casez ........................................................................................................................................ 98
B.10 Making x assignments .............................................................................................................. 99
B.11 Assignments in variable declarations ..................................................................................... 100
B.12 Timing delays ......................................................................................................................... 100

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Authorized licensed use limited to: INVECAS. Downloaded on January 12,2018 at 09:41:37 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE Standard for Verilog® Register
Transfer Level Synthesis

1. Overview

1.1 Scope

This standard defines a set of modeling rules for writing Verilog® HDL descriptions for synthesis. Adher-
ence to these rules guarantees the interoperability of Verilog HDL descriptions between register-transfer
level synthesis tools that comply to this standard. The standard defines how the semantics of Verilog HDL
are used, for example, to describe level- and edge-sensitive logic. It also describes the syntax of the language
with reference to what shall be supported and what shall not be supported for interoperability.

Use of this standard will enhance the portability of Verilog-HDL-based designs across synthesis tools con-
forming to this standard. In addition, it will minimize the potential for functional mismatch that may occur
between the RTL model and the synthesized netlist.

1.2 Compliance to this standard

1.2.1 Model compliance

A Verilog HDL model shall be considered compliant to this standard if the model:

a) uses only constructs described as supported or ignored in this standard, and

b) adheres to the semantics defined in this standard.

1.2.2 Tool compliance

A synthesis tool shall be considered compliant to this standard if it:

a) accepts all models that adhere to the model compliance definition in 1.2.1.
b) supports all pragmas defined in Clause 6.
c) produces a netlist model that has the same functionality as the input model based on the conform-
ance rules of Clause 4.

NOTE—A compliant synthesis tool may have more features than those required by this standard. A synthesis tool may
introduce additional guidelines for writing Verilog HDL models that may produce more efficient logic, or other mecha-
nisms for controlling how a particular description is best mapped to a particular library.

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1.3 Terminology

The word shall indicates mandatory requirements strictly to be followed in order to conform to the standard
and from which no deviation is permitted (shall equals is required to). The word should is used to indicate
that a certain course of action is preferred but not necessarily required; or that (in the negative form) a certain
course of action is deprecated but not prohibited (should equals is recommended that). The word may indi-
cates a course of action permissible within the limits of the standard (may equals is permitted).

A synthesis tool is said to accept a Verilog construct if it allows that construct to be legal input. The construct
is said to interpret the construct (or to provide an interpretation of the construct) by producing logic that rep-
resents the construct. A synthesis tool shall not be required to provide an interpretation for every construct
that it accepts, but only for those for which an interpretation is specified by this standard.

The Verilog HDL constructs in this standard are categorized as:

— Supported: RTL synthesis shall interpret and map the construct to hardware.
— Ignored: RTL synthesis shall ignore the construct and shall not map that construct to hardware.
Encountering the construct shall not cause synthesis to fail, but may cause a functional mismatch
between the RTL model and the synthesized netlist. The mechanism, if any, by which a RTL synthe-
sis notifies the user of such constructs is not defined. It is acceptable for a not supported construct to
be part of an ignored construct.
— Not supported: RTL synthesis shall not support the construct. An RTL synthesis tool shall fail upon
encountering the construct, and the failure mode shall be undefined.

1.4 Conventions

This standard uses the following conventions:

a) The body of the text of this standard uses boldface font to denote Verilog reserved words (such as
b) The text of the Verilog examples and code fragments is represented in a fixed-width font.
c) Syntax text that is struck-through refers to syntax that is not supported.
d) Syntax text that is underlined refers to syntax that is ignored.
e) “<“ and “>” are used to represent text in one of several different, but specific forms.
f) Any paragraph starting with “NOTE—” is informative and not part of the standard.
g) In the PDF version of this standard, colors are used in Clause 7 and Annex A. Supported reserved
words are in red boldface font. Blue struck-through are unsupported constructs, and blue underlined
are ignored constructs.

1.5 Contents of this standard

A synopsis of the clauses and annexes is presented as a quick reference. There are seven clauses and two
annexes. All the clauses are the normative parts of this standard, while all the annexes are the informative
part of the standard.

a) Clause 1—Overview: This clause discusses the conventions used in this standard and its contents.
b) Clause 2—References: This clause contains bibliographic entries pertaining to this standard.
c) Clause 3—Definitions: This clause defines various terms used in this standard.
d) Clause 4—Verification methodology: This clause describes the guidelines for ensuring functional-
ity matches before and after synthesis.
e) Clause 5—Modeling hardware elements: This clause defines the styles for inferring special hard-
ware elements.

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f) Clause 6—Pragmas: This clause defines the pragmas that are part of this RTL synthesis subset.
g) Clause 7—Syntax: This clause describes the syntax of Verilog HDL supported for RTL synthesis.
h) Annex A—Syntax summary: This informative annex provides a summary of the syntax supported
for synthesis.
i) Annex B—Functional mismatches: This informative annex describes some cases where a potential
exists for functional mismatch to occur between the RTL model and the synthesized netlist.

1.6 Examples

All examples that appear in this document under “Example:” are for the sole purpose of demonstrating the
syntax and semantics of Verilog HDL for synthesis. It is not the intent of this clause to demonstrate, recom-
mend, or emphasize coding styles that are more (or less efficient) in generating synthesizable hardware. In
addition, it is not the intent of this standard to present examples that represent a compliance test suite, or a
performance benchmark, even though these examples are compliant to this standard.

2. References

This standard shall be used in conjunction with the following publication. When the following standards are
superseded by an approved revision, the revision shall apply.

IEEE Std 1364™-2001, IEEE Standard Verilog Language Reference Manual.1, 2

3. Definitions

This clause defines various terms used in this standard. Terms used within this standard, but not defined in
this clause, are assumed to be from IEEE Std 1364-20013.

3.1 asynchronous: Data that changes value independent of the clock edge.

3.2 combinational logic: Logic that does not have any storage device, either edge-sensitive or level-

3.3 don’t care value: The value x when used on the right-hand side of an assignment represents a don’t care

3.4 edge-sensitive storage device: Any device mapped to by a synthesis tool that is edge-sensitive to a
clock, for example, a flip-flop.

3.5 event list: Event list of an always statement.

3.6 high-impedance value: The value z represents a high-impedance value.

3.7 level-sensitive storage device: Any device mapped to by a synthesis tool that is level-sensitive to a
clock; for example, a latch.

3.8 LRM: The IEEE Standard Verilog Language Reference Manual, IEEE Std 1364-2001.

1IEEE publications are available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway,
NJ 08855-1331, USA (http://standards.ieee.org/).
2The IEEE standards referred to in Clause 2 are trademarks belonging to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
3Information on references can be found in Clause 2 of this standard.

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3.9 meta-comment: A Verilog comment (//) or (/* */) that is used to provide synthesis directives to a
synthesis tool.

3.10 metalogical: A metalogical value is either an x or a z.

3.11 pragma: A generic term used to define a construct with no predefined language semantics that influ-
ences how a synthesis tool shall synthesize Verilog code into a circuit.

3.12 RHS: Right-hand side.

3.13 RTL: The register transfer level of modeling circuits in Verilog HDL.

3.14 sequential logic: Logic that includes any kind of storage device, either level-sensitive or edge-

3.15 statically computable expression: An expression whose value can be evaluated during compilation.

3.16 synchronous: Data that changes only on a clock edge.

3.17 synthesis tool: Any system, process, or program that interprets register transfer level Verilog HDL
source code as a description of an electronic circuit and derives a netlist description of that circuit.

3.18 timeout clause: Delays specified in an assignment statement, inter-assignment or intra-assignment.

3.19 transient delay: Propagation delay. Delays through multiple paths of logic each with its own propaga-
tion delay.

3.20 user: A person, system, process, or program that generates RTL Verilog HDL source code.

3.21 vector: A one-dimensional array.

4. Verification methodology

Synthesized results may be broadly classified as either combinational or sequential. Sequential logic has
some form of internal storage (level-sensitive storage device, register, memory) that is involved in an output
expression. Combinational logic has no such storage—the outputs are a pure function of the inputs with no
internal loops.

The process of verifying synthesis results consists of applying identical inputs to both the original model and
synthesized models and then comparing their outputs to ensure that they are equivalent. Equivalent in this
context means that a synthesis tool shall provide an unambiguous definition of equivalence for values on
input, output, and bidirectional ports. This also implies that the port list of the synthesized result must be the
same as the original model—ports cannot be added or deleted during synthesis. Since synthesis in general
does not recognize all the same delays as simulators, the outputs cannot be compared at every simulation
time step. Rather, they can only be compared at specific points, when all transient delays have settled and all
active timeout clauses have been exceeded. If the outputs match at the compared ports, the synthesis tool
shall be compliant. There is no matching requirement placed on any internal nodes unless the keep attribute
(see 6.1.4) is specified for such a node, in which case matching shall be ensured for that node.

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Input stimulus shall comply to the following criteria:

a) Input data does not contain “unknowns” or other metalogical values.

b) For sequential verification, input data must change far enough in advance of sensing times for tran-
sient delays to have settled.
c) Clock and/or input data transitions must be delayed until after asynchronous set/reset signals have
been released. The delay must be long enough to avoid a clock and/or data setup/hold time violation.
d) For edge-sensitive based designs, primary inputs of the design must change far enough in advance
for the edge-sensitive storage device input data to respect the setup times with respect to the active
clock edge. Also, the input data must remain stable for long enough to respect the hold times with
respect to the active clock edge.
e) For level-sensitive based designs, primary inputs of the design must change far enough in advance
for the level-sensitive storage device input data to respect the setup times. Also, the input data must
remain stable for long enough to respect the hold times.

NOTE—A synthesis tool may define metalogical values appearing on primary outputs in one model as equivalent to log-
ical values in the other model. For this reason, the input stimulus may need to reset internal storage devices to specific
logical values before the outputs of both models are compared for logical values.

4.1 Combinational logic verification

To verify a combinational logic design or part of a design, the input stimulus shall be applied first. Sufficient
time shall be provided for the design to settle, and then the outputs examined. Typically, this is done in a
loop, so the outputs may be examined just before the next set of inputs is applied, that is, when all outputs
have settled. Each iteration of the loop shall include enough delay so that the transient delays and timeout
clause delays have been exceeded. A model is not in compliance with this standard if it is possible for com-
binational outputs to never reach a steady state (i.e., oscillatory behavior).

Example 1:

always @* a = #5 ~a;
// Example is not compliant with this standard because it
// exhibits oscillatory behavior.

4.2 Sequential logic verification

The general scheme of applying inputs periodically and then checking the outputs just before the next set of
inputs is applied shall be repeated. Sequential designs are either edge-sensitive (typically consisting of edge-
sensitive storage devices) or level-sensitive (typically consisting of level-sensitive storage devices).

The verification of designs containing edge-sensitive or level-sensitive components are as follows:

a) Edge-sensitive models: The same sequence of tasks shall be performed during verification: change
the inputs, compute the results, check the outputs. However, for sequential verification these tasks
shall be synchronized with a clock. The checking portion of the verification shall be performed just
before the active clock edge. The input values may be changed after the clock edge and after suffi-
cient time has elapsed to ensure that no hold time violations will occur. The circuit then has the
entire rest of the clock period to compute the new results before they are latched at the next clock
edge. The period of the clock generated by the stimulus shall be sufficient enough to allow the input
and output signals to settle. When asynchronous data is assigned, the asynchronous data shall not
change during the period in which the asynchronous control (the condition under which the data is
assigned) is active.

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b) Level-sensitive models: These designs are generally less predictable than edge sensitive models due
to the asynchronous nature of the signal interactions. Verification of synthesized results depends on
the application. With level-sensitive storage elements, a general rule is that data inputs should be sta-
ble before enables go inactive (i.e. latch) and checking of outputs is best done after enables are inac-
tive (i.e. latched) and combinational delays have settled. A level-sensitive model in which it is
possible, in the absence of further changes to the inputs of the model, for one or more internal values
or outputs of the model never to reach a steady state (oscillatory behavior) is not in compliance with
this standard.

5. Modeling hardware elements

This clause describes styles for modeling various hardware elements such as edge-sensitive storage devices,
level-sensitive storage devices and three-state drivers.

The hardware inferences specified in this clause do not take into account any optimizations or transforma-
tions. This standard does not specify or limit optimization. A specific tool may perform optimization and not
generate the suggested hardware inferences or may generate a different set of hardware inferences. This
shall not be taken as a violation of this standard provided the synthesized netlist has the same functionality
as the input model.

5.1 Modeling combinational logic

Combinational logic shall be modeled using a continuous assignment or a net declaration assignment or an
always statement.

When using an always statement, the event list shall not contain an edge event (posedge or negedge). The
event list does not affect the synthesized netlist. However, it may be necessary to include in the event list all
the variables read in the always statement to avoid mismatches between simulation and synthesized logic.

A variable assigned in an always statement shall not be assigned using both a blocking assignment (=) and a
nonblocking assignment (<=) in the same always statement.

The event list for a combinational logic model shall not contain the reserved words posedge or negedge. Not
all variables that appear in the right hand side of an assignment are required to appear in the event list. For
example, a variable does not have to appear in the event list of an always statement if it is assigned a value
with a blocking assignment before being used in subsequent expressions within the same always statement.

The event list may be the implicit event expression list (@(*), @*).

Example 2:

always @ (in1 or in2)

out = in1 + in2;
// always statement models combinational logic.

Example 3:

always @ (posedge a or b)
// Not supported; does not model combinational logic.

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Example 4:

always @ (in)
if (ena)
out = in;
out = 1’b1;
// Supported, but simulation mismatch might occur.
// To assure the simulation will match the synthesized logic, add ena
// to the event list so the event list reads: always @ (in or ena)

Example 5:

always @ (in1 or in2 or sel)

out = in1; // Blocking assignment
if (sel)
out <= in2; // Nonblocking assignment.
// Not supported, cannot mix blocking and nonblocking assignments in
// an always statement.

Example 6:

always @* // Implicit event expression yields combinational logic

tmp1 = a & b;
tmp2 = c & d;
z = tmp1 | tmp2;

5.2 Modeling edge-sensitive sequential logic

Sequential logic shall be modeled using an always statement that has one or more edge events in the event

5.2.1 Edge events

The reserved words posedge or negedge shall be used to specify edge events in the event list of the always
statement. Positive edge

The following represents a positive edge expression in an always statement:

always @ (posedge <clock_name>)


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Std 1364.1-2002 IEEE STANDARD FOR VERILOG® Negative edge

The following represents a negative edge expression in an always statement.

always @ (negedge <clock_name>)


5.2.2 Modeling edge-sensitive storage devices

An edge-sensitive storage device shall be modeled for a variable that is assigned a value in an always state-
ment that has exactly one edge event in the event list. The edge event specified shall represent the clock edge
condition under which the storage device stores the value.

Nonblocking procedural assignments should be used for variables that model edge-sensitive storage devices.
Nonblocking assignments are recommended to avoid Verilog simulation race conditions.

Blocking procedural assignments may be used for variables that are temporarily assigned and used within an
always statement.

Multiple event lists in an always statement shall not be supported.

Example 7:

reg out;
. . .
always @ (posedge clock)
out <= in;
// out is a positive edge triggered edge-sensitive storage device.

Example 8:

reg [3:0] out;

. . .
always @ (negedge clock)
out <= in;
// out models four negative edge-triggered
// edge-sensitive storage devices.

Example 9:

always @ (posedge clock)

if (reset)
out <= 1’b0;
out <= in;
// out models a positive edge-sensitive storage
// device with optionally a synchronous reset.

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Example 10:

always @ (posedge clock)

if (set)
out <= 1’b1;
out <= in;
// out models a positive edge-sensitive storage
// device with optionally a synchronous set.

Example 11:

always @ (posedge clock)

out <= 0;
@(posedge clock);
out <= 1;
@(posedge clock);
out <= 1;
// Not legal; multiple event lists are not supported within an
// always statement.

NOTE—No specific style is required to infer edge-sensitive storage device with synchronous set/reset. A synthesis tool
may optionally choose to or not to infer such a storage device. See the sync_set_reset attribute on how it can be used to
infer a device with synchronous set/reset. Edge-sensitive storage device modeling with asynchronous set-reset

An edge-sensitive storage device with an asynchronous set and/or asynchronous reset is modeled using an
always statement whose event list contains edge events representing the clock and asynchronous control
variables. Level-sensitive events shall not be allowed in the event list of an edge-sensitive storage device

Furthermore, the always statement shall contain an if statement to model the first asynchronous control and
optional nested else if statements to model additional asynchronous controls. A final else statement, which
specifies the synchronous logic portion of the always block, shall be controlled by the edge control variable
not listed in the if and else if statements. The always statement shall be of the form:

always @ (posedge <condA> or negedge <condB> or negedge <condC> or ...

posedge <Clock>)
// Any sequence of edge events can be in event list.
if (<condA>) // Positive polarity since posedge <condA>.
// ... <asynchronous logic>
else if (~ <condB>) // Negative polarity since negedge <condB>.
// ... <asynchronous logic>
else if (~ <condC>)
// ... <asynchronous logic>
else // Implicit posedge <Clock>.
// ... <synchronous logic>

For every asynchronous control, there is an if statement that precedes the clock branch. The asynchronous
set and or reset logic will therefore have higher priority than the clock edge.

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The “final else” statement is determined as follows. If there are N edge events in the event list, the “else” fol-
lowing (N–1) if’s, at the same level as the top-level if statement, determines the “final else.” The final else
statement specifies the synchronous logic part of the design.

Example 12:

always @ (posedge clock or posedge set)

if (set)
out <= 1’b1;
out <= din;
// out is an edge-sensitive storage device with an asynchronous set.

Example 13:

always @ (posedge clock or posedge reset)

out <= in;
// Not legal because the if statement is missing.

Example 14:

always @ (posedge clock or negedge clear)

if (clear) // This term should be inverted (!clear) to match
// the polarity of the edge event.
out <= 0;
out <= in;
// Not legal; if condition does not match the polarity of
// the edge event.

Example 15:

always @ (posedge clock or negedge clear)

if (~ clear)
out <= 0;
else if (ping) // Synchronous logic starts with this if.
out <= in;
else if (pong)
out <= 8'hFF;
out <= pdata;
// Synchronous logic starts after first else.

5.3 Modeling level-sensitive storage devices

A level-sensitive storage device may be modeled for a variable when all the following apply:

a) The variable is assigned a value in an always statement without edge events in its event list (combi-
national logic modeling style).
b) There are executions of the always statement in which there is no explicit assignment to the variable.

The event list of the always statement should list all variables read within the always statement.

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Nonblocking procedural assignments should be used for variables that model level-sensitive storage devices.
This is to prevent Verilog simulation race conditions.

Blocking assignments may be used for intermediate variables that are temporarily assigned and used only in
the same always statement.

Example 16:

always @ (enable or d)
if (enable)
q <= d;
// A level-sensitive storage device is inferred for q.
// If enable is deasserted, q will hold its value.

Example 17:

always @ (enable or d)
if (enable)
q <= d;
q <= 'b0;

// A latch is not inferred because the assignment to q is complete,

// i.e., q is assigned on every execution of the always statement.

5.4 Modeling three-state drivers

Three-state logic shall be modeled when a variable is assigned the value z. The assignment of z can be con-
ditional or unconditional. If any driver of a signal contains an assignment to the value z, then all the drivers
shall contain such an assignment.

z assignments shall not propagate across variable assignments (including implicit assignments, such as those
which occur with module instantiations).

Example 18:

module ztest (test2, test1, test3, ena);

input [0:1] ena;
input [7:0] test1, test3;
output [7:0] test2;
wire [7:0] test2;

assign test2 = (ena == 2’b01) ? test1 : 8’bz;

assign test2 = (ena == 2’b10) ? test3 : 8’bz;
// test2 is three-state when ena is 2’b00 or 2’b11.

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Example 19:

module ztest;
wire test1, test2, test3;
input test2;
output test3;
assign test1 = 1’bz;
assign test3 = test1 & test2; // test3 will never receive
// a z assignment.

Example 20:

always @ (in)
tmp = ’bz;
out = tmp; // out shall not be driven by three state drivers
// because the value ’bz does not propagate across the
// variable assignment.

Example 21:

always @ (q or enb)
if (!enb)
out <= ‘bz;
out <= q;
// out is a three-state driver.

Example 22:

// Three-state driver with non-registered enable:

always @(posedge clock)
q <= din;

assign out = enb ? q : 1’bz;

// Generates one edge-sensitive storage device with a
// three-state driver on the output.

Example 23:

// Three-state driver with registered enable:

always @(posedge clock)
if (!enb)
out <= 1‘bz;
out <= din;
// Generates two edge-sensitive storage devices, one for din, and
// one for enb, with a three-state driver on the output of the first
// storage device, controlled by the output of the second
// storage device.

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5.5 Support for values x and z

The value x may be used as a primary on the RHS of an assignment to indicate a don’t care value for

The value x may be used in case item expressions (may be mixed with other expressions, such as 4’b01x0)
in a casex statement to imply a don’t care value for synthesis.

The value x shall not be used with any operators or mixed with other expressions.

The value z may be used as a primary on the RHS of an assignment to infer a three-state driver as described
in 5.4.

The value z (or ?) may be used in case item expressions (may be mixed with other expressions, such as
4’bz1z0) for casex and casez statements to imply a don’t care value for synthesis.

The value z shall not be used with any operators or mixed with other expressions.

5.6 Modeling read-only memories (ROM)

An asynchronous ROM shall be modeled as combinational logic using one of the following styles:

a) One-dimensional array with data in case statement (see 5.6.1).

b) Two-dimensional array with data in initial statement (see 5.6.2).
c) Two-dimensional array with data in text file (see 5.6.3).

The rom_block attribute shall be used to identify the variable that models the ROM. If the logic_block
attribute is used, then it shall imply that no ROM is to be inferred, and combinational logic be used instead.


1—In the absence of either a rom_block or a logic_block attribute, a synthesis tool may opt to implement either as ran-
dom logic or as a ROM.

2—The standard does not define how or in what form the ROM values are to be saved after synthesis when the
rom_block attribute is used.

3—In each of the three cases above, there may be a simulation mismatch at time 0 if the ROM initialization does not
occur prior to reading the ROM values.

5.6.1 One-dimensional array with data in case statement

In this style, the data values of a ROM shall be defined within a case statement. All the values of the ROM
shall be defined within the case statement. The value assigned to each ROM address shall be a static expres-
sion (a static expression is one that can be evaluated at compile time).

The variable attributed with the rom_block attribute models the ROM. The address of the ROM shall be the
same as the case expression. The ROM variable is the data. The case statement may contain other assign-
ments or statements that may or may not affect the ROM variable. However all assignments to the ROM
variable shall be done within only one case statement. In addition, the ROM variable must be assigned for all
possible values of the case expression (ROM address).

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Example 24:

module rom_case(
(* synthesis, rom_block = "ROM_CELLXYZ01" *)
output reg [3:0] z,
input wire [2:0] a); // Address - 8 deep memory.

always @* // @(a)
case (a)
3'b000: z = 4'b1011;
3'b001: z = 4'b0001;
3'b100: z = 4'b0011;
3'b110: z = 4'b0010;
3'b111: z = 4'b1110;
default: z = 4'b0000;
endmodule // rom_case
// z is the ROM, and its address size is determined by a.

5.6.2 Two-dimensional array with data in initial statement

A Verilog memory (two-dimensional reg array) attributed as a rom_block, decorated with the attribute
rom_block, shall be used to model a ROM. The address size and data size of the ROM shall be as specified in
the declaration of the memory.

In addition, the values of the ROM shall be assigned using an initial statement. Uninitialized values shall
have an implicit don’t care assignment. The initial statement shall not be restricted to contain only assign-
ment statements. It may contain other synthesizable statements, such as for loop statements, if and case
statements, with the only restriction that the assignments to the ROM, which include data and address, shall
be statically computable.

Such a memory shall only be read from other procedural blocks. It is an error to write to such a memory
from any other procedural block other than the initial statement in which it is initialized.

The initial statement shall be supported when either of the attributes logic_block or rom_block is used.

Example 25:

module rom_2dimarray_initial (
output wire [3:0] z,
input wire [2:0] a); // address- 8 deep memory
// Declare a memory rom of 8 4-bit registers. The indices are 0 to 7:
(* synthesis, rom_block = "ROM_CELL XYZ01" *) reg [3:0] rom[0:7];
// (* synthesis, logic_block *) reg [3:0] rom [0:7];

initial begin
rom[0] = 4'b1011;
rom[1] = 4'b0001;
rom[2] = 4'b0011;
rom[3] = 4'b0010;
rom[4] = 4'b1110;
rom[5] = 4'b0111;
rom[6] = 4'b0101;
rom[7] = 4'b0100;

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assign Z = rom[a];

NOTE—If combinational logic is desired instead of a ROM, specify the attribute logic_block instead of the attribute

5.6.3 Using two-dimensional array with data in text file

The modeling of the ROM shall be identical to that in 5.6.2 except that the ROM is initialized from a text file
using the system tasks $readmemb and $readmemh.

NOTE—The name and format of the file are identified by the system tasks $readmemb or $readmemh.

Example 26:

module rom_2dimarray_initial_readmem (
output wire [3:0] z,
input wire [2:0] a);
// Declare a memory rom of 8 4-bit registers.
// The indices are 0 to 7:
(* synthesis, rom_block = "ROM_CELL XYZ01" *) reg [3:0] rom[0:7];

initial $readmemb("rom.data", rom);

assign z = rom[a];

// Example of content “rom.data” file:

// file: /user/name/project/design/rom/rom.data
// date : Jan 08, 02
1011 // addr=0
1000 // addr=1
0000 // addr=2
1000 // addr=3
0010 // addr=4
0101 // addr=5
1111 // addr=6
1001 // addr=7

NOTE—This style can lead to simulation/synthesis mismatch if the content of data file changes after synthesis.

5.7 Modeling random access memories (RAM)

A RAM shall be modeled using a Verilog memory (a two-dimensional reg array) that has the attribute
ram_block associated with it. A RAM element may either be modeled as an edge-sensitive storage element
or as a level-sensitive storage element. A RAM data value may be read synchronously or asynchronously.

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Example 27:

// A RAM element is an edge-sensitive storage element:

module ram_test(
output wire [7:0] q,
input wire [7:0] d,
input wire [6:0] a,
input wire clk, we);
(* synthesis, ram_block *) reg [7:0] mem [127:0];

always @(posedge clk) if (we) mem[a] <= d;

assign q = mem[a];

Example 28:

// A RAM element is a level-sensitive storage element:

module ramlatch (
output wire [7:0] q, // output
input wire [7:0] d, // data input
input wire [6:0] a, // address
input wire we); // clock and write enable
// Memory 128 deep, 8 wide:
(* synthesis, ram_block *) reg [7:0] mem [127:0];

always @* if (we) mem[a] <= d;

assign q = mem[a];


1—If latch or register logic is desired instead of a RAM, use the attribute logic_block instead of the attribute ram_block.

2—In the absence of either a ram_block or a logic_block attribute, a synthesis tool may implement memory as random
logic or as a RAM.

6. Pragmas

A pragma is a generic term used to define a construct with no predefined language semantics that influences
how a synthesis tool should synthesize Verilog HDL code into a circuit. The only standard pragma style that
shall appear with the Verilog HDL code is a Verilog attribute instance.

6.1 Synthesis attributes


1—An attribute instance, as defined by the Verilog standard, is a set of one or more comma separated attributes, with or
without assignment to the attribute, enclosed within the reserved (* and *) Verilog tokens.

2—Per the Verilog standard, “An attribute instance can appear in the Verilog description as a prefix attached to a declara-
tion, a module item, a statement, or a port connection. It can appear as a suffix to an operator or a Verilog function name
in an expression.”

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If a synthesis tool supports pragmas to control the structure of the synthesized netlist or to give direction to
the synthesis tool, attributes shall be used to convey the required information. The first attribute within the
attribute instance shall be synthesis followed by a comma separated list of synthesis-related attributes. Here
is the template for specifying such an attribute.

(* synthesis, <attribute=value_or_optional_value>
{ , <attribute=value_or_optional_value> } *)

The attribute synthesis shall be listed as the first attribute in an attribute instance.

NOTE—By placing the synthesis attribute first, a synthesis tool can more easily parse the attribute instance to determine
if the rest of the attributes in the attribute instance are intended for the synthesis tool or for a different tool.

If the attribute has an <optional_value>, such an attribute may be disabled (turned off) by providing a value
of 0. If an attribute has a non-zero value (including a string value), it shall be interpreted as an enabled
attribute. Additional semantics for a non-zero value are not defined by this standard. If no value is provided,
then the attribute is enabled (as if the value is non-zero). The <optional_value>, if provided, shall be a con-
stant expression.

If the attribute has a <value>, then a value shall be required for this attribute.

The following is the list of synthesis attributes that shall be supported as part of this standard and their func-
tionality is described in the remainder of this clause. Additional vendor-specific attributes and attribute val-
ues may exist.

(* synthesis, async_set_reset [="signal_name1, signal_name2, ..."] *)

(* synthesis, black_box [ =<optional_value> ] *)
(* synthesis, combinational [ =<optional_value> ] *)
(* synthesis, fsm_state [ =<encoding_scheme> ] *)
(* synthesis, full_case [ = <optional_value> ] *)
(* synthesis, implementation = "<value>" *)
(* synthesis, keep [ =<optional_value> ] *)
(* synthesis, label = "name" *)
(* synthesis, logic_block [ = <optional_value> ] *)
(* synthesis, op_sharing [ = <optional_value> ] *)
(* synthesis, parallel_case [ = <optional_value> ] *)
(* synthesis, ram_block [ = <optional_value> ] *)
(* synthesis, rom_block [ = <optional_value> ] *)
(* synthesis, sync_set_reset [="signal_name1, signal_name2, ..."] *)
(* synthesis, probe_port [ = <optional_value> ] *)

Multiple comma separated synthesis attributes may be added to the same attribute instance without repeating
the keyword synthesis before each additional attribute.

Example 29:

(* synthesis, full_case, parallel_case *)

case (state)


1—The use of the full_case and parallel_case attributes is generally not recommended.

2—The LRM also allows multiple attribute instances to be placed before legal, attribute-prefixed statements.

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Example 30:

(* synthesis, full_case *)
(* synthesis, parallel_case *)
case (state)

Only synthesis attributes shall be placed in an (single) attribute instance with other synthesis attributes. Non-
synthesis attribute instances may be placed along with synthesis attribute instances before legal attribute pre-
fixed statements and no predetermined placement-order of mixed synthesis and non-synthesis attribute
instances shall be imposed by this standard.


1—It is recommended that if a synthesis tool supports attributes other than those listed as part of this standard, then the
syntax for specifying such an attribute be identical with the format described in this clause.

2—It is recommended that a synthesis tool not use the synthesis attribute in any other form or meaning other than its
intended use as described in this standard.

6.1.1 Case decoding attributes

The following attributes shall be supported for decoding case statements. Full case attribute

Its syntax is:

(* synthesis, full_case [ = <optional_value> ] *)

This attribute shall inform the synthesis tool that for all unspecified case choices, the outputs assigned within
the case statement may be treated as synthesis don’t-care assignments.


1—This synthesis attribute provides different information to the synthesis tool than is known by the simulation tool and
can cause a pre-synthesis simulation to differ with a post-synthesis simulation.

2—This synthesis attribute does not remove all latches that could be inferred by a Verilog case statement. If one or more
outputs are assigned by the specified case items, but not all outputs are assigned by all of the specified case items, a latch
will be inferred even if the full_case attribute has been added to the case statement.

3—Adding a default statement to a case statement nullifies the effect of the full_case attribute.

4—The use of the full_case synthesis attribute is generally discouraged. Parallel case attribute

Its syntax is:

(* synthesis, parallel_case [ = <optional_value> ] *)

This attribute shall inform the synthesis tool that all case items are to be tested, even if more than one case
item could potentially match the case expression.

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1—This synthesis attribute provides different information to the synthesis tool than is known by the simulation tool and
can cause a pre-synthesis simulation to differ with a post-synthesis simulation.

2—Verilog case statements can have overlapping case items (a case expression could match more than one case item),
and the first case item that matches the case expression will cause the statement for that case item to be executed and an
implied break insures that no other case item will be tested against the case expression for the current pass through the
case statement. The Verilog statement for the matched case item is the only Verilog code that will be executed during the
current pass of the case statement.

3—The parallel_case attribute directs the synthesis tool to test each and every case item in the case statement every time
the case statement is executed. This attribute causes the synthesis tool to remove any priority that might be assigned to
the case statement by testing every case item, even if more than one case item matches the case expression. This behav-
ior differs from the behavior of standard Verilog simulation.

4—The parallel_case attribute is commonly used to remove priority encoders from the gate-level implementation of an
RTL case statement. Unfortunately, the RTL case statement may still simulate like a priority encoder, causing a mis-
match between pre-synthesis and post-synthesis simulations.

5—Adding a default statement to a case statement does not nullify the effect of the parallel_case attribute.

6—The use of the parallel_case synthesis attribute is generally discouraged. One exception is the careful implementa-
tion of a one-hot Verilog state machine design. Using both attributes

The syntax is:

(* synthesis, full_case, parallel_case *)

The full_case and parallel_case attributes may also appear as a single attribute instance, as shown above.
The order in which they appear shall not be of importance.

NOTE—Strictly speaking, full_case should not be needed by any tool. It’s purpose is to communicate to the tool some
information which is also available from alternative modeling styles. The risk is that the user could be wrong about the
‘fullness’ of the case, and, if so, the results will not match simulation. For example,

always @(sel)
(* synthesis, full_case *) case (sel)
2’b01: out = op1;
2’b10: out = op2;
2’b11: out = op3;

is synthesis-equivalent to the much safer:

always @(sel) begin

out = ’bx;
case (sel)
2’b01: out = op1;
2’b10: out = op2;
2’b11: out = op3;

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6.1.2 RAM/ROM inference attributes RAM attribute

The attribute described shall be supported to assist in the selection of the style of an inferred RAM device.

The syntax is:

(* synthesis, ram_block [ = <optional_value> ] *) ROM attribute

The attribute described shall be supported to assist in the selection of the style of an inferred ROM device.

The syntax is:

(* synthesis, rom_block [ = <optional_value> ] *) Logic block attribute

The attribute described shall be supported to assist in inferring discrete logic for a particular RTL coding
style as opposed to a ROM or a RAM.

The syntax is:

(* synthesis, logic_block [ = <optional_value> ] *)

NOTE—Examples of these attributes appear in 5.6 and 5.7.

6.1.3 FSM attributes

These attributes apply to finite state machine (FSM) extraction. FSM extraction is the process of extracting a
state transition table from an RTL model where the hardware advances from state to state at a clock edge. In
such a case, it may be necessary to guide the synthesis tool in identifying the state register explicitly and to
provide a mechanism to override the default encoding if necessary.

If a synthesis tool supports FSM extraction, then the following attribute shall also be supported.

(* synthesis, fsm_state [=<encoding_scheme>] *) // Applies to a reg.

The attribute when applied to a reg identifies the reg as the state vector.

The encoding_scheme is optional. If no encoding is specified, the default encoding as specified in the model
is used. The value of encoding_scheme is not defined by this standard.

NOTE—Use of encoding scheme may cause simulation mismatches.

Example 31:

(* synthesis, fsm_state *) reg [4:0] next_state;

// Default encoding is used and next_state is the state vector.
(* synthesis, fsm_state = "onehot" *) reg [7:0] rst_state;
// "onehot" encoding is used and rst_state is the state vector.

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6.1.4 Miscellaneous attributes Asynchronous set reset attribute

The syntax is:

(* synthesis, async_set_reset [ = "signal_name1, signal_name2, ..." ] *)

This attribute shall apply to an always block that infers level-sensitive storage devices. If no level-sensitive
storage devices are inferred for the block, a warning shall be issued.

This attribute shall also apply to a module in which case, it shall apply to all always blocks in that module. If
no level-sensitive storage devices are inferred for the block, a warning shall be issued.

The presence of the attribute shall cause the set/reset logic to be applied directly to the set/reset terminals of
a level-sensitive storage device if such a device is available in the technology library.

NOTE—Definitions: Set logic—the logic that sets the output of storage device to 1; reset logic—the logic that sets the
output of storage device to 0.

When no signal names are specified in the attribute instance, both set and reset logic signals shall be applied
directly to the set/reset terminals of a level-sensitive storage device.

When signal names are specified, only the specified signals shall be connected to the set/reset terminals (oth-
ers are connected through the data input of the level-sensitive storage device).

Example 32:

(* synthesis, async_set_reset = “set” *)

always @(*)
if (reset)
qlatch <= 0;
else if (set)
qlatch <= 1;
else if (enable)
qlatch <= data;
// reset and enable logic connect through the data input. Black box attribute

The syntax is:

(* synthesis, black_box [ = <optional_value>] *)

This attribute shall apply to a module instance or to a module in which case the attribute shall apply to all its
module instances.

Only the module’s interface shall be defined for synthesis. The module itself may be empty or may contain
non-synthesizable statements. It may also refer to an external implementation, for example, in an EDIF file.
Such a black box shall not be optimized during synthesis.

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Example 33:

(* synthesis, black_box *)
module add2 (dataa, datab, cin, result, cout, overflow);
input [7:0] dataa;
input [7:0] datab;
input cin;
output [7:0] result;
output cout;
output overflow;

Example 34:

(* synthesis, black_box *)
(* // Following are non-standard synthesis attributes:
module add2 (
input [7:0] dataa,
input [7:0] datab,
input cin,
output [7:0] result,
output cout,
output overflow);
endmodule Combinational attribute

The syntax is:

(* synthesis, combinational [ =<optional_value>] *)

This attribute shall be applied to an always block or to a module in which case, it shall apply to all always
blocks in that module.

The attribute indicates that the logic generated from the always block shall be combinational. It shall be an
error if it is not so.

Example 35:

(* synthesis, combinational *)
always @(*)
if (reset)
q = 0;
q = d;

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REGISTER TRANSFER LEVEL SYNTHESIS Std 1364.1-2002 Implementation attribute

The syntax is:

(* synthesis, implementation = "<value>" *)

This attribute shall apply only to an operator.

The “value” is not defined by the standard. Examples of “value” are “cla” for +, “wallace” for *.

Example 36:

assign x = a + (* synthesis, implementation = "ripple" *) b;

NOTE—The implementation is only a recommendation to the synthesis tool. Keep attribute

The syntax is:

(* synthesis, keep [ =<optional_value> ] *)

This attribute shall apply to a net, reg or a module instance or to a module.

With the presence of this attribute on an instance or module, the instance or module shall be preserved, and
not deleted nor replicated, even if the outputs of the module are not connected. The internals of the instance
or the module shall not be subject to optimization.

Similarly, a net with such an attribute shall be preserved.

If a reg has a keep attribute and an fsm_state attribute, the fsm_state attribute shall be ignored. This attribute
does not apply if the reg with the fsm_state attribute, has not been inferred as an edge-sensitive storage

Example 37:

(* synthesis, keep *) wire [2:0] opcode;

(* synthesis, keep *) add2 a1 (.dataa(da), .datab(db), .cin(carry),

.result(), .cout(), .overflow(nextstage));
(* synthesis, keep *) reg [3:0] count_state;
(* synthesis, keep *) wire [7:0] outa; // default keep is keep = 1.

(* synthesis, keep *) reg [7:0] b;

(* synthesis, keep = 1 *) my_design my_design1 (out1, in1, clkin);

// Preserve the instance and its subelements from optimization.

(* synthesis, keep = 0 *) my_design my_design2 (out, in, clkin);

// This instance may be optimized away.

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Example 38:

(* synthesis, keep *)
module count (reset, clk, counter, flag);
. . .
always @(posedge clk)
if (reset) begin
counter <= 0;
flag <= FALSE;
counter <= counter + 1;
flag <= counter > 10 ? TRUE : FALSE;
// All instances of module count is preserved.

NOTE—Objects connected to a keep net do not need to be kept unless the objects have a keep attribute on them. A warn-
ing may be issued by a synthesis tool for a keep net that has no objects connected to it. Label attribute

The syntax is:

(* synthesis, label = "name" *)

This attribute shall apply to any item that can be attributed.

This attribute shall assign a name to the attributed item. By doing so, other attributes or tool-specific
attributes can be used to reference such an item.

Example 39:

(* synthesis, label = "incrementor1" *) counter = counter + 1;

a = b * (* synthesis, label = "mult1" *) c

* (* synthesis, label = "mult2" *) d;

NOTE—The use of a label attribute is not defined by the standard. The attribute provides a standard way to label a sen-
tence or an item. Operator sharing attribute

The syntax is:

(* synthesis, op_sharing [=<optional_value>] *)

This attribute shall apply to a module.

The presence of the attribute enables operator sharing to be performed in that module (and all its instances).

24 Copyright © 2002 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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1—Operator sharing technique allows the use of one arithmetic logic unit to perform same or different operations that
are mutually exclusive.

2—The presence of the attribute does not guarantee that operator sharing will take place; it is only enabled. Sharing
occurs based on design cost specifications.

3—Sharing may be done across always blocks.

4—In the absence of the attribute, a synthesis tool may still perform sharing.

Example 40:

(* synthesis, op_sharing = 1 *)
module ALU (
input [3:0] a, b,
input [1:0] op_code,
output [3:0] alu_out);
always @(*)
case (op_code)
ADD: alu_out = a + b;
SUB: alu_out = a - b;
GT : alu_out = a > b;
default : alu_out = 4‘bz;
endmodule Synchronous set reset attribute

The syntax is:

(* synthesis, sync_set_reset [= "signal_name1, signal_name2, ..."] *)

This attribute shall apply to an always block that infers edge-sensitive storage devices. If no edge-sensitive
storage device is inferred in the block, a warning shall be issued.

This attribute shall also apply to a module in which case, it shall apply to all always blocks in that module. If
no edge-sensitive storage devices are inferred for the block, a warning shall be issued.

The presence of the attribute shall cause the set/reset logic to be applied directly to the set/reset terminals of
an edge-sensitive storage device if such a device is available in the technology library.

It is an error if the attribute is applied to an asynchronous set or reset signal.

NOTE—Definitions: Set logic—the logic that sets the output of storage device to 1; reset logic—the logic that sets the
output of storage device to 0.

When no signal names are present, both set and reset logic signals shall be applied directly to the set/reset
terminals of an edge-sensitive storage device.

When signal names are present, only the specified signals shall be connected to the set/reset terminals (oth-
ers are connected through the data input of the edge-sensitive storage device).

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Example 41:

(* synthesis, sync_set_reset *)
always @(posedge clk)
if (rst)
q <= 0;
else if (set)
q <= 1;
q <= d; Probe port attribute

The syntax is:

(* synthesis, probe_port [ = <optional_value> ] *)

This attribute shall apply to a net or a reg. The net or reg shall only be a single bit or a 1-dimensional array.

The presence of this attribute preserves the net or the reg for probing and shall cause it to appear as an output
port (a probe port) in the module it appears. If a module with a probe port is instantiated in another module,
a new probe port shall also be created (one for each instance) in the parent module.

If an object with the probe_port attribute is optimized out, that object shall not be mapped onto a port, unless
the object has an additional keep attribute on it. The appearance or omission of a probe_port as a result of
optimization may be reported by the synthesis tool.

The name of the probe_port is not specified by this standard (may be determined by the synthesis tool). All
newly created probe ports shall appear in the synthesized netlist at the end of the module port list. The order
of the probe ports itself is not specified by this standard.

Example 42:

(* synthesis, probe_port *) reg [3:0] current_state;

(* synthesis, probe_port = 1 *) wire q0, q1, q2;

Example 43:

module ff (q, d, clk, rst);

parameter WIDTH = 1;
parameter PROBE_PORT = 1; // 1 => ON, 0 => OFF
output [WIDTH-1:0] q; // output
input [WIDTH-1:0] d; // data input
input clk; // clock
input rst; // reset, active hi
reg [WIDTH-1:0] q; // FF output

(* synthesis, keep, // Do not remove in optimization.

probe_port = PROBE_PORT *) // Bring to a test port.
wire [WIDTH-1:0] qbar; // Test point.
assign qbar = ~q; // Equation for test point.

always @(posedge clk or posedge rst)

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if (rst) q <= {WIDTH{1'b0}};

else q <= d;
endmodule //ff

module top (q, d, clk, rst);

parameter WIDTH = 2;
parameter WIDTH_ONE = 1;
parameter PROBE_PORT_ON = 1;
parameter PROBE_PORT_OFF = 0;

output [WIDTH-1:0] q; // output

input [WIDTH-1:0] d; // data input
input clk; // clock
input rst; // reset, active hi

// ff #(.WIDTH (1),
// .PROBE_PORT (1))
ff #(WIDTH_ONE, PROBE_PORT_ON) // Bring probe port out.
ff_1 (
// Outputs
.q (q[0]),
// Inputs
.d (d[0]),
.clk (clk),
.rst (rst));

// ff #(.WIDTH (1),
// .PROBE_PORT (0))
ff #(WIDTH_ONE, PROBE_PORT_OFF) // Do NOT bring probe port out.
ff_2 (
// Outputs
.q (q[1]),
// Inputs
.d (d[1]),
.clk (clk),
.rst (rst));
endmodule // top


1—This attribute is needed for the verification of gate-level model designs at the “grey-box” level where internal signals
may be needed for triggering of events in a verifier (example, the occurrence of a simulation push/pop of a fifo). It may
also be needed for hardware debugging when a difficult bug occurs.

2—Since this attribute creates additional ports in the synthesized logic, testbench reuse and verification (see Clause 4)
may be an issue.

6.2 Compiler directives and implicit-synthesis defined macros

A synthesis tool shall define a Verilog macro definition for the macro named SYNTHESIS before reading any
Verilog synthesis source files. This is equivalent to adding the following macro definition to the front of a
Verilog input stream:


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NOTE—This macro definition makes it possible for Verilog users to add conditionally compiled code to their design that
will be read and interpreted by synthesis tools but that by default will be ignored by simulators (unless the Verilog simu-
lation input stream also defines the SYNTHESIS text macro).

Example 44:

module ram (q, d, a, clk, we);

output [7:0] q;
input [7:0] d;
input [6:0] a;
input clk, we;

// RTL model of a ram device for pre-synthesis simulation
reg [7:0] mem [127:0];
always @(posedge clk) if (we) mem[a] <= d;

assign q = mem[a];
// Instantiation of an actual ram block for synthesis
xram ram1 (.dout(q), .din(d), .addr(a), .ck(clk), .we(we));

NOTE—The use of the above conditional compilation capability removes the need to use the deprecated translate_off/
translate_on synthesis pragmas.

6.3 Deprecated features

Current common practices (prior to this standard) of using meta-comments and translate_off/translate_on
pragmas shall not be supported by this standard.

6.3.1 Meta-comments deprecated

Prior to the acceptance of the Verilog IEEE Std 1364-2001, it was common practice to include synthesis
pragmas embedded within a comment, for example: // synthesis full_case. The practice of embedding prag-
mas into a comment meant that any synthesis tool that accepted such pragmas was required to partially or
fully parse all comments within a Verilog RTL design just to determine if the comment contained a pragma
for the synthesis tool.

The Verilog standard introduced attributes to discourage the practice of putting pragmas into comments and
to replace them with a set of tokens (attribute delimiters) that could then be parsed for tool-specific informa-

The practice of putting pragmas into comments is highly discouraged and deprecated for this standard.

6.3.2 “translate_off/translate_on” pragmas deprecated

Prior to this standard, it was common practice to include translate_off/translate_on pragmas to instruct the
synthesis tool to ignore a block of Verilog code enclosed by these pragmas.

The practice of a synthesis tool ignoring Verilog source code by enclosing the code within translate_off/
translate_on pragmas is highly discouraged and deprecated for this standard. Users are encouraged to take
advantage of SYNTHESIS macro definition and `ifdef SYNTHESIS and `ifndef SYNTHESIS compiler direc-
tives (see 6.2) to exclude blocks of Verilog code from being read and compiled by synthesis tools.

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7. Syntax

NOTE—The subclauses within this clause are described using the same section hierarchy as described in the IEEE Std
1364-2001 LRM. This enables cross-referencing between the two standards to be much easier.

7.1 Lexical conventions

7.1.1 Lexical tokens


7.1.2 White space




7.1.4 Operators


7.1.5 Numbers

number ::=
| octal_number
| binary_number
| hex_number
| real_number

real_number ::=
unsigned_number . unsigned_number
| unsigned_number [ . unsigned_number] exp [ sign ] unsigned_number

exp ::= e | E

decimal_number ::=
| [ size ] decimal_base unsigned_number
| [ size ] decimal_base x_digit { _ }
| [ size ] decimal_base z_digit { _ }

binary_number ::= [ size ] binary_base binary_value

octal_number ::= [ size ] octal_base octal_value

hex_number ::= [ size ] hex_base hex_value

sign ::= + | -

size ::= non_zero_unsigned_number

non_zero_unsigned_number ::= non_zero_decimal_digit { _ | decimal_digit }

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unsigned_number ::= decimal_digit { _ | decimal_digit }

binary_value ::= binary_digit { _ | binary_digit }

octal_value ::= octal_digit { _ | octal_digit }

hex_value ::= hex_digit { _ | hex_digit }

decimal_base ::= ’[s|S]d | ’[s|S]D

binary_base ::= ’[s|S]b | ’[s|S]B

octal_base ::= ’[s|S]o | ’[s|S]O

hex_base ::= ’[s|S]h | ’[s|S]H

non_zero_decimal_digit ::= 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

decimal_digit ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

binary_digit ::= x_digit | z_digit | 0 | 1

octal_digit ::= x_digit | z_digit | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

hex_digit ::= x_digit | z_digit | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | a | b

|c|d|e|f|A|B|C |D|E|F

x_digit ::= x | X

z_digit ::= z | Z | ? Integer constants

Supported. See 5.5 on usage of x_digit and z_digit. Real constants

Not supported. Conversion

Not supported.

7.1.6 Strings

Supported. String variable declaration

Supported. String manipulation


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REGISTER TRANSFER LEVEL SYNTHESIS Std 1364.1-2002 Special characters in strings


7.1.7 Identifiers, keywords, and system names

Simple identifiers are supported. Escaped identifiers

Supported. Generated identifiers

Not supported. Keywords

Supported. System tasks and functions

system_task_enable ::=
system_task_identifier [ ( expression { , expression } ) ] ;

system_function_call ::= system_function_identifier

[ ( expression { , expression } ) ]

system_function_identifier ::= $[ a-zA-Z0-9_$ ]{[ a-zA-Z0-9_$ ]}

system_task_identifier ::= $[ a-zA-Z0-9_$ ]{[ a-zA-Z0-9_$ ]}

System task enable shall be ignored. System function call shall not be supported. Compiler directives

Supported. See 7.17 for more detail.

7.1.8 Attributes

attribute_instance ::= (* attr_spec { , attr_spec } *)

attr_spec ::=
attr_name = constant_expression
| attr_name

attr_name ::= identifier

module_declaration ::=
{ attribute_instance } module_keyword module_identifier [ module_parameter_port_list ]
[ list_of_ports ] ; { module_item }
| { attribute_instance } module_keyword module_identifier [ module_parameter_port_list ]
[ list_of_port_declarations ] ; { non_port_module_item }

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port_declaration ::=
{ attribute_instance } inout_declaration
| { attribute_instance } input_declaration
| { attribute_instance } output_declaration

module_item ::=
| port_declaration ;
| { attribute_instance } generated_instantiation
| { attribute_instance } local_parameter_declaration
| { attribute_instance } parameter_declaration ;
| { attribute_instance } specify_block
| { attribute_instance } specparam_declaration

module_or_generate_item ::=
{ attribute_instance } module_or_generate_item_declaration
| { attribute_instance } parameter_override
| { attribute_instance } continuous_assign
| { attribute_instance } gate_instantiation
| { attribute_instance} udp_instantiation
| { attribute_instance } module_instantiation
| { attribute_instance } initial_construct
| { attribute_instance } always_construct

non_port_module_item ::=
{ attribute_instance } generated_instantiation
| { attribute_instance } local_parameter_declaration
| { attribute_instance } module_or_generate_item
| { attribute_instance } parameter_declaration ;
| { attribute_instance } specify_block
| { attribute_instance } specparam_declaration

function_port_list ::=
{ attribute_instance } tf_input_declaration { , { attribute_instance } tf_input_declaration }

task_item_declaration ::=
| { attribute_instance } tf_input_declaration ;
| { attribute_instance } tf_output_declaration ;
| { attribute_instance } tf_inout_declaration ;

task_port_item ::=
{ attribute_instance } tf_input_declaration
| { attribute_instance } tf_output_declaration
| { attribute_instance } tf_inout_declaration

block_item_declaration ::=
{ attribute_instance } block_reg_declaration
| { attribute_instance } event_declaration
| { attribute_instance } integer_declaration
| { attribute_instance } local_parameter_declaration
| { attribute_instance } parameter_declaration ;
| { attribute_instance } real_declaration
| { attribute_instance } realtime_declaration
| { attribute_instance } time_declaration

ordered_port_connection ::= { attribute_instance } [ expression ]

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named_port_connection ::= { attribute_instance } . port_identifier ( [ expression ] )

udp_declaration ::=
{ attribute_instance } primitive udp_identifier ( udp_port_list ) ;
udp_port_declaration { udp_port_declaration }
| { attribute_instance } primitive udp_identifier ( udp_declaration_port_list ) ;

udp_output_declaration ::=
{ attribute_instance } output port_identifier
| { attribute_instance } output reg port_identifier [ = constant_expression ]

udp_input_declaration ::={ attribute_instance } input list_of_port_identifiers

udp_reg_declaration ::= { attribute_instance } reg variable_identifier

function_statement_or_null ::=
| { attribute_instance } ;

statement ::=
{ attribute_instance } blocking_assignment ;
| { attribute_instance } case_statement
| { attribute_instance } conditional_statement
| { attribute_instance } disable_statement
| { attribute_instance } event_trigger
| { attribute_instance } loop_statement
| { attribute_instance } nonblocking assignment ;
| { attribute_instance } par_block
| { attribute_instance } procedural_continuous_assignments ;
| { attribute_instance } procedural_timing_control_statement
| { attribute_instance } seq_block
| { attribute_instance } system_task_enable
| { attribute_instance } task_enable
| { attribute_instance } wait_statement

statement_or_null ::=
| { attribute_instance } ;

function_statement ::=
{ attribute_instance } function_blocking_assignment ;
| { attribute_instance } function_case_statement
| { attribute_instance } function_conditional_statement
| { attribute_instance } function_loop_statement
| { attribute_instance } function_seq_block
| { attribute_instance } disable_statement
| { attribute_instance } system_task_enable

constant_function_call ::= function_identifier { attribute_instance }

( constant_expression { , constant_expression } )

function_call ::= hierarchical_function_identifier { attribute_instance }

( expression { , expression } )

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genvar_function_call ::= genvar_function_identifier { attribute_instance }

( constant_expression { , constant_expression } )

conditional_expression ::= expression1 ? { attribute_instance }expression2 : expression3

constant_expression ::=
| unary_operator { attribute_instance } constant_primary
| constant_expression binary_operator { attribute_instance } constant_expression
| constant_expression ? { attribute_instance } constant_expression : constant_expression
| string

expression ::=
| unary_operator { attribute_instance } primary
| expression binary_operator { attribute_instance } expression
| conditional_expression
| string

module_path_conditional_expression ::=
module_path_expression ? { attribute_instance }
module_path_expression : module_path_expression

module_path_expression ::=
| unary_module_path_operator { attribute_instance } module_path_primary
| module_path_expression binary_module_path_operator
{ attribute_instance } module_path_expression
| module_path_conditional_expression

The set of predefined attributes that shall be supported are described in 6.1.

7.2 Data types

7.2.1 Value set

Supported. See 5.5 on support for values x and z.

7.2.2 Nets and variables Net declarations

net_declaration ::=
net_type [ signed ] [ delay3 ] list_of_net_identifiers ;
| net_type [ drive_strength ] [ signed ] [ delay3 ]
list_of_net_decl_assignments ;
| net_type [ vectored | scalared ] [ signed ] range [ delay3 ]
list_of_net_identifiers ;
| net_type [ drive_strength ] [ vectored | scalared ] [ signed ] range
[ delay3 ] list_of_net_decl_assignments ;
| trireg [ charge_strength ] [ signed ] [ delay3 ] list_of_net_identifiers ;
| trireg [ drive_strength ] [ signed ] [ delay3 ]
list_of_net_decl_assignments ;
| trireg [ charge_strength ] [ vectored | scalared ] [ signed ] range
[ delay3 ] list_of_net_identifiers ;
| trireg [ drive_strength ] [ vectored | scalared } [ signed ] range
[ delay3 ] list_of_net_decl_assignments ;

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net_type ::=
supply0 | supply1
| tri | triand | trior | tri0 | tri1
| wire | wand | wor

drive_strength ::=
( strength0 , strength1 )
| ( strength1 , strength0 )
| ( strength0 , highz1 )
| ( strength1 , highz0 )
| ( highz1 , strength0 )
| ( highz0 , strength1 )

strength0 ::= supply0 | strong0 | pull0 | weak0

strength1 ::= supply1 | strong1 | pull1 | weak1

charge_strength ::= ( small ) | ( medium ) | ( large )

delay3 ::= # delay_value | # ( delay_value [ , delay_value [ , delay_value ] ] )

delay2 ::= # delay_value | # ( delay_value [ , delay_value ] )

delay_value ::=
| parameter_identifier
| specparam_identifier
| mintypmax_expression

list_of_net_decl_assignments ::= net_decl_assignment { , net_decl_assignment }

list_of_net_identifiers ::= net_identifier [ dimension { dimension } ]

{ , net_identifier [ dimension { dimension } ] }

net_decl_assignment ::= net_identifier = expression

dimension ::= [ dimension_constant_expression : dimension_constant_expression ]

range ::= [ msb_constant_expression : lsb_constant_expression ] Variable declarations

integer_declaration ::= integer list_of_variable_identifiers ;

real_declaration ::= real list_of_real_identifiers ;

realtime_declaration ::= realtime list_of_real_identifiers ;

reg_declaration ::= reg [ signed ] [range] list_of_variable_identifiers ;

time_declaration ::= time list_of_variable_identifiers ;

real_type ::=
real_identifier [ = constant_expression ]
| real_identifier dimension { dimension }

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variable_type ::=
variable_identifier [ = constant_expression ]
| variable_identifier dimension { dimension }

list_of_real_identifiers ::= real_type { , real_type }

list_of_variable_identifiers ::= variable_type { , variable_type }

dimension ::= [ dimension_constant_expression : dimension_constant_expression ]

range ::= [ msb_constant_expression : lsb_constant_expression ]

7.2.3 Vectors


7.2.4 Strengths Charge strength

Ignored. Drive strength


7.2.5 Implicit declarations


7.2.6 Net initialization

Not supported.

7.2.7 Net types Wire and tri nets

Supported. Wired nets

Supported. Trireg net

Not supported. Tri0 and tri1 nets

Not supported. Supply nets


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Supported. See Clause 5 on how edge-sensitive and level-sensitive storage devices are inferred.

7.2.8 Integers, reals, times and realtimes

integer_declaration ::= integer list_of_variable_identifiers ;

real_declaration ::= real list_of_real_identifiers ;

realtime_declaration ::= realtime list_of_real_identifiers ;

time_declaration ::= time list_of_variable_identifiers ;

real_type ::=
real_identifier [ = constant_expression ]
| real_identifier dimension { dimension }

variable_type ::=
variable_identifier [ = constant_expression ]
| variable_identifier dimension { dimension }

list_of_real_identifiers ::= real_type { , real_type }

list_of_variable_identifiers ::= variable_type { , variable_type }

dimension ::= [ dimension_constant_expression : dimension_constant_expression ] Operators and real numbers

Not supported. Conversion

Not supported.

7.2.9 Arrays

Supported. Net arrays

Supported. reg and variable arrays

Supported. Memories


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7.2.10 Parameters Module parameters

local_parameter_declaration ::=
localparam [ signed ] [ range ] list_of_param_assignments ;
| localparam integer list_of_param_assignments ;
| localparam real list_of_param_assignments ;
| localparam realtime list_of_param_assignments ;
| localparam time list_of_param_assignments ;

parameter_declaration ::=
parameter [ signed ] [ range ] list_of_param_assignments
| parameter integer list_of_param_assignments
| parameter real list_of_param_assignments
| parameter realtime list_of_param_assignments
| parameter time list_of_param_assignments

list_of_param_assignments ::= param_assignment { , param_assignment }

param_assignment ::= parameter_identifier = constant_expression

range ::= [ msb_constant_expression : lsb_constant_expression ] Local parameters—localparam

Supported. Specify parameters

specparam_declaration ::= specparam [ range ] list_of_specparam_assignments ;

list_of_specparam_assignments ::=
specparam_assignment { , specparam_assignment }

specparam_assignment ::=
specparam_identifier = constant_mintypmax_expression
| pulse_control_specparam

pulse_control_specparam ::=
PATHPULSE$ = ( reject_limit_value [ , error_limit_value ] ) ;
| PATHPULSE$specify_input_terminal_descriptor$specify_output_terminal_descriptor
= ( reject_limit_value [ , error_limit_value ] ) ;

error_limit_value ::= limit_value

reject_limit_value ::= limit_value

limit_value ::= constant_mintypmax_expression

range ::= [ msb_constant_expression : lsb_constant_expression ]

7.2.11 Name spaces


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7.3 Expressions

7.3.1 Operators

Supported. See also subclauses that follow. Operators with real operands

Not supported. Binary operator precedence

Supported. Using integer numbers in expressions

Supported. Expression evaluation order

Supported. Arithmetic operators

The power operator (**) shall be supported only when both operands are constants or if the first operand is
2. Arithmetic expressions with regs and integers

Supported. Relational operators

Supported. Equality operators

The case equality operators === and !== shall not be supported. Logical operators

Supported. Bit-wise operators

Supported. Reduction operators

Supported. Shift operators


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Std 1364.1-2002 IEEE STANDARD FOR VERILOG® Conditional operator

Supported. Concatenations

Supported. Event or


7.3.2 Operands Vector bit-select and part-select addressing

Supported. Array and memory addressing

Supported. Strings


7.3.3 Minimum, typical, and maximum delay expressions

constant_expression ::=
| unary_operator { attribute_instance } constant_primary
| constant_expression binary_operator { attribute_instance } constant_expression
| constant_expression ? { attribute_instance } constant_expression : constant_expression
| string

constant_mintypmax_expression ::=
| constant_expression : constant_expression : constant_expression

expression ::=
| unary_operator { attribute_instance } primary
| expression binary_operator { attribute_instance } expression
| conditional_expression
| string

mintypmax_expression ::=
| expression : expression : expression

constant_primary ::=
| constant_function_call
| ( constant_mintypmax_expression )
| constant_multiple_concatenation

40 Copyright © 2002 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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| genvar_identifier
| number
| parameter_identifier
| specparam_identifier

primary ::=
| hierarchical_identifier
| hierarchical_identifier [ expression ] { [ expression ] }
| hierarchical_identifier [ expression ] { [ expression ] }
[ range_expression ]
| hierarchical_identifier [ range_expression ]
| concatenation
| multiple_concatenation
| function_call
| system_function_call
| constant_function_call
| ( mintypmax_expression )

7.3.4 Expression bit lengths


7.3.5 Signed expressions

Supported. See 5.5 for handling of x and z values.

7.4 Assignments

7.4.1 Continuous assignments

net_declaration ::=
net_type [ signed ] [ delay3 ] list_of_net_identifiers ;
| net_type [ drive_strength ] [ signed ] [ delay3 ]
list_of_net_decl_assignments ;
| net_type [ vectored | scalared ] [ signed ] range [ delay3 ]
list_of_net_identifiers ;
| net_type [ drive_strength ] [ vectored | scalared ] [ signed ] range
[ delay3 ] list_of_net_decl_assignments ;
| trireg [ charge_strength ] [ signed ] [ delay3 ] list_of_net_identifiers ;
| trireg [ drive_strength ] [ signed ] [ delay3 ]
list_of_net_decl_assignments ;
| trireg [ charge_strength ] [ vectored | scalared ] [ signed ] range
[ delay3 ] list_of_net_identifiers ;
| trireg [ drive_strength ] [ vectored | scalared } [ signed ] range
[ delay3 ] list_of_net_decl_assignments ;

list_of_net_decl_assignments ::= net_decl_assignment { , net_decl_assignment }

net_decl_assignment ::= net_identifier = expression

continuous_assign ::= assign [drive_strength] [delay3] list_of_net_assignments ;

list_of_net_assignments ::= net_assignment { , net_assignment }

net_assignment ::= net_lvalue = expression

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Std 1364.1-2002 IEEE STANDARD FOR VERILOG® The net declaration assignment

Supported. The continuous assignment statement

Supported. Delays

Ignored. Strengths


7.4.2 Procedural assignments

Supported. Variable declaration assignment

Ignored. Variable declaration syntax

integer_declaration ::= integer list_of_variable_identifiers ;

real_declaration ::= real list_of_real_identifiers ;

realtime_declaration ::= realtime list_of_real_identifiers ;

reg_declaration ::= reg [ signed ] [range] list_of_variable_identifiers ;

time_declaration ::= time list_of_variable_identifiers ;

real_type ::=
real_identifier [ = constant_expression ]
| real_identifier dimension { dimension }

variable_type ::=
variable_identifier [ = constant_expression ]
| variable_identifier dimension { dimension }

list_of_real_identifiers ::= real_type { , real_type }

list_of_variable_identifiers ::= variable_type { , variable_type }

7.5 Gate and switch level modeling

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7.5.1 Gate and switch declaration syntax

gate_instantiation ::=
cmos_switchtype [delay3] cmos_switch_instance { , cmos_switch_instance } ;
| enable_gatetype [drive_strength] [delay3] enable_gate_instance
{ , enable_gate_instance} ;
| mos_switchtype [delay3] mos_switch_instance { , mos_switch_instance } ;
| n_input_gatetype [drive_strength] [delay2] n_input_gate_instance
{ , n_input_gate_instance } ;
| n_output_gatetype [drive_strength] [delay2] n_output_gate_instance
{ , n_output_gate_instance } ;
| pass_en_switchtype [delay3] pass_enable_switch_instance
{ , pass_enable_switch_instance } ;
| pass_switchtype pass_switch_instance { , pass_switch_instance } ;
| pulldown [pulldown_strength] pull_gate_instance { , pull_gate_instance } ;
| pullup [pullup_strength] pull_gate_instance { , pull_gate_instance } ;

cmos_switch_instance ::= [name_of_gate_instance] ( output_terminal ,

input_terminal , ncontrol_terminal , pcontrol_terminal )

enable_gate_instance ::= [name_of_gate_instance] ( output_terminal ,

input_terminal , enable_terminal )

mos_switch_instance ::= [name_of_gate_instance] ( output_terminal ,

input_terminal , enable_terminal )

n_input_gate_instance ::= [name_of_gate_instance] ( output_terminal ,

input_terminal { , input_terminal } )

n_output_gate_instance ::= [name_of_gate_instance] ( output_terminal { ,

output_terminal } , input_terminal )

pass_switch_instance ::= [name_of_gate_instance] ( inout_terminal ,

inout_terminal )

pass_enable_switch_instance ::= [name_of_gate_instance] ( inout_terminal ,

inout_terminal , enable_terminal )

pull_gate_instance ::= [name_of_gate_instance] ( output_terminal )

name_of_gate_instance ::= gate_instance_identifier [ range ]

pulldown_strength ::=
( strength0 , strength1 )
| ( strength1 , strength0 )
| ( strength0 )

pullup_strength ::=
( strength0 , strength1 )
| ( strength1 , strength0 )
| ( strength1 )

enable_terminal ::= expression

inout_terminal ::= net_lvalue

input_terminal ::= expression

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ncontrol_terminal ::= expression

output_terminal ::= net_lvalue

pcontrol_terminal ::= expression

cmos_switchtype ::= cmos | rcmos

enable_gatetype ::= bufif0 | bufif1 | notif0 | notif1

mos_switchtype ::= nmos | pmos | rnmos | rpmos

n_input_gatetype ::= and | nand | or | nor | xor | xnor

n_output_gatetype ::= buf | not

pass_en_switchtype ::= tranif0 | tranif1 | rtranif1 | rtranif0

pass_switchtype ::= tran | rtran The gate type specification

The pull gates, MOS switches, and the bidirectional switches shall not be supported. The drive strength specification

Ignored. The delay specification

Ignored. The primitive instance identifier

Supported. The range specification

Supported. Primitive instance connection list


7.5.2 and, nand, nor, or, xor, and xnor gates


7.5.3 buf and not gates


7.5.4 buif1, bufif0, notif1, and notif0 gates


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7.5.5 MOS switches

Not supported.

7.5.6 Bidirectional pass switches

Not supported.

7.5.7 CMOS switches

Not supported.

7.5.8 pullup and pulldown sources

Not supported.

7.5.9 Logic strength modeling


7.5.10 Strengths and values of combined signals


7.5.11 Strength reduction by nonresistive devices


7.5.12 Strength reduction by resistive devices


7.5.13 Strengths of net types


7.5.14 Gate and net delays

Ignored. min:typ:max delays

Ignored. trireg net charge decay


7.6 User-defined primitives (UDPs)

Not supported.

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7.7 Behavioral modeling

7.7.1 Behavioral model overview


7.7.2 Procedural assignments

Supported. Blocking procedural assignments

blocking_assignment ::=
variable_lvalue = [ delay_or_event_control ] expression

delay_control ::=
# delay_value
| # ( mintypmax_expression )

delay_or_event_control ::=
| event_control
| repeat ( expression ) event_control

event_control ::=
@ event_identifier
| @ ( event_expression )

event_expression ::=
| hierarchical_identifier
| posedge expression
| negedge expression
| event_expression or event_expression
| event_expression , event_expression

variable_lvalue ::=
| hierarchical_variable_identifier [ expression ] { [ expression ] }
| hierarchical_variable_identifier [ expression ] { [ expression ] }
[ range_expression ]
| hierarchical_variable_identifier [ range_expression ]
| variable_concatenation

A variable shall not be assigned using a blocking assignment and a non-blocking assignment in the same

Only those event expressions used in modeling hardware elements as shown in Clause 5 shall be supported. The non blocking procedural assignment

nonblocking assignment ::=

variable_lvalue <= [ delay_or_event_control ] expression

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delay_control ::=
# delay_value
| # ( mintypmax_expression )

delay_or_event_control ::=
| event_control
| repeat ( expression ) event_control

event_control ::=
@ event_identifier
| @ ( event_expression )

event_expression ::=
| hierarchical_identifier
| posedge expression
| negedge expression
| event_expression or event_expression
| event_expression , event_expression

variable_lvalue ::=
| hierarchical_variable_identifier [ expression ] { [ expression ] }
| hierarchical_variable_identifier [ expression ] { [ expression ] }
[ range_expression ]
| hierarchical_variable_identifier [ range_expression ]
| variable_concatenation

A variable shall not be assigned using a blocking assignment and a non-blocking assignment in the same

Only those event expressions used in modeling hardware elements as shown in Clause 5 shall be supported.

7.7.3 Procedural continuous assignments

net_assignment ::= net_lvalue = expression

procedural_continuous_assignments ::=
assign variable_assignment ;
| deassign variable_lvalue ;
| force variable_assignment ;
| force net_assignment ;
| release variable_lvalue ;
| release net_lvalue ;

variable_assignment := variable_lvalue = expression

net_lvalue ::=
| hierarchical_net_identifier [ constant_expression ] { [ constant_expression ] }
| hierarchical_net_identifier [ constant_expression ] { [ constant_expression ] }
[ constant_range_expression ]
| hierarchical_net_identifier [ constant_range_expression ]
| net_concatenation

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variable_lvalue ::=
| hierarchical_variable_identifier [ expression ] { [ expression ] }
| hierarchical_variable_identifier [ expression ] { [ expression ] }
[ range_expression ]
| hierarchical_variable_identifier [ range_expression ]
| variable_concatenation The assign and deassign procedural statements

Not supported. The force and release procedural statements

Not supported.

7.7.4 Conditional statement

conditional_statement ::=
if ( expression ) statement_or_null [ else statement_or_null ]
| if_else_if_statement

function_conditional_statement ::=
if ( expression ) function_statement_or_null
[ else function_statement_or_null ]
| function_if_else_if_statement If-else-if construct

if_else_if_statement ::=
if ( expression ) statement_or_null
{ else if ( expression ) statement_or_null }
[ else statement_or_null ]

function_if_else_if_statement ::=
if ( expression ) function_statement_or_null
{ else if ( expression ) function_statement_or_null }
[ else function_statement_or_null ]

7.7.5 Case statement

case_statement ::=
case ( expression ) case_item { case_item } endcase
| casez ( expression ) case_item { case_item } endcase
| casex ( expression ) case_item { case_item } endcase

case_item ::=
expression { , expression } : statement_or_null
| default [ : ] statement_or_null

function_case_statement ::=
case ( expression ) function_case_item { function_case_item } endcase
| casez ( expression ) function_case_item { function_case_item } endcase
| casex ( expression ) function_case_item { function_case_item } endcase

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function_case_item ::=
expression { , expression } : function_statement_or_null
| default [ : ] function_statement_or_null Case statement with don’t-cares

Case expression in a casex statement shall not have an x or a z (or ?) value.

Case expression in a casez statement shall not have a ? or z. Constant expression in case statement


7.7.6 Looping statements

function_loop_statement ::=
forever function_statement
| repeat ( expression ) function_statement
| while ( expression ) function_statement
| for ( variable_assignment ; expression ; variable_assignment )

loop_statement ::=
forever statement
| repeat ( expression ) statement
| while ( expression ) statement
| for ( variable_assignment ; expression ; variable_assignment ) statement

Loop bounds shall be statically computable for a for loop.

7.7.7 Procedural timing controls

delay_control ::=
# delay_value
| # ( mintypmax_expression )

delay_or_event_control ::=
| event_control
| repeat ( expression ) event_control

event_control ::=
@ event_identifier
| @ ( event_expression )

The event control, including the implicit form, shall only be supported at the topmost statement in an always

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event_expression ::=
| hierarchical_identifier
| posedge expression
| negedge expression
| event_expression or event_expression
| event_expression , event_expression

Only those event expressions used in modeling hardware elements as shown in Clause 5 shall be supported. Delay control

Delay control may appear with inner statements (statements within the top-level statement (the statement
with the always keyword)) but shall be ignored. Delay control shall not be allowed in the top level statement. Event control

Only those event expressions used in modeling hardware elements as shown in Clause 5 shall be supported.
Furthermore, event control shall appear only in the top-level statement (the statement with the always key-
word) as described in Clause 5. Event control shall not be allowed in inner statements. Named events

event_declaration ::= event list_of_event_identifiers ;

list_of_event_identifiers ::= event_identifier [ dimension { dimension } ]

{ , event_identifier [ dimension { dimension } ] }

dimension ::= [ dimension_constant_expression : dimension_constant_expression ]

event_trigger ::=
-> hierarchical_event_identifier ; Event or operator

Supported. Implicit event_expression list

Supported. Level-sensitive event control

wait_statement ::=
wait ( expression ) statement_or_null Intra-assignment timing controls

blocking_assignment ::=
variable_lvalue = [ delay_or_event_control ] expression

nonblocking_assignment ::=
variable_lvalue <= [ delay_or_event_control ] expression

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delay_control ::=
# delay_value
| # ( mintypmax_expression )

delay_or_event_control ::=
| event_control
| repeat ( expression ) event_control

event_control ::=
@ event_identifier
| @ ( event_expression )

The event control, including the implicit form, shall only be supported at the topmost statement in an always

event_expression ::=
| hierarchical_identifier
| posedge expression
| negedge expression
| event_expression or event_expression
| event_expression , event_expression

Only those event expressions used in modeling hardware elements as shown in Clause 5 shall be supported.

7.7.8 Block statements Sequential blocks

function_seq_block ::= begin [ : block_identifier

{ block_item_declaration } ] { function_statement } end

seq_block ::= begin [ : block_identifier

{ block_item_declaration } ] { statement } end

block_item_declaration ::=
{ attribute_instance } block_reg_declaration
| { attribute_instance } event_declaration
| { attribute_instance } integer_declaration
| { attribute_instance } local_parameter_declaration
| { attribute_instance } parameter_declaration ;
| { attribute_instance } real_declaration
| { attribute_instance } realtime_declaration
| { attribute_instance } time_declaration Parallel blocks

par_block ::= fork [ : block_identifier

{ block_item_declaration } ] { statement } join

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block_item_declaration ::=
{ attribute_instance } block_reg_declaration
| { attribute_instance } event_declaration
| { attribute_instance } integer_declaration
| { attribute_instance } local_parameter_declaration
| { attribute_instance } parameter_declaration ;
| { attribute_instance } real_declaration
| { attribute_instance } realtime_declaration
| { attribute_instance } time_declaration Block names

Supported. Start and finish times


7.7.9 Structured procedures Initial construct

initial_construct ::= initial statement

The initial statement shall be supported only for ROM modeling as described in 5.6.2. It shall be ignored in
all other contexts. Always construct

always_construct ::= always statement

Clause 5 describes how the always construct can be used to model logic elements. Event control shall only
be supported in the top-level statement.

7.8 Tasks and functions

7.8.1 Distinctions between tasks and functions


7.8.2 Tasks and task enabling Task declarations

task_declaration ::=
task [ automatic ] task_identifier ;
{ task_item_declaration }
| task [ automatic ] task_identifier ( task_port_list ) ;
{ block_item_declaration }

52 Copyright © 2002 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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task_item_declaration ::=
| { attribute_instance } tf_input_declaration ;
| { attribute_instance } tf_output_declaration ;
| { attribute_instance } tf_inout_declaration ;

task_port_list ::= task_port_item { , task_port_item }

task_port_item ::=
{ attribute_instance } tf_input_declaration
| { attribute_instance } tf_output_declaration
| { attribute_instance } tf_inout_declaration

tf_input_declaration ::=
input [ reg ] [ signed ] [ range ] list_of_port_identifiers
| input [ task_port_type ] list_of_port_identifiers

tf_output_declaration ::=
output [ reg ] [ signed ] [ range ] list_of_port_identifiers
| output [ task_port_type ] list_of_port_identifiers

tf_inout_declaration ::=
inout [ reg ] [ signed ] [ range ] list_of_port_identifiers
| inout [ task_port_type ] list_of_port_identifiers

task_port_type ::=
time | real | realtime | integer

block_item_declaration ::=
{ attribute_instance } block_reg_declaration
| { attribute_instance } event_declaration
| { attribute_instance } integer_declaration
| { attribute_instance } local_parameter_declaration
| { attribute_instance } parameter_declaration ;
| { attribute_instance } real_declaration
| { attribute_instance } realtime_declaration
| { attribute_instance } time_declaration

block_reg_declaration ::= reg [ signed ] [ range ]

list_of_block_variable_identifiers ;

list_of_block_variable_identifiers ::=
block_variable_type { , block_variable_type }

block_variable_type ::=
| variable_identifier dimension { dimension }

Use of variables (both reading the value of and writing a value to) that are defined outside a task declara-
tion but within the enclosing module declaration shall be supported.

The keyword automatic is not optional.

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Std 1364.1-2002 IEEE STANDARD FOR VERILOG® Task enabling and argument passing

task_enable ::=
hierarchical_task_identifier [ ( expression { , expression } ) ] ;

Recursion with a static bound shall be supported. Task memory usage and concurrent activation


7.8.3 Functions and function calling Function declarations

function_declaration ::=
function [ automatic ] [ signed ] [range_or_type] function_identifier ;
function_item_declaration { function_item_declaration }
| function [ automatic ] [ signed ] [ range_or_type ] function_identifier
( function_port_list ) ;
block_item_declaration { block_item_declaration }

function_item_declaration ::=
| tf_input_declaration ;

function_port_list ::=
{ attribute_instance } tf_input_declaration { , { attribute_instance } tf_input_declaration }

tf_input_declaration ::=
input [ reg ] [ signed ] [ range ] list_of_port_identifiers
| input [ task_port_type ] list_of_port_identifiers

range_or_type ::= range | integer | real | realtime | time

block_item_declaration ::=
{ attribute_instance } block_reg_declaration
| { attribute_instance } event_declaration
| { attribute_instance } integer_declaration
| { attribute_instance } local_parameter_declaration
| { attribute_instance } parameter_declaration ;
| { attribute_instance } real_declaration
| { attribute_instance } realtime_declaration
| { attribute_instance } time_declaration

block_reg_declaration ::= reg [ signed ] [ range ]

list_of_block_variable_identifiers ;

list_of_block_variable_identifiers ::=
block_variable_type { , block_variable_type }

54 Copyright © 2002 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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block_variable_type ::=
| variable_identifier dimension { dimension }

Number of parameters shall match number of arguments in call.

The keyword automatic is not optional.

Use of variables (both reading the value of and writing a value to) that are defined outside a function decla-
ration but within the enclosing module declaration shall be supported. Returning a value from a function

Supported. Calling a function

function_call ::= hierarchical_function_identifier { attribute_instance }

( expression { , expression } )

Recursion with a static bound shall be supported. Function rules

Supported. Use of constant functions


7.9 Disabling of named blocks and tasks

disable_statement ::=
disable hierarchical_task_identifier ;
| disable hierarchical_block_identifier ;

The block identifier shall be that of the enclosing block. Disable of any other blocks shall not be supported.

7.10 Hierarchical structures

7.10.1 Modules

module_declaration ::=
{ attribute_instance } module_keyword module_identifier [ module_parameter_port_list ]
[ list_of_ports ] ; { module_item }
| { attribute_instance } module_keyword module_identifier [ module_parameter_port_list ]
[ list_of_port_declarations ] ; { non_port_module_item }

module_keyword ::= module | macromodule

module_parameter_port_list ::= # ( parameter_declaration { , parameter_declaration } )

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list_of_ports ::= ( port { , port } )

list_of_port_declarations ::=
( port_declaration { , port_declaration } )
| ()

port ::=
[ port_expression ]
| . port_identifier ( [ port_expression ] )

port_expression ::=
| { port_reference { , port_reference} }

port_reference ::= port_identifier

port_identifier [ constant_expression ]
| port_identifier [ range_expression ]

port_declaration ::=
{ attribute_instance } inout_declaration
| { attribute_instance } input_declaration
| { attribute_instance } output_declaration

module_item ::=
| port_declaration ;
| { attribute_instance } generated_instantiation
| { attribute_instance } local_parameter_declaration
| { attribute_instance } parameter_declaration ;
| { attribute_instance } specify_block
| { attribute_instance } specparam_declaration

module_or_generate_item ::=
{ attribute_instance } module_or_generate_item_declaration
| { attribute_instance } parameter_override
| { attribute_instance } continuous_assign
| { attribute_instance } gate_instantiation
| { attribute_instance} udp_instantiation
| { attribute_instance } module_instantiation
| { attribute_instance } initial_construct
| { attribute_instance } always_construct

module_or_generate_item_declaration ::=
| reg_declaration
| integer_declaration
| real_declaration
| time_declaration
| realtime_declaration
| event_declaration
| genvar_declaration
| task_declaration
| function_declaration

56 Copyright © 2002 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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non_port_module_item ::=
{ attribute_instance } generated_instantiation
| { attribute_instance } local_parameter_declaration
| { attribute_instance } module_or_generate_item
| { attribute_instance } parameter_declaration ;
| { attribute_instance } specify_block
| { attribute_instance } specparam_declaration

parameter_override ::= defparam list_of_param_assignments ; Top-level modules

Supported. Module instantiation

module_instantiation ::=
module_identifier [ parameter_value_assignment ] module_instance { ,
module_instance } ;

parameter_value_assignment ::= # ( list_of_parameter_assignments )

list_of_parameter_assignments ::=
ordered_parameter_assignment { , ordered_parameter_assignment }
| named_parameter_assignment { , named_parameter_assignment }

ordered_parameter_assignment ::= expression

named_parameter_assignment ::= . parameter_identifier ( [ expression ] )

module_instance ::= name_of_instance ( [ list_of_port_connections ] )

name_of_instance ::= module_instance_identifier [ range ]

list_of_port_connections ::=
ordered_port_connection { , ordered_port_connection }
| named_port_connection { , named_port_connection }

ordered_port_connection ::= { attribute_instance } [ expression ]

named_port_connection ::= { attribute_instance } . port_identifier ( [ expression ] ) Generated instantiation

module_item ::=
| port_declaration ;
| { attribute_instance } generated_instantiation
| { attribute_instance } local_parameter_declaration
| { attribute_instance } parameter_declaration ;
| { attribute_instance } specify_block
| { attribute_instance } specparam_declaration

Copyright © 2002 IEEE. All rights reserved. 57

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module_or_generate_item ::=
{ attribute_instance } module_or_generate_item_declaration
| { attribute_instance } parameter_override
| { attribute_instance } continuous_assign
| { attribute_instance } gate_instantiation
| { attribute_instance} udp_instantiation
| { attribute_instance } module_instantiation
| { attribute_instance } initial_construct
| { attribute_instance } always_construct

module_or_generate_item_declaration ::=
| reg_declaration
| integer_declaration
| real_declaration
| time_declaration
| realtime_declaration
| event_declaration
| genvar_declaration
| task_declaration
| function_declaration

generated_instantiation ::= generate { generate_item } endgenerate

generate_item_or_null ::= generate_item | ;

generate_item ::=
| generate_case_statement
| generate_loop_statement
| generate_block
| module_or_generate_item

generate_conditional_statement ::=
if ( constant_expression ) generate_item_or_null
[ else generate_item_or_null ]

generate_case_statement ::= case ( constant_expression )

genvar_case_item { genvar_case_item } endcase

genvar_case_item ::= constant_expression { , constant_expression } ;

generate_item_or_null | default [ : ] generate_item_or_null

generate_loop_statement ::=
for ( genvar_assignment ; constant_expression ; genvar_assignment )
begin : generate_block_identifier { generate_item } end

genvar_assignment ::= genvar_identifier = constant_expression

generate_block ::= begin [ : generate_block_identifier ] { generate_item } end

genvar_assignment ::= genvar_identifier = constant_expression

generate_block ::=
begin [ : generate_block_identifier ] { generate_item } end

genvar_declaration ::= genvar list_of_genvar_identifiers ;

list_of_genvar_identifiers ::= genvar_identifier { , genvar_identifier }

58 Copyright © 2002 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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7.10.2 Overriding module parameter values defparam statement

Not supported. Module instance parameter value assignment

Supported. Parameter dependence


7.10.3 Ports Port definition

list_of_ports ::= ( port { , port } )

list_of_port_declarations ::=
( port_declaration { , port_declaration } )
| ()

port ::=
[ port_expression ]
| . port_identifier ( [ port_expression ] )

port_expression ::=
| { port_reference { , port_reference} }

port_reference ::= port_identifier

port_identifier [ constant_expression ]
| port_identifier [ range_expression ]

port_declaration ::=
{ attribute_instance } inout_declaration
| { attribute_instance } input_declaration
| { attribute_instance } output_declaration

Input ports shall not be assigned values.

If an output identifier is also declared as a reg, the range and indices shall be identical in both the declara-
tions. List of ports

Supported. Port declarations

inout_declaration ::=
inout [ net_type ] [ signed ] [ range ] list_of_port_identifiers

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input_declaration ::=
input [ net_type ] [ signed ] [range] list_of_port_identifiers

output_declaration ::=
output [ net_type ] [ signed ] [range] list_of_port_identifiers
| output [ reg ] [ signed ] [ range ] list_of_port_identifiers
| output reg [ signed ] [ range ] list_of_variable_port_identifiers
| output [ output_variable_type ] list_of_port_identifiers
| output output_variable_type list_of_variable_port_identifiers

list_of_port_identifiers ::= port_identifier { , port_identifier }

A port of an integer type shall be treated as a 32 bit signed type. List of ports declarations

Supported. Connecting module instance ports by ordered list

Supported. Connecting module instance ports by name

Supported. Real numbers in port connections

Not supported. Connecting dissimilar ports

Supported. Port connection rules

Supported. Net types resulting from dissimilar port connections

Ignored. Connecting signed values via ports


7.10.4 Hierarchical names

escaped_hierarchical_identifier ::=
escaped_hierarchical_branch { .simple_hierarchical_branch |
.escaped_hierarchical_branch }

escaped_identifier ::= \ {Any_ASCII_character_except_white_space} white_space

60 Copyright © 2002 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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hierarchical_identifier ::=
| escaped_hierarchical_identifier

simple_hierarchical_identifier ::=
simple_hierarchical_branch [ .escaped_identifier ]

simple_identifier ::= [ a-zA-Z_ ] { [ a-zA-Z0-9_$ ] }

simple_hierarchical_branch ::=
simple_identifier [ [ unsigned_number ] ]
[ { .simple_identifier [ [ unsigned_number ] ] } ]

escaped_hierarchical_branch ::=
escaped_identifier [ [ unsigned_number ] ]
[ { .escaped_identifier [ [ unsigned_number ] ] } ]

white_space ::= space | tab | newline | eof

7.10.5 Upwards name referencing

upward_name_reference ::= module_identifier.item_name

item_name ::=
| block_identifier
| net_identifier
| parameter_identifier
| port_identifier
| task_identifier
| variable_identifier

7.10.6 Scope rules


7.11 Configuring the contents of a design

7.11.1 Introduction

Supported. Library notation

Supported. Basic configuration elements


7.11.2 Libraries


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Std 1364.1-2002 IEEE STANDARD FOR VERILOG® Specifying libraries—the library map file

library_text := { library_descriptions }

library_descriptions ::=
| include_statement
| config_declaration

library_declaration ::=
library library_identifier file_path_spec [ { , file_path_spec } ]
[ -incdir file_path_spec [ { , file_path_spec } ] ;

file_path_spec ::= file_path

include_statement ::= include < file_path_spec > ; Using multiple library mapping files

include_statement ::= include < file_path_spec > ; Mapping source files to libraries


7.11.3 Configurations

Supported. Basic configuration syntax

config_declaration ::=
config config_identifier ;
{ config_rule_statement }

design_statement ::= design { [ library_identifier . ] cell_identifier } ;

config_rule_statement ::=
default_clause liblist_clause
| inst_clause liblist_clause
| inst_clause use_clause
| cell_clause liblist_clause
| cell_clause use_clause

default_clause ::= default

inst_clause ::= instance inst_name

inst_name ::= topmodule_identifier{.instance_identifier}

cell_clause ::= cell [ library_identifier.]cell_identifier

liblist_clause ::= liblist [ { library_identifier } ]

use_clause ::= use [ library_identifier .] cell_identifier [:config]

62 Copyright © 2002 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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REGISTER TRANSFER LEVEL SYNTHESIS Std 1364.1-2002 Hierarchical configurations


7.11.4 Using libraries and configs


7.11.5 Configuration examples


7.11.6 Displaying library binding information


7.11.7 Library mapping examples


7.12 Specify blocks


7.13 Timing checks


7.14 Backannotation using the standard delay format


7.15 System tasks and functions

All system tasks shall be ignored.

The system functions $signed and $unsigned shall be supported. All other system functions are not

7.16 Value change dump (VCD) files

All VCD system tasks are ignored.

7.17 Compiler directives

7.17.1 ‘celldefine and ‘endcelldefine


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7.17.2 ‘default_nettype


7.17.3 ‘define and ‘undef

Supported. For the define directive, parameterized, multiline and nested directives shall also be supported.

7.17.4 ‘ifdef, ‘else, ‘elsif, ‘endif, ‘ifndef


7.17.5 ‘include


7.17.6 ‘resetall


7.17.7 ‘line


7.17.8 ‘timescale


7.17.9 ‘unconnected_drive and ‘nounconnected_drive


7.18 PLI

PLI task calls shall be ignored.

PLI function calls shall not be supported.

64 Copyright © 2002 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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Annex A

Syntax summary
This annex summarizes, using Backus-Naur Form (BNF), the syntax that is supported for RTL synthesis.

NOTE—The BNF presented here is the complete Verilog BNF that identifies the supported, ignored, and unsupported
constructs for synthesis.

A.1 Source text

A.1.1 Library source text

library_text := { library_descriptions }

library_descriptions ::=
| include_statement
| config_declaration

library_declaration ::=
library library_identifier file_path_spec [ { , file_path_spec } ]
[ -incdir file_path_spec [ { , file_path_spec } ] ;

file_path_spec ::= file_path

include_statement ::= include < file_path_spec > ;

A.1.2 Configuration source text

config_declaration ::=
config config_identifier ;
{ config_rule_statement }

design_statement ::= design { [ library_identifier . ] cell_identifier } ;

config_rule_statement ::=
default_clause liblist_clause
| inst_clause liblist_clause
| inst_clause use_clause
| cell_clause liblist_clause
| cell_clause use_clause

default_clause ::= default

inst_clause ::= instance inst_name

inst_name ::= topmodule_identifier{.instance_identifier}

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cell_clause ::= cell [ library_identifier.]cell_identifier

liblist_clause ::= liblist [ { library_identifier } ]

use_clause ::= use [ library_identifier .] cell_identifier [:config]

A.1.3 Module and primitive source text

source_text ::= {description}

description ::=
| udp_declaration

module_declaration ::=
{ attribute_instance } module_keyword module_identifier [ module_parameter_port_list ]
[ list_of_ports ] ; { module_item }
| { attribute_instance } module_keyword module_identifier [ module_parameter_port_list ]
[ list_of_port_declarations ] ; { non_port_module_item }

module_keyword ::= module | macromodule

A.1.4 Module parameters and ports

module_parameter_port_list ::= # ( parameter_declaration { , parameter_declaration } )

list_of_ports ::= ( port { , port } )

list_of_port_declarations ::=
( port_declaration { , port_declaration } )
| ()

port ::=
[ port_expression ]
| . port_identifier ( [ port_expression ] )

port_expression ::=
| { port_reference { , port_reference} }

port_reference ::= port_identifier

port_identifier [ constant_expression ]
| port_identifier [ range_expression ]

port_declaration ::=
{ attribute_instance } inout_declaration
| { attribute_instance } input_declaration
| { attribute_instance } output_declaration

66 Copyright © 2002 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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A.1.5 Module items

module_item ::=
| port_declaration ;
| { attribute_instance } generated_instantiation
| { attribute_instance } local_parameter_declaration
| { attribute_instance } parameter_declaration ;
| { attribute_instance } specify_block
| { attribute_instance } specparam_declaration

module_or_generate_item ::=
{ attribute_instance } module_or_generate_item_declaration
| { attribute_instance } parameter_override
| { attribute_instance } continuous_assign
| { attribute_instance } gate_instantiation
| { attribute_instance} udp_instantiation
| { attribute_instance } module_instantiation
| { attribute_instance } initial_construct
| { attribute_instance } always_construct

module_or_generate_item_declaration ::=
| reg_declaration
| integer_declaration
| real_declaration
| time_declaration
| realtime_declaration
| event_declaration
| genvar_declaration
| task_declaration
| function_declaration

non_port_module_item ::=
{ attribute_instance } generated_instantiation
| { attribute_instance } local_parameter_declaration
| { attribute_instance } module_or_generate_item
| { attribute_instance } parameter_declaration ;
| { attribute_instance } specify_block
| { attribute_instance } specparam_declaration

parameter_override ::= defparam list_of_param_assignments ;

A.2 Declarations

A.2.1 Declaration types

A.2.1.1 Module parameter declarations

local_parameter_declaration ::=
localparam [ signed ] [ range ] list_of_param_assignments ;
| localparam integer list_of_param_assignments ;
| localparam real list_of_param_assignments ;
| localparam realtime list_of_param_assignments ;
| localparam time list_of_param_assignments ;

Copyright © 2002 IEEE. All rights reserved. 67

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parameter_declaration ::=
parameter [ signed ] [ range ] list_of_param_assignments
| parameter integer list_of_param_assignments
| parameter real list_of_param_assignments
| parameter realtime list_of_param_assignments
| parameter time list_of_param_assignments

specparam_declaration ::= specparam [ range ] list_of_specparam_assignments ;

A.2.1.2 Port declarations

inout_declaration ::=
inout [ net_type ] [ signed ] [ range ] list_of_port_identifiers

input_declaration ::=
input [ net_type ] [ signed ] [range] list_of_port_identifiers

output_declaration ::=
output [ net_type ] [ signed ] [range] list_of_port_identifiers
| output [ reg ] [ signed ] [ range ] list_of_port_identifiers
| output reg [ signed ] [ range ] list_of_variable_port_identifiers
| output [ output_variable_type ] list_of_port_identifiers
| output output_variable_type list_of_variable_port_identifiers

A.2.1.3 Type declarations

event_declaration ::= event list_of_event_identifiers ;

genvar_declaration ::= genvar list_of_genvar_identifiers ;

integer_declaration ::= integer list_of_variable_identifiers ;

net_declaration ::=
net_type [ signed ] [ delay3 ] list_of_net_identifiers ;
| net_type [ drive_strength ] [ signed ] [ delay3 ]
list_of_net_decl_assignments ;
| net_type [ vectored | scalared ] [ signed ] range [ delay3 ]
list_of_net_identifiers ;
| net_type [ drive_strength ] [ vectored | scalared ] [ signed ] range
[ delay3 ] list_of_net_decl_assignments ;
| trireg [ charge_strength ] [ signed ] [ delay3 ] list_of_net_identifiers ;
| trireg [ drive_strength ] [ signed ] [ delay3 ]
list_of_net_decl_assignments ;
| trireg [ charge_strength ] [ vectored | scalared ] [ signed ] range
[ delay3 ] list_of_net_identifiers ;
| trireg [ drive_strength ] [ vectored | scalared } [ signed ] range
[ delay3 ] list_of_net_decl_assignments ;

real_declaration ::= real list_of_real_identifiers ;

realtime_declaration ::= realtime list_of_real_identifiers ;

reg_declaration ::= reg [ signed ] [range] list_of_variable_identifiers ;

time_declaration ::= time list_of_variable_identifiers ;

68 Copyright © 2002 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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A.2.2 Declaration data types

A.2.2.1 Net and variable types

net_type ::=
supply0 | supply1
| tri | triand | trior | tri0 | tri1
| wire | wand | wor

output_variable_type ::= integer | time

real_type ::=
real_identifier [ = constant_expression ]
| real_identifier dimension { dimension }

variable_type ::=
variable_identifier [ = constant_expression ]
| variable_identifier dimension { dimension }

A.2.2.2 Strengths

drive_strength ::=
( strength0 , strength1 )
| ( strength1 , strength0 )
| ( strength0 , highz1 )
| ( strength1 , highz0 )
| ( highz1 , strength0 )
| ( highz0 , strength1 )

strength0 ::= supply0 | strong0 | pull0 | weak0

strength1 ::= supply1 | strong1 | pull1 | weak1

charge_strength ::= ( small ) | ( medium ) | ( large )

A.2.2.3 Delays

delay3 ::= # delay_value | # ( delay_value [ , delay_value [ , delay_value ] ] )

delay2 ::= # delay_value | # ( delay_value [ , delay_value ] )

delay_value ::=
| parameter_identifier
| specparam_identifier
| mintypmax_expression

A.2.3 Declaration lists

list_of_event_identifiers ::= event_identifier [ dimension { dimension } ]

{ , event_identifier [ dimension { dimension } ] }

list_of_genvar_identifiers ::= genvar_identifier { , genvar_identifier }

list_of_net_decl_assignments ::= net_decl_assignment { , net_decl_assignment }

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list_of_net_identifiers ::= net_identifier [ dimension { dimension } ]

{ , net_identifier [ dimension { dimension } ] }

list_of_param_assignments ::= param_assignment { , param_assignment }

list_of_port_identifiers ::= port_identifier { , port_identifier }

list_of_real_identifiers ::= real_type { , real_type }

list_of_specparam_assignments ::=
specparam_assignment { , specparam_assignment }

list_of_variable_identifiers ::= variable_type { , variable_type }

list_of_variable_port_identifiers ::= port_identifier

[ = constant_expression ] { , port_identifier [ = constant_expression ] }

A.2.4 Declaration assignments

net_decl_assignment ::= net_identifier = expression

param_assignment ::= parameter_identifier = constant_expression

specparam_assignment ::=
specparam_identifier = constant_mintypmax_expression
| pulse_control_specparam

pulse_control_specparam ::=
PATHPULSE$ = ( reject_limit_value [ , error_limit_value ] ) ;
| PATHPULSE$specify_input_terminal_descriptor$specify_output_terminal_descriptor
= ( reject_limit_value [ , error_limit_value ] ) ;

error_limit_value ::= limit_value

reject_limit_value ::= limit_value

limit_value ::= constant_mintypmax_expression

A.2.5 Declaration ranges

dimension ::= [ dimension_constant_expression : dimension_constant_expression ]

range ::= [ msb_constant_expression : lsb_constant_expression ]

A.2.6 Function declarations

function_declaration ::=
function [ automatic ] [ signed ] [range_or_type] function_identifier ;
function_item_declaration { function_item_declaration }
| function [ automatic ] [ signed ] [ range_or_type ] function_identifier
( function_port_list ) ;
block_item_declaration { block_item_declaration }

70 Copyright © 2002 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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function_item_declaration ::=
| tf_input_declaration ;

function_port_list ::=
{ attribute_instance } tf_input_declaration { , { attribute_instance } tf_input_declaration }

range_or_type ::= range | integer | real | realtime | time

A.2.7 Task declarations

task_declaration ::=
task [ automatic ] task_identifier ;
{ task_item_declaration }
| task [ automatic ] task_identifier ( task_port_list ) ;
{ block_item_declaration }

task_item_declaration ::=
| { attribute_instance } tf_input_declaration ;
| { attribute_instance } tf_output_declaration ;
| { attribute_instance } tf_inout_declaration ;

task_port_list ::= task_port_item { , task_port_item }

task_port_item ::=
{ attribute_instance } tf_input_declaration
| { attribute_instance } tf_output_declaration
| { attribute_instance } tf_inout_declaration

tf_input_declaration ::=
input [ reg ] [ signed ] [ range ] list_of_port_identifiers
| input [ task_port_type ] list_of_port_identifiers

tf_output_declaration ::=
output [ reg ] [ signed ] [ range ] list_of_port_identifiers
| output [ task_port_type ] list_of_port_identifiers

tf_inout_declaration ::=
inout [ reg ] [ signed ] [ range ] list_of_port_identifiers
| inout [ task_port_type ] list_of_port_identifiers

task_port_type ::=
time | real | realtime | integer

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A.2.8 Block item declarations

block_item_declaration ::=
{ attribute_instance } block_reg_declaration
| { attribute_instance } event_declaration
| { attribute_instance } integer_declaration
| { attribute_instance } local_parameter_declaration
| { attribute_instance } parameter_declaration ;
| { attribute_instance } real_declaration
| { attribute_instance } realtime_declaration
| { attribute_instance } time_declaration

block_reg_declaration ::= reg [ signed ] [ range ]

list_of_block_variable_identifiers ;

list_of_block_variable_identifiers ::=
block_variable_type { , block_variable_type }

block_variable_type ::=
| variable_identifier dimension { dimension }

A.3 Primitive instances

A.3.1 Primitive instantiation and instances

gate_instantiation ::=
cmos_switchtype [delay3] cmos_switch_instance { , cmos_switch_instance } ;
| enable_gatetype [drive_strength] [delay3] enable_gate_instance
{ , enable_gate_instance} ;
| mos_switchtype [delay3] mos_switch_instance { , mos_switch_instance } ;
| n_input_gatetype [drive_strength] [delay2] n_input_gate_instance
{ , n_input_gate_instance } ;
| n_output_gatetype [drive_strength] [delay2] n_output_gate_instance
{ , n_output_gate_instance } ;
| pass_en_switchtype [delay3] pass_enable_switch_instance
{ , pass_enable_switch_instance } ;
| pass_switchtype pass_switch_instance { , pass_switch_instance } ;
| pulldown [pulldown_strength] pull_gate_instance { , pull_gate_instance } ;
| pullup [pullup_strength] pull_gate_instance { , pull_gate_instance } ;

cmos_switch_instance ::= [name_of_gate_instance] ( output_terminal ,

input_terminal , ncontrol_terminal , pcontrol_terminal )

enable_gate_instance ::= [name_of_gate_instance] ( output_terminal ,

input_terminal , enable_terminal )

mos_switch_instance ::= [name_of_gate_instance] ( output_terminal ,

input_terminal , enable_terminal )

n_input_gate_instance ::= [name_of_gate_instance] ( output_terminal ,

input_terminal { , input_terminal } )

n_output_gate_instance ::= [name_of_gate_instance] ( output_terminal { ,

output_terminal } , input_terminal )

72 Copyright © 2002 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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pass_switch_instance ::= [name_of_gate_instance] ( inout_terminal ,

inout_terminal )

pass_enable_switch_instance ::= [name_of_gate_instance] ( inout_terminal ,

inout_terminal , enable_terminal )

pull_gate_instance ::= [name_of_gate_instance] ( output_terminal )

name_of_gate_instance ::= gate_instance_identifier [ range ]

A.3.2 Primitive strengths

pulldown_strength ::=
( strength0 , strength1 )
| ( strength1 , strength0 )
| ( strength0 )

pullup_strength ::=
( strength0 , strength1 )
| ( strength1 , strength0 )
| ( strength1 )

A.3.3 Primitive terminals

enable_terminal ::= expression

inout_terminal ::= net_lvalue

input_terminal ::= expression

ncontrol_terminal ::= expression

output_terminal ::= net_lvalue

pcontrol_terminal ::= expression

A.3.4 Primitive gate and switch types

cmos_switchtype ::= cmos | rcmos

enable_gatetype ::= bufif0 | bufif1 | notif0 | notif1

mos_switchtype ::= nmos | pmos | rnmos | rpmos

n_input_gatetype ::= and | nand | or | nor | xor | xnor

n_output_gatetype ::= buf | not

pass_en_switchtype ::= tranif0 | tranif1 | rtranif1 | rtranif0

pass_switchtype ::= tran | rtran

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A.4 Module and generated instantiation

A.4.1 Module instantiation

module_instantiation ::=
module_identifier [ parameter_value_assignment ] module_instance { ,
module_instance } ;

parameter_value_assignment ::= # ( list_of_parameter_assignments )

list_of_parameter_assignments ::=
ordered_parameter_assignment { , ordered_parameter_assignment }
| named_parameter_assignment { , named_parameter_assignment }

ordered_parameter_assignment ::= expression

named_parameter_assignment ::= . parameter_identifier ( [ expression ] )

module_instance ::= name_of_instance ( [ list_of_port_connections ] )

name_of_instance ::= module_instance_identifier [ range ]

list_of_port_connections ::=
ordered_port_connection { , ordered_port_connection }
| named_port_connection { , named_port_connection }

ordered_port_connection ::= { attribute_instance } [ expression ]

named_port_connection ::= { attribute_instance } . port_identifier ( [ expression ] )

A.4.2 Generated instantiation

generated_instantiation ::= generate { generate_item } endgenerate

generate_item_or_null ::= generate_item | ;

generate_item ::=
| generate_case_statement
| generate_loop_statement
| generate_block
| module_or_generate_item

generate_conditional_statement ::=
if ( constant_expression ) generate_item_or_null
[ else generate_item_or_null ]

generate_case_statement ::= case ( constant_expression )

genvar_case_item { genvar_case_item } endcase

genvar_case_item ::= constant_expression { , constant_expression } ;

generate_item_or_null | default [ : ] generate_item_or_null

generate_loop_statement ::=
for ( genvar_assignment ; constant_expression ; genvar_assignment )
begin : generate_block_identifier { generate_item } end

74 Copyright © 2002 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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genvar_assignment ::= genvar_identifier = constant_expression

generate_block ::= begin [ : generate_block_identifier ] { generate_item } end

A.5 UDP declaration and instantiation

A.5.1 UDP declaration

udp_declaration ::=
{ attribute_instance } primitive udp_identifier ( udp_port_list ) ;
udp_port_declaration { udp_port_declaration }
| { attribute_instance } primitive udp_identifier ( udp_declaration_port_list ) ;

A.5.2 UDP ports

udp_port_list ::=
output_port_identifier , input_port_identifier { , input_port_identifier }

udp_declaration_port_list ::=
udp_output_declaration , udp_input_declaration { , udp_input_declaration }

udp_port_declaration ::=
udp_output_declaration ;
| udp_input_declaration ;
| udp_ reg_declaration ;

udp_output_declaration ::=
{ attribute_instance } output port_identifier
| { attribute_instance } output reg port_identifier [ = constant_expression ]

udp_input_declaration ::={ attribute_instance } input list_of_port_identifiers

udp_reg_declaration ::= { attribute_instance } reg variable_identifier

A.5.3 UDP body

udp_body ::= combinational_body | sequential_body

combinational_body ::= table combinational_entry { combinational_entry } endtable

combinational_entry ::= level_input_list : output_symbol ;

sequential_body ::= [ udp_initial_statement ] table sequential_entry

{ sequential_entry } endtable

udp_initial_statement ::= initial output_port_identifier = init_val ;

init_val ::= 1 b0 | 1 b1 | 1 bx | 1 bX | 1 B0 | 1 B1 | 1 Bx | 1 BX | 1 | 0

sequential_entry ::= seq_input_list : current_state : next_state ;

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seq_input_list ::= level_input_list | edge_input_list

level_input_list ::= level_symbol { level_symbol }

edge_input_list ::= { level_symbol } edge_indicator { level_symbol }

edge_indicator ::= ( level_symbol level_symbol ) | edge_symbol

current_state ::= level_symbol

next_state ::= output_symbol | -

output_symbol ::= 0 | 1 | x | X

level_symbol ::= 0 | 1 | x | X | ? | b | B

edge_symbol ::= r | R | f | F | p | P | n | N | *

A.5.4 UDP instantiation

udp_instantiation ::= udp_identifier [ drive_strength ] [ delay2 ]

udp_instance { , udp_instance } ;

udp_instance ::= [ name_of_udp_instance ] ( output_terminal , input_terminal

{ , input_terminal } )

name_of_udp_instance ::= udp_instance_identifier [ range ]

A.6 Behavioral statements

A.6.1 Continuous assignment statements

continuous_assign ::= assign [drive_strength] [delay3] list_of_net_assignments ;

list_of_net_assignments ::= net_assignment { , net_assignment }

net_assignment ::= net_lvalue = expression

A.6.2 Procedural blocks and assignments

initial_construct ::= initial statement

always_construct ::= always statement

blocking_assignment ::=
variable_lvalue = [ delay_or_event_control ] expression

nonblocking_assignment ::=
variable_lvalue <= [ delay_or_event_control ] expression

76 Copyright © 2002 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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procedural_continuous_assignments ::=
assign variable_assignment ;
| deassign variable_lvalue ;
| force variable_assignment ;
| force net_assignment ;
| release variable_lvalue ;
| release net_lvalue ;

function_blocking_assignment ::= variable_lvalue = expression

function_statement_or_null ::=
| { attribute_instance } ;

A.6.3 Parallel and sequential blocks

function_seq_block ::= begin [ : block_identifier

{ block_item_declaration } ] { function_statement } end

variable_assignment := variable_lvalue = expression

par_block ::= fork [ : block_identifier

{ block_item_declaration } ] { statement } join

seq_block ::= begin [ : block_identifier

{ block_item_declaration } ] { statement } end

A.6.4 Statements

statement ::=
{ attribute_instance } blocking_assignment ;
| { attribute_instance } case_statement
| { attribute_instance } conditional_statement
| { attribute_instance } disable_statement
| { attribute_instance } event_trigger
| { attribute_instance } loop_statement
| { attribute_instance } nonblocking assignment ;
| { attribute_instance } par_block
| { attribute_instance } procedural_continuous_assignments ;
| { attribute_instance } procedural_timing_control_statement
| { attribute_instance } seq_block
| { attribute_instance } system_task_enable
| { attribute_instance } task_enable
| { attribute_instance } wait_statement

statement_or_null ::=
| { attribute_instance } ;

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function_statement ::=
{ attribute_instance } function_blocking_assignment ;
| { attribute_instance } function_case_statement
| { attribute_instance } function_conditional_statement
| { attribute_instance } function_loop_statement
| { attribute_instance } function_seq_block
| { attribute_instance } disable_statement
| { attribute_instance } system_task_enable

A.6.5 Timing control statements

delay_control ::=
# delay_value
| # ( mintypmax_expression )

delay_or_event_control ::=
| event_control
| repeat ( expression ) event_control

disable_statement ::=
disable hierarchical_task_identifier ;
| disable hierarchical_block_identifier ;

event_control ::=
@ event_identifier
| @ ( event_expression )

event_trigger ::=
-> hierarchical_event_identifier ;

event_expression ::=
| hierarchical_identifier
| posedge expression
| negedge expression
| event_expression or event_expression
| event_expression , event_expression

procedural_timing_control_statement ::=
delay_or_event_control statement_or_null

wait_statement ::=
wait ( expression ) statement_or_null

A.6.6 Conditional statements

conditional_statement ::=
if ( expression ) statement_or_null [ else statement_or_null ]
| if_else_if_statement

78 Copyright © 2002 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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if_else_if_statement ::=
if ( expression ) statement_or_null
{ else if ( expression ) statement_or_null }
[ else statement_or_null ]

function_conditional_statement ::=
if ( expression ) function_statement_or_null
[ else function_statement_or_null ]
| function_if_else_if_statement

function_if_else_if_statement ::=
if ( expression ) function_statement_or_null
{ else if ( expression ) function_statement_or_null }
[ else function_statement_or_null ]

A.6.7 Case statements

case_statement ::=
case ( expression ) case_item { case_item } endcase
| casez ( expression ) case_item { case_item } endcase
| casex ( expression ) case_item { case_item } endcase

case_item ::=
expression { , expression } : statement_or_null
| default [ : ] statement_or_null

function_case_statement ::=
case ( expression ) function_case_item { function_case_item } endcase
| casez ( expression ) function_case_item { function_case_item } endcase
| casex ( expression ) function_case_item { function_case_item } endcase

function_case_item ::=
expression { , expression } : function_statement_or_null
| default [ : ] function_statement_or_null

A.6.8 Looping statements

function_loop_statement ::=
forever function_statement
| repeat ( expression ) function_statement
| while ( expression ) function_statement
| for ( variable_assignment ; expression ; variable_assignment )

loop_statement ::=
forever statement
| repeat ( expression ) statement
| while ( expression ) statement
| for ( variable_assignment ; expression ; variable_assignment ) statement

A.6.9 Task enable statements

system_task_enable ::=
system_task_identifier [ ( expression { , expression } ) ] ;

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task_enable ::=
hierarchical_task_identifier [ ( expression { , expression } ) ] ;

A.7 Specify section

A.7.1 Specify block declaration

specify_block ::= specify { specify_item } endspecify

specify_item ::=
| pulsestyle_declaration
| showcancelled_declaration
| path_declaration
| system_timing_check

pulsestyle_declaration ::=
pulsestyle_onevent list_of_path_output ;
| pulsestyle_ondetect list_of_path_outputs ;

showcancelled_declaration ::=
showcancelled list_of_path_outputs ;
| noshowcancelled list_of_path_outputs ;

A.7.2 Specify path declarations

path_declaration ::=
simple_path_declaration ;
| edge_sensitive_path_declaration ;
| state_dependent_path_declaration ;

simple_path_declaration ::=
parallel_path_description = path_delay_value
| full_path_description = path_delay_value

parallel_path_description ::=
( specify_input_terminal_descriptor [ polarity_operator ] =>
specify_output_terminal_descriptor )

full_path_description ::=
( list_of_path_inputs [ polarity_operator ] *> list_of_path_outputs )

list_of_path_inputs ::=
specify_input_terminal_descriptor { , specify_input_terminal_descriptor }

list_of_path_outputs ::=
specify_output_terminal_descriptor { , specify_output_terminal_descriptor }

A.7.3 Specify block terminals

specify_input_terminal_descriptor ::=
| input_identifier [ constant_expression ]
| input_identifier [ range_expression ]

80 Copyright © 2002 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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specify_output_terminal_descriptor ::=
| output_identifier [ constant_expression ]
| output_identifier [ range_expression ]

input_identifier ::= input_port_identifier | inout_port_identifier

output_identifier ::= output_port_identifier | inout_port_identifier

A.7.4 Specify path delays

path_delay_value ::=
| ( list_of_path_delay_expressions )

list_of_path_delay_expressions ::=
| trise_path_delay_expression , tfall_path_delay_expression
| trise_path_delay_expression , tfall_path_delay_expression ,
| t01_path_delay_expression , t10_path_delay_expression ,
t0z_path_delay_expression ,
tz1_path_delay_expression , t1z_path_delay_expression ,
| t01_path_delay_expression , t10_path_delay_expression ,
t0z_path_delay_expression ,
tz1_path_delay_expression , t1z_path_delay_expression ,
tz0_path_delay_expression ,
t0x_path_delay_expression , tx1_path_delay_expression ,
t1x_path_delay_expression ,
tx0_path_delay_expression , txz_path_delay_expression ,

t_path_delay_expression ::= path_delay_expression

trise_path_delay_expression ::= path_delay_expression

tfall_path_delay_expression ::= path_delay_expression

tz_path_delay_expression ::= path_delay_expression

t01_path_delay_expression ::= path_delay_expression

t10_path_delay_expression ::= path_delay_expression

t0z_path_delay_expression ::= path_delay_expression

tz1_path_delay_expression ::= path_delay_expression

t1z_path_delay_expression ::= path_delay_expression

tz0_path_delay_expression ::= path_delay_expression

t0x_path_delay_expression ::= path_delay_expression

tx1_path_delay_expression ::= path_delay_expression

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t1x_path_delay_expression ::= path_delay_expression

tx0_path_delay_expression ::= path_delay_expression

txz_path_delay_expression ::= path_delay_expression

tzx_path_delay_expression ::= path_delay_expression

path_delay_expression ::= constant_mintypmax_expression

edge_sensitive_path_declaration ::=
parallel_edge_sensitive_path_description = path_delay_value
| full_edge_sensitive_path_description = path_delay_value

parallel_edge_sensitive_path_description ::=
( [ edge_identifier ] specify_input_terminal_descriptor =>
specify_output_terminal_descriptor [ polarity_operator ] : data_source_expression )

full_edge_sensitive_path_description ::=
( [ edge_identifier ] list_of_path_inputs *>
list_of_path_outputs [ polarity_operator ] : data_source_expression )

data_source_expression ::= expression

edge_identifier ::= posedge | negedge

state_dependent_path_declaration ::=
if ( module_path_expression ) simple_path_declaration
| if ( module_path_expression ) edge_sensitive_path_declaration
| ifnone simple_path_declaration

polarity_operator ::= + | -

A.7.5 System timing checks

A.7.5.1 System timing check commands

system_timing_check ::=
| $hold_timing_check
| $setuphold_timing_check
| $recovery_timing_check
| $removal_timing_check
| $recrem_timing_check
| $skew_timing_check
| $timeskew_timing_check
| $fullskew_timing_check
| $period_timing_check
| $width_timing_check
| $nochange_timing_check

$setup_timing_check ::=
$setup ( data_event , reference_event , timing_check_limit [ , [ notify_reg ] ] ) ;

$hold_timing_check ::=
$hold ( reference_event , data_event , timing_check_limit [ , [ notify_reg ] ] ) ;

82 Copyright © 2002 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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$setuphold_timing_check ::=
$setuphold ( reference_event , data_event , timing_check_limit , timing_check_limit
[ , [ notify_reg ] [ , [ stamptime_condition ] [ , [checktime_condition ]
[ , [ delayed_reference ] [ , [ delayed_data ] ] ] ] ] ] ) ;

$recovery_timing_check ::=
$recovery ( reference_event , data_event , timing_check_limit [ , [ notify_reg ] ] ) ;

$removal_timing_check ::=
$removal ( reference_event , data_event , timing_check_limit [ , [ notify_reg ] ] ) ;

$recrem_timing_check ::=
$recrem ( reference_event , data_event , timing_check_limit , timing_check_limit
[ , [ notify_reg ] [ , [ stamptime_condition ] [ , [ checktime_condition ]
[ , [ delayed_reference ] [ , [ delayed_data ] ] ] ] ] ] ) ;

$skew_timing_check ::=
$skew ( reference_event , data_event , timing_check_limit [ , [ notify_reg ] ] ) ;

$timeskew_timing_check ::=
$timeskew ( reference_event , data_event , timing_check_limit
[ , [ notify_reg ] [ , [ event_based_flag ] [ , [ remain_active_flag ] ] ] ] ) ;

$fullskew_timing_check ::=
$fullskew ( reference_event , data_event , timing_check_limit , timing_check_limit
[ , [ notify_reg ] [ , [ event_based_flag ] [ , [ remain_active_flag ] ] ] ] ) ;

$period_timing_check ::=
$period ( controlled_reference_event , timing_check_limit [ , [ notify_reg ] ] ) ;

$width_timing_check ::=
$width ( controlled_reference_event , timing_check_limit , threshold [ , [ notify_reg ] ] ) ;

$nochange_timing_check ::=
$nochange ( reference_event , data_event , start_edge_offset ,
end_edge_offset [ , [ notify_reg ] ] ) ;

A.7.5.2 System timing check command arguments

checktime_condition ::= mintypmax_expression

controlled_reference_event ::= controlled_timing_check_event

data_event ::= timing_check_event

delayed_data ::=
| terminal_identifier [ constant_mintypmax_expression ]

delayed_reference ::=
| terminal_identifier [ constant_mintypmax_expression ]

end_edge_offset ::= mintypmax_expression

event_based_flag ::= constant_expression

notify_reg ::= variable_identifier

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reference_event ::= timing_check_event

remain_active_flag ::= constant_mintypmax_expression

stamptime_condition ::= mintypmax_expression

start_edge_offset ::= mintypmax_expression

threshold ::= constant_expression

timing_check_limit ::= expression

A.7.5.3 System timing check event definitions

timing_check_event ::=
[ timing_check_event_control ] specify_terminal_descriptor [ &&& timing_check_condition ]

controlled_timing_check_event ::=
timing_check_event_control specify_terminal_descriptor [ &&& timing_check_condition ]

timing_check_event_control ::=
| negedge
| edge_control_specifier

specify_terminal_descriptor ::=
| specify_output_terminal_descriptor

edge_control_specifier ::= edge [ edge_descriptor [, edge_descriptor] ]

edge_descriptor ::=
| 10
| z_or_x zero_or_one
| zero_or_one z_or_x

zero_or_one ::= 0 | 1

z_or_x ::= x | X | z | Z

timing_check_condition ::=
| ( scalar_timing_check_condition )

scalar_timing_check_condition ::=
| ~ expression
| expression == scalar_constant
| expression === scalar_constant
| expression != scalar_constant
| expression !== scalar_constant

scalar_constant ::=
1 b0 | 1 b1 | 1 B0 | 1 B1 | b0 | b1 | B0 | B1 | 1 | 0

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A.8 Expressions

A.8.1 Concatenations

concatenation ::= { expression { , expression } }

constant_concatenation ::= { constant_expression { , constant_expression } }

constant_multiple_concatenation ::= { constant_expression constant_concatenation }

module_path_concatenation ::= { module_path_expression { , module_path_expression } }

module_path_multiple_concatenation ::= { constant_expression module_path_concatenation }

multiple_concatenation ::= { constant_expression concatenation }

net_concatenation ::= { net_concatenation_value { , net_concatenation_value } }

net_concatenation_value ::=
| hierarchical_net_identifier [ expression ] { [ expression ] }
| hierarchical_net_identifier [ expression ] { [ expression ] } [ range_expression ]
| hierarchical_net_identifier [ range_expression ]
| net_concatenation

variable_concatenation ::= { variable_concatenation_value { , variable_concatenation_value } }

variable_concatenation_value ::=
| hierarchical_variable_identifier [ expression ] { [ expression ] }
| hierarchical_variable_identifier [ expression ] { [ expression ] } [ range_expression ]
| hierarchical_variable_identifier [ range_expression ]
| variable_concatenation

A.8.2 Function calls

constant_function_call ::= function_identifier { attribute_instance }

( constant_expression { , constant_expression } )

function_call ::= hierarchical_function_identifier { attribute_instance }

( expression { , expression } )

genvar_function_call ::= genvar_function_identifier { attribute_instance }

( constant_expression { , constant_expression } )

system_function_call ::= system_function_identifier

[ ( expression { , expression } ) ]

A.8.3 Expressions

base_expression ::= expression

conditional_expression ::= expression1 ? { attribute_instance }expression2 : expression3

constant_base_expression ::= constant_expression

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constant_expression ::=
| unary_operator { attribute_instance } constant_primary
| constant_expression binary_operator { attribute_instance } constant_expression
| constant_expression ? { attribute_instance } constant_expression : constant_expression
| string

constant_mintypmax_expression ::=
| constant_expression : constant_expression : constant_expression

constant_range_expression ::=
| msb_constant_expression : lsb_constant_expression
| constant_base_expression +: width_constant_expression
| constant_base_expression -: width_constant_expression

dimension_constant_expression ::= constant_expression

expression1 ::= expression

expression2 ::= expression

expression3 ::= expression

expression ::=
| unary_operator { attribute_instance } primary
| expression binary_operator { attribute_instance } expression
| conditional_expression
| string

lsb_constant_expression ::= constant_expression

mintypmax_expression ::=
| expression : expression : expression

module_path_conditional_expression ::=
module_path_expression ? { attribute_instance }
module_path_expression : module_path_expression

module_path_expression ::=
| unary_module_path_operator { attribute_instance } module_path_primary
| module_path_expression binary_module_path_operator
{ attribute_instance } module_path_expression
| module_path_conditional_expression

module_path_mintypmax_expression ::=
| module_path_expression : module_path_expression : module_path_expression

msb_constant_expression ::= constant_expression

86 Copyright © 2002 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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range_expression ::=
| msb_constant_expression : lsb_constant_expression
| base_expression +: width_constant_expression
| base_expression -: width_constant_expression

width_constant_expression ::= constant_expression

A.8.4 Primaries

constant_primary ::=
| constant_function_call
| ( constant_mintypmax_expression )
| constant_multiple_concatenation
| genvar_identifier
| number
| parameter_identifier
| specparam_identifier

module_path_primary ::=
| identifier
| module_path_concatenation
| module_path_multiple_concatenation
| function_call
| system_function_call
| constant_function_call
| ( module_path_mintypmax_expression )

primary ::=
| hierarchical_identifier
| hierarchical_identifier [ expression ] { [ expression ] }
| hierarchical_identifier [ expression ] { [ expression ] }
[ range_expression ]
| hierarchical_identifier [ range_expression ]
| concatenation
| multiple_concatenation
| function_call
| system_function_call
| constant_function_call
| ( mintypmax_expression )

A.8.5 Expression left-side values

net_lvalue ::=
| hierarchical_net_identifier [ constant_expression ] { [ constant_expression ] }
| hierarchical_net_identifier [ constant_expression ] { [ constant_expression ] }
[ constant_range_expression ]
| hierarchical_net_identifier [ constant_range_expression ]
| net_concatenation

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variable_lvalue ::=
| hierarchical_variable_identifier [ expression ] { [ expression ] }
| hierarchical_variable_identifier [ expression ] { [ expression ] }
[ range_expression ]
| hierarchical_variable_identifier [ range_expression ]
| variable_concatenation

A.8.6 Operators

unary_operator ::=
+ | - | ! | ~ | & | ~& | | | ~| | ^ | ~^ | ^~

binary_operator ::=
+ | - | * | / | % | == | != | === | !== | && | || | **
| < | <= | > | >= | & | | | ^ | ^~ | ~^ | >> | << | >>> | <<<

unary_module_path_operator ::=
! | ~ | & | ~& | | | ~| | ^ | ~^ | ^~

binary_module_path_operator ::=
== | != | && | || | & | | | ^ | ^~ | ~^

A.8.7 Numbers

number ::=
| octal_number
| binary_number
| hex_number
| real_number

real_number ::=
unsigned_number . unsigned_number
| unsigned_number [ . unsigned_number] exp [ sign ] unsigned_number

exp ::= e | E

decimal_number ::=
| [ size ] decimal_base unsigned_number
| [ size ] decimal_base x_digit { _ }
| [ size ] decimal_base z_digit { _ }

binary_number ::= [ size ] binary_base binary_value

octal_number ::= [ size ] octal_base octal_value

hex_number ::= [ size ] hex_base hex_value

sign ::= + | -

size ::= non_zero_unsigned_number

non_zero_unsigned_number ::= non_zero_decimal_digit { _ | decimal_digit }

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unsigned_number ::= decimal_digit { _ | decimal_digit }

binary_value ::= binary_digit { _ | binary_digit }

octal_value ::= octal_digit { _ | octal_digit }

hex_value ::= hex_digit { _ | hex_digit }

decimal_base ::= ’[s|S]d | ’[s|S]D

binary_base ::= ’[s|S]b | ’[s|S]B

octal_base ::= ’[s|S]o | ’[s|S]O

hex_base ::= ’[s|S]h | ’[s|S]H

non_zero_decimal_digit ::= 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

decimal_digit ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

binary_digit ::= x_digit | z_digit | 0 | 1

octal_digit ::= x_digit | z_digit | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

hex_digit ::= x_digit | z_digit | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | a | b

|c|d|e|f|A|B|C |D|E|F

x_digit ::= x | X

z_digit ::= z | Z | ?

A.8.8 Strings

string ::= " { Any_ASCII_Characters_except_new_line } "

A.9 General

A.9.1 Attributes

attribute_instance ::= (* attr_spec { , attr_spec } *)

attr_spec ::=
attr_name = constant_expression
| attr_name

attr_name ::= identifier

A.9.2 Comments

comment ::=
| block_comment

one_line_comment ::= // comment_text \n

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block_comment ::= /* comment_text */

comment_text ::= { Any_ASCII_character }

A.9.3 Identifiers

arrayed_identifier ::=
| escaped_arrayed_identifier

block_identifier ::= identifier

cell_identifier ::= identifier

config_identifier ::= identifier

escaped_arrayed_identifier ::= escaped_identifier [ range ]

escaped_hierarchical_identifier ::=
escaped_hierarchical_branch { .simple_hierarchical_branch |
.escaped_hierarchical_branch }

escaped_identifier ::= \ {Any_ASCII_character_except_white_space} white_space

event_identifier ::= identifier

function_identifier ::= identifier

gate_instance_identifier ::= arrayed_identifier

generate_block_identifier ::= identifier

genvar_function_identifier ::= identifier /* hierarchy disallowed */

genvar_identifier ::= identifier

hierarchical_block_identifier ::= hierarchical_identifier

hierarchical_event_identifier ::= hierarchical_identifier

hierarchical_function_identifier ::= hierarchical_identifier

hierarchical_identifier ::=
| escaped_hierarchical_identifier

hierarchical_net_identifier ::= hierarchical_identifier

hierarchical_variable_identifier ::= hierarchical_identifier

hierarchical_task_identifier ::= hierarchical_identifier

identifier ::=
| escaped_identifier

inout_port_identifier ::= identifier

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input_port_identifier ::= identifier

instance_identifier ::= identifier

library_identifier ::= identifier

memory_identifier ::= identifier

module_identifier ::= identifier

module_instance_identifier ::= arrayed_identifier

net_identifier ::= identifier

output_port_identifier ::= identifier

parameter_identifier ::= identifier

port_identifier ::= identifier

real_identifier ::= identifier

simple_arrayed_identifier ::= simple_identifier [ range ]

simple_hierarchical_identifier ::=
simple_hierarchical_branch [ .escaped_identifier ]

simple_identifier ::= [ a-zA-Z_ ] { [ a-zA-Z0-9_$ ] }

specparam_identifier ::= identifier

system_function_identifier ::= $[ a-zA-Z0-9_$ ]{[ a-zA-Z0-9_$ ]}

system_task_identifier ::= $[ a-zA-Z0-9_$ ]{[ a-zA-Z0-9_$ ]}

task_identifier ::= identifier

terminal_identifier ::= identifier

text_macro_identifier ::= simple_identifier

topmodule_identifier ::= identifier

udp_identifier ::= identifier

udp_instance_identifier ::= arrayed_identifier

variable_identifier ::= identifier

A.9.4 Identifier branches

simple_hierarchical_branch ::=
simple_identifier [ [ unsigned_number ] ]
[ { .simple_identifier [ [ unsigned_number ] ] } ]

escaped_hierarchical_branch ::=
escaped_identifier [ [ unsigned_number ] ]
[ { .escaped_identifier [ [ unsigned_number ] ] } ]

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A.9.5 White space

white_space ::= space | tab | newline | eof

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Annex B

Functional mismatches
This annex describes certain situations where functional differences may arise between the RTL model and
its synthesized netlist.

B.1 Non-deterministic behavior

The Verilog language has some inherent sources of non-determinism. In such cases, there is a potential for a
functional mismatch. For example, statements without time-control constructs (# and @ expression con-
structs) in behavioral blocks do not have to be executed as one event. This allows for interleaving the execu-
tion of always statements in any order. In the following example, the behavior can be interpreted such that it
is free to assign a value of either 0 or 1 to register b:

always @(posedge clock) begin

a = 0;
a = 1;

always @(posedge clock)

b = a;

In this case, the synthesis tool is free to assign either 0 or 1 to register b as well, causing a potential func-
tional mismatch.

When Verilog non-deterministic behavior permits different results from two different Verilog simulators that
are both IEEE-compliant, this is known as a race condition. There are common Verilog guidelines that help
to insure that a simulation race condition will not happen. This annex does not describe these common

Most Verilog RTL models that include race conditions can cause a mismatch between pre-synthesis and
post-synthesis simulations and should be avoided.

B.2 Pragmas

Pragmas must be used wisely since they can affect how synthesis interprets certain constructs. A pragma that
directs the synthesis tool to do something different than what the simulator does should either be avoided or
used with great caution. Some problematic synthesis pragmas are described in the following subclauses.

B.2.1 Full case attribute

The full_case attribute directs the synthesis tool to treat all undefined case items as synthesis don’t care
cases. Verilog simulators ignore undefined case items.

In the following decoder example, the simulator correctly sets the decoder outputs to 0 when the enable
signal is low. Because the pragma (* synthesis, full_case *) has been added to this model, the synthesis tool
recognizes that only four of eight possible case items have been defined and treats all other cases as don’t

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care cases. With the don’t care cases defined, the synthesis tool recognizes that the output is a don’t care
whenever the enable is low; therefore, the enable is a don’t care so the enable is optimized out of the design,
changing the functionality of the design. This will cause a mismatch between the pre-synthesis and post-syn-
thesis simulations.

module decode4_fc (output reg [3:0] y, input [1:0] a, input en);

// en is the enable signal.
always @* begin
y = 4'b0;
(* synthesis, full_case *)
case ({en, a})
3'b1_00: y[a] = 1'b1;
3'b1_01: y[a] = 1'b1;
3'b1_10: y[a] = 1'b1;
3'b1_11: y[a] = 1'b1;

B.2.2 Parallel case attribute

The parallel_case attribute directs the synthesis tool to test each case item every time the case statement is
executed. Verilog simulators only test case items until there is a match between the case expression and a
case item. Once a case item is matched to the case expression, the case item statement is executed and an
implied break causes the simulator to ignore the remaining case items.

In the following enable-decoder example, if the en = 2’b11, the simulation will execute the first case item
statement, skipping the second, while the synthesis tool will execute the first two case item statements. This
will cause a mismatch between the pre-synthesis and post-synthesis simulations.

module endec_pc (
output reg en_mem, en_cpu, en_io,
input [1:0] en);
always @* begin
en_io =1'b0;
(* synthesis, parallel_case *)
casez (en)
2'b1?: en_mem=1'b1;
2'b?1: en_cpu=1'b1;
default: en_io =1'b1;

B.3 Using `ifdef

Conditionally compiling or omitting compilation of Verilog source code based on synthesis and simulation
should be used with extreme caution.

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In the following model, if the SYNTHESIS macro definition is not defined, the memory will be modeled with
synthesizable RTL code. If the SYNTHESIS macro is defined, a vendor xram device will be instantiated into
the design.

module ram_ifdef (
output [7:0] q,
input [7:0] d,
input [6:0] a,
input clk, we);
// RTL model of a ram device for pre-synthesis simulation
reg [7:0] mem [0:127];
always @(posedge clk) if (we) mem[a] <= d;

assign q = mem[a];
xram ram1 (.dout(q), .din(d), .addr(a), .ck(clk), .we(we));

// Vendor ram model

module xram (
output [7:0] dout,
input [7:0] din,
input [6:0] addr,
input ck, we);
// Vendor ram model implementation

Although selecting between a modeled RTL core device and an instantiated core device is one reason that
conditional compilation would be used, it is the responsibility of the user to insure that there are no simula-
tion-functional differences in the models that would cause a mismatch between pre-synthesis and post-
synthesis simulations.

In the following model, the conditionally compiled code will clearly cause a mismatch between pre-synthe-
sis and post-synthesis simulations. When the SYNTHESIS macro is defined, the y output is set equal to the
bitwise-or of the a and b inputs. When the SYNTHESIS macro is not defined, the y output is set equal to the
bitwise-and of the a and b inputs.

module and2_ifdef (output y, input [3:0] a, b);

assign y = a | b;
assign y = a & b;

B.4 Incomplete sensitivity list

An incomplete sensitivity list on a combinational always block will typically cause a mismatch between pre-
synthesis and post-synthesis simulations.

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The following model is coded correctly to model a two-input and gate. Both and-gate inputs are listed in the
combinational sensitivity list. There will be no mismatch between pre-synthesis and post-synthesis simula-
tions using this model.

module myand1b (output reg y, input a, b);

always @(a or b)
y = a & b;

In the following model, the b input is missing from the combinational sensitivity list. This model typically
synthesizes to a two-input and gate but does not simulate correctly whenever the b input changes. This will
cause a mismatch between pre-synthesis and post-synthesis simulations.

module myand1c (output reg y, input a, b);

always @(a)
y = a & b;

In the following model, both inputs are missing from the combinational sensitivity list. This model typically
synthesizes to a two-input and gate but does not simulate correctly. If this model is simulated, the simulator
will hang as it loops in zero time, continuously executing the statement, y = a & b. This will cause a mis-
match between pre-synthesis and post-synthesis simulations (the pre-synthesis simulation hangs).

module myand1d (output reg y, input a, b);

y = a & b;

The @* combinational sensitivity list feature can be used to reduce redundant typing and to greatly reduce
the number of errors that are introduced by coding incomplete sensitivity lists.

module myand1a (output reg y, input a, b);

always @*
y = a & b;

B.5 Assignment statements mis-ordered

If assignment statements are mis-ordered in a combinational always block, incorrect logic may be generated
with warnings.

The following model is coded correctly to model an and-or gate where the a and b inputs are and’ed
together, and the result is or’ed with the c input. There will be no mismatch between pre-synthesis and post-
synthesis simulations using this model.

module andor1a (output reg y, input a, b, c);

reg tmp;

always @* begin
tmp = a & b;
y = tmp | c;

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The following model is coded incorrectly to model an and-or gate where the a and b inputs are and’ed
together, and the result is or’ed with the c input. The pre-synthesis simulation will not correctly update the
or’ed output y after changes on the a and b inputs. There will be a mismatch between pre-synthesis and post-
synthesis simulations using this model.

module andor1b (output reg y, input a, b, c);

reg tmp;

always @* begin
y = tmp | c;
tmp = a & b;

B.6 Flip-flop with both asynchronous reset and asynchronous set

There is a small problem with the pre-synthesis model of a flip-flop with both asynchronous reset and asyn-
chronous preset signals. The correct synthesizable model for this type of flip-flop is shown below.

module dffaras (output reg q, input d, clk, rst_n, set_n);

always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n or negedge set_n)
if (!rst_n) q <= 1'b0;
else if (!set_n) q <= 1'b1;
else q <= d;

The problem occurs when both reset and preset are asserted at the same time and reset is removed first.
When reset is removed (posedge rst_n), the always block is not activated. This means that the output will
continue to drive the reset output to ‘0’ until the next rising clock edge. A real flip-flop of this type would
immediately drive the output to ‘1’ because the set_n signal is an asynchronous preset. This potentially
could cause a mismatch between pre-synthesis and post-synthesis simulations using this model.

It should be noted that it is rare to design flip-flops with both asynchronous set and asynchronous reset, it is
even more rare to use this type of flip-flop in a design where both reset and preset are permitted to be
asserted at the same time and even more rare to allow reset to be removed before the preset is removed. It is
estimated that fewer than 1% of all designs would ever be subject to this mismatch.

For the rare designs that do require assertion of both reset and preset and must permit removal of reset first,
the following conditionally compiled code can be added to the above simulation model to correct the simula-
tion problem. Note that this is only a rare simulation problem, not a synthesis problem.

always @(rst_n or set_n)
if (rst_n && !set_n) force q = 1'b1;
else release q;

B.7 Functions

In general, synthesis tools always synthesize Verilog functions to combinational logic, even if the simulation
behaves like a latch. The following is a correct model for a simple D-latch.

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module latch1a (output reg y, input d, en);

always @*
if (en) y <= d;

If the latching code is placed into a Verilog function, as shown in the following model, the simulation still
behaves like a latch but synthesis tools generally infer combinational logic causing a mismatch between pre-
synthesis and post-synthesis simulations.

module latch1b (output reg y, input d, en);

always @*
y <= lat(d, en);

function lat (input d, en);

if (en) lat = d;

Verilog functions should be used with caution since there is no warning from a synthesis tool that latch-
behavior coding will be synthesized to combinational logic.

B.8 Casex

The Verilog casex statement treats all z, x, and ? bits as don’t cares, whether they appear in the case expres-
sion or in the case item being tested. In the following model, if the en (enable) goes unknown during simula-
tion, the en_mem output will be driven high. In a synthesized gate-level model, the outputs would most
likely become unknown, thus indicating a design problem. This is a mismatch between pre-synthesis and
post-synthesis simulations.

module endec_x (output reg en_mem, en_cpu, en_io, input [1:0] en);
always @* begin
en_mem = 1'b0;
en_cpu = 1'b0;
en_io = 1'b0;
casex (en)
2'b1?: en_mem = 1'b1;
2'b01: en_cpu = 1'b1;
default: en_io = 1'b1;

It is too easy for a pre-synthesis simulation to have startup problems that cause signals to go unknown and to
be treated as a don’t care by the casex statement. For this reason, in general, the casex statement should be

B.9 Casez

The Verilog casez statement treats all z and ? bits as don’t cares, whether they appear in the case expression
or in the case item being tested. In the following model, if both en (enable) bits go high during simulation,
the en_mem output will be driven high. In a synthesized gate-level model, the outputs would most likely
become unknown, thus indicating a design problem. This is a mismatch between pre-synthesis and post-syn-
thesis simulations.

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module endec_z (output reg en_mem, en_cpu, en_io, input [1:0] en);
always @* begin
en_mem = 1'b0;
en_cpu = 1'b0;
en_io = 1'b0;
casez (en)
2'b1?: en_mem = 1'b1;
2'b01: en_cpu = 1'b1;
default: en_io = 1'b1;

It is unlikely (but not impossible) that a pre-synthesis simulation would experience stray high impedance
values on most design signals. For this reason, in general, the casez statement is safe to use.

B.10 Making x assignments

Making a Verilog x-assignment to a signal tells the simulator to treat the signal as having an unknown value
and tells the synthesis tool to treat the signal as a don’t care. The synthesis tool will build a gate-level design
using optimized gates that will not drive an unknown output on the signal. This means there is a mismatch
between pre-synthesis and post-synthesis simulations for all x-assigned signals.

In the following 3-to-1 multiplexer model, the output is initialized to an x value and then updated based on
the value of the sel signal. This design assumes that sel should never be equal to 2’b11. If the pre-synthesis
simulation permits the sel signal to briefly pass through the 2’b11 pattern, the simulation will drive x to the
output until the sel signal take on a valid select-pattern.

module mux3_x (output reg y, input [2:0] a, input [1:0] sel);

always @* begin
y = 1'bx; // synthesis "don't-care"
case (sel)
2'b00: y = a[0];
2'b01: y = a[1];
2'b10: y = a[2];

The x value can be useful to help find bugs in the design during pre-synthesis simulations. It can also help
direct the synthesis tool to optimize the design based on a don’t care assignment. If the pre-synthesis simula-
tion tests the output while it is unknown and if that unknown output is compared to a post-synthesis
simulation, there will be a mismatch.

In general, the unknown output is short (unless there is a real design problem) and the output will be tested
closer to a clock edge when the signal has had time to propagate to a known and correct value. Designers
should just recognize that there is potential for a mismatch between pre-synthesis and post-synthesis simula-
tions using this technique.

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Std 1364.1-2002

B.11 Assignments in variable declarations

A variable may be initialized in its declaration. Making assignments in the declaration forces the signal to a
known value for pre-synthesis simulations. In general, no such initialization occurs in an actual gate level
design. This can cause a mismatch between pre-synthesis and post-synthesis simulations and in general
should be avoided.

// module dff_init (output reg q = 1'b0, input d, clk, rst_n);

module dff_init (q, d, clk, rst_n);
output q;
input d, clk, rst_n;
reg q = 1'b0;

always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)

if (!rst_n) q <= 1'b0;
else q <= d;

B.12 Timing delays

Synthesis tools ignore time delay in a model. Adding time delays to a Verilog pre-synthesis simulation can
cause a mismatch between pre-synthesis and post-synthesis simulations and in general should be avoided.

In the following delay-line model, the latch enable output is delayed in a pre-synthesis simulation but the
delay will be removed from the post-synthesis implementation, potentially causing a delayed latch signal to
be enabled too soon.

`timescale 1ns/1ns
module delay1 (output reg latchendly, input latchen);
always @*
latchendly <= #25 latchen;

Adding delay elements to a synthesized model typically requires instantiation of the delay element in the
pre-synthesis RTL model.

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