Euchalette January 2018
Euchalette January 2018
Euchalette January 2018
oday we celebrate the 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time and National
Bible Sunday. It comes spontaneous for us to rejoice in the con-
soling message of the Beatitudes, proclaimed in the Gospel pas-
sage and already foreshadowed in the First Reading.
The Beatitudes have always had a unique attraction for so many
people, even among non-Christians. They exalt virtues and attitudes
which people with a worldly outlook do not appreciate. These attitudes
are the fundamental conditions to belong to the Kingdom of God.
But we should not just stop at the striking statements the Beati-
tudes contain. Instead, we should make a serious effort to understand
their meaning and implications and put into practice the values they
enshrine. Let this be our commitment today as we celebrate this Eu-
All – Lord, have mercy! mercy on us; you take away the
P – Lord Jesus, you were re- sins of the world, receive our
jected by your own people. prayer; you are seated at the right
Christ, have mercy! hand of the Father, have mercy
Entrance Antiphon All – Christ, have mercy! on us. For you alone are the Holy
(To be recited only when no Entrance One, you alone are the Lord, you
P –Lord Jesus, you are the ful-
Hymn is sung.) alone are the Most High, Jesus
fillment of the prophecies of
Save us, O Lord our God! old. Lord, have mercy! Christ, with the Holy Spirit,
And gather us from the na- All – Lord, have mercy! in the glory of God the Father.
tions, to give thanks to your P – May almighty God have Amen!
holy name, and make it our
glory to praise you. mercy on us, forgive us our
sins, and bring us to ever- Collect (Opening Prayer)
Greeting lasting life. P –Grant us, Lord our God,
P –Grace to you and peace All – Amen! that we may honor you with all
from God our Father and the our mind, and love everyone in
Gloria truth of heart.
Lord Jesus Christ!
All – And with your spirit! All –Glory to God in the high- Through our Lord Jesus
est, and on earth peace to people Christ, your Son, who lives and
Penitential Act of good will. We praise you, reigns with you in the unity of
P –Coming together as God’s we bless you, we adore you, we the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever
family, with confidence let us glorify you, we give you thanks and ever.
ask the Lord’s forgiveness, that for your great glory, Lord God, All – Amen!
we may offer this Eucharist with heavenly King, O God, almighty
a purified heart. (Pause) Father.
P –Lord Jesus, you taught us Lord Jesus Christ, Only Be-
that all that really matters gotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of
in life is to love as you did. God, Son of the Father, you take 1st Reading Zep 2:3; 3:12-13
Lord, have mercy! away the sins of the world, have The content of today’s pas-
sage is all about the “Anawim,” 2nd Reading 1 Cor 1:26-31 tain, and after he had sat down,
those who are faithful to the Lord This Second Reading con- his disciples came to him. He
and put their trust in Him alone. tinues the theme of the First began to teach them, saying:
These verses are a beautiful an- and prepares that of the Gospel “BLESSED are the poor in
ticipation of the “Beatitudes.” which is centered on the Beati- spirit, for theirs is the kingdom
Their message is as relevant in tudes. The essence of its mes- of heaven.
our days as it was in the time of sage is that God achieves His BLESSED are they who
Zephaniah. objectives by using means which mourn, for they will be com-
R – A proclamation from the may appear to be absolutely in- forted.
Book of the Prophet Zepha- adequate. BLESSED are the meek,
niah R – A proclamation from the for they will inherit the land.
First Letter of Paul to the BLESSED are they who
Seek the Lord, all you hunger and thirst for righ-
humble of the earth, who have Corinthians
teousness, for they will be sat-
observed his law. Seek justice, Consider your own calling, isfied.
seek humility; perhaps you brothers and sisters. Not many BLESSED are the mer-
may be sheltered on the day of of you were wise by human ciful, for they will be shown
the Lord’s anger. standards, not many were pow- mercy.
But I will leave as a rem- erful, not many were of noble BLESSED are the clean of
nant in your midst a people birth. Rather, God chose the heart, for they will see God.
humble and lowly, who shall foolish of the world to shame BLESSED are the peace-
take refuge in the name of the the wise, and God chose the makers, for they will be called
Lord: the remnant of Israel. weak of the world to shame the children of God.
They shall do no wrong strong, and God chose the low- BLESSED are they who
and speak no lies; nor shall ly and despised of the world, are persecuted for the sake of
there be found in their mouths those who count for nothing, righteousness, for theirs is the
a deceitful tongue. They shall to reduce to nothing those who kingdom of heaven.
pasture and couch their flocks are something, so that no hu- BLESSED are you when
with none to disturb them. man being might boast before they insult you and persecute
The Word of the Lord! God. It is due to him that you you and utter every kind of
All – Thanks be to God! are in Christ Jesus, who be- evil against you falsely because
came for us wisdom from God, of me. Rejoice and be glad, for
Responsorial Psalm Ps 146 as well as righteousness, sanc- your reward will be great in
tification, and redemption, so heaven.”
R –Blessed are the poor in that, as it is written, “Who-
spirit. The Kingdom of ever boasts, should boast in the The Gospel of the Lord!
heaven is theirs! Lord.” All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus
R. M. Velez Christ!
D Bm F#m
The Word of the Lord!
All – Thanks be to God! Homily
Gospel Acclamation Mt 5:12a Profession of Faith
Bles-sed are the poor in spi-rit.
(Nicene Creed)
All – Alleluia! Alleluia!
Rejoice and be glad; All –I believe in one God, the
your reward will be great
in heaven. Father almighty, maker of heaven
The King-dom of hea-ven is theirs! Alleluia! Alleluia! and earth, of all things visible and
* The Lord keeps faith for- Gospel Mt 5:1-12 I believe in one Lord Jesus
ever, secures justice for the The “Beatitudes” are among Christ, the Only Begotten Son of
oppressed, gives food to the the most famous pieces of reli- God, born of the Father before all
hungry. The Lord sets captives gious literature. The virtues and ages. God from God, Light from
free. R. attitudes they exalt are the fun- Light, true God from true God,
* The Lord gives sight to the damental conditions to belong begotten, not made, consubstan-
blind; the Lord raises up those to the Kingdom of God. Let us tial with the Father; through him
who were bowed down. The listen to their proclamation with all things were made. For us men
Lord loves the just; the Lord a deep desire to live the values and for our salvation he came
protects strangers. R. they enshrine. down from heaven, (bow)* and
by the Holy Spirit was incarnate
* The fatherless and the wid- P –A proclamation from the of the Virgin Mary, and became
ow the Lord sustains, but the holy Gospel according to man.* For our sake he was cru-
way of the wicked he thwarts. Matthew cified under Pontius Pilate, he
The Lord shall reign forever; All – Glory to you, O Lord! suffered death and was buried,
your God, O Zion, through all When Jesus saw the and rose again on the third day in
generations. Alleluia! R. crowds, he went up the moun- accordance with the Scriptures.
29 January 2017
He ascended into heaven and is C – That all of us may treasure Angels and Saints, we sing the
seated at the right hand of the the Word of God by reading it hymn of your praise, as without
Father. He will come again in and applying it in our lives, let end we acclaim:
glory to judge the living and the us pray! R. All –Holy, holy, holy . . .
dead and his kingdom will have C – Let us pray in silence for our
no end. personal intentions. (Pause) Memorial Acclamation
I believe in the Holy Spirit, Let us pray! R.
the Lord, the giver of life, who P –The mystery of faith!
proceeds from the Father and the P –Lord Jesus, you embody in All –When we eat this Bread
Son, who with the Father and the yourself the values of the Be- and drink this Cup, we
Son is adored and glorified, who atitudes and their fulfillment. proclaim your Death,
has spoken through the proph- As we endeavor to make these O Lord, until you come
ets. values the core of our life, sus- again!
I believe in one, holy, catholic tain us with your grace till we
and apostolic Church. I confess reach the reign of the Beatitudes
one Baptism for the forgiveness where you live and reign for ever
of sins and I look forward to the and ever.
resurrection of the dead and the All – Amen! All – Our Father . . .
life of the world to come. Amen! P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
All –For the kingdom, the
Prayer of the Faithful power, and the glory are
P –Today the Lord Jesus gives yours, now and for ever.
us assurance that God cares in Preparation of the Gifts
a special manner for those who Sign of Peace
are humble or are despised or op- P –Pray, brethren . . .
All – May the Lord accept the Breaking of the Bread
pressed, and that He will reward
with the gift of the Kingdom sacrifice at your hands, for the All – Lamb of God . . .
those who live by the values en- praise and glory of his name,
shrined in the Beatitudes. Let us for our good and the good of all Communion
pray for the grace to be true to his holy Church.
these values as we say: P –Behold the Lamb of God,
Prayer over the Offerings behold him who takes away the
All – Lord, bless your people! sins of the world. Blessed are
P –O Lord, we bring to your al-
those called to the supper of the
C –That the whole Church, un- tar these offerings of our service:
der the guidance of its leaders, be pleased to receive them, we
All –Lord, I am not worthy
may give a shining example of pray, and transform them into the
that you should enter under
detachment from material goods Sacrament of our redemption.
my roof, but only say the word
and of the promotion of moral Through Christ our Lord.
and my soul shall be healed.
and spiritual values, let us pray! All – Amen!
R. Communion Antiphon
C –That those who mourn and Preface IV (To be recited only when no Com-
those who suffer for justice’ P –The Lord be with you! munion Hymn is sung.)
sake may find in the Christian All –And with your spirit!
communities a source of encour- P –Lift up your hearts! Blessed are the poor in spir-
agement and consolation, let us All – We lift them up to the Lord! it, for theirs is the Kingdom of
pray! R. P –Let us give thanks to the Heaven. Blessed are the meek,
Lord our God! for they shall possess the land.
C –That all those who promote
peace in their environment may All –It is right and just!
P – It is truly right and just, Prayer after Communion
never be discouraged by the dif-
ficulties connected with such an our duty and our salvation, al- P –Nourished by these redeem-
undertaking, let us pray! R. ways and everywhere to give ing gifts, we pray, O Lord, that
you thanks, Lord, holy Father, al- through this help to eternal sal-
C –That the powerful and the mighty and eternal God, through
bright may be merciful toward vation true faith may ever in-
Christ our Lord. crease.
those who have no connections For by his birth he brought re-
or resources, so that, in turn, Through Christ our Lord.
newal to humanity’s fallen state, All – Amen!
they may experience God’s mer- and by his suffering, canceled
cy, let us pray! R. out our sins; by his rising from
C –That the youth of the world, the dead, he has opened the way
most especially those of our to eternal life, and by ascending
country, may treasure purity of to you, O Father, he has unlocked
heart in their thoughts, words, the gates of heaven. P –The Lord be with you.
and actions, let us pray! R. And so, with the company of All – And with your spirit!
Mankind has always val- human limita ons, injus ces, gerous “immunity” against
ued and exalted the strong, tragedies. the principles enshrined in
the beau ful, the success- The Bea tudes have ex- the Bea tudes.
ful . . . . The happiness of erted a unique fascina on on It was not so for the
a person has usually been innumerable souls, including Chris ans of the first gen-
measured by the degree in many who do not belong to era ons, as well as for the
which one achieves good the Chris an denomina ons. Saints of all centuries. For
results or arouses admira- They strike the readers of them, these eight simple
on. Conversely, the absence today just as they must have pronouncements of Our Lord
of strength, beauty, riches, thrilled Jesus’ listeners when were a source of con nuous
success, and the like is he proclaimed them for the inspiraƟon and a challenge
considered a misfortune – a first me. in their lives. The Bea tudes
source of frustra on, humili- And yet, for all of us were to them what soil, rain,
a on and suffering. Such has there is the danger that we and sunlight are to a tree.
always been the prevailing Rooted in them and imbibed
take them for granted. We
with their spirit, the Saints
scale of values in “the king- have read and heard them produced fruits of humility,
dom of man.” so many mes. The sound is mercy, purity, commitment,
When Jesus came, he pleasing to the ear, but their jus ce, fidelity, endurance,
challenged and rejected this message may fail to move and hope. The Bea tudes
earth-bound standard which our wills. They do not seem have been for the Saints of all
condemns to hopelessness to affect our a tudes and ages a WAY OF LIFE.
and frustra on the major- our lives. Some of us may What are they, for us,
ity of mankind. With his have developed a very dan- today?
“Sermon on the Mount,”
he turned upside down this
Make sure
short-sighted value system
you get your personal copy of the
and opposed to it the values
of the “Kingdom of God,” the
Available in Filipino, English, and Cebuano
opening set of which is en-
shrined in “The BeaƟtudes.”
These eight rhythmic
statements extoll some of
the revolu onary values of
the Kingdom Jesus has come
to establish. They contain a
message of hope for all the
afflicted. They are an invita-
on addressed to all to gaze Order your copy today from:
beyond the dim horizon of WORD & LIFE CENTER, Makati
Don Bosco Compound, A. Arnaiz Ave. cor. Chino Roces Ave., Makati, Metro Manila
Postal Address: P.O. Box 1820, MCPO, 1258 Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines
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• Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, G. Ramos, R. Molomog, V. David, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Circulation: R. Saldua