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Owner'S Manual

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o7 GBR6OOF4i
Congratulationson choosingyour Honda We alsorecommendthat you readthis
motorcycle. owner'smanualbeforeyou ride.It's full
of facts,instructions,safetyinformation,
When you own a Honda,you're part of a and helpful tips. To makeit easyto use,
worldwide family of satisfiedcustomers the manualcontainsa detailedlist of
- peoplewho appreciate Honda's topicsat the beginningof eachsection,
reputationfor building quality into every andboth an in-depthtableof contentsand
product. an index at the back of the book.

Beforeriding, taketime to get acquainted As you readthis manual,you will find

with your motorcycleandhow it works. informationthat is precededby a
To protectyour investment,we urgeyou lNorlcEI symbol.This informationis
to takeresponsibilityfor keepingyour intendedto help you avoid damageto your
motorcyclewell maintained. Scheduled Honda,otherproperty,or the environment.
serviceis a must,of course.But it's just as
importantto observethe break-in
guidelines,and perform all pre-rideand
otherperiodicchecksdetailedin this


Readthe WarrantiesBooklet (page 223 ) Califomia Proposition65 Warning

thoroughlyso you understandthe WARNING: This Productcontainsor
coveragesthat protectyour new Honda emitschemicalsknown to the Stateof
and areawareof your rights and California to causecancerandbirth
responsibilities. defectsor otherreproductiveharm.

If you haveany questions,or if you ever

needspecialserviceor repairs,remember
that your Hondadealerknows Your
motorcyclebestand is dedicatedto your

You may alsowant to visit our websiteat



A Few Words About Safetv
Your safety,and the safetyof others,is very important.And operatingthis motorcyclesafely
is an importantresponsibility.

To help you makeinformed decisionsaboutsafety,we haveprovidedoperatingprocedures

and otherinformationon labelsand in this manual.This informationalertsyou to potential
hazardsthat could hurt you or others.

Of course,it is not practicalor possibleto warn you aboutall hazardsassociatedwith

operatingor maintaininga motorcycle.You mustuseyour own goodjudgment.

You will find importantsafetyinformationin a variety of forms, including:

. Safety Labels - on the motorcycle,

o Safety Messages- precededby a safetyalert symbol

A and one of threesignalwords:


Safety Messages
A Few Words About Safetv
don't follow instructions.


follow instructions.

You GANbe HURTif you don't follow instructions.

r Safety Headings- suchasImportantSafetyRemindersor ImportantSafetyPrecautions.

o Safety Section- suchasMotorcycleSafety.

o Instructions - how to usethis motorcyclecorrectlyand safely.

This entiremanualis filled with importantsafetyinformation- pleasereadit carefully.

Safety Messages
Thesepagesgive an overviewof the Before Riding.......... ..... 37
contentsof your owner'smanual.The first The importanceof wearing a helmet
pageof eachsectionlists the topics and otherprotectivegear,how to make
coveredin that section. sureyou and your motorcycleareready
to ride, and importantinformationabout
MotorcycleSafety............ 1 loading.
shouldknow, plus a look at the safety- Basic Operation & Riding .................47
relatedlabelson your motorcycle. How to startand stopthe engine,shift
gears,andbrake.Also, riding
Instruments & Controls... 9 precautionsand important information
The locationand function of indicators, aboutriding with a passenger or cargo.
gauges, onyour
motorcycleand operatinginstructions
for variouscontrolsand features.

Servicing Your Honda.......................63 197
Technical Information.......................
Why your motorcycleneedsregular ID numbers,technicalspecifications,
maintenance, what you needto know andothertechnicalfacts.
beforeservicingyour Honda,an owner
maintenanceschedule,and instructions ConsumerInformation......................
for specificmaintenanceand Informationon warranties,emission
adjustmentitems. controls,how to get Hondaservice
Tips............-. .................
161 "Reporting Safety Defects" .......,.228
How to storeand transportyour
motorcycleandhow to be an Table of Contents .,......230
environmentally-responsiblerider. Sequentiallistingof topicsin this
Taking Care of the Unexpected........167
What to do if you havea flat tire, your Index 236
enginewon't start,etc.
Quick Reference
Handy facts aboutfuel, engineoil, tire
sizes,andair pressures.

Motorcycle Safety
This section presents some of the most
important information and
& Modifications...................
recommendations to help you ride your
S afetyLabel s .....................6
motorcycle safely. please take a few
moments to read thesepages.This section
also includes information about the
location of safety labels on your

Motorcycle Safety I
Important Safety fnformation
Your motorcyclecan providemany years Take Time to Learn & practice
of serviceandpleasure- if you tate Even if you haveridden othermotorcvcles.
responsibilityfor your own safetyand taketimeto becomefamiliarwith how
understand thechallenges you canmeet this motorcycleworks andhandles.
while riding. Practicein a safeareauntil you build your
skillsandget accustomed to the
Thereis much that you can do to protect motorcycle'ssizeandweight.
yourselfwhenyou ride.you'll find manv
helpful recommendations throughoutthis Because manyaccidents involve
manual.The followingarea few thatwe inexperienced or untrainedriders,we urge
all ridersto takea certifiedcourse
approvedby the MotorcycleSafety
Always Wear a Helmet Foundation(MSF).Seepage 40.
It's a provenfact; helmetssignificantly
reducethe numberand severityof head
Ride Defensively
injuries.So alwaysweara helmetand The mostfrequentmotorcyclecollision
make sureyour passenger doesthe same. happenswhen a car turnsleft in front of a
We alsorecommendthat you weareye motorcycle.Anothercofiunonsituationis
protection.sturdyboots.gloves,andother a carmovingsuddenlyinto your lane.
protectivegear(page38 ).

Motorcycle Safety
Important Safety Information
Always pay attentionto othervehicles Ride within Your Limits
aroundyou, and do not assumethat other Pushinglimits is anothermajor causeof
driversseeyou. Be preparedto stop motorcycleaccidents.Neverride beyond
quickly or makean evasivemaneuver.For your personalabilitiesor fasterthan
otherriding tips, seethe booklet, Youand conditionswarrant.Rememberthat
YourMotorcycle:Riding Tips and alcohol,drugs,fatigue,andinattentioncan
Practice Guide, which camewith your significantlyreduceyour ability to make
new motorcycle(USA only). goodjudgmentsandride safely.

Make Yourself Easy to See Keep Your Honda in Safe Condition

Somedriversdo not seemotorcycles It's importantto keepyour motorcycle
because theyarenot lookingfor them.To properlymaintainedand in saferiding
makeyourselfmore visible,wearbright condition.To help avoid problems,inspect
reflectiveclothing,positionyourselfso your motorcyclebeforeeveryride and
otherdriverscan seeyou, signalbefore perform all recommendedmaintenance.
turningor changinglanes,anduseyour Neverexceedloadlimits (page45 ), and
hornwhenit will helpothersnoticeyou. do not modify your motorcycle(page 5 )
or install accessories
that would make
yourmotorcycleunsafe(page4 ).

Motorcycle Safety
Accessories& Modifications
Modifying your motorcycleor usingnon_
Hondaaccessories can makeyour
motorcycleunsafe.Before you consider
makingany modificationsor addinsan
We stronglyrecommendthat you useonly
accessory,be sureto readthe follo;ins genuineHondaaccessories
information. that havebeen
specificallydesignedand testedfor your
otherac.cessories,you must be personally
responsiblefor properselection,
lmproperaccessoriesor installation,anduseof non-Honda
cancausea crashin accessories.
whichyoucan be seriouslyhurtor Checkwith your Hondadealerfor
killed. assistanceand alwaysfollow these
Followall instructions
in this o Make surethe accessorydoesnot
owner'smanualregarding obscureany lights,reduceground
accessoriesand modifications. clearanceand leanangle,limit
suspension travelor steeringtravel,alter
your ridingposition,or interferewith
operatingany controls.
Motorcycle Safety
Accessories& Modifications
o Do not add any electrical equipment
that will exceedthe motorcycle's
electricalsystemcapacity(page 205).
A blown fuse can causea lossof lights We strongly adviseyou not to remove any
or enginepower (page 189). original equipmentor modify your
r Do not pull a trailer or sidecarwith your motorcycle in any way that woirld change
motorcycle. This motorcycle was not its designor operation. Such changes
designedfor theseattachments,and could seriouslyimpair your motorcycle's
their usecan seriouslyimpair your handling,stability,andbraking,making it
motorcycle's handling. unsafe to ride.

Removingor modifying your lights,

emission systgm,
or otherequipmentcan alsomakeyour

Motorcycle Safety
Safetylabelson your motorcycleeitherwam you of potential
hazardsthat could cause
seriousinjury or they provideimportantsafetyinformation.
Readtheselabelscarefully and
don't removethem.

If a label comesoff or becomeshardto read,contactyour

Hondadealerfor a replacement.

Motorcycle Safety
Safety Labels
( ForUSA)

06n) f,ElR2.0mm(0

( For Canada)
8 1 1 r i l i l 0 i l . N i l r !r u 0 l '
i?1'tit iil i iilt]ii$li i:
Ir l r l |]
!l Sl 0 N l t
Iurr0roi !(200,rN
) Luori !!l r !l l l i j ; i l i l l l :*1li l
M^iltl[vi oil CrilC[Y 179kg t 3S5 lb€)
FN0NT1 r) RtAN2
TRt S1l : fitAN1il15il811{73t) 5mm(0.0t
lA0lI lmr0zRlll5l{l 0mm10

lmpr0per 0adrng can caus€ e cfash and

Iou hay bs ssrious y hurr or kill€d.
S € e 'L o s d L r m r s a n d G i l d e i 'n e s ' r yoJ'
0rnsr s Msnus lor compl€le inslructions

Motorcycle Safety
8 MotorcycleSafety
fnstruments & Controls
This sectionshowsthe locationof all Component Locations............................
gauges,indicators, and confrols you would Gauges,Indicators& Displays.... ...........14
normally usebefore or while riding your Multi-functionDisplay.......................
motorcycle. Low Oil PressureIndicator and
MalfunctionIndicatorLamp...........,.. 22
The itemslisted on this pageare described Coolant TemperatureIndicator and
in this section.Instructionsfor other Malfunction IndicatorLamp..............23
componentsare presentedin other sections FuelIndicator ...............24
of this manual where they will be most Speedometer. ...............25
useful. Odometer...... ...............25
Tri pmeter
A & B .,.........
Changingthe Speedand
CoolantTemperature Meter...............3I

Instruments & Controls

Instruments & Controls

10 Instruments& Controls
Component Locations
rearvtew meter

display frontbrakefluid
headlightdimmer enginestop
switch switch

frontrebounddampingadjuster fuelfillcap

Instruments& Controls 11
Component Locations
tool kit compartment

owner'smanual. .. i
storage i frontcompression
damping adjuster


rearrebound oil levelinspectionwindow

dampingadjuster rear brakePedal

t2 Instruments& Controls
Component Locations
dampingadjuster i: storagecompartment
: forU-shaped

rear springpre-load
gearshiftpedal adjuster

Instruments& Controls 13
Gauges,Indicators & Displays
The gauges,indicatorsand displayson (l) tachometer
your motorcyclekeepyou informed,alert (2) tachometerred zone
you to possibleproblems,and makeyour (3) tachometerred zoneindicator
riding saferandmore enjoyable.Refer to (4) coolanttemperaturemeter
the gauges,indicatorsand displays (5) multi-functiondisplay
frequently.Their functionsaredescribed (6) resetbutton
on the following pages. (7) selectbutton
(8) left turn signalindicator
(9) malfunctionindicatorlamp (MIL)
(10) neutralindicator
(l l) PGM-FI malfunctionindicatorlamp
(12)high beamindicator
(13) right turn $ignalindicator

t4 Instruments& Controls
Gauges,Indicators & Displays
Lamp Check If oneof theseindicatorsdoesnot come
on when it should,haveyour Hondadealer
The malfunctionindicatorlamp comeson checkfor problems.
when you turn the ignition switch ON so
you can checkthat it is working. The Meter Check
indicatorremainson until after the eneine
is staned. The tachometerneedlewill swing to the
end of the red zoneoncewhen you turn
The PGM-FI malfunctionindicatorlamp, the ignition switchON.
neutralindicator,high beamindicator,left
turn signalindicator,right turn signal The meteris identifiedin the tableon page
indicatorand tachometerred zone 17 with the words:Meter Check.
indicatorlight for a few secondsandthen
go off when you tum the ignition switch needledoesnot swingto
If the tachometer
oN. theendof thered zonewhenit should,
haveyour Hondadealercheckfor
Theseindicatorsare identifiedin the table problems.
on pagesl7 - 20 with the words:Inmp

Instruments& Controls 15
Gauges,Indicators & Displays
Display Check

When the ignition switchis turnedON, the

multi-functiondisplay( I ) andcoolant
FE3 Etr 6fi'L1I1B
temperaturemeter(2 ) will temporarily I
showthe entiredigital display.Thereafter, I
the speedometer (3 ) will showfrom 180 t
mph to 0 mph (from 290kmlh to 0 km/h s
in km/h) so that you can makesurethe
liquid crystaldisplayis functioning

The displaysare identified in the tableon

pages17 - 18 withthewords:Display
(1) multiJunction
If any part of thesedisplaysdoesnot come (2)coolanttemperaturemeter
on whenit should,haveyour Hondadealer (3)speedometer
checkfor problems.

16 Instruments& Controls
Gauges,Indicators & Displays
I tachometer Showsengine speedin revolutions per minute (rpm).
Meter Check.
2 tachometerred zone Showsexcessiveengine rpm mnge (indicated from
the beginning of the tachometerred zone) in which
operationmay damagethe engine.Do not let the
tachometerneedleenter the red zone.
3 tachometerred zone Flasheswhen the tachometerneedleentersthe red
indicator (vellow) zone fnmnCherk

4 coolant temperature Showscoolanttemperature(page 31 ).

meter USA: Fahrenheit(oF),Canada:Centigrade('C).
Disolav Checlc

Instruments & Controls l7

Indicators &
) multi-f unctiondisplay The displayincludesthe following functions:
Disolav Check.
low oil pressure Flashesthe low oil pressureindicatorand/orcoolant
indicator/coolant temperatureindicatorto notify that thereis
temperatureindicator abnormalityin engineoil pressureand/orcoolant
temperaturewhen the malfunctionindicatorlamp
Seeoases22 - 23 .
fuel Indicator When this indicatorcomeson while riding, fuel
reservedin the tank is about:
0.92U S gal (3.50 ,0.77 l mp gal )
speedometer Showsriding speedin miles or kilometersper hour
(oase25 ).
odometer Shows the total miles or kilometers ridden (oaee 25 ).
tripmeterA & B Showsthenumberof milesor kilometersridden
sinceyou lastresetthe meter.The tripmeterhastwo
submodes,"A" and "B". To zero (0) the tripmeter,
pressthe resetbutton /r.ape26 \.
dieital clock Showshourandminute(oaee28 ).

18 Instruments& Controls
Gauges,Indicators & Displays
6 resetbutton Resetsthe tripmeter to zero (0) (page 26).
Also usedto set the dieital clock (oase 28 ).
selectbutton Selectstripmeter A or B (page 26) andchanges
speedand mileage units for the speedometer/
odometer/tripmeter(page 27 ).
Also usedto setthe disital clock (paee28 ).
8 left tum signalindicator Flasheswhen the left turn signal operates.
(amber) Lamo Check.
9 malfunction indicator Lights when coolant is over the specified
lamp (red) temperature,and/or engine oil pressureis below
normal operatingrange.If the indicator lights, pull
safelyto the sideofthe road,(pages22 - 23 ).
lnmpCheck. Seepages186 - 188forinstructions
r0 neutralindicator(green) Lights when the transmissionis in neutral.
lnmo Check.

Instruments & Controls t9

Gauges,Indicators & Displays
ll PGM-FI malfunction Flasheswhen there is any abnormality in the PGM-
indicatorlamp (red) FI (ProgrammedFuel Injection)system.Shouldalso
light for a few secondsand thengo off when the
ignition switch is turnedON and the enginestop
switch is at RUN. If the indicatorcomeson at any
othertime, reducespeedand takeyour rnotorcycleto
a Hondadealeras soonasoossible.Inmo Check.
t2 high beamindicator Lights when the headlightis on high beam.
(hlue) I nmn Check
l3 right tum signal Flasheswhen the right turn signaloperates.
indicator(amber) Lamo Check.

20 Instruments& Controls
Gauges,Indicators & Displays

Multi-function display( l) includesthe
following functions:
low oil pressureindicator
odometer (7) (5) (6)
tripmeter (1) multi-function
fuel indicator (2)lowoilpressure indicator
digital clock (3)coolanttemperature indicator
Digital clock ( 8 ), tripmeter( 6 ), and fuel (5)odometer
indicator(7 ), will resetif the batteryis (6)tripmeter
disconnected. (7)fuelindicator

Instruments& Controls 2l
Gauges,Indicators & Displays
If the low oil pressureindicatorflashes
and the malfunction indicator lamp goes
on, pull safelyto the sideof the road.
Seepage 188 for insffuctionsand cautions.
The low oil pressureindicator( l) flashes
and the malfunction indicator lamp (2 )
lights when engineoil pressureis low
enoughto causeenginedamage.

The low oil pressureindicatorshouldalso

flash andthe malfunctionindicatorlamp
shouldalsogo on when the ignition switch
is turnedON. The malfunctionindicator
lamp stayson andthe low oil pressure
indicator keepsflashing until after the
- lettl-

engineis started. (1)

(1) low oil pressureindicator

(2) malfunctionindicatorlamp

22 Instruments& Controls
Gauges,Indicators & Displays

The coolant temperatureindicator ( I )

flashesand the malfunctionindicatorlamp
(2 ) lights when the coolanttemperature
reaches251"F (122"C). At the sametime,
the numbersin the coolant temperature
If this occurs,stopthe engineand check
the reservetank coolantlevel. Readpages
l0l - 104andd0notridothomotorcycle
until the problemhasbeenconected.

Continuing to ride with an overheated (2)malfunction
engine can cause serious engine damage.

Instruments& Controls
Gauges,Indicators & Displays
After refueling, the fuel indicator will go
OFF only when all of the following
conditions are met:
When the fuel indicator ( l) lights, you r More than 90 secondshave elapsed
should refill the tank as soon as possible. after the ignition switch was turned ON.
When this indicatorlights while riding, the o The engineis running.
amountof fuel remainingis o The side standis raised.
approximately: . The amount of fuel in the tank is more
0 .9 2 U S g a l (3 .5A ,0 .7 7 l mp gal ) than
0.92U S S al (3,5 0 ,0.77 l mp gal ).
After the fuel indicator lights, the fuel
reservesegments(2 ) will flash in The fuel indicator will resetif the battery
t0thodistanco isdisconnected.
traveled. (1)
{ w-
+ M-
J lffi-
.{ H $-

24 Instruments & Controls

?4 ,//aiir? i4Lh[\wl ?,@7/i i6i:*rwit tr!\wl,.I ffi:

The speedometer ( 1) showsriding speed

in miles or kilometersper hour.

The odometer(2 ) showsthe total miles or



Instruments& Controls
Gauges,Indicators & Displavs

(6\ (a)---.-n
a= nrtnl
The tripmeter(3 ) showsnumberof mites
or kilometersriddensinceyou last reset E|:
llll +
r| |
the meter.
qll I
The tripmeterhastwo submodes,A (4 ) rr
andB (5 ).
- (s)--trl4t]
Pushtheselectbutton(6 ) to switch
betweenthe A (4 ) andB (5 ) modes.

To resetthe tripmeter,pushandhold the

resetbutton(7 ) for a coupleof seconds.


(4) tripmeterA (6) selectbutton

(5) tripmeterB (7) resetbutton
26 Instruments& Controls
Gauges,Indicators & Displays

(6). ( ,-



Instruments & Controls 27

Gauges,fndicators & Displavs

Showshour and minute.To adjustthe

l. Turn theignitionswitchON.
2. Pressand hold both the selectbutton
-otf l]l;,;at
(2 ) andresetbutton(3 for more
) than2
seconds. The clockwill be setin the
adjustmodewith thehour display

(1)di gi tatctock
(2) selectbutton
(3) resetbutton

Instruments& Controls
Indicators & Dis
3. To setthe hour,pressthe resetbutton 4. Pressthe selectbutton.The minute
until the desiredhour and AM/pM are displaywill starlflashine.

o"iili:,JI (_
I : l_ lll+
I qf

Instruments& Controls 29
Gauges,Indicators & Displays
5. To setthe minute,pressthe resetbutton 6. To end the adjustment,pressthe select
until the desiredminuteis displayed. buttonor turn the ignition switch OFF.
The minutedisplaywill retum to "00" The displaywill stopflashing
when ''60" is reachedwithout automaticallyand the adjustmentwill
affecting the hour display. be cancelledif the buttonis not pressed
for about30 seconds.

Instruments& Controls
Gauges,Indicators & Displays
Below -" is displayed
94'F (34'C)
The coolanttemperaturemeter( 1) shows Between Actual coolant
the coolanttemperaturedigitally. 95'F - 270"F temperatureis
(35 "C - 132'C't disnlaved.
Above The display remains
270 "F (132"C\ "2700F (L32"C)"

( ForUSA)


( For Canada)


Instruments& Controls 31
Gauges,Indicators & Displays
OverheatingMessage: ( For USA)
When the coolanttemperaturereaches
251"F (122"C),the numbersin the
temperaturedisplaystartflashing.At the
sametime, the coolanttemperature
indicator(3 ) flashesand the malfunction ( ForCanada)
indicatorlamp (4 ) goeson.
If this occurs,stopthe engineand check
the reservetank coolantlevel. Readpages
F r* ' n

101- 104 anddo not ride themotorcycle

until the problemhasbeenconected.

Continuing to ride with an overheated

engine can cause serious engine damage.
I - t t- l
F l-

(3) coolanttemperatureindicator
(4) malfunctionindicatorlamp

32 Instruments& Controls
Controls & Features

The ignition switch is usedfor startingand

stopping the engine (page49 ) and to lock
the steeringfor theft prevention(page58 ).
Insert the key and turn it to the right for
the ON position.Pushdown on the key
and turn it to the left to the LOCK
(steeringlock) position.

Kev Position Function

ON Electricaf
OFF Noelectrical (1) ignitionswitch
LOCK No electricalcircuits To unlock the steeringlock, insertand
(steering function.Locksthe push down on the key and turn it to the
lock) steerino head. right to the OFF position.

Instruments & Controls

Controls & Features

The startbutton( I ) is usedfor startingthe RIGHTHANDLEBAR

engine.Pushingthe buttonin startsthe
engine.SeeStartingProcedure,page 50.

When the startbuttonis pushed,the starter

motor will crank the engine;the headlight (1)
will automaticallygo out, but the taillight
will stayon. (1)startbutton R orr
(2)enginestopswitch O nur.r
The startermotor will not operateif the Theongine
stopswitch(2) isusedtostop
enginestopswitch is in the OFF position the enginein an emergency.To operate,
when the startbuttonis pushed. pushthe switch to the OFF position.The
switchmustbe in the RUN positionto
startthe engine,and it shouldnormally
remainin the RUN positionevenwhen the
engineis OFF.

34 Instruments & Controls

Controls & Features
If your motorcycle is stoppedwith the
ignition switch ON and the engine stop
switch OFF, the headlightand taillight
will remain on, resulting in battery The turn signalswitch (2 ) is usedto signal
discharge. a turn or a lanechange.To operate,move
the switch all the way in the proper
direction and releaseit. The appropriate
tum signal lights will start blinking. To
The headlightdimmerswitch ( I ) is used cancelthe light, pushthe switch in.
to changebetweenthe high and low beams
of the headlight,To operate,turn the
switch to HI for high beam,LO for low

(1) headlightdimmerswitch =D HI
(2) turn signal switch 2D to
(3) horn button

Instruments & Controls 35

Controls & Features

The hom is usedto alert other motorists. The selectbuttonis usedto switch
To operate,pushthe horn button (3 ). betweenthe two tripmeter(A & B)
displays.To swirch from one tripmeter to
the other,pressthe button (page26 ).

The resetbutton is usedto reset(zero) the The selectbutton is also usedto change
tripmeter.To resetthe tripmeter,pressand the speedand mileage units for the
hold the buttonfor abotttz-3 seconds speedometer/odometer/tripmeter. To
(page26). changethe unit, pressand hold the button
The resetbuttonis alsousedto setthe
digital clock (page28 ). The selectbuttonis also usedto setthe
digital clock (page28 ).

36 Instruments& Controls
Before Riding
Before eachride, you needto make sure Are You Readyto Ride? ......................
you andyour Hondaareboth readyto ride. ProtectiveApparel.................,....,.,.....
To help get you prepared,this section RiderTraining .............
discusses how to evaluateyour riding Is Your MotorcycleReadyto Ride ? ....qt
readiness,what itemsyou shouldcheckon Pre-rideInspection
your motorcycle,and adjustmentsto make LoadLimit & Guidelines.......................
for your comfort, convenience,or safety. Loading......... 44
This sectionalso includesimportant LoadLimits .................45
informationaboutloading. LoadingGuidelines 45

For information about adjusting the

suspension on your Honda,seepage I l8.

Before Riding 37
Before you ride your motorcycle for the If you must carry an extra helmet while
first time, we urge you to: riding, usea commercially-available
o Readthis owner'smanual. elasticcord, strap,ornet to securethe
. Make sureyou understandall the safety helmet to the seat.
o Know how to operateall the controls.

Before eachride. be sure: For your safety,we stronglyrecommend

r You feel well and are in good physical that you always wear an approved
and mentalcondition. motorcyclehelmet,eye protection,boots,
o You are wearing a proper helmet (with gloves,long pants,and a long-sleeved
chin straptightenedsecurely),eye shirt orjacket wheneveryou ride.
protection,andotherprotectiveclothing. Although completeprotectionis not
. You dontt haveany alcoholor drugsin possible,wearing proper gearcan reduce
your system. the chanceof injury when you ride.
Following are suggestions to help you
Make sureyour passenger is readyto ride, choosethe propergear.
too, and is wearingpropergearincludinga

38 Before Riding
Are You Ready to Ride?
HelmetsandEye Protection
Your helmetis your mostimportantpiece
of riding gearbecauseit offers the best Notwearinga helmetincreases
protectionagainstheadinjuries.A helmet thechanceof seriousinjuryor
shouldfit your headcomfortablyand deathin a crash.
securely.A bright-coloredhelmetand
reflectivestripscan makeyou more Be sureyou andyourpassenger
noticeablein traffic. alwaysweara helmet,eye
and otherprotective
An open-facehelmetoffers some apparelwhen youride.
protection,but a full-face helmetoffers
more.Regardlessof the style,look for a
0fTranspoftation) RidingGear
sticker in any helmet you buy (USA only). In addition to a helmet and eye protection,
Always wear a face shield or goggles to we also recommend:
protect your eyes and help your vision. . Sturdy boots with non-slip soles to help
protect your f'eet and ankles.
o Leather gloves to help protect your

BeforeRiding 39
Are You Ready to Ride?
o A motorcycle riding suit or jacket for We urge all riders to take a certified
comfort aswell asprotection. courseapprovedby the MotorcycleSafety
Bright-coloredand reflectiveclothing Foundation(MSF). New ridersshould
can help make you more noticeablein start with the basic course,and even
traffic. Avoid looseclothesthat could experiencedriders will find the advanced
get caughton any part of your coursebeneficial.For information about
motorcycle. the MSF trainingcoursenearestyou, call
the national toll-free number: (800) 446-

Developingyour riding skills is an on- Other riding tips can be found in the
going process.Even ifyou haveridden Riding Tips bookletthat camewith your
othermotorcycles,take time to become motorcycle(USA only).
familiar with how this motorcycle works
and handles.Practiceriding the
motorcyclein a safeareato build your
skills. Do not ride in traffic until you get
accustomedto the motorcycle'scontrols,
andfeel comfortablewith its sizeand

40 Beforr Riding
Before each ride, it's important to inspect
your motorcycle and make sure any
problem you find is corrected.A pre-ride
inspection is a must, not only for safety, Checkthe following itemsbeforeyou get
but becausehaving a breakdown, or even on themotorcycle:
a flat tire, can be a major inconvenience.
Tires Look at the tires.If a tire
appearslow, usean air pressure
gaugeto checkits pressure. Also
Improperlymaintaining this look for signsof damageor
motorcycleor failingto correcta excesstve wear(pagel3-5).
crashin whichyoucanbe Chain Checkthe conditionof the chain.
seriouslyhurtor killed. Adjustslackandlubricateas
Alwaysperforma pre-ride


Before Riding 4l
ls Your Motorcycle Ready to Ride?
Leaks, Walk aroundyour Checktheseitemsafter you get on the
Inose motorcycleand look for motorcycle:
Parts anythingthat appears
unusual,suchasa leak or Throttle Rotatethe throttleto check
loosecable. it movessmoothlywithout
Lights Make surethe headlight,
brakelight, taillight, and Brakes Pull the brakelever and
turn signalsareworking presson the brakepedalto
properly. checkthat they operate

Indicators Tum the ignition on and

checkfor normal operation
of the indicators(page 14).

42 Before Riding
Is Your Motorcycle Ready to Ride?
If you are carryinga passenger
or cargo, If you haven'triddenthe motorcyclein
alsocheckthe following: over a week,you shouldalsocheckother
items,suchas the oil level and otherfluids
Load Limits Make sureyou do not SeePeriodic Maintenance(page70 ).
exceedthe load limits Periodicmaintenanceshouldalsobe done
(page45). at leastoncea month,no matterhow often
you ride.
Cargo Checkthat all cargois
secufe. Remember,be sureto takecareof any
problemyou find, or haveyour Honda
Adjustments Adjust the suspension dealercorrectit beforeyou ride.
(page119, 123) according
Io your load.

BeforeRiding 43
Load Limits & Guidelines
Your motorcyclehasbeendesignedto
carry you and one passenger.
carrya passenger,
When you
you may feel some
differenceduring accelerationand braking.
How muchweightyou put on your
But so long as you keepyour motorcycle motorcycle,and how you load it, are
well-maintained,with goodtires and importantto your safety.Anytime you
brakes,you can safelycarry loadswithin ride with a passengeror cargo,you should
the given limits andguidelines. be awareof the following information.

However,exceeding the weightlimit or

carryingan unbalancedload can seriously
impairyour motorcycle'shandling, or improperloading
braking,andstability.Non-Honda cancausea crashandyoucanbe
accessories, hurtor killed.
poor maintenancecan alsoreduceyour
safetymargin. Followall loadlimitsandother
loadingguidelinesin thismanual.

44 Before Riding
Load Limits & Guidelines

Following are the load limits for your Your motorcycle is primarily intendedfor
motorcycle: transportingyou and a passenger.You
may wish to securea jacket or other small
maximum weight capacity: itemsto the seatwhen you arenot riding
3 8 6 l b s (1 7 5k g ) with a passenger.
395 | bs ( 179 kg ) (Canadaonly)
includesthe weight of the rider, If you wish to carry more cargo,check
passenger, all cargo,and all accessories. with your Honda dealerfor advice, and be
sureto read the information regarding
maximum cargo weight: accessories onpage 4,
Improperly loading your motorcycle can
affect its stability and handling. Even if
your motorcycleis properlyloaded,you
shouldride at reducedspeedsand never
exceed80 mph (130km/h) when carrying

BeforrcRiding 45
Load Limits & Guidelines
Follow theseguidelineswheneveryou
catry a passenger or cargo:
r Checkthat both tires areproperly
r If you changeyour normalload,you
may needto adjustthe front suspension
(pageI 19) andtherearsuspension
(page 123).
r To preventlooseitemsfrom creatinga
hazard,makesurethatall cargois tied
down securelybeforeyou ride.
r Placecargoweight aslow andcloseto
the centerof your motorcycleas
o Balancecargoweight evenly on both

46 BeforeRiding
Basic Operation & Riding
This sectiongivesbasicriding instructions, SafeRidingPrecautions .........................
including how to start and stop your Starting& Stoppingthe Engine.............49
engine,andhow to usethe throttle,clutch, Preparation.... ...............49
andbrakes.It alsoprovidesimportant StartingProcedure ..............................
information on riding with a passengeror FloodedEngine...................................
cargo. Bank Angle SensorIgnition Cut-off
System........... ...............
To protectyour new engineand enjoy How to StoptheEngine..................... 52
optimum perforrrumceand service life, ShiftingGears.........................................
refer to Break-inGuidelines(page 208). B raki ng ............,.....,.,.......
Parking.......... ...................
Califomia only: Ridingwith a Passenger or Cargo..........62
Toproteet inyour
extendedidling and the useof leaded

Basic Operation & Riding 47

Safe Riding Precautions
Before riding your motorcyclefor the first
time, pleasereview the MotorcycleSafety
sectionbeginningon pagel, andthe
Before Ridingsectionbeginningon page

Evenif you haveriddenothermotorcycles,

taketime to becomefamiliar with how
this motorcycleworks andhandles.
Practicein a safeareauntil you build your
skillsandgetaccustomed to the

Calif ornia only:

Make sureflammablematerialssuchas
dry grassor leavesdo not comein contact
with theexhaustsystemwhenriding,
idling,or parkingyour motorcycle.

48 BasicOperation& Riding
Starting & Stopping the Engine
Always follow the properstarting clutch lever pulled in. After startingwith
proceduredescribedbelow. the sidestanddown, the enginewill stopif
the transmissionis put in gearbefore
For your safety, avoid starting or operating raisingthe sidestand.
the enginein an enclosedareasuchas a
garage.Your motorcycle'sexhaust
which can collect rapidly in an enclosed Before starting, insert the key, turn the
areaand causeillnessor death. ignition switch ON, andconfirm the
Your motorcyclecan be startedwith the o The transmissionis in NEUTRAL
transmissionin gearby pulling in the (neutralindicatorlight ON).
clutch levor boforeoperatingthe startor. r Theengine
stopswitchis settoRUN,
r The malfunctionindicatorlamp is ON.
Your motorcycleis equippedwith a side . The low oil pressureindicatoris
standignition cut-off system.If the side flashing.
standis down-the enginecannotbe o The PGM-FI indicatoris OFF.
startedunlessthe transmissionis in neutral.
If the side standis up-the engine can be
startedin neutral,or in gearwith the

Basic Operation & Riding 49

the Engine
The malfunction indicator lamp and low
oil pressureindicatorshouldgo off a few
secondsafter the enginestarts.If the
malfunctionindicatorlamp stayson and This motorcyclehasa fuel-injectedengine
the low oil pressureindicatorkeeps with an automaticfast idle. Follow the
flashing, stop the engineimmediately and procedureindicatedbelow.
checkthe engineoil level.
Any Air Temperature
r Pressthe starterbutton with the throttle

The enginewill not startif the throttleis

fully opon (becausetho olsctronic control
modulecuts off the fuel supply).

50 Basic Operation & Riding

Starting & Stoppingthe Engine

If the engine fails to start after repeated

attempts,it may be flooded with excess Your motorcycle'sbanking(leanangle)
fuel. To cleara floodedengine: sensorsystemis designedto automatically
1. Leavethe enginestopswitch setto stopthe engineandfuel pump if the
RUN. motorcycleis overturned.
2. Openthe throttle fully.
3. Pressthe startbutton for 5 seconds. Before restartingthe engine.you must
4. Follow the normal startingprocedure. tum the ignition switch to the OFF
5. If the enginestarts,thenopenthe position and then back to ON. The engine
throttle slightly if idling is unstable, will not restartuntil you perform this
If the enginedoesnot start,wait l0 procedure.
seconds,thenfollow steps
I - 4 again.

Ifthe enginestill won't start,referto If

Your EngineQuits or Won't Start, page
t69 .

BasicOperation & Riding 51

Starting & Stopping the Engine
EmergencyEngine Stop
To stop the enginein an emergency,use
the engine stop swirch. To operate,press
Normal EngineStop the switch to the OFF position.
To stop the engine,shift into neutral and
turn the ignition switchOFF.

The enginestopswitch shouldnormally

remain in the RUN position even when the
engineis OFF.

If your motorcycleis stoppedwith the

enginestopswitch OFF and the ignition
switch ON, the headlightand taillight
will remainon, resultingin battery

Basic Operation & Riding

Shifting Gears
o Closethe throttleand pull the clutch
lever in completelybeforeshifting.
Impropershifting may damagethe
engine,transmission,and drive train.
o Learn to recognizethe engagement
point as you releasethe clutch lever.It
is at this point the transmissionof
shifting pattern power to the rear wheelresumes.
. Upshift to a highergearor reduce
Your motorcyclehassix forward gearsin throttlebeforeenginerpm (speed)gets
a one-down,five-up shift patternwhich is too high. Learn the relationshipbetween
coordinatedwith a cable-operatedclutch enginesoundandthe normal shifting
system. points.
o Downshift to a lower gearbeforeyou
Learningwhento shift gearscomeswith feel the enginelaboring(lugging)at
experience.Keep the following tips in low rpm.
r As a generalrule, shift while moving in
a straightline.

BasicOperation& Riding 53
Shifting Gears
o Avoid downshiftingto help slow your Shifting Up:
motorcyclewhen enginerpm is nearits From 1stto 2nd: l2 mph (20 kn/h)
allowablemaximum(nearthe From 2nd to 3rd: 19 mph (30 kn/h)
tachometerred zone).In this situation, From 3rd to 4th: 25 mph (40 km/h)
the rev limiter in the engineignition From 4th to 5th: 3l mph (50 kr/h)
controlmodulemay not prevent From 5th to 6th: 37 mph (60 km/h)
excessive enginespeedwhich could
damagethe engine. Shifting Down:
I To preventtransmissiondamage,do not From6th to 5th: 28 mph (45 km/h)
coastor tow the motorcyclefor long From 5th to 4th: 22mph (35 kr/h)
distances with theengineoff. From 4th to 3rd; 16 mph (25 kn/h)

Recommended Shift Points Pulltheclutchleverin whenspeed

Ridein thehighestgearthatletsthe below9 mph(15kr/h), whenengine
enginerun and acceleratesmoothly.This roughness is evident,or whenengine
will give you goodfuel econornyand stallingis imminent;andshift down to 1st
effectiveemissions control.When gearfor acceleration.
usctheserecommended shift points:

54 BasicOperation& Riding
Your motorcycleis equippedwith disc
brakingsystemswhich are hydraulically Graduallyincreasebrakingas you feel the
activated.Depressingthe brakepedal brakesslowing your speed.The increase
appliesthe rear disc brake.Operatingthe in enginecompressionfrom downshifting
brakelever appliesthe two front disc will help slow yourmotorcycle.
To preventstallingthe engine,pull the
As a generalrule, the front brakingsystem clutchleverin beforecomingto a
providesabout70 percentof total stopping completestop.For support,put your left
power. foot down first, thenyour right foot when
you arethroughusingthe brakepedal.
For full brakingeffectiveness,useboth
the pedalandleversimultaneously. Applying t00hardmaycause
Using both brakingsystemswill stop the wheelsto lock and slide,reducing
your motorcyclefasterwith greater control of your motorcycle.If this happens,
stability. releasethe brakecontrols,steerstraight
aheaduntil you regaincontrol,then
To slow or stop,applythebrakeleverand reapplythe brakesmoregently.
brakepedalsmoothly,while downshifting
to matchyour speed.

BasicOperation & Riding 55

Whenpossible,reduceyour speedor Riding with your foot restingon rhe
completebrakrngbeforeenteringa turn. brakepedalor your handon the brake
Avoid brakingor closingthe throttle lever may actuatethe brakelight,giving
quickly while turning.Either actionmay a falseindicationto otherdrivers.It
causeone or both wheelsto slip and may alsooverheatthe brakes,reducing
reduceyour control of your motorcycle. effectiveness.

Your ability to brakein a turn andto brake

hardin an emergencysituationare
importantriding skills. We suggest
attendinga MotorcycleSafetyFoundation
experiencedrider trainingcourse
40) toretain
When descending a7ong, steep grade,
use engine compression braking by
downshifting, with intermittent use of
both brakes. Continuous brake
application can overheat the brakes and
reducetheir ef lectiveness.

56 Basic Operation & Riding

1. Look for a level parkingarea.If you 2. Use the sidestandto supportthe
can't park on a pavedsurface,make motorcyclewhile parked.
surethe groundsurfaceis firm, r To Iowerthesidestand,useyourfoot
especiallyunderthe sidestand. to guideit down.Rememberthat
If you mustpark on a hill, leavethe lowering the sidestandwith the
transmissionin gearandpositionthe transmissionin gearwill stopthe
reartire againstthe curb at a 45 degree engine,evenif the clutch lever is
angle. pulledin. Thatis a functionof the
sidestandignitioncut-off system.
California only: r Checkthat the sidestandis down all
Make sureflammablematerialssuchas the way.
dry grassor leavesdo not comein r If you haveto park on a soft surface,
contactwith the exhaustsystemwhen insertsomething
parkingyour motorcycle.Refer to standfor support.
CatalyticConverter(California Only),

BasicOperation& Riding 57
3. Use the steeringlock, which locks the
handlebarin place.Turn the handlebar
all the way ro the left or right. push in
on the ignition key and turn it to LOCK
Removethe key.
(To unlock the steeringlock, insertand
pushdown on the key andtum it to the
right to the OFF position.)

(1) ignitionkey (A)pushin

(B)turnto LOCK
(c)turnto oFF

Basic Operation & Riding


Ridingwitha helmetattachedto
the holdercan interferewiththe
rearwheelor suspension and
couldcausea crashin whichyou
can be seriouslyhurtor killed.

parked.Do not ridewith a helmet
securedby the holder.
(2) holderhooks

4. Use the helmetholderto secureyour

helmetwith your motorcycle:
. Removethe rear seat(page85 ).
. Hangyour helmeton the holder
hooks(2 ).
o Install the rear seat.

Basic Operation & Riding

o If you decideto usean anti-theftdevice,
selectone of good quality and be sureto
follow the manufacturer'sinstructions.
o Park your motorcycle in a locked o The rear fender has a storage
garagewheneverpossible.If a garage compartmentto storea U-shapedlock
isn't available,park in a concealedarea underthe seat.After storing,usethe
or in a well-lit areawith enough rubber band ( I ) to securelyfasten the
pedestriantraffic to discouragea thief. lock. SomeU-shapedlocks may not be
o Always take the ignition key with you. storedin the compartmentdue to their
r Always usethe steeringlock (page 58 ), sizeor design.
evenif you're parkingforjust a minute
or two. A thief can easilypushan
unlockedmotorcycleto a waiting truck.
r In addition to the steeringlock, usea
good quality anti-theftdevicemade
specificallyto lock a motorcycleto a

60 Basic Operation & Riding


(1 )
( 1 )ru b b e rb a n d

. Keepyour owner'smanua'l, current

andinsurance information
with your motorcycle.This will makeit
easierfor theauthorities
to find you if
your motorcycleis stolenandrecovered.

Basic Operation & Riding 6l

Riding with a Passengerrlr Cargo
Your motorcycle is a high-performance Before riding with a passenger,make sure
sportmodel designedto carry you andone your passengeris wearingthe proper
passenger.Wheneveryou add a passenger protectiveapparel(page 38 ). Also check
or cargo,you mustbe careful not to that your passenger is not wearingany
exceedthe total load limits for this vehicle loose apparelthat might get caughtin the
(load Limits, page45 ). Make sureyour drive chain.
cargois properlysecured(Loading
Guidelines,page 45 ). Tell your passengerto hold the seatshap
or your waist, leanwith you in the turns,
Also consideradjustingthe suspension and keep their feet on the passenger
(page I 18) for the extraload. footpegsat all times,evenwhen the
motorcycle is stoppedat a traffic light.
Be awarethat carrying a passengeror
heavycargocan affect acceleration,

62 Basic Operation & Riding

Servicing Your Honda
To help keepyour motorcyclein good Before You Service Your Honda
shape,this sectionincludesa Maintenance The Importanceof Maintenance..........,. 66
Schedulefor requiredservice,a list of Maintenance Safety............
periodicchecksyou shouldperform at ImportantSafetyPrecautions.............68
leastoncea month,and step-by-step PeriodicMaintenance.............................
instructionsfor specificmaintenancetasks. Maintenance Schedule ...........................
You'll alsofind importantsafety Maintenance Record...........
precautions,informationon fuels and oils,
and tips for keeping your Honda looking

For information about the exhaust

emissionand noiseemissionrequirements
of the U.S.Environmenlalhotection
Agency (EPA) and the California Air
ResourcesBoard (CARB), seepage 209.

For informationaboutreplacingfuses,see

ServicingYourllonda 63
Servicing Your Honda



64 Servicing Your Honda

The following table summarizesthe three types of inspectionsand servicing
recommendationsfor your motorcycle. Both the pre-ride inspection and thJscheduled
maintenanceat the recommendedintervalsarenecessaryto assuresafeand dependable
performance.The periodic checksprovide additional confidence in your motoicycle's

Type of Inspection/Service Refer to paee: WhenPerformed Who Performs

Pre-ride Insoection 4l before everv ride you
Periodic Maintenance 70 monthlv* you
Maintenance Schedule 72 interval on schedule vour Honda dealer**

often if you ride frequentlyor long distances;or anytimeyou cleanyour motorcycle

have the proper tools and service data and." rnr"huni.utty quauriea

Servicing Your Honda

The Importance of Maintenance
Keepingyour motorcyclewell-maintained
is absolutelyessentialto your safety.It's
also a good way to protectyour lmproperlymaintaining this
investment,get maximumperformance, motorcycleor failingto correcta
avoid breakdowns,and havemore fun. A problembeforeyou ridecan
properlymaintainedmotorcyclewill also causea crashin whichvoucan be
help to reduceair pollution. seriouslyhurtor killed.

Remember,propermaintenanceis the Alwaysfollowthe inspection

Be sureto inspect maintenance recommendations
your motorcyclebeforeeachride, perform andschedules in thisowner's
the periodicchecks,and follow the manual.
Maintenance Schedulein thissection.
If your motorcycleoverturnsor is
involvedin a crash,be sureyour Honda
dealerinspectsall major parts,evenif you
areableto makesomerepairs.

66 ServicingYour Honda
Maintenance Safetv
This sectionincludesinstructionson how Some of the most important safety
to perlorm someimportantmaintenance precautions follow. However, we cannot
tasks.If you havebasicmechanicalskills, warn you of every conceivable hazardthat
you can perform many of thesetaskswith can arise in performing maintenance. Only
the tools providedwith your motorcycle. you can decide whether or not you should
perform a given task.
Other tasksthat aremore difficult and
requirespecialtools are bestperformedby
normally be handledonly by a Honda Failureto properlyfollow
technicianor otherqualified mechanic. maintenance instructionsand
Instructionsare includedin this manual precautions cancauseyouto be
service. seriously
Alwaysfollowthe proceduresand
precautionsin thisowner's

Senicing Your Honda 67

Maintenance Safetv
o Readthe instructions before you begin,
andmakesureyou havethe tools and
skills required.
o Make surethe engineis off beforeyou I To help preventthe motorcyclefrom
begin any maintenanceor repairs.This falling over, park it on a firm, level
will help eliminateseveralpotential surface,usingthe sidestandor a
hazards: maintenancestandto provide support.
Carbon monoxide poisoning from o To reducethe possibility of a fire or
engine exhaust. Be surethere is explosion,be careful when working
adequateventilation wheneveryou aroundgasoline.Use only
operatethe engine. non-flammablesolvent,not gasoline,to
Burns from hot motorcycle parts. Let cleanparts.Keepcigarettes,sparks,and
the engineand exhaustsystemcool parts.
flamesawayfromall fuel-related
hiury from moving parts. Do not run
the engineunlessinstructedto do so.

68 ServicingYour Honda
Maintenance Safetv
Remember that your Honda dealer knows
your motorcycle best and is fully equipped
to maintain and repair it. To ensure the
best quality and reliability, use only new
genuine Honda par-tsor their equivalents
for repair and replacement. If you have the
tools and skills required for additional
maintenancejobs, you can purchasean
official Honda Service Manual (page

ServicingYour Honda 69
Periodic Maintenance
In additionto the regularlyscheduled
maintenance(page72 ) and daily pre-ride
inspection(page41 ), considerperforming
the periodiccheckson the followingpage
at leastoncea month,evenif you haven't
riddenyour motorcycle,or as often as
oncea week if you ride frequentlyor for
long distances.It's a goodideato perform
thismaintenance any time you cleanyour

Checkthe odometerreadingandperform
any scheduledmaintenancechecksthatare
needed(page72). Remember, more
frequentchecksmay be neededfor riding
in severeconditions.

70 ServicingYour Honda
Periodic Maintenance
Tires Checkthe air pressurewith a gaugeand add air if needed(page 133)
Examinethe treadfor wear (page 135).
Look closelyfor nails,embeddedobjects,cuts,and othertypesof
damage(page135). Roll your motorcycleso you can inspectthe
entire surface.
Checkthe conditionof the rims.
Fluids Checkthe levelsofthe engineoil (page95 ), coolant(pagel02), and
brakefluid (page129). Add the correctfluid as necessary, and
investieatethe causeof anv low fluid level.
Lights Make surethe headlight,brakelight, taillight, andturn signalsare
working Droperlv.
Freeplay Checkthe freeplayof the clutch lever (page107) and throttlegrip
Drive Chain Checkcondition,adiustslack.and lubricateas needed(nase l4l
Fuses Make surevou havea full supplvof sparefuses.
Nuts& Bolts Checkthe maior fastenersand tishten as needed.

ServicingYour Honda 7l
Maintenance Schedule
The requiredMaintenanceSchedulethat Someitems in the MaintenanceSchedule
follows specifieshow often you should can be performedwith basicmechanical
haveyour motorcycleserviced,and what skills and handtools.Proceduresfor these
thingsneedattention.It is essentialto have itemsareprovidedin this manual.Other
yourmotorcycleservicedasscheduled to itemsinvolvemoreextensiveprocedures
maintainsafe,dependableperformance andmay requirespecialtraining,tools,
andproperemissioncontrol. and equipment.We recommendthat you
haveyour Hondadealerperform these
The serviceintervalsin thisMaintenance tasksunlessyou haveadvanced
Scheduleare basedon averageriding mechanicalskills andthe requiredtools
conditions.Someitemswill needmore andequipment. Proceduresfor suchitems
frequentserviceif you ride in unusually in this scheduleareprovidedin an official
wet or dustyareasor at full throttle. Honda
Consultyour Hondadealerfor purchase(page 220).
recommendations applicableto your

72 Servicing Your Honda

Maintenance Schedule
If you do not feel capableof performinga Eachitem on the maintenanceschedule
given taskor needassistance, remember requiressomemechanicalknowledge.
that your Hondadealerknowsyour Certainitems (particularlythosemarked
* * *)
motorcyclebestand is fully equippedto and may requiremore technical
maintainandrepairit. If you decideto do informationand tools.Consultyour
your own maintenance, useonly genuine Hondadealer.
Hondapartsor their equivalentsfor repair - Shouldbe servicedby yourHonda
or replacementto ensurethe bestquality dealer,unlessyou havethe propertools
andreliability. and servicedataand are mechanically
qualified. Refer to the official Honda
Performthe pre-rideinspection(page41 ) ServiceManual (page 220).
* *In
and ownermaintenance(page 74 ) at each theinterestof safety,we recommend
scheduled Period. theseitems be servicedonly by your

ServicingYour Honda 73
Maintenance Schedule
Summaryof MaintenanceScheduleNotes MaintenanceProcedures:
& Procedures: I: inspectandclean,adjust,lubricate,
or replace,if necessary
NOTES: C: clean
l. At higherodometerreadings,repeatat A: adjust
the frequencyintervalestablishedhere. L: lubricate
2. Servicemorefrequentlyif the R: replace
motorcycleis riddenin unusuallywet or
3. Califomiatypeonly.
4. Replaceevery2 years,or at indicated
first. Replacement requiresmechanical
skill. Referto theofficial Honda

74 Servicing Your Honda

Maintenance Schedule
x 1,000
mi 0.6 4 8 12 to 20 24 Referto
ITEM NOTE x 1,000
km 1.0 6.4 l z,6 19.2 z3 .b 32.0 38.4 moe


- Should be serviced by your Honda dealer, unless you have the proper tools and service data and are
mechanically qualified. Refer to the official Honda Service Manual (page 220 ).
..In the interest of safety, we
recommend theseitems be serviced only by your Honda dealer.

ServicingYour Honda 75
Maintenance Schedule
x 1,000mi0.6 4 8 12 16 2A 24 Referto
ITEM NOTE x 1,ct00
km 1.0 6.4 12.8 32-0 38.4

DRIVECHAIN I,L VERY500 mi (800km) 141




- Should be servicedby your Honda dealer, unlessyou have the proper tools and service data and are
mechanically qualified. Refer to the official Honda Service Manual (page22O ).
-tln the interest of safety, we recommend theseitems be serviced only by your Honda dealer.

76 ServicingYour Honda
Maintenance Record
Keepingan accuratemaintenancerecordwill help ensurethat your motorcycleis properly
maintained.Retaindetailedreceiptsto verify the maintenancewasperformed.If the
motorcycleis sold,thesereceiptsshouldbe transferredwith the motorcycleto the new owner.
Make surewhoeverperformsthe maintenancecompletesthis record.All scheduled
maintenance,includingthe 600 mile (1,000km) initial maintenance,is considereda normal
owneroperatingcost andwill be chargedfor by your dealer.Use the spaceunderNotesto
recordanythingyou want to remind yourselfaboutor mentionto your dealer.

Miles ftm) Odometer Date Performed Bv: Notes

600 (1.000)

Servicing Your Honda 77

Maintenance Record
Miles &m) Odometer Date Performed Bv: Notes
28.000 (214.800)
48.000 (76.800)

Servicing Your Honda




frontspringpre-loadadjuster/ fuel fi l lcap


Servicing Your Honda

Component Locations

front brake


rear rebound oil levelinspection frontcompression

dampingadjuster window dampingadjuster

oil fillercap

ServicingYour Honda


Tool Kit
The tool kit ( I ) is storedin the storage o g X 12 nrm openend wrench
compartmentunder the rear seat(page o 10 X 14mmopenendwrench
85 ). Someroadsiderepairs,minor r 10 X 12 mm box end wrench
adjustments,and parts replacementcan be o 22 mm box end wrench
performed with the tools containedin the o 27 mm box end wrench
kir. o 5 mmhex wrench
o pliers
REAR o no. 2 Phillips screwdriver
r no. 2 screwdriver
o screwdriverhandle
r 0.7 mm feeler gauge
o extensionbar
o sparkplug wrench
o pin spanner
o tool bag

(1)toolkit (2)storagecompartment

82 ServicingYourllonda
Ownerts Manual Storage
Your motorcycleprovidesstoragefor the U N D E RR E A RS E A T
owner'smanualso you'll haveit with you
for easyreference.Storeyour owner's
manual(andotherdocuments)in the
plasticstoragebag( 1) in the owner's
manualstoragecompartment(2) on the
undersideof the rear seat(3 ) (page 85 ).

Be careful not to flood this areawhen


(1) storagebag
(2) owner'smanualstoragecompartment
(3) rearseat

Servicing Your Honda 83

Seat Removal
Refer to Safety Precautions onpage 68 . To removethe front seat( 1), pull the rear
comersof the seatback,removethe two
The front seat must be removed for mountingbolts (2 ), and thenpull the seat
battery or fuse maintenance. up and back.

Front Seat Removal To install the front seat,insertthe tab (3 )

(2) into the recessunderthe frame and tishten

(1)frontseat (3)tab
(2)mounting bolts

84 Servicing your Honda

Seat Removal
Rear SeatRemoval To remove the rear seat(4 ), insert the
ignition key (5 ) into the seatlock (6 ).
Tum it clockwise, then pull the rear seat
up and back.

To install the rear seat,insertthe prongs

(7 ) into the rear stay ( 8 ) on the frame,
and then push down on the rear of the rear


(4)rearseat (7)prongs
(5)ignitionkey (8)rearstay

ServicingYour Honda
Lower Fairing Removal
Refer to SafetyPrecautionsonpage 6g . R IGH TS ID E

The lower fairing must be removedto

servicethe sparkplugsor to removethe



(1)clips (4)hook
(2)screws (5) grommet
(3)Abolts (6) B bolts
(7) C bolts

Servicing Your Honda

Lower Fairing Removal
l. Removetheclips(l).
2. Removethe screws(2)
3. RemovetheA bolts(3).
4. Pull the hooks(4) out of the grommets
(3) (s).
(8) 5. RemovetheB bolts(6).
6. Removethe C bolts(7).
Installationcan be donein the reverse
(7) orderof removal.
o Run the tubes(8) throughthe clip (9) of
the lower fairine.

(1)clips (6) B bolts

(2)screws (7) C bolts
(3)Abolts (8 )tu b e s
(4)hook (9) clip

ServicingYour Honda 87
Inner Fairing Removal
Refer to Salety Precautionson page 68 .

The innerfairingmustbe removedto

servicethe sparkplugs.

l. Removethe lowerfairing (page86).
2. Removetheclips(l).
3. Removethe innerfairing (2).

. Installationcanbe donein the reverse
orderof removal.

(2) innerfairing

Servicing Your Honda

Refer to Safety Precautions on page 68 . Your engine is designedto useany
gasolinethat has a pump octanenumberof
86 or higher.Gasolinepumpsat service
stationsnormally displaythe pump octane
tVDe unleaded number.For information on the use of
pumpoctane 8 6 (o r h i g her) oxygenatedfuels, seepage 216.

We recommendthat you useunleadedfuel

becauseit producesfewer enginedeposits
and extendsthe life of exhaustsvstem

Calif ornia only:

The useof leadedgaswill damagethe


Servicing Your Honda 89

Useof lower octanegasolinecan cause
persistent"pinging,' or .,sparkknock,' (a
loud rappingnoise)which, if severe,can
lead to enginedamage,Light pinging
experiencedwhile operatingundera heavy
load,suchasclimbinga hill, is no cause
for concern.

If pinging or sparkknock occursat a

changebrandsof gasoline.If pinging or
sparkknockpersists, consultyour Honda

90 Servicing your Honda

Never use staleor contaminatedgasoline
or an oiVgasolinemixture. Avoid getting
dirt, dust, or water in the fuel tank.
Refer to SafetyPrecautionson page 68 .

Fuel tank capacity:

4 .7 6 U S g a l (1 8 .00 , 3 .9 6 l mp gal )

The tank should be refilled as soon as

possiblewhen the fuel indicatorcomeson.

(1) ignitionkey (3) fillerneck


l. lnsert the ignition key ( I ) in the fuel

fill cap (2) andturn it clockwise.

ServicingYour Honda 9f
2. Openthe cap. 4. After refueling,pushthe fuel fill cap
3. Add fuel until the level reachesthe closeduntil it snapsand locks.
bottomof thefiller neck(3 ). Avoid 5. Removethe ignition key from the cap.
overfilling the tank.Thereshouldbe no
fuel in the filler neck.

Gasolineis highlyflammableand
Youcanbe burnedor

o Stopthe engineand keepheat,

o Handlefuelonlyoutdoors.
o Wipeup spillsimmediately.

ServicingYour Honda
Engine Oil & Filter
Engineoil quality is a major factor that Whenrunningin very dustyconditions,oil
affects both the performanceand the changesshouldbe performedmore
servicelife of theengine. frequentlythan specifiedin the
marntenance schedule.
Using the properoil (page 94) and filter,
and regularlychecking,adding,and
changingoil will helpextendyour
engine'slife. Eventhe bestoil wearsout.
Changingoil helpsget rid of dirt and
depositsin the engine.Operatingthe
enginewith old or dirty oil can damage
your engine.Runningtheenginewith
insufficientoil cancauseseriousdamase
to the engineand transmission.

Changethe engineoil as specifiedin the

maintenanceschedule on page 75.

Servicing Your Honda 93

Engine Oil & Filter

AP I S F o r SG
viscosity SAE 1OW-40
suggested Pro HondaGN4 4- 100'F
oil s tro k eo i l (US A&
-20 -ro 40'c
C a n a d a ),o r
o i l (C a n a d aonl y), r Your motorcycledoesnot needoil
0ran6quivalent additives. oil.
motorcvcleoil. . Do not useoils with graphiteor
molybdenumadditives.They may
Otherviscositiesshownin the following adverselyaffectclutchoperation.
chart may be usedwhen the average . Do not usenon-detergent, vegetable,or
temperaturein your riding areais within castorbasedracingoils.
the indicatedranse.

94 Servicing Your Honda

Engine Oil & Filter
1. Parkyour motorcycleon its sidestand
d ffi dlii,=Jffi on a firm, level surface.
2. Startthe engineand let it idle for 3 - 5
Refer to SafetyPrecautionson page 68 minutes.Make surethe malfunction
indicatorlamp and low oil pressure
R IGH TS ID E indicatorgo off. If the malfunction
indicatorlamp stayson and the low oil
3. Stopthe engineandwait 2-3 minutes.
4. Hold the motorcyclein an upright


(1) upperlevelmark (4)fillercaP

(2) lowerlevelmark
(3) inspectionwindow

ServicingYour Honda 95
Engine Oil & Filter
5. Checkthat the oil level is betweenthe
upper( I ) andlower (2 ) level marksin
the inspectionwindow (3 ).
r If the oil is at or nearthe upperlevel Refer to SaferyPrecautionson page 68.
mark ( 1) - you do not haveto add
oil. Your motorcycle'soil filter hasvery
. If the oil is below or nearthe lower specificperformancerequirements.Use a
level mark (2 ) - remove the oil new genuineHondaoil filter or a filter of
filler cap (4 ) and add the equalquality specifiedfor your model.
recommendedoil until it reachesthe
upperlevel mark. (Do not overfill.)
Reinstallthe oil filler cap. Using the wrong oilfilter may result in
6. Checkfor oil leaks. leaks or premature engine damage.

96 ServicingYour Honda
Engine Oil & Filter
This procedurerequiresmechanicalskill 3. Placea drain pan underthe crankcase
andprofessionaltools suchas a torque drai nbol t(1).
wrenchandoil filter wrench,aswell asa 4. To drain the oil, removethe oil filler
meansfor disposingof the drainedfluid cap,crankcasedrain bolt, and sealing
(page166). If you do not havethe skills washer(2 ).
or the tools,seeyour Hondadealer.
Drain the Engine Oil:
1. Parkthe motorcycleon its side standon
a firm, level surface.
2. If the engineis cold,startit andlet it
idle for 3 -5 minutes.Tum theensine
off. Wart2 - 3 minutesfor rheoil io

(1)crankcase (2) sealingwasher


Servicing Your Honda 97

Engine Oil & Filter
Install a New Oil Filter: 6. Pourthe drainedoil into a suitable
5. Removethe oil filter (3 ) with a filter containeranddisposeof it in an
wrenchand let the remainingoil drain approvedmanner(page 166).
out. Discardthe oil filter in an approved
Improperdisposalof drainedf luids is
R IGH TS ID E harmful to the environment.


98 Servicing Your Honda

Engine Oil & Filter
7. Apply a thin coat of engine oil to the 10.Checkthe conditionof the sealing
rubber seal (4 ) of a new oil filter. washeron the drainbolt. Replacethe
washerevery othertime the oil is
Install the drain bolt and tightenit to the
22l bf' ft (29 N .m,3.0 kgf.m)

Add Engine Oil:

(4) 11.Fill the crankcase
with the
recommendedoil (page94 ),
(4) oilfilterrubberseal approximately:
3.5USqt (3.30, 2.9lmpqt)
8. Install the new oil filter andtightenit by 12. Install the oil filler cap.
9. Usingan oil filter wrenchattachment
anda torquewrench,tightenthe new oil
filter to the specifiedtorque:
2 0 l b f.ft (2 6 N ' m,2 .7 k g f.m )

Servicing Your Honda 99

Engine Oit & Filter
13.Starttheengineandlet it idle for a few
t4. Stopthe engine.Wait severalminutes.
15.Hold themotorcycleuprightandcheck
that the oil level is at the upperlevel
mark in the inspectionwindow (page
q Sr
16.Checkthatthereareno oil leaks.

If a torquewrenchis not usedfor

installation,seeyour Hondadealeras soon
aspossibleto verify properassembly.

100 Servicing Your Honda

Your motorcycle'sliquid cooling system coolant solution. Water that is high in
dissipatesengineheatthroughthe coolant mineralcontentor salt may be harmful to
jacket that surroundsthe cylinder and the aluminum engine.
cylinder head.

Maintainingthe coolantwill allow the Using coolant with silicate inhibitors may
cooling systemto work properly and causepremature wear of water purnp
prevent freezing, overheating,and sealsor blockageof radiator passages.
corrosion. Using tap water may causeengine

The factory providesa 50/50 solutionof

UssProHonda oran
HPcoolant antifreEzeand waterin this motorcycle.
equivalenthigh quality ethyleneglycol This coolantsolutionis recommendedfor
antifreezecontainingcorrosionprotection mostoperatingtemperatures andprovides
inhibitorsspecificallyrecommendedfor goodcorrosionprotection.
usein aluminumengines.Checkthe
antifreezecontainerlabel. Decreasingthe concentrationof antifreeze
to lessthan40VowiII not provideproper
Use only distilled wateras a part of the corrosion protection.

ServicingYour Honda 101

Increasing the concentration of antifreeze
is not recommended because it decreases
cooling system performance. Higher
concentrations of antifreeze (up to 600/o)
Refer to SafetyPrecautionsonpage 68.
should only be used to provide additional
protection against treezing. Check the R IGH TS ID E
cooling system frequently during freezing


(1)U P P E Rl evetmark
(2) LOWERlevelmark
(3) reservetank cap

102 Servicing your Honda

1. With the engine at normal operating
temperature,checkthe coolantlevel in
the reservetank.It shouldbe between
the UPPER( l) and LOWER (2) level Refer to SafetyPrecautionson page 68.
If the reservetank is empty,or if Coolantshouldbe replacedby your Honda
coolantlossis excessive,checkfor dealer,unlessyou havethe propertools
leaksand seeyour Hondadealerfor and service data and are mechanically
repair. qualified. Refer to the official Honda
2. Removethe reservetank cap (3 ). ServiceManual (page220).
Always add coolantto the reservetank.
Do not attemptto add coolantby
removingthe radiatorcap.
3. Add coolantto the reservetank as
requiredto bring the coolantlevel to the
UPPERlevel mark.

ServicingYour Honda 103


Removingthe radiatorcapwhile Improper disposal of drainedfluids is

the engineis hotcan allowthe harmful to the environmew,
coolantto sprayout, seriously

Alwayslet the engineand radiator


To properlydispose
of drainedcoolant,
referto You& theEnvironment,page

104 Servicingyour Honda

ThrottleSrcrylry Check freeplay at the throttle grip flange.
Refer to Saf etl Precmttiuts on page 68 1116-3116i n (2-4 mm)
adjustto the specifiedrange.
lf necessary,
1. Loosenthelock nut ( 1).
2. Tum the adjuster(2 ).
3. After adjustment,checkfor smooth
rotationof the throttlegrip from fully
closedto fully openin all steering

(1 )l o c kn u l (2) adjuster

Servicing Your Honda 105


Referto SaJetyPrecaution.s
on page 68 .

1. Checkthatthethrottleassemblyis
positionedproperlyandthe securing
2. Checkfor srnoothrotationof the
throttlefrom fully opento fully closed
in all steeringpositions.ll thereis a
problem,seeyour Hondadealer.

106 Servicing Your Honda

Clutch S

Your motorcycle'smanually-activated,
wet, multiplateclutch is part of the
primary drive system.hoper freeplay
adiustmentallows a smooth,gradual Refer to SafetyPrecautionson page 68 '
engagementwhen shifting gears'
Improperfreeplayadjustmentcan cause
prematureclutch wear.


ServicingYour Honda 107

Clutch System
l. Checkfreeplay: (2)
3 1 8 -1 3 /1 6 i n (1 0 -2 0 m m )
If necessary, adjustto the specified

Attempt adjustmentwith the upperclutch

(+) increase
(-) decrease treeplay

l. Loosenthe upperlock nut (2 ).

2. Turn the upperclutch cableadjuster( 3 )
to obtainthe specifiedfreeplay.
3. Tightenthe upperlock nut andcheck
the freeplayagain.

108 ServicingYour Honda

Clutch System
Lower Adjustrnent l. Removethe right lower fairing (page
If the upper clutch cable adjusteris 86 ).
threadedout near its limit - or the correct 2. Loosen the upper lock nut (2 ) and turn
freeplay cannotbe obtained- attempt the upper clutch cable adjuster(3 ) all
adjusftnentwith the lower clutch cable the way in (to providemaximum
adjuster. freeplay). Tighten the upper lock nut.
3. Loosenthe lower lock nut (4 ).
4. Turn the lower adjustingnut (5 ) to
obtainthe specifiedfreeplay.
5. Tightenthe lower lock nut and check
the adjusfinent.
6. Install the right lower fairing.

(4)locknut (*) increase

nut (-) decreasefreeptay

ServicingYour Honda 109

Clutch System
7. Startthe engine,pull the clutch lever in,
and shift into gear.Make surethe
engine doesnot stall and the motorcycle
doesnot creep.Gradually releasethe o Check that the clutch lever assemblyis
clutch lever and openthe throttle.Your positionedproperlyand the securing
motorcycleshouldmove smoothlyand bolts are tight.
accelerategradually. o Check the clutch cable for kinks or
signsof wear.If necessary, haveit
If you cannotget properadjustment,or the replaced.
clutch doesnot work properly,the cableor o Lubricatethe clutch cablewith a
clutch friction discsmay be worn. See commercially-available cablelubricant
your Honda dealeror refer to the official to prevent prematurewear and
HondaServiceManual (page 220). corrosion.

110 ServicingYourHonda
Engine Idle Speed
Remember,idle speedadjusffnentis not a
''cure-all" for otherproblemsin your
for a fault
the idle will not compensate Refer to SaferyPrecautionson page 68 .
The engine must be at normal operating
temperaturefor accurateidle speed

(1) throttlestop (*) increase

screw (-) decrease

1. If the engineis cold, startit and warm it

up with ten minutesof stop-and-go
riding. Stopthe engine.

ServicingYour Honda lll

Engine ldle Speed
2. Placeyour motorcycleon its side stand
on a firm, levelsurface.
3. Shiftintoneulral.Starttheengine.
4. Adjust idle speedwith the thottle stop
screw( I ).
ldle speed(in neutral):
1 ,3 0 0+ 1 0 0 rp m

ll2 ServicingYour Honda

This motorcycleusessparkplugsthathave
an iridium coatedcenterelectrode.
Be sureto observethefollowing when
standard I IMR9A-9H servicingthe sparkPlugs.
IUH27D o Do not cleanthe sparkplugs.If an
electrodeis contaminated with
Use only the recommendedtype of spark accumulatedobjectsor dirt, replacethe
plugs in the recommendedheatrange. sparkplug with a newone.
o Useonly a "wi-re-typefeelergauge"to
checkthe sparkplug gapif necessary. To
IJsingsparkplugs with an improperheat preventdamaging the iridium coatingof
range can causeenginedamage' thecenterelectrode, neverusea "leaf-

ServicingYour Honda 113

Spark Plugs

Refer to SafetyPrecautionsonpage 68 .

L Removethe lower fairing (page 86 )

andinner fairing (page 88 ).
2. Disconnectthe radiatorfan connector
( l ).
3. Removethelowermountnut e) and
lowermountbolt (3 ).
4. Removethe uppermountbolt (4 ).

(1) radiatorfan connector

(2) lowermountnut
(3) lowermountbolt
(4) uppermountbolt

ll4 Servicingyour Honda

5. Move the radiator(5 ) out of the way 7. Disconnectthe ignition coil connectors
and removethe grommet(6 ) from the (8 )
hook(7 ). 8. Disconnectthe ignition coils ( 9 ) from
6. Pull the radiatortowardthe front. the sparkplugs.

(8) ignitioncoil connectors

(5) radiator (7) hook (9) ignitioncoils
(6) grommet

Servicingyour Honda 115

Spark Plugs
9. Cleanany dirt from aroundthe spark 1l. Inspectthe electrodesand center
plug bases. porcelainfor deposits. corrosion.or
10.Using the sparkplug wrench(10) carbonfouling.If thecorrosionor
providedin the tool kit, removethe depositsareheavy,replacethe plug.
sparkplugs. 12.Make surethat the 1.0mm wire-type
feeler gaugecannotbe insertedbetween
FRONT the sparkplug gap ( I 1 ). If the gauge
(10) fits in the gap,replacethe plug with a
new one.


(10)sparkplugwrench (11) sparkpluggap

116 Servicing
Spark Plugs
13.With theplug washersattached, thread 16. Connect the ignition coil connectorsto
the sparkplugsin by handto prevent the ignition coils as before removal.
cross-threading. 17. Install the remaining pats in the reverse
14.Tighteneachsparkplug: order of removal.
o ll8-l14 turn afterit seats(if theold
plug is good)
o 1/2turnafterit seats(if installinga

Irnproperlvtightenedsparkplugs can
dumugethe engine.Il a plug,is too loose,
u pistln ftruvbe damaged.IJ' a plug is trxt
tight, the threud,smtt.ybe damaged.


Servicing Your Honda ll7

Your front andrear suspensionsystems Consideradjustingyour suspension
usesprings,hydraulicdampingdevices, wheneveryou changeyour normalload,
and linkages(rearonly) that suspendyour by addingor subtractinga passenger,
weight and mostof the weight of your or when the road or
cargo,or accessories,
motorcycle. riding conditionschange.

The springpre-loadsfor your front and The way you ride your motorcycleandthe
rear suspensionsystemsadjustthe amount typeof rideyou wanl to experiencecan
of force requiredto begin compressionof alsoinfluenceyour suspensionneeds.
the spring.
You may adjustthe springpre-loadand
The oil dampersystemshydraulically the reboundand compressiondampingof
and bothsuspension
reboundof the suspensionspringsso that
wheelsride overroadsurfaces.

llE Servicing Your Honda


Lower springpre-loadand softerdamping

providea softerride and areusually
prefenedfor light loadsand smoothroads'
Higher springPre-loadandfirmer
damping provide a firmer ride and are
recommendedfor heavyloads,roughroad
conditions,and faster,more challenging

Thefrontsuspension for
rider(andpassenger) and
weight riding
conditions by changing the spring pre-load
and rebound and compression damping'

ServicingYour Honda 119

Adjust the spring pre-load by turning the
pre-loadadjuster( I ) with the l0 X 14
mm wrench provided in the tool kit.

Refer to Safety Precautions onpage 68 . Make surethat both fork legs are adjusted
to the sameposition.
('!) slan.lerdnrrsitin To ReduceSpringPre-load (SOFT):
For a light load and smoothroad
conditions, turn the adjuster
counterclockwisetoward SOFT.
To Increase Spring Pre-load (HARD)
conditions, turn the adjusterclockwise
toward HARD.

(1) preloadadjuster

120 Servicing Your Honda

2. Turn the adjustercounterclockwise
approximately I 3/4 tums so that the
punchmark (2 ) on the adjusteraligns
Refer to SafetyPrecautionson page 68 . with thereferencemark (3 ). This is the
ReboundDamping 3. Make surethat both fork legsare
FRONT adjustedto the sameposition.
To ReduceReboundDamping6OFT):
For a light load and smoothroad
conditions,tum the adjuster
counterclockwise towardSOFI (S).
(1) dampingadjuster(3) referencemark (HARD):
(2) punchmark For a firmer ride androughroad
To adjustto the standard position: conditions,tum the adjusterclockwise
1. Tum the rebounddampingadjuster( I ) toward HARD (H).
clockwiseuntil it will no longerturn
(lightly seats).This is the full hard

Servicing Your Honda l2l

CompressionDamping 2. Turn the adjustercounterclockwise
approximatelyI l/4 turns so that the
R IG H TSID E punchmark (2 ) on the adjusteraligns
with the referencepunchmark ( 3 ). This
is the standardposition.
3. Make surethat both fork legsare
adjustedto the sameposition.

To ReduceCompressionDamping
(2) (SOFT):
For a light load and smoothroad
(1)dampingadjuster (1) conditions,turn the adjuster
(2) punchmark counterclockwisetoward SOFT.
(3) referencepunchmark To IncreaseCompressionDamping
To adjustto the standardposition: For a firmer ride and rough road
L Tum the dampingadjuster( I ) conditions,turn the adjusterclockwise
clockwiseuntil it will no longerturn towardHARD.
(lightly seats).This is the full hard

122 ServicingYourHonda

The rear suspensioncan be adjustedfor

rider (and passenger)weight and riding
conditionsby changingthe springpre-load
and reboundand compressiondamping.

The rear shockabsorberincludesa damper

unit that containshigh pressurenitrogen
gas.Do not attemptto disassemble,
service,or disposeof the damper;seeyour
Honda Thoinstructions
dealer. foundin
this owner'smanualarelimited to
adjustrnentsof the shockassemblyonly.

ServicingYourHonda 123
The springpre-loadadjuster( I ) has
7 positionsfor different load or riding
Refer to SaferyPrecautionson page 68 .
Use the pin spanner(2 ) and extensionbar
L EF TSID E (3 ) to adjustthe rear shockspringpre-
PositionsI and2: for a light load and
Position3: standard position.
Positions4 to l: for when the motorcycle
is moreheavily loaded.(Also increase
spring forstiffErrearou$pensign,)

(1) springadjuster (3) extensionbar

(2) pin spanner

124 ServicingYour Honda

1. Turn the dampingadjuster( I )
ffi clockwiseuntil it will no longerturn
(lightlyseats).This is the full hard
Refer to Safety Precautions on page 68 . setting.
2. Turn the adjustercounterclockwise
ReboundDamping approximatelyI l/2 tums so that the
FIIGH TS ID E punchmark (2 ) on the adjusteraligns
with the referencepunchmark (3 ). This
is the standardposition.

To ReduceReboundDamping(SOFT):
For a light load and smoothroad
counterclockwisetoward SOFT (S).
To Increase Rebound Damping
(1) dampingadjuster
For a firmer ride and rough road
(2) punchmark
conditions, turn the adjusterclockwise
(3) referencepunchmark
toward HARD (H).
To adjustto the standard

Servicing Your Honda 125

CompressionDamping 2. Turn the adjustercounterclockwise
approximately I 1/2 turns so that the
punch mark (2 ) on the adjusteraligns
with the referencepunchmark (3 ). This
is the standardposition.
Jl--- To ReduceCompressionDamping

For a light load and smoothroad
]L- conditions, turn the adjuster
(2i counterclockwisetoward SOFT.
adjuster To Increase CompressionDamping
marlr (HARD):
(3) referencepunch mark For a firmer ride and rough road
conditions,tum the adjusterclockwise
To adjust to the standardposition: toward HARD.
l. Turn the dampingadjuster( 1)
clockwiseuntil it will no longertum
(lightly seats).This is the full hard

126 Servicing Your Honda

The hydraulicbrakingsystemson your air in the brakesystem.Seeyour Honda
motorcycledissipatethe heatgeneratedby dealerto havethe air bled from the system.
the friction of the brakepadson the brake
discsasthe wheelsare slowed.

As the brakepadswear,the brakefluid Refer to SafetyPrecautionson page 68 ,

level will drop.A leak in the systemwill
alsocausethe level to drop. The distancebetweenthe tip of the brake
lever andthe grip may be adjusted.
Frequentlyinspectthe systemto ensure
thereareno fluid leaks.Periodically
inspectthe brakefluid level and the brake
If the brake lever or brake pedal freeplay
does not feel within the normal range (3)
while riding, check the brake pads for
(1) adjuster (3) brake lever
wear (page l3l ). Worn pads should be
(2) arrow (4) indexmark
replaced. If the pads are not wom beyond
the recommendedlimit, there is probably (cont'd)

ServicingYour Honda 127

1. Turn the adjuster( 1).
2. Align the arrow (2) on the brakelever
(3 ) with the index mark (4 ) on the
adjuster. brake I HondaDOT4 Brake
3. Apply the brake,releaseit, then spin the fl ui d I Fl ui d
wheeland checkthat it rotatesfreely.
Repeatthis procedureseveraltimes. The recommendedbrakefluid is Honda
DOT 4 Brake Fluid, or any brakefluid of
equalquality andperformance.Use fresh
brakefluid from a sealedcontainer.Be
sureto readthe label beforeopeningthe
sealedcontainer.An openedcontainer
absorbedmoisture from the air.

128 ServicingYour Honda

Wipe up spills immediately.Avoid contact
with skin or eyes.In caseof contact,wash
thoroughly and call a doctor immediately
Refer to SaferyPrecautionsonpage 68. if it contactsyour eyes.

If your inspectionindicatesa low fluid RIGHTFRONT

level, haveyour'Hondadealeradd the

Do not add or replacebrakefluid, except

in an emergency.If you do add fluid, have
your Hondadealercheckthe systemas
Brakef luid can damageplastic and
painted surfaces.Handle with care. (1) LOWERlevelmark

ServicingYour Honda 129

RIGHTSIDE Wom padsshould be replaced.If the
padsare not wom beyond the
recommendedlimit, have your brake
systeminspectedfor leaks.

Other Inspections
o Make surethere are no fluid leaks.
o Check for deteriorationor cracksin the

(1) LOWERlevelmark
(2) UPPERlevelmark

l. Placeyour motorcyclein an upright

positionon a firm, level surface.
2. Checkthe fluid level. It shouldbe
betweenthe UPPER(2) andLOWER
( I ) level marks.If the level is at or
below the LOWER level mark, check
the brakepadsfor wear(page 13l ).

130 ServicingYour Honda


Front Brake
68 '
Refer to SafetyPrecautionsonpage

Brakepadweardependsuponthe severity
of usage,the tYPeof riding, androad
conditLns. Generally,the padswill
roads'Inspect the
fasteron wet anddirty
paOsat eachregular maintenance interval


Checkthe grooves( 1) in eachpad'
eitherpad it *o* to the bottom of
*roon"r, replaceboth padsasa set'
iour Hondadealer for thisservice'

ServicingYour Honda 131

RearBrake Check the cutouts (2 ) in each pad. If
either pad is worn to the cutout, replace
R IGH TR E AR both pads as a set. See your Honda dealer
for this service.


L32 ServicingYour Honda

To safelyoperateyour motorcycle,your for wear and damage, and our
tires mustbe the propertype and size,in recommendations for tire repair and
good conditionwith adequatetread,and replacement.
correctlyinflated for the load you are
carrying. "t;
Refer to SafetyPrecautionson page 68 .

Usingtiresthatare excessively Properlyinflated tiresprovidethe best

wornor improperlyinflatedcan combinationof handling,treadlife, and
causea crashin whichyoucan be riding comfort. Generally,underinflated
seriouslyhudor killed. tires wear unevenly,adverselyaffect
handling,and are more likely to fail from
Followall instructions
in this beingoverheated.Overinflatedtires make
owner'smanualregardingtire your motorcycleride moreharshly,are
inflationandmaintenance. moreproneto damagefrom road hazards,
The following pagesgive detailed
informationon how and when to check
your air pressure,
how to inspectyour tires

ServicingYour Honda 133

We recommendthat you visually check - evenif your motorcyclehas
your tiresbeforeeveryride andusean air only beenriddenfor a few miles - the
pressuregaugeto measurethe air pressure readingswill be higher.If you let air out
at leastoncea monthor any time you of warm tires to matchthe recommended
think the tires might be low. Even tires cold pressures,the tires will be
that arein goodconditionmay loseone to underinflated.
two psi per monthif not checkedand
adjustedregularly. The recommended"cold" tire pressures
Tubelesstires havesomedegreeof self- front 36 psi (250kPa,
sealingability if they arepunctured. 2,50kgf/cm2)
However,becauseleakageis often very rear 42 psi (290kP a,
slow, you shouldlook closelyfor 2,90kqf/cm'?)
punctureswhenevera tire is not fully

Always checkair pressurewhen your tires

are "cold" - afterthe motorcyclehas
beenparkedfor at leastthreehours.If you
checkair pressurewhenyour tires are

134 ServicingYour Honda

Also, if you hit a potholeor hardobject
ffi while riding, pull to the sideof the road as
soonasyou safely can andcarefully
Refer to Saf ety Precautions onpage 68. inspectthe tires for damage.

Wheneveryou checkthe tire pressures, TreadWear

you shouldalsolook for:
r Bumpsor bulgesin the sideof the tire
or the tread.Replaceany tire that hasa
bumpor bulge.
r Cuts.slits,or cracksin thetires.
Replacethe tire if you can seefabric or
o Nails or otherforeign objectsembedded
in the sideof the tire or tread.
r Excessive treadwear. (1)wearindicator

Servicing Your Honda 135

For the bestperformance,you should A temporaryrepaircan sometimesbe
replacea tire before the tread depth at the madein an emergencysituation.
However, since a temporary repair may
not hold, you mustride very slowly,
preferably without any cargo or passenger,
and have the tire replacedor permanently
If the wear indicators are visible, replace repairedas soonas possible.
the tire immediately as it is no longersafe. (For more information on temporary
repairs, seeIf You Have a Flat Tire, page

Refer to Safety Precautionson page 68 .

We stronglyrecommendthat you replace,

not repair,any tire that is puncturedor
damaged.As discussedbelow, a tire that is
permanently,will havelower speedand
performancelimits than a new or

136 ServicingYourlronda
A permanentrepair, suchas an intemal
plug patch,can be madeif a tire hasonly a
small puncturein the fead area.With such
a repair,you shouldnot exceed50 mph Refer to SafetyPrecautionson page 68 .
(80 kdh) for the first 24 hours, or 80 mph
(130 km/h) at any time tlereafter. In The tires that cameon your motorcycle
addition,you may not be able to safely were designedto match the performance
carry as much weight.If you chooseto capabilitiesof your motorcycleand
have a tire repaired,be surethe repair provide the best combination of handling,
work is performed by a professionaland braking, durability, and comfort.
that the wheelis balancedbeforeyou ride.

If youhave repaired
at a non-Hondafacility, we recommend
that you havethe work checkedby your
Honda dealer.

Servicing Your Honda 137

You should replace the tires with tires of The recommended tires for vour
the same size, load range, and speed rating motorc are:
as the orisinals. front 120t70zR17 (58W)
improper tireson your MIC H E LIN
motorcycle can affecthandling P i l otS P OR TE
and stability.Thiscancausea rear 180/55ZR 17(73W )
crashin whichyoucanbe B R ID GE S TON E
seriouslyhufior killed. B TO1OR R A D IA LF
Alwaysusethe sizeandtypeof MIC H E LIN
tiresrecommended in thisowner's PilotSPORTE
Wheneveryou replacea tire, remember:
r Have the wheelbalancedafter the tire is
r Have the tire replacedby your Honda
dealerif oossible.

138 ServicingYour Honda

If you have a tire professionally replaced
at a non-Hondafacility, we recommend
that you have the work checkedby your

Important Safety Reminders

o Do not install a tube inside a tubeless
tire on this motorcycle.Excessiveheat
build-up can causethe tube to burst.
o Use only tubelesstires on this
motorcycle.The rims aredesignedfor
tubelesstires,and during hard
accelerationor braking, a tube-type tfue
could slip on the rim and causethe tire
to rapidly deflate.
. Do not install a bias-plytire on this
motorcycle.Mixing bias-plyand radial
tires can adverselyaffect handlingand

Servicing Your Honda 139

Side Stand
Referto SaferyPrecautionson page 68. o Check the spring for damageor loss of
LEFTSIDE o Checkthe sidestandignition cut-off
xl/ system:
\/ l. Sit astridethe motorcycleandput the
transmissionin neutral.
2. Raisethe sidestand.
") 3. Startthe engine.
4. Pull the clutch lever in.
5. Shift the transmissioninto gear.
6. Lower the sidestandall the waY.
The engineshouldstopas you lower the
spring side stand.If the enginedoesn'tstop,
seeyour Hondadealerfor service.
r Check that the side stand assembly is
working properly. If the side stand is
stiff or squeaky, clean the pivot area
and lubricate the pivot bolt with clean

140 ServicingYour Honda

Drive Chain
An endless(rivetedmasterlink) chain Undersevereusage,or when the
connectsthe countershaftand rear wheel motorcycleis riddenin unusuallydustyor
sprockets.The O-ring chainusesrubber muddy areas,morefrequentmaintenance
rings betweenthe sideplatesof the pin will be necessary.
androller links to sealin the
manufacturer-installed lubricatinggrease Before servicingyour drive chain,turn the
and keepout moistureand dirt. engineOFF, lower the sidestand,and
checkthat your hansmissionis in neutral.
The servicelife of the chaindependson
properlubricationand adjustment.Poor It is not necessaryto removeor replacethe
maintenancecan causeprematurewear or drive chain to perform the recommended
damageto the drive chainor sprockets. servicein the MaintenanceSchedule.

The drive chain shouldbe checked,

adjusted,and lubricatedaspart of the pre-
ride inspection(page4l ).

ServicingYour Honda 141

Drive Chain

Refer to Safety Precautionson page 68 .

l. Checkslackin the lower drive chain

( 1) run midway betweenthe sprockets.
Drive chain slackshouldallow the
following vertical movementby hand:
1 -1 3 1 8i n (2 5 -3 5 m m )
2. Check drive chain slack at several (1) drivechain
pointsalongthe chain.The slackshould
remainconstant.If it isn't, somelinks
may be kinked andbinding.Lubricating r excessivewear
the chain will often eliminatebinding o improperadjustment
and kinking. r damagedor missingO-rings
3. Inspectthe drive chain for:
o damagedrollers
o dry or rustedlinks
r kinked or binding links

142 ServicingYour Honda

Drive Chain
Replacethe drive chain (pagel4j ) if it
hasdamagedrollers,loosepins,or damaged worn
kinks that cannotbe freed.Lubricatethe sprocket sprocket
drive chain (page 146) if it appearsdry teeth teeth
or showssignsof rust.Lubricateany
kinked or binding links and work them REPLACE REPLACE
free.Adjustchainslackif needed.
4. Inspectthe front andrear sprocketteeth
for excessivewearor damage.If
necessary, haveyour Hondadealer
replacea wom sprocket.

normal sprocketteeth

Use of a new chain with worn sprockets

will cause rapid chain wear.

ServicingYour Honda 143

Drive Chain
Wear Inspection The bottom part of the frame may be
LEFTSIDE damagedby excessivedrive chain slack of
more than:
1 15116i n (50 mm)

Referto SafetyPrecautionsonpage 68.

Drive chain slack should be checkedand

(2) adjusted,if necessary,every 500 miles
(2) red zone (3) indexline (800 km). When operatedat sustained
Checkthe chain wearlabel when adjusting high speedsor underconditionsof
the chain.If the red zone(2) on the label frequent rapid acceleration,the chain may
alignswith the index lines(3 ) on both require more frequent adjustments.
side of the swingarm after the chain has
beenadjustedto the properslack,the
chainis excessivelyworn and must be
replaced.The properslackis:
1 - 1 3 /8 i n (2 5 -3 5 mm)

144 Servicing Your Honda

Drive Chain
RIGHTSIDE 3. Turn both adjustingbolts (2 ) an equal
(4) number of turns until the correct drive
chain slack is obtained.Turn the
adjustingbolts counterclockwiseto
tightenthe chain,or clockwiseto
providemore slack.Adjust the chain
slackat a point midway betweenthe
drive sprocketand the rear wheel
/) Roll the motorcycleforward. Stopand
(2) placeit on its sidestand.Recheckchain
(1)axlenut (3)indexmark slack.Chain slackshouldallow the
(2)drivechain (4)indexline following
adjustingbolt 1-1 3/8in (25-35mm)
l. Placethe motorcycleon its sidestand
with the transmissionin neutraland the
ignition switch OFF.
2. Loosenthe axlenut ( I ).

ServicingYour Honda 145

Drive Chain
4. Checkrear axle alignmentby making 6. Tightenthe adjustingbolts lightly.
surethe chain adjusterindex marks (3 ) 7. Recheckdrive chain slack.
align with the index lines (4 ) on both
sidesof the swing arm.
Both marksshouldcorrespond.If the
axle is misaligned, tum the right or left Refer to SafetyPrecautionson page 68.
adjustingbolt until the marks are
aligned and recheckchain slack.
5. Torquethe rear axle nut to:
6 9 l b f' ft (9 3 N ' m,9 .5 k g f' m )
If a torquewrenchis not usedfor this
installation,seeyour Hondadealeras
soonas possibleto verify proper
assembly.Improperassemblymay lead
to a lossof braking capacity.
Lubricate every 500 miles (800 km) or
soonerif chain appearsdry. Lubricant:
SAE 80 or 90 gear oil

146 ServicingYour Honda

Drive Chain
Lubricateonly with SAE 80 or 90 gearoil. l. Clean the side surfacesof the chain
Commercialchainlubricantsmay contain with a dry cloth. Use a high flashpoint
solventswhich could damagethe rubber solventsuchaskerosene- not
O-rings. gasoline.
Do not brushthe rubberO-rings.
Brushingwill damagethem.Use of a
solventmay alsodamagethe O-rings.
2. Inspectthe drive chainfor possible
Refer to SafetyPrecautionson page 68 . wearor damage.
Replacethe drive chain if it has damaged
Your motorcyclehasan endless(riveted rollers,loosefitting links, damaged
masterlink) type chain.It shouldonly be O-rings,or otherwiseappears
removedor replacedby your Hondadoaler. unsorvicoable.
The O-rings can be damagedby steam D .l .D .525H V
cleaning,high pressurewashers,and or
certainsolvents. RK 525ROZ1

Servicing Your Honda 147

Your motorcycle has a maintenance-free If you do not expectto ride your
type battery.You do not haveto checkthe motorcyclefor at leasttwo weeks,we
batteryelectrolytelevel or add distilled recommendyou removethe battery- or
water asyou would with a conventional- at leastdisconnectthe batterycables
type battery. (negativecablefirst).

If you plan to storeyour motorcycle,see

Your battery is a mnintenance-f
ree type Battery Storage, page 149 .
and can bepermanentlydamagedif the
cap strip is removed. If your batteryseemsweak and/oris
leakingelectrolyte(causingslow starting
usecurrentfrom the or otherelectricalproblems),seeyour
- eyenwhen
battery theignition
is0FF, Honda
Limited operationalsoallows the battery
to discharge.If you haveelectrical WARNING: Batteryposts,terminalsand
accessories on your motorcycle- or do relatedaccessories
containlead andlead
not ride frequently,we recommendthat compounds.Wash hands after handling.
you chargethe batteryfrequently(see
BatteryCharging,page 152 ).

148 ServicingYour Honda

s Before you remove the battery, be sure to
B#ry s*"'ry-3'"i. { j read all the information that follows, as
well as the information on the battenr
Refer to SafetyPrecautionson page 68 . label.

If you plan to storeyour motorcycle,we

recommendyou removethe batteryand
storeit whereit can be chargedat least The batterygivesoff explosive
every 30 daysto maintainits servicelife. hydrogen gasduringnormal
If you do not removethe battery,we
recommenddisconnectingthe battery A sparkor flamecancausethe
cables first).
cable battery withenough
forceto killor seriouslyhurtyou.
You will get the beststorageresultsfrom
removingthe batteryand slow (trickle) Wearprotective clothinganda
chargingit every30 days(seeBattery faceshield,or havea skilled
Charging,page 152). mechanicdo the battery

ServicingYour Honda 149

The battery is locatedin the battery box UNDERFRONTSEAT
below the front seat.
1, Removethe front sear(page g4
2. Pull out the enginecontroimodule( I
from the rubberband(2 ).
3. Unhookthe rubberband.
4. Pull the clips (3 ) and open the baftery
cover(4 ).

f50 Servicing your Honda
5. Disconnectthe negative(-) terminal 7. Chargethe battery(seefollowing
lead (5 ) from the batteryfirst, then section),unlessyou havebeenriding
disconnectthe positive(*) terminal regularly.
lead(6). 8. Storeyour batteryin an easy-to-reach
(7) (5) locationoff the floor, in an area
protectedfrom freezingtemperatures
and direct sunlight.
9. Cleanthe batterybox after removing
the batteryfor storage.Dry the battery
box and,if paint is missing,re-paintthe
10.Slow chargethe battery(seefollowing
(5) negative(-) terminaltead
(6) positive(*) terminallead
(7) battery

6. Pull the battery(7 ) out of the battery


ServicingYour Honda 151

We recommendusinga "trickle" charger
( I ) for home charging. Theseunits can be
left connectedfor long periods without
Referto SafetyPrecautionsonpage 68. risking damageto the battery. However,
do not intentionallyleavethe charger
connectedlonger than the time period
recommendedin the charger'sinstructions.

Avoid using an automotive-typebattery

charger.An automotive chargercan
overheata motorcycle battery and cause
Be sureto readthe informationthat came
with your batterychargerand follow the
instructionson the battery.Improper
chargingmay damagethe battery.

152 ServicingYourHonda
Appearance Care
Frequentcleaningandpolishingwill keep o Avoid productsthat containharsh
your Hondalooking newerlonger. detergentsor chemical solventsthat
Frequentcleaningalsoidentifiesyou asan could damagethe metal,paint, and
ownerwho valuesyour motorcycle.A plasticon your motorcycle.
cleanmotorcycleis alsoeasierto inspect o If your motorcycle is still warm from
and service. recent operation,give the engineand
exhaustsystemtime to cool off.
e Park in a shadyarea.Washing your
motorcyclein bright sunlightmay cause
Refer to Safety Precautionson page 68 . the finish to fade becausewater droplets
intensify the sun'sbrightness.Spotting
o To cleanyour motorcycle,you may use: is also morelikely becausesurface
-watgr youhavetimet0
-a mild, neutraldetergentand water wipe it off.
- a mild sprayand wipe cleaner/ o Cleanyour motorcycleregularlyto
polisher protectsurfacefinishes.
-a mild sprayandrinsecleaner/
degreaserand water

Servicing Your Honda 153

Appearance Care
o We recommendthe use of a garden
hoseto wash your motorcycle. High
pressurewashers(like thoseat coin-
operatedcar washes)can damage
certainpartsof your motorcycle.
o Do not direct water at the air intakes.
The water could enter the air cleaneror
be drawn into the throttle bodv.

High pressure water (or air) can damnge

certain parts of your motorcycle.
(1) air intake

o After cleaning,inspectfor damage,

wear,and leaks(fuel, oil, coolant,and

154 ServicingYour Honda

Appearance Care
scratcheswith a commercially-available
plastic polishing compound.
Take care to keep brake fluid or
chemical solventsoff the fairing. They
Refer to Safety Precautions on page 68 . will damagethe plastic.
5. Cleanthe headlight,fairing, meterlens
1. Rinse your motorcycle thoroughly with and other plastic parts using a cloth or
cool waterto removeloosedirt. spongedampenedwith a solutionof
2. Fill a bucketwith cool water.Mix in a mild detergentand water. When
mild, neutraldetergent,suchas dish cleaning the plastic headlight lens, use
washingliquid or a productmade more carebecauseit will scratcheasier
especiallyfor washingmotorcyclesor thana glasslens.Rub any soiledarea,
automobiles, gently rinsing it frequentlywith fresh
3. Washyour motorcyclewith a spongeor watet.
a soft towel. As you wash,checkfor
heavygrime.If necessary, usea mild If the insideof the headlightlens
cleaner/degreaser to removethe grime. appearsclouded immediately after
4. Cleanthe windscreenwith a soft cloth washing,it shouldclear after a few
or spongeandplenty of water.Dry with minutesof riding.
a soft cleancloth. Removeminor

ServicingYour Honda 155

Appearance Care
6. After washing,rinseyour motorcycle
thoroughlywith plenty of cleanwaterto
removeany residue.Detergentresidue
can corrodealloYParts. Refer to SafetyPrecautionson page 68 '
7. Dry yourmotorcycle with a chamoisor
a soft towel. Leavingwateron the Avoid using spraycleanerproductson the
surfaceto air dry can causedulling and components'
tires or susPension
water spots.As Youdry, insPectfor
chipsandscratches. for using spraycleaner(s)
8. Lubricatethe drive chainto prevent follow:
9. Startthe engineand let it idle for
several heatwill
help dry moist areas.
10.As a precaution, rideyourmotorcycle at
a slow sPeedand aPPIYthe brakes
severaltimes.This will help dry the

156 Servicing Your Honda

Appearance Care
MotorcvcleGondition RecommendedCleanino
smudges. andwipepaint,
Applya spraycleaner/polish
chrome, qlass,andclearplastic.
Lightroad grime. or verydirty
Sprayany ditficult-to-reach
areaswith a spraycleaner/degreaser.
Applya spraycleaner/polishandwipewith
a non-abrasivecloth.
Heavygrime.Oil leaks.Brake Usea spraycleaner/degreaser.
dust. lf necessary,
rubwitha sponge.Rinseand
Applya spraycleaner/polish
a non-abrasive
Dull,corrodedchromeor Applya highqualitychrome/aluminum
aluminum. polishand wipewitha non-abrasive

ServicingYour Honda 157


Refer to SaferyPrecautionson page 68.

Aluminum may corrodefrom contact with

dirt, mud, or road salt. Clean the wheels
after riding through any of these
substances. Use a wet spongeand mild
detergent.Avoid stiff brushes,steelwool,
or cleanerscontaining abrasivesor

After washing,rinsewith plenty of water

and dry with a cleancloth.

If the paint is chipped,apply touch-up


158 ServicingYour Honda

Appearance Care
If the frame has a chip that exposesthe
metal, first apply primer (to prevent
corrosion)and thenapply the touch-up
Refer to SafetyPrecautionson page 68 . paint. Severalthin layersof touch-uppaint
are better than one thick coat.
After washingyour motorcycle,consider
usinga commercially-available spray
cleaner/polishor quality liquid or paste
wax to finish thejob. Use only a non-
abrasivepolish or wax madespecifically
for motorcyclesor automobiles.Apply the
polish or wax accordingto the instructions
on the conminor.

If a surfaceon your motorcycleis chipped

or scratched,your Hondadealerhastouch-
up paint to matchyour motorcycle'scolor.
Be sureto useyour motorcycle'scolor
code(page200) when you buy touch-up

ServicingYourllonda 159
160 Servicing Your Honda
Here's a few helpful tips on how to store StoringYour Honda ......162
and transportyour Honda,and how to be Transporting
Your Motorcycle............I 65
an environmentallyresponsible You & theEnvironment.......................

Tips 161
Storing Your Honda
lf you won't be riding for an extended
period.suchasduringthe winter. *,
thoroughlyinspectyour motorcycleand
correctany problembeforestoringit. That Refer to SafetyPrecautionson page 68 .
way, neededrepairswon't be forgotten
andit will be easierto get your motorcycle This procedurerequiresa meansfor
runningagain. drainingand disposingof drainedfuel
For more informationaboutstorage,refer 1. Changethe engineoil and filter (page
to theHonda Motorcycle Winter Storage 96 ).
Guide, availablefrom your Hondadealer 2. Make surethecoolingsystemis filled
(USA only). antifreezesolution(page
with a 501507o
10r ) .
We suggestyou perform the following 3. Fill the fuel tank.Make surethe fuel fill
proceduresto keepyour motorcyclein top cap is properlyinstalled.
condition.Thesestorageprocedures will
reducethe deteriorationthat can occur
during storage.

162 Tips
Storing Your Honda
4. To preventrustingin the cylinders, . With the enginestopswitch in the
perform the following: RUN position,pressthe startbutton
o Removethe ignition coil connectors severaltimesto crankthe engineand
andignition coils from the sPark distributethe oil.
plugs.Using tapeor string,securethe . Reinstallthe sparkplugs,ignition
connectorsto any convenientplastic coils and ignition coil connectors.
body part so that they arepositioned 5. Removethe batteryandchargeit fully.
away from the sparkPlugs. Storeit in an areaProtectedfrom
e Removethe sparkplugsfrom the freezingtemperatures and direct
engineand storethem in a safeplace. sunlight.Slow chargethe battery(page
Do not connectthe ignition coils to 152)onceamonth.
the ignition coil connectors. 6. Washand dry your motorcycle.Wax all
r Poura tablespoon (15-20 cc) of paintedsurfaces.Apply rusrinhibiting
cleanengineoil into eachcylinder oil to the chromePieces.
andcoverthe sparkplug holeswith a
pieceof cloth.

Tips 1.63
Storing Your Honda
7. Lubricate the drive chain (page 146 ).
8. Inflate the tires to their recommended
pressures (page133).
9. Storeyour motorcyclein an unheated Refer to SafetyPrecautionson page 68 .
area,free of dampness,away from
sunlight, with a minimum of daily l. Uncoverandcleanyour motorcycle.
temperaturevariation. 2. If your motorcycle has been storedfor
10.Placeyour motorcycleon blocksto lift more than four months- changethe
both tires off the floor. engineoil(page96).
I l. Coveryour motorcyclewith a porous 3. If your motorcyclehasbeenstoredfor
material.Avoid usingplasticor similar more than two months- ask your
non-breathing,coatedmaterialsthat Honda dealerto drain and replacethe
restrict air flow and allow heat and fuel.
moisture to accumulate. 4. Chargethe battery(page 152) as
required.Install the battery.
5. Lubricatethe drive chain (page146 ).
6. Performa pre-rideinspection(page4l ),
thentest-rideyour motorcycleat low

164 Tips
Transporting Your Motorcycle
If your motorcycleneedsto be transported,
it shouldbe carriedon a motorcycletrailer,
or a truck or trailer with a flatbed area.For
assistance, seepage227 (USA only).Do
not tow your motorcycle,astowing can
seriously damage thetransmission.

Whencontactinga towingor transporting

service,be sureto ask if they havea
flatbed area,a loadingramp or power
ramp to safely lift the motorcycle,and

Tips 165
You & the Environment
Owning and riding a motorcyclecan be r RecycleWastes.It's illegal and
enjoyable,but you mustdo your part to thoughtlessto put usedengineoil in the
pfotectnature. trash,down a drain,or on the ground.
Usedoil, gasoline,coolant,and
Following aretips on how you can be an cleaningsolventscontainpoisonsthat
environmentally-responsiblemotorcycle canhurt refuseworkersand
owner. contaminateour drinking water,lakes,
r ChooseSensibleCleaners.Use a rivers,and oceans.Before changing
biodegradeable detergentwhenyou your oil, makesureyou havethe proper
washyour motorcycle.Avoid aerosol containers.Put oil and other toxic
spraycleanersthat contain wastesin separatesealedcontainersand
chloroflurocarbons(CFCs)which takethemto a recyclingcenter.Call
damagethe atmosphere's protective your local or stateoffice of public
ozonelayer.Don't throw cleaning works or environmentalservicesto find
solventsaway;seethe following a recyclingcenterin your area,and to
guidelinesfor properdisposal. get instructionson how to disposeof
non-recyclable wastes.

166 Tips
Taking Care of the Unexpected
This sectiondiscussesthe more common GeneralGuideIines...............................
problemsthat can occurwith your If Your EngineQuits or
motorcyclewhile you'reriding.It tells W on' tS tart ....................
you how to evaluateeachproblemand If You Havea FlatTire..... ...........,.......
what actionsyou can take to try to resume If YourEngineOverheats ....................
I 86
riding. If the problem cannot be safely If the Low Oil PressureIndicator
solved,this sectionalso givesinstructions Fl ashes ...........................
on the properway to haveyour If a FuseBlows.....................................
motorcycletransported. If Y ou C rash ..................
If Y ou LoseY ourK ey .........................
For informationabouttransportingyour If Your Batteryis Low (or Dead).,.,.,.,195
motorcycle,seepage 227 .

Taking Care of the Unexpected 167

Taking Care of the Unexpected
Should you ever have a problem while
riding, pleasefollow theseguidelines:
o Always put personalsafetyfirst.
Keeprngyour motorcycle well-maintained o Take time to assessthe situation and
is the bestway to reducethe possibilityof your optionsbeforedecidingwhat to do.
having a problem on the road. However, o If the problem is relatively minor and
sinceproblemscan ariseeven with well- you have the tools, supplies,and skills
maintainedmachines,you may consider to make a temporary repair, be sureto
subscribingto an emergencyroadside have permanentrepairs madeas soon as
serviceplan. (USA only: For information possible.
aboutthe HondaRider's Club of America. r Do not continueriding if you arehurt or
seepage227.) your motorcycleis not in saferiding
Rememberto takealongyour owner's Additional recommendations
for specific
manual,the tool kit that came with your problemsfollow.
motorcycle,and any otheritems (suchas
tire repairsuppliesand additionaltools)
that might help you solvea problemon
your own.

168 Taking Careofthe Unexpected

If Your Engine Quits or Won't Start
Proper operationand maintenancecan If your motorcyclewon't start,listen as
prevent starting and engineperformance you pressthe startbutton.If you don't
problems.In many cases,the causeof the hearthe startermotor tuming, refer to the
problem may be a simple operational Startermotor doesn'toperalesymptom.If
oversight. you can hear the startermotor working
normally, refer to the Starter motor works,
If you have a problem starting the but the enginewon't stdrt symptom.
engine-or experiencepoor engine
performance- the following information
may help you. If you can't correctthe
problem, seeyour Honda dealer.

Taking Care of the Unexpected 169

If Your Engine Quits or Won't Start
SYMPTOM:Starter motor doesn't ooerate.
ionitionswitchOFF Turnthe iqnitionswitchON.
enqinestop switchOFF Turnthe enoinestooswitchto RUN.
transmission notin neutral Shiftinto neutral.
side standdown (when Raisethe sidestand.Putthe transmission in
transmission not in neutral) neutral,pullthe clutchleverin,or raisethe side
blownfuse Replacewith a new fuse of the same rating(page
battervleadloose Tiohtenthebattervlead.
deadbattery Charge (page152). lf charging
thebattery doesn't
faultystartermotor lf allpossible
causesarenegative, thestarter

170 Taking Care of the Unexpected

If Your Engine Quits or Won't Start
SYMPTOM: Startermotor works. but the enqinewon't start.
outof fuel Fillthefueltank.
flo o d e cl e n o in e See Flooded Enaine (oaoe51 ).
looseor unconnected Installthe ignition
coilconnectors andignition
ignitioncoil connectorsand securely. lf theenginestillwon'tstart,seeyour
innilinn eoils Hondadealer.
loosebattervcables Tiqhtenthe battervterminalbolts.
weakbattery Chargethebattery(page152). lf charging

Taking Care of the Unexpected 177

If Your Engine Quits or Won't Start
Enginestarts, but stalls as you strn into qear.
side stand down Raisethe side stand.Startaoain.

Enginestarts,but runs poorty.
toofast,stalls Checkengineidleadjustment (page111).tfthe
overheating Checkthecoolanttemperature meter.Referto/f
lowoilpressure Checkthelowoilpressure indicator.
Referto /l
the Low Oil Pressurelndicator Ftashes,page
misfires 9ee your Hondadealer.
blubbers(richfuelmixture) SeeyourHondadealer.

172 Taking Care of the Unexpected

If Your Engine Quits or Won't Start
Enginestarts,but runs poorly,(cont'd)
sooty exhaust (richfuel See your Hondadealer.
or pingsunder lf applicable, switchto the recommended
load gasoline (page89) orchangeyourbrandof
gasoline. lf theproblempersists,seeyourHonda
afterfires(backfires) SeeyourHondadealer.
pre-ignition(runson after SeeyourHondadealer.

Taking Care of the Unexpectcd 173

If You Have a Flat Tire
A flat tire is alwaysunwelcome, or otherqualified servicefacility. (USA
especiallyif you arefar from help. If you only: For informationabout24-hour
think you are losing air, or you hit a emergencyroadsideassistance, seepage
potholeor hardobject,pull safelyto the 227 .) Even with a simplepuncture,this
sideof the road so you can inspectthe may be the safestand least fioublesome
tires and assessthe situation.(Be sureto solution.For transportinginstructions,see
park on a firm, level surfaceandusethe page165.
sidestandfor support.)You should
examinethe tire treadsand sidewallsfor Option 2:
foreign objectsor damage.If you find a Make a TemporaryRoadsideRepair
tire that hasbeenpuncturedor damaged, If a tire hasonly a minor nail punctureand
you havetwo options. is not completelyflat, you may be ableto
Optionl: allow you to continueriding to whereyou
Have Your MotorcycleTransported can get the tire replacedor permanently
lf a tire hasa majorpunctureor a cut in repaired.
the treador sidewall,or the beadhascome
loosefrom the rim, thereis probablynot
much you can do excepthaveyour
motorcycletransportedto a Hondadealer

174 Taking Care of the Unexpected

If You Have a Flat Tire
frequentlyand checkthe air pressure.If
the tire is losingpressure,it may be unsafe
Ridingyourmotorcycle witha to continueriding. As the tire getslow, it
temporarytirerepaircan be risky. will affect the handlingof your
lf thetemporaryrepairfails,you motorcycle(especiallywith a passenger
cancrashand be seriouslyinjured andcargo)and it may overheatand blow
or killed. out.

lf you mustridewitha temporary f'd"# ;

carefullyanddo notexceed30 The following typesof temporaryrepairs
mph(50km/h)untilthetireis generallyrequirea sourceof air to inflate
permanently repairedor replaced. the tire.PossiblesourcesincludeCOz
cartridgesor cansof compressedair
designedto inflate a tire.
Due to the uncertaintyof any temporary
repair,you shouldride slowly(not over30
mph,50 km/h) andcarefully(pref'erably
without a passengeror cargo)until the tire
is replacedor pennanently repaired.Stop

Taking Care of the Unexpected 175

If You Have a Flat Tire
e Inflate the tire: Tubelesstires have
someself-sealingability if they are
puncturedand the result is usually just a
slow leak.If this is the case,you can try
inflating the tire to seeif it will hold air We strongly recommendthat you replace,
pressure.If you can seea nail or other not permanentlyrepair, any tire that is
objectembeddedin the tire tread,do not puncturedor damaged,even if the tire has
removeit at this time. only a minor puncture.For a full
o Plug the hole: The idea here is to do discussionof repairsandreplacement,see
somethingto temporarily stop the leak. page136.
If you have a tubelesstire repair kit,
you can pull out the nail and try
inserting an extemal plug in the
puncture.Follow the instructionsthat
camewith the repair kit and be sureto
inflate the tire to the correct pressure.

176 Taking Careof the Unexpected

If You Have a Flat Tire

Refer to Safety Precautions onpage 6g .

We recommend wheel removal be done
only by your Honda dealer or another
qualified mechanic. Do not attempt to
remove the wheel on your own. Wheel
removal requires mechanical skill and (1)fixing
professional fools. (2)brakecaliper
1. Park your motorcycle on a firm, level

Taking Care ofthe Unexpected 177

If You Have a Flat Tire
2. Raisethe front wheel off the ground by 4. Loosen the right and left axle pinch
placinga supportblock underthe bolts (3 ) and removethe axle bolt (4 ).
3. Removethe fixing bolts ( I ) and RIGHTFRONT
remove the reflectors and right and left
caliperassemblies(2 ) from the fork
o To avoid damageto the brake hose
during removal, supportthe caliper
assemblyso that it doesn'thangfrom
the hose.Do not twist the brakehose.
o Avoid gettinggrease,oil, or dirt on
the disc or pad surfaces.Any
contaminationcan causepoor brake
performanceor rapid pad wear after
reassemblv. (3)axlepinchbolts

178 Taking Care of the Unexpectcd

If You Have a Flat Tire
5. Removethe front axle (5 ) and the LEFTFRONT
o Avoid depressingthe brake lever and
brake pedal when the wheel is off the
motorcycle. This will force the
caliperpistonsout of the cylinders.
The result will be loss of brake fluid.
If this occurs,the brakesystemwill
require service.Seeyour Honda
dealerfor this service.

t. po*ition ttt" wheel betweenthe fork
legsand insertthe front axle shaftfrom
the left side, through the left fork leg

Taking Care of the Unexpected 179

If You Have a Flat Tire
2. Tightenthe axle bolt to the specified r If the feeler gaugeinsertseasily,
torque: removeit and tightenthe left axle pinch
4 3 l b f' ft (5 9 N .m ,6 .0 k g f' m) bolts to the specifiedtorque:
3. Tightenthe axle pinch bolts on the right 16l bf' ft (22 N .m,2.2 kgf' m)
fork leg to the specifiedtorque: e If the feeler gaugecannotbe inserted
1 6 l b f.ft (2 2 N .m ,2 .2 k g f' m l easily,loosenthe left axle pinch bolt
4. Fit the brakedisc carefully betweenthe andpull the left fork outwardor push
brakepadsto avoid damagingthe pads. inward to adjustthe clearance.Then
5. Install the caliperfixing bolts and tightenthe axle pinch bolts to the
tightento the specifiedtorque: specifiedtorque.
2 2 l b f-ft (3 0 N ' m,3 ,1 k g f' m) Failureto provideadequatedisc-to-caliper
6. Temporarilytightenthe axle pinch bolts body clearancemay damagethe brake
0ntheleftforkleguntillightlysOats. andirnpair
discs officiency,
7. Operatethe front brakeand pump the
fork severaltimes.
8. Measurethe clearance( 6 ) betweenthe
brakedisc ( 7 ) and the caliperbody ( 8 )
on eachsidewith a 0.028in (0.7mm)
feelergauge(9 ).

180 Taking Care of the Unexpected

If You Have a Flat Tire
9. After installingthe wheel,apply the
discsfor caliperbody to disc clearance'
Do not operatethe motorcyclewithout
If a torquewrenchwas not usedfor
installation,seeyour Hondadealeras soon
(7) aspossibleto verify properassembly'
Improperassemblymay leadto lossof
(6) clearance brakingcaPabilitY.
(7) brakedisc


Taking Care of the UnexPected 181
If You Have a Flat Tire
3. Loosentherearaxlenut ( 1).
* 4. Loosenthe drive chain adjustingbolts
-t- (2 ) on bothsideof theswinsarm.

Refer to SaJetyPrecautionson page 68. R IGH TR E A R

We recommendwheelremovalbe done
only by your Hondadealeror another
qualified mechanic.Do not attemptto
removethe wheelon your own. Wheel
removalrequiresmechanical skill and

1. Parkyour motorcycleon a firm, level

surface. (1)axl enut (2)adjustingbolt
2. Raisethe rear wheeloff the groundby
placinga supportblock underthe 5. Remove the rear axle nut.

182 Taking Care of the Unexpected

If You Have a Flat Tire
6. Removethe drive chain (3 ) from the o Avoid depressingthe brake lever and
rear sprocketby pushing the rear wheel brake pedal when the wheel is off the
forward. motorcycle. This will force the
caliper pistons out of the cylinders.
The resultwill be a lossof brake
fluid. If this occurs,the brake system
will require service.
Seeyour Hondadealerfor this

T. R"assemUtethe removedparts in the
orderof removal.
r While installingthe wheel,carefully
fit the brake disc betweenthe brake
(3) drive chain (4) axle shaft padsto avoid damagingthe pads.

7. Removethe axle shaft (4 ), sidecollar,

and rearwheelfrom the swingarm.

Taking Care of the Unexpected 183

If You Have a Flat Tire
o Avoid getting grease,oil, or dirt on 2. Tighten the axle nut to the specified
the disc or pad surfaces.Any torque:
contaminationcan causepoor brake 69 lbf.ft (93 N.m ,9.5 kgf.m)
performanceor raprd pad wear after Failure to provide adequatedisc-to-
reassemblv. caliper holder clearancemay damage
o Make surethat the lug (8) on the the brake discs and impair braking
swingarm(9) is locatedin the slot efficiency.
(10)on the brake caliper holder. 3. After installing the wheel, adjust the
drive chain (page lM).

(8) lug (10)slot

(9) swingarm

184 TakingCareof theUnexpected

If You Have a Flat Tire
4. After installingthe wheel,apply the
discsfor caliperholderto disc clearance.
Do not operatethe motorcyclewithout

If a torquewrenchwas not usedfor

installation,seeyour Hondadealeras soon
aspossibleto verify properassembly.
lmproperassemblymay lead to lossof

Taking Care of the UnexPected L85

If Your Engine Overheats
Normally, the coolanttemperatureon your
temperaturemeterwill rise andthen level
off. Hot weathermay causethe Continuingto ride with an overheated
temperatureto rise higherthannormal.So enginecan causeseriousenginedamage.
will temporarystresssuchas climbing a
hill. If you're stuckin stop-and-gotraffic, . A steamingengineindicatesa coolant
the temperaturemay climb some,but the leak. Shutthe engineoff andwait until
radiatorfan is designedto prevent the steamingstops.Look for a leak,but
overheating.Be awareof thesevariations don't touchthe engineor radiator
as you monitor the meter. system.Let everythingcool off first.
o If there'sno obviousproblem,leavethe
If the coolanttemperatureindicatorbegins engineon so the fan and coolant
to flash, and the malfunctionindicator circulatingsystemcan continue
lamp goeson for no apparentreason,pull working. Monitor the temperaturemeter.
safely to the sideof the road.If possible, The temperaturemay drop to the
park in a shadyarea. normalrangeafter a brief stopwith no
loadon theeneine.

186 Taking Care of the Unexpected

If Your Engine Overheats
o Checkthe radiatorfan. your motorcycleto a Hondadealer
If the fan is not working, tum the (page165).
engineoff. Openthe fuse box (page If the temperaturedropsto normal,
I 89 ) and checkthe radiatorfan fuse. checkthe coolantlevel. If it hasgone
If the fuse is blown, replaceit with the down, addmore coolant.
proper(samerating) sparefuse.Start
the engine.If the malfunctionindicator If you are ableto resumeriding, continue
lamp goeson andcoolanttemperature to monitor the meterfrequently.
indicatorflashes,turn the engineoff.
If the radiatorfan is working, visually If there'sa mild leak,you canride for
checkthe coolantlevel in the reserve awhile,carefully watchingthe meter.Be
tank, locatedbehindthe frame (page preparedto stopand add more coolantor
102),It isn'tnecessary
the your
water.[f theleakisbad,transport
radiatorsystem. motorcycle to a Honda dealer (page | 65 ).
o If the reservetank is low or empty,don't
ride withoutaddingcoolant(page102).
After addingcoolant,turn the engineon
and checkthe temperaturemeter.
If the temperaturedoesn'tdrop,do not
ride. The engineneedsrepair.Transport

Taking Care of the Unexpected 187

If the Low Oil Pressure Indicator Flashes
If you checkyour engineoil level
regularly,you shouldneverseethe low oil
pressureindicatorflashesand the Continuingto ride with low oil pressure
malfunctionindicatorlamp goeson while can causeseriousenginedam.age.
riding. Normally, both will only light
momentarilywhen you turn the ignition o Checkfor an oil leak.
switch ON. Occasionally,it may flicker at o Then checkthe oil level. If necessary,
or nearidling speed. addthe recommendedoil (page94 ) to
the upperlevel mark. If you mustleave
Low oil pressuremay be causedby an oil your motorcycleto get oil, secureit as
leak,a low oil level, or someproblemin much as possible.
the engine'slubricationsystem. o After addingoil, startthe engine,and
checkthat the low oil pressureindicator
If the malfunctionindicatorlamp lights and malfuctionindicatorlamp go off.
and the low oil pressureindicatorflashes Checkfor a possibleleak.
while you'reriding,don't ignorethem.
Pull safelyto the sideof the road.If If the indicatorsgo off and thereis no
possible,pull theclutchleverin andcoast leak - resumeriding. lf thereis a
to a stop.Stoptheengineassoonas it's leak - do not ride the motorcycleuntil
safeto do so. the leak is repairedby a Hondadealer.

188 Taking Care of the Unexpected

If a FuseBlows
All of the electricalcircuitson your e Main fuse (andspare)arelocatedon the
motorcyclehavefusesto protectthem startermotor magneticswitch (2 ) under
from damagecausedby excesscurrent the front seat.
flow (shortcircuit or overload). o F[ fuse is locatedunderthe front seat.
o The circuit fuseboxes(includingspare
If somethingelectricalon your motorcycle fuses)arelocatedunderthe front seat.
stopsworking, the first thing you should
checkfor is a blown fuse. Recommended
Determinefrom the charton the circuit
fuse box cover which fuse or fusescontrol mainfuse 30A
that component,Checkthosefusesfirst, Fl fuse 204
but checkall the fusesbeforelooking otherfuses 10A
elsewherefor anotherpossiblecauseof
the problem.Replaceany blown fusesand L To preventan accidentalshortcircuit,
checkcomponentoperation. turn the ignition switch OFF before
checkingor replacingthe fuses.
2. Removethe front seat(page84 ).


Taking Care of the Unexpected L89

If a Fuse Blows
3. To accessthe mainfuse( 1), disconnect
the wire connector(2 ) of the starter
magnericswitch(3 ).
4. Pull main fuse out.
If it is blown (4 ), install sparemain
fuse(5 ).


(1) mainfuse
(3) (5)

(2) wire connector (4) blownfuse

(3) startermagneticswitch
(5) sparemainfuse -5.Reconnectthe wire connector.
(6) Fl fuse
(7) Fl fuse cover

190 Taking Careof the Unexpected

If a Fuse Blows
FI FuseAccess: Circuit FuseAccess:
6. To accessFI fuse ( 6 ), openthe FI fuse 9. Openthe fusebox cover( 10).
7. Pull FI fuse out.
If it is blown ( 8 ), install spareF[ fuse (10)
(?) (12)
(8) blownfuse
ru (9)spareFl fuse
(10) fuseboxcover
(12) sparefuse
10.To checkorreplace

a circuitfuse,pull
theold fuseoutof its retainingclips.
8. ClosetheFI fusecover. Look for a bumedwire insidethe fuse.
If the fuse is blown ( I I ), replaceit with
a sparefuse( 12.1of the sameratingor

Taking Care of the Unexpected l9l

If a f,'useBlows
FUSE If you do not have a sparefuse and you
(11) cannotride the motorcyclewithout fixing
the problem, take a fuse of the samerating
tl or a lower rating from one of the other
circuits that you can do without
mfl temporarily.
If you replacea blown fuse with a spare
fuse that has a lower rating, replacethe
I 1. Closethefusebox cover. fuse with the correctrating as soonas you
12.Install the front seat. can.Also rememberto replaceany spare
fusesthat were installed.
If you do not havea replacementfuse with
the properratingfor the circuit, install one If the replacementfuse of the samerating
with a lower rating. burnsout in a shorttime, thereis probably
a seriouselectricalproblemon your
motorcycle.Leavethe blown fuse in that
Replacingafuse with one that has a circuit andhaveyour motorcyclechecked
higher rating greatly increasesthe chance by your Hondadealer.
of damageto the electricalsystem.

192 Taking Care of the Unexpected

If You Crash
Personalsafetyis your first priority after If thereis minor damage,or you are
any accident.If you or anyoneelsehas unsureaboutpossibledamage,ride slowly
beeninjured,taketime to assessthe andcautiously.Sometimes,crashdamage
severityof the injuries and whetherit is is hiddenor not immediatelyapparent,so
safeto continueriding.Call for you shouldhaveyour motorcycle
emergency assistance if needed.Also thoroughlycheckedat a qualified service
follow applicablelawsandregulations if facility as soonaspossible.Also, be sure
anotherpersonor vehicleis involved in to haveyour Hondadealercheckthe
the accident. frameandsuspension afterany serious
If you decideyou arecapableof riding
safely,carefully inspectyour motorcycle If your motorcyclecannotbe ridden,see
for damageand determineif it is safeto Transporting Your Motorcycle, page 165,
ride. Checkthe tightnessof critical nuts

Taking Care of the Unexpected 193

If You Lose Your Key
You shouldreceivea key numberplate your motorcycleto them or the nearest
( I ) with your keys.Storethis plate in a Hondadealer.The dealerwill probably
safeplace. haveto removethe ignition switch
assemblyto find the key numberso they
Be sureto recordyour key numberin the can makea key for you.
Quick Referencesectionat the rear of the
manual.You'll needthis numberto havea 1)
duplicatekey made.

A lostkey won't be a problemif you take

preventativeaction.Storeone duplicate
key in a safeplaceat homeandcarry a
secondduplicatein your wallet.

If you loseyour key andaren'tcarryinga

duplicate,eitherget your spareor have plate
onemade.If you don't know your key
number,call the dealeryou purchased
your Hondafrom. They may haveit listed
in their records.lf they don't, ffansport

194 Taking Care of the Unexpected

lf Your Battery Is Low (or Dead)
Jump startingis not recommended,
especiallyif you usean automobilebattery.
The greaternmperageof an automobile
batterywhenthecarengineis runningcan
damageyour motorcycle's electrical

Bump startingis alsonot recommended.

If you can't chargethe batteryor it

appearsunableto hold a charge,contact
your Hondadealer.

Taking Care of the Unexpected 195

196 Taking Care of the UnexPected
Technical Information
" " " " " " " "' 198
This sectioncontainsdimensions,
Soecifications """""""" 201
capacities,and othertechnicaldata,plus
Break-in " " " " " " " 208
informationon governmentrequlrements
andhow to break-inyour motorcycle' EmissionControlSystems.'...""""""" 209
" " " " " " 2 15
Oxygenated Fuels "....'.'." " " " " " "' 216
...... "

Technicallnformation 197
Vehicle ldentification
The VIN (vehicleidentificationnumber)
appearson the SafetyCertificationLabel
-d: "{l attachedto the left sideof the frame.
The frame,VIN, andengineserial
numbersarerequiredwhenyou register LE FTS ID E
your motorcycle.They may alsobe
requiredwhen orderingreplacementparts.
You may recordthesenumbersin the
Quick Referencesectionat the rear of this

(1 )V rN

198 Technicallnformation
Vehicle Identification
The frame number(2 ) is stampedon the The enginenumber(3 ) is stampedon the
right sideof the steeringhead. top of the crankcase.


(2) lrame number (3)enginenumber

Technicallnformation 199
Vehicle Identification
.:::::: .: ::::::::::::::1 ....: ::::. :.:.::.,,::.

#*il e &
The color label is attached on the rear
fender under the rear seat.Remove the
rear seat (page 85 ) to check the label.

The color code is helpful when ordering

replacement parts. You may record the
color and code in the Quick Reference
section at the rear of this manual.


(1) colorlabel

200 TechnicalInformation
8 1 .3i n (2,065mm)
2 7 .0 i n (685mm
4 4 .7i n (1,135mm
5 4 .5i n (1,385mm)
5 .3 i n (135mm)

3 7 3 l b s (169

Technicallnformation 201
Fuel & Lubricants
fuel u n l e adedgasol i ne,pump octanenumberof 86 or hi gher
fuel tank capacitv 4 .7 6US sal (18.00,3.96l mp gal )
engineoilcapacity a fte rdi sassembl y: 3.9 U S qt (3.70 ,3.3 l mp qt)
a fte rdrai ni ng: 3.2 U S qt (3.00 , 2.6 l mp qt)
a fte rdrai ni nq 3.5 U S qt (3.30 . 2.9 l mo ot)
& oi lfi l terchanqe:
engineoil APIService
SFor SG,
recommendation SAE1OW-40,
Pro Honda GN4 4-stroke oil (USA & Canada) or Honda 4-
s t r oke o i l ( C a n a d a o n l v ) , o r a n e q u i v a l e n t m o t o r c v c l e o i l
drivechain S AE8 0 or 90 gear oi l
system, Pro HondaHP Coolantor an equivalent highquality
recommendation ethyleneglycolantifreezecontainingcorrosionprotection
inhibitors recommended
specifically for use in aluminum
coolingsystem, 2 .9 US qt(2.70. 2.4 l mp qt)
ca n a citv

202 Technicallnformation
passenger operator,onepassenger
maximum weight USA: 386lbs(175kg)
capacity Canada: 395lbs(179kg)
all carooandaccessories

Enqine Specifications
displacement 36.5cu-in (599cm3)
bore& stroke 2.64x 1.67in (67.0x 42.5mm)
compressionratio 12.0:1
sparkplug IMR9A-9H (NGK) or
(standard) IUH27D (DENSO)
valveclearance intake 0.008in (0.20mm)
fcold) exhaust 0.011in (0.28mm)
idle snead 1.300t 100rom

Technicatlnformation 203
primaryreduction 1.822
oearratio.1st 2,833
2nd 2.062
3rd 1 .6 4 7
4th 1 .4 2 1
5th 1.272
6th 1 .1 7 3
finalreduction 2 .8 7 5
standard drive (engine)sprocket: 16 teeth
sprocketsizes driven (rearwheel) sprocket:46 teeth
final drive chain
D .l .D .525H V or R K 525R OZ1

204 Technicallnformation
Chassis& Susoension
caster 240
trail 3 .8 i n (96 mm)
tiresize.front zR17(58W)
tire size. rear 180/55ZR17(73W)
front 36 psi (250kPa, 2.50kgf/cm'z)
rear 42 psi (290 kPa , 2.90 kgf/cm'?)

batterv 12V- 8.6Ah
0eneralor rpm

Technicallnformation 205
headliqht 12V- 55W (2bulbs)
brake/taillioht 12V - 2115W(2 bulbs)
turnsignallights 12V - 32l3CP (front)
12V - 32CP tearl
licenseliqht 12V - 4CP

matn 30A
FI 204
otherfuses 10A

206 Technicallnformation
Toroue Soecifications
oil drainbolt 2 2 l b f.fr(29 N .m,3.0 kqf' m
o i l fi l te r 2 0 l b f .ft (26 N .m .2.7 kof' m
frontwheelaxle 43 lbf.ft (59 N.m , 6.0 kgf'm)
frontwheelcaliper 2 2 l b t .ft (30 N .m,3.1 kgf.m)
frontwheelaxle 1 6 l b f.ft(22 N .m ,2.2kgt' m)
rearwheelaxle nut 6 9 l b f' ft (93 N .m . 9.5 kof' m)

Technicallnformation 207
Break-in Guidelines
Help assureyour motorcycle'sfuture
reliability andperformanceby paying
extra attentionto how you ride during the
first 300miles(500km).

During this period,avoid full-throttle

startsandrapid acceleration.

208 Technicallnformation
Emission Control Svstems
Exhaust Emission Requirements Warranty Compliance
The U. S. Environmentalhotection Compliancewith the termsof the
Agency (EPA), the California Air Distributor'sWarrantiesfor Honda
ResourcesBoard (CARB), and Transport MotorcycleEmissionControl Systemsis
Canadarequirethat your motorcycle necessary in orderto keepthe emissions
comply with applicableexhaustemissions
standardsduring its useful life, when
operatedand maintainedaccordingto the

Noise Emission Requirements

The EPA alsorequiresthat motorcycles
built afterJanuary1, 1963complywith
applicablenoiseemissionstandards for
oneyearor 3,730miles(6,000km) after (1) vehicleemissioncontrolinformation
the time of saleto the ultimatepurchaser, label
when operatedand maintainedaccording (2) vehicleemissioncontrolinformation
to the insfuctions provided.(USA only) label(Canadaonly)
(3) vacuumhose routingdiagramlabel

Technicallnformation 2O9
Emission Control Svstems
The Vehicle EmissionControl Source of Exhaust Emissions
Informationlabel ( I ) (2 ) is attachedon The combustionprocessproducescarbon
the sidewall of the storagecompartment. monoxide,oxidesof nitrogen,and
hydrocarbons.Control of hydrocarbons
The VacuumHoseRoutingDiagramlabel and oxidesof nitrogenis very important
(3 ) is attachedto the air cleanerhousing because,undercertainconditions,they
underthe fuel tank (California only). react to form photochemicalsmog when
subjectedto sunlight.Carbonmonoxide
doesnot reactin the samewav. but it is

HondaMotor Co., Ltd. utilizesvarious

systems carbon

210 Technicallnformation
Emission Control Systems
Exhaust Emission Control System PGM-FI System
The exhaustemissioncontrol system The PGM-FI systemusessequential
includesa secondaryair supplysystem, multiport fuel injection.It hasfour
and a PGM-FI system.(California only: subsystems: Air intake,EngineControl,
also includesa three-waycatalytic Fuel Control,and ExhaustControl.
converterand a heatedoxygensensor.) The EngineControl Module (ECM) uses
varioussensorsto determinehow much air
No adjustmentto thesesystemsshouldbe is going into the engine.It thencontrols
madealthoughperiodicinspectionof the how much fuel to inject underall
componentsis recommended. operatingconditiones.

Ignition Timing Control System

The systemconstantlyadjuststhe ignition
timing, reducingthe amountof HC, CO
andNOx produced.

Technicallnformation 2ll
Emission Control Svstems
Secondary Air Injection System Evaporative Emission Control System
Secondaryair injectionsystemwhich (California only)
introducesfiltered air into the exhaust This motorcyclecomplieswith the
gasesin the exhaustport. The secondary requirementsof the California Air
air injectionsystemhelpsimprove ResourcesBoard (CARB) evaporative
emissionperformance. emissionregulations.Fuel vaporfrom the
fuel tank is directedinto the charcoal
Thr ee-Way Cataly tit Converter canisterand air cleanerwhereit is
(California only) adsorbedand storedwhile the engineis
The three-waycatalyticconverteris in the stopped.When the engineis runningand
exhaustsystem.Throughchemical the purgecontrol solenoidvalve is open,
reactions,they convertHC, CO, and NOx fuel vapor in the charcoalcanisterand air
in theengine'sexhaustto carbondioxide cleaneris drawn into the enginethrough
(CO'), dinitrogen(Nr), andwatervapor. the throttlebody.

212 Technicallnformation
Emission Control Svstems
Crankcase Emission Control System Problems That May Affect Motorcycle
The engineis equippedwith a closed Exhaust Emissions
crankcasesystemto preventdischarging If you are awareof any of the following
crankcaseemissionsinto the atmosphere. symptoms,havethe vehicleinspectedand
Blow-by gasis returnedto the combustion repairedby your authorizedHonda
chamberthroughthe air cleanerand the motorcycledealer.
l. Hard startingor stallingafter starting
2. Roughidle
3. Misfiring or backfiring during
4. After-burning (bacMiring)
5. Poorperformance(driveability)and
poor fuel economy

Technicallnformation 213
Emission Control Svstems
Noise Emission Control System AMONG THOSE ACTS PRESUMED
U. S. federallaw prohibits,or Canadian l. Removalof, or puncturingthe muffler,
provincial laws may prohibit the following baffles,headerpipesor any other
actsorthe causingthereof:( l) The componentwhich conductsexhaust
removalor renderinginoperativeby any gases.
person,otherthanfor purposesof 2. Removalof, or puncturingof any part
maintenance, repairor replacement,of any of the intakesystem.
deviceor elementof designincorporated 3. Lack of propermaintenance.
into any new vehiclefor the purposeof 4. Replacingany moving partsof the
noisecontrol prior to its saleor deliveryto vehicle,or partsof the exhaustor intake
the ultimatepurchaser or while it is in use; system,with partsofherthanthose
or (2 ) the useof the vehicleafter such soecifiedbv the manufacturer.
deviceor elementof designhasbeen
removedor renderedinoperativeby any

214 Technicallnformation
Catalytic Converter (California Only)
This motorcycleis equippedwith a three- A defectivecatalyticconvertercontributes
way catalyticconverter. to air pollution,andcanimpairyour
The catalyticconvertercontainsprecious engine'sperformance.Follow these
metalsthat serveascatalysts,promoting guidelinesto protectyour motorcycle's
chemicalreactionsto convertthe exhaust catalyticconverter.
gasseswithout affecting the metals.
. Alwaysuseunleadedgasoline.Evena
The catalyticconverteractson HC, CO, small amountof leadedgasolinecan
and NOx. A replacementunit must be an contaminatethe catalystmetals,making
original Hondapart or its equivalent. the catalyticconverterineffective.

The catalyticconvertermustoperateat a o Keepthe enginetuned-up.

high temperaturefor the chemiCal
reactionsto take place.It can setfire to o Have your motorcyclediagnosedand
any combustible materialsthatcomenear repairedif it is misfiring, backfiring,
it. Parkyour motorcycleaway from high stallingor otherwisenot running
grasses,dry leaves,or otherflammables. properly.

Technicallnformation 215
Oxygenated Fuels
Someconventionalgasolinesarebeing The following arethe EPA-approved
blendedwith alcoholor an ether percentages of oxygenates:
collectivelyreferredto asoxygenated ETHANOL (ethyl or grain alcohol) 107o
fuels. To meetcleanair standards,some by Volume
areasof the United Statesand Canadause You may usegasolinecontainingup to
oxygenatedfuels to help reduceemissions. l07oethanolby volume.Gasoline
If you usean oxygenatedfuel, be sureit is containingethanolmay be marketed
unleadedandmeetsthe minimumoctane underthe name "Gasohol".
rating requirement.
Before usingan oxygenatedfuel, try to MTBE (MethylTertiaryButyl Ether)l-57o
confirm the fuel's contents.Somestates/ by Volume
tobe Youmayusegasoline
postedon the pump. '
157oMTBE by volume.

216 Technicallnformation
Oxygenated Fuels
METHANOL (methylor wood alcohol) Fuel systemdamageor performance
57oby Volume problemsresultingfrom the useof an
You may usegasolinecontaining oxygenatedfuel containingmorethanthe
methanolcontainingup to 5Vomethanol percentagesof oxygenatesmentioned
by volumeaslong asit alsocontains abovearenot coveredunderwarranty.
cosolventsand corrosioninhibitorsto
protectthe fuel system.Gasoline Oxygenatedfuels can damagepaint and
containingmore than57omethanolby plastic.Be careful not to spill fuel when
volumemay causestartingand/or filling the fuel tank.Wipe up any spills
performanceproblems.It may also immediately.
of your fuel system. FonG-l
f uelscandanage
If you noticeany undesirableoperating plastic. Damage caused by spilledfuel is
symptoms,try anotherservicestationor not covered by warranty.
switch to anotherbrandof gasoline.

Technicallnformation 217
218 Technicallnformation
Consumer lnformation

This sectioncontainsinformationon your

waffanty andhow to get an official Honda

Consumerlnformation 219
Authorized Manuals
The ServiceManual(Publication Item No. 61MBW50)usedby your authorizedHonda
dealeris availablefrom Helm, Inc. (USA only, Canada:Seeyour Hondadealerto order
authorized manuals.)

Also available,but not necessary,

to serviceyour modelis the HondaCommonService
Manual (PublicationNo. 6lCM00l ), which explainstheoryof operationand basicservice
informationfor varioussystemscommonto all Hondamotorcycles,motor scootersand

TheseHondamanualsarewritten for the professionaltechnician,but most mechanically-

capableownersshouldfind themeasyto useif they havethe propertools and observeproper
safetystandards.SpecialHondatools arenecessaryfor someprocedures.

Publlcatlon ltem No. DescriDtion Price Each"

6 1 M BWsO 2001 CBR600F4iServiceManual $60,00
6 1 CM 0 0 1 Common ServiceManual $48.00
31MBW620 2001CBB600F4|Owneis Manual $16.00
'Ptices are subject to change without notice and without incurring obligation.

220 Consumerlnformation
Order On-Line: www.helminc.com

Order Toll Free: 1-888-CYCLE93(1-888-292-5393)

(NOTE: For Credit Card Orders Only)
Monday - Friday8:00AM - 6:00PM EST
By completingthis form you can orderthe materialsdesired.You canpay by checkor
moneyorder,or changeto your credit card.Mail to Helm, Inc. at the addressshownon the
backof this orderform (USA only).

Canada:Seeyour Hondadealerto orderauthorizedmanuals.

Publication Item Description oty. Price Total

Item No. Each' Prlce

'Prices are subject to change without notice and without incurring Sub Total
obligation. Mich.Purchasers
A dd6%S al esTax
Orders are mailed within 10 days. Please allow adequate time for Handlinq Charge $4.00
delivery. GrandTotal

Consumerlnformation 221
pleaseprovidedealeror companyname,andalso the nameof the personto whoseattentionthe
shiomentshouldbe sent.

Name Attention

- NoP,O.BoxNumber Apartment


DaytimeTelephone (
Number )

l--l Checkormoney payable

orderenclosed toHelmInc. f-l Checkhereil yourbillingaddress frol
L-l U.S.fundsonly.
Donotsendcash. L-l shipping
address shown above.

flM.rt,C"rd AcrounlNumber Expiration:Mo.Yr.

Fu,,o tT-[l-tTT-n-l[T-frl[I-[fl
Ll urscover

lorcredil receiving
wilhout advance within14daysoldelivery.
authorization Onreturns, leemay
a restocking


222 Consumerlnformation
Warranty Coverage
Your new Hondais coveredbv these Your warrantycoveragewill not be
warranties: voided if you chooseto perform your own
. Motorcycle Limited Warranty maintenance. However,you shouldhave
. ExhaustEmissionWarranty the propertools and serviceinformation
r Noise Control Warranty and be mechanicallyqualified.Failures
thatoccurduedirectlyto improper
Thereareresponsibilities,restrictions,and maintenancearenot covered.
exclusionswhich applyto thesewarranties.
Pleasereadthe WarrantiesBooklet given Almost all of your warrantycoveragecan
to you by your Hondadealerat the time of be extendedthroughthe HondaCare
purchase.Be sureto keepyour Honda ProtectionPlan (USA only). For more
owner's cardwith your Warranties information,seeyour Hondadealer.
It is importantto realizethat your
warrantyappliesto defectsin materialor
workmanship of your Honda.Your
warrantycoveragedoesnot apply to
normalwearor deteriorationassociated
with usingthe motorcycle.

Consumerlnformation 223
Warranty Service
Pleaserememberthat recommended If you have questionsabout warranty
maintenanceinterval servicing is not coverageor the natureof the repair, it is
includedin your warrantycoverage. bestto talk to the servicemanagerof your
Additionally, your wilranty doesnot Hondadealer.
apply to the normal wear of items (such as
brakes,tires,etc.). Sometimes,in spiteof the bestintentions
of all concerned,a misunderstandingmay
If you believeyou havea problemwith occur.If you aren't satisfiedwith your
your motorcycle,call the service dealer'shandlingof the situation,we
departmentof your Honda dealer.Make suggestyou discussyour problemwith the
an appointmentfor an inspection and appropriatememberof the dealership's
diagnosis.Remember,as the owner of the managementteam. If the problem has
youwill beasked
motorcycle, to authorize alreadybeenreviewed with the Service
that inspection.Your dealerwill give you Manager,PartsManager,SalesManager,
the resultsof the inspection.If the etc,,contactthe Ownerof the dealership
problemis coveredunderwarranty,your or their designatedrepresentative.
dealerwill peform the wananty repairs
for you.

224 Consumerlnformation
Contacting Honda
Your owner'smanualwas written to cover MotorcycleDivision, AmericanHonda
mostof the questionsyou might ask about Motor Co.,Inc.,P.O.Box2220,Torrance,
your Honda.Any questions not answered CA 90509-2220,mailstop:I 00-4W-5B,
in the owner's manualcanbe answeredby (3l0) 532-98I 1.
your Hondadealer.If your dealerdoesn't
havethe answerright away,they will get Canada:Refer to the WarrantiesBooklet
it for you. that was suppliedwith your vehicle.

If you havea differenceof opinion with Pleaseincludethe following information

your dealer,pleaserememberthat each in your letter:
dealershipis independentlyownedand . name,address,andtelephonenumber
operated.That'swhy it's importantto o productmodel,year,and frame/VlN
w0rkt0resOlve atthe
anydifferences serialnumber
dealershiplevel. o dateof purchase
o dealernameandaddress
If you wish to commenton your
experiences with your Hondaor with your We will likely askyour Hondadealerto
dealer,pleasesendyour commentsto the respond,or possiblyacknowledgeyour
following address(USA only): commentsdirectly.

Consumerlnformation 225
Your Honda Dealer
Onceyou purchaseyour new Honda,get products available from the parts
familiar with the organizationof your department.
Hondadealerso you canutilize the full
rangeof servicesavailable. The salesdepartmentoffers the Honda
CareProtectionPlanto extendalmostall
The servicedepartmentis there to perform of your warrantycoverage(USA only).
regularmaintenanceand unexpected Your Hondadealercan inform you about
repairs.It hasthe latestavailableservice competitionand otherriding eventsin
informationfrom Honda.The service your area.You'll alsofind that your dealer
departmentwill alsohandlewarranty is a sourceof informationaboutAmerican
inspectionsandrepairs. Honda'sRider EducationCentersand the
HondaRider'sClub of America(USA
The partsdepartmentoffers Genuine only).
Hondaparts,Pro Hondaproducts,
Hondalineaccessories (USA only),and We're sureyou'll be aspleasedwith the
Hondaaccessories andproducts(Canada serviceyour Hondadealercontinuesto
only). The samequality that went into provideafter the saleas you arewith the
your Hondacan be found in Genuine quality and dependabilityof your Honda.
Hondareplacement parts.You'll alsofind
comparablequality in the accessories and

226 Consumerlnformation
The Honda Rider's Club (USA only)
One of the bestways to get the most o Reimbursement(to statedlimiQ for
enjoymentfrom owning your Hondais to rider trainingfrom the Motorcycle
join the HondaRider'sClub of America SafetyFoundation.
(HRCA). Your purchaseof a new o A subscriptiontoHonda Red Rider, a
motorcycle f rom a participating Honda bi-monthly magazinefor members.
dealerentitlesyou to a complimentary o Computerizedtrip routing,color maps,
one-yearmernbership. The HRCA has and specialtravelpackages.
hundredsof dealer-sponsored chapters . A lost-keyretrievalsystem,motorcycle
throughoutthe USA. Someof the HRCA insurance,club pin, patch,apparel,etc.
membership benefitsinclude:
In additionto joining the HRCA, many
o 24-hr.emergencyroadsideassistance. membershavehelpedform local, dealer-
I 24-hr.
information. sp0nsored thatoffergrouprides,
. Emergencymessage service. newsletters,andtheopportunityto get
r Transportationfor your motorcycleto firsrhand informationfrom their dealer
the nearestHondadealeror service andHonda.
can't get
facility if roadsideassistance
you runningagain. Contactyour Hondadealerfor more
informationor call: I -800-847

Consumerlnformation 227
Reporting Safety Defects (USA only)
If you believethat your vehiclehasa To contactNHTSA, you may eithercall
defectwhich could causea crashor could the Auto SafetyHotline toll-free at
causeinjury or death,you should l-800-424-9393(or 366-0123in
immediatelyinform the NationalHighway Washington. D.C.area)or writeto:
Traffic SafetyAdministration(NHTSA) NHTSA, U.S, Departmentof
in additionto notifying AmericanHonda Transportation,Washington, D.C. 20590.
Motor Co.,Inc.
You can also obtainotherinformation
If NHTSA receivessimilar complaints,it aboutmotor vehiclesafetyfrom the
may openan investigation,and if it finds Hotline.
that a safetydefectexistsin a groupof
vehicles,it may ordera recall andremedy
campaign. NHTSAcannot
become involved in individual problems
between you, your dealer, or American
Honda Motor Co., Inc.

228 Consumerlnformation
Consumerlnformation 229
Table of Contents
The following presentsthe contentsof
eachsectionof your owner's manual.

MOTORCYCLE SAFETY................... I
& Modifications...................
Accessories 4
SafetyLabels .....................6


C o mp o n e n L to c a ti o n.....,.,.,,.
s 1I
Gauges, Indicators & Displays.... ...........
Multi-function Display.......... .............
Low Oil PressureIndicator
F u e lIn d i c a to r .... ...........24
S p e e d o m e l e r. ...............
O d o me te r...... .... ...........
T ri p m e teAr & B ................................

230 Table of Contents

Table of Contents
SafeRidingPrecautions """"""""""""' 48
AreYouReady Ride? "."""""""""' 38
Protective " " " " 38
Apparel.'.................'.. Starting&itopping the Engine """ 49
40 Preparation.... ..'....."""'49
RiderTraining '....'...."'
Ready to Ride ? ....41 StartingProcedure ....."50
Is Your Motorcycle
4I Fl ooded E ngi ne............' .' ......'
" 5I
" " " "...
Pre-ride Inspection ....'.....'.........'...'...'
LoadLimits& Guidelines. -....44
................ Bank Angle SensorIgnition Cut-off
.' ........"44 "' S ystem........... ....." " " " "51
L o a d i n g .........
...' .. ....' ...' ..45 How to Stopthe Engine .........'..."""" 52
L o a dL i mi ts
S hi fti ng ..' .' ......' ...' 53 .." " '
LoadineGuidelines " """ 45
B raki ng ' .......' .' .." " " " " " 55
P arki ng.......... .............." 57 "'
Ridingwith a Passenger or Cargo......""62


Table of Contents 231

Table of Contents
Be.foreYouServiceYour Honda
The Importanceof Maintenance............ 66
Ma i n te n a n cSae fe ty ............
ImportantSafetyPrecautions............. 68
PeriodicMaintenance .............................
Maintenance Schedule ...........................
M a i n te n a n cRee c o rd ...........

C o mp o n e nL to c a ti o n............
s ................
T o o lK i t......... ...................82
Ow n e r' sMa n u a S l to ra g e ...... ........,.........
S e aRt e mo v a l ...... .............
LowerFairingRemoval......................... 86
In n e rF a i ri n gR e m o v a...........
l ................

232 Table of Contents

Table of Contents
UNEXPECTED ................ 167
Electrical General Gui del i nes 168
Battery........... 148 If Your EngineQuitsor Won't Start...169
If Y ou H avea Fl atTi re..... 174
Appearance 153 If YourEngineOverheats I 86
If the Low Oil PressureIndicator
TIPS.............. 161 Fl ashes 188
StoringYour Honda t62 I 89
If a FuseB l ow s.....................................
Transporting 165
Your Motorcycle............ If Y ou C rash. 193
You & theEnvironment. 166 194
If Y ou LoseY ourK ey .........................
If Your Batteryis Low (or Dead)........195

Table of Contents 233

Table of Contents
VehicleIdentification........................... I 98 Authorized Manuals........
Specifications ................
201 WarrantyCoverage .......223
Break-inGuidelines.............................. 208 WanantyService..........
EmissionControlSystems................... 2O9 Contacting Honda............ 225
CatalyticConverter Y ourH ondaD eal er...........
(C a l i fo rn ioan l y )..........................,......,.
215 The HondaRider'sClub
Oxygenated Fue1s........,.....
216 (USA only) ....................22'l
(U S Aonl y) ....................228

TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................




234 Table of Contents

Table of Contents 235

236 Index
c us t om ers er v ic e ............225

lndex 237


238 Index


I 98
seri al ......................................

Index 239
pre-ri de 4l
i nspecti on................................. .
o problems, unexpected.... 167
protectiveapparel ............

240 rndex

Index Al
motorcycle.... 162
............. T
owner'smanual ...........
front suspensionadjustment............. I 19
front suspensionspringpre-Ioad......120
front suspension damping................
rearsuspension adjustment..............
rear suspensionspringpre-1oad........ 124
rearsuspension I 25
enginestop.... ...............34
headlight dimmer................................
i g n i ti o n .......... .. ............,33
tu rns i g n a l ...... ..............

242 Index

vehicleidentificationno. (VIN)...........198

lndex 243
244 Memo
Quick Reference
The following is a brief, but important
collectionof informationyou needto
know aboutyour Honda.You'll alsofind
spaceto recordimportantnotes. Theengineof yourHondacanbethemost
componentto repair.Proper
maintenance,especially the use of the
recommended fluids and filters, prevents
premature we'ar and damage.

Frequent causesof costly repairs are:

e Engine oil: insufficientquantity.
improper oil.
. Air cleaner;dirry, leakingbecauseof
improperinstallation(poor seal)'
Recordimportantinformationon the

Quick Reference
Quick Reference
VIN/Frame No
Ignition Key No.

Quick Reference
Quick Reference
Scheduled lnitial:600miles(1,000km)
Maintenance Resular:everv4,000miles(6,400km)
Pre-ride Check the following items each time before you ride (page 4l ): tires,
Insoection chnin lenks lnosenarfs hrakes indicators.liphts-
Periodic Check the following items monthly (page 71 ): tires, fluids, lights,
Checks freeplay, drive chain, fuses, nuts & bolts.
FueVCapacity unleadedgasoline,pump octanenumber 86 or higher
4. 76 US qa l ( 1 8 . 0 0 , 3 . 9 6 l m p s a l )
EngineOil API ServiceClassificationSF or SC,SAE 10W40' Pro HondaGN44-
strokeoil or eauivalent
Maximum 386lbs(175kg)
Weight 395lbs(179kg)Canada
Canacitv rider,passenger,
all cargoandaccessories

Quick Reference
Quick Reference
Tires Front 120/70ZR17(58W)

BT010R 1
Tire Pressure Front: 36 psi (250kPa,2.5Okgf/cm2)
(cold) Rear: 42 psi (290 kPa , 2.90 kgf/cm2)
SparkPlugs standard:IMR9A-9H(NGK) or IUH27D(DENSO)
Coolant ethylene glycol antifreeze (silicate-free) for aluminum engines in 50/50
solution with ho Honda HP Coolant or an equivalent distilled water
Fuses main: 30A
F[: 2OA
other: 10A

Quick Reference
The Power of Dreams

3 1 M8W 620 @ O @ 1ooo.2oo1.o4 .1

00x31-MBW-6202 PRINTED

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