Shallow Foundations
Driven Piles
Retaining Walls and Abutments
Drilled Shafts
Estimating Tolera ble Movements
Load Factor Design Specif ications
and Commentary
P. S. K. OOt, C. K. TAN, and S. G. KIM
vrrsinra Porytechnrc rnäijiliìi
Blackeburg, Vlrglnla
Prior to the early 1970s, all highway-bridge design in the united states was
performed using the working stress design method. Then, in the mid-1970s,
adopted load-factor design into the AASHTO standard specíficøtions
for Híghway
Bridges as an approved design method for portions of the bridge structure
above the
foundation. over time, a number of states adopted AASHTo's load-factor-design
criteria for bridge-superstructure design. However, many others have not due, part,
to the desire to avoid inconsistency inherent in designing those portions
of the structure
above the foundation by the load factor method while still designing
foundations by
working stress.
This inconsistency in design format requires considerable duplication of effort
compiling design forces for the highway structure and its foundation. The development
of suitable load-factor-design criteria for bridge foundations would eliminate
this incon-
sistency, saving time and money. Additionally, it would lead to a more uniform
of safety fcr all structural components in a highway structure and result in a more
consistent and effrcient use of materials.
NCHRP Project 24'4 was initiated with the oirjective of developing load-factor-
design provisions which could be considered by AASHTo for inclusion
in the Standørd
specifications for Highway Bridges. specification provisions and commentary
developed for shallow foundations, driven piles, drilled shafts, and abutments
rigid retaining structures. The specifications employ the same load factors and
combinations that are presently used for AAsHTo superstructure design.
The recom_
menled specifltcations and commentary are expected to be considered for adoption
AASHTO in 1992.
In addition to the recommended specifications, flrve engineering manuals were
developed during the course of the study. The manuals describe detailed
design proce-
dures for various foundation elements based on the recommended load-factor
tions, and include many examples demonstrating their use. The hve engineering
als cover the design of shallow foundations, driven piles, drilled shafts, retaining
and abutments, and the estimation of tolerable bridge movements.
This report contains six major sections: the five engineering manuals and the
recommended specifrcations and commentary. The engineering manuals
will aid in the
understanding ofnot only the new provisions but offoundation design in general
can be the basis for a future training program.
SUMMARY Until now, engineers who used AASHTO load factor design procedures for bridge
superstructures have had to develop two sets of loadings, one for design of the super-
structure and another for design of the foundation. This wasteful duplication of effort
was unavoidable because load factor design procedures were not available for founda-
tions. The study described in this report remedies this situation. A recommended
accompanying AASHTO design code and commentary for foundations has been devel-
oped, based on load factor design procedures. The recomrnended code and commentary
are included in Appendixes B and C.* The superstructure and the foundation can now
be designed using the same loads and the same design format.
The recommended AASHTO design code has been made as similar as possible to
the existing code. This was done to minimize the diffrculties involved in working with
the recommended code for engineers who are familiar with the existing code. Changes
were made only where necessary to incorporate the load factor design format, to bring
the code up to the current state-of-practice, or to remedy omissions in the existing
In addition to the draft design code and commentary, f,rve engineering manuals have
been developed during the course of this study. The purpose of these manuals is to
describe in detail design procedures for foundations, and to give examples showing
how the load factor design procedures that form the basis of the recommended code
can be applied to foundation design.
These engineering manuals are:
The load factor design procedures described in the recommended AASHTO code
and commentary employ the same load factors and load combinations that are used
for superstructure design under AASHTO. Developing the load factor design proce-
dures for foundations required extensive studies of margins of safety and reliability
of foundations. Through these studies appropriate values were established for the
performance (or resistance) factors that are used to modify the nominal capacities of
foundations and thereby establish reduced levels ofcapacity that will result in reliable
foundation performance. The details of these studies are presented in Appendix A of
this report. A Synopsis, giving a brief acc<.,ont of the conduct of the research, f,rndings,
applications, conclusions and recommendations, immediately follows this Summary.
I /
L¡ntil now, engineers who used AASHTO load factor design procedures for bridge
superstructures have had to work with two sets of loadings, one for design of the
superstructure and one for design of the foundation. This wasteful duplication of effort
wás be¡ause there were no load factor design procedures for foundations Under the
AASHTO code, foundations could only be designed using the working stress design
The objective of the research study described in this report was to develop recommen-
dations for an AASHTO code for load factor design of foundations, in a form consistent
with the AASHTO code for load factor design of superstructures.
The recommended design procedure for bridge foundations is expected to have the
following benehts: (l) greater effrciency in the design effort because the same loads can
be used for the superstructure and the foundation; (2) more consistent incorporation
of margins of safety in the superstructure and foundation because they will be designed
using the same loads and consistent design methods; and (3) more effrcient use of
matãrials because load factor design procedures afford a more consistent means for
setting safetY margins: '-.
Because load factor,deSig¡r,p4gcedures offer these benefits, it is expected that they
will be used widely whenlengineers'beoome familiar with the method, and learn the
'advantdgesrof u.p,1ng it. " -" , r
. ''¡,.,¿..Ð
As originally proposed, the scope of this study'eircöinpassed only (l) development
of a recommended AASHTO code for load factor deffi of bridge foundations and an
accompanying commentary, and (2) documentation of ùhe methods used in evaluating
load factors and performance (or resistance) factors for design of foundations.
As the study progressed, it became clear that it .would be desirable also to develop
a more thorough exposition of design methods thaúfüould be suitable for the recom-
mended code and its commentary, and to develop a series of examples of the use of
the new procedures, so that engineers could understand the new procedures more
easily, and more completely. To accomplish this goal, the scope of the study was
broadened to include development of a series of five engineering manuals covering the
design of foundations and abutments.
Thus, in its final form, the scope of the research study included development of
these products: (1) documentation of the methods used in evaluating the load and
performance (or resistance) factors used in the recommended code (this procedure,
called "calibration" of the code, is described in Appendix A); (2) the recommended
AASHTO code for load factor design of foundations, and the accompanying commen-
tary (Appendixes B and C of this report, reproduced here in Part 6); and (3) five
engineering manuals: Engineering Manual for Shallow Foundations (Part l); Engi-
neering Manual for Driven Piles (Part 2); Engineering Manual for Retaining Walls and
Abutments (Part 3); Engineering Manual for Drilled Shafts (Part 4); and Engineering
Manual for Estimating Tolerable Movements of Bridges (Part 5).
Research Approøch
The principal steps involved in the research were: (1) development and distribution
of a questionnaire to determine the extent of current use of LFD for highway structures,
opinions regarding its use for foundations, and factors that would influence its adoption
by practitioners; (2) review of previous experience with load factor design, Oorf, O.,l
lished and unpublished; (3) development of a framework for applying load factor design
methods to foundations; (4) review of the state of the art of foundation design and
selection of design and selection of design procedures suiøble for modern practice; (5)
analysis of sources of uncertainty in foundation desiga and evaluation of load and
resistance factors for the recommended load factor design code; (6) development of the
engineering manuals, incorporating load factor design concepts and including examples
illustrating the use ofeach ofthe included design procedures; and (7) development of
the recommended code and commentary.
Conclusions. The load factor design format is suitable for application to design of
highway bridge foundations. The recommended code and commentary contained in
Part 6 will make this possible, and will eliminate the need for the wasteiul duplication
of effort that arises when a bridge superstructure is designed by the load factor method
and the foundation is designed by working stress design.
The greatest efficiency and consistency can be achieved by using the same load
factor values for both structure and foundation. The recommended code uses the
superstructure load factors for the foundation, thus making use of the c¡de as simple,
consistent, and effrcient as possible.
Different values of performance factor are needed for each combination of foundation
type, soil type, soil testing procedure, and method of calculating capacity. The recom-
mended code cont¿ins values of performance factor for each of the design methods in
current use in engineering practice, making it usable for a wide variety of different
The engineering manuals developed in the course of this study will provide an
effrcient and effective means for engineers to understand and to use the new code.
Suggested Research. During the course of this study it became evident that the
performance of retaining walls and abutments has not been well documented. Design
methods for these structures are largely empirical, and it is diffrcult for design engineers
to anticipate performance with a reasonable degree of accuracy. Methods should be
developed for estimating vertical movements, horizontal movements, and rotations of
retaining walls and abutments, and these methods should be verified by comparison
with the behavior of full-scale structures in the field. Research is also needed to
develop a better understanding of the behavior of retaining walls and abutments during
earthquakes, and to develop improved procedures for earthquake-resist¿nt design of
retaining walls and abutments.
. LOAÓED DÊILLED SHAFÍS '...........:...... Æ58
FonswoRD lt¡
Surrunny YU
Sy¡topsrs oF THE Rnsp¡,ncrr... vru
Part 1
Englneering Manual lor Shallow Foundaüons.... 1
Contents I
Chapter I Introduction 2
Chapter 2 Design Considerations for Shallow Foundations 2
Chapter 3 Soil Exploration for Shallow Foundations 8
Chapter 4 Bearing Capacþ Shellow Foundations in Soil l6
Chapter 5 Settlements of Footings 28
Chapter 6 Shallow Foundations on Rock 39
Rrrænrxcns 6
Nor,lnoxs AND SyMBoLs... 49
Part 2
Englneering ltranual lor Drlven Plles 53
Contents 53
Chapter I Introduction 54
Chapter 2 Classification of Deep Foundations and Piles....... 54
Chapter 3 Design Requirements for Pile Foundations.. 56
Chapter 4 Design of Piles for Axial Loading......... 60
Chapter 5 Design of Piles for Lateral Loading......... 80
Appendix I Section Properties ofPrestressed Concrete, Steel-H and pipe piIes............... 93
Appendix 2 Axial and Moment Capacities of Piles.......... 98
Appendix 3 Correlations for Estimating the Friction Angle of Sands from SPT Blow Counts and Cone
Resistance 103
Appendix 4 Eccentricity Factors for Driven Piles 106
RBrnnnxcns r08
Nor¡,r¡oxs axp Sy*rnors 110
Part 3
Engineering Manual for Betaining Wails and Abutments 11S
Contents ll5
Chapter I Introduction iló
Chapter 2 Types of Retaining Walls and Abutments tt7
Chapter 3 General Design Considerations. il9
Chapter 4 Forces on Retaining Walls and Abutments 128
Chapter 5 Desþ Requirements for Retaining Walls and Abutments. 137
Chapter 6 Design Examples t42
RB¡rnn¡,¡crs 154
Notauoxs exn Syunor,s
Part 4
Englneering Manual for Drilled Shafts t6i
Contents t6l
Chapter I Introduction.. t62
Chapter 2 Classification of Deep Found¿tions and Drilled Shafts............ t62
Chapter 3 Design Requirements for Drilled Shaft Foundations .............. t67
Chapter 4 Design of Drilled Shafts for Axial Loading 172
Chapter 5 Design of Drilled Shafts for Lateral Loading......... t97
RBrrnpxces 2tt
Nornrroxs .lNn SyùrsoLs 2t3
Part 6
Recommended Load Factor Design
gpecífications and commentary 229 1;:.::'.
,! .)ÁO
Îfì? .,,r
The research reported herein was performed under NCHRP Project Phillip Ooi, former Research Assistant; C.K. Tan, former Research
24-4 attheCharles E. Via, Jr., Department of Civil Engineering, Virginia Assisiant; and S.G. Kim, former Research Assistant' J'R' Chen also
Polytechnic Institute and State University. Richard M. Barker, Professor contributed to the project.
of Civil Engineering, J. Michael Duncan, University Distinguished Pro- The work was done under the supervision of Professors Barker, Dun-
fessor, and Kamal B. Rojiani, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, can, and Rojiani'
were co-principal investigators. The othe¡ authors of this report are:
Part t$neineering Manual for
f Shallow Foundatlons
C.K. Tmv, J.tVl. Dt¡xcrx, K.B. Ro.rrlxr
R.M. Blrutpn
2.4 Qther Design Considerations.....,....,...,...... ................i...... 5
4.3 Bearing Pressures from Standard Penetration Tests (SPT)... l6
4.4 Bearing Pressures from Cone Penetration Tests (CPT).. 20
4.5 Bearing Pressures from Pressuremeter Tests (PMÐ........... 20
4.ll Safety Factors, Load Factors and Resistance Factors....... 27
5.2 Settlements of Footings on Sand from Standard Penetration Tests.............. 28
5.3 Settlements of Footings on Sand from Cone Penetration Tests.............. 3l
5.4 Settlements of Footings on Sands, Silts and Clays by Janbu's Tangent Modulup Method 33
5.5 Settlements of Footings on Sands and Clays from Pressuremeter Tests............i......... 34
5.6 Settlements of Footings on Soil by Elastic Methods ....................1., 36
5.7 Settlements of Footings Due to Consolidation of C1ays......... ......,'....... 37
5.8 Time-Dependent Settlements of Footings on Sands....... ..............f........ 38
5.9 Settlements Due to Secondary Compression of Clays......... 38
lrl PART I
'l 40
.t 6.2,3 Empirical design procedure for reasonably sound rock 40
6.2.4 Empirical dêsign procedure for less competent jointed rock................ 40
6.4 Design of Shallow Foundations in Rock Using Load and Resist¿nce Factor Design Approach...... 43
Nor¿.rror.¡s AND SYMBoLS 49
cn¡prpn I
The main purpose of this manual is to present simple guide- while load and resistance factor design is a semiprobabilistic
lines for the analysis and design of shallow foundations in soil approach. Although the two methods consider safety against
and rock. The emphasis is on simple and routine practical proce- failure differently, they treat serviceability considerations in a
dures, but not on detailed theoretical evaluations. similar fashion.
The design procedures included in this manual are presented Design considerations and various aspects ofsoil exploration
using both the conventional working stress design and the re- for shallow foundations are discussed in Chapters 2 and 3 respec-
cently introduced load and resistance factor design concepts. tively. Methods for estimating bearing capacity and deformation
The two approaches differ in the manner in which uncertainties offootings in soil are described in Chapters 4 and 5. The design
in design and the provision of safety margin are dealt with. of shallow foundations on rock is discussed in Chapter 6.
Conventional design is essentially a deterministic approach;
GROUP I D .Li¡}' F E B SF w WL L¡ R+S+'l EQ ICÉ: s
l.o t I o o o o o o lu(,
fA l.o I 2 o 0 o o 0 0 o 0 o 0 o 160
IB l.o I 0 I ¡ PE I ¡ o o o o 0 0
o ¡t t.o I o o o I I I I o o o 0 o 12ó
o TII 1.0 I I o I Én I I o.3 I I o o o r25
f'¡ TV l.o I I o I An I t o o o I o o r25
o 1.O I o o o I I o o I o o lao
É vt l.o I I o 1 9n I I o.3 I I I o o l{o
v, VTT l.o 1 0 o o I I I o o o o 1 o 133
v¡¡¡ l.o I o I I I I o o o o o ¡ l{o
¡x 1.O I 0 0 o I I I I o o o o I 160
x 1.O I I o o É¡ 0 o o o 0 o o 0 100 Culvcrt
I 1.3 t.þ 7 o t.u PE I o o 1' o o 0
fA 1.3 pD 2.20 o o o o o o o o o o o
0 IB 1.3 o 1.0 o o o o o o
o II 1.3 o o o I o o o o o ta
o t¡t 1.3 tD I o ¡ ßn t I o.¡ I o o o g
Ê ¡v 1_3 PD o o o o o o À
o ê
É. v l-26 ED 0 o o ëE I I I o o I o o
vt t.26 ln I o Fø o.3 I I o o o
a v¡I
a 1-3 PD o o 0 I t o o o o I o
v¡tI 1.3 tD 0 I ds I I o o o o o t
o IX I I o I
.¡ -20 Én o o o Én 1 0 o o
x .ao 1.6? o o Bç o o o o o o o o Cu¡vcÍ
' 1.25 may bc uscd for dcsign of outside roadway bcam whcn For culvert loading spccifications. see Articlc 6.2.
comtinetion of sidewalk livc load as wcll as traftic livc load plus
impact govcrns the dcsigo but thc capacity of the section should de = 1.0 and 0.5 for lateral loads on rigid franres (check bo¡h
not bc lcss than rcquircd for highway traffrc live load only using loadings to see shich one governs). See Anicle J-20.
a bcta factor of 1.67. l.@ may bc uscd for design of deck slab
with ømbioation of loads as describcd in Article 3.24.2-2. For L<¡ad Factor Design
Detemine values of loads ùc be ùsed in design of footings to 2.3.2 Safety Margin and Satety Factor
support a bridge abuûnenr subjected to the Ar4.S¡ITO lÆad Group l.
(l) For a safe design, a structure must have adequate capacity (or
Typs of loads in Group I
resistance) to resist the loads to which it is subjected. The reserve
As ce be wn from Table 2.1, the loads in GrouÞ I include dead capacity, in excess of the required capacity, is the safety margin.
load, live load, pffiw, buoymcy and sûem flow
centifutal forc, eanh An adequate margin is maintained in design by choosing conser-
prcssue. Thæ loads have values of p factor greater thm ærc. Following
vative values ofload and soil parameters for use in design, and
the AASHTO specifications, impact fore is excluded in foundation dsign.
In lhis exmple, it is also Numed that ûerc tre no loads resulting from
by the use of appropriate safety factors.
buoymcy, centrifugal force or sEem flow pE$urc. The basis for establishing the values of design parameters and
safety factors underlines the fundamental differences between
Ø Nominalloads the conventional working stress design (WSD) and the load
and resistance factor design (LRFD). The WSD procedure is
Dead loads æ calculated bæd on dead weights of the structurc,
foudation md surchdge materials. Live loads de stimated basd on basically a deterministic approach, whereas LRFD is often based
Section 3 of the AASHTO specifications. Eä1h presurcs æ stimared on semiprobabilistic concepts.
using stâblished soil mechmics principle or empirical pr@duE, æ
Factored loads æ usd in the LRFD præedrcs. Thei¡ values æ In working stress design both the loads and soil resistances
obhined by mulúplying lhe componding nominal valu6 compuæd in Step are considered to be deterministic and are charactenzed in calcu-
(2) by the product of the coEespooding valus of T ud 0 factoß ftom Table lations by a single value, called the nominal value. The nominal
1. The multiplication factoß for tie thæe types of loadings consideÉd in
value used in working stress design is usually either the mean
ùis exmple æ computed õ follows:
value, or a value that is somewhat more conservative than the
mean value. In selecting nominal values, the random nature of
MultiDlication Factor (= Y x ß) the loads and resistances is usually not taken into consideration.
Load TYæ Seryice Load DesiAn I¡âd Fâcb. D Selection of nominal values for the loads and resistance is an
Dead l¡ad l.0xl=1.0 llllYl=l10
important initial step in design. Dead load can usually be pre-
dicted more accurately than live loads whose values are often
Live l¡ad 1.0x1=1.0 l10\'1 67=)11 chosen based on codes, laws, and experience. The selection of
Earth Prcssw l.0xl=1.0 ll0rllO=l6S design soil parameters, on the other hand, requires careful ap-
praisal ofthe conditions peculiar to the particular structure and
Figure 2.1. Example 2.[-4etermination of factored loads. site.
In the WSD procedure, safety is ensured by the use of a single
factor of safety, sometimes called the "global" safety factor. An
appropriate value ofsafety factors, which may be defined as the
ratio of design resistance to the design load, is chosen based on
ing capacity). The use of the load combinations given in Table the uncertainties associated with the design and the conse-
2.1 for design is shown in Figure 2.1. quences ofa failure. Typical values ofsafety factors customarily
used in shallow foundations design are given in Table 2.2.
r (r-q)
ron=sRn rìn
Nolation: R = resistance
õ.= mean of load O = ¡oad etfoct
F = mean ol res¡stance
Ê = sat€ty ¡ndex
. On = nominalvalue of load P = probab¡lity of fa¡lure
Rn = nom¡nal value of resistancs sf standard dev¡at¡on of random variable, R - O
R -e=
f"(r) = CrobabilitV dens¡ty funct¡on of random variabte R
Figure 2.3. Definitions of probability offailure and safety index.
fe(q) = probability density funst¡on of random variable e
T = load factor
0 = performance faclor
Different values of load and performance factors are provided
Figure 2.2. Load and resistance factor design. for different limit states, such as ultimate and serviceability limit
Ultimate limit states are related to the strength of foundation,
and they include bearing capacity failure, horizontal sliding,
overturning, and overall stability.
2.3.4 Load and Resistance Factor Design
Serviceability limit states are concerned with deformation and
durability, and they include considerations of settlement, hori-
Load and resistance factor design is a recently developed
zontal movement, tilting, and deterioration of the foundation
method based on probability or reliability theory. The loads and
resistance are treated as random variables and are characterized
Because the values ofload and performance factors are inter-
by probability density functions, as shown in Figure 2.2. Safety
twined, consistent sets of values must be used in design. For
is deflrned in terms of the probability of survival or its comple-
example, the suggested values of performaúce factor given in
ment, the probability of failure. The design is based on some
Table 2.3 must be used with the values of load factor for LFD
acceptable probability of failure.
given in Table 2.1. It would be inappropriate to use the load
For given distributions ofload and resistance, the probability
factors from Table 2.1 with performance factors taken from an
of failure can be directly defined. For example, for the combined
unrelated source or vice versa.
distribution of resistance minus load shown in Figure 2.3 the
probability of failure is defrned as the area under the shaded
It is important to note that values of load factor for earth
pressure given in Table 2.1 can be used directly to amplify the
region. In LRFD several partial safety factors are employed to
magnitude of active and at-rest earth pressure. The magnitude
ensure that the probability of failure associated with the design
of passive pressure, which provides a beneficial effect to the
is within the acceptable value. The two partial safety factors are
foundation system, should be multiplied by the reciprocal of the
the load and performance factors, as shown in Figure 2.2.'lhe
product of7 X É¡ given in Table 2.1. It should also be noted
load factors, 7, which often have values larger than unity, ac-
that the table does not list recommended values for y and B for
count for the uncertainties in loads and their probability ofoccur-
water pressure. If the water pressure is evaluated based on the
rence. The performance (or resistance) factors, þ, which are
worst possible position of groundwater table (the highest likely
typically less than one, account for soil variabilities and model
in 1@ years), it seems reasonable to use unfactored water pres-
uncertainties. The design equation for LRFD is as follows:
sure in LRFD calculations. Otherwise, the water pressure may
be amplihed by a load factor of 1.10.
ó\ ) )v¡Q, (
TÉble 2.3. Suggested values of perfornsnce frctor for ultimate limit stdtes design for shallow foundations.
1. Bêaring Capaclby
a. Sând
- Seml-enpirlcal Proceduro ueing SPi ¿a¿a 0.45
- Senl-empirlcal Procedure usint CPT da¿â 0.55
- Rational Method --
uslng /¡ €ltimâÈ€d f,¡oo SPI data 0.35
uctng {¡ estinated from CPT daèa 0.45
b. Clay
- S€mi-empirical Procedure uslng CPT daÈa 0.50
- Ratlonal Method
uslng ahear st!ênt¿h ¡neagured ln lab tests 0.60
usLng shear strength neasu¡ed tn fteld vane tests 0.60
using shear B¿rength est'lmated froo CPT data 0.50
c. Rock
- Seml-empirlcal p¡ocedure (CárÈ€r and Kulhawy) 0.60
12. SIidíns
a, Precast concr€te placed on sand
ustng f¡ estlmat€d from SPT daÈa 0.90
using {¡ estl¡oated from CPI data 0.90
c. CIay (where shear sÈrength is lese than 0,5 times no¡mal pressure)
using shear strength measured ln Iab tests 0. 85
using shear sor€ntth m€asured in fleld tests 0.85
using shear strength estlmated from CFI data il .eo
d, Clay (nhere the strength is treater than 0.5 Èimes no¡mal pr€ssure) 0.85
(1) ót = tti"t:.onal angle of sand
(Ð Sliding on clay ls conLrolled by the stlength of the clay when the clay shear streng¿h is
less than 0.5 Limes the no¡mal str€ss, and is conlrolled by the normal stress when the clay
shear sLrent¿h is Srsater than 0.5 times èhe normal stress.
itmay be the result of channel restriction or changes in flow soils are highly susceptible to scour, while cohesive or cemented
pattern. Except for unusual circumst¿nces, the greatest scour soils are more resistant. Typical scour rates of some stream bed
occurs during the largest flood. materials, expressed in terms of the time taken to reach the
Different materials scour at different rates. Loose granular maximum scour depth, are listed below (AASHTO, 1970):
-1' 11.5
. 15'
>\ Þ:
Similarly, AASHTO speciflrcations (1989) suggest the follow- Figure 2.5. Design cumes for maximum frost penetration based
ing guidelines for placing a foundation in cases where data per- on the freezíng index. (After U.S. Corps of Engineers, 1949;
taining to scour are not available: (l) for stream píers and arch Brown, 1964)
Expansive and collapsible soils may be encountered in many I(ú
parts of the United States, primarily the arid and semiarid re-
gions of the West and Southwest. Expansive soils, usually highly
plastic clays and clay shales, may undergo large volume changes
as a result ofseasonal changes in water content, and the expan- o_F
sion process may exert enomous swelling pressure on engineered o-E
facilities. Collapsible soils are, predominantly, partially saturated qb
silts and lightly cemented sands. They may collapse when wetted. o.ã
In areas where these problem soils are found, information e6
from other projects in the area and pertinent site-specific data, -Eo
including groundwater information and index properties of soils,
are usually available. Swelling potential can be estimated by õE
þo r0
using correlations with index properties, as shown in Figure
2.6. Collapsible soils can be identified by conducting special à
laboratory consolidation tests on undisturbed test specimens. t
2.4.4 Deterloratlon 10 20 30 40
Plasticity lndex, lO
Deterioration of concrete in foundations can be caused by
sulfates, organic acids, and other corrosive compounds that are Figure 2.6. Relationship of plasticity index to swell potential of
present in the soils or groundwater. The severity of the problem soils. (A"fter Holtz and Gibbs, 1956)
depends on three major factors: the concentrations of the sul-
fates, organic acids, and corrosive compounds; the level of the
groundwater and its movements within the vicinity of the site;
tions include equipment access, storage and handling of exca-
and the climatic conditions.
vated materials, feasibility of dewatering, stability of slopes
Geotechnical investigation for deterioration studies can be
during construction, and maintenance ofessential functions dur-
integrated into the subsurface exploration program through sam-
pling and chemical analysis of the groundwater and the soils.
ing construction. Such factors often govern the design, and
should receive thorough consideration early in the project.
Details can be found in the AASHTO Manual on Subsurface
Construction activities may alter the properties of soils and
Investigations (1988).
may even induce movements or failure. Examples include distur-
Once the extent and the severity ofthe deterioration problem
bance of clays due to pile driving, settlement of loose sands
are identified, various measures can be adopted to protect con-
due to pile driving, piping or quick conditions resulting from
crete foundations from attack by aggressive agents. These in-
dewatering, and damaging vibrations due to blasting. These ef-
clude use ofspecial materials, frequent maintenance, and conser-
fects often determine which construction methods can be used,
vative designs that deliberately disregard portions of the
and it is important to recognize that they may determine how
foundation material. The choice depends, among other factors,
construction can best be done.
on the severity of the problem, the decay rates, and the cost.
In areas where sulfates and organic acids are known to be
present, special types of cements are often recommended for
protecting concrete from the attack of these agents. Detailed
information can be found in Tomlinson's text (1986), and also CHAPTER 3
in an American Concrete Institute (ACI) publication known as
ACI's Guide To Durable Conuete (1982).
At chemical waste sites, appropriate precautionary steps can
be taken after the source and nature ofthe aggressive compounds FOUNDATIONS
have been identified. The types, concentrations, and distributions
of the deleterious chemicals may vary widely from site to site or
even within the site itself, and each case must be evaluated on
its own merits. Useful information can be found in the publica- 3.1 GENERAL
tions of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Accurate subsurface information is required for foundation
design. Lack of such information may lead to construction dis-
2.5 CONSTRUCTION ASPECTS putes and claims, overly conservative designs with extremely
high factors of safety, or to unsafe designs.
Two aspects of construction are especially important in design. The field and laboratory investigations used to obtain subsur-
They are: constructability and the effects of construction activ- face information comprise the soil exploration program. It con-
ities. sists of borings and sampling, in situ testing, laboratory testing
The feasibility of constructing the foundation should be evalu- of soil samples, and is occasionally supplemented with geophysi-
ated in terms of the diffrculties involved. Important considera- cal and other techniques.
A site investigation generally involves three phases: (1) recon- sounding spacings, exploration depths, and sampling require-
naissance (2) exploratory investigation, and (3) intensive investi- ments. For instance, the guidelines developed by the Federal
gation. A reconnaissance study provides information useful for Highway Administration (FHWA, 1985) are given in Table 3.1
project feasibility, planning, and preliminary design. Foundation and Table 3.2.
design data are obt¿ined during the exploratory and intensive
phases of the investigation.
This chapter briefly discusses various aspects of soil explora- 3.4 METHODS OF INVESTIGATION
tion, with emphasis on the exploratory and intensive phases of
investigations. Detailed information concerning soil investiga- 3.4.1 Useful Exploration Technlques
tions can be found in many textbooks (Peck et al., 1974; Sowers,
1979) and in the AASHTO (1988) manual on the subject, and Many techniques are available for exploring subsurface condi-
will not be repeated here. tions at a site. These techniques differ mainly in the types of
tools or equipment that they employ and in the manner used to
advance the bore hole. The choice of the procedure or method
3.2 OBJECTIVES OF SOIL EXPLORATION to be used depends to a large extent on the depth and nature of
the soils and the required quality of soil samples. Table 3.3
The primary objectives of soil exploration are to determine summarizes the use and limitations of some of the exploratory
the following: (l) the nature of the deposits, including their boring methods. It is intended for use as a quick reference.
geologic origins and other factors that may affect their engi- Details for each of these techniques are described in textbooks
neering behavior; (2) the aerial extent, depth, thickness, and (Sowers, 1979; Tomlinson, 1986) and in the AASHTO manual
elevation of each of the soil strata; (3) the depth to hrm soil or (1988) on soil exploration.
rock; (4) the location of groundwater and its fluctuation, and
the possible presence of artesian pressures; (5) the engineering
properties of soils and rocks that will influence the performance 3.4.2 Soil Sampling
of the foundation; and (6) other pertinent information, such as
the chemical properties of soils and groundwater. Both disturbed and undisturbed samples provide useful infor-
Acquisition and interpretation of this information help to de- mation. Disturbed samples are samples that have been distorted
fine potential problems, to identify important details, and to and remolded. They are useful for soil identifrcation and index
identify areas where special attention is needed. It also provides tests, but not for measurement of soil properties. Undisturbed
the data needed for a design. samples are obtained with thin-walled sampling tubes or from
test pits. They are useful for all types of soil tests, including
measurement of strength, compressibility, and permeability.
3,3 EXPLORATION PROGRAM As a quick reference, Table 3.4 summarizes the use and limita-
tions of various sampling techniques. For more detailed cover-
Soil exploration programs should be planned to obtain the age, the readers are referred to Hvorslev's book (1948).
maximum possible information at minimum cost. In planning
an exploration program, it is important to consider the cost of
site investigation in comparison with the cost of the foundation. 3.4.3 ln Situ Tests
A thorough investigation may result in substantial savings in the
cost of a foundation in a particular area. In other cases, no In recent years in situ tests have been used more frequently to
amount of detailed information may change the type, cost, or determine the strength and deformation characteristics of soils.
performance of the foundation. In many cases these tests provide considerable useful information
The planning ofa soil investigation program includes both the at reasonable cost.
field and laboratory work. It includes establishing methods for The use and limitations of several types of in situ tests are
field exploration and in situ testing. It also includes determining summarized in Table 3.5. Depending on whether soil properties
the depth and location of borings, test pits, and other sounding are measured directly or are estimated by using empirical corre-
techniques, as well as the type and number of laboratory tests. lations, in situ tests may be classihed into two major categories:
These decisions can only be made effectively after some k¡owl- direct tests and indirect tests. For example, the vane shear test
edge of the site conditions is available. Planning is therefore a is considered a direct test because strength of the soil is related
continuous and progressive process which involves updating or quantitatively to the torque required to turn the vane. On the
modifying a preliminary plan as work advances and more infor- other hand, the standard penetration test measures the driving
mation is accumulated. resistance ofthe split-spoon sampler, and is thus an indirect test.
The scope and amount of work in an exploration program are It is important that all in-situ tests be carried out by experi-
dependent on many site-specific factors, including the type of enced personnel and in accordance with the standardized or
structure and foundation, the soil conditions, and the project generally accepted procedures. Relevant standards are indicated
requirements. These factors and their degree ofsignifircance can in Table 3.5.
vary so widely from site to site that each exploration program
has to be planned individually.
Fortunately, guidelines have been developed over the years by 3.4,4 Groundwater
various agencies to assist the planning ofexploration programs.
Based largely on experience and on some basic principles ofsoil Reliable information on groundwater is essential for founda-
mechanics, they typically include suggestions on bore hole or tion design. In most cases the location of the groundwater level
Table 3.1. Guidelines for "mininum" boring programs. (After Federal Highway Administra- Table 3.2. Guidelines for sampling and testing criteria. (After Feileral
Highw¡y Ailminishation, 1985)
straight Iine perpendicular beLow acÈlve or potêntial In 1ow pemeablttty aolla, Êuch aE Éllts and I
tô the centerllne or plannê fallure surface and lnto hard clays, a faL6e lndlcatfon of the vater level I
slope aurface to establlsh stratu, or to a depth for vhich Day be obtalned shen oater 1s uaed as I
geologlcal 6ecÈ1on for fallure ls ulikely because of drllllng fluid and adequate Èlre iE noÈ I
analysLB. Nu¡ber of section georetry of cross-6ections. penltted after hol€ coDpletlon for the vater I
dependB on extent of level to atablllze (!or€ than one veek nay be I
stabillty problels. For r6qulred). In 6uch soila a plaEtlc ÞlÞe water I
active 61Íde, place at lea obBewatlon selt ahould be inatalled to allow I
one boring above and beÌow Donltorlng of the water level, ov6r a perlod I
Ellding area. of tlùe.
MateriaIE Sltes BorinEs spaceal every IOO to Extend exploratLon to base of Seaeonal fluctuatLon of water tal¡le ehould be I
(Borroq Pits) 200 ft. deposit or to depth required detemlned vhere fluqtuatlon wllL have I
to provÍded needed quantity. ElEnlflcanÈ lnpact on deElgn or constnctlon.
ÀrteaLan presEure and Beepage zones, lf I
encountered. Éhou1d alao be notad on the I
borlng tog. I
The top foot or Eo of the annular Bpace I
between water obBeryatlon well pipes and I
borehole uall should be backflllêd slth I
grout, bentonlte, or sand-cenent [lxture to I
prevent aurface uater lnflow vhlch can cau8e I
erroneous Erounalwater level readlnqg. I
Table 3.3. Methods for exploratory borings. (After Sowers, 1979) Table 3.4. Use and limitation of soil sampling techniques. (Morlified after Sowers, 1979)
Table 3.5. Use and liniitations of in situ tests. (Modified after Sowers, 1979; Canadian
Foundation Engineering Manual, 1985)
üethod Best suited Not Àppllcable Propertlês Linltations
To To l{easured
À. Direct Testr
vane shear I clay Sflt. sand, anal strength Progressive
tmnr o-zsz:) gravel . failure ln
] 6ensltive
I solls.
had test soft rock, soft clay UltiEate bearing, InÈerpretation
(ÀsTt'f D-r194, sand, and êhort-tem ln tems of
stfff cl.ay deflectlon. protot¡r¡re
HêIl tèst ÀIl.6olls Effective Questionable
horlzontal above vater
peneability of tablet not
DASS. effectlvê for
Borehole sand, soft stiff clay Êtrength uncertainty in
shear clay. dralnage,
Indirect :.8
Table 3.6. Use of routine laboratory soil tests. (Modified after is measured during and at the end of the drilling. These observa-
Sowers, 1979) tions may not provide useful information if drilling mud is used,
or if the site has perched water table or artesian water pressure
conditions. In such instances, observation wells or piezometers
specific Àt1
may be required.
Disturbed VoId ratio,
gravlty ninerals
crain 6izê sands, Disturbed Classlfication.
gravels Estlnate pemea- 3.4.5 Laboratory Tests
bility, shear
strength, frost
action and Laboratory tests are commonly performed to classify soils and
to assess their engineering properties. Some of the laboratory soil
Grain shape sands, Di.sturbed Classification,
gravels Estlnate shear tests used for foundation design are summarized in Table 3.6.
Procedures for these tests are given in the standards published
Llquid and silts, Disturbed Classification.
plastic clays EsLlnate conpress- by AASHTO (1986) and ASTM (1990).
1inÍts ibillty and
Water conten! cLays Disturbed Correlate with 3.5 USEFUL CORRELATIONS
and conpactlon.
Many useful correlations have been established between the
void ratio clays E6tinate strength
and conpressi- engineering properties ofsoils and vârious indirect and classihca-
bi1 ity. tion properties. For small projects or preliminary studies, such
Unconfined clays Undlsturbed Estinate shear correlations are often used extensively. In other cases these corre-
conpression sands conpacted strength.
lations serve as alternative sources of design information.
lriaxia I clays Undlsturbed Estinate shear
conpression sands Conpacted strength. Various types of correlations have been summarized by Sowers
Direct cl-ays Undisturbed Estihate shear (1979), as shown in Table 3.7. An extensive collection of strength
shear 6ands Compacted strength,
correlations has been compiled by Duncan et al. (1989). Some
consol i.dat ion cLays Undisturbed Estinate conpressi
bil ity. of the more widely used correlations are included in Figures 3.1
through 3.7 and Tables 3.7 through 3.12.
0f rxlEnn^! rRlctto¡
+ ߀L^frv€ oE¡¡s¡fY
POROSTIY. ô ffoß c. ¿681
..ã .a .!3r¡
.!3 .t
.l Ii .eg .2 .t5
o5r pavrLloN
o I
Figure 3.2. Correlation between peak effective friction angle and Figure 3.3. Relationship between resídual angle of internalfriction
plasticíty index for clays. (After Duncan et al., 1989) and plasticity index for clays. (A.fter Duncan et al., /989)
penr I
/ |
30 ,
\ \ b
z ã o.2 øJo.O. ll+O.OO37 Ip
/ at
9. on
¡a G"
É, / 20 40 60 80 roo r20
, Plorticily Inder lp
IÉ (c)
(D I
O Triq¡iol ComPression
A Direcl Simple Sheor
g El Trio:iol E¡tension
I 0{'l
// Z-\;;r,
/t Cloys
ium Plosticily
of Higt r Ploslicily
,f.' -
l, tl
Ploslicity lndcr Io
:o o.s r.o t.5 2.o 2.5 3-o 3-5 4-o
' (b)
Unconfined co¡npressive strength, qu, (kgf/cn2) Figure 3.5. VariatÌon of su/c,o' with plastícity indexþr nor-
mally consolidated clays. (After Robertson and Campanella,
Fígure 3.4. Relationship between standard penetration resistance'
1984, and Jamiolkowski, et al', 1985)
N, and unconJined compressive stength, qu. (After NAVFAC,
o +
Figure 3.6. Relation between comPres-
sion ratio and natural water content.
(After Lambe and Whitman, 1969) Natural Water Content (*)
u¡oyey sr¡¡s Sondy S¡¡t SillY Table 3.8. Relationship among relative density, penehation re-
I Silly Cloy I silt Sond Sond cistance, and angle of internal friction of cohesíonless soils. (After
r I I ¡ tt Meyerhof, 1950
tr or 61lty aand, shere
blov count correcÈed
during the Sl¡¡. The
Nr = Dea6ured blow count, and N =
for dynanic pore pre€sur; effect'6
vatueÀ of C'-are ior clean 6and.
Reduce l' by 5 degrees for clayey 6and.
3 B o + Table 3.9. Approximate relation between undrained strength ra-
o ï,+ tio, su/ a"o', and overconsolidation ratio, OCR. (.After Schmert-
mann, 1978)
o o +
4 o
. l0 -
.26 - 0.s
lea6 than I
1 to 1.5 (assume I)
OCR Remark6
sErll congolrdatug
nomally consolidatel
nofrally consolidate,
.s1 - I.0 3 overconsolidated
1-4 6 overconsolidated
ver 4 greater than 6 overconaolidated
I I r tt
0.00r o.or o.r t.o Note: Àging (or Gecondary conpressionl¿ cenentation and
other processes may lesult in a higher overcon-
solidation (apparent overconãolidationl
Mcon Groin Sizc, Dao, mm although the clay remains nomalLy consolidated. Àa
aged clay is seldon found to have an OCR greater than
Figure 3.7- Variation of q./ N with mean grain size. (After Robert- about 1.5.
son and Campanella, 1984, and Kasim et al., 1986)
Table 3.11. Approximate correlation between coeffrcient of consolida- Table 3.12. Correlation between cone resistance, q., and st¡nilard
tion, c"r and liquid limit. (After Terzaghi and Peck' 1967) penetration resistance, N. (After Schmertmann, 1970)
Table 4.1. Presumptive allowable bearing pressures for epread footing foundations. (Modiñed after U.S. Depart
ment ofthe Navy, 1982)
: NB/ * c*t DÀ
An example of the use of SPT dat¿ to estimate bearing capacity
eurt Rt (4.3.2) offootings on sand is given in Figure 4.1.
l[- l"*t
where R, : load inclination factor from 'lable 4.2 (dimen-
Table 4.2. Load inclination factor, R¡, for use with empirical procedures.
(i) Fo¡ Square Footlngs
Load Incllnatlon Facbor, Rr
H/v Dr/B * 0 Df/B - 1 Dr/B = s
For the conditions shown in Figure 4. lâ" estimate the bearing (2) Btimate ultimate bearing capaciry, qu¡s
capacity of a 15 ft square footing using the results from SPT. The fmting
will be 5 ft below the gromd surface, and a flfm stratum is encounrered at
depth 45 ft below the bo[om of the footing.
qun={f {c*,*c*þ
(1) Deemiß the minimum average valw of SPT blow count within
1.5 B G.e. io a depth of 23 ft) below the befüng level
Depth Boring I Boring 2 Boring 3 Consider conditipns where the water table is at depth 20 ft below the
ground surface (ie,, highest position of groundwater æcorded in the thæe
N N N N' N N N borings), values of Cwl and Cw2 deærmined as follows:
6 t7 t7 t7 9 9 9 t6 l6 l6
9 t2 T2 t5 8 8 9 35 35 26
Cwl = 0.5 + 15122.5 x 0.5 = 0.83
L2 l6 t6 r5 9 9 9 26 26 26
Cw2 = 1'0
l5 t8 18 ló l4 l4 10 24 24 25
n"u=116lå{0.E3 + I xþ =19.2¡tft2
18 t7 T7 t6 15 t5 1t 20 20 24
zl 15 l5 l6 t2 t2 t1 21 2L 24
with a safety factor of 3.0, the allowable bearing capacity of the footing is:
24 l6 16 l6 r3 l3 ll t7 L7 23
27 t2 L2 l5 lt lt ll 20 20 a1
Fijure 4.1. Example 4.\-estimating bearing capacity of aþoting Allowance for safety margin can also be provided through the use of
using standard penetration test result.
load and resisønce factors concepL The procedure for evaluating bearing
capacity of soil using LRFD concept is discussed in Section 4.1 1.
ې E
oo N value o
15 12 t8
17 9 t6 t 15' r
12 I 35
16 I %
18 14 24 ¡ = 115 pc-t
= 0.0575 tcf
17 15 æ
15 21
16 17 Note: The firm stratum
is €ncounter€d at depth
12 11 45 ft below lhe foundation
30 16 13 n
Figure 4.1ø. Standørd penetration test data for a housing developing site. (After Garga and Quin,
20 PART 1
4.4 BEARING PRESSURES FROM CONE ance. The test is usually performed by speciaþ contractors who
PENETRATION TESTS (CPT) also provide recommendations regarding interpretation of the
results. An excellent reference on the subject is the recent book
The cone penetration test has gained widespread acceptance by Briaud (1990).
for soil exploration in the United States. It provides a continuous Menard (1965), Baguelin et al. (1978), and Briaud (1986)
record ofresistance to penetration by a 10 cm2 penetrometer and suggested the following empirical relationship between ultimate
a measure of shaft friction on the cone shaft. Used in conjunction bearing capacify and the limit pressure measured in the pres-
with conventional methods for drilling and sampling, it has suremeter test:
proven to be a valuable in situ test,
Cone penetration resist¿nce is the tip bearing pressure required gult: ro f k(p¿ - p") (4.s.1)
to cause continuous penetration of the cone through the soil at
a speed of 2 cm/sec, The tip resistance, q", is usually reported
inkg/cmz, which is essentially the same value when converted where ro : initial total vertical pressure at foundation level, in
to tons/ft2. pressure units; k : empirical bearing capacity coefftcient from
Values of q. can be used to estimate soil properties such as Figure 4.3, dimensionless; p, : limit pressure measured in the
the undrained shear strength, so, ofclays and the angle pressuremeter test, in pressure units; and po : total horizontal
friction, þ, of sands. These can be used in the rational bearing pressure at the depth where the pressuremeter test is performed,
capacity theories described subsequently in Section 4.6. in pressure units.
Cone penetration resistance can also be used to estimate bear- Any consistent pressure units can be used in the calculations.
ing pressures directly, through empirical correlations. An average value of limit pressure over the range of depth from
Meyerhof (1956) proposed a relationship between ultimate 1.58 above to 1.58 below foundation level is commonly used in
bearing capacity and cone penetration resistance in sands. His design. For cases where values of p7 vary significantly within a
equation can be modified to include the effect of load inclinâtion, depth B above or below the bearing level, Menard (1965) and
as given below: Baguelin et al. (1978) recommended special averaging techniques
that are based on experience.
c",:fft("*,+c-,f)n, (4.4.1)
where q" : average value of cone penetration resistance mea- 4.6 BEARING CAPACITY THEORY
sured within the range ofdepth from footing base to 1.58 below
the footing; B : footing width, in ft; C*l and C*, are the Saturated clays have undrained friction angles, þr, equal to
water table correction factors discussed in connection with the zero. For these materials the ultimate bearing capacity is related
standard penetration test, and Rr : load inclination factor from to the undrained shear strength, su : c, by the following
Table 4.2. equation:
As reported by Schmertmann (1978), Awkati (1970) has cor-
related values of ultimate bearing capacity to cone penetration gult: cN"- * yD¡Nq* (4.6.1)
resistance in clays. Recommended values based on the chart he
presented are summarized below: : :
where c su undrained shear strength, in pressure units; N"-,
No* : modified bearing capacity factors which are functions of
Value of quft(t/Îtz)
footing shape, embedment depth and load inclination, dimen-
q" (kg/cmz or t/ftz) Strip Footing Square Footing sionless; y : total unit weight of clay, in weight per unit volume;
l0 5 9 and D, : footing depth, in length units.
20 I 12 Brinch Hansen (1957) suggested the following expression for
30 l1 16 N"- for footings with Dr,/B < 2.5,8/L < 1 and H/Y < 0.4:
40 l3 t9
50 l5 22
These values are intended for use with footings that are below
N"-:5 (' * o' ?) (' . .':X' - r.3I\
The result of the cone penetration test performed adjacent to Boring 3 of Example 4.1 is
shown in figure 4.2a. Based on this ¡esult, estimate the bearing capacity of the l5 ft squaæ
footing described in Example 4.1.
Since there is only one test result, the value ofqs used in dæigrr will be the average
of cone resistance measured within the range of depth from the bouom of the footing to a
depth of l5B below the footing base. Thus, from Figuæ 4.2(a),
Values of Cyyl and Crx2 are calculated æ follows:
Cwz = 1'0
qr, = E}5Ë (0.83 + 1.0 * års
) = 52.¡ tlrt,
Using a safety factor of 3, the allowable bearing pressu¡e from failwe criterion is:
.- !þ!! =
= - 52.3
= p.5 ¡¡(
Note that the allowable bearing pressue determined using CPT result is about three times
the value estimaæd using SPT results given in Example 4.I. This is not surprising
because: (l) the soil conditions adjacent to Boring 3, where the CPT was performed, are
generally better than those in Borings I and 2 (see Figure 4.1a), and (2) the allowable
bearing pressure estimated using SPT data is based on minimum average value of SPT
blow count which is much smallel than the average SFrf blow count from Boring 3.
Figure 4.2. Example 4.2----estimøting bearing capacity of a footing usiixg cone
penetration test data.
Cone Resistance, qc (kg/cm2)
q 100 200
Ir: 2D,
0.5 ¡.0 ¡.5
DÉPrH FACIOt, Dt /S where I. : compressibility index, dimensionless; D, : relative
conslstoncy or Donsl¿y (p¿ - po)(t/r¿2) cr¡¡¡ density, in percent; pu : atmospheric pressure, in pressure units;
and cru' : effective overburden pressure, same pressure unit as
Sofb ùo vlry Flm < LZ
Clay The empirical correlation for compressibility index given in
eurt : Cwr;
28 L7 15
30 22 18
3Z 30 23
34 41 29
36 56 38
38 ,E {e
{0 110 6a
42 155 85
4{ 225 115
{6 330 t60
¡8 195 220
50 760 320
Table 4.4. shrpe factorf, s7 ard õq for sa¡ds and grsvels. (After Kulhary et al., 19g3)
fricùlon Ang16
(degr€e ) q - o.25 ¿ltt? q = o.5 LtfL2 q - r ¿tîv2 s. =2 Ll*z
z0 30 0. 85 0.75 0.65 0. 60
30 s2 0.80 0.68 0. 58 0.53
40 35 0. 76 .64
0 0. 54 0.49
50 37 0. 73 0. 61 o.52 0 .47
60 40 0. 62 o.52 0.43 0 .39
70 4Z 0.56 .47
o 0 .39 0. 35
80 45 0. 44 0 .36 0. 30 0.27
100 50 0.25 o.2t 0.r7 0. 15
o.77 0.90 0. E7 0. 85
0. 10 0.81 0.78
0.67 0. 85 0.81 0.78
0. 15 0.72 0.68
0. 57 0. ô0 o.74 o.72
0.20 0.64 0.50
0. 49 0. 75 0.68 0 .65
0.25 0.56 0.51
0.41 0. 70 o.62 0. 59
0.30 0.49 0. 44
0.34 0.65 0.56 0.52
0.35 o.42 0.37
0.28 0.60 0. 51 0. 46
0.40 0.36 0. 30
o.22 0. 55 0.45 0 .41
0.45 0. 30 o.25
0. 50 0. 40 0. 35
0. 50 0.25 0.20 0. 18
0-14 0.45 0.34 0 .30
0 .55 0.20 0. 16
0. 10 0. 40 o.29 o.25
0.60 0.16 0. 12
0.07 0.35 o.25 0.2r
0.65 0.t2 0.09
0. 30 0.20 0, 16
0,70 0.00 0.06 0 .05
32" 1 L.20
2 1 .30
4 1 .35
8 1.40
3?" 1 1.20
z 1.25
4 1 .30
8 1.35
42" 1 1. 15
2 1.ZO
4 L.25
I 1.30
*Nob", Valuss of dq
tlven rn this tabre ar€ applicable if Lhe soirs 6bov€ ¿he fooLint rever are
conpetent a8 ¿hE solls b€n€abh lhe fooling level' If Lhey are w€aÌ€r' use dq = 1'00'
Based on the informadon given in Figue 4. l4 estimate the beaing capacity of a 15'
squæ footing using rational theory, The fooring is founded 5'below the gmund surface,
and is sub.ieced to venical loadings only.
Based on the soil inforution, Ñ = I I (see Empþ 4.1), indicaring rhat Q - 35' (fron
Table 3.8).
N?=41 t56 - 49
Nq=2et38 = 34
Sq=l'67t1'71- 1.70
Since the soil above ùe footing level is less competent than the soil benearh the
footing level, and it is dso likely to be disu[bed duing excavation, use dq = 1.0' APPLICATION
For footings subjecæd to venical loadings only, iT -h= 1.0.
Q, : V tanô (4.10.1)
For footings that are not rectangular, such as the circular where Q, : sliding capacity of the footing, in force units; V :
footing at the bottom of Figure 4.5, the effective area can be resultant vertical force on the slip surface under service loading
estimated using simple approximations and judgment. The re- conditions, in force units; and ô : angle of friction between soil
duced effective area is ahvays concentrically loaded, so the bear- and foundation material along the slip surface.
ing pressure on the reduced effective area is always uniform. Ifthe soil beneath the foundation is sand and the base ofthe
An example of estimating bearing capacity of a footing subject footing is rough (the usual case for concrete cast against soil),
to eccentric and inclined loads is given in Figure 4.6. sliding is resisted by the full shear strength of the soil, and tanô
: tanô, where þ is the angle of internal friction. For precast
concrete footings, which may be smoother, tanô : 0.8 tanQ
4.9 OTHER CONDITIONS should be used for design (Potyondy, 1961).
Ifthe soil beneath the footing is clay, consideration should be
Theories have been developed to calculate bearing capacities given to the possibility of sliding by shear within the clay as well
for footings with various types of special conditions. Among as sliding on the interface betvreen the footing and the clay. The
these are foundations on slopes or adjacent to slopes (Meyerhof, maximum sliding resistance should be taken as one-half the
Based on the information given in Figure, estimate bearing capacity of a 15 ft square
footing which is subjected to a load incliried at 10' ftom the vertical and with an eccenricity
of 3 ft (See the sketch below). The footing is founded 5' below the ground surface.
lW=t¿no=tâ¡l 10"=0.18
er* =$tc*1*c*zþ
Since the \r'ater table is located at depth g¡eater than 1.58' (i.e., 13.5ft) below the footing
base, Crvt = Cw2 = 1.0
Reduction in bearing capacity due to the effect of load inclination from Table 4.2 (ü):
wittr a safety factor of 3, the vertical component of allowable bearing pressuæ from
strength consideration is,
nornal stress on the interface between the concrete and the clay, C¿lculate the safety againsr sliding for rhe fooring described in Exanple 4-4. The resulla¡t
or the adhesion of the clay, whichever is smaller. For cast in load on the footing has a venical component of 120 tons and a horizont¿l component of 2l
place concrete the adhesion may be taken as the full undrained
shear strength ofthe clay. The adhesion may be reduced to 0.5 Frcm the soil infomadon givetr in F¡gue" Ñ = 11.
to 0.7 times the undrained strength if the concrete is wet.
Procædures for evaluating safety of a footing against sliding
are illustrated by an example in Figure 4.7. The concreþ fooüng will be c€st in sih¡, thus
ô = Or= 3s'
tr:- (4. I r. 1) Altematively, the safery mügin may be provided tfuough the use of load md resistanæ
factors- Procedues for the LRFD approach are shown in Figure 4.9: Example 4.7.
where F : safety factor, dimensionless; qr,, : ultimate bearing Figure 4.7. Example 4.5---<hecking the safety of afooting on sand
capacity, in pressure units; and p : bearing pressure under against sliding.
nominal load conditions, in pressure units.
For footings supporting bridges and buildings, the factor of The use of separate load and performance factors is logical
safety should be 2.5 to 3.0, or higher. because loads and resistance have separate and unrelated sources
The factor of safety against sliding can be expressed as of uncertainty. Using separate load and performance factors is
a convenient and rational way of accounting for the sources of
s uncertainty in design.
F:- ( In Figure 4.8 the load carrying capacity of the footing dis-
î cussed in Figure 4.2 is recalculated using the load and resistance
where þ : performance factor, dimensionless; 7 : load factor, (2) Estimate ultimate beüing capaciry.
uncertainties in soil strength values. Typical values of þ range qturi = 0 qdr = (0.45) (19.2) = 8.6 trftz.
from 0.35 to 0.90 for soils, depending on soil type ¿nd method
Magnitude of factored load carrying epacity is
of strength determination. Suggested values of performance fac-
tors for shallow foundation design are provided in Table 2.3. Qn, = qrut . A = (8.6) (15) (15) = 1935 tons.
Designs based on safety factors are equivalent to designs based Since the factored load cilrying capaciry (Qn = 1935 rons) is coNiderably grealer ùm rhe
on load and performance factors if the following relationship is factored load (Pr = 435 tons) the footing has adequa@ capacity w.ith regud to soil failm.
satished: However, it is likely that the design would be govemed by seftlement considerarions. This
cm be evaluated Ning rhe p¡ocedues discusd in Chapær 5.
ing resistance of a footing are illustrated by an example given in 5.2 SETTLEMENTS OF FOOTINGS ON SAND FROM
Figure 4.9.
7 Example 5.1
6 I
dead load of 250 tons and a service live load of 50 tons, and is placed 5 ft
(¡{ below the ground surface.
Very ?ense
o Following Terzaghi and Peck's recommendation, minimum average
value of SPT blow counb rvithin the r¿flge of depth from the bonom of
Ê \_ footing to depth B below the footíng base is used in sett¡ement calculatiorl
o From soil information given in Figure 4.1,
o 4 From Boring I, N = 16
q{ Det ?se From Boring 2,Ñ = 1l
o Frorn Boring 3, Ñ = 24
o 3
Use Ñ = 11 for se$lement calculation.
o From Figu¡e 5.1 the be€¡ing pressu¡e comsponding to one inch setdement
o z ll
9r- = 0.8 lft2 for B = 15' and Ñ =
o /./ed, um
t{ Since the water øble is ar depth approximaæty B betow the footing
o base, correction for effect of \¡'ater tÂble is rcquired.
ùì 'zxl)
Reduction = 6.5 a 120:å._) + (1.0 - 0.5) = 0.75
Ê /-oo se
0å Thus q1- = (0.75) (0.8) = 0.6 t/ft2
5/0/5e0 Design pressure is
e +=!0
1'33 Y¡r
' = ?5'0
15x15 =
Width B of Footinq (ft) Estimated senlement of footins
- =14-
u.ó =
2.2 inches
where p : bearing pressure corresponding to a given magnitude 5.2-2 D'Appolon¡a et al. (1970) Method
of settlement, p,int/ftz;p : settlement in inches; Ñ : auerage
blow count from the standard penetration test; and B : footing The method developed by D'Appolonia et al. (1970) is based
width in feet. on elastic theory. It uses SPT blow count as the basis for estimat-
As in the case ofFigure 5. l, bearing pressures calculated using ing in situ soil compressibility. The following expression is used
E,q. 5.2.1 should be reduced if the depth to the water table is less for calculating settlements of footings on sand:
than 2B below the bottom of the footing.
The use of this procedure can be illustrated by reference to a pB
simple example. Suppose that the minimum average N for a site
P:l'oPrt (s.2.2)
Example 5.2
750 2"",
r (1) Determine minimum average value of Ñ.
(4) a )ã Use the minimum average value of measu¡ed S[rI below counß
a within the range of depth B below the foothg base. From soil information
= a
given in Figure 4.Ia,
Ñl = 16 forBori¡g I
lNolANA SITE (Numbtr in pâßnÙl€sis is tho number Ñz = 11 for Boring z
^ ot fæl¡ngs awr¿qod lo obbin dåÞ poinl)
Ñ3 = 24 for Boring 3
Q) Determi¡e value of modrfus of compressibility
Figure 5.4. Correlation between modulus of compressibility and From Figure 5.4, for Ñ = I I and normalty loaded sand,
average value SPT blow count. (After D'Appolonia, et al., Ig70)
M= 260üfQ
lonia et al. method can be rearranged to provide the following ,250 + 50.
relationship between bearing pressure and settlement of footings p = po pr
S = ro.szl to.esl tIffi trslt
on sand:
P = 0.048 ft or 0.57 inch
5.3 SETTLEMENTS OF FOOTINGS ON SAND FROM Table 5.1. Pressu¡e change correction factor, Cr.
ow^ |
Schmertmann (1970, 1978) developed a procedure using cone
0.0 1.O
penetration test results to estimate settlements of footings on o.2 0.9
sand. His method has a rational basis, and uses cone penetration 0.4 0.8
resistance, Çar as â measure of in situ soil compressibility. 0.6 o.7
The expression proposed by Schmertmann (1978) for calculat- 0.8 0.6
ing settlements of footings on sand is as follows: >r, 0 0.5
p:cpc,ao)(*-) (5.3.1)
- = lnitlal
avot vertlcal pregaure at tevêl of botton of
footlng (ln preasure unlts)
average net bearlnE preósure at foundation
' = level (6ane pressure unfts aa øror)
where p: estimated settlement, the same length units as AZ;
Co : pressure change correction factor for initial overburden
pressure from Table 5.1, dimensionless; C, : time rate factor or
(creep correlation factor), from Table 5.2, dimensionless; Ao : Teble 5.2, Time rate factor, C,, for settlementg of cohesionless sollc.
net increase in bearing pressure at foundation level, the sàme
pressure unit as 9"; Iz : settlement influence factor, which Tfune C¡
varies with depth and L/B ratio, as defined in Figure 5.6 and
Table 5.3, dimensionless; E, : in situ soil modulus, which can I nonth 1.0
be related to the value ofcone resistance, q". in the same pressure
unit as qc; and AZ : thickness of sublayer, in length units.
4 months T.I
The variation of settlement influence factor with depth is 1 year L.2
shown in Figure 5.6. The values of the quantities that define the 3 years 1.3
dimensions of the settlement influence diagram are given in
Table 5.3.
10 years 1.4
Values of in situ soil modulus for square footings can be 30 years 1.5
estimated using the following expression:
Table 5.3. Coefficients to define the dimensions of Schmertmann's improved settlement influence factor diagram
in Figure 5.6, (After Schmertmann, et al,, 1978)
LIB Max. D€pÈh D€pbh Lo value of IZ Pcak Vqlue of SÈre6a Influ€nc€ Fac¿or I
of Influônca Pôrk Vatuo rÈ fop AP AÞ Ap AP
p rz, _-2
qt o'vp c'
vp vP vP
NoLe: B-fooLlngpid¿h
L = fooÈlng len8¿h
_vlvo - d' -n€Lb€arlng presGure
øvf' - flnâl v€rÈ p¡ea6uEe aÈ level of bo¿t@ of foobint
øvo' = lnltLal v€¡Llcal pr€ssure a¿ lovsl of bo¿¿@ of fooLlnt
ovp' * inlt,ial ve¡tlcal prsssur€ qL dsp¿h of pea.k lnfluence
footing l
r, Settlement lnfluencs Faclor, : l' C, C, (*)B
p (5.3.4)
L o.25 0 .27 0. 29 0. 34
0.27 0. 28 0.31 0.36
4 0.30 0.32 0.35 0.40
I 0 .35 0 .37 0.40 0. 46
>10 0 .37 0. 39 0. 43 0.50
qc G0 (2) Calculateseulementofthefooting.
1.0 Bæd on dafa from Figure 4.2a, design value of qç is deæmined as
shown in Figu¡e 5.7a- For serdement compulsrion, ¡he soil bencarh rhe
foo¡ing is divided in¡o five sublayers.
Botþm of Footino
l+oosign Valu6 otqc The iniúal effecdve overùurden pressur€ at foundation levcl is,
f ="-T=o''
Fmm Table 5.1, Cp = 0.89
Subleyer Number
Immediate settlement of the fooring, pi, is eslinaæd æ fol¡ows:
Fígure 5.7a. Settlement influence diagram and design values of
cone resistance for the l,-ft square footing. p¡ = (0.89) (1.0) (1.33) (0.0369) = 0.044 ft o¡ 0.52 inch
Esúmated setdement of ú¡e footing over ten ytrs is
5.4 SETTLEMENTS OF FOOTINGS ON SANDS, From Tabte 5.2, C¡ = 1.4
MODULUS METHOD pr = (1.4) (0.52) = 0.73 inch
In Janbu's method the soil beneath the footing is divided computed using lhe Teøghi and Peck method which uses minimm
into a number of sublayers, each characterized by a value of avemge SPT N-value for seü.lement câlculaúons.
constrained tangent modulus, M,. The settlement of the footing Figure 5.7b. Estimating settlement of afooting on sand using cone
is estimated by summing the reductions in thickness of each of penetration test data.
the sublayers beneath the footing, as shown by the expression:
and compaction water content as the flrll in the field.
The pressures used in the laboratory tests should cover the
(5.4.1) range from the initial pressure on the sublayer (before the load
is applied) to the final pressure on the sublayer (after the load is
where : :
p settlement, any length units; Acrv' increase in applied). As shown in Figure 5.8, Mt is determined by dividing
effective stress within the sublayer due to the load on the footing,
the stress increment in the sublayer (Aø,' - a* - øuo') by
stress units-the same units as M, (this increase in stress due to
the corresponding strain, Ae".
When laboratory tests are not available for evaluation of M,.
the footing load can be estimated using elastic stress distribution
theory); M, : tangent value of constrained modulus of the values can be estimated using the information given in Table 5.5,
soil, stress units-the same units as Acrr'; and LZ : sublayer
together with the following equations:
thickness, length units-the same units as p. For sands and silts, values of M, can be estimated using the
Values of constrained tangent modulus vary with the type of expression:
soil, its density, whether it is normally consolidated or overcon-
solidated, and the stresses acting on it before and after the load
is applied to the footing.
M,: m o" (9*J" 6.4.2)
Values of M, can be measured using conventional laboratory
consolidation tests (oedometer, or one-dimensional compression where m : dimensionless modulus number shown in Table 5.5
tests). In the case of natural soils the tests should be performed cÍ,^' : aveÍage vertical stress : l/2 (a,o' + o#) expressed in
on good quality undisturbed specimens. In the case ofcompacted in the same pressure units as M, and p"i p" : atmospheric
fills, the specimens should be prepared at the same dry density pressure, expfessed in the same pressure units as M, and crr"';
34 penr I
Vertical Effeelive Stress ( ov ) For normalþ consolidated clays, values of M, can be estimated
( o) Overconsol¡dated Soil using this expression:
- small Á ov
orf'.Pp Straln Mr:m.crnu' (5.4.3)
l- ÀH
where m : dimensionless modulus number shown in Table 5.5,
and ø""' : aveta$e vertical stress : l/2 (aro' * ø"¡') ex-
pressed in the same pressure units as Mr.
Verlical Effêclivs Stress ( cu )
As shown in Figure 5.8 and Table 5.5, values of IVf. are higher
( b) Overconsalidated Soil for overconsolidated soils (po > øuo). When the final pressures
-lá196 Áov:
ovo'< Pp < ovf '
do not exceed the preconsolidation pressure (o"r' (
pe) the soil
is being reloaded, and the value of M, is higher than for cases
where cr-"l exceeds po.
The procedure for estimating settlement of a footing using
Janbu's tangent modulus method is shown in Figure 5.9.
Table 5.5. Values of mi¡dulus number, m, for sands, silts, and clsys. (After Janbu' 1985)
Relaiive Value of m
Values of m
pp = preconsolidation Pressur€ = highest pressurs to which the soil has been subjected in Lhe past.
Using Jmbu's tangent modulus method, stimale the stdement of a (2) Detemine values of Engent modulls.
15 fr squarc footing which is designed to suppon a dead load of 250 lons
To æour for the mtic mtue of sand deposits, use minirBm
and a live load of 50 !oos. The soil infomation ¡s the ffie as ùat given in
avenge value of N as sugges@d by ler¿åghi atrd peck for scntement
Figure 4.24 and the footing will be 5 ft below the ground surface.
computation, ie., Ñ t = I l. This implia the sãd is loose þ medim.
The target modulus values a¡e esdnated using Equr¡on 5.4.2 and
(1) Calculate theinitial md finalvenicål pEssues. a¡e tabulatcd below:
o= 1658 *t*---972-¡5a---598-¡5
' 6.4t x 105 6.88 ¡ 105 ?.55 x ld
, 15ft .
l+: :;-q
Slro Sand ':'.,:', ]i .
I Nä8lo35:.:r:'
Unit weight . ,
Figure 5.9a. Example 5.4 (continued)
For soft clays, loose sands and silts, disturbance is likely to affect I
I L-
the test results to a greater extent, and use ofthe plessuremeter
method has sometimes led to unsatisfactory results (Baguelin
et al., 1978). For these oils the pressuremeter method is not
+ '=0.,
t (clrcle) t. 0o r. 00
I ( Êquare) 1, 12 t. 10
2 1. 53 1.20
I 1. 78 1.30
5 2.L4 1.40
20 2.65 r.50 UB=-
Table 5.7. Values of empirical settlement coefficient, a, for typical soils.
Type Conditlon
overconsol idated
nornal-1y consolldâted
weathered or renolded
7 -9
v z I 2-
o.t l.o r0 100 1000
overconsol Ldated >14 2/3 H,ß
norDalÌy consolldaÈed s-14 r/2
weathered or renolded r/2 Figure 5.12. Settlement influence factors p.o and þr (After
Christian and Carrier, 1978)
sand overconsol ldated >t2 L/2
nomally consolldated , L/3
weathered or renolded :,, r/3 1 600
: k 800
where p, immediate settlement, in same length units as B; p
: average bearing pressure at the base ofthe footing, in pressure
units; Eu : undrained soil modulus, in same pressure units as 600
Use elastic theory o estimaæ ûe seülement of a 15 ft quare footing where p¡ seitlement at time ti Pi : settlement calculated
which caniæ a service rtead load of 250 ons and a setrice live load of 50 by Terághi and Peck's method, Janbu's method, Baguelin's
rons. The footing is embedded 5 fr below the ground surfæe' The soi¡ pressuremeter method, or using elastic theory; and C, : time
infomarion is the siame as thât given in Exa¡nple 4.1. The fim sEarm i$
rate factor from Table 5'2.
encountered at 4j' below the bottom of the footingj
(l) Detè¡in¡ne lhe initial effective overburden pressure. 5.9 SETTLEMENTS DUE TO SECONDARY
The initiat etrediv¿ dverburdeft Fessw at dAù below ùe bouom of the fooling is
Settlements offodtings on clays coniini¡e at a slow and contin-
c'"o = (0.0575) x (5 * = O.lz m' ually decreasing rate after the clay undergoes its initial compres-
sion. This process is called "secondary compression."
Secondary compression settlements can be estimated using the
Q) Estimdtesoilnodu¡N.
From Figûie 5.8, forÑl = ll and o'vo = 0.?2 ífr2
E5 ;410 r/ftz
: Co H,log k (5.e.r)
tionship between bearing pressure and settlement of footings on that methods which result in settlements close to the average of
sand above the water t¿ble: measured settlements are ükely to underestimate settlements half
the time and overestimate them half the time. Methods that are
ñ/n+r\2 more conservative (notably Terzaghi and peck's method) tend
Pp:Ptd;l * / (5.10.1)
to overestimate settlements more than half the time and to under-
estimate them relativeþ infrequently.
where po : bearing pressure corresponding to the tolerable The studies indicate that there exists a trade-offbetween accu-
movement, tsf; p., : tolerable movement, in.; ñ : minimum racy and reliability. A relatively ¿ccurate method is one that
aveÍage SPT-N values, blows,/ft; and B : footing width, ft. would result in estimated settlement about equal to the average
The adequacy of a design for settlement criteria depends to a settlement for a group of footings. A reliable method is one that
large extent on the a@túacy with which the settlement can predicts settlements that are greater than or equal to the actual
be estimated. Since the densities and compressibilities of sand settlement most of the time. The studies show that any method
deposits are inherently variable, it is not possible to estimate for estimating settlements of footings on sand can be modiflred,
settlement of footings on sand with high accuracy. If a number by multiplying the estimated settlements by an a justment factor
of footings of the same size were constructed.on the same sand to yield about the same combination of accuracy and reliability
deposit, each would settle a different amount when subjected to as any other method. For instance, the D'Appolonia, et al.,
the same load. Terzaghi and Peck (1967) indicated that in rhis method predicts settlements that are about equal to the average
circumstance, the footing that settled the most Ìvould settle about value of actual settlements, and it underestimates settlements
4 times as much as the footing that settled the least. Thus, the about half the time. To ensure that the settlements calculated
actual settlements would cover a wide range, and no method of using the D'Appolonia, et al., method equal or exceed the mea-
calculation could ever give exactly the ,.right answer" for all of sured settlement about 90 percent of the time, the settlements
the footings. computed using the procedure should be multiplied by a factor
It is important to realize that various methods of estimating of two. This adjustment would increase the ..reliability', of the
settlements of footings on sand, which lead to different estimates method from about 50 percent to about 90 percent.
of the settlement, would compare differently to the range of Adjustment factors for 50 percent and 90 percent reliability
actual settlements of identical footings. Recent studies have com_ in calculated values of displacement are given in Table 5.9 for
pared measured settlements with settlements calculated using Terzaghi and Peck, D'Appolonia et al., and Schmertmann
various procedures (Tan and Duncan, l99l). These studies show methods.
Table 5.9. Vslues of adjustment factor for 50 percent and 90 percent reliability in displacement
AdjustmenL Factor
Method Soil Type For 502 For 902
ReLiability ReliabiliLy
Terzaghi and Peck Sand 0.45 1.05
Schmertmann Sand 0.60 I.25
D 'Appoloni a, eL al, Sand 1.00 2.OO
broken by one or more sets ofjoints or fractures that divide the To meet the soundness requirement, Deere and Deere (1988)
mass into blocks. Design of footings in these discontinuous rocks recommended that rocks of grades IV (highly weathered), V
is usually controlled by geotechnical considerations, particularþ (completely weathered), and VI (residual soil), as defined by the
by the characteristics of rock defect such as joints, seams, faults, International Society of Rock Mechanics (1978)' be discounted
and bedding planes. for the determination of RQD, even though their lengths are
This chapter presents a simple overview of current design greater than 4 in. Fractures caused by drilling operation must
procedures for estimating bearing capacity and settlement of also be excluded. Determination of RQD is illustrated in Figure
footings on discontinuous or jointed rocks. The emphasis is on 6.1. Values of RQD reflect the relative intensity ofjointing and'
practical procedures that do not require detailed analyses. hence, the compressibility of a rock mass. The relationship be-
tween rock quality and RQD is given in Table 6'3. An RQD of
100 percent would represent an excellent quality rock mass
whose engineering properties are similar to those of an int¿ct
6.2 BEARING CAPACITY OF FOUNDATIONS ON rock specimen; an RQD less than 25 percent, on the other hand,
would represent a very poor quality rock mass whose engineering
properties are similar to those of soil.
6.2.1 Load Test
The value of RQD for use in Table 6.2 may be taken as the
avetagevalue of RQD within a depth equal to one footing width
Full scale load tests are the most reliable method for determin'
below the bottom ofthe foundation, provided the RQD is reason-
ing bearing capacity of foundations on rock. Ilowever, load tests
ably uniform within these depths. In most cases, however, values
are relatively expensive, and are only warranted when very high
of iQO tend to increase with depth' For these cases, Peck et al'
loads are anticipated, for example, on piers for high-rise build-
ings or abutments for arch bridges.
recommended that an average value of RQD within a depth
equal to one-fourth ofthe footing width from the bottom ofthe
foundation be used instead.
Peck et al. further recommended that the allowable bearing
6.2.2 Presumptlve Bearing Values pressures from Table 6'2 should not exceed the unconftned com-
pressive strength ofthe intact ¡ock core sample and the allowable
Many codes provide presumptive design bearing values for stress of the foundation material. No increase in bearing pressure
foundations in rock. As given in Table 6.1, these values provide is allowed for footing embedment because the design values given
allowable bearing pressures based on descriptions of rock type in Table 6.2 are based on settlement limitation rather than rock
and quality. The recommended values, however, do not take into
consideration the type and function of the structures, the loading An example of the use of this procedure is given in Figure 6'2'
conditions, tolerable movement criteria, or the strength and de-
formation characteristics of the rock masses. In addition, even
for the same type of rock, there are considerable differences
among the vdlues recommended by various codes.
Presumptive values often tend to be quite conservative. How- 6.2.4 Empirical Design Procedure for Less
Competent Jointed Rock
ever, these values may provide reasonable estimates for bearing
capacity offoundations ofsimple structures on good quality rock
Carter and Kulhawy (1988) developed an empirical procedure
masses. In these cases the structural strength of the foundation
usually governs the foundation design. For structures imposing
for estimating ultimate bearing capacity of jointed or broken
large loadings, the use of presumptive design values as a basis of
rock. The procedure is based on unconfined compressive
strength of the intact rock core sample. Depending on rock mass
design is not recommended. For such heavy structures, use of
quality, ultimate bearing capacity of the rock mass varies from
the presumptive values may lead to overly expensive foundations'
ã small fraction to six times the unconfrined strength of the rock
core sample. The authors further indicated that the rock mass
quality should preferably be determined using the Geomechanics
6.2.3 Emp¡r¡cal Design Procedure for Reasonably Rock Mass Rating (RMR) System (Bieniawski, 1988)' or the
Sound Rock
Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI) Rock Mass Classifltca-
tion System (Barton et al.,1974).
Peck et al. Q97\ suggested an empirical correlation for esti-
mating allowable bearing pressures of foundations on jointed
rock based on an index of rock mass quality known as rock
quality designation (RQD). The correlation, as given in Table
6.2, is intended for rock masses with tight joints "not wider 6.2.5 Rational Methods
than a fraction ofan inch." The authors also indicated that, for
footings designed with the allowable values given in Table 6'2, Depending on the relative spacing ofjoints and rock layering,
their settlements would be less than 0'5 in. bearing capacity failures for foundations in rock may take several
Value of RQD is computed as the percent of modified core different forms, as shown in Figure 6.3. Except for the case of a
recovery, as follows: rock mass with closed joints, the failure modes are different from
those in soil. Procedures for estimating the bearing capacity have
Sum of lengths of "sound" been developed for each of the failure modes shown in Figure
corepieces >4in. 6.3. Details of these procedures can be found in Kulhawy and
RQD: x 100 $.2.3.1)
Goodman (1987), Goodman (1989), and Sowers (1979).
Total core run length
T¡ble 6.1. Presumptive bearing pressures (tsf) for foundations on rock (After Putnan, 1981)
Sound Sound
Foliated Sedimentary Soft Soft Broken
Code Year 1 Bedrock2 Rock Rock Rock3 Shale Shale
Kansas Ciby 1961/ 1969 2Au 2e" .29u 29.u .29u 2eu
Building Code
Wales, Australia
100 300
90 200 (1) Detemine design value for RQD. l
75 120
50 65 Borehole f/9
z5 30 Core Run L (El. 377.5 - 382.5 f0 - RQD = 257o
0 10
Core Run 2 (El. 372.5'377.5 ft) -RQD =298o
9 0-100 Excellent From Table 6.2, the allowable bea¡ing pressure can be interpolated
75-90 Good as follows:
N -,r
According to Peck, et al., senlement of the footing would be less
than 0.5 inch. In Fig. 6.4 - Example 6.2, the settlement is estimated using
elastic theory.
Core Recovery Modined Core Recoverv
Fígure 6.2. Example 6.1-estimating øllowable bearing
10.0" 10.0"
pressure ofa footing on rock using the Peck et al. procedure'
4.0" , 4.0"
broken rocts
4.5" 4.5"
15" For most ordinary structures, where the imposed loadings are
not exceptionally large, settlements of footings supported on
3.0" 'j rock are not large enough to cause problems. As noted earlier,
if footings for these structures are designed on the basis of the
Total = 415" Total = 32.0" procedure proposed by Peck eI al. (1974), the settlements will
usually be smaller than 0.5 in. However, in some cases such as
piers for high-rise structures or abutments for arch bridges'
2l * W*=ae* where the foundations may be subjected to very large loadings,
and where settlement tolerance may be small, estimation of set-
tQo=ffx ßo%=53% tlement may be an important design consideration'
The characteristics of the discontinuities in a rock mass have
a dominant influence on its compressibility. In rock masses con-
taining seams of soft material, in porous limestone and in
clayshale, consolidation and secondary settlements may occur.
In these cases, the procedures described in Chapter 5 may be
used to estimate settlements. For most other rock masses' the
settlement occurs immediately upon application of the load, and
its magnitude may be estimated by using elastic theory.
Æ,F. intack¡ock
According to elastic theory, the settlement of a footing is
related to footing size and load as follows:
brcken ræk
"',.1J-, - P (1 v*2)
P-: lp-Aoj (6.3. l)
Figure 6.1. Determination of RQD (modirted core recovery).
Borohola #80
Sllly day
Mdsr ¡ L,
.1"' s¡hy.lay
gl lr6€ffib
å #
+i+ ffim.
: .,l ' r: : I :: ': :il-: w mny
I qn6l
,,;i..tiôlinp.o¡men¡¡c¡n..',:., Ë fiad¡s:
¡tr:'.,:,:rl-,* 29i75 ff,,:.:: r,, .;:' qy hard
.. .. 9þt4cli.. : .t:,...,.,
i.1. I
.'i' r ì t, ,i1' :::: ': :':::li!,ì
ROD (%)
Figure 6.2a- Geological conditions þr a bridge abutment footing near Pennsylvania Turnpíke
(Lehigh County).
P^- E-Ao s
(6.3.2) R¡g¡d,'
Weo k
44 PART 1
Table 6.4. Values of modulus reduction factor, cr : E^/Er. Estimate the s€dlement of lhe 29.75 ft x 14.0 foodng described in
Example ó.1. The footing is 3 ft Úlick' and the elasúc modulus of the intact
(After Kulhawy' 1978).
limestone, Er, is est¡mated to be 40 x I03 tsf. For the purpose of this
value of rE for Er/Kn* exampte, the design pressure (unfacþred) for the footing is assumed to be 6
RQD (t) O. lm o. 5! 1. 0n
i Si¡c" normal stiffnes, K¡¡, for the discontinuity is not known,
*Note: Er,/Kn Ís Ín netrest and ForUB =ffi=2.1, s€ttlement of the fock mass c¿n be estimated using the expfession:
In LRFD the safety against ultimate bearing capacity failure Aæa of the smaller footine, h' = = t t+ ft2
(an ultimate limit state) is ensured if:
Estimaæd æfllement of the ræk mN would then be
tural failure can be checked using the following expression: Figure 6.4. Example 6.2-estimating settlement of a þoting on
jointed rock
óuP" > rTiQi (6.4.2)
6.5 SPECIAL GEOLOGICAL PROBLEMS tion, good contact between rock mass and the foundation is
necessary. The presence oflocal defects may create contact prob-
in rock may present diffrcult-
Some special geological features lems that require special treatment. Figure 6'6 presents several
ies in foundation design. These include: weathering of rock, typical contact problems and the suggested solutions' These in-
solution cavities, swelling of rock, creep' and mining subsidence' clude hlling up a naffow soft seam with "dental" concrete' an-
These special problems may call for special design considerations choring footings on dipping rock surface with dowel bars or rock
or foundations treatments. In some instances' the presence of bolts, and avoiding the so-called shelf hazard by placing the
sink holes in limestone may make the use of footing foundation foundation on the stiffer rock layer. (2) Effect of excavation on
impractical. An excellent discussion on these special geological rock quality-Excavation by blasting often results in overbreak
problems is presented by Peck (1976), citing case study examples' and fractures or opening ofjoints in the rock. To avoid potential
settlement problems, the excavated rock surface should be prop- Using LRFD conceprs, determine wherher the 29.75 x 14.0 ft
erly cleaned, ¿nd the fractured rock below the foundation level footing described in Example 6.1 hæ adequate capaciry againsr soil failure
should be replaced by lean concrete or well-compacted gravel. beneath the footing. For the purpose of this example, the footing wæ
asswtred to be founded at an elevation of 375.0 ft, and that the intact
limestone has an unconfined compressive strength of lS00 tsf.
(l) g¿.u¡¿¡sm¡gnitudeoffacoredloads.
The proportion of dead and live loads a¡e not known. For this
example it will be assumed rhat the dead load is 1875 tons (7570 of the tor¿l)
and that the live load is 625 tons (25%).
which is greater than the roBl factored load of 3790 rons. Thus, the
footing has adequate capacity against bearing capaciry failure.
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Officials (1986)' AÀSHTO Materials, Part fI - Iest, Engineering Manua}, Second Edition' 456 pp.
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Concrete, ACI Guide No. 20L.2R-77, Detroit, 37 PP. Corporation and Electric
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on Sand", Ph. D. Dissertation Submitted to Department
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CorreLation of Cone arid Standard penetration-ÍIests'.,
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- fnterim Procedures for Evaluating Scour aÈ Bridgesa, Division, ÀSCE, Vol . 112, No. GT3, pp.-368472:
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i'oundatiõnsn, fuç:, Journal of, Soil llechanlcs and
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"Improved Strain Influence Factor Diagrarn", !roc..,
Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE'
VoI.104, No. GT8, pp.1131-1135.
Notations and Symbols
SYMBOLS F = safety factor
A = area of footing base H = horizontal load (unfactored)
B = footing width IT¡ = factored horizontal load
B' = reduced effective footÍng uridth E¿ = thickness of compressible layer
cc = compression index I' = equivalent Schmertmann's inproved settlenent
CP = correction factor for initial overburden influence factor
pressure at foundation level I¡ = horizontal movement influence factor used in
C¡ = ti¡ne rate (or creep correction) factor for elastic theory
settl-ement of IP = plasticity index
cohesionless soils rr = compressibility index
cu = coefficient of uniformity rz = Schmertmann's improved settlement influence
cvJ' = correction factor for r¡ater table factor
ca = coefficient of secondary compression r"P = Schmertmann's peak settlement influence factor
c = cohesion Tzt = Schmertmann's i-trproved settlement influence rt)
': : :
' ' j'
Chapter I Introduction 54
Chapter 2 Classification of Deep Found¿tions and Piles 54
2.1 Types of Deep Foundations. 54
2.2 Types of Piles 54
2.2.2 Precast concrete piles (including prestressed piles)............. 54
4.1.2 Presumptive bearing capacities of soils and rocks...... 62
4.1.3 Rational methods of estimating pile bearing capacities....... 62
-' 70
fi;i'å'"1*ätffi*1':::'*;:i:l:::..''........'............'................''...:::::::::::::::::::::::...'..'.............. 70
5.3 Combined Axial Loads and Bending Moments....... ....................... 86
5.3. I Estimation of bending moment in a single pile................. 86
5.3.2 Estimation of bending moments in piles within pile groups........... 87
5.3.3 Structural capacity of piles subjected to axial load and bending......... 87
APPENDIX I Secr¡oN Pnopenrles on Pnr,srnessED CoNcRETe, Sreer-H AND PrpE Prr-es............- 93
Appr,Nplx 2 Ãxtan nNo MoveNT CApAcrrrES o¡ Pll¡s....... 98
AppeNoIx 3 Connr,leuoNs FoR Estrprar¡Nc rue FnrcrroN ANGLE o¡ Snxos rnov SpT Br-ow-CouNrs eNn CoNe
Piles are used to support many bridges, buildings, and--'bther Load factor design has been incorporatpd in the American Asso-
structures. The primary function of these foundations is to trâns- ciation of State Highway and Transportation Offrcials
mit loads to the ground safely and to avoid excessive settlements (AASHTO) specifications for design of bridge suPerstructures
or lateral movements. Piles are especially useful where underþ- since the mid-1970s. Bridge engineers who use LFD for the
ing layers include weak or compressible strata. superstructure must deveþ two sets of loads--<ne for the de-
The purpose ofthis manual is to draw together practical proce- sign of the superstructure and another for the design of the
dures for the design of pile foundations. The theoretical and foundations @arker et al., 1988). Development of load factor
empirical procedures described provide methods suitable for de- design procedures for bridge foundations will make this duplica-
sign ofsingle piles and pile groups lhat are subjected to vertical tion of effort unnecessary.
and horizontal loads. In the sections that follow, a brief description of various types
The design procedures presented in this manual incorporate of deep foundations and piles is given in Chapter 2. Chapter 3
the concepts of load factor design, or LFD' The LFD approach discusses the design requirements and the factors influencing the
provides a logical method of dealing with uncertainties of compo- safety of pile foundations in bridges, Chapter 4 considers axial
nent loads, strength and behavior, and for incorporating suitable loading ofpiles, and Chapter 5 presents a new approach for the
margins of safety. LFD and other procedures similar in format design of laterally loaded piles. Design examples are presented
are being used with increasing frequency in civil engineering. in the concluding sections of the design procedures.
Deep foundations can be described as columnar elements in Timber piles are straight and slender sections of tree trunks
the soil which transfer the loads from a superstructure (such as with their branches removed. The lumber should be straight-
a bridge or a building) into the soil or rock. Deep foundations grained with no defects, and the taper should be uniform.
must be able to support axial, horizontal, and uplift loads effec- Timber piles projecting above the groundwater must be treated
tively. with preservatives to retard deterioration. The bark should be
Deep foundations cân be divided into two classes: (1) piles that removed because it reduces the depth of impregnation of the
are installed by driving and (2) drilled shafts that are installed by preservative.
placing concrete in drilled holes. Advantages: (l) They are light and therefore easy to handle.
Driven piles can be subdivided into two categories: (1) dis- (2) They have a high strength to weight ratio. (3) They are
placement piles, which have solid sections or hollow sections resistant to decay when placed below the groundwater table.
with a closed end (a relatively large volume of soil is displaced Disadvantages: (1) They have relatively low structural capacit-
by the pile during penetration); and (2) nondisplacement piles, ies. (2) They are vulnerable to damage during driving through
which have relatively small cross-sectional areas, such as H piles hard soil. (3) They are vulnerable to decay when placed above
and open-ended pipe piles that do not plug. the groundwater table or in a splash zone. (4) They are difÏicult
This manual discusses the design aspects of displacement and to splice.
nondisplacement piles. The design of drilled shafts is dealt with
separately in Part 4.
Figure 2.1 (Carsln,-l9þshows typical maximum lengths Precast concrete piles are long and slender units of reinforced
and loadings lrequéntly used il¡ design for various types of piles. concrete with square, circular, or octagonal cross sections. Pre-
The advantages and disadvantÞ'ges of each type of pile are dis- stress can be applied to precast concrete piles to achieve higher
cussed in the following sections. strength to weight ratio.
H- beom cyl¡nder
Cosl'in-ploc€ Cost-¡n-shell Precosl Pipe pile p ile pile
Wood no shell Pipe pile concrele f¡ I led
p ¡te no fill
Advantages: (1) They have relatively large axial capacities. (2) Advantages: (l) They are light and not easily damaged during
The concrete mix can be designed for chemically aggressive handling. (2) They can be spliced easily. (3) Pipe sections are
ground or marine environments. (3) They can withstand hard available in a variety ofsizes. (4) They have relatively high axial
driving. (4) Concrete piles can be prestressed. This results in a capacities and high resistance to buckling. (5) Closed end pipe
pile section with a higher strength to weight ratio. Prestressing piles can be easily inspected for deviations from the intended
offers an additional advantage in that it closes up cracks that are alignment. (6) The quality of steel and wall thickness can be
caused during driving and handling. strategically varied with depth according to the severity of the
Disadvantages: (l) They are susceptible to damage during han- loads and bending moments anticipated along the pile.
dling and driving. (2) It is diff¡cult and costly to cut off excess Disadvantage: (1) They are vulnerable to corrosion if unpro-
length or splice more length after driving. tected.
H piles are made of steel, rolled into the shape of an H. They Two other types of piles commonly used include cast-in-place
have two flanges connected by a web. The flange width is usually concrete piles and composite piles.
at least 85 percent of the depth of the pile section so that the pile Cast-in-place concrete piles are constructed by first driving a
is strong along its weak axis (Teng, 1962). steel shell into the ground. Driving with the aid of a mandrel
Advantages: (l) Steel-H piles are robust and light. (2) They inserted in the shell is optional. A reinforcing cage is then low-
can be easily spliced. (3) They are available in a variety ofsizes. ered into the shell, after which concrete is poured. The shell is
(4) They have high axial capacities and good resistance to buck- withdrawn as the concrete is poured in the case ofan open ended
ling. (5) They can withstand hard driving and are useful for shell, or it may be left in the ground.
penetrating hard layers and even soft rock. (6) Only a small Steel shells are either uniform or tapered in cross section.
volume of soil is displaced during driving of H piles. Therefore, Tapered shells provide a higher shaft resistance for piles in clay
they are preferred in groups where the piles are closely spaced, (Teng, 1962). Shells that are withdrawn can be reused. Another
and where undesirable ground heave and lateral displacements advantage of cast-in-place piles is that the alignment of the shell
of the soil are anticipated. can be inspected before the concrete is poured.
Disadvantages: (l) They are susceptible to corrosion if unpro- Composite piles are combinations of different types of piles or
tected. (2) End bearing resistance of unplugged H piles is rela- drilled shafts; for example, a steel-H pile "stinger" placed on the
tively small because ofits small cross-sectional area. (3) Steel-H end of a prestressed concrete pile. They are used to circumvent
piles are easily deflected by hard sloping layers and by under- diffrculties arising due to the site or ground conditions. The
ground obstructions. structural capacity ofthe pile is governed by the weakest material
used. Good quality joints of two different pile materials must be
ensured during construction.
2.2.4 Steel Pipe Piles
Steel pipe piles may be driven with either open or closed ends. 2.3 FACTORS GOVERNING THE CHOICE OF PILES
They may be unfrlled or filled with concrete. Unhlled open end
pipe piles can be used instead of closed end ones if greater The advantages and disadvantages of the various types of piles
penetration depths are desired because the soil inside can be listed in the preceding sections merit consideration during pile
removed during driving. selection. The following eight factors govern the choice of the
56 PART 2
pile typer (1) structural strength of the pile, (2) durability, (3) strata, (6) ground displacement during driving, (7) availability,
ease of handling; (4) ease of splicing, (5) penetrability into hard and (8) cost.
cn¡,vren 3
The simplest and most economical type of foundation is the 3.2 LOAD FACTORS AND LOAD COMBINATIONS
spread footing. However, spread footings are not always suitable.
For instance, when a structure is undedain by soft clay or loose Loads acting on bridge superstructures include one or more
sand or is subject to scour, pile foundations may be a better of the following: dead load, live and impact loads, thrust due to
alternative. earth pressures, buoyancy, wind load, longitudinal and centrifu-
Pile foundations must be capable of transmitting the loads to gal forces caused by moving vehicles, earthquake loads, stre4m
the soil without reaching a "limit state". A limit state is reached and ice flow forces, and forces induced by changes in the dimen-
when the structure no longer fulfills its design requirements. sions of the structure, such as shrinkage and temperature effects.
There are two types of limit states: (l) Ãn ultimate limit state ' One difference between the loads acting on the superstructure
corregponds to the maximum load carrying capacity of the foun- and those that act on the foundation is that impact loads are
dation. This may be reached through either structural or soil usually assumed to be fully dissipated before reaching the foun-
failure. An ultimate limit state corresponds to complete collapse. dation (exceptions are pile bent piers and integral abutments
(2) A. seniceability limit stafe corresponds to loss of serviceabil- where the foundation should be designed to carry the impact
ity, and occurs before collapse. A serviceability limit state in- loads). The load combinations and load factors for the design of
volves unacceptable deformations or undesirable damage levels. the superstructure, as given in the 1989 AASHTO specific¿tions,
This may be reached through excessive differential or total settle- can be used for the design of foundations as follows:
ments, excessive lateral displacements, or structural deteriora-
tion of the piles. Total Load : TIß'D + ßtL + P.CF + BEE +
ÉrB * B'FSF + É*W t É¡y¡WL
+BLFLFfÊn(R+S+T)+ e.2.t)
In load factor design (LFD), it is recognized that loads and
resistances are probabilistic and not deterministic in nature.Dif- where y :
load factor (see Tables 3.1 and3.2); É :
ferent types and magnitudes ofloads have varying probabilities (see Tables 3.1 and 3.2); D : dead load; L : live load; E :
ofoccurrence. In order to account for their differing probabilities earth pressure; B : buoyancyi W : wind load; WL : wind
ofoccurrence, each load component is amplified by a load factor, load on live load, 100 pounds per linear ft; LF : longitudinal
the value of which depends on the level of uncertainty of the force from live load; CF : centrifugal force; R: rib shortening;
load component. S : shrinkage; T: temperature; EQ : earthquake; SF :
The factored loads are compared to the design strengths or stream flow pressure; and ICE :
ice pressure.
resistances. The design resistances are obtained by multiplying The load combinations considered by AASHTO are given in
nominal values of resistance by performance factors, usually Table 3.1. Each line in the table, designated by loading group
denoted as þ. The objective of design is to ensure that the design numbers I through IX, gives the values of the load factors, 7,
resistance is greater than or equal to the sum of the factored and the coefficients B that govern the contributions to the total
loads, i.e., load. For example, in group (load combination) I, total load :
1.3(D +t.67Ln+ CF + pEE + B + SF).
óR > )yiQi (3. 1. 1) Loading groups I, II, and III usually apply to the design of
the superstructures and substructures; groups IV, V, and VI
where þ : performance factor, R : resistance corresponding apply usually to the design of arches and frames; and groups
to the limit state considered, Qi : load effect due to load compo- VII, VIII, and IX apply usually to the design of substruc-
nent i, and 7, : load factor for load component i. tures (Heins and Firmage, 1979). Column 14 of Table 3.2 gives
Various combinations of loads are considered in design to the percentage increase in allowable stresses permitted in the
ensure that the structure and foundation will have sufftcient load combinations, and is mainly used in working stress design.
capacity to resist all of the types of loading to which it may be The increase in allowable stresses accounts for the fact that the
subjected during its life. This manual uses the load factors and probability of the load components reaching their maximum
load combinations described in the 1989 AASHTO specifications values simultaneously varies from one load combination to an-
for the design of bridges. other.
T¡ble 3.1. Table of coefficients of y and B for ultimate limit states. Tsble 3.2. Tsble of coefficients of 7 and p for serviceability limit states.
(After AASHTO, 1989) (After A.AS[ÍTO, 1989)
col,No. 2 3À 4 5 6 7 9 t0 t1 I3 Col.No. I z 3 3À 4 5 6 7 a 9 I 11 I L3
É-FÀqtoRs ,-FÀefoRs
GROUP 7 (Lrr) Lrr ) CF E B sl w WI LF t+s EC ICE GROUP 1 D (I,fr) I*I) r CF E B s H ¡{t LI R+S+1 E( TC z
I 1.3 rf, l-67 0 1 ÊE t 0 0 o 0 o I 1 I I 0 1 þB 1 I 0 0 0 0 o o oo
IA 1.3
2.2 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IÀ 1 1 2 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 50
rB t-3 ,E o 1 1 9E 1 I 0 0 o o 0 IB 1 1 o 1 êt, 1 1 0 0 0 0 o o
(HI). - Live load plus inpact for ÀÀSHTO Highway H or HS loading (I+I)n - Live Ioad plus iEpact for ÀÀSHTO Highway H or HS loading
(L+I)Þ - tÍve load plus inpact consistent with the overload (I+I)p - Live load plus iEpact consistent with the overload
- criteria of the operation agency. - criteria of the operation agency.
Ée = 1t3 for lãtêral earth pressure for retaining walls and ** Percentage = Maxinuh Unit Stress loÞeratinq Ratinqì X IOO
rigid frahes. ÀIlowable Basic Unit stress
PE = O.5 for lateral earth pressure whên checking positive
noments in rigid franes.
pE = 1.o for vertical earth pressure t in colunn !.4 is the naxinun pemissible percentage of
pD = I.O for flexural and tension hehbers basic unit stress for load group indicàted
For Colunn Design
No increase in allowable unit stresses shaÌl bê pernitted
ÊO = when chêèking member for mininuh axial load and for menbers or connections carrying ùind l"oads only.
haxinun noment or naxinuh eccentricity
ÉO = f.O when checkihg menber for naxinuh axial load and
nininun noment É¡ = f.O for vertical and lateral loads on a]l structures
except reinforced concrete boxes.
Ée = f.O and O.5 for lateral loads on rigid franes (check
both loadings to see uhich one governs)
3.3 DESIGN REOUIREMENTS FOR PILES moment interaction diagrams. These are envelopes of the combi-
nations of moment and axial load that would cause pile failure.
Piles should be designed for both axial and lateral loading The amount of lateral reinforcement (spiral or ties) required
conditions. The two principal design considerations for piles for prestressed concrete piles is less than the amount required
under axial loads are ultimate load capacity and settlement. The for columns (see PCI, 1985; or Issa and Yuan, 1989).
ultimate load capacity of a pile may be governed either by the
structural capacity of the pile or the bearing capacity of the soil.
Piles that are subjected to lateral loads must also be safe against 3.3.2 Soil Capac¡ty
ultimate failure of the soil or the pile, and excessive lateral
deflections. The ultimate bearing capacity of a pile is the sum of its tip and
shaft capacities. During failure, the shear stress at the interface of
the pile and soil reaches a limiting value. Piles are usually driven
3.3.1 Structural Capac¡ty in groups, and the most important consideration is the capacity
of the pile group. This is usually taken as the minimum of two
Axially loaded piles may fail in compression or by buckling. values: (l) the sum of the individual pile capacities or (2) the
Buckling may occur in long and slender piles that extend for a ultimate capacity of the pile group and the soil between the piles,
portion of their lengths through water or air. Scour of the soil acting as a unit.
around the piles could expose portions of their lengths and in- The ultimate lateral capacity of piles is usually not a control-
crease the likelihood of buckling. ling factor in the design of piles to resist lateral loads. The
A pile will fail in compression when the loads exceed the governing criterion in the lateral load design is usually either the
structural or soil capacity. The structural capacity of the pile is maximum tolerable deflection or the structural capacity of the
usually greater than the ultimate soil capacity except when the piles.
pile bears on sound rock. Nevertheless, the adequacy ofthe pile
against structural failure must always be checked. The tensile
capacity of piles should also be checked when the piles are subject 3.3.3 Movement
to uplift loads.
Laterally loaded piles will fail in flexure if the induced bending Horizont¿l movements in buildings are caused by wind loads,
moment exceeds the moment capacity of the pile. The structural earth pressures, and earthquakes. Horizontal movements occur
capacity of the pile is dependent on both the moment and axial at bridge abutments and piers because of lateral forces from
load. The structural adequacy of piles is checked using load- earth pressure, wind loads, stream flow forces, braking forces of
58 PART 2
vehicles, and earthquakes. Lateral movements of buildings must distribution can be calculated more accurately through iterative
be limited to prevent architectural and structural damage. Lat- procedures using a wave equation solver called CAPWAP (Hol-
eral movements of abutments and piers must be limited to pre- loway, 1978). The PDA requires skilled personnel.
vent damage to bearings and expansion joints (functional and Wave equation analyses combined with PDA measurements
structural damage), and poor ride quality. provide an effective means ofassessing stresses induced in piles
Excessive movements of pile foundations supporting bridges during driving. They can be used effectively in the field as a
may lead to discontinuities in the slope of the riding surface, means of checking the ultimate capacities of piles estimated using
damage to the bridge superstructure, jamming of bearings and static methods, later described in this manual.
expansionjoints, or even collapse. It is necessary in bridge design
to estimate the maximum settlement and lateral movement antic-
ipated in the foundations and to ensure that they fall within 3.4 PILE SPACING
tolerable limits.
Load tests on instrumented piles have shown that the move- Piles are usually driven at spacings of 2.5 to 4 pile diameters.
ment required to mobilize skin friction in piles is smaller than Close spacings minimize the cost of the pile cap' However, driv-
that required to mobilize end-bearing. The shaft capacity of a ing piles ât close spacings in dense sands and saturated plastic
pile is fully mobilized when the settlement is between 0.1 in. and soils can cause heave or lateral ground displacements that may
0.4 in. (Circeo, 1986). The tip capacity, however, is mobilized damage or cause misalignment of previously driven piles. Close
after the pile settles about I percqnt of its diameter (Kulhawy et spacings may be advantageous with loose sands because they
al., 1983). This is an important design consideration when the become compacted after driving (Teng, 1962).
working load acting on the pile exceeds the shaft resistance. [n
this case, larger settlements are required to mobilize the portion
of the tip resistance that supports the load not carried by skin
Horizontal displacements occur at bridge abutments and piers
because oflateral forces from earth pressure, wind loads, stream
3.5.1 Scour
flow forces, braking forces ofvehicles, and earthquakes. Lateral
movements of abutments and piers must be limited to prevent Scour around bridge foundations can create a severe safety
damage to bearings and expansion joints. If both vertical and hazard. Therefore, bridge foundations should be designed to
horizontal displacements are possible, the horizontal displace- survive the effects of possible scour. Geotechnical analyses of
ment of bridge foundations should be limited to I in. If vertical bridge foundations should be perlormed assuming that the soil
displacements are small, the horizontal displacements should be above the estimated scour line has been removed and is not
limited to 1,5 in. (Moulton et al., 1985). available to provide bearing or lateral support (FHWA' 1988)'
Three possible effects ofscour should be considered in design
(FHIü/A, 1988):
3.3.4 P¡le Driving and lnstallation l. Aggradation and Degradation-aggradation is the deposi-
tion of stream bed material eroded from other portions of a
Piles can be damaged when stresses induced during pile driv- stream; whereas, degradation is the removal of stream bed mate-
ing exceed the structural capacity of the pile. The impact of the rial thereby lowering the bed elevation. Aggradation and degra-
hammer during driving sends a compressive stress wave down dation are long-term effects caused by natural or man-made
the pile. Ifa pile is driven through soil ofhigh resistance into a conditions.
soil oflow resistance, the stress wave is reflected at the pile point, 2. General Scour and Contraction Scour-general scour and
causing tension to develop near the pile tip, and these stresses contraction scour are characterized by the removal of stream
can damage concrete piles. On the other hand, if the pile is driven bed material across the entire width of the stream because of
onto a hard rock, reflection of the stress wave at the pile-rock increasing flow velocities. Flow velocities increase as a result of
interface induces a compression stress at the toe that is twice contraction of the flow channel or change in the downstream
that at the head (Tomlinson, 1987). water surface elevation. One instance when contraction scour
Driving stresses can be estimated using wave equation analy- may occur is when the approach embankment of a bridge en-
ses,which were first developed by Smith (1960). Finite difference ôroaches into the stream.
algorithms that model the pile and the soil by masses, springs, 3. Local Scour-local scour occurs when bed material is re-
dashpots, and plastic resisting elements are used to calculate the moved from a small portion of the width of the stream. Obstruc-
penetration of the pile induced by the hammer blow, and the tions to flow, such as bridge piers and abutments, induce acceler-
stresses in the pile. However, two major uncertainties are in- ation of the flow, causing vortices that wash away the bed
volved in wave equation analyses (Lawton et al., undated): (1) material.
the uncertainty in the actual energy that is imparted by the
hammer, and (2) the uncertainty in the distribution of the soil Scour is usually evaluated for a flood with a return period of
resistance along the pile. about 100 years. The FHWA recommends that the top of the
The pile driving analyzer (PDA) was developed by Goble to pile cap should be located below the depth ofcontraction scour
overcome these shortcomings. Using measured force and acceler- to reduce obstruction to flow and to minimizelocal scour. Also
ations at the pile head, the energy of the hammer imparted a few long piles should be used rather than many short piles'
to the pile can be accurately determined. The soil resistance This results in higher safety against pile failure due to scour.
3.5.2 Deterioration limit st¿tes. Loads due to negative skin friction should be in-
Most piles are made of concrete, steel, or timber. Concrete 3. For stream crossings, determine the water proliles for the
piles may be attacked by deleterious substances in the ground site and the expected depth of scour during flood.
such as organic materials, acids, sulfates, salt, and so on. Abra- 4. Select candidate pile types and pile lengths. Consider the
sion ofconcrete piles can occur ifthe piles are exposed to soils factors described in Section 2 and eliminate all unsatisfactory
being moved by currents and waves, floating debris and ice. High alternatives.
quality concrete and ample cover for the reinforcemeirt provide 5. Make a general economic comparison of the candidate piles
protection against abrasion and corrosion. In an environment and design with the most cost-effective one(s) according to the
rich in sulfates, sulfate resisting cement can be used in the con- steps below.
crete mix. 6. Estimate the axial pile capacity considering both soil and
Steel piles that are exposed along portions of their lengths are structural capacity.
subjected to corrosion when placed in hostile chemical environ- 7. Determine the required number of piles and their spacing
ments, while embedded steel piles corrode at an insignificant rate and locations.
in the absence ofoxygen. The following precautions can be used 8. Estimate the capacity ofthe pile group. Ifthe group capac-
to reduce the rate of corrosion in piles that are exposed along ity is not suffrcient, increase the number of piles or the pile
portions oftheir lengths: (l) Provide additional sacrificial steel spacing.
thickness. (2) P.emove or treat the corrosive soil. (3) provide 9. Check for possible punching of the pile group into any
cathodic protection to the piles, i.e., introduce an electric current weak stratum that may be present beneath the bearing stratum.
towards the piles so that there is no electron loss (corrosion) 10. Determine the tolerable settlement of the pile group and
from the steel piles. (4) Provide a protective coating. estimate its settlement. If the settlement is greater than the toler-
Untreated timber piles projecting above the groundwater table able settlement, increase the length of the piles or the pile spacing
are sutjected to decay caused by alternate cycles of wetting and (see Section 4.2.2).
drying, and attacks by chemicals, fungi, and insects. The rate of ll. Check the uplift capacity of the pile group, if it will be
deterioration can be retarded by using piles treated with creosote subject to uplift loads.
and other chemical solutions. 12. Check the structural capacity of the piles under lateral
13. Determine the tolerable lateral displacement of the pile
3.6 DESIGN PROCEDURE FOR P]LE group and calculate the lateral displacement. If the lateral dis-
FOUNDATIONS placement is greater than the tolerable lateral displacement, in-
crease the number of piles or the pile spacing (see Section
The design of pile foundations involves the following steps: s.2.t.2).
14. Determine whether pile load tests are required to verify
1. Develop a soil profile based on soil borings for the site. the design.
Include details of strength profiles, compressibility characteris-
tics, stress history and geology of the soils, and identify the A summary of the ultimate and serviceability limit states fhat
favorable and unfavorable zones in the subsoil. should be considered during the design stage is given in Table
2. Estimate the loads for the ultimate and the serviceability 3.3.
Significant advances have been made in recent years in devel- Table 4.1. Performence factors for the ¡ominal sxial structurål cs'
pacity of piles.
oping improved understanding of the behavior of axially loaded
piles. Three limit states may be reached in piles subjected to axial PII,E TYPE PERFORHANCE ECCENTRICITY
loads. These are: (1) structural failure of the pile, (2) bearing
0.75 for splral 0,85 for Fplral
capacity failure of the soil, and (3) excessive settlement. Failure colunns colunns
of the pile or the soil is called an "ultimate limit state" (ULS). Prestressed Concrete PileE
0.70 for tled 0.80 for tied
colunnÊ columns
Excessive settlement, a less drastic occurrence' is called a "ser-
viceability limit state" (SLS). 0.75 for spiral 0.85 for splral
colunns colunn6
Both ultimate and serviceability limit states are addressed in PrecaEt Concrete Pil,es
O.70 for tied o.8o for tl-ed
this section. The structural capacity of piles is discussed first, colunns colunns
followed by the bearing capacity ofsingle piles and pile groups. steel-H Piles o-a5 o.7a
Settlement of pile groups is considered last. steel Pipe PileÊ 0.85 o. 87
The axial load in a pile should not exceed the factored axial
structural capacity. The following criterion expresses this fact:
where 7, : load factor for the load i and P¡ : axial load due
y directions. The factored axial load on any pile, Pr,, may be
to load i.
calculated from the following expression (Scott, 1980):
Expressions for the nominal axial pile capacity can be found
in Table 42.1 (in Appendix 2) for steel, timber, prestressed and
precast concrete piles. Values of the performance factor, þu, are
given in Table 4.1.
P^,y : -,[***=*#] (4. 1. 1.3)
For example, consider the pile group shown in Figure 4.1. If Modulus increasing linearly with depth (sands)
P, : 500 tons, ex : 2 ft, ey : I ft, and the pile spacing is 3 ft L*: L, + l.8T (\
center-to-center, the maximum pile load can be determined as
follows: )x2 : 6 (3)z : 54;2yz : 6 (3)z : Sq. where Lu :
unsupported lengh ofpile extending above ground;
The most heavily loaded pile is pile 3, in the fi¡st quadrant: R: o'25 in units
[EeIÉlEJ :
of length; Ep Young's modulus of
P¡ : 500 ll/9 + (2)(3)/54 + (lx3y54l : 139 tons. pile, foicêAengthz; Ip:
moment of iriertia of pile, lengtha; E
Pile number 7 carries a tensile force: P, : 500 U/9 - Q)Q)/ :
soil modulus, foróe,/length2; E, :
675o for clays (Davisson
54 - (lX3)/541 : -27.8 tons. and Robinson, 1965); Su :
undrained shear strength of clays,
Design against tensile failure is considered in Section 4.4. forc'e4engthz; T :
[EolnZnn]o''; nr :
rate of increase of soil
modulus with depth, forie4ength3; nn: E"/z; and z depth. :
Davisson and Robinson's (1965) procedure applies to different Buckling of Pørtially E¡nbedded Piles boundary conditions at the top ofthe pile; the bottom boundary
condition is assumed to be fixed against rotation and translation
Piles that extend above the ground through air or water may at the depth offixity. Selection ofappropriate boundary condi-
buckle when subjected to axial loads, and the possibility ofbuck- tions at the top of the pile depends on the type of structure, the
ling failure may control their structural capacity. In order to fixity of bearings, and the number of rows of piles along the
evaluate the buckling capacity of partially embedded piles, it is lo¡oth o¡¡l u'i,{+fi ^f fh. -ila crn,r¡ Eiarrra á I cf¡n-'c f^".
^ ^6e¡v r,r s¡¡v -^"c¡hl-
necessary to determine at what depth below the ground surface boundary conditions at the top ofthe pile where it connects with
should the pile be assumed to be frxed. Davisson and Robinson the structure, and expressions for the critical buckling load in
(1965) have developed a method for estimating this depth to ideal columns for each case.
fixity. Based on lateral load tests of piles in sand, Alizadeh and
Davisson and Robinson's Procedure. Davisson and Robinson Davisson (1970) found that n¡ is strongly dependent on deflec-
(1965) presented solutions for the buckling loads of partially tion when the lateral deflection is less than 3 percent ofthe pile
embedded piles in terms of an equivalent free standing length. width. At larger deflections, the value of nn becomes almost
The equivalent free standing length is the sum ofthe unsupported independent of the lateral deflection.
pile length above ground, and an additional length to the depth Terzaghi (1955) recommended values of nn that are appro-
to fixity below ground. This depth to fixity is a function of the priate for lateral deflections that are about 5 percent of the pile
flexural stiffness ofthe pile (EoIo) and the soil stiffness. The soil width (Table 4.2). Reese et al. (1974) recommended using values
stiffness can be expressed in terms of a soil modulus (E, , force,/ of no that are between 3 and 4 times larger than Terzaghi's
length2). The soil modulus is usually considered to remain con- recommended values for constructing the initial slope of p-y
stant with depth in clays, and to vary linearly with depth in curves.
granular soils. For analysis of pile buckling, values of nn corresponding to
For long piles, the equivalent free standing length, L"o, can be smaller deflections, on the order of 0.5 percent of the pile width
written as follows: or less, appear to be most appropriate. Evans (1982) showed that
for lateral deflections of this magnitude, it is reasonable to use
Modulus constant with depth (clays) values of nn about 3 times as high as the values recommended
L"q:Lu+1.4R ( by Terzaghi. The two right hand columns of Table 4.2 contain
iE- %î
l Ti
l lr
t".. r",
J r.' r...
1 1 1 1
Figure 4.2. Critical buckling
t 2-to' o
for centrally
with various end
loaded col-
Pa, =7-
-3- ol o
o -
'ct- 4L2
tions. eq eq
62 PART 2
Table 4.2. Coefficient of horizontal subgrade reaction (n¡) in lb,/in.3 where Qr,, : tot¿l ultimate bearing capacity of a pile; Q. :
Terzaghí (1955) Reese al. (1974 Recomended ultimate load carried by pile shaft : A"q.r; Qp : ultimate load
carried by pile point : Aogn; A¡ : surface are¿¡ of pile shaft;
)ry or
Ao : area of pile point; % : ultimate unit skin resistance of
Dry or Submerged Subnerged Subnerget
Moist sand Sand {olst sand
piie; qo : ultimate unit point resistance of pile; and \Y : weight
sand iand
of the pile.
ioose I 5 20 30 15
In most cases (with the exception of large concrete piles in
ledium 24 16 60 so 40
bent piers), the weight of the pile is small compared to the other
)ense 65 39 L25 200 100 terms, and is usually disregarded.
The load factor design criterion may be expressed as:
values of nh appropriate for lateral deflections on the order of ÓqQ"r 2 ToPo * 7"Pt (4'l'3'2)
0.5 percent of the pile width.
Group Effects on Buckling Loads. The effect of pile spacing where fo : the performance factor for the ultimate bearing
on the soil modulus has been studied by Prakash (Prakash and capacity of a pile, or in general,
Sharma, 1990). He found that, at pile spacings greater than I
times the pile width, neighboring piles have no effect on the soil öqQur, ) )7¡P¡ (
modulus or buckling capacity. However, at a pile spacing of 3
times the pile width, the effective soil modulus is reduced to 25 where 7, is the load factor for load i and Pr is the axial load due
percent ofthe value applicable to a single pile. For intermediate to load i.
spacings, the modulus values can be estimated by interpolation. One rational method of estimating the bearing capacity of
Design Procedure. Buckling loads for partially embedded free piles in compression is called the "static" approach. Static for-
standing piles can be calculated using the following steps: mulas are based either on classiôal soil mechanics theories or
empirical correlations. These include the a, B, and À methods,
l. Estimate the value of nn (for sands) or E, (for clays) and and methods based on in situ tests such as the cone penetration
calculate the value of T (for sands) or R (for clays). For pile test (CPT) or the standard penetration test (SPT). The a, ß, and
groups, the soil modulus should be reduced to account for the À methods are more suited for piles in cohesive soils, while
effects of neighboring piles as described earlier. the SPT and CPT correlations are better suited for piles in
-t 2. Calculate the equivalent length ofthe pile, L"o, using Eqs. cohesionless soils.
"-t or, whichever is appropriate.
3. Use the appropriate expression from Figure 4.2 to calculate
the buckling load, P"r. Four equations are given in Figure 4.2 Rational Methods to Estimate Skin Frictíon
for four different restraint conditions at the top of the pile.
When piles are driven into saturated clays, the soil around the
After the ideal buckling load has been determined, the safe pile is severely disturbed. Installation induces high pore pres-
design load for the column, considering the effects of end mo- sures in the soil, which dissipate with time. In some cases, after
ments and eccentricity of loading, can be determined using nor- complete consolidation, the shear strength ofthe clay at the pile
mal design procedures for columns and beam columns. interface may be greater than that of the soil prior to driving.
For sensitive clays or stiff overconsolidated clays, the final shear
strength is considerably less than that of the undisturbed soil
4.1,2 Presumptive Bearing Capacities of Soils and (Meyerhof, 1976).
In the absence of suffrcient soil strength data to estimate pile L The a method relates the adhesion between the pile and
the clay to the undrained shear strength of the clay. The ultimate
capacities rationally, bearing capacities of piles may be estimated
unit skin friction, g", can be expressed by:
using presumptive bearing capacities. These values should be
used only as a rough guide to possible capacities. rr¡y'hen used in : dSu
design, presumptive bearing capacities must be substantiated by 9, Ø.1.3.4)
pile load tests or rational methods of analysis based on soil data : :
where Su mean undrained shear strength; cr adhesion factor
from the site.
applied to S".
Presumptive bearing capacities that have been published pre-
Tomlinson (1987) found that the adhesion factor, c', varies
viously are "allowable" values intended foi use in working stress
with the value of the undrained shear strength, S, as shown in
Figure 4.3. Although not shown in the hgure, there is consider-
able scatter around the curves because factors such as pile length,
4.1.3 Rational Methods of Ëstimating Pile Bear¡ng overconsolidation ratio, and coefftcient of lateral earth pressure
Capacities were neglected; all ofthese factors affect the pile capacity. Uncer-
tainty in the undrained shear strength also contributes to the
The ultimate bearing capacity of a pile is the sum of the skin scatter. However, the a-method is used frequently in practice
and point resistances, minus the weight of the pile: because it is simple, and also because no method is available that
fully reflects pile installation and all of the factors involved in
Qu',: Q, + oe - w ( the reconsolidation processes.
50 ro0 r50 200
r¡ I
l-r -lo6= roo
tooo eooo 3000 4000
Undrained shearing strenglh Su in fbít2
Undrained shearing skengrth S, in ktUÍf
50 roo
roo r50
r50 ?ol
o t25to2050
õ ocR
Figure 4.4. B versus OCRforfull dßplacement piles. (After Esrig
Þ and Kirby, 1979)
Figure 4.3. Design cumes for adhesion factors þr piles driven into
clay soils. (After Tomlinson, 1987) The p-method has been found to work best for piles in nor-
mally consolidated and lightly overconsolidated clays. The
method tends to overpredict skin friction of piles in heavily
overconsolidated soils. Esrig and Kirby suggested that for heav-
ily overconsolidated clays, the value ofB should not exceed 2.
The adhesion factor also depends on the type of soil above the 3. Vijayvergiya and Focht (1972) recognizedthat the passive
cohesive bearing stratum (Figure 4.3). Soil from the upper layers lateral earth pressure (øn' : ø"' * 2Sr) and the ultimate unit
may be carried down with the pile into the clay bearing stratum. skin friction of a pile are related. They proposed the following
Bringing down soft clay will tend to reduce adhesion, while relationship:
dragdown of cohesionless soil will increase adhesion in the lower
cohesive stratum. gr:À(cr"'+2S") (
2. The B-method is an effective stress method for predicting
skin friction of piles. The ultimate unit skin friction, q", is related where À is an empirical coefficient shown in Figure 4.5. The
to the effective stresses in the ground as follows: value of À decreases with pile length and was found empirically
by examining the results of load tests on steel pipe piles.
qs : oh'tanô : K tanô or,' : B cu' (
where øn' and ø"' are the horizontal and vertical effective Rational Methods to Estimate Tip (or Toe)
ofshearing resistance between
stresses respectively, ô is the angle Resistance
the soil and the pile, K is the coeffrcient of lateral earth pressure,
and B equals Ktanô. The following expression for the ultimate bearing capacity of
The value of the parameter K is very important. Kulhawy et a strip footing on the ground surface has been derived using the
al. (1983) noted that "the coeffrcient, K, is a function of the concepts of plasticity theory (Kulhawy et al., 1983):
original in situ horizontal stresses and the stress changes caused
in response to construction, Ioading and time." When a pile is qp : cN, * 0.5y'DN" * cr"'No (
first driven into the ground, the displaced soil exerts horizontal
stresses on the pile. Excess pore pressures are generated and, where c : cohesion of soil below the base of the footing; cr"' :
thus, ø,' is low, giving a high initial K value. As pore pressure vertical effective stress at the base of the footing; 7' : effective
dissipates, K changes with time. Depending on the overconsoli- unit weight of soil below the base of the footing; D : width of
dation ratio (OCR), the value of K may be higher or lower than the footing; and N", No, N, : bearing capacity factors which
the at-rest coeffrcient of lateral earth pressure, Ç. Esrig and are related to the friction angle of the soil.
Kirby (1979) developed the relationship between p and OCR The tip resistance of a pile point can also be treated as a
that is shown in Figure 4.4. bearing capacity problem. Equation can be modified to
64 r¡,nr 2
where S, is the undrained shear strength ofthe clay near the pile
2A^ base.
2. In coarse-grained, cohesionless soils such as sands, c : 0,
ô38 '.,1a) ;
tgfva \l9c The friction angle of sands can be correlated to the standard
penetration test blow-count and the cone penetration resistance,
{201 as described in Appendix 3. For piles with large depth to width
2tc ratios, the second term of Eq. is small compared to the
,"rt ,227 third term. For instance, where the depth to width ratio is be-
370 ,J.:. tween 4 and 5, the second term is less than l0 percent of the
¡,1 ro
.75 L6 -l third term (Kulhawy et al., 1983). Thus, the drained ultimate
llj tip resistance may be approximated as follows:
: ø"'Nosndoro (4.1.3.t2)
6 roo 3rf
"t::' tgmN
where Nosodoro : bearing capacity factor obtained from Figure
l-.35 M o ffi 4.6 (Kulhawy et al., 1983). The rigidity index, a term which
filzs I ouÍfr o ffi
rcm sÈl ô rcx accounts for soil deformability and the variation ofthe bearing
È ÉmE O ffiÐ
srNoRÉ I rcrrNN capacity factor with depth, is defined by Vesic (1975) as follows:
5 t€t oRrNt a &Esû
v€ìE€ I FM
0- r5 uuru É bM
150 Wu O uRrcH E"
32 Etrn o Èru
o ol3 sFNs
g8Naugc 9
t) sæo
I.: 2 (l + y")a,'tanþ'
t2 BUNtr tl ps
where E" : Young's modulus of the soil, ,¿ : Poisson's ratio
ofthe soil, cr"' : vertical effective stress measured at a depth of
t' .' 't?5o
,'t' ¿.too
include shape and depth effects ofthe pile and rigidity of the soil ,/ ." .5o
t00 /- .t -.'
(Kulhawy et al., 1983): t¿
f. ¿a aa ,a.-u
,/r' ttt .t'
: cN"s"d"r, f 0.57'DNysydrrt * cru'Nosodoro ( z
9 ,f.ttt .t -ttt ¿t-t'? I
/ .'.
where s", sr, and so are shape factors; d", d", and do are depth
-/'..',.t ..' I
'. .t ... r. J
factors; and r", r" and ro are factors that take into account the ,fl/t,...t . ¿.
rigidity of the soil. 'a ,ftt'
ta a -t'
ó f a a
a/ a
LFor piles in saturated clay with a zero friction angle and c rO ,/' ,'
: N7 : 0, Nosodor* : l, and N"s"d"r" : 9 for piles with
So, t/
* a, t
Qo: 9So (4.1.3.e)
30 -o
For T:-
loose sands
^r (o"')o'stanó'
( t¿Þòz
110 o.oo?
For dense sands I:-
'r (ø"')o.stanþ'
o 0.005-
where øu' is in tsf. ._J
o.2 0.010
3 * s,/D
sP 10[ + 300tn,/sn]o'5
: for which N"o* : average corrected SPT-N value near the pile
d dimensionless depth factor : t + 0.4Hs,/D" I 3.4; so :
spacing of discontinuities; to : width of discontinuities; D :
pile width; H. : depth of embedment of pile socketed into rock
: 0 for piles resting on top of bedrock; and D. : diameter of N"o,, : [0.77 log,o (20lø,')] N (
This method is not applicable to soft stratihed rocks, such as
N measured SPT-N value and cru' effective vertical stress :
shale or limestone. When this method is applicable, the rocks
at the pile tip, in tons,/ftz; D :
pile width or diameter and q, :
limiting point resistance, in tons per square foot;
are usually so sound that the structural capacity will govern the
design (Fellenius et al., 1989). This method is applicable only if
9t : 4N"o* for sands (
sd > I ft, td < 0.25 in. for unfilled discontinuities or td < I in.
for discontinuities frlled with soil or rock debris, and D > I ft.
gl : 3N"o,, for nonplastic silt (
The rationale behind Eq. is that the ultimate unit tip In Situ Test Methods capacity in a cohesionless stratum increases linearly with the
embedment ratio (DblD) up to a critical embedment ratio of l0
In situ tests are widely used in cohesionless soils because for sands, or 7.5 for silts. At higher embedment ratios, the tip
obtaining good quality samples of cohesionless soils is very difli- capacity remains constant at its limiting value, q,.
cult. In situ test parameters may be used to estimate the tip In bearing strata with highly varying blow counts, Meyerhof
resistance and skin friction of piles. There are two frequently (1976) proposed that the average blow count be obt¿ined within
used in situ test methods for predicting pite capacity. These the range of depth from 4 pile diameters above to I pile diameter
are the standard penetration test (SPT) method and the cone below the tip.
penetration test (CPT) method: Piles bearing on a firm stratum overlying a weaker layer may
punch into the lower stratum as shown in Figure 4.8. Meyerhof
l. SPT method-Meyerhof (1976) correlated the tip capacity (1976) suggested that if the distance between the pile tip and the
and shaft resistance of piles with the SPT blow count. This weak deposit, H, is less than 10 pile diameters, the ultimate point
method applies only to sands and nonplastic silts. resistance will be:
The ultimate unit tip resistance for piles, 9o (in tons per square
foot) driven to a depth Do into a cohesionlèss soil stratum can
*, -=r-
(qr - qJH
be approximated by: qp: qo a o, (
o.4NcorrDb where q, is the limiting unit tip resist¿nce in the upper stratum
9o: --5, s- q' (4.1.3. l 8)
and qo is the limiting unit tip resistance in the lower stratum.
66 PART 2
the type of cone penetrometer used (electrical versus mechani-
cal), Q) accounts for the material of the pile, (3) considers the
soil type, and (a) coffects for depth of pile embedment.
I Pile Load Tests
where q. :
unit skin friction for driven piles measured, in tsf;
N: average (uncorrected) SPT blow count along the pile shaft.
4. 1.3.6 Nondisplacement Piles
An alternate method of predicting pile capacities using SPT
Steel-H piles can fail in two ways. First, they can become
blow counts was proposed by Briaud and Tucker (1984). Their
plugged when the soil between the flanges adheres fully to the
method is more rational in that it considers residual stresses in
pile. The effective area of the pile in this case is the area of the
the pile after driving.
enveloping rectangle rather than the area ofthe steel-H section.
2. CPT method-The cone penetration test yields two useful
parameters that can be applied to pile capacity prediction: (l)
In this case, the skin friction is the sum of the adhesion at the
flanges (e.g., cSu for saturated clays) and the full soil-to-soil
the cone penetration resistance, q", which is related to the tip
shearing resistance (e.9., S, for saturated clays) along both sides
capacity of piles, and (2) sleeve friction, f", which can be used to
estimate the skin friction capacity. Nottingham and Schmert-
ofthe soil plug. The point resistance is calculated using the area
of the enveloping rectangle.
mann (1975) developed the following procedure for estimating
Alternatively, steel-H piles can fail without plugging. In this
pile capacity.
case, the skin friction of the pile is estimated assuming adhesion
Nottingham and Schmertmann (1975) found that Begemann's
procedure gives a good estimation of end bearing capacity in
on the entire perimeter of the steel-H section, and the point
resistance is calculated using the area of the steel-H section.
piles for all soil types. Begemann's procedure for estimating the
Plugging usually occurs when piles are driven in soft to me-
tip resistance, go is outlined in Figure 4.9. The minimum average
dium clays and loose to dense sands. Piles usually do not plug
cone resistance between 0.7 and 4 pile diameters below the eleva-
tion of the pile tip is obtained by a trial and error process,
in medium to very stiff clays and very dense sands (Duncan,
1988). The case that yields the minimum capacity should be used
with the use of the minimum-path rule (see Figure 4.9). The
in design.
minimum-path rule is also used to find the value of cone resist-
Similady, open-ended pipe piles may or may not plug. In a
ance for a distance of eight pile diameters above the tip. The two
plugged pipe pile, the skin friction is calculated assuming adhe-
results are then averaged to give the pile tip resistance.
sion on the outside surface only. The gross area of the pipe
Nottingham and Schmertmann (1975) presented the following
contributes to the end bearing capacity.
equation for computing the ultimate skin friction of piles:
In an unplugged pipe pile, the skin friction is calculated assum-
ing that the soil adheres to both the inside and outside surfaces
: K"..' r8D I (
e" I ) o(rrzao)r"a, * Lr:
l-k: eo
t url of the pile. The point bearing capacity is calculated using the
cross-sectional area of the steel annulus.
%r +9"¿
qcl = Av€rag€ of aII valuec of qç alon6 paÈh a-b-c ov.r a dirtrncc of yD bclor th€ ptl€ tlp. Su¡n qc
values measured at each el.vaiion 1n tho dorr¡ward path a-b. Srm q6 valucs at evory slâvatlon
where a conê r€sistance reading ls made, along Èhe upward paÈh b-c, but at each elevation take
thê mtnimum of (i) ¿he q6 value ât that elevatlon or (ii) the lovtest qc valu€ beÈween tha¿
elevation and the elevation of point b. This method of dete¡mining qg 1s called bhe "minimum
path" rule. compute qç1 for y-values from 0.7 to 4.0 and use the minimum qs1 value obùained.
qcz = Average ![ç ovê! a distance of 8D above the pile tip (path c-e). Use the minimum path rule as
for path b-c in the qcl compuLations. Ignore any very extreme peaks or depressions (such as
,,x,, in Lhe diagram above) if thê soil is a sand, buL include thes€ ln miniûlun path if the soil
is a clay.
Figure 4.9. Pile end-bearing computation procedure after Begemann. (After Nottingham and Schmertmann' 1975)
68 PART 2
Nottingham's (1975) factors Kr and Kc For a pile group of width X, length Y, and depth Z (Figure
4.12), the bearing capacity for block failure is given by:
f. in þrf/ønz or ld
4.2.2 Settlement
o t4o t6O
<*'./ ¡
Elastic compression of pile
c 0.4 \ \- {_ I lo.=ffi
o '---
E 0.6
o Faílurr uillg¡t9l ç \
() :
i5 o.8
\- R.
1.4 -l î
1. Calcul¡te oltr¿lc coûItrcrtlon of plh (69) rhon concldercd rs r free colr:nn:r by:
Z' DetcrEln. ac¡lc¡ of ploÈ ruch lhâL alopo of pile claaelc cdrpr6s3lon lin€ is
approxloately 20'.
4. Fallu¡e load Is defincd Êt ¿htÈ load rhlch producoa a dlsplacement, of th€ pil€
hcad cqual Lo:
D Sf - dlsplaceoont aÈ f¡iture, in.
Sf - ¿E + ( .15 + p - pllo dtr¡!.¿.E, in.
6. l{t¡ere obscrved load dlsplaceraenÈ curvc does not inLels€c¿ failurs cri¿erion, Lhe
roarioun tesÈ toad should be taken as Lhe failurc load.
Figure 4.11. Interpretation of pile load test. (After NAI/FAC, 1982)
70 PART 2
--õ' o.oo o o
-r'l o o oo o
\Tì--no o
--q'' o
'ffi Equ¡valent
(o) (b)
of piles, the lengths of the piles, or the pile spacing and repeat
step 2.
Figure 4.12. Pile group øcting as block þundation.
qXI : l)
p:=- ( 9rr oSu (4.3.
and the downdrag load is given by:
where q" : avetage static cone resistance within the seat of
settlement and q, X, and I have been dehned previously. The P.n : q"ra.D. (4.3.2)
units for g, g", and X should be consistent.
Cohesive Soil. The settlement of pile groups in olay occurs over where P.n : downdrag load; a. : pile perimeter; D. : length
a considerablè period of time. The long-Ierm settlement of pile of pile embedded in settling soil.
groups in clay may be calculated using the methods employed
in estimating settlement of shallow foundations. For this pur-
pose, the load carried by a group of friction piles is assumed to 4.3.1 Design Conslderations
be transferred to the soil through an equivalent footing located
at two-thirds the pile depth. Downdrag loads can increase the settlement of pile groups but
The components contributing to the total settlement of a pile they rarely cause capacity problems. Settlement of pile groups
group in clay are: immediate settlement, consolidation settle- should be checked when downdrag loads (unfactored) act to-
ment, and secondary settlement. They can be estimated using gether with dead loads. Temporary live loads and downdrag
the same procedures as used for shallow foundations. loads do not act together. This is because temporary live loads
will compress the pile elastically and cancel or reduce the down-
drag load. When the live load is removed, the pile will rebound
4.2.3 Load Factor Design for Settlement of Plle elastically, thereby restoring the downdrag load.
If the magnitude of the downdrag load exceeds that of the live
load, the structural and soil capacities should be checked for the
The load factor design approach to the settlement of pile dead load plus downdrag. The load factor for the downdrag load
groups requires an estimation of the tolerable settlement. The
is the reciprocal of the performance factor for the ultimate skin
procedure is as follows:
resistance ofthe pile. The following criterion expresses this fact:
pile derives support from the soil. The distribution of the load
and resistance in a pile is shown in Figure 4.14(a). A dead load,
Po, acts at the top of the pile. With increasing depth, the load
on the pile increases because ofnegative skin friction. The total
load acting on the pile (PD + P,J increases accordingly. The
pile resistance is equal to the tip capacity at the toe, Qo, and
Figure 4.14. Calculation of the location of the neutal plane and
increases upwards as the skin friction, Q., increases. This is
the settlement of a pile or a pile group. (After Canadian Founda-
represented by the curve (Qo + q.¡. The two curves intersect at
tion Engineering Manual, 1985)
the neutral plane. This is the location of the maximum load on
the pile. The neutral plane of piles end bearing on rock is located
at the tip of the piles.
making uplift capacity smaller than compressive load capacity;
and (2) piles in tension unload the soil-this reduces the overbur-
4.3.3 Settlement den effective stress and, hence, the uplift skin friction resistance
of the pile.
Figure 4.14(b) illustrates the procedure for estimating the set- The uplift capacity of a pile may be verified by a load test
tlement of the pile cap. The settlement of the pile cap is the sum according to ASTM D3689.
of the settlement at the neutral plane and the elastic compression Structural Capacíty. Fellenius et al. (1989) recommend that
ofthe piles above the neutral plane (Figure 4.14(b). Unfactored tensile loads should be carried entirely by the reinforcement
loads are used to estimate the pile group settlement. for precast and prestressed concrete piles, and that the tensile
strength ofconcrete should be neglected. The design requirement
is as follows:
þrfuA, 2 P*, (
Uplift of pile foundations may be caused by: swelling soils,
frost heave, buoyancy, lateral loads, and upward loads. Piles where fu : tensile strength ofsteel; fu : yield stress ofsteel, fr,
subjected to uplift must be designed to withstand tensile stresses in the case of the reinforcements in precast concrete piles; fu :
and pullout from the soil. Pullout resistance is usually adequate ultimate strength ofthe tendons in prestressed concrete piles; A,
in long piles, but piles end-bearing on bedrock at shallow depths : total area of steel; and þ, : performance factor for tensile
may have small pullout resistance. capacity of steel : 0.9 for steel-H and pipe piles, as well as
reinforced and prestressed concrete piles.
Equation applies to steel-H and pipe piles, as well as
4.4.1 Single P¡le Upllft Capaclty reinforced and prestressed concrete piles.
The parallel-to-grain tensile strengths of timber piles are
Each pile in a group is either in tension or compression. The higher than the compressive strengths. Therefore, the tensile
load acting on each pile in a group may be estimated using Eq. structural capacity of timber piles is not critical if the magnitudes of the uplift loads do not exceed the magnitudes of the compres-
Soil Capacity. The ultimate uplift capacity of a single pile is sive loads, and in most cases, this is true.
estimated in a manner similar to that for estimating the ultimate
shaft capacity for piles in compression (Section 4.1.3). The design
requirement for uplift is as follows: 4.4.2 Pile Group Uplift Capacities
ôuQ, à P",, ( The ultimate uplift capacity of a pile group is usually taken
as the minimum of the following two values: the sum of the
where Q, : ultimate uplift capacity due to shaft resistance; P*,, individual pile uplift capacities, or the uplift capacity of the
: factored tensile load effect in the pile (see Eq.; and group considered as a block. The mechanism for the latter is
þu : performance factor for uplift capacity (see Table 4.3). different for piles in clays and sands.
The performance factors for axial compression and uplift are The shaft friction of pile groups in sands deteriorates with
different because: (1) the diameter and, thus, the area ofthe pile time if the piles are subjected to vibratory and lateral loads.
shaft, decreases in tension due to the Poisson effect, thereby Tomlinson (1987) suggested that the weight of the block uplifted
72 PART 2
I so.s tnt
Load per pile = 1.3PD + 2.:-7PL = (1.3) (40) + (2.t7)(34) I
( (4 O)
D€Plrq. ls fr D€PtÍ qc ls fr
n tsl tsl Z ñ tll tsf ¡
0.1 114 7-13 ó.25 5.1 va l.l2 l.y
0.2 ro8 ó,07 5-ó2 5.5 t4ó l.z r.r7
0.3 ll2 ô.07 5.¿1 5.6 ß2 1-72 0.91
o.¿ r3a 5.2E 3.82 5.7 212 2.21 1.t5
o-5 130 5.41 4.1ó 5.S 216 2.11 0.L
0.ó 118 5.81 ¿.92 5.9 áZ 1.9 0.71
Layer 1 - Cla
0.7 114 5.15 ¿.51 6 202 2.17 1.Ol
o.a 121 t.Z? t.10 ó.r 9E 5.01
0.9 110 5.ó6 ¿.ró 6.2 & 1.72 2.& 2 2.25 m
11-225.A1 1.76 6.3 62 2.21 l:61
r.t t54 5.El 4.33 6.1 50 1.r9 2.71 8D=2.81 m
1.2 1ß 7.26 5.26 ó.5 t2 1.58 ¡.Ol
1.1 10ó 5.15 ¿.85 6-6 52 1.7¿ 3.n
1.4 15ó 4.75 3.04
6.7 51 1.76 l.n
1.5 136 5.éa ¿.11 6.8 52 1.72 3.lO
l-ó 15ó ó.07 3.89 ó.9 t0 1.98 3.9ó
1.7 112 l.EA t.43 7 4E 1.85 3.t5 4 Layer 2 - Sand
l.E 17E ó.23 3.7E 7.1 ¿5 1.85 1.11
t-9 t6 6.17 7.2 16 1-72 3.73
2 152 5.26 3.17 7.3 50 1.45 2'9
2.1 152 6.6 1.y 7.1 58 1.9E l.¿l
2.2 156 6.ó 1.2t 7.5 76 1.98 2.& 5
2.3 170 1.22 2.48 7.6 51 2.11 1.27
2.1 190 4.36 2.æ 7.7 58 l.9E 3.41
2.5 208 3.r 1.n 7.a 61 1.fZ 2.91
¿-6 1ß 4.19 2.67 7.9 76 1.72 2.26 6 ¡ú
2-7 134 r.E5 2.85 6 Eó 1.96 2.30 F
2.8 t50 3.04 2.02 ,t
8.1 100 2.51 2.51
2.9 170 2.& 1.55 l.J
a.2 1@ 2.7f 2.56
3 250 4.ñ 1.9 a,r 114 2.n 2.Q 7
tJ 22A 2.77 1.21 E.1 108 2.79 2.56
t.2 262 1.22 7.61 a.3 106 2,9 z.Tt
f.3 330 5.41 1.ó3 8.ó -
3.¿ 284 3.7 1.30
J.5 210 3.13 1.(2
a.7 1ú 2.n 2.61
8.8',104 ¿.09 3.9J
I Layer 3 - Clay
!.6 231 2.n 1.14
8.9 æ 2.9 3.53
t.7 222 2.7? 1.21 9 ó4 3.&3 5.
198 1.58 0.?t
3-9 ',|50 2.24 1.¿9
9.1 50 r.78 3.5ó
9.2 44 1.7( t.ç5
Z=9.14 m I
1 152 1.15 0.95 9.3 71 2.13 3-11
1.1 150 1.58 1.05
9.65 m
9.4 56 1.33 2.17
1.2 132 1.32| e.5 5t 1.3¿ à.5S Z + 0.7D =9.39 m
0.?9 0.70
(.4 t?2 1.0ó 0.8ó
1.5 .l24 1.(5 1.1ó
T2 0-92
56 0.9? 1.&
9.ó 40 1.32 3.f
9.7 5ó 1.04 1.65
9.8 ó8 1.03 1.51
9.9 ó7 1.03 1.53
10 ó'l 1.1? 2.ió
Z + 4D=10.55 m
Layer 4 - Sand
I t'¡'1,, r
56 0.79 1.¿t
70 0.19 1.12
10.1 58 1.03 l.r¿
10.2 ó0 t.'l? 1.6ó
120 200 280 0 2 4 rìi:i+6
5 96 0.79 0.42 10.! 56 t.0ó 1.t2 -
Cone resistance Q. ßdcm2 )
Friction ral¡o , Fr (%¡::r,"
t.r 9ô 0.92 0.91 10.1 59 1.12 1.89
5.2 110 1-65 1.31 ""
10.5 44 1.ùó 2.¿0
5.t m l-t9 1.32 10.ó 52 l.oó 2'03
Qst = 0.8 X 0.2 X (2.45 + 1'5 X 2'31) x 7'38 X 5'8 \¡
Total skin friction = 4g'6 + 32'4 + 108 + 32'r
Qs o\
the cross-sectional area of a rectangle 13.83 in. X 14.7 in. ti¡nes that of adhesion
Qn = ønÀn rrom depth of 6.os n. (19.85 ft) to 9.14 n. (30 ft)
= (43.3) (13.83) (14.7)/I44 Qs3 = o.2 x (2.45 + 1.5 x 2.31) x (30 - 19.85) x 2.23
= 61.1 tons = 26.7 tons fr
Total Skin FricÈion Qs = 40.5 + 27.0 + 89.a + 26.7 tJ
El. 10 fr
L) Deternine desiqn Load on the piLes Fiil
weight of pile cap = (4) (7') (7) (l-so)/1000 = 29.4 kips Et. 4 fr 7 -120pcl
= 29.5 kips
Dead load due to pite cap and soil above = 29.4 + 29.5
= 59 kips z-100 Pcf
:.-.a...........- ,--..- r. l r-.. -t.g ,,: . -:..-...:....r-..:..4.--.,.-..:-
: (o.8ls) (15)
óaPn = (0.64) (ss2)
= 353 kips/PíIe
Number of piles needed = 25I/353 or I pile Since pile penetrates 15 ft into sand sÈratum, use 9p = 9f'
b) Bearins capacitv - 9P = 4N"otr
caPacitY is the sum of the = (4) (12)
stin fiiction of the pile in both clay
and sand., and the tiP caPacitY' = 48 tsf
an = (ae) (1)
Skin Friction of Pil-e in ClaY
= 48 tons or 96 kips
Using Fíg 4.2,
Total Factored Pile caÞacity
From elevation 0 to -L2 ft, Su = 0'875 ksf, c = 0'8
From Table 4.3,
From elevation -I2 to -70 ft, Fu = O'79 ksf, a:0'83
Performance factor for c-method is 0.70.
Using Equation 4.I.3.4 Perfornance factor for SPT nethod is o.45
Q= = (0.8) (0.87s) (12) (4) + (0.83) (0.7e) (58) (4) óqQutt = (0.70) (186) + (0.45) (36 + e6) ¡ú
=34+Ì52 =130+59 F
= l-86 kips = ].89 kips
Nunber of piles needed = 25L/le9 or 2 piles.
skin rriction of Pile in sand
Frorn elevation -70 to -85 ft, Ñ = 15 4l S.elect pile spacino and nurnber of piles
Using .Equation 4.I.3.23 ' eile spacing = 3 X PiIe width = 3 ft
Q==Þ (4)(1s) Use 4 pÍles in the group.
(8) (4)
Pp+Ptr= 1O9 + 50 = 159 kips
Lss/ 42
9.94 ksf U
4.97 tsf
(2) (4.e7, z
J4 (0.688) ¡ú
T2 ln
LæAO nEgSlME dfRtEnþN (HF)
80 PART 2
Lateral loads on pile foundations arise because ofwind, earth- 5.2 VERTICAL PILES
quake, water pressures, earth pressures, and live loads' Pile foun-
dations must be designed to withstand such forces without failing The governing criterion in the design ollaterally loaded piles is
(i.e., without reaching the ultimate limit state) and without de- almost always the maximum tolerable deflection or the structural
flecting excessively (i.e., without reaching the serviceability limit capacity of the pile itself. Mobilizing the ultimate lateral capacity
state). of the soil requires such large displacements that this is not a
Batter piles are frequently used to resist lateral loads' Vertical realistic possibility, and ultimate soil failure does not control the
piles alone may suffrce in foundations that carry horizontal loads design.
of low magnitudes. Design methodologies for both cases are In designing vertical piles to resist lateral loads, both lateral
presented in the follorving sections. deflection and structural capacity should be considered. Proce-
dures for addressing these issues are described in the following
When lateral loads acting on a foundation are large, batter 5.2.1 Lateral Deflectlon
piles provide an effective way of transmitting loads to the soil.
The degree of batter will depend on the type of pile and the One of the design objectives is to ensure that the lateral deflec-
magnitude of the lateral loads. Installation by driving is feasible tion of the pile group does not exceed the tolerable limit. The
for batters as large I horizontal to 2 vertical (Tomlinson, 1987)' lateral deflection of a pile group can be related to the lateral
According to Tomlinson, the greatest effrciency is achieved by deflection of a single pile. Procedures for estimating the lateral
using piles battered in opposite directions. deflections of single piles and pile groups are described in the
There are situations where the use of batter piles may be following sections.
undesirable. These include conditions involving large settlements
in compressible clays. Settlement induces bending moments in
the shafts of batter piles (Tomlinson, 1987). Síngle Pile Deflection
Tomlinson (1987) described a simple graphical procedure for
estimating the compressive and tensile forces in pile groups con- Poulos and Davis ( 1980) described three methods of analyzing
taining batter piles. The procedure is based on the assumption the behavior of single piles under lateral load. They include
that (1) the battered piles are pinned at their point ofintersection, elastic analysis, subgrade reaction analysis, and p'y analysis.
(2) vertical piles in the group do not carry lateral loads, and (3) Elastic analyses and subgrade reaction analyses approximate the
batter piles cairy only axial loads. Tomlinson's procedure does soil behavior as linear; p-y analyses model nonlinear behavior of
not consider pile-soil-pile interaction, pile stiffness, soil stiffnesS, the soil, but require the use of computer programs and involve
and pile head fixity, all of which can significantly affect the considerable engineering time.
distribution of forces in piles in a pile group. Nevertheless, Tom- The procedure described in this manual is the one developed
linson's graphical procedure is useful for obtaining a preliminary by Evans and Duncan (1982). The method models nonlinear
pile layout, and is reasonably accurate if the lateral load is less behavior, but does not require computer analyses. The charts
than 20 percent of the vertical load (Department of the Army, discussed in the following sections are for hxed-head piles. Piles
in press). that are embedded in reinforced concrete pile caps are effectively
If the pile grouphas more than three rows, Tomlinson's simple restrained from rotation at the top, and they deflect laterally
procedure is not applicable, and, as mentioned previously, it with negligible rotation at the top of the pile.
may be inaccurate if the lateral loads are large. More complex Evans and Duncan's Procedure. Evans and Duncan (1982)
methods based on linear elastic and nonlinear elastic soil re- related lateral deflections to the lateral loads using what they
sponse are available for analyzing two-dimensional and three- called a characteristic load, P". The characteristic load, P", em-
dimensional pile groups. These methods are often very involved bodies the important properties of the pile (diameter, stiffness)
and require the use of a computer. and the soil (strength, stiffness) that determine the way the pile
Hrennikoffs (1950) linear elastic procedure may be used to and soil respond to lateral loads. The larger the value ofP", the
solve for the pile forces and displacements in pile groups that greater is the capacity of the pile to carry lateral loads, and the
can be modeled in two dimensions. Saul (1968) expanded Hren- smaller is its deflection under a given lateral load.
nikoffs solution to three dimensions. O'Neill, Ghazzaly and Ha Charts in dimensionless form were developed lor sand and
(1977) and O'Neill and Tsai (1984) have developed a method of clay (Figures 5.1 and 5.2). These charts show variations of P,o,/
analysis for three-dimensional pile groups that considers nonlin- P" with Y,o/D; P,o is the unfacto¡ed lateral load, Y,o is the pile
ear soil response and pile-soil-pile interaction. displacement, and D is the pile width or diameter. The charts
Concr€tÊ rpdulus ol
o 4.3
þn 3.8
E 3.6
'2a 3.0
0 f00 110 120 130 f40 150
Figure 5.1. Lateral load versus deflection for fixed head píles in w, Un¡t weight ol corìcrete, lb per cu ft
sand. (After Evans and Duncan, 1982)
Figure 5.3. Modulus of eløsticity of conuete. (AÍter PCI, i,985)
P": 7.34 D2 (EeRr) (S,,/EeRr)0.683 (5.2.1. t. l)
For sand
P" : 1.57 D2 (EpRr) (7',Dþ',KnrEoRr)0.57 (5.2.t.1.2)
0 where R, :
moment of inertia ratio : Io,/I.6¡¡¿i \"orro: rDa/
64 : moment of inertia of a solid circular cross section; Ko :
Rankine passive earth pressure coeffrcient : øn2(45' + +t/2);
Figure 5.2. Lateral load versus deflectionforJixed-head piles
in clay. (After Evans and Dunean, 1982)
and þ' : angle of internal friction of sand, in degrees.
4. Calculate the value of the load ratio P,o,/P".
5. Use Figure 5.1 for sand or Figure 5.2 for clay to determine
model the same nonlinear behavior of soil as the p-y method of the value of Y.o/D.
analysis. The procedure for determining the lateral deflection of 6. Calculate Y.p : (Y"p/D).
a pile, using Figures 5.1 and 5.2, is as follows:
This procedure has been used to develop lateral load-deflection
Select a pile section having a width or diameter D, Young's curves for some commonly used pile sections. Charts for pre-
modulus Eo, and moment of inertia Io. stressed concrete piles (10 in., 12 in., 14 in., 16 in., and 18 in.
For prestressed and precast concrete piles, the value of square) and steel-H piles (HP 10x42, HP 10x57, HP 12x53, HP
Young's modulus can be related to the concrete compressive 12x74, HP 14x73 and HP 14x89) in clay and sand are shown in
strength and density as shown in Figure 5.3. The modulus of Figures 5.4 through 5.7. For these piles and soil conditions,
steel can be taken as 29X 106 psi. The National Forest Products deflections can be estimated directly using the charts. For exam-
Association (1982) recommends that the Young's modulus of all ple, a lateral load of l0 kip acting on a 12 in. by 12 in. prestressed
species of Douglas Fir and Southern Pine piles be taken as 1.5 concrete pile, driven in clay with an undrained shear strength of
X 106 psi. Tables of sectional properties for prestressed concrete, 1 ksf, will result in a lateral deflection of about 0. I in (Figure
steel-H and pipe piles can be found in Appendix 1. 5.5).
82 PART 2
I 35 35
30 30
Bæ 8æ
d J
zo .E 20
Eo i
5rs 5rs I t0'r 10'
¡ l0'¡ 10' o t2'¡ t2'
O tfrtf
10 O t¿t'r ta'
r0 O t¿l'¡ l¡l'
ô t6i ¡ t€i ô 16'r 16'
O t8'¡ 18' O t8'r 18'
5 5
0 0
(r=5) (t.35)
¿10 40
x5 35
æ 3{¡
Eæ tæ
ttt tt
Ezo Eæ
Eo Ë
0 0
Ocrþdiñ (idr.!)
Morñont (kilh)
(r..0) (l = {))
¡10 1('
35 35
30 30
8æ 8æ
éq E
Äæ Äzo
3rs 5ts I l0- x 10'
I t0'r l0'
o \tt1t o 12'x 12'
l0 O l¡l'r t¡¡'
t0 C> l¡t'r 14'
ô 16'¡ 16' ô 16'r 16'
o |trrltr o r8'x r8'
5 5
0.8 1.2 L6
D€ll€clbn (iìc¡ros)
Momern (k'Êin)
Figure 5.4. Load versus deflection and load versus moment for prestressed concrete piles in sand.
Load-Oôllgc1þn Curvâs b, Prestress€d CorErote Pil€s Load-Mom€nt Relåt¡onsàip for prestressed Concrete pites
35 35
30 30
x gzs
G !zo
o E
5rs ¡ to'r t0' års ¡ 10'x 10'
o lttlt O l2'x t2'
r0 O lfx f¿l' 10 O t¿l'rl¿l'
a 16'x 16' ô t6'¡ 16'
o f8'r 18' O t8'r 18'
5 5
0 0
1.2 r,8 2
Dellocl¡on (lnchssl
Mom€nl (l.Jdrnl
35 35
æ 30
5 $æ
tt tt
Ezo Ezo
o E
3rs I lCxl0' 5rs ¡ 10'r t0'
o 1tt1? o l?.tlt
10 O l¿l'x 1¡l' 10 o 1.t. x 14.
ô 16- r 16' ô 16- r 16'
O 18'x 18' O t8'x 18'
5 5
0 0
0.ô 0.8 1 1.2 1.¡l
Momont (kfY¡n)
35 35
30 30
J Eæ
! 5
$æ Ezo
o õ
5rs ! 10'x 10' 5rs ¡ 10'x 10'
o l2'r 12' O 12'x 1?'
r0 o Í.1'x 14' 10 O 14'r 14'
A l6'x 16' ô 16'x 16'
o l8'x 18' o 18'¡ t8'
5 5
0 0
0.1? 0.16 0.2 v.¿4 e-¿ö u.J¿ o 0.2 0..t 0.6 0.9 t 1.2
Deflect¡on (¡rEh€s)
Deftect¡on (irEhss)
Moment (kiilin)
Figure 5.5. Load versus deflection and load versus moment for prestressed concrete piles in clay.
84 PART 2
Load.Oelleclion Curvcs for Sleel H Piles Load-Momonl Relalionship lor Sleel H.Piles
insånd(O=3l) ¡nsand(Q=æ)
¡t0 40
35 35
æ 30
T ¡
.T 25
E ttE
20 20
.Ë .9
É õ
õ r HPro i42 o ¡ HPlo x¡tz
5rs o HPro ¡57 G r5
o HPl0 r57
o HP12 r53 o HP12 ¡53
ô HP12 ¡7¿l
10 ô HPl? x74
O HP14 r73 O HPl4 ¡73
9 HP14 ¡89 I HP14 x89
5 5
0 0
0.,t 0.8 1.2 f .6 2 2.1 2.8 3.2
Dell€ction (¡nchesl (Thousands)
Momont (kÞ'in)
(0 = sS) (e = 35)
40 ¡t0
35 35
30 30
F.s Ers
E tl
-E zo Eao
d E
g ¡ HP10 x42 r HP10 r4Z
.5fs o HP10 ¡57 irs o HP10 r57
,ô HP12 x5:l
O HP12 x53
 HP12 x74
10 ô HP12 x74
o HPl¡l x73 o HPl¡l r73
9 HP t/t r8{¡ e HP14 r89
5 5
0 0
1.2 1.6 2
(f=æ) (o=æ)
40 ¡10
35 35
30 30
'g .s Ex
€ tl
.c 20 Ezo
G iú
o ¡ HP10 x42 o r HP l0 x42
5rs o HPlq x57 5rs o HP10 x57
O HP12 x53 o HP12 x53
ô HP12 x74 ô HPr2 x74
10 o HP14 x73 10 O HP14 x73
9 HP14 x89 I HP14 x89
5 5
0 0
0.4 0.ô 0.8 t 0.4 0.8 1 .2 1.6
Figure 5.6. Load versus deflectíon and load versus moment for steel-H piles in sand.
i1 Eæ
tt 5
.Ë 20
@ ¡ HP10 x42 g
5rs o HP10 ¡57 .5 ls ¡ HP10 x42
o HP10 x57
o HP12 x53
ô HP12 xzl O HP12 x53
O HP14 xæ 10 a HP12 \74
I HP I¿¡ ¡89 O HP14 r73
I HP14 x89
0 0
1.2 1.6 2
O€ll€cl¡on (hch€s) (Thousandsl
Morn€nl (k¡p¡nl
3¡t 35
30 30
$æ r¡ 25
-E zo
o E
5rs f
r57 5rs ¡
O HP12 r53 O HP12 x53
10 6 HP12 x74 10 ô HP12 x74
O HPlrl x73 O HP14 r73
I HP14 r89 I HP14 x89
5 5
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
Dellsclþn (inch€s) (Thousands)
Momenl (k¡p-¡nl
30 30
i1 E.s
E 5
-Ë ë20
o E
5rs I HP10 x42
O HP10 x57 5rs I HP10 x42
o HP 10 x57
O HP12 x53 Ô HP12 x53
10 Â HP12 x74 f0 ô HP12 x74
O HPl4 x73 o HP14 x73
e HP14 x89 e HP14 x89
5 5
0 0
'.v9 0.1? 0.16
v.t¿ u.ìb u.z o.z4 0 0.2 0.4 0-6 0.9
Deflect¡on (¡nches) (Thousands)
Moment (kiÈ.¡n)
Figure 5.7. Load versus deflection and load versus moment for steel-H piles in clay.
86 PART 2
For sands, charts were developed for friction angles of 30 deg.' 3. Calculate the single pile deflection, \0,
corresponding to
35 deg., and 40 deg. The water table was assumed to be at or the lateral load per pile, P*n, using either Evans and Duncan's
above the ground surface. For intermediate values of friction procedure (Section or Figures 5'4 to 5.7'
angle between those shown in the charts, deflections may be 4. Calculate k, : Yr,/Y.o using Eq. and, Y, :
estimated by interpolation. krY.o'
For clays, the load-deflection curves were developed for un- the lateral displacement for the pile group exceeds the
drained shear strengths of 1, 2, and 4 ksf. Defle.ction for interme- tolerable lateral displacement, increase the diameter of the piles'
diate values of undrained shear strengths can be estimated by the number of piles, or the pile spacing.
Ys ( T¡P. p
P" 0.006
Focht and Koch (1973). It was developed for uniformly spaced Pc 0.03
piles, but can be used for groups with nonuniform spacing if the
avera1e pile spacing is used in the calculations.
A computer program for calculating the lateral displacement
of pile groups using the theory of Focht and Koch has been
developed by the writers, and was used to perform the parametric
The load factor design approach to the lateral deflection of 0 0.004 0.008 0.012 0.016 0.02 0.024
pile groups requires an estimation of the tolerable lateral dis- M
placement. The procedure is as follows: ï- c
1. Determine a tolerable lateral displacement, Y,o,. Figure 5.9. Lateral load versus moment for fixed-head piles in
2. Calculate the lateral load per pile P.o : PyrlNp1". clay. (After Evans and Duncan, 1982)
fixed-head piles in sand and clay. These charts show the variation and Koch (1973) and has been confirmed by comparing with
o-f :
M.o/M. with Pro,/P", where M.o maximum moment in a field load tests. The increase in moment due to group interaction
single pile and M, : characteristið moment. was studied for a large numb€r of cases by first estimating the
Using these charts, the bending moment in a laterally loaded pile group deflection using the theory ofFocht and Koch (1973),
pile can be estimated as follows: and then "softening" the soil (reduce S, for clays or {, for sands)
until the single pile deflection (calculated using the Evans and
l. Select a pile section of width (or diameter) D, young's Duncan approach) matched the lateral deflection of the pile
moiulus Eo, and moment of inertia Io. group. Through this study, the following empirical equation was
2. Estimate the average undrained shear strength, Su, for developed (the equation relates the maximum bending moment
clays, or the average angle ofinternal friction, þ', for sands. The
of the most severely loaded pile in the group to the maximum
behavior is governe.d by the soil close to the ground surface. The
bending moment in a single pile):
properties (Su for clays, þ'and unit weight, 7', for sands) should
be averaged over a depth extending about eight pile diameters
M, : lY*/Y.J"M.o (
below the elevation of the pile top. Buoyant unit weights are
used below the water table.
\ryhere Msp : maximum bending moment in a single fixed-head
3. Determine the characteristic load, P", using E4,. 5.Z.l.l.l pile subjected to a lateral load, Pro, calculated using the proce-
for clay or for sand. dure described in Section 5.3.1; M" : maximum bending mo-
ment in a pile within a pile group; Yro : lateral deflection of a
¿1. Calculate 'rhe iactored lateral load,
7oF"o an<i the vaiue oi
the load ratio (7nP./,/Pcl 7r, is the lateral loád factor. single fixed-head pile subjected to a lãteral load, pro estimated
5. Use Figure 5.8 for hxed-head piles in sand or Figure 5.9 using the procedure described in Section; Yg : lateral
for fixed-head piles in clay to determine the value of M.o,/M". group deflection estimated using Eq.;
6. Determine the characteristic moment, M", which is defined
by the following equations:
: l*t*" r 0.25 þr cray (
For clay " l50PN
M" : 1.33 D3 (EpRr) (7'Dþ'KolEoR,)o'a ( P* is as defined previously in Eqs.¡d5. and y¡
is the load factor for the lateral load.
where R¡, Ko, and þ' are as defined previously.
7. Calculate M,o : M. (M"'/MJ.
This procedure has been used to develop lateral load-moment 5.3.3 Structural Capacity of Piles Subjected to
curves for some commonly used pile sections. Charts for pre- Axial Loads and Bending
stressed concrete and steel-H piles in clay and sand are shown
in Figures 5.4 through 5.7. For these piles and soil conditions, The structural capacity of a pile is dependent on both moment
bending moments can be estimated directly using the charts. For and axial load. An axial load-moment interaction diagram is an
example, a lateral load of 10 kip acting on a 12 in. by 12 in. envelope of the combinations of moment and axial load that
prestressed concrete pile driven in clay with an undr¿ined shear would cause failure in the pile.
strength of I ksf will induce a bending moment of 400 kip-in. Normalized load-moment interaction diagrams for various
types of piles are shown in Figures 5.10 through 5.14. The fac-
tored axial load, )7,P, has been normalized by dividing by the
5.3.2 Est¡mation of Bending Moments ln piles factored nominal axial capacity, ó.Pn. Similarly, the factored
Within Pile Groups bending moment (y-M) has been normalized by dividing by
the factored nominal moment capacity, þ_Mn. The 7-factors
As discussed previously, the deflection of any pile in a group account for uncertainties in the loads and moments, and the
causes deflection ofthe surrounding soil and piles, thus leading þ-factors account for uncertainties in the structural capacity.
to larger deflection for the pile group than for single piles sub- Methods of estimating the structural capacities of piles are given
jected to the same load per pile. The bending moment in a pile in Appendix 2.
within a pile group will consequently be larger than that in a The procedure for checking the structural adequacy of piles
single pile subjected to the same loading. This is because the using the normalized load-moment interaction curves is as
interaction effects, by causing more deflection, also increase the follows:
bending moment in the piles.
Brown et al. (1987, 1988) found that the maximum bending 1. Estimate the axial load per pile and calculate the combined
moment in a group of free-head piles occurs in the leading row axial load effect, )y,P,.
(or front row) of piles. However, current theories on lateral 2. Determine the nominal axial structural capacity of the pite,
loading of groups of piles are not able to predict this behavior. Pr. Formulas for calculating the nominal axial structural capac-
A semiempirical procedure that provides a reasonable approxi- ity of piles can be found in Appendix 2.
mation of the maximum bending moment in the leading row of 3. Determine the performance factor for the nominal axial
a group of piles has been developed using the theories of Focht structural capacity, óu, from Table 5.1 and calculate þ"p,.
88 PART 2
0.8 0.78
.ã 0.6
ä 0.s
å o.o Ê
6 ts
lrfr o
'¡ ¡ o
9.Pn ôP
0.2 'a n
g 0.1 c
Þ 2
0.6 t9 0.5
ôtM n
Figure 5.10. Normalìzed load-moment interactÍon curve for
prestressed concrete Piles. Figure 5.12. Normalized load-moment ínteraction curve fot
steel-H piles.
% Steel
't I
'a n
rd oo o
Figure 5.11. Normalized load-moment interuction cumes for precast concrete piles'
ttl, EvP
't I
oP ôP
'a n
'a n 0.4
0 0.6 0.8
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 ,l
' trM
tr% Figure 5.14. Normalízed load-moment interaction cune for tim-
ber piles.
Figure 5,13. Normalized load-moment interaction curve for steel
pipe piles.
Table 5,1. Summary of performance factors for the nominal axial struc- 4. Calculate the factored design bending moment, 7-M, in
tural capacity of piles. the pile using factored loads.
PILE TYPE PERFORMÀNCE FÀCTOR, CA 5. Estimate the nominal structural moment capacity of the
pile, Mn. Formulas to estimate this quantity for piles are given
0.75 for spiral coJ-unns
Prestressed Concrete Piles in Appendix 2.
0.70 for tied columns
6. Determine the performance factor for the nominal struc-
0.75 for spiral colunns tural moment capacity, ó-, from Table 5.2 and calculate ó-Mn.
Precast Concrete Piles
o.?0 for tied columns 7. Determine the ratios ZyrPr/þ^Pnand,2y^M/þ_Mn, and
steel H-Pi1es 0.85 locate a point at these coordinate values on the normalized load-
Steel Pipe PiLes 0.85
moment interaction diagram. If the point falls on or close to the
interaction curve and inside the area enveloped by the interaction
Tinber Piles r-.2o*
curve and the two axes, the pile chosen is adequate. If it falls
* Davisson et aI. (1983) stated that the nininun factor of outside this region, a larger pile is needed. Steps 2 through 7
safety for the structural capacity of piLes in axial- should be repeated until the point falls inside and close to the
conpression is 1.25. The perfomance factor is greater interaction curve. If the point falls inside the region but far away
than unity because the average load factor for verticat
Ioads (dead and tive loads) is greater than the factor of from the interaction curve (e.9., near the origin), the pile chosen
safety. has more capacity than required. Steps 2 to 7 can be repeated
for smaller pile sections to achieve greater design economy.
Table 5.2. Summary of performance factors for the nominal moment The design procedures discussed in the previous sections are
capâcify of piles.
demonstrated in the following example.
5.1 Pile GrouP Deflection \ o
Assume that the tolerable lateral deflection is 0'5 in'
Using the charts developed by Evans and Duncan (L982) '
determinethelateraldeflectionofthepi}efoundationshown Fron Equation 5. 2.!.2.3,
PN = srrD2 = (I/L44) (I2)2 = I kip
in Fig. E5'1 and the structural adequacy of the piles'
Fro¡fl Equat,ion 5.2.L.2.f ' th9 group lateral deflecÈion
ããir"=p'""aing to a Lateral loád pèr pÍIe of 10 kips may be
(i) l,ateral Deflection calculated as follows:
Single Pife Deflection 16+4
Psr=40'14=ro kips per pile. 's 5.5 36 I
ISFPSF=1X10= lo kips Per Pile for rg¡ = 1
-+- 3 (1)
EP = 4300 ksi = 1.a45(0.1)
D=12in. = 0.14 in. < 0.5 in.
rP = 17zs in4'
Isotid = n(tz)4/ed = 1018 in4 (ii) strlr.:tur.el Capacitv
Rl = 1728'11019 Design bending moment, Msp in a single Pile is estimated as ¡É
12 h..x 12 h. prestrossed corErete
r¡les, eæt¡ with six 7/16 h. U
gtú 270 axid strands F
wilh 700 psi presress ttt
.td l"'= 5000 psi z
.ysFPsF= 1'3 x 10 = 13 kips/pile for'v5¡ = l'3' = [0.85 (s) - 0.6 (0.7) ] 144 \c}
U *s
9l l. þpror. Hl¡. Effcctiva Strànds Pcr P{le sact{on D.ilgr 8..r1¡9 C¡p¡cltt
Sl& (l) Aê¡. A. leight (2) Prc¡tresr ¿oduìus PcrlEte¡ ton¡ (5)
fo¡cc (3) otùÈtcr (4) Concretc StÊngth, psi
1n,¿ lb./lin. ft. tipe 7/16-tn. l/z-in. in.r ln. 5000 c000
Ptl. Ap9rox. xfñ. Effectlv. Str.ñds Per Plle S.ctlm 0.si9n 8.¡riñ9 C.pàctty
Slrê (l) Ar¡, A. rclght (?) PrêstEs3 tloduìus PêrlÊt.r t65 (5)
(dlú.) Forcc (3) oiànêþr (1) - Cdcrcte Stængti. prl
in, la,¿ ìÞ./lli. ft. ktp3 7116-l^.112-1^. in.r ln. 5000 6000
l0 83 85 58 44ì0933 6ì 74
rg Phlüc
tlange Scclior Proprdic¡ Compãcl Slrllon Crlt¿ilr nl torluln
fhict l{omkid r- Suú¡cr
Alla Depllrì
dl widlh íess
Ar¡s X-I Ari¡ Y-Y Wclght I _!- È lrat
, 9¡r Fl, ar br F",t Í"1
hr s l s l ú
tt I
ã,t t.
J cÜ
lÈl tr tn. lÀ fù lÊ' lÀt ¡r h. ¡r¡ tr. Ë. lû t.¡, ¡d t.¡ ¡r' å. 5l ¡l ttrir
HPI¡arll7 34.a t ¡¡.21 t4.645 o.8{r5 o.805 t22o r.t2 5.96 aa3 qo5 3.s9 ttt a.(þ r.t9 9.3 a9a ti.l daa t,02 t¡e@ rea ot.a t.! r
r l02 30.o l¿a.Ol i¡1.785 o.7(xt o.705 r06¡, r50 5.e 2 3ro 5l.a 3.56 r02 t.3a io.s 3t. ro.9 ¿.d 3..O rqîó lae rta t.6
x80 2g.r r3.83 1,4.695 0.615 0-61 5 0o. r3r 5.åA 32ô a..l 3.53 6g 3.9. r.53 n.ô ?96 22s rau t¡¡a al., t.0r
¡73 21.1 r3.6r r a.585 o.505 o.506 fæ rôt 5.t.4 2tr 3s.ó 3..0 t3 3.S r.r5 I ¡4.,4 203 àt.o 2j0r rræ rrt 3aa a.da
lPl3 x l(x) 21t.1 r3.f5 r3.205 o.765 o.705 EA€ r35 5..9 29a a¡r.5 3.t6 ræ 3.lta r.30 ò.c 56t tl.2 aaa G.25 r rtoo r3¡ taG a3a
x87 2s.5 r 2.95 r3 r05 o.065 0.665 r35 rt7 5..5 ?50 3t.r
l3r3 à7 s.5r r.a¡ 9.9 .31 rg.5 ¡.! ¿ r¡r Jó.7 a.til
x73 2r.6 t2.f 5 r3.qt5 o.5ß5 o.565 6:10 9€¡ ¡o7 3r.9 I 3.rO t3 3.¡rt t.ra r r.5 3r¡ 22.4 2.Sa ria.t Iro .tt a.2a
r80 r t.5 12.5¡¡ r2.9@ o..0{) o.a80 txt to3 s.3ó r05 23.5 l¡.or 60 3..3 i i.o 2t5 ir¡ ,39 aoao too r.o a.rt
':' 21.3
HPt2 ¡ &l 2..C 12.28 r 2.295 o.685 o.6€s eso r(F 5.ra 2r3 3a.6 2.Ua 6a 3.29 r.a6 Ò.0 szi i r.c ..?. ttto riþ ¡ò.¿ ¡.'.
t71 2r.8 2.r3 r2.2r5 o.8ro 0.60s
r 5ße e3.ô 5.r r rta 30.a ?.Ò? it 3.2C r.à¡ r0.O a2r eo.o i.t ?,ea attg r6 at.a
r83 t8.¡¡ I t.0a t2.t25 o.5r5 o.5r 5 172 tet 5.OG ró¡ 2t.3 2.ta ca ir.23 r.9i r t.t 303 23.2 ¡ir t.ül .¡oo ta¡ !at i6
¡53 r 5.5 r !.7a l2.O¡15 o..35 o..35 3e3 õa.t 5.O3 t2f ?l.l 2.æ 53 3.20 2.23 t3.t 220 2r.t t.¡à .60 t..o câ.2 5å?
lfIO ¡ 57 r6.8 9.9Ð r0,225 o.565 o.sô5 29a 5t.ô a.r6 t0l t9.t 2..ó 5t 2.ta r.73 9,1 5t6 tf.f aaa r.9t 22.O aa.r æ¡
t12 12.4 9.70 ro.075 o.420 5 2ro a3.. a.t 3 f t.l 11.2 A.¡¡r 12 à,óe 2.2a t2.o 7ì. 23.. O.ôr | 5¡rO ¡¡t.t 2rl ..t¡
HPe ¡ 36 r0.6 8.o2 8.155 O.¡aas O..a.a5 tr9 2t.t 3.36 ao.3 0.8€ r.95 s 2.r8 z.2t 0.2 so.3 t8.O 3rô t:t.r rt.2 t.e2
Normal Material Specifications: ASTM 436, A,STM A572 and ASTM Â690 *** The lheorètrcal maximum yisld slress exc€€ds 65 ksi
Structural properties are g¡ven for use when H-piles are ut¡lized as rakers' vÙales or
as other structural members. See "Manual of Sleel Construclion," Amèr¡can lnst¡lule
of Steel Conslruct¡on. lor definitions of terms.
The following charts list the dimensions and physical properties of some of the more
commonly used sizes
of Pipe Piling.
Dimensions and Properties br Designlng
(After Pile Buck Inc., 1988)
.150 4.64 1 5.78 56.3 1 r.3 3.48 2.62 73.9 .0190 163
.164 5.07 t7.23 6 r.3 12.3 3.48 2.62 73.5 .0189 214
.172 5.3r 18.05 64.1 12.8 3.48 2.62 73.2 .0188 247
179 5.52 1 8.78 66.6 13.3 3.47 262 73.0 .o188 279
.188 5.80 19.70 69.8 14.0 3.47 2.62 72.7 .0187 324
.203 6.25 21.24 750 r 5.0 3.46 2.62 72.3 .0186 409
.219 6.73 22.88 80.5 16. r 3.46 2.62 71.8 .0185 515
.230 7.06 24.OO 84.3 16.9 3.46 2.62 71.5 .0184 588
.250 7.66 26-03 91.1 18.2 3.45 2.62 70.9 .0182 719
)P t 0-3/4 f09 3.64 12.39 51.6 9.60 3.76
. 2.81 87.1 .o224 50
.120 4.01 13.62 s6.6 r0.5 3.76 2.81 86.8 .o223 67
.125 4.17 14.18 s8.9 1 1.0 3.76 2.81 86.6 .0223 76
.134 4.47 1 5.19 63.O 117 3.75 2.81 86.3 .o222 93
.14 r 4.70 15.98 66.1 12.3 3.75 2.81 86.1 .o221 109
.150 5.00 16.98 70.2 13.1 3.75 2.81 8s.8 .o221 r31
.156 5.19 17.65 72.9 r3.6 3.75 2.8r 85.6 .o220 148
.164 5.45 t8.54 76.4 14.? 3.74 2.81 85.3 .0219 172
.172 5.72 19.43 80.0 14.9 3.74 2.81 85.0 .0219 1gfl
.179 5.94 20.21 83.1 15.5 3.74 2.81 84.8 .0218 224
.188 6.24 21 .21 87.0 16.2 3.73 2.81 84.5 .o217 2AO
.203 6.73 22.87 93.6 17.4 3.73 2.81 84.0 .0216 328
.2tg 7.25 2¡f.03 r00 t8.7 3.72 2.81 q¡.5 .o2rõ al.l
.2æ 7.00 25.8a t05 r9.0 3.72 2.81 gt.2 .ozt1 ¿]80
.250 8.25 28.(X 1l¡l 21.2 3.7r 2.8r 82.5 .o2t2 605
.279 9.rE 3r.20 r20 23.1 3.70 2.81 81.6 .02r0 741
.307 to.1 91.21 137 25.0 3.89 2.81 80.7 .0208 951
.ul 11.2 38.23 152 28.1 3.08 2.81 79.s .020õ r.180
.3e5 r t.9 ¿tO.¡18 t0r 29.0 3.ô7 2.81 18.e .oã)31 r.320
.438 11.2 a8.21 r89 35.2 3.05 2.81 70.6 .ole7i r,800
.500 10.1 9.71 212 39.a 3.63 2.81 71.7 .ote2l 2.380
.230 9.05 30.75 177 278 4.43 3.34 119 .0305 286
.250 9.82 33.38 192 30.1 4.42 334 118 .0303 368
.281 11.0 37.42 2',t4 336 4.41 3.34 117 .0300 526
.312 12.2 41.45 236 370 440 334 r 15 .o297 684
.330 12.9 43.77 244 39.0 4.39 3.34 115 .0295 776
.344 13.4 45.58 258 40.5 439 3.34 114 .o294 848
.375 14.6 49:56 279 43.8 4.38 3.34 113 .0291 1.o10
.406 15.7 53.52 300 47.1 4.37 3.34 't't2 .0288 1.170
438 16.9 57.59 321 504 4.36 334 111 .0285 1,350
.500 19.2 65.42 362 56.7 4.33 334 108 .o279 1,760
The Exlernal Collapse lndex is a non{¡mensional function of the Material Specifications - ASTM 4252
diameter to wall th¡ckness ration and is lor general guidance only
The hilher the number, the greater is the resistance to collapse.
.219 10.9 36.91 338 42.3 5.58 4.19 190 .0a89 124
.230 r 1.4 38.74 354 44.3 5.s8 4.19 190 .0488 r44
.250 12.4 42.O5 384 48.0 5.57 4.t9 189 p48s 185
.281 13.9 17.17 129 53.6 5.56 ¡{.19 187 .048r 264
.312 15.4 52.27 473 59.2 5.55 ¿1.19 186 .0478 362
.34¿f 16.9 57.52 519 64.8 5.54 4.19 184 .o471 487
.375 18.4 62.s8 562 70.3 5.53 4.19 r83 .0470 617
.438 21.4 72.80 649 81.1 5.50 4.19 180 .0462 871
.¿169 22.5 77.79 691 86.3 5.¡19 4.19 178 .0458 r.000
.500 24.3 82.77 732 91.5 5.48 4.19 177 .O¡t55 r.130
' The Extemal Collapse lndex is a nondimensional function of the Mater¡at Spec¡fications - ASTM 4252
diameter to wall th¡ckness ration and is for general guidance only.
The hþher the numb€r, the greater ¡s the resistiance to clllapse.
= 0.153 itr2.).
2) lMnl
The nominal moment capacity, [Mr.,] varies depending on (i) PRECAST CONCRETE PILES
2) [un] TÀBLE À2.1 Expressions for Nomlnal Axial structural capacity,
lPnl, of Piles ln the Absence of Bending Moments 8
SirniÌarly, the nominal moment capacity of wood piles is (After PCI, 1985 and Davisson et al., 1983)
the product of the 58 exclusion Ii¡nit for moduÌus of rupture
of green small clear wood specimens (Sp) (Îable À2.2), the
elastic section modulus of the pile (Ze) and a treatment
conditioning factor (k5) obtained fron Table 42.6 (Davisson et
al., 1983). PRESTRESSED CONCRETE (0.85fc' - 0.6fpre)Àc
If the pile dianeter is greater than 12 inches, the expression TIMBER ksSsÀ¡
above has to be rnultiplied by llz/Dl 1/9 where D is the
dia¡neter in inches.
sc S5
PRESTRESSED CONCRETE 0.37DÀDsfÞu - solid square Piles
(after PCI Design 0.32DÀ;;f;u, - eoltd clrcular and
COAST 2577 5499 Handbook, 1985) octagonal Plles
o.38DAþsfÞ¡¡ - hollów squãre piles
DOUGIJAS TNTERTOR WEST 2558 553 I o.34DA;¡f;¡ - ho).Low circular and
octagonal plles
of fqr and fy provided fy : IOfct. lifoment Capacity (After Davisson,et aL.,, 1983)
Ë],,'lE 0.6D
0. 01 0. 043 0 o37 0 037
Figrure A3.l Þ
Àpproxinate relatlonship between the lrt
friction angle of gand änd the spT-N z
y?lue (Àfter pect Haneen and Tlrornburn, F
Peck et aI. (1.974) deveJ.oped the relationshlp between the L974' EI
cN = o.771oq¡g(2o/oytl
Ncorr = CN N
9' 350
Figrure À3.I
Durgrunogfu and Mitchell (1975) developed a correLatLon
Àpproxinate relationship between the
fricÈion angle of sand and the SPT-N betvreen the friction angle of sands and the cone resistance,
value (Àfter Peck.Hansen and Thornburn,
Le7 4) 9c, as shown in Fí9. À3.2.
The biggest drawback of the cone penetration test is that
no sample is obtained. The test is best- used 1n conjuncÈion F
with conventional dri[ing and sanpling operations ¡¡here ì.J
oo I /
6 ,n/ //
.9 Á
ct ,/
100 1 / U
U' / F
/ E'
.E ¡g
50 li
:f ft
¿3búd mðUfad Ya¡¡-
30 35 40 45 50
slnoltflert classlflcatlon chart for
Figure À3.3
Angle ol lnlemal Friction O - dcg stairdard electrlc friction cone
tÀitãi. n"uertson and camPanella,
rlgure À3.2
Ultinate cone resistance as a function of
frÍction angle for several sands
(After Durgunoglu and Mitchell, 1975)
Steel-H Piles
Me= nominal- structural moment capacity of a pile that
behaves elastically
The moment-thrust interaction curves recommended by "p nominal structural moment capacity of a pite that
behaves plasticatly
Davisson (1983) for steel-H piles along the weak axes are
D= axial structural capacj-ty
shown as solid lines in Fig. À4.1. The nor¡nalized load-
moment interaction diagrarn of Fig. 5.12 reflects a load-
moment curve that is intermediate betvreen an elastic secti-on
and a plastic section, as indicated by the dashed line in
Fig. À1.i. Therefore, the value of eccentricity factor
reconmended for steel-H pites (0.78) is in between those for Figure À4.1 Load-lttoment fnteraction Curve for Steel-H Piles
Àlong the weak Àxis (Àfter Davisson' 1983)
the elastic section (0.?0) and the plastic section (0.89).
Steel Pipe Piles t.o
The monent-thrust interactÍon curve recornmended by
Davisson (1983) for steeL pipe piles is shown as a soLid o.8
line in Fig. À4.2. For this curve, the eccentricity factor.
is 0.91. The nornalized ]oad-mo¡nent interaction diagram for
steeL pipe piles in Fig. 5.13 is derived by approximating o.6
the straight dashed line in Fig. Àa.2,to be the load-moment
curve. This is the basis for seLecting an eccentricty P/Py
o.2 o4 o.6
P axial load
1. Alizadeh M., and Davisson M.T., rrlateral- Load Tests on 14. Duncan J.M., trClass Notes for Deep Foundation Course -
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9 | :-970, pp. L583-l-604. University, Spring 1988.
2. American Association of State Highway and Transportation 15. Duncan J.M. and Buchignani À.L., rrAn Engineering Manual
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Fourteenth Edition, 1989. Univ. of calif. Berke]ey, 1976, 94 pp.
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4. Briaud J.L. and Tucker L., "Pifes in Sand: A Method 189.
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11, Nov. 1988, pp. L26L-L27 6.
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L985, 460 pp.
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8. carson 4.8., ilFoundation Constructionrt, Mccraw Hill- Book Bridgesi,, FIfwA Publication to be incorporated in trHydraulic
co., Ne\,/ York, L965, 424 pp. Engiñeering circular No. 18 (HEC-18), rrscour at Bridgestr
which is scheduted for PubLication in 1989, Sept. L989, 62
g. circeo M.R., trskin Friction l'Iobilization in Axially pp.
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L0. Davisson M.T., Manuel F.S. and Armstrong R.M., Paper oTC 1896, I973, PP. 701-708.
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83/O59, December, l-983, 19L PP.
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l-i.. Davisson M.T., and Robinson K.E.,,IBending and Buckling U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Hemisphere Publishíng Corp.,
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F.8., Montreal, Canada, L965, pp.243-246. 23. Heins c.P. and Firmage D.À., ilDesign of Modern steel
13, Departnent of the Arny, rrDesign of Pile Foundationsrr, wiley and Sons, Nevt York, L979, 463
Highhray Bridgesrr, John
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PubLication No. EM ILLo-2-29o6, in press. J.M.E.. and Dover 4.R., rrRecent
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Advances in Þredicting Pile lenth Ànnua1
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25, Hrennikoff .A., ItAnalysis of Pile Foundations with
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26. Hunt H.W., "Design and Installation of Driven Pile 37. Peck R.8., Hanson 9J.E. and Thornburn Í.H., :'Foundation
Foundations", Associated Pile and Fitting Corp., P.O. Box Engineering", Second Edition, John Wiley and Sons Inc., NY,
1043, Clifton, NJ 0'70L4, L979, 217 pp. L97 4.
2'1. Issa Mohsen and Yuan Robert L., "Prestressed Concrete 38, Pile Buck fnc., "The Pile Buck Ànnual -
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5 1-67 . Construction Techniques, Engineers, Contractors,
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and McGuire W, "Transmission Line Structure Foundations for
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and Peters 4.J., "Revíew of Methods for Estimating PiJ.e Engineering Practice", John l{iley & Sons, Lnc., 19901 734
Capacity", Rept. submitted to the Washington State D.O.1., pp.
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4L. Prestressed Concreter Institute,_üPCI Design Handbook -
30, Meyerhof G.G, "Bearing Capacity and Settlement of Pile Precast and Prestressed (loncrete", 3rq Edition, Prestressed
Foundations", ASCE JGED, Vol. 102, No. G13, March L976, pp Concrete Institute, 20 Nc¡rth Wacker Dr., Chicago I1 60606'
196-228. 1985.
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"Tolerable Movement Criterj-a for Highway Bridges", FHWÀ/RD- Laterally Loaded Piles i¡r Sand", 6Lr¡ Annual Offshore
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1985, 118 pp.
43, Robertson P.K. and (iampanella R.G., " Intepretation of U
32. National Forest Products Association, "National Design Cone Penetration Tests, I,art I and Part 2, Soil Mechanics
Specification for Wood Construction", Recommended Practice Series No. 60, Dept. of (liv. Eng., Univ. of British r!,
by the National Forest Products and Àssoc., 1619 Columbia, May 1983, 80 p¡r. ¡g
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pp. 44, Saul t{.8., "static :rnd Dynamíc Ànalysis of Pile lrt
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33. NAVFAC DM?.2, "Foundations and Earth Structures", DePt. No. sT5, May 1968, pp.1077-1100.
of the Navy, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, May 1982.
45, Scott, C.R., ."An Intr:oduction to Soil Mechanice and
34. Nottingham L. and Schmertmann J., "An Investigation of Foundation=", 3to Edition, Applied Science and Publishers
PiIe Capacity Design Procedures", Final Report D629 to Ltd., 1980, 406 pp.
Florida Dept. of Transportation from Dept. of Civil
Engineering, Univ. of Fforida, sept. 19?5, 159 pp. 46, Skempton À.W., "The Bearing Capacity of Clays"r Proc.
of the Buitding Research Congress, London, Englandr VoI. 1,
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Three-Dimensional Pile Groups with,[on-Linear Soil Response
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Technology Conference, Houston, ltlay I977' pp. 245-256. Equation", Journal of Sojll Mechanics and the Foundatíon
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Analysis", Research Rept. No. UHUC 84-9, Dept. of Civil Tenth Edition, 1962, 466 pp.
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50. Tomlinson !4.J., "Pile Design and Construction NOTATIONS AND SYMBOLS o
Practice", Viewpoint Publication, 1987, 415 pp'
a r.,*^^ ^C ¡- L--¿---a-
4.2.1 At-rest earth pressure t28
4.2.3 Methods for estimating K" and Kp................. t29
4.3 r33
4.4 t34
4.4.2 Point Load, Line Load, and Strip Load.............. 134
Chapter 5 Design Requirements for Retaining Wslls and Abutments..... 137
116 PART 3
5.3.7 Step 7---compare with alternative wall systems.....'.... l4t
6.2.2 Determination of loads and earth pressures.'...... t42
6.3 Example 2-A Retaining Wall Subjected to Live Load Surcharge"""""""""' 145
6.3.1 Determination of loads and earth pressures........ 145
6.4.1 Determination of loads and earth pressures.....". 149
$t .i
cnepren 1
lYÌC¡L lRA¡ü1til tocui
It?tc LtlA¡DAiDmuLß
ï:[::'åtii:iidili:il:.1,å!!.'** "."
Figure 2.3. Mechanically stabílízed earth wqlls and concrete modular wall. (From Corps of Engineers, 1989)
3.1 GENERAL specihcations will introduce the LFD method for foundation
design, so that engineers may use the same philosophy for design
This chapter discusses the considerations involved in design of foundations that is used for the superstructure.
of retaining walls and abutments, including design methods,
loads and load combinations, safety factors, load factors and
performance factors, tolerable movements, and other design con- 3.2.1 Llmit States
If retaining walls and abutments fail to satisfy their intended
design functions, they are considered to reach "limit states".
3.2 DESIGN METHODS Limit states can be categorized into two types: ultimate or
strength limit states and serviceability limit st¿tes.
The last three decades have seen a trend away from allowable A retaining wall reaches an ultimate limit state when the
stress design (ASD) that incorporates factors of safety toward strength of at least one of its components is fully mobilized or
strength design methods that incorporate limit state and reliabil- when the structure becomes unstable. In this ultimate limit state
ity concepts. Examples of strength design procedures are load a retaining wall may experience serious distress and structural
factor design (LFD), and load and resist¿nce factor design damage, both local and global. In addition, various failure modes
(LRFD). The current AASHTO bridge specifications make use in the soil that supports the wall can also be identified. These
of LFD as an alternative method for the design of superstruc- are also called ultimate limit states; they include bearing capacity
tures. In the near future, it is anticipated that the AASHTO failure, sliding, overturning, and overall instability.
t20 prnr 3
3.3 SAFETY FACTORS, LOAD FACTORS, AND Table 3.1. Typical safety factors in foundstion designr (After Meyerhof,
Table 32. I¡ad factors ¡nd load combinations of ÄASHTO bridge specifications. (From AASHTO, 1989)
GROUP 'l D lr¿+r.)n ,lrrbl CF E a SF w tr/L LF R+Sl1 EQ ICE ç
1.(, I I o lrn I o o o o o o loo
TA l.o I 2 o o 0 o o o o o o o o 1õ0
IB 1.O I 0 I 1 9e I I o o o o o o at
â IT l.o 1 0 o 0 1 t 1 1 0 o o o 0 t2ó
o III 1.O I I o 1 I I o.3 I 1 0 o o r2õ
ld IV 1.O I I o I Én I I o o o 1 0 0 12ó
o v l.o I o o o 1 I I I o o I o 0 140
Ê vt t.o I I o I ßø I I 0.3 1 I I o 0 1{0
o v¡I 1.O I o o o I t I o o o o 1 o 133
VIII 1.O 1 1 o 1 1 I I 0 o 0 o o I 140
lx 1.0 I 0 o 0 I I I I 0 o o o 1 160
x 1.0 1 1 0 o 9a o o o o 0 o o 0 100 Culvcrt
r,at É ¡.b'¡ o t.o Fn I o o D o o o
z(, IA r.8 F 2.20 o o o o o o o o o o 0
IB 1.3 Fo o I t.o Fp I I o o o 0 0 0
I II 1.3 PD o o o 0n I I 0 o o o o þal
o TTI 1.3 gD 1 o 1 9z I I 0.3 I I o o o (,
ú IV r. ¡t ttD o I I I o o o o o A
o Fs. 1 A
o v r.25 tto o o o pÊ, I I 1 o o I o o
VI r.2ó 9n 1 o I þt I t 0.3 I I 1 o 0
a vtI 1.3 pD o o o 9e I 1 o 0 o o I o
vt¡t 1.3 pD I o I 9z I I o o 0 o o I
o 1.20 o o o I I I
-t TX 9n Fa o 0 o o 1
x r.30 I 1.67 o o 9e o o o o o o o o CulvcÉ
* 1.25 may be used for design of outside roadway beam when com- For culvert loading specifications, see Article 6.2.
bination of sidewalk live load as well as traffic live load plus impact
governs the design, but the capacity of the section should not be less ße = 1.0 and 0.5 for lateral loads on rigid frames (check both load-
than required for highway traffic live load only using a beta factor of ings to see which one governs). See Article 3.20.
l.ó7. 1.00 may be used for design of deck slab wirh combination of
loads as dèscribed in Article For Load Factor Design
9e = l.-l for lateral earth pressure for retaining walls and rigid
frames excluding rigid culverts.
**Percenrage=ffi* loo 9e = 0.5 for lateral earth pressure when checking positive
moments in rigid frames. This complies with Article 3.20.
9e : 1.0 for vertical earth pressure
ßo = 0.75 when checking member for minimum axial load and
For Service Load Design maximum momentormaximum eccentricity .....For
Êo = L0 when checking member for maximum axial Column
7o (Column 14) Percentage of Basic Unit Stress load and minimum moment . . . Design
ßo : L0 for flexural and tension members
No increase in allowable unit stresses shall be permitted for members ße : 1.0 for Rigid Culverts
or connections carrying wind loads only. ße = 1.5 for Flexible Culverts
9e = 1.00 for vertical and lateral loads on all other structures. For Group X loading (culverts) the pE factor shall be applied to verti-
cal and horizontal loads.
Tsble 3.3. Performance factors snd safety factors for shallow fourd¡. According to the Corps of Engineers (1989), even when a
tions. (After Tan et al., 1991) drainage system is used, walls should still have a sufficient factor
PeEfoænce ofsafety to account for the possibility that the drain system may
Type of LiEit State Fâctor
not work properly.
1. Bearing capacity
a. sand 3.5.3 Gontractlon and Expansion Jolnts
SenÍ-enpirical Præedure (SPII} ------------- 0.{5
Seui-enpirical Præedure (cPÎ) ------------- 0.55
Rational ltethod:
u8ing Cf eBtiMted froE SPT ----------- 0.35 Attention should be given to the effects of shrinkage and
using {f eetimted fEoE cPT ----------- 0'¿5
thermal stresses when the length of a retaining wall or abutment
b. clay is long. Joints are provided to allow the concrete to move slightly
Seni-enpírícal Præedure (cPTl ------------- 0.50
Rational ìlethod¡ and to control shrinkage and thermal stresses. There are two
ueing ahear atrength in lab Èeatg ----- 0.60
uaing Ehear strength fron field broad types ofjoints: expansion joints and contraction joints.
vane test6 -------- 0.60
uoing ehear strenghh estinated fron
CPî data ---------- 0.50
c. Rock
seûi-enpirical præedure ----- 0.60
2. sliding
a. PrecaaÈ concrete placed on sand: Tabte 3.5. Performsnce f¡ctors for drilled shafts.
using éf estiMted fron SPT ----------- 0.90
using Cf estinated from CPT ----------- 0.90 METEOD./SOIL /coNDITIoN PER¡ORMÀNCE
b. concrete Cast in place on sand:
using éf estiEted fron SPT ----------- 0.80 ULTIHATE SIDE
using éf estinabed from CPT ----------- 0.80
BEÀRING RESISTÀNCE c-nethod (Reese & 0.65
c. clay (where shear atrength is Lece o'NeiIl)
than 0.5 tines nomal preasure)¡ CÀPÀCITY IN CIÀY
ueing ehear strength in lab ----------- 0.85
ueing shear strength fron field OF BÀSE
vane test --------- 0.85
using shear strength eÊtimated from SINGLE RESISTANCE Total Stress 0.55
CPT data ---------- 0.80 (Reese & O'Neil-l)
d. CIay (where the strength is greaLer
¿han 0.5 Èimes nomaÌ presaure) -------- 0.85 ShFTS SIDE Toua I Reese See
a Meyerhof Discussion
RESISlÄNCE 3 Quiros & Reese in
4 Reese & Wright Article
IN SÀND Reese & O'Neill 4 .2.2
Table 3.4. Performance factors for driven piles. BÀSE 1) louna & Reese See
2) tleyerhof Discussion
4) Reese & wright À¡ticIe
ULTII,fÀTI SKIN û-method 0. ?0 IN SÀND 5) Reese & O'NeiIl 4.2.2
BEÀRING FRICTION É-nethod 0.50 STDE Carter & Kulhawy 0.55
END BEÀIING Eoad Test 0 .80 UPLIFT c-Eethod (Reese & o'NeilI) 0. 55
Pile Driving 0.70 cÀ?ÀcIT' Belled Shafts 0. s0
Ànalyzer (Reese t O'NeilÌ )
BLOCK clay 0.6s
I) Toua & Reese See
UPLIFl c-neLhod 0.60 DRILLED 2) Meyerhof Discussion
SÀND 3) Quiros & Reese in
CAPÀCTT: P-neLhod 0 .40 SITA!'TS ¡t) Ree6e & wright section
5) Reese & o'Neill 4.2.2
OF l-nethod 0.4s
carter & Kulhawy 0.45
SINGLE SPT-nethod 0.3s ROCK
gorvath I Kenney 0.55
PILES CPT-nethod 0.45
Load TesC 0.80
Load lest 0.80
GROUP sand 0 .55
GROUP sand 0.55 UPLIFT
UPLIFT cÀPÀctTl clay 0. 55
CÀPÀCIT' clay 0.55 r Section 4.2.2 of the Dritled shafts Engineering Manual
.g '--'
€ Rol9!-
a 30 , rtrl¡ A
s ii¡rciivl sriess
f^ILURÉ €tv€LOP€S.
o -
!C' /; ^¡PROIru^f€
rs foR coH€stoHltss
¡¡^lERt^LS rttxoul
c 25 FOROSTTY fFo¡ 0 r 2.a8 PI.ANE DUE TO
,åa .5 ,a3 . ;l! .! ,¿t .2 .tl SURFACE INFILTBATION'
voro alTr0 rgfoR 0 r¿.66
r,:! r.r Lo .¡ .a .?a .? 6n .6 .tâ J ..5 .. .lá .t .2t ,z t
90 r00 ilo r20 t30
Dry Unll Wrlghl .ld gcl
ML: silr F
SM: silty sand UJ
SP: Poorly graded sanal NOTÉ WATER PRESSURE
sl{: well-graded sand IS ZERO ON POTEI{TIAL
GP: Poorly graded gravel
GW: well-graded gravel
Figur.e 3.3. Approximate frictional angle of granular backJìll. (From NAI/FAC, 1982)
. (c) SURFACE r¡¡rr¡-tn¡itotrl (tNcLlNED ORAINI
excavandt LtÆ
otunÆc aLAtxcl
cLenæaisf sato
gtotatt LiHC
Þf lo gta bl'"ket loclred sdJåceor ro rccafnltg sall
(¡ftcr Slbley 1967)
Figure 3.5. Drainage systems using drainage blanket. (After Sibley 1967, and
NAYFAC 1982)
Expansion (or isolation) joinis are used to permit differential The AASHTO bridge specifications (1989) require that con-
horizontal and vertical movement between adjacent wall seg- traction joints be placed at 30-ft intervals or less, and expansion
ments. They consist of a completely separated joint frlled with joints should be placed at intervals of 90 ft or less in concrete
compressible material that allows the wall to expand and con- walls.
tract with changes in moisture and temperature.
Contraction (or control)joints a¡e used to control the location
of tension cracks by creating a plane of weakness in the wall and 3.5.4 Re¡nforcement for Shrinkage and Thermal
forcing the cracking to occur at those locations. The weakened Stresses
plane is made with narrow grooves placed on the outside of the
wall stem. The grooves are usually filled with a sealant to prevent The AASHTO bridge specifications (1989) require a minimum
penetration of moisture. total reinforcement area of t/rin.z per ft in both directions. This
126 PART 3
oãatriaoc cfi|ostfc
Drained Clay
l€f fo gt¡
3.5.6 Frost
Water in soil expands when it freezes and ice lenses may
develop, resulting in frost heave in the frozen soil. Foundations
Dr¡lnate rtttn to Pr.YGt frort¡tlm bahl¡d
r.t¡1nfn3 v¡ll (¡lt.r D.Drrtsnt of th. t.i' Ittzút) should be built below the frost line to avoid possible frost
Figure 3.6. Yarious drainage systems using fiilter fabric. (After The maximum frost depth can be estimated from local experi-
Carrol ønd Murphy 1985, and NAVFAC 1982) ence, or fiom a frost-depth contour map such as the one shown
in Figure 3.8. Figure 3.9 may also be used to estimate approxi-
mate frost depth using a freezing index proposed by Corps of
Engineers (1949) and Brown (1964).
reinforcement is provided near exposed surfaces, except in grav-
ity walls, to resist the formation of cracks due to temperature Freezing Index : Nsz.r X (32"F - T) (3.5.6. l)
change and shrinkage.
The maximum bar spacing is three times the wall thickness or where Nrr"" : nuinber of days below 32"F, and T : annual
18 in., whichever is less, according to Art. 8.20 of the AASHTO average daily temperature in Fahrenheit.
specihcations (I989). For example, if N32.F is 25 days and T is 22'F for a particular
site, the freezing index is (25 days) (32" - 22') : 250. From
Figure 3.9, the corresponding frost depth is obtained to be about
20 in.
Scour ¿one
'1 d
l-o *-ffi** *-ffi-* dx= oi= Ko or = Kot Z
1 1 1
61 a1 61 Stress
or= KotZ
h45 + øttz
Á-0,,, I zw
6x= O*
K" Kp
g.'=K6 lnzn+
n 1z-z*¡¡
q= q'+u
'r Ke : Coefficient of at-rest earth pressure,
K" : Coefficient of stat¡c active earth pressure,
Kp : Coefficient of static passive earth pressure.
c : Cohesion
Figure 4.2. At-rest earth pressure distribution, homogeneous soil.
Ftgure 4.1, Mohr's circles for earth pressure cofficients. (After Clough and Duncan, I99l)
7); and z :depth below the surface ofthe fill, length. Table 4.1. Typical coefficients of lateral esrth pressure tt'rest. (After
Clougb and Duncan, 1991)
For normally consolidøted so¡'ls, the coeffrcient, Ko, can be
coefficient of l¿teral Earth Pressure
estimated by the following empirical correlation (Jaky' 1944):
soil Type 6f oCR=1 ocR=2 OCR:5 ocR=10
Ko:l-sinf' ( Loose sand 33'5" 0, 45 0. 65 1.10 1.50
where Ç¡ :
Ko for sloping backfills, Ko :
coeffrcient of earth
pressure at-rest for normally consolidated soils (Eq. 4'2.1.2) and
i the sloping angle of backfill' degrees. Table 4.2. Approximate magnÍtudes of movements required to reach
minimum active ¡nd maximum passive earth pressure conditions. (After
For avoyeang¡Iùlated s=..ils, .¿nlues of eoeflieient Of at-rest earth
Clough and Duncan' l99l)
pressure can be estimated using the empirical relationship
(Mayne and Kulhawy' 1982): Values of Â/H *
o. 001 o. o1
where Kou :
coefftcient ofat-rest earth pressure for overconsoli-
Dense sand
o. 002 o. 02
Mediun dense sand
dated soils; Ko : coeffrcient of earth pressure at-rest for nor- Loose sand o. 004 o. o4
mally consolidated soils (Fa. a.2.1-2); Ö' : drained friction conpacted silt 0. o02 o.02
angle of soil, degrees; and OCR : overconsolidation ratio, or compacted lean clay o. 01**
maximum previous vertical pressure divided by current effective conpacted faÈ cIaY o-01 ** 0. 05 **
vertical pressure.
Typical values of Kou corresponding to various values of OCR
are presented in Table 4.1. * a = novenent of top of wall required to reach nininun
active or naxinun passive pressure, by tilting or
lateral translati.on
H= height of wall
,,liÏI;til ¿
Active Movement
lq-1-sindr=0.50 +
Ko= 1-sind-0.,1O +
It=1-sindr=029 -+ Medium Dsnse Sand,df \t',Ka-o.zs
Msdium Denso Sand, út= 37',Kp= 4.0
ments of walls are sufficiently large so that the shear strength of exerted on a wall by the backfill can be evaluated by analysis of
the backfill soil is fully mobilized, and where the strength proper- the equilibrium of a wedge-shaped mass of soil bounded by the
ties of the backfill can be estimated with sufficient accuracy, back of the wall, the backflrll surflace, and a surface of sliding
these methods of calculation are useful for practical purposes. through the soil. The assumptions in this analysis are: (l) the
Coulomb's trial wedge method can be used for irregular back- surface of sliding through the soil is a straight line; (2) the full
fìll configurations, and Rankine's theory and the log spiral analy- strength of the soil is mobilized to resist sliding (shear failure)
sis can be used for more regular conhgurations. Each of these through the soil.
methods will be discussed next. Active Pressure. A graphical illustration for the mechanism of
active failure according to the Coulomb theory is shown in Fig-
ure 4.5(a). The active earth pressure force can be expressed as:
4.2.4 Coulomb Theory
p, : ]y Hz - P)
The Coulomb theory, the hrst rational solution to the earth
pressure problem, is based on the concept that the lateral force cos2Bcos(B*ôl[l *V;ffi]
4.5(b) shows the failure mechanism for the passive case. The - ctean gravel, gravel-sand üixtures,
coarse sand 0.55 to 0.60 29 to 31
passive earth pressure force, Po, can be expressed as follows:
- clean fine to DediuE sand, silty nediuD
to coarse sand, sllty or clayey gravel 0.45 to o.55 24 to 29
important effect on the magnitude ofearth pressures and an even - clean sand, silty sand-gravel nixture,
more important effect on the direction of the earth pressure single size hard rock fill 0.30 L7
- sitty sand, gravel or sand nixed with
force. Table 4.3 presents values of the maximum possible wall silt or clay 0.25 L4
friction angle for various wall materials and soil types. - Fine sandy silt, nonplastic silt o.20 11
K":cosi (4.2.s.1\
cos i f úgrtF;os'ó-;
":#* G'2'5'2)
cosi * JõPF cos?-T-; Figure 4.6. Active pressure, frictionless wall. (After Clough and
cosi-J"oszl-""szT; Duncan, /991)
The passive pressure at depth z canbe expressed as:
Po:KoYz+2cJ\ (
Table 4.4. Values of K. for log spiral failure surface. (After Caquot and Table 4.5. Values of \ for log spiral failure su¡face. (After Caquot and
Kerisel, 19¿18) Kerisel, 19t[8)
6 p óf 6 / êi
20 25 30 15 LO 45 L5
20 25 r0 l5 Áo
Selecting a proper earth pressure coeffrcient is essential for a abutments or framed abutments may be higher than active due
successful wall design. A number of methods previously dis- to thermal movements of the bridge superstructure.
cussed can be used to decide the magnitude of the coefficients.
The procedures for estimating the coeffrcient using these meth-
ods are given in Example I in Chapter 6. 4.2.8 Locat¡on of Horizontal Resultant
An alternative method is touse a hydrostatic fluid pressure
which is equivalent to the product ofan earth pressure coeffrcient In conventional designs and analyses, the horizont¿l resultant
and the unit weight of the soil. This equivalent fluid pressure is assumed to be located at one-third of total height from the
method is discussed in Section 4.3 and illustrated in Examples bottom of the wall. However, several experimental tests per-
I and 3 in Chapter 6. formed by many researchers including Terzaghi (1934)' Clausen
A decision on what type of earth pressure coefftcient should and Johansen (1972), and Sherif et al. (1982) have shown that
be used is based on the direction and the magnitude of the wall the point of application is above the lower third point.
movement. Table 4.2, Figure 4.3 and Figure 4.4. car' be useful According to a study by Duncan et al. (1990), Terzaghi found
in this procedure. that the resultant was applied at 0.40H to 0.45H from the bottom
The New Zealand Ministry of Works and Development (1979) of the wall, where H is the totâl height of the wall. Clausen and
has recommended the following static earth pressure coefficients Johansen found the same range of locations as Terzaghi's, and
for use in design: Sherif et al. recommended 0.42H for a wall in static active condi-
tion. However, Duncan et al. (1990) suggested that the location
1. Counterfort or gravity walls founded on rock or piles: Ko of the resultant should be assumed to be 0.'10H above the bottom
2. Cantilever walls less than 16 ft high founded on rock or of the wall.
piles: 0.5 (Ko + Ka)
3. Cantilever walls higher than 16 ft or any wall founded on
a spread footing: K" 4.3 EOUIVALENT FLUID PRESSURE
The New Zealand Ministry of Works and Development (1979) Equivalent fluid pressures provide a convenient means of esti-
also recommended that Ko should be used for the types of abut- mating design earth pressures, especially when the backfill mate-
ments that are not mentioned above. Earth pressures on integral rial is a clayey soil.
134 pnnr 3
Table 4.6. Coefñcients and unit weights for equivalent fluid pressure.
. -.Á 80 (From Clough and Duncan, 1991)
-.eé; 60
50 Equival.ent Fluid Unit Weights and
fn -.6ó; 40
30 Level Backfill
Pressure coefficients
Type of soil
Loose Sand
or craveL
= L/24O Àt-Rest
65 0.55
= L/24O
./ 6.O
Mediun Dense 50 0.40 35 0.2s 60 0. 50
4.O ,/// 7-
.'7 5.O
Sand or cravel 45 0.35
60 0.50 40 0.35 70 0.60
7 2.O Kp silt (t'rL)
Conpacted 70 0.60 45 0.40 80 0.70
clay (cL)
r.o ,"1 Lean gO 0.65 55 90 0,75
o.8 o.r I I
0.50 65 0. 60
o.6 0.6 Ko Fat clay (cH)
S\ o.5
o.3 where -yeq = equivalent fluid unit weight,
z = depth below ground surface¿
K = horizontaL earth pressure coefficient,
\\ ì=Ér
qs = uniforn, surcharge pressure.
oto?o304050 I
C¡ - degrees
surface area increases both the vertical and the lateral pressures.
Figure 4.8. ,4,ctive and passive pressure coefficients for vertical
The increase in the vertical pressure, Ap", is the same as the
wall and horizontal backJìll-based on log spiral failure surfaces.
applied surcharge pressure, qr. That is,
(After Caquot and Kerisel, 1948)
ap" : q. (
The lateral earth pressure at depth z can be expressed as: apn:Kq. (
water can pond behind a wall, the wall must be designed
4.4.1 Uniform Surcharge Load to withstand hydrostatic water pressure in addition to the earth
pressure. The hydrostatic water pressure, pw can be evaluated
A surcharge load uniformly distributed over a large ground using the following expression:
I¡ t¡
O (forccllanqlh)
p ( prc¡¡w¡ I
Q (fo¡co/lengthl
(Â) Potnl Loôd (b) lon¡ lln. (o) llnlù. lln. lo.d (d) Unltomly loedrd
lo.d p¡r.ll.l ùo r¡l¡ p.lp.ndloul.r to r.ll prrÀll.l to H¡lt
t _t
ah' F 3Zt-
R( 1-¿v ¡
¿nt '
o'n' ;[I('T""
U'I ôP-'
¡¡r -(c
-.lncco. (a+2úrl
where v =Po¡sson'sratio.
Figure 4.9. Earth pressure due to point loads, line loads, and strip loads. (From Clough and Duncan, I99I)
: 7*+ (z - z*) (4.5.r) Slress
4.7.2 Equations
Pu": 7 (1 - ku) Ht (4.7.2.r)
K*: (
Po":ãK0"7(l -k,)Ht (
-_ cos2(4r+p-d)
^ cosocos2Bcos(ô - É+ t,--@õ*(ó'*El2
\""-"/ \a. r.L,at
- B + 0)co(i -
\,/ cos(ô p)J Figure 4.12. Location of resultant þrces.
Eerth Loads:
Pv ånd Ph bas€d on exp€riem,
w¡lh allilam tor cr€€p
Y .0.4 H
Stâb¡lity Crileria: P¡ ând P rr calculaled uslng Couþmb ective earlh pressurs thsory
d or P¡ estimated using ludgomont, wllh allowanc€ for mov€msnt
of backlïll rslativs to wall.
TAsp Methodl l- LFD Metìod I
M Stability Criteria
(2) FrQun/FS
(3) Safo agajret
(1) N with¡n m¡ddlohalf otbæs
(2) /R¡Qut ì
(3) Saf€ aga¡ret sl¡d¡ng:
9umx '^-W;*m* o.*fîffi
Fr / Fs 2 P¡ (uaøa) C5 F, I Eri P¡, (1) N within m¡ddleth¡¡d of bæe (l) N wilhin middlo half of base
(4) Settlement w¡thin tolerable l¡m¡ts (4) Settlem€ntw¡lhin tolerable limiß (2) B¡Qg¡/FS à Q*r("d) (2) dRtqun è Qu*r
(5) Saf€ aga¡nst d8ep-seated (5) Saf€ aga¡nst deep-seated (3) Salo agaißt sl¡ding: (3) Safe aga¡Nt sliding:
(4) Senlem€nt wilhin tolerable limits (4) Settìement within tolerable l¡m¡ts
Figure 5.2. Earth loads and stability criteia for walls with clayey
soils in the backfill orþundation. (After Duncan et al., 1990) Figure 5.3. Earth loads and stability criteria for walls with granu-
lar backJills and foundations on sand or gravel. (After Duncan et
al., 1990)
supported on driven piles or drilled shafts.
7. Compare economics of completed design with other wall
^rWF* systems.
(1) N w¡thin m¡ddle half of base (1) N wilhin middle throe quarteß ol bæe
(2) Rrqul/FS > 9r",(,nr"o.a) (2) CR¡qun > qumx 5.3.1 Step l-Preliminary Proportions
(3) Safe agaìnsrslìdìng (3) Safe aoainsr sliding
Figure 5.5 shows commonly used dimensions for a gravity
Fr / FS ¿ Ph (unracrord) ds Fr > Eri Phi
retaining wall and a cantilever wall. These proportions can be
Figure 5.4. Earth loads and stability criteriafor walls with granu- used when scour is not a concern to obtain dimensions for a first
lar backfills and foundations on rock. (After Duncan et al., 1990) trial.
5.3.2 Step 2-Loads and Earth Pressùres base, N, and tangent to the base, Fr. These reaction forces are
determined by simple statics for e¿ch load combination being
Design loads for a ret¿ining wall or an abutment are obtained investigated.
by using group load combinations described in Table 3.2. Meth-
ods for calculating earth pressures exerted on the wall are dis-
cussed in Chapter 4. The use of equivalent fluid pressures pre- 5.3.4 Step 4-Stability Criteria
sented in Table 4.6 gives satisfactory earth pressures ifconditions
are not unusual. 1. The location of the resultant on the base is determined by
balancing moments about the toe of the wall. The criteria for
foundations on soil for the location of the resultant is that it
5.3.3 Step 3-Reactlon Forces on Base must lie within the middle one-third for ASD and the middle-half
for LFD. This criterion replaces the check on the ratio of stabiliz-
Figure 5.6 illustrates a typical cantilever wall subjected to ing moment to overturning moment. For foundations on rock,
various loads causing reaction forces that are normal to the the acceptable location ofthe resultant has a greater range than
for foundations on soil (see Figure 5.4).
As shown in Figure 5.6, the location of the resultant, Xo, is
obtained by:
2" (s.3.4.2)
8 to l2 ¡n. minimum
N,u., 6 N,,., e
Y(u)max B ' ( angle between base and soil, degrees Q¡ofbase soil for cast-in-
B2 place concrete, or :
the values given in Table 4.3; cu: adhesion,
force/length2; c :
cohesion of the base soil, force,/length2; B"
when the resultant ís outside of the middle third of base: : effective length of base in compression, length; and Pn :
horizontal earth pressure force causing sliding, force,/length.
0.,-* : (s'3.4.6)
In the LFD method, sliding stability is checked by
ô,4, > )yiPr,i (
For a uniform distribution ofbearing pressure:
where Fr, : No tan ôo * c. B.; N, : factored vertical resultant,
N,ut force,/length; þ. : performance factor for sliding (values given
9(u)max - 1 y
( in Table 3.3); yi : load factor for force component i : 7B,
shown in'lable3.2; and Pn, : horizontal earth pressure force i
: causing sliding, force,/length.
where Nqr¡ unfactored (factored) vertical resultant, force,/
: As shown in Figure 5.6, the lateral pressure, P¡, causes the
length; Xo Iocation ofthe resultant measured from toe, length;
wall to slide and is resisted by friction and adhesion between the
and e : eccentricity of N,ur, length.
base and foundation soil. According to the proposed revision to
3. Sliding stability is checked in the ASD method by satisfying
the AASHTO Specifications prepared by D'Appolonia (1989),
the following criteria:
the passive earth pressure, Po, generated by the soil in front of
the wall may be included to resist slidiag if it is ensured that the
--r > P" ( soil in front of the wall will exist permanently; for example, if
FS the wall is embedded deeply below a covering such as a sidewalk
or pavement. When passive earth pressure is used, a safety factor
where FS : 1.5 for sands and 2.0 for clays whose shear strength of 2.0 or larger is recommended by Lambe and Whitman (1969).
is less than 0.5 times the normal pressure; F. : frictional resist- However, sliding failure occurs in many cases before the pas-
ance, force/length, or, : N tan ôo f c" B"i N : resultant on sive earth pressure is fully mobilized. Therefore, it is safer to
base required for vertical equilibrium, force,/length; ôu : friction ignore the effect of the passive earth pressure.
5.3.5 Step s-Revise Proportions 5.3.7 Step T4ompare w¡th Alternative Wall
When the preliminary wall dimensions are found inadequate,
the wall dimensions should be adjusted by a trial and error When a design is completed, it should be compared with other
method. A sensitivity study done by the authors shows that the types of walls that may result in a more economical design.
stability can be improved by varying the loc¿tion of the wall Detailed information can be found in Section 2. 1.2 of this manual
stem, the base width, and the wall height. and Section l0 of a manual by the Corps of Engineers (1989).
Some suggestions for correcting each stability or safety prob-
lem are presented as follows:
l. Bearing failure or eccentricity cúteûon not satisfred: (a) 5.4.1 Wall Stems
increase the base width; (b) relocate the wall stem moving it
toward the heel; (c) minimize Pn by replacing a clayey backfill The wall stem of a cantilever wall is designed as a vertical
with granular material or by reducing porewater pressures be- cantilever supported by the base. The wall stem of a counterfort
hind the wall stem with a well-designed drainage system (see or buttress wall can be designed as a horizontal fixed or continu-
Section 3.5); and (d) provide an adequately designed reinforced ous beam supported by counterforts or buttresses. The wall can
concrete approach slab supported at one end by the abutment also be designed as a plate supported on three sides by the base
so that no horizontal pressure due to live load surcharge need slab and counterforts (or buttresses) and free at the top.
be considered. Wall stems are subjected to axial loads and bending. Axial
2. Sliding stability uiterion not satßfied: (a) increase the base loads are due to the stem weight, the loads from structures
width; (b) minimize Pn as described above; (c) use an inclined supported on the stem, and the vertical component of earth
base (heel side down) to increase horizontal resistance; (d) pro- pressure exerted on the stem. Bending moments are generated
vide an adequately designed approach slab as mentioned above; from the horizontal component of earth pressure, surcharge
and (e) use a shear key. (The main function of a shear key is loads, and eccentric vertical loads.
to generate additional passive soil pressure to increase sliding
resistance. The considerations discussed earlier concerning the
amount of displacement required to mobilize passive earth pres- 5.4.2 Base S¡ab
sure are also important with regard to the resistance that can be
achieved through the use ofa key. Depending on local experience The base slab of a cantilever wall is designed as a cantilever
or job conditions, the design engineer must decide whether some fixed at the wall. The base slab ofa counterfort or buttress wall
passive earth pressure should be included or not.) is designed as a fixed or continuous beam spanning between the
3. Settlement and overall stability check: Once the proportions counterforts or buttresses.
of the wall have been selected to satisfy the bearing pressure, The base of a cantilever wall is generally divided into two
eccentricity, and sliding criteria, the requirements on settlement parts by the location of the wall stem: the edge of the base about
and overall slope stability must be checked. which the wall stem tends to rotate is called the toe and the
(a) Settlement should be checked for walls founded on com- other edge is called the heel.
pressible soils to ensure that the predicted settlement is less than The maximum bending moments for the design of the base
the settlement that the wall or structure it supports can tolerate. slabs are taken at the face of the wall stem for the toe and the
The magnitude of settlement can be estimated using the methods back of the wall stem for the heel. The maximum design shear
described in the engineering manual for shallow foundations forces for the base slabs are ta,ken at a distance equal to the
(Part l). For a determination of the allowable settlement, refer effective depth ofthe slab from the face ofthe wall stem for the
to the engineering manual for estimating tolerable movements toe section and at the back ofthe wall stem for the heel section.
of bridges (Part 5).
(b) The overall stability of slopes with regard to the most
5.4.3 Counterforts and Buttresses
critical sliding surface should be evaluated ifthe wall is underlain
by weak soil. This check is based on limiting equilibrium meth-
A counterfort undergoes tension when subject to active pres-
ods which employ the modified Bishop, simplified Janbu or
sure and, thus, is designed as a T-beam, while a buttress under-
Spenser analysis. This subject is discussed in a number ofdesign
goes compression and is designed as a rectangular beam. At the
manuals and papers including NAVFAC DM-7. I (1982a) and
junction of the counterfort with the wall stem and the footing
a manual by the Corps of Engineers (1989), and will not be
base, tension reinforcement should be provided with a combina-
covered in this manual.
tion of horizontal and vertical bars or stirrups.
5.4.4 Reinforcement
5.3.6 Step G-Consider Deep Foundations
Detailed information on development of flexural reinforce-
Driven piles and drilled shafts can be used when the confÌgura- ment is given in Section 8, Part D, articles 8.17 through 8.32 in
tion of the wall is unreasonable or uneconomical. Engineering the current AASHTO specifications (1989).
manuals for driven piles (Part 2) and drilled shafts (Part 4) Required reinforcement and bar spacing for temperature
may be consulted with regard to design of deep foundations to change and shrinkage are mentioned in Section 3.5.4 of this
withstand vertical and lateral loads. manual.
t42 PART 3
CHAPTER 6 The bearing material is massive rock, and the estimated ultimate
bearing capacity, 9ult, is 80 kiplft2. Because the footing is
DES¡GN EXAMPLES founded on rock, consideration for frost depth is not necessary.
The design procedures presented in the previous chapters are Based on the dimensions sho\iln in Figure 5.5, a preliminary
demonstrated in three example problems. In each example, re- configuration was chosen, which is shown in Figure 6.1. Jhe
sults from the ASD method are compared to those from the base width, B, is 13 ft and the thickness of the footing is 2.5 ft.
LFD method. The top thickness of the stem is I ft and the thickness of the
Example 1 concerns the design of a retaining wall to be built stem base is 2.5 ft.
on a shallow foundation on competent rock. Because of the
rock foundation, the bearing pressure distribution used in this
example is triangular for both the ASD method and the LFD 6.2.2 Determinat¡on of Loads and Earth Pressures
method. The design procedures are described in Section 5.3.
Example 2 is presented to illustrate a typical retaining wall Load Combinations
with level backfill which is subjected to live load surcharge. The
wall is founded on a shallow footing on sand. The bearing pres- The loadings in this retaining wall example are dead load
sure distribution for this case is rectangular for both the ASD and earth load. The general expression of the AASHTO group
method and the LFD method. loading combinations is: Group N : y (BoD + ÉBÐ.
Example 3 concerns a bridge abutment founded on a shallow Group I is the governing group in this example for both the
foundation on medium dense sand. Rectangular distribution of ASD and the LFD methods. Therefore, design loads are obtained
the bearing pressure is used also in this example. Because the by'
foundation soil is sand, the abutment tends to move vertically as
well as laterally. With present information of this project For ASD Group I : 1.0 +
D 1.0 E"+ 1.0 Eh
(NCHRP Project 24-4), only vertical movement of retaining
For LFD (a) Group I : 1.3 D + 1.3 Ev + 1.69 q
walls and abutments can be estimated.
As mentioned in Chapter 5, the effect of inclined loads on the (b) Group 1¿ : (1.3)(0.75) D + 1.3 Ev + 1.69 q
ultimate bearing capacity must be considered in the design of
wall footings. In Example 1, the lateral earth pressure is large, where Eu and \ represent the loads causing vertical earth pres-
and therefore the inclined load effect is signihcant: the ultimate sure and horizontal earth pressure, respectively. The percentage
bearing capacity is reduced to about 30 percent due to load of the basic unit stress for Group I in ASD is 100 percent.
In the current AASHTO specifications, different values of B,
are given so that possible critical load combinations are not
overlooked. For example, when checking for maximum eccen-
tricity in column design, Bo : 0.75 or lßp
= 1.0. The implied
philosophy is that ifdead load tends to counteract a destabilizing
effect,'a lower load factor should be used. This philosophy has
been incorporated in the examples of this manual by including
additional load combinations that are identified by a lower case
"a" suffix.
In regard to earth pressures, the current AASHTO speciflrca-
tions are very specific that B, is 1.0 for vertical earth pressure.
The authors recommend that this value be used even when the
weight of a soil mass has a stabilizing effect. The value of B,
for horizontal earth pressure loads is 1.3. When vertical and
horizontal components are taken ofthe same force, as in the case
of active pressures due to a sloping backfill or an inclined wall
surface, the authors recommend that the same load factor of B,
: 1.3 be used for both components.
A. Required wall movements. Assume that the tolerable lateral Pn: l/2 yeq Htot2
movement of the wall is as much as 2 in. after compaction: : (t/2Xo.0Q)(26.Ð2
L/H : Q rn.)/Qs ft X 12) : 0.007. From Table 4.2 and Figure
4,4, the approximate magnitude of movement required to re¿ch
: l4.O k¡;p/ft
minimum active for medium dense sand is 0.002. Therefore,
P" : Pu tan i : (14.0X0.249) : 3.5 k¿p/î\
active earth pressures can be used for design.
B. Vørious methods for estimating active eørth pressure* (a) If P. : (Pu2 * P,z¡rtz : 14.4 ktp/ft
the Rankine equation is used for calculating the lateral earth
pressure force, with the backfill slope, i : arctan (Vò : A aeg All of these methods give essentially comparable values for
and internal friction angle, þr: 35 deg, then active earth pressure coefficients. The equivalent fluid pressure
methods give the largest horizontal component and vertical com-
K":cosi cosi-Jcos'zi-cofþt (from Eq. ponent of active earth pressure. However, in this exa¡nple, the
cosi*J"oút-cos'z,f? earth pressures from the Rankine equation will be used.
where H,o, : H * AH : 25 ft + 1.5 ft : 26.5 ft. The location of application of the horizontal resultant, y, is
The vertical and horizontal components of P" are: 0.4 H.ot as shown in Figure 6.1.
7"q : 35 pcf for level backfill and 7"o : 45 pcf for backfill Ph 1 1.8 10.6 -t25.1
2(H) on 1(V). Interpolating the curve for backfill a($ on 1(V), 2Mr¡unr :
)H,,, : I1.8 -125.1
estimate y"o:
t44 pnnr 3
rSince P, is the vertical component ofthe lateral earth pressure force, Pa, the load
: x : >M- ' 350.4 - 211.4 :3.72ft
factor for &, (yÉ¡ 1.3 1.3 1.ó9) is applied to Pu. X^:
" )v, 37.4
(b) when ßp: O.75
e: B/2 - Xo
Load Vu Arm about Moment about : 6.5 - 3.72 : 2.78 ft < 3B/8 : 4.88 ft OK
Vunf Factor (factored) point o point o
(k/fÐ fßi (k/ft) (fÐ (k-ft/fÐ
A. The ASD method: The passive resistanc€ of the soil in front of the retaining wall
is to be neglected.
)Hu,r : 11.8 kip,zft and FS : 1.5 A live load surcharge equal to 2 ît oî @rth acts on the surface
F. : N""r tan ôb + CuB"
of the backfill.
In this example, the active earth pressures are determined by
: (30.5) (tân 35 des) + 0 : 2l.4ktp/ît the Rankine equation. For the zero backfill slope and ór : 35
4/FS : 21.4/1.5 : l4.2kip/ft ) )Hunr: 11.S kiplft OK deg, the active earth pressure coeffrcient, K", is;
I - sinf¡ :
B. The LFD method: K": l*sinft O.271
:Zl.Okip/ft > )Hu : 19.9 kip/ft OK *The numbers in this column represent percentages of basic
unit stress, which are usually multiplied on the resistance side.
However, for convenience in comparison with LFD, the loads
in ASD will be divided by these percentages.
6.2.5 Concluslon
2' Live Load Surcharge = 240 psl
The retaining wall satisfies the stability and safety criteria for
both ASD and LFD. It would be possible to reduce the base
width somewhat and still satisfy the design criteria. Because the
wall is founded on rock, it is not necessary to check the settle- Medium
ment criteria. Dense
dr = 35'
f= 120 pcf
Gr D E Eh 4r. 4¡. I 0.84 1.35 2.36 9.72 t.U 15.7 I 100 15.71
rr 0.84 1.35 2.36 9.72 0 14.27 125 11.42
I 1.3 1.3 1.69 2.t7 1.69 vI 0.84 1.35 2.36 9.72 t.M 15.71 l¿lo 11.22
la 0.98 1.3 1.69 2.17 1.69
II 1.3 1.3 l.ó9 0 0 where: Vro, : unfactored vertical loads
IIa 0.98 1.3 1.69 0 0 *: notations used by AASHTO
VI t.25 1.25 1.63 1.25 1.63
VIa 0.94 1.25 1.63 1.25 1.63 þ) moments, Mr*o (kip-ft/ft)
Items (l) Ø (3) (4) vL Mv*¿
where: Eu : vertical load due to earth
4 :: horizontal load due to earth Mvunf 2.99 5.63 12.39 72.90 10.80
E vertical load due to live load surcharge
I 12.39 72s0
Q"" :
2.99 5.63 10.80 t0É..1t 100 104.71
horizontal load due to live load surcharge II 2.99 5.63 12.39 72.qJ 0 93.91 125 75.13
VI 2.99 5.63 12.39 72.90 10.80 104.71 140 74.79
It can be observed that Group I governs over Group VI in
ASD. However, it is not clear at a glance whether Group I or where: Muon, : moment due to unfactored vertical loads
Group VI governs in LFD. * : notations used by AASHTO
A. Eccentricity check:
6.3.2 The ASD Method V*¿ H"s Mv*¿ Ms"* Xo € ê-*r 91 9un¡r
Gr (k/ftJ (k,/fÐ (k-ft,/fÐ (k-ft,/fÐ (fÐ (fÐ (fÐ (ksÐ (ksÐ Design Loads I 15.71 4.64 t04.1t 29.31 4.80 0.45 < 1.75 1.88 1.64
fi tt.42 2.93 75. 13 t7.57 5.04 o.zt < 1.75 t.22 l.l3
A. Vertical loads and moments due to vertical loads: vI tt.22 3.3 r 74.19 20.94 4.80 0.45 < 1.75 1.34 1.17
where: Xo : location of resultant : (Mvu.¿ - Mr¡^¿)/V*a (a) factored vertical loads, Vu Grp/fÐ
e : eccentricity : B/2 - Xo
Items (1) (2) (3) (4) vL
€-* : B/6 :
lO.5/6 : 1.75 ft TDDDE. E"r
gt :
triangular bearing pressure at toe (se€ Fig. 5.7,
with N : V^¿)
Vunf 2.36 9.72 t.M
gunir: uniformly distributed bearing pressure at toe I 1.09 t.76 3.O7 L2;& 3.12 21.6E
capacity check):
where: Vo.r: unfactored vefical loads
Vsd Hssd H¿sd g'ult Qtutt grutt Q*q *: notations used by AASHTO
Gr (k/fÐ (k/ft) + V*¿ D¡Æ" Rr GsÐ (ksf) + FS (ksÐ
I 15.71 4.& 0.30 0.31 0.37 26.0 9.62 2.4t > t.U þ) factored moments, Mrr" ftip-ft/ft)
II Ú.42 2.93 0.26 0.30 0.42 ?,6.0 10.92 2.73 > l.t3
VI 11.22 3.31 0.30 0.31 O.37 26.0 9.62 2.41 > t.t1 (r) (2) (3) (4) vL Mvu
148 penr 3
I 0.37 26.O 9.62 4.33 2.45 Terzaghí and Peck Method
Ia 0.37 26.0 9.62 4.33 2.29
Yq II 0.42 26.0 10.92 4.91 2.O3 From Figure 5.1 (in Part 1) read the bearing pressure corres-
IIa 0.42 26.0 10.92 4.91 1.87 pondingto l-in. settlement with B: B" : 9.60 ft and the
VI o.37 26.0 9.62 4.33 2.32 minimum average SPT blow counts, N : 12; thus, pl in. : 1.2
VIa 0.37 26.0 9.62 4.33 2.17 tsf.
Considering that the water table is below the foundation at
where: Dt : depth from the soil surface to the bottom of
least 28 and has no effect on the bearing pressure, the estimated
settlement of footing is:
B" :2Xo
: vertical bearing capacity 0.82 tsf
P : : o'68 in'
grult : inclined bearing capacity 12 t.f
: factored bearing capacity (Þ : 0.45)
9-u* : maximum bearing pressure due to loadings : From Table 5.9 (in Part l), the adjusted settlement using 90
gu.i¡ in this example. percent reliability, p', is:
From Table 5.9 (Part l), the adjusted settlement using | 1.s'
percent reliability, p', is:
r--'r-l | 0.7s'l
¡ =t20æf Conclusions ú =35'
r"c -5oPct
K - 0.a0
The amounts of settlement estimated by the Terzaghi and
Peck method and the D'Appolonia et al. method are nearly the
same in this example. Settlement less than I in. can be considered
tolerable in most retaining walls.
rThe value ofpo for load combination groups I, II, or VI is 1.0 and these often Items (l) (2) (3) (4) DL LL vD vL Mvu"¿
control the maximum bearing pressure. However, the groups, such as Ia, IIa, or
VIa, which employ Éo : 0.75 are used to check the æcentricity or sliding stability Munr 5.4 6.13 1.49 5.65 24.38 19.5 1.02 l.6l Sum Vo Sum/Vo
| 5.4 ó.13 1.49 s.65 24.38 19.5 1.02 1.61 65.18 100 65. l8
II 5.4 6.13 1.49 5.65. 24.38 0 1.02 0 44.07 125 35.26
III 5.4 6.13 1.49 5.65 24.38 t9.5 1.02 1.6t 65.18 125 52.14
M.4 6.13 1.49 5.65 24.38 19.5 1.02 1.6r 65.18 12s 52.t4
6.4. 1.2 Unfactored Loøds v 5.4 6.13 1.49 5.65 24.38 0 1.02 0 44.07 t40 31.48
vI 5.4 6.13 1.49 5.65 24.38 l9.s 1.02 1.6r 65.18 140 46.56
A. Eccentricity check: Conclusions for ASD
v""d H4d Mv"ø Mn*¿ Xo e €-u gt gunir
Gr &nù (k,/fÐ (k-ft,/fÐ (k-fr,/fÐ (fÐ (fÐ (fÐ (ksf) (ksf) Group V produces critical results with respect to eccentricity
I 3.43
18.87 65.18 13.61 2.73 0.27 < 1.00 3.99 3.46 criterion. Although Group I generates the largest bearing pres-
II 2.22
10.06 3s.26 8.90 2.62 0.38 < 1.00 2.31 1.92 sure, Group IV generates the least margin ofsafety in the bearing
III 3.03
15.10 52.14 12.90 2.60 0.¿lO < l.m 3.52 2.90 capacity check; the safety margin of Group IV is slightly smaller
IV 3.34
15.10 52.t4 15.09 2.45 0.55 < 1.00 3.90 3.08
than that of Group I. This is because the reduction factor, R¡,
v 8.98 2.51 31.48 I l.7l 2.ZO 0.80 < 1.00 2.69 2.U
VI 13.48 3.24 46.56 15.27 2.32 0.68 < l.m 3.77 2.91 of Group VI is less than that of Group I. Group V yields the
most critical result in the sliding stability check.
However, this abutment satisflres all the søbility and safety
where: Xo : location of resultant : (Mvrs¿ - M¡¡""¿)./V^¿ criteria in the ASD method. Therefore, the design of the abut-
. e :eccentricity : B/2 - Xo ment is acceptable using the ASD criteria.
€-.* : B/6 : 6.N/6 : l.0O ft
gt : trapezoidal bearing pressure at toe (see Fig. 5.7)
gunir : uniformly distributed bearing pressure at toe
(see Fig. 5.7)
6.4.3 The LFD Method
B. Bearing capacity check (as previously mentioned, reduction
factors, Rr, due to inclined load shall be considered in bearing Design Loads
capacity check):
A. Vertical loads and moments due to vertical loads:
H..¿ Hu"d g'ult g'urt 9iu¡r g-a"
Gr (k,/fÐ (k/fù + Vu Dr/Bc Rr (ksf) (ksÐ + FS (ksÐ
(a) factored vertical loads, V, (kip,zft)
I 18.87 3.43 0.18 0.37 0.55 30.0 t6.50 4.13 > 3.46
II t0.06 z.z2 o.22 0.38 0.51 30.0 15.30 3.83 > 1.92
IIì 15.10 3.03 0.20 0.39 0.s5 30.0 16.s0 4.13 > 2.90
Items (l) (2) (3) (4) DL LL vD vL vu
IY 15.10 3.34 0.zz 0.41 0.51 30.0 15.30 3.83 > 3.08
8.98 Z.5l 0.27 0.46 0.¿lO 30.0 12.00 3.00 > 2.04
VI 13.48 3.24 o.z4 0.43 0.47 30.0 14. t0 3.53 > 2.91 1.80 t.69 0.34 r.Os 7.50 6.00 0.19 0.30 Total
where: D, : depth from the ground surface to the bottom of Ia 1.76 1.66 0.33 t.37 7 .35 13.03 0.19 0.65 26.33
B" : effective base width 2Xo in this example IIa 1.76 t.66 0.33 L37 't.35 0 0.19 o 12.66
Rr : reduction factor due to inclined load III 2,34 2.19 0.44 1.37 9.75 7.80 0.24 0.39 24.52
IIIa 1.66 0.33 |.37
9'olt : vertical bearing capacity 1.76 7 .35 7.80 0.19 0.39 20.85
giul, : inclined bearing capacity : (RlXq'"r,) IY 2.34 z.t9 0.44 1.37 9.75 7.80 0.24 0.39 24.52
FS : factor of safety for SPT method : 4.0 IVa 1.76 1.66 0.33 t.37 7 .35 7.80 0. 19 0.39 20.85
g-u,: maximum bearing pressure due to loadings : v 2.25 o.42 t.3l 9.38 0 0.23 0 15.70
(b) factored moments, Mv, Gip-ft/ft) Stabilþ and Safety Críteria
(a) factored horizontal loads, Ho (kiplft) B. Bearing capacity check (lhe reduction factors, R¡, used in
the table below are assumed to be the same as those used in the
Items PEHDHLWWLLF R+S+T Hu ASD procedure):
RI 9'u¡t giutt ôqi'n 9.",
Hont 2.O3 0.54 0.86 0.20 0.05 0.25 0.75 Total Gr (from ASD) (ksÐ (ksÐ (ksf) (ksÐ
v 3.30 0.88 0 0.25 00 0.94 5.37 0.,1t) 30.0 12.00 5.40 3.99
Va 3.30 0.88 0 0.25 00 0.94 5.37 Va 0.40 30.0 12.00 5.¿10 3.87
VI 3.30 0.88 l..l0 0.08 0.06 0.31 0.94 6.97 VI 0.47 30.0 14.10 6.35 5.62
VIa 3.30 0.88 l.¿10 0.08 0.06 0.3 t 0.94 6.97 VIa o.47 30.0 14.10 6.35 5.32
where: Hunr: unfâctored horizontal loads where: D, : depth from the soil surface to the bottom of footing
| : notations used by Ar¿\SHTO Be :ZXo
q'u,, : vertical bæring capacity
qiu¡, : inclined bearing capacity : (Rr)(q"orr)
þqiu,, : factored bearing capacity (ó : 0.45)
q*", : maximum bearing pressuredueto loadings : qunrrin this example
(b) factored moments, M"" ftip-ft/ft)
Items PE HD HL w WL LF R+S+T MH' C. Sliding stability check (because the uniformly distributed
Eh &'p 4r w WL LF R+S+T bearing pressures are used, the effective base width for calcula-
Mgu.l 7.31 2.43 3.87 l.¿tO 0.35 1.75 5.25 Total tion of sliding resistance is 2Xo):
I 12.35 4.1 I ó.54 0 00 0 23.00 Gr tan ôo Fru ó" 0.F- H"
Ia 12.35 4.11 6.54 0 00 0 23.00 (k/rÐ (k/fÐ (kJÐ ft,4r)
II 12.35 4. r l 0 1.82 00 0 18.28
13.30 >
t2.3s 0 00 0
I 30.02 0.554 16.63 0.80 5.79
IIa 4.1 t.82 18.28
Y I 1.88 3.95 0 1.75 00 6.56 24.t4 IIIa 20.85 0.554 I 1.55 0.80 9.24 > 6.27
Va I 1.88 3.95 0 1.75 00 6.56 24.14 IV 24.54 0.554 13.60 0.80 10.88 > 6.77
VI I 1.88 3.95 6.29 0.53 0.44 2.19 6.56 31.84 IVa 20.85 0.554 I 1.55 0.80 9.24 > 6.77
VIa I 1.88 3.9s 6.29 0.53 o.44 Z.l9 6.56 3 1.84 15.72 0.554 8.71 0.80 6.97 > 5.37
Va t2.14 0.554 6.73 0.80 5.38 > 5.37
VI 2'3.60 0.554 13.07 0.80 10.46 > 6.97
where: M¡¡un, : moment due to unfactored horizontal loads VIa 20.02 0.554 I1.09 0.80 8.87 > 6.97
' : notations used by AASHTO
where: F- : Nu tan ôb + CaBe From Table 5.9 (in Part l), the adjusted settlement using 90
Nu : factored result¿nt force normal to base : Vo percent reliability, p', is:
ôb : frictional angle between base and soil : 29 deg
q : adhesion : 0 p' : (1.0s)(p) : (1.05X0.6o) : 0.63 in.
ó, : sliding performance factor for SPT data
B. D'Appolonía et aL method: From Eq. 5.2.2 (tn Part l),
the settlement of the footing based on the recommendation of Conclusions for LFD D'Appolonia et al. is:
: p B: -. (1.73X5.46)
6.4.4 Serviceability Limlt State Check p tl,o p'ï (0.95X1.25) - a*-
Estimate the settlement of the abutment using the Tetzaghi : 0.028 ft : 0.34 in.
and Peck method and the D'Appolonia et al. method. Check
tolerable movement criteria according to the engineering manual From Table 5.9 (in Part l), the adjusted settlement using 90
for estimating tolerable movements of bridges (Part 5). percent reliability, p', is:
The minimum average SPT blow count, N, within the range
ofdepth from the footing base to the depth B below the bottom p' : (2.00XP) : (2.00X0.34) : 0.68 in.
of footing is 25.
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International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Sibley, E.À.r "Backfill ]tdjacent to Structureer" Proceedings
Engineering, Zurich, Vol. 1, 1953, pp.440-445. of thè Montana Conference on SoiI l,fechanics and Foundation
Engineering, Department of CÍvíl Engineering, l,lontana State F
Meyerhof, G.G., "Safety Factors in SoiI Mechanícs," Canadian University, Bozeman, Mrr 1967. Available fro¡n: U.S. Arrty FI
GeotechnicaL Journal, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Vol.7r No. Engineer Waterways experi.ment Station, P.O. Box 631, 'lÞ
4, Nov., L970, pp.349-355. Vicksburg, MS 39180. z
Meyerhof, G.G., "safety Factors and Li¡rit States Ànalysis in Skempton, À.W., "The Bearing Capacity of Clays", Proc. of C)
Geotechnical Engineeringr" Canadian Geotechnical Journal, the Èuilding Research Congress, London, England, Vol. 1, I
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Vol. 21, 1984, pp.1-7. 1951, pp. 180-189. F
Munfakh, G.À., "Innovative Earth Retaining Structures: Snyder, R. and Mosesr F., "Load Factor Design for
Substructures and Retaining Wallsr" FH9üA Report No. 79- zH
Selection, Design & Performancer" Proceeding of Conference
on Design and Performance of Earth Retaining Structures, S0862, Nov., 1978, 153 pp.
ASCE, Cornell University, fthaca, Ne!, York' June, 1990, pp. tÉ
85-118. Sowers, G.F., "Shallow Foundations, " Chapter 6 in Foundation
Engineering edited by Leonardsr G;À., McGraw-Hill ln
Newman, M., "Standard Cantilever, Retaining l{allsr" McGraw- Publicatíon Co., 1962' pp. 525-632. z
HiII Publication Co., L976, 648 PP. Ø
Îan, C.K., Duncan, J.M., Barker' R.M. and Rojiani, K., "An
New ZeaLand Ministry of Vforks and Development, "Retaíning Engineering Manual for Shallow Foundations"' Prelininary
lfall Design Notesr" !{ellington, New Zealand, July' 1979, Draft for NCHRP 24-4t WI & SU, May, 1991.
43 pp.
Tschebotarioff, G.P., "Retaining Structuresr" Chapter 5 in
Ooi, P.S.K., Duncan, J.M., Rojiani, K.B. and Barker, R.M., Foundation Engineering edited by Leonards, G.4., McGraw-Eill
"Engineering Manual for Driven Pilesr" Preliminary Draft for Publication Co., 1962, pp. 438-524.
NCHRP 24-4, WI & SU' May, 1991.
Terzaghi, K., "Retaining Wall DesÍgn for Fifteen-Mile Falls
Ooi, P.S.K., Rojiani, K.8., Duncan, J.M. and Barker, R.M.' Da¡nr" Eng. News Record, Mayr 1934t pp.632-636-
"Engineering Manual for Drilled Shafts," Preliminary Draft Terzaghi, K. and Peck, R.8., "Soil Mechanics in Engir,reering
for NCHRP 24-4, IíPI- & SU, May' 1991. Practicer" John witey and Sons Inc., NYr L967t pp.729.
Peck, R.8., Hansen, 9f.8. and Thornburn, f.H., "Foundation
EngineerÍngr" Second Edition, John Wiley and Sons Inc.' NY' U.S. Army Corps of Engineersr "Report on Frost Penetrationr"
1974, 514 pp. Addendu¡n No. 1, 1945-47, Corps of Engineers, US Àrmy, New
England Division, Boston" 1949.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineersr. "Engineering and Design NOTATIONS AND SYMBOLS o\
Retaining and Flood [üal1s," Manual EM No. IIIO-2-2502'
lfashington, D.C., Sept., 1989.
U.S. Dept. of Nawy, "NAVFÀC DM7.1, Soil Mechanicsr" Naval
Facilities Engineering Command, VA, May 1982, 348 pp. SymboI
U.s. Dept. of Navy, "NA\/FAC DYI7.2, Foundations and Earth
Stnrcturesr" Naval Facilities Engíneering Comnand, VÀ, ltay A maximum expected acceleratíon of bedrock
1982, 244 pp.
b width of pier
wu, T.H., "Retaining Wal1s," Chapter 12 in Foundation B footing base width
Engineering Handbook Edited by !ùinterkorn E. and Fang H.Y.,
van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York, 1975, pp. 402-417. B buoyancy (Section 3.4)
Be effective footing base width
c cohesion
ca adhesion
CF centrífugal force
D dead load
D¡ embedment depth for'foundations
DL dead Load .fron bridge superstructure
e eccentricity of the resultant
e void ratio
E earth pressure tt
E¡ horizontaL earth load (unfactored) ¡.1
Eho horizontal earth load due to dead load
Ehr, = horizontal earth load dr¡e to live load
Ev ve¡itical earth load (unfactored)
BvD vertical earth load due to dead load
EvL vertícal earth load due to live load
EQ earthquake
f(s) = probability deneity functíon of g = R - Q
fn(r) = probability density function of reaiEtance
fq(e) probabitíty density function .of load
Fr frictional resistance at the footing base
Fru = frictional resistance at the footing base
( factored)
tÐ factor of safety MHasd mo¡rent duei to horizontal load (used in ÀSD)
32.2 ft/sec.2 MËu noment duei to factored horÍzontal- load
"g moment duei to unfactored horizontal load
R-Q MEunf
nean of g
height of the walL
factored ¡roment
unfactorecl moment
H' effective height of a r¡al1 Mvasd moment duer to vertical load (used in ASD)
Hasd horizontal load used in ASD Mvu moment due¡ to factored vertical load
Hp= lateral earth pressure force produced by dead Mvunf noment duel to unfactored vertical load
load surcharge n porosity
E1 Iateral. earth preasure force produced by live N loading g¡rouP number (Section 3.4)
Ioad eurcharge N Standard llenetration TeEt (SPT) blow count
E¡ thicknese of compressible laYer ñ average SllT blow count
Eu factored horizontal load Naed vertical ¡îesultant force used. in ASD
Eunf unfactored horizontal loads Nu vertical ::eeultant force due to. factored
i the sloping angle of backfill loads ¡rl
I impact due to live load Nunf vertical rcesultant force due to unfactored z
ICE ice pressure Ioade z
rp plasticity index N32.r number of days below 32" F {
kv vertical acceleration coefficíent ocR over consol.idation ratio F
k¡ horizontal acceleration coeff icient P average a¡rplied bearing Prêasure under tt)
9¡nax maximum bearing stress due to unfactored Iocation of the resultant measured
loads from point o at toe
9s uniform surcharge pressure position of horizontaL resultant force
qr triangular bearing pressure at toe measured from botton of footing
9ult ultimate unit bearing capacity depth below the soil surface of backfÍIt
giutt ultimate inclined unit bearing capacity zw depth to giound water table
gvult ultimate vertical unit bearing capacity
9umax maximu¡n bearing stress due to factored loads
9unif .uniformly distributed bearing pressuxe at toe
a Ioad used in LRFD
õ mean of load a peak ground acceleration coefficient
Qi load component i p coefficient used in load combination
R rib shortening (Section 3.4) p safety index in reliability analysis
R resistance used in LRFD p angle of wall ste¡n
R mean of resistance 'l load factor
R1 reduction factor applied to qult due to "l unít weight of soils
inclined load 't' submerged unit weight of soils
Rn nominal resistance 'Yeq equivalent fluid unít weight
s shrinkage 7d dry unit weight of soils (Figure 3.3) ¡d
T annual average daily temperature in 6 friction angle between wall and backfill soil
Fahrenheit 6b friction angle between base and base soil
vasd vertical load used in ÀSD A movement of top of wall used in lable 4.2
vp resultant of dead load surcharge aph increase ín the horizontal presaure due to
V¡ resultant of live load surcharge surcharge load
vu factored vertical load APv increase in the vertícàl pressrure due to
vunf unfactored vertical load surcharge. Ìoad
w wind load on structure aPae increased earth pressure force due to seisnic
vÍ weight of wall- component or soil load (Fig. 4.12)
Wc weight of concrete mass of the wall e arctan tkn / (l-kv)l
we weight of soil mass behind the wall stem and PO influence factors for imnediate settlenent,
above the footing up to the heel accounting for effect of footing embedrnent.
l{s weight of surcharge on soil surface behind þT influence factors for iurmediate settlement,
wa11 accounting for effect, of finit,e thickness of
WT, wind load on live load a compressible layer
v Poisson'e ratio
p settlement of footing
Pa allor¡able differential settlement of footing
P, adjusted eettlement of footing
o normal stress in soil
og standard deviation of g = R - Q
oR standard deviation of R
oQ standard deviation of 0
oX horizonta,l stress in soil
oZ vertical stress in soil
ov' effective vertical etress in soil
oX' effective horizontal etrees in eoil
î shear stress in soil
ó performance factor used in LFD
ó' drained friction angle in soíl or rock ú
óf internal friction angle in soil or rock 2
ós performance factor for sliding z
(¿D uniformly distributed load due to weight of {
the approach slab t.
øL uniformly' distributed load due to live load
surcharge z
unifonrly distributed load applied to E
backfitl surface (Figure 5.6) c
Chapter 2 Classiñcåtion of Deep Foundations and Drilled Shafts........... t62
2.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Drilled Shafs............ t62
Ctapter 3 Design Requirements for Drilled Shaft Foundations.............. t67
3.7 Design Procedure for Drilled Shaft Foundations................ t7l
4.1.2 Buckling of partially embedded drilled shafts.. 173
4.2.1 Presumptive bearing capacities of soils and rocks...... 174
4.2.2 Rational methods of estimating bearing capacities of drilled shafts............. t74
4.5.1 Uplift capacity of a single drilled shaft.. 185
5.2.1 Estimation of bending moment in a single drilled shaft... 203
5.2.2 Estimation of maximum bending moments in groups of drilled shafts............. 2U
5.2.3 Structural capacity of drilled shafts subjected to axial load and bending......... 205
162 PART 4
The primary function of foundations is to transmit loads to Load factor design has been incorporated in the American Asso-
the ground safely and to avoid excessive settlements or lateral ciation of State Highway and Transportation Oflicials
movements. Drilled sh¿fts, which are used to support many (AASHTO) specifications for the design of bridge superstruc-
bridges, buildings, and other structures, are especially useful tures since the mid-1970s, but not for.substructure and founda-
where underlying layers include weak or compressible strata. tion design. Therefore, bridge engineers who use LFD for the
The purpose ofthis manual is to draw together practical proce- superstructure must develop two sets of loads-one for design
dures for the design ofdrilled shafts. The theoretical and empiri- ofthe superstructure and another for design ofthe foundations
cal procedures described provide methods suitable for design of (Barker et al., 1988). The development of load factor design
single drilled shafts and groups ofdrilled shafts that are subjected procedures for bridge foundations will make this duplication of
to vertical and horizontal loads. effort unnecessary.
The design procedures presented in this manual incorporate In the sections that follow, a brief description of the various
the concepts ofload factor design, or LFD. The LFD approach methods of constructing drilled shafts is given in Chapter 2.
provides a logical method of dealing with uncertainties of compo- Chapter 3 discusses the design requirements and the factors
nent loads, strength and behavior, and for incorporating suitable influencing the safety of drilled shaft foundations. Chapter 4
margins of safety. LFD and other procedures similar in format considers axial loading ofshafts, and Chapter 5 presents a new
are being used with increasing frequency in civil engineering. approach for the design oflaterally loaded drilled shafts.
cH¡,rrBn 2
2.1 TYPES OF DEEP FOUNDATIONS 3. Disturbance of foundation soils supporting nearby struc-
tures is minimal because drilled shafts are built with less displace-
Deep foundations can be described as columnar elements in ment of the ground than is involved in driving displacement
the soil which transfer the loads from a superstructure (such as piles. The nondisplacement nature of the construction of drilled
a bridge or a building) into the soil or rock. Deep foundations shafts minimizes heave and settlement during construction.
must be able to support axial, horizontal and uplift loads effec- 4. Vibration and noise associated with pile driving can be
tively. avoided using drilled shafts.
Deep foundations can be divided into t\ryo classes: (1) piles 5. Changes in geometry of drilled shafts can be made readily
that are installed by driving and (2) drilled shafts or drilled piers when needed, e.g., increasing the diameter or length, or adding
that are installed by placing concrete in drilled holes. Figure 2.1 a bell or an underream (see Figure 2.1).
shows a typical drilled shaft. 6. Because drilled shafts can support heavy loads, caps can
This manual discusses the design aspects of drilled shafts, but sometimes be eliminated, resulting in lower cost.
does not cover drilled piles installed with continuous flight 7. Drilled shafts can be socketed into scour-resistant materials
augers that are concreted as the auger is being extracted. The such as soft rock, whereas driven piles often cannot penetrate
design of driven piles is dealt with separately in Part 2. such materials.
2.2 ADVANTAGES AND D¡SADVANTAGES OF l. Successful drilled shaft construction is very much dependent
DRILLED SHAFTS on the skills and experience ofthe contractor. This can be disad-
vantageous if the contractor is not skilled.
The advantages of drilled shafts include the following: 2. The action ofdriving piles in certain soils (e.g., loose sands)
results in densification of the soil, thereby increasing the skin
l. Excavation during construction allows the bearing stratum friction. The excavation process during drilled shaft construc-
to be inspected and tested. Ifthe bearing stratum is inadequate, tion, however, results in stress relief and possibly expansion of
the drilled shaft can be extended to greater depths. the soil, which can lead to larger settlements.
2. Extending drilled shafts through boulders, rocks, and hard 3. Drilled shafts are seldom used in soft clays and are seldom
strata is easier than driving piles through such obstacles. constructed in soils under artesian conditions because of the
Axial Load
Lateraf Load
Underream Angle
(45" or 60'are
Re¡nforc¡ng Steel usuar)
(Frequently required
by design)
_lL Height
5't -Toe
A(' Shaft Extension
S¡de Res¡stance (a)
Bell - May be used or
' omitted as desired.
Base Resistance
t64 PART 4
The dry method of constructing drilled shafts is applicable to The casing method is applicable to soils that will cave or
soils above the groundwater table that are stable against caving deform excessively when the hole is excavated; an example is
when the excavation reaches its full depth; for example, homoge- clean sand below the water table.
neous stiff clays, and sands with some cohesion or apparent Figure 2.4 shows the sequence of construction of an un-
cohesion. This method is also applicable to soils below the water derream shaft in a caving stratum sandwiched between two com-
table if the soil has a low permeability and, therefore, has a small petent strata. The procedure is as follows (Reese and O'Neill,
rate of seepage into the excavation. l 988):
Figure 2.3 shows the steps involved in this method of construc-
tion. The construction procedure is as follows (Reese and l. Position drilling equipment and excavate until the stratum
O'Neill, 1988): of caving soil is encountered (Figure 2.a@).
2. Introduce slurry when the caving soil is reached (Figure
1. Position appropriate drilling equipment and excavate to the 2.4(b). As the excavation proceeds, the slurry should be cleaned
intended depth. Excavation for underreams can be made but is by circulating it through screens and cyclones or by using a
not shown in Figure 2.3(a). clean-out bucket. The slurry usually consists of a suspension of
2. Pour concrete in the hole using care not to strike the sides bentonite in water if the groundwater is fresh water. In salt-water
of the excavation, as shown in Figure 2.3(b). environments, either attapulgite or bentonite with added defloc-
3. Place rebar cage in hole. To prevent segregation, use a culants may be used in the slurry.
tremie or a drop chute to place the rest of the concrete (Figure 3. Introduce the casing through the caving soil into the imper-
2.3(c). The rebar cage can be omitted or used through the entire meable stratum (Figure 2.a@). There should be a suffrcient
length ofthe drilled shaft depending on the conditions ofloading. depth of embedment of the casing in the underlying impermeable
The rebar cage shown in Figure 2.3(c), for example, is placed in soil to effect a seal.
the upper portion of the shaft only. 4. Remove the slurry from inside the casing using a bailing
4. Pour concrete until the shaft is completely constructed. bucket (Figure 2.a(d)).
cor{cREl€ lßsroE
168 PART 4
3.1 LOAD FACTOR DESIGN CONCEPT Table 3.1. Table of coefficients of 7 and B for ultimate limit st¡tes.
(After AASHTO, 1989)
In load factor design (LFD), it is recognized that loads and Col. No. 3À 4 5 6 7 I 9 1 11 1 l3
resistances are probabilistic and not deterministic in nature. Dif- p-FACTORS
ferent types and magnitudes of loads have varying probabilities GROUP (L+r) L+r) CF s: f{ ¡tt LF R+S+T EQ ICE
1 B
ofoccurrence. In order to account for their differing probabilities
I 1.3 1.67 o 1 Pr 1 1 0 0 0 o 0
ofoccurrence, each load component is amplified by a load factor,
IÀ 1.3 lD 2.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o o 0
the value of which depends on the level of uncertainty of the
IB 1.3 tD ô 1 I þø I 1 0 0 0 0 0
load component.
The factored loads are compared to the desþ strengths or fI 'D 0 0 0 PE 1 1 1 o o o 0
VIII 1.3 ¡D r 0 1 þe 1 1 o o 0 0
óR > )yiQi (3.1.1) IX L.2 rD 0 o 0 Êe 1 1 1 0 0 o I
where þ : performance factor, R : resistance corresponding (L+I)n - Live load plus inpact for AÀSHTO Highvay H or HS loading
to the limit state considered, Q, : load effect due to load compo- (L+I)Þ - Live load ptus inpact consistent with the overload
- criteria of the operalion agency.
nent i, and 7, : load factor for load component i.
Various combinations of loads are considered in design, to É¡ = t.¡ for lateral earth pressure for reÈaining valls and
rigÍd frames.
ensure that the structure and foundation will have suffrcient É¡ = o.s for latêral earth pressure uhen checking posÍtive
nonents i.n rigid f,rames.
capacity to resist all of the types of loading to which it may be ÉE = 1.0 for vertical earth pressure
pD = 1.0 for fLexural and tension nenbers
subjected during its life. This manual uses the load factors and
load combinations described in the 1989 AASHTO specifications For Column Design
for the design of bridges. pD = 0.?5 when checking nehber for nininun axial load and
naxinum honent or naxinun eccentricity
pD = 1.0 vhen checking menber for naxinun axial load and
nininum noment
Loads acting on bridge superstructures include one or more Table 3.2. Table of coefficients of y and B for serviceability limit states.
of the following: dead load, live and impact loads, thrust due to (After AASHTO, 1989)
earth pressures, buoyancy, wind load, longitudinal and centrifu- Col. Nô - I 2 3À 4 6 ? I 9 1 t1 13 4
should be designed to carry impact loads, and these are the most II] I 1 1 o I þe I 3 I 0 0 0 .25
combinations and load factors for the design ofthe superstruc- I 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 I 0 0 t 0 0 140
ture, as given in the 1989 AASHTO specifications, can be used VI I 1 0 1 PE t I 3 I 1 1 0 0 40
for the design of foundations as follows: VII 1 1 0 0 o 1 I L 0 0 0 0 1 0 133
VIII 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 o 0 1 14 0
Total Load : y[PDD + ßrL + B.CF + ßBE + BBB + IX I 1 o 0 0 1 T 1 0 0 0 0 1 150
ÉsrSF + BwW + É¡y1WL + pLFLF +
É*(n + s + T) * ÉsqEQ + BrcErCEl (t+I)n - Live load plus inpacÈ for AÀSHTO Highway H or HS loading
(L+I)p - Live load plus ihpact consistent Hith the ovêrLoad
(3.2.1) - criteria of the operation agency.
where 7 : load factor (see Tables 3.I and 3.2), É : coeffrcient ** Percentaçte = l.laxihun Unit Stress lOÞeratind Ratinq) X tOO
earth pressure, B : buoyancy, W : wind load, WL : wind å in Cofumn L4 is the maxi.num pernissible percentage of
load on live load, 100 lb per linear ft; and LF : longitudinal
basic unit stress for load group indicated
force from live load, CF : centrifugal force, R : rib shortening, No increase in aLlovablê unit stresses shaLL be pernitted
S : shrinkage, T : temperature, EQ : earthquake, SF : for hehbers or connections carrying wind loads only.
stream flow pressure, ICE : ice pressure.
9e = f.O for vertical and lateral Loads on al.l structures
The factored load combinations considered by AASHTO are except reinforced concrete boxes.
pE = 1.0 and 0.5 for lateral loads on tigj.d frames (check
given in Table 3.1. Each line in the table, designated by loading both loadings to see which one govêrns)
group numbers I through IX, gives the values ofthe load factors, its tip and shaft capacities. During failure, the shear stress at the
y, and the coeffrcients, ß, that govern the contributions to the interface of the drilled shaft and soil reaches a limiting value.
total load. For example in group Qoad combination) I, total load This can occur under both compressive and upward loads.
: 1.3 (D + 1.67Lî+ CF + F"ø + B + SÐ. Drilled shafts in saturated clays are usually designed using
Loading groups I, II, and III usually apply to the design of total stress analyses where the undrained shear strength ofthe
the superstructures and substructures; groups IV, V, and VI clay is used. Long-term loads will le¿d to an increase in the shear
apply usually to the design of arches and frames; while groups strength of the clay around the shaft as the clay consolidates
VU, YUI, and IX apply usually to the desþ of substructures with time. Associated with this consolidation will be some settle-
(Ileins and Firmagg 1979). Column 14 of Table 3.2 gives the ment of the foundation. However, there is a possibility that
percentage increase in allowable stresses permitted in the load negative pore pressures can develop along the sides of drilled
combinations, and is mainly used in working stress design. The shafts in heavily overconsolidated clays or shales, leading to soil
increase in allowable stresses accounts for the fact that the proba- softening over time. As a result, total stress methods of analyzing
bility of the load components reaching their maximum values drilled shafts in heavily overconsolidated clays or shales may be
simultaneously varies from one load combination to another. unconservative. In this case, Reese and O'Neill (1988) proposed
Although uplift load considerations on foundations caused using the undrained shear strength measured on a triaxial or
by expansive soils are not shown in Tables 3.1 and 3.2, they direct shear specimen that has previously been allowed to imbibe
r¡r¿rer The ñrtñôsê
r-^r--' nf the imhihition is to annroximate the !one-
nevËitheless should be considered. Expansive soils are "prevalent
in a belt extending from Texas northward through Oklahoma' term softening behavior.
into the upper Missouri valley" (Peck, Hanson and Thornburn, Chapter 4 presents the cr method (the tot¿l stress method of
1974). Loads caused by expansive soils will be discussed later in analysis) for drilled shafts in clays (Reese and O'Neill' 1988)'
this chapter. Empirical methods based on the standard penetration test (SPT)
are described for drilled shafts in sands. Drilled shafts may be
used individually or in groups. The bearing capacity of drilled
shafts and groups of drilled shafts is addressed in Chapter 4.
3.3 DESIGN REOUIREMENTS FOR DRILLED The ultimate capacity is usually not a controlling factor in the
design of drilled shafts to resist lateral loads. The governing
Drilled shafts should be designed for both axial and lateral criterion in lateral load design is usually either maximum tolera-
ble deflection or structural capacity.
loading conditions. The two principal design considerations for
drilled shafts under axial loads are ultimate load capacity and
settlement. The ultimate load capacity of a drilled shaft may be
3.3.3 Movement
governed either by the structural capacity of the drilled shaft or
the bearing capacity ofthe soil. Drilled shafts that are subjected
Horizontal movements in buildings are caused by wind loads'
to lateral loads must also be safe against ultimate failure of the
earth pressures, and earthquakes. Horizontal movements occur
soil or the concrete shaft, and excessive lateral deflections.
at bridge abutments and piers because of lateral forces from
earth pressure, wind loads, stream flow forces, braking forces of
vehicles, and earthquakes. Lateral movements of buildings must
3.3.1 Structural CaPac¡tY
be limited to prevent architectural and structural damage- Lat-
eral movements of abutments and piers must be limited to pre-
Axially loaded drilled shafts may fail in compression or by
vent damage to bearings and expansion joints (functional and
buckling. Buckling may occur in long and slender shafts that
extend for a portion of their lengths through water or air' Scour
structural damage), and poor ride quality.
Excessive movements of foundations supporting bridges may
of the soil around the shafts could expose portions of their
lead to discontinuities in the slope of the riding surface, damage
lengths and increase the likelihood of buckling.
to the bridge superstn¡cture or substructure, jamming of bearings
A drilled shaft will fail in compression when the loads exceed
and expansion joints, or even collapse. It is necessary in bridge
the structural or soil capacity. The structural capacity of the
design to estimate the maximum settlement and lateral move-
shaft is usually greater than the ultimate soil capacity except
ment anticipated in the foundations, and to ensure that they fall
when the shaft bears on sound rock. Nevertheless, the adequacy
of the drilled shaft against structural failure must always be within tolerable limits. lf both vertical and horizontal displace-
ments are possible, the horizontal displacement of bridge founda-
checked. The tensile capacity of drilled shafts should also be
checked when the drilled shafts are subject to uplift loads.
tions should be limited to I in. If vertical displacements are
Laterally loaded shafts will fail in flexure if the induced bend- small, the horizontal displacement should be limited to 1.5 in'
(Moulton et a1., 1985).
ing moment exceeds the moment capacity of the shafts. The
Load tests on instrumented drilled shafts have shown that the
structural capacity of the drilled shaft is dependent on both the
movement required to mobilize shaft resistance in drilled shafts
moment and axial load. The structural adequacy of drilled shafts
is smaller than that required to mobilize end-bearing. The shaft
is checked using load-moment interaction diagrams. These are
capacity in clays is fully mobilized when the settlement is less
envelopes of the combinations of moment and axial load that
would cause structural failure.
than 1 percent of the shaft diameter. The end bearing of drilled
shafts in clay, however, is not mobilized until the shaft settles
about 2 percent to 5 percent of its diameter. For drilled shafts
3.3.2 Soil CapacitY in sands, the side resistance is fully mobilized at settlements less
than I percent of its diameter. However, very large displacements
The ultimate bearing capacity of a drilled shaft is the sum of are required to fully mobilize the end-bearing of drilled shafts in
170 PART 4
sands and the tolerable settlement will usually be exceeded much " Th" depths of seasonal moisture change where expansive soils
before the end-bearing is fully mobilized. This is an important occur can be identified by the following observations: (l) depth
design consideration when the working load acting on the drilled to which jointed, slickensided and blocky soils are obtained in
shaft exceeds the shaft resistance. In this case, larger settlements tube samples; (2) depth to which there is a change in color; (3)
may be required to mobilize the portion of the end-bearing that depth to which moisture content is erratic; and (4) depth to
supports the load not carried by the side resistance. For design which the liquidity index is erratic. The liquidity index usually
purposes, the "ultimate" end-bearing capacity of drilled shafts approaches a constant value in zones ofstable moisture.
in sand is usually limited to the capacity mobilized at a settlement The following steps should be taken when the soils are sus-
of 5 percent of the diameter of the drilled shaft. pected to be expansive (Reese and O'Neill, 1988):
3.6,2 Deter¡orat¡on
3.6.3 M¡scellaneous
Figure 3.1(a). Use of permanent surface
Other considerations that may affect the choice and design casingfor design in expansive soils. (From
of the foundation include the type of equipment available for Reese and O'Neill, 1988)
construction, the availability of field load test equipment, and
noise anci vibratory restrictions in ihe area. For example, ií a
school or hospital is nearby, drilled shaft foundations may be Steel H-P¡le
preferred over driven piles.
12. Determine the tolerable lateral displacement of the drilled in expansive soil. (From Reese and O'Neill,
shaft or group of drilled shafts and calculate the lateral displace- 1988)
172 PART 4
Table 3.4. Summary of ultimate and serviceability limit states that must ment. If the lateral displacement is greater than the tolerable
be considered in the design of rlrilled shaft foundatioñs. lateral displacement for a single drilled shaft, increase the diame-
UI,TII.IÀTE SERVICEÀBILIT] ter or the length ofthe shaft. Ifthelateral displacement is greatet
than the tolerable displacement for a group of shafts, increase
the number of drilled shafts or increase the spacing.
ltructura1 capacity of single x 13. Determine whether load tests are required to verify the
lrilled shafts design.
Significant advances have been made in recent years in devel- capacity ofdrilled shafts. Straight shaft and single underreamed
oping improved understanding ofthe behavior ofaxially loaded drilled shafts are considered, but multiunderreamed shafts are
drilled shafts. Design procedures based on the results of these beyond the scope of this manual.
studies are summarized in this chapter. Three limit states may
be reached in drilled shafts subjected to axial loads. These are:
(l) structural failure of the drilled shaft, (2) bearing capacity
failure of the soil, and (3) excessive settlement. Failure of the 4.1 STRUCTURAL CAPACITY
drilled shaft or the soil is called an "ultimare limit state" (ULS).
Excessive settlement, a less drastic occurrence, is called a "ser- Axially loaded drilled shafts can fail structurally either in
viceability limit stare" (SLS). compression or by buckling. Buckling usually does not take place
Both ultimate and serviceability limit states are addressed in in shafts of normal dimensions constructed in soft soils (Poulos
this section. The structural capacity of drilled shafts is discussed and Davis, 1980). However, buckling analyses are warranted in
flrrst, followed by the bearing capacity of single drilled shafts and long and slender drilled shafts that extend for a portion of their
groups of drilled shafts, and flrnally the settlement of individual lengths through water or air. Scour around drilled shafts in-
and groups of drilled shafts. The last section ol this chapter creases the likelihood that they may fail by buckling, and the
focuses on the effects of negative skin friction and the uplift maximum possible depth of scour should be considered in design.
The axial load in a drilled shaft should not exceed the factored
axial structural capacity. The following criterion expresses this
where þ, : performance factor for the nominal structural ca-
pacity, P. : nominal structural capaøty of the drilled shaft, Po
and P, are the axial loads due to dead and live loads respectively,
and yo andyyare the dead and live load factors. In general, for
conditions where other types of loads may act on the drilled
shafts, the design criterion may be expressed as:
where 7, : load factor for the load i and Pt : axial load due
to load i.
The factored nominal axial capacity of the drilled shaft can Figure 4.1. Eccentric loading on a group ofdrilled shafts.
be expressed as follows: (From Reese and O'Neill, 1988)
r",,:",[ü*#*r,r-] (4.t.4) Davisson and Robinson (1965) presented solutions for the
buckling loads of partially embedded piles in terms of an equiva-
lent free standing length. The equivalent free standing length is
where x and y are the distances of the drilled shaft from the the sum of the unsupported length of the drilled shaft above
centroid in the x and y directions respectively; No" is the number ground, and an additional length to the depth of fixity below
of drilled shafts in the group. ground. This depth to flrxity is a function of the flexural stiffness
For example, consider the group shown in Figure 4.1. If P, of the shaft, EoIo, and the soil stiffness. The soil stiffness can be
: 500 tons, ex : 4 ft, : 2 ft, and the spacing is 6 ft expressed in tèúns of a soil modulus (E", force4ength2). The
center-to-center, the maximum load carried by a drilled shaft soil modulus is usually considered to remain constant with depth
can be determined as follows: )x2 : 6 (6)2 : 216;2yz : 6 (6)2 in clays, and to vary linearly with depth in granular soils.
: 216. For long shafts, the equivalent free standing length, L*, can
The most heavily loaded drilled shaft is drilled shaft 3, in the be written as follows:
first quadrant:
Modulus constant with depth (clays)
p, : 500 Ít/9 + 4(6)/zt6 + 2(6)/2161: 139 tons L"q : Lu + 1.4R (
Modulus increasing linearly with depth (sands)
Shaft number 7 carries a tensile force: L"q:Lu+1.87 (
Pz : 500 lL/9 - 4(6)/216 - 2(6)/2161: -27.8 tons where L, : unsupported length ofshaft extending above ground
R : zs, in units of length; Ep : Young's modulus
Design against tensile failure is considered in Section 4.5. of drilled shaft, in units of force,4engthz; Io : moment of inertia
174 PART 4
,,,t{ ,''|il
shafts may be estimated using presumptive bearing capacities.
These values should be used only as a rough guide to possible
capacities. When used in design, presumptive bearing capacities
must be substantiated by load tests or rational methods of analy-
t", r",
I- sis based on soil data from the site.
Presumptive bearing capacities that have been published are
"allowable" values, intended for use in working stress design.
1 1
)- ,
o 2nzEoto
o " -P'P o
ÞÞ 4.2.2 Rational Methods of Estimating Bearing
crzctz 'ct- - .2 'cl' - 2
LL L 4L- Capacities of Drilled Shafts
eq eq eq eq
Figure 4.2. Critical buckling loads for centrally loaded columns The ultimate bearing capacity of a drilled shaft is the sum of
with various end conditions. the side and base resistances:
Q'r,: Q * Qp ( Table 42. Recommended values of a for drilled shafts in clay. (After
Reese and O'NeiIl, 1988)
where Qr, : total ultimate bearing capacity of a drilled shaft, Undralned. shear
Q, : ultimate load carried by side resistance : 4.q", Qp :
ultimate load carried by the base : \gn, A. : surface area of
Fron ground surface to
deÞth alonq drilled
the sides of the shaft over its penetration depth, .\ : area of shãft of s-tt*
base of the drilled shaft, q" : ultimate unit side resistance of the
shaft, and qp : ultimate unit base resistance of the shaft. Bottob t diaheter of
the drill.ed shaft or I
The load factor design criterion may be expressed as: sÈeE dlaneter ebcve t:-.e
top of the bell,
óqQu,2yoPo*7"Pt (
À1I other points along
the sides of the driLl.ed
þo :
where the performance factor for the ultimate bearing shâft <2tsf 0. 55
In general, 3-4tsf
ÞqQur, ) )7iP¡ ( 5-6tsf 0.35
6-7tsf o.33
where 7, is the load factor for load i and P, is the axial load due 7-8tsf
to load i. 8-9tsf o. 31
One rational method of estimating the bearing capacity of >9tsf Treac as Rôck
drilled shafts in compression is called the "static" approach. * The depLh of 5 ft nay be increased if the dritled shaft
Static formulas are based either on classical soil mechanics theo- ir instaifea in expansive ctey, or if thêre is substentieL
groundÌine deffection f¡ôn I'atêlal loeding'
ries or empirical correlations. These include total and effective
stress methods and methods based on in situ tests, such as the
standard penetration test (SPT). The total stress method is more
suited for drilled shafts in cohesive soils, while the SPT correla-
tion is better suited for drilled shafts in cohesionless soils. The ---T-
Top Five Feet
effective stress method is applicable to drilled shafts in both
cohesive and cohesionless soils. +
The ultimate capacities of drilled shafts in clay are usually Bottom One D¡ameler
governed by the conditions at the end ofconstruction. Therefore, of Slem
drilled shafts in clays are usually designed using total stress
methods. However, in some circumstances the strength of the
soil can decrease with time. Conditions that may involve reduc-
tion of strength and capacity after construction include drilled
piers in expansive clays that swell after installation. Another
situation where the shear strength of the soil changes with time Straight Shaft Belled Shatt
is when consolidation of the soil around a drilled shaft may result
in downward movement of the soil relative to the drilled shaft, Fígure 4.3. Explanation ofportions ofdrilled shafts not considered
thus inducing negative skin friction on the shaft, which increases in computing side resistance.
the load on the pier and reduces the magnitude ofthe load that
the shaft can carry without excessive settlement. In these cases,
effective stress analyses may be used. mended by Reese and O'Neill. Figure 4.3 shows the portions of
the length of drilled shafts that are considered not to contribute
l. Total Stress Analysis. to shaft adhesion.
a. Shaft resistance (q-method)--:1he c,-method relates the ad- The value of a is zero for the top 5 ft, consistent with findings
hesion between the drilled shaft and the clays to the undrained from load tests. Load test data on instrumented drilled shafts
shear strength of the clay. The ultimate unit skin friction, q", can have shown load transfer to be zero at the ground surface, in-
be expressed by: creasing with depth. Because the rate of increase has not been
determined with much certainty, Reese and O'NeiIl chose to use
qs : dsu ( c':0inthetop5ft.
The footnote in Table 4.2 accounts for the following. During
where Su :undrained shear strength and cr : adhesion factor dry weather, expansive soils shrink and move away from the
applied to Su. Reese and O'Neill (1988) developed a procedure shaft. A value of c. : 0 may be selected for a depth greater than
for prescribing a values along the length of drilled shafts in 5 ft as indicated by the depth of seasonal moisture change in
overconsolidated clays. "labie 4.2 shows the values of cr recom- areas with expansive soil, and (b) during lateral loading, the clay
176 PART 4
at the groundline may be pushed away due to lateral deflection steel interfaces and 0.68 to 0.95 for clay,/concrete interfaces).
of the shaft, especially if the loads are cyclic in nature, causing The lower value is for a smooth surface finish (e.g., concrete cast
the shaft to be deflected back and forth. in steel forms) while the higher value is for a rough surface finish
The value ofc¿ is also zero for a distance of I diameter above (e.g., concrete cast in the ground).
the base of the shaft, because downwarä movement of the base The ratio K,/Ko depends on the method of installing the drilled
can cause a tensile crack to develop in the soil near the base. shaft. Typical values range between two-thirds and one. The
Based on load tests on drilled shafts in clay, Reese and O'Neill lower value is used for slurry construction, while the higher
suggested the use of values of c., as given in Table 4.2, for the value is for dry construction. Casing construction below the
remaining portion of the drilled shaft. The value of a may be groundwater table can be considèred as an intermediate case.
different from those given in'fable 4.2 in sensitive clays. In such The disadvantage of using this method is that the construction
soils, load tests should be conducted to establish appropriate method must be known prior to design.
values of cr. b. End bearing---'lhe drained ultimate unit base resistance
The data used in deriving this design method does not include may be approximated as follows (Kulhawy et al., 1983):
clays with Su greater than 6 tsf, OCR greater than 10, or sensitiv-
ity greater than 4. qp : crv'Nq' (
b. End bearing-Reese and O'Neill (1988) applied Skemp-
ton's (1951) expression for end bearing ofpiles in clay, to drilled where cru' : vertical effective stress, and No' : modihed bearing
shafts as follows: capacity factor obtained from Figure 4.4.
It may be seen that the value of No' depends on the value of
qp -- NcSu < 40 tsf (4.2.2.s) rigidity index, a term which accounts for soil deformability and
the variation of the bearing capacity factor with depth. Vesic
where N" : 6(l + O.LZ/D) ( 9, Su : average undrained (1975) defined I, as follows:
shear strengthofclay over a depth ofone to two diameters below
the base, Z : distance that the shaft extends into the ground, E.
and Do : diameter of the base of the shaft. (4.2.2.e)
The limiting value of Co (40 tsfl is based on the largest value "-z(t+lrÞJt-,d
measured in clays and is not a theoretical limit. Higher values where E, : Young's modulus of the soil, p : Poisson's ratio
of qo may be used if indicated by load test results. ofthe soil, cru' : vertical effective stress measured at a depth of
N" should be reduced by one-third (i.e., use 2N",/3 in computa-
tions) in soft clays to account for large displacements prior to
bearing capacity failure. r ooo
If Do exceeds 75 in., the ultimate unit end bearing capacity of
drilled shafts in stiff to hard clay should be reduced to qpr as
follows (Reese and O'Neill, 1988): 500 I .5OO
qP' : / ..'z5o
F'qP ( /¿'
2.5 ,t' ¿'too
' (in.) + 2.5b - ,'
,t ttt
tt tt5o50
a : 0.0071
"Do ro0 /' .t
+ 0.0021 Z/Dp < 0.Q15 -a'
I /'..' ..'
q. : . .
{- (å)}
ä l.'"'r",un ]
D,/2 below the base of the drilled shaft, and Ö' : eflective Table 4.4. gr¡mm¡ry of procedures for estimating base resistance, qn, of
friction angle ofthe soil. drilled shafts in sstrd.
Trofimenkov and Yorobkov approximated the rigidity index IEFERENCE DESCRIPTION
for clays as follows (Kulhawy et al., 1983):
Iou¡ûa and Reese I€ose çIÞ(tsf)-o
' fk=Ifor
(1974) IDD<1.67f'
I,: 320(1 - LI)s (4.2.2.tO)
l,ledlu¡ qb (tsf) =
16 l&'
for DÞ >
' J
- k ìr.678t.
where LI : liquidity index of the clay : (wo - PL)/(LL - I
4o I ÀÞpllcable
PL); w, : natural water content of the clay; pl : plastic limit Very Dense qD(tsf)=- lonlyif
' k (¡lb>10D
of the clay; LL : liquid limit of the clay; s : stress correction
factor : 2.2/(1.2 i a,/cn1); cr" : original vertical in situ 2NcorrDb 4
stress (tsf) at a depth ofhalfdiameter below the base; and cr,, leyerhof qÞ (tsf,)- ( - Ncorr for 6and
: normalizing stress : I tsf. Equation is valid for 1976) ' 15Dp 3
lee6e and wrlght {n(tsf¡=-¡ forNs60
Although many field load tests have been performed on drilled L9?7 | '3
shafts in clays, very few have been performed on drilled shafts qp (tÊf) = 40 for N > 60
louna and Reese qs = KdvrtanCr < 2.5 tsf (1977) and Reese and O'Neill (1988) indicate that the unit side
: )
where K = o.7 for Db s 25 ft resistance should be limited to 2 tsf, corresponding to the maxi
K = 0.6 for 25ft < Db s 40 ft
mum value ever measured; Touma and Reese suggest an upper
limit of 2.5 tsf. These values, however, are not theoretical limits.
K=0.5for Db>40ft
Higher values can be used ifthey are verified by load tests.
It may be noted that the side resistance of drilled shafts in
leyerhof qs (tEf) = sand can be estimated using either the friction angle (Touma and
:1976) -lo0 Reese, 1974) or the SPT blow count (Meyerhoff, 1976; Quiros
gs(tsf)=0.026N <2tsf and Reese, 1977; arrd Reese and Wright, 1977). Reese and
)uiros and Reese
(I977 | O'Neill (1988) proposed a method for uncemented sands that
uses a different approach in that the shaft resistance is indepen-
N dent of the soil friction angle and the SPT blow count. They
Reese and wright 9s(tsf)=- forN<53
(1977 \ 34 suggested that the friction angle approaches a common value for
N-53 uncemented sands because of the high shearing strains in the
qs (tsf) + 1.6 for 53 < N = 100 sand and stress relief that occur during drilling.
2. End Bearing. Load tests show that large settlements are
leese and orNeill qs (t6f) = Povt s 2 tsf for O.25 < þ s I.2 required to mobilize the maximum end bearing resistance of
1988) drilled shafts in sands. Because large settlements are not tolerable
in most structures, the procedures presented in Table 4.4 for
where N = uncorrected SPT blow count calculating the ultimate unit end bearing capacity , go, are based
øvr = vertical effective stress on a downward movement equal to either I in. (Touma and
Reese, 1974; and Quiros and Reese, 1917); or 5 percent of the
ór = friction angle of sand
base diameter (Reese and Wright, 1977; and Reese and O'Neill,
K = load transfer factor 1e88).
Db = enbednent of dritled shaft in sand bearing layer Reese and O'Neill (1988) recommend that for base diameters
P = Ioad transfer coefficient greater than 50 in., qo should be reduced to qpr as follorus:
t78 PART 4
50 the elastic shortening of the drilled shaft, p", which can be com-
qer : qp (
ñ; puted as follows:
Ve¡yLo'út / // / l/lodulu¡
Rock tow /./,/ ./ Raüo
Strength untrm/,/ ,/ ^1000
r.oi\i-/ sta.t-L//,loo-
UpP.t¿ çConcrcto
Mlddlc \ ^X ^/ln,
åto ^r4^/ ^too
ofchark "'-Zf l1((/1lfl1fvcnctss
.9 o.i
Black Shale ì
I o.ol
Grcy Shalc
I Hcndron ct al.
^. .o
qr:2.5fi (
= o4a
where q" and qu are in psi. o
4. Estimate the base resistance of the drilled shaft socket from o ooo
the uniaxial compression strength as follows (Canadian Geotech-
nical Society, 1985): 0 100
core, Ksp : dimensionless bearing capacity coefEcient, and Load Tests
3 * so,/D" Load tests on drilled shafts are often used to verify the ultimate
K.o : (see Figure 4'8) (
lotrlË;/rol*:- load capacity estimated by means of the methods described ear-
lier. It is desirable that a plunging failure load be obtained during
in which: d : dimensionless depth factor : I + 0.4H,/D. < a load test. However, this may be economically or physically
3.4; s6 : spacing ofdiscontinuities; tu : width or thickness of impractical when the loads are very large. In such instances, the
discontinuitiesi D. - diameter of drilled shaft socket; and H. : load test should be carried out until the base settles a distance
depth of embedment of drilled shaft socket : 0 for drilled shafts equal to at le¿st 5 percent of the base diameter.
resting of top of bedrock. Several loading procedures are given in ASTM Dl l43. These
This method is not applicable to soft stratified rooks, such as include the standard loading procedure, constant rate ofpenetra-
shale or limestone. When the method is applicable, the rocks are tion method, quick load test, const¿nt time interval loading, and
usually so sound that the structural capacity will govern the settlement control method.
design (Fellenius et al., 1989). This method is applicable only if The Osterberg load test apparatus was specially designed for
su > I ft and tu < 0.25 in. for unf¡lled discontinuities, or td < load testing ofdrilled shafts. Osterberg (1984) proposed using a
I in. for discontinuities filled with soil or rock debris, and D. > special flat pressure cell, installed below the tip ofthe shaft, that
I fr. will differentiate the tip capacity contribution from the shaft
Alternatively, estimate the base resistance of drilled shafts capacity contribution (Figure 4.9).
socketed in rock using results from pressuremeter tests as follows
(Canadian Geotechnical Society, 1975): Groups of Drilled Shaf*
9p:Ku(Pr-po)*ø" (
The design requirements for groups of drilled shafts are similar
where p, : limit pressure determined from pressuremeter tests to those for single drilled shafts, i.e.,
averaged over a distance of2 diameters above and below the base,
po :ut rest horizontal stress measured at the base elevation, ø" órQ, t group load effect (
: total vertical stress at the base elevation, and Ko dimen- :
sionless coeffrcient which depends on the socket diameter to where þ, : performance factor for group capacity and Q, :
socket depth ratio as follows: group capacity.
For groups of drilled shafts in cohesive soil, the mode of
H"/D" behavior depends on whether or not the cap is in contact with
the ground. If the cap is in contact with the ground, groups of
Kb 0.8 2.8 3.6 4.2 4.9 5.2
shafts may fail as a unit consisting of the shafts together with
the block of soil contained within the shafts. The ultimate bearing
capacity in this case should be taken as the minimum of the
following two values: (1) the sum of the individual capacities of
the drilled shafts, or (2) the bearing capacity for block failure of
the group.
For a group of drilled shafts of width X, length Y, and depth
Z (Figure 4.10), the bearing capacity for block failure in cohesive
soils is given by:
\¿15 ô-z
Qr:(2X+ZI Z;S"+xYN"Su (
where S, : aveta5e undrained shear strength along the depth
penetration of the drilled shafts, Su : undrained shear
Y strength below the base of the shafts, and
õ o.oo5-
:g N": 5(1 + o.zx/Y)(r * O.2Z/X)forZ/X < 2.s (
If the cap is not in fi¡m contact with the ground and the
clay is normally consolidated or slightly overconsolidated or is
sensitive, the individual capacity of the drilled shaft must be
multiplied by an effrciency factor, T, where n : 0.7 for a center-
to-center spacing of3D and q : 1.0 for a spacing of6D (Reese
and O'Neill, 1988). The value of 4 may be linearly interpolated
o o.? o.4 0.6 0.8 r.o t .z t.4 r.6 r.8 2.O
for intermediate spacing. The group capacity is then calculated
Rat¡o sd/Os
as the minimum of: (1) the sum of the individual capacities of
Figure 4.8. Bearing capacity cofficient, K,o. (After Canadian the drilled shaft multiplied by 4, or (2) the bearing capacity for
Geotechnical Society, 1985) block failure as described above.
If the cap is not in hrm contact with the ground, and the clay
is heavily overconsolidated and insensitive, the group capacity
should be estimated in a similar manner as the case where the
cap is in contact with the ground.
Installation of drilled shafts in cohesionless soils results in
stress relief. Therefore, the density of the sand may decrease
during construction of drilled shafts. The ultimate bearing capac-
ity of a group of drilled shafts in sand is estimated by multiplying
the sum of the capacities of all the shafts in the group by a group
effrciency factor. The group effrciency factor, defined as the ratio
of the ultimate load capacity of the group to the sum of the
ultimate capacities of the individual shafts, is 0.7 for a center-to-
center spacing of three diameters and 1.0 for a spacing of six
diameters (Reese and O'Neill, 1988). The effrciency factor can
be interpolated for intermediate spacings. Evaluation of group
capacity of drilled shafts in cohesionless soil is the same whether
the cap is or is not in firm contact with the ground.
Block failure can also occur when the base of a group of shafts Figure 4.10. Group of drilled shafts acting as a blockþundation.
overlie a layer of soil very much weaker than the layer in which
they terminate. The bearing capacity ofthe base ofthe equivalent
pier, qo can be computed as follows:
where qo : bearing capacity ofbase ifit were at the top ofthe
(qr - q")H lower (weak) soil, q, : bearing capacity of base in the upper soil
,* ao' (
in the absence of the softer lower soil, H : vertical distance
182 PART 4
ø (D
o F o.a
ãE 0.r
c(ú t-
g, G'
E ø
E E'
ct R'
t-- o a!
t- Jo
!t(ú 0.6
E po-
o 0.6
J U) J
o g po o(ú
Range of R€sults for
E .E 0.4 Osf lection-Sof torilng Fesponse
0.4 =
= Fange ol Results for
Dellection-Ha¡denin g Response
Trend Line
o.o q
0.0 0.6 0.8 t.0 1.2
0;0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1,4 1.6 Settlement
ol lo
ot c lo
c. '= lco
o (ú
o 3lç
.g o lù
o E
c Ele
uJ 1(Ú
@ u,
E o
1ll G' lf Range of Results
5 Trend Line
2345678 9t0
Settlement of Base
0123456789 Diameter of Base
Settlement of Base , yo
Figure 4.14. Normalized cumes showing load transfer in end
Diameter of Base
bearing versus settlement for drilled shaf* in cohesionless soil.
Figure 4.12. Normalized curves showing load transfer in end (From Reese and O'Neill, 1988)
bearing versus settlement for drilled shafts in clay. (From
Reese and O'Neill, 1988)
from the base ofthe shafts in the group to the top ofthe we¿k
layer, and X : width (least horizontal dimension) of the group.
The perfiormance factors for the group capacity calculated
using the sum of the individual capacities are the same as those
for the single capacity ofa drilled shaft. A separate performance
factor must be used for the block failure mechanism.
(o) (b)
Drilted shafts may be inst¿lled individually or in groups. Set-
tlement of drilled shafts installed in sand and rock are usually Figure 4. 15. Locatíon of equivalentfootíng. (After Duncøn and
small, and they occur fairly rapidly. However, shafts in clay may Buchignaní, 1976)
settle over a longer period oftime as they consolidate.
In estimating settlements of drilled shafts in clay, only unfac-
tored per::ra:reslt loads ase ccnsidered. Howeve¡, unfactored live
loads must be added to the permanent loads when considering
4.3.2 Group Settlement
settlement of drilled shafts in granular soil.
Loads causing settlement of groups of drilled shafts are as-
sumed to act on an equivalent footing located at two-thirds of
the depth of embedment of the shafts in the layer which provides
4,3.1 Settlement of Slngle Drllled Shafts support (Duncan and Buchignani, 1976), as shown in Figure
Reese and O'Neill (1988) have summarized load-settlement
data for drilled shafts in dimensionless form as shown in Figures
4.11 through 4.14. Figures 4.11 and 4.12 show the load- 4.3.2. I Cohesionless Soil
settlement curves in side resistance and in end bearing for shafts
in clay. Figures 4.13 and 4.14 are similar curves for shafts in Meyerhof related the settlement of groups of piles and drilled
sand. These curves provide a useful guide for estimating short- shafts (p in inches) to the SPT blow count ofthe soil as follows:
term settlements of drilled shafts.
The values of the load-settlement curves in side resistance zqJÎ r
weÍe obtained at different depths, taking into account elastic P: (4.3.2.t)
shortening of the shaft. While elastic shortening may be small
in relatively short shafts, it may be quite substantial in longer
shafts. The amount of elastic shortening in drilled shafts varies where q : net foundation pressure (including any negative skin
with depth. Reese and O'Neill (1988) have described an approxi- friction per unit area) in tsf applied in 2Do/3 (see Figure 4.15);
mate procedure for estimating the elastic shortening of long X : width (smallest dimension) of group of drilled shafts, in ft;
drilled shafts. I : influence factor of the effective group embedment
Long-term settlements ofdrilled shafts in clay are not reflected
in Figures 4.11 and 4.12. Consolidation settlements should be I:l-D'l8X>0.5 ( Cohesive Soil shafts should,be checked when downdrag loads (unfactored) act
together with dead loads. Temporary live loads and downdrag
The settlement of groups of drilled shafts in cohesive soils loads do not act together. This is because temporary live loads
may occur over a considerable period of time. The long-term will compress the drilled shafts elastically and reduce the down-
settlement of groups of drilled shafts in clay may be calculated drag load. \ilhen the live load is removed, the drilled shafts will
using the methods employed in estimating settlement of shallow rebound elastically, thereby restoring the downdrag load.
foundations. For this pulpose, the load carried by a group of If the magnitude of the downdrag load exceeds the magnitude
shafts is assumed to be transferred to the soil through an equiva- of the live load, the structural and soil capacities should be
lent footing located at two-thirds the depth of the drilled shafts checked for the dead load plus downdrag. The load factor for
(see Figure 4.15). the downdrag load is the reciprocal of the perforrrance factor
The components contributing to the total settlement of a group for the ultimate side resistance of the drilled shafts. The following
of drilled shafts in clay are: imme.diate settlement, consolidation criterion expresses this fact:
settlement, and secondary compression settlement, They can
be estimated using the same procedures as used for shallow
foundations, I
The procedure for determining whether or not the settlement 0R>7oPo*ô*t* (4.4.1.r)
capacity of drilled shafts is suffrcient is as follows:
where { : performance factor corresponding to the limit state
Determine,the tolerable settlement, prol, considered, R :resistance corresponding to the limit state con-
2. Estimater:the settlement of the dri[eA shaft or group of sidered, and þ0. : performance factor for the ultimate skin
drilled shafts, p. resistance of the drilled shaft.
3. If the estimated settlement for an individual shaft exceeds
the tolerable settlement, increase the length of the drilled shaft
or its base diameter and repeat steps I and 2. If the settlement 4.4.2 Neutral Plane
ofa group ofdrilled shafts exceeds the tolerable value, increase
the number of drilled shafts, the length of the drilled shafts, or
The neutral plane is defined as the elevation at which the
the spacing and repeat steps I and 2.
settlement of the drilled shaft and the settlement of the soil are
the same, as shown in Figure 4.16. Above the neutral plane, the
soil loads the shaft in negative skin friction. Below the neutral
plane, the shaft derives support from the soil. The distribution
of load and resistance in a drilled shaft are shown in Figure
Negative skin friction is the downdrag force induced when the
4.16(a). A dead load, Pp, acts at the top of the drilled shaft.
soil around the shafts moves downward relative to the shafts. With increasing depth, the load on the drilled shaft increases
Settlement of the soil around the shaft may occur due to: place-
because of the negative skin friction. The total load acting on
ment of ftll, groundwater fluctuations, and other causes (Poulos
the drilled shaft, Po * P.n, increases accordingly. The drilled
and Davis, 1980). shaft resistance is equal to the tip capacity at the base, Qo, and
increases upwards as the side resistance, Qr, increases. This is
Negative skin friction may be estimated using the rational
represented by the curve, Qo * Qr. The two curves intersect at
methods discussed in Section 4.2.2(the aand B methods). When
using the c' method, the top 5 feet and bottom one stem diameter
the neutral plane. This is the location of the maximum load on
the drilled shaft. The neutral plane ofdrilled shafts end-bearing
do not contribute to the downdrag loads, and an allowance
should be made for the possible increase in the undrained shear on rock is located at the base of the drilled shafts.
strength with time as consolidation occurs. An alternative ap-
proach would be to use the B method where the long-term
conditions after consolidation should be considered. The unit 4.4.3 Settlement
negative skin friction, using the effective stress method (B
method) is given by: Figure 4. t6(b) illustrates the procedure for estimating the set-
tlement at the top of the drilled shaft. The settlement of the top
jsn: Bc", (4.4.1) of the drilled shaft is the sum of the settlement at the neutral
plane and the elastic compression of the drilled shaft above the
and the downdrag load is given by: neutral plane (Figure 4.16(b). Unfactored loads are used to
estimate the settlement.
P.n : q"ra.D. (4.4.2)
where P". : downdrag load, a, : perimeter of the drilled shaft, 4.5 UPLIFT
and Dn : length of drilled shaft embedded in settling soil.
Uplift of deep foundations may be caused by: swelling soils,
frost heave, buoyancy, lateral loads, and upward loads. Drilled
4.4.1 Deslgn Conslderatlons shafts subjected to uplift must be designed to withstand tensile
stresses and pullout from the soil. Pullout resistance is usually
Downdrag loads can increase the settlement of drilled shafts, adequate in long drilled shafts, but shafts end-bearing on bedrock
but they rarely cause capacity problems. Settlement of drilled at shallow depths may have small pullout resistance.
4.5.1 Upl¡ft Capacity of a Slngle Drllled Shaft Load and Reslstance Settlement D¡str¡but¡on
Dlstributlon Elast¡c Ground surlace
comprsssþn settlem€nt
Each drilled shaft in a group is loaded in either tension or Po
Loed Senlenent
compression. The load ¿çfing on each drilled shaft in a gfoup
may be estimated using Eq. 4.1.4.
and þu : performance factor for uplift capacity. the settlement of ø drilled shøft ot o gtoup of shafn (After Cana-
The performance factors for axial compression and uplift are dian Geotechnical Society, 1985)
different because (l) the diameter and, thus, the area of the
drilled shaft, decreases in tension due to the Poisson effect,
thereby making uplift capacity smaller than compressive load
capacity; and (2) drilled shafts in tension unload the soil. This
reduces the overburden effective stress and, hence, the uplift side
resistance of the drilled shaft.
The uplift capacity of a drilled shaft with an enlarged base
(bell) should be calculated assuming that the bell behaves as an
anchor (Reese and O'Neill, 1988). Any skin friction above the
bell should be discounted. The uplift capacity ofa belled drilled
shaft (Q'o"u) may be calculated as follows:
: %,t"ttAu (4.s.r.2)
clay o. 65
The ultimate uplift capacity of a group of drilled shafts should Q,": (2XZ + 2YZ)Su + Ws (4.s.2.1)
be taken as the minimum of the following two values: (1) the
sum of the individual uplift capacities of the drilled shafts, or where Q,, : ultimate uplift resistance of the group, X : width
(2) the uplift capacity of the group considered as a block. The ofthe group, Y : length ofthe group, Z: depth ofthe block
mechanism for the latter is different for drilled shafts in clays ofsoil below cap, Su : average undrained shear strength along
and sands. drilled shaft, and W, : weight of the block of soil, drilled shafts
The shaft friction ofgroups ofdrilled shafts in sands deterio- and cap.
rates with time ifthe shafts are subjected to vibratory and lateral
loads. For pile groups, Tomlinson (1987) suggests that the weight
of the block uplifted be estimated using a spread of load of I in
4 (Figure a.l8(a) from the base of the group. Buoyant unit Table 4.5 gives the geotechnical performance factors for the
ultimate limit st¿te. Serviceability limit state analyses should be 4.7 DESIGN EXAMPLES
carried out with unfactored loads and unfactored resistance.
The design procedures discussed in the previous sections are
demonstrated in the following example problems.
Example 4.1
Check the adequacy of the shight sided drilled shaft in the soil pfofile below to _suppo_rt a
dead load of lÓ0 tóns and a livðload of 20 tons. Diameter of thè shaft = 30 in. tængth of
shaft = 59 ft.
o Sand
60 r =115pcf
= 173 tons
Structural capacitv
Using a drilled shaft with fc - 4 ksi; fy = 60 ksi and reinforced with l8# 10 bars.
Q$ =+(212)
Side resista¡ce of shaft in sand
From depth 32 to 40 ft, N = 20 Weighted average of
From depth 40 to 59 fr, N = 25 N = t(20) (S) + (25) (19))t27 =23.5 E
From depth 32 to 59 fr, A5 = @¡ Zl =212 ft2 (v)
" Reese and O'Neill (1988)
(Ð Touma and Reese (1974)
(Ð Touma and Reese (1974)
Q =õ1*to, = E2lotrs
Same as Touma and Reese The example problem shows that th¡ee methods (Ioqqa Q $9e-se-. Reese &Wright.afld
Reese & Ö'NéUl indicate that the bearing capacity of the drilled shaft is adequate whil€ the
i'e' Qn = 52 1s¡s other two methods (Meyerhof & Quiros ancl Reese) indicate that the drilled shaft needs to
be lenghæned or the diameær increased, in order to be safe.
The Touma and Reese & Quiros and Reeæ methods for calculating base resistance a¡e Example4.2 \o
based on a settlement of I inch while the Reese and Wright & Reese and O'Neill's methods o
are based on a settlement of 5Vo of tbc base diameær ( I .5 in.). This explains the lower Chgg\_tle adequacy of a underreamed drilled shaft in a stiff clay with a unifonn
base resistance calculated using the Touma and Reese, and Quiros and Reese methods. srrength of 2000 psf to support a dead load of 140 tons and a live loadbf 50 tons. The
groundwater tablr is at a very_large depth and is nor considered in this example. The shaft
dimensions a¡e shown in the figure below.
** It is assumed that the end bearing is obtained using the Reese and Wright method i.e.
Assume fc = 4 ksi and:fy = 60 ksi and 18 # 9 ba¡s a¡e used to reinforce the drilled shaft.
Qp = 82 tons. Ay = (18) (1.0) = 18 in.2
Conesponds exactly to working load of 120 tons. 4=f;Q})z =707 in.z
The settlement at the top of the drilled shaft would be about 0.05 in. + elætic compression
= 0.05 + 0.04 0.1 in.
This would be acceptable under almost any conceivable circumstances.
= 0.0071 + 0.0021 (49.3317.5)
fu = Ag - AY =701 - l8 = 689 in'2
Q" Po = (0.8) (0.7) t(0.8s) (4) (689) + (60) (18)l b= 0.456@ 0.5<b<1.5
ln Table 2.1, the maximum net bearing pfessufe ¡hat can be sustained in a 60' underream = 0.E5
wirhour cracking is 25 ksf. Applying a concrete stfength reduction facto¡ of 0.85' the
structufal capacity of the bell is: 9pr = 0.85 qp
= Qq, Q, + 0q¡, QP
Base resistance
= (0.65) (162) + (0.55) (3:18)
Since Dn =7,5 x 12 = 90 in. > ?5 in., see\.4.2,2.6 to calculate a reduced base
resistance. = 105 + 186
a=0.0071 +0.0021ZlD, = 291 tons > 291 tons
3. Check settlement under working loâd Example 4.3
. .. From Fig. 4.1 I, the maximum side resistance is reached at a settlement
the diameær
of 0.6?o of Check the adequacy of a 30 in. diameær drilled shaft sockeæd l0 ft inro basalt ro suooort a
dead load of 100 ons and a live load of 60 tons. The compressive suength of rhe uâsatt is
1.0 ksi and the RQD is 707o.
=ffiGol = o.t8 in.
l. Deæn¡ine the design load on the drilled shaft
The full side ¡esistance of 162 tons can be assumed to be fully mobilized.
þPp+llP¡= 1.3 (100) +2.17 (60)
The remainder of the working load (190 - 162) = 2g tons will be caried by the base.
= 130 + 130
= 260 tons
-#ffi =#=o'o7or7vo
2. Estimate the axial capacity of the drilled shafr
Stuctural Capacity
... settlementof rase =ffitsol Q"po = (0.8) (0.2) t0.85 f" ^fu + f, Ayl
The drilled shaft is reinforced wirh 8 #_l I bqs yith a yield stress
= 0.18 in. S = 60 ksi. The
compressive strength of the concrete fç = { þi.
therefore the full side resistance will be mobilized but only |vo of the base resistance will
be mobilized. Ay = (8) (1.56) = 12.5 in.z ¡Ë
The e.lastic compression of the shaft assuming that the bell is incompressible AE=TßÐ2 =707 in.2 -i
as follows:
can be found è
A" = Ae - Ay = 707 - 12.5 = 695 in.2
o- =W- whete Þ _ Po + Pl + Load ca¡ried by base
0" po = (0.8) (0.7) t(0.E5) (4) (6e5) + (60) (12.5)l
a 1743 kips
= 109 tons I to* r,.
= 872 tons > 260 tons
.^ _ (109) (2000) (45) (12)
(707) (3.5 x 106) il
,/\ Bearing Capacity
= 0.048 I Loadat
I B"r"
From Fig. 4.6, the Young's modulus of the intact basalt is 5 x l0z ksi and the modulus
.'. Settlemenr at top of drilled shaft 0.1g + 0.04g ratio is 500. From Fig. 4.7, the modulus of the in situ rock mass (ReD 70zo ) is20% of
= =
the intâct modulus. .'. In situ modulus of rock, E¡ = (0.2) (5 x lSz¡
= 100 ksi.
= 0.23 in.
In order to determine whether the bearing capacity of the drilled shaft is derived ftom shaft
.'. Drilled shaft capacity is derived mairly from side resisance'
resistrnce or base resistance, calculate Pe + Pbase to see if it is greaær than or less than 0.4 Since the uniaxial compressive stængth ofthe concrete is > 280 psi, use Equation
in. 4.2.2-16.
q' = 2.5G
E" loox lo3
(2ooo) (0.32)
i' Pbæc =060) - lo'
Go) loo
= 0.034 in.
2. Estimate axial capacity of the drilled shaft \o
cìeck the
4e9ua9y of rhe group of drilled shafts shown below to supporr a dead load of Strucn¡ral caoaciw
90 tons and a live load of 30 tons. consider the effects of negative sÈiì friction.
From Equation 4.1-3
6 ft x 2 ft ælumn
Using a drilled shaft with fc - 4 ksi and fy = 60 ksi Ìrrith 15 # l0 bars.
A, = (15) (1.27) = 19.l in.2
Clay 5q- 2 k6l
4=frG6)2 = t0l8 in.2
A" = Ae - Ay = 1018 - 19.1 = 999 i¡.2
= 2544 kips
t. -- .l
l I
l@ @l rsn
l l) Detemioe tbe design load oa the g.up oi
ìVeight of cap
= 5(l8XlEX150y2OOO
of soil above ep =
= 98
5¡11g¡2 -
= 122 to¡s
rt:i ii'¡i',1i: àl
Bearing capacitv of a single drilled shaft
From dept¡ 0 to 5
From depth 5 ft to 25
Qsr = 0 (Depth 0 refers ro top of shaft)
Su = 2 ksf - I tsf
Qsz = cSo As2 = (0.55) (1) (¡¡) (3) (20)
= 104 tons
= 220 to¡s
Side resistance of shaft in sand
;. .fo Po +1P¡ = 1.3 (220 + 90) + 2.17 (30) From depth 25 ftto 45 ft, using Reese and wright's procedure* for illusftative purpose in
this example:
= 403+65
= 468 tons
Asr=#tu¡ = <"1ß)eo)
= 89 tons
As discussed in section 4.2.2, designer should use all 5 methods and applyjudgment to
select factored capacity.
End bearing of shaft in sa¡d o +220 +31
= 1.51 tsf
Qo =
| N eo (Reese and Wri ght,1977)
r= 1-#> 0.5
=+0o (1ol8Yl44
= 75 tons =l-
Total factored capacity of a single drilled shaft
= 14.6
Asumed Q -
factors for side and tip rcsisunce using
Reeæ & Wright's method. (2) (1.51)fl5 êq)
" i'- 14.6
= 0.7 in. l.
Group capacity Þ
4. CÌreck the effect of tÞ downdrag load. U'
The capacity of a group of drilled shafts in sand is the sum of the individual shaft capacities
multiplied by an efficiency factor, r1. The value of r'¡ is 0.7 for a spacing of 3D and I for a T
*+ã ttí
spacing of 6D. -n.5
i. 1 of 4D
= 0.8 for a sPacing
1t -
Factored group capacity = q Nds h Qult c¡
t N"o.
The load at the neutral plane is approximaæly 172 tons. Since this is greater than the \o
applied load per shaft of UtPp= 85 tons, settlemenq, bearing capacity and
(Ð Deærmine the design load due to tlte dead load and downdrag load
r¡ po +
*Qo p"o = (1.3) (220 + 90) * Uþ, tnz - i7.s) 4
= 403 + 582
The structural capacity of 1261 tons per shaft is adequate to support the load
per shaft of 246 tons.
The factored bearing capacity of480 tons for the group is inadequate to
support the load effect of 984 tons due to the dead load and downdrag load. ¡É
Either more shafts, larger shafts or wider spacings should be used.
(iv) Settlement
... p =ffi ro.zl
Lateral loads on drilled shaft foundations arise because of The procedure for analyzing lateral deflections ofsingle drilled
wind, earthquake, water pressures, earth pressures, and live shafts described in this manual is the one developed by Evans
loads. Drilled shaft foundations must be designed to withstand and Duncan (1982). The method models nonlinear behavior of
such forces without failing (i.e., without reaching the ultimate the soil, but does not require computer analyses.
limit state), and without deflecting excessively (i.e., without
reaching the serviceability limit state).
Batter piles are frequently used to resist lateral loads. How- Evans and Duncan Procedure
ever, constructing batter drilled shafts is diflicult. Construction
problems include maintaining hole stability during excavation, Evans and Duncan (1982) related lateral deflections of deep
insølling casing and rebar cages in inclined holes, concrete place- foundations to the lateral loads using what they called a charac-
--i-¿:-r^^r D TL^^L^-^^+-...i¡+i^t^-,1 D -øhnáiactl¡^imnnr-
menf in inciined hoies, arrd avaiiability oí s-,¡iiable coäsiruciion LC¡ iSülU ¡UaUr i c' ¡ ¡¡ç v¡rorswLvrtù!¡v ¡vcst ¡ ct vÀ¡¡vve¡vs
equipment. Because of these diffrculties, batter drilled shafts are tant properties of the drilled shaft (diameter, stiffness) and the
used infrequently. soil (strength, stiffness) that determine the way that the drilled
The governing criterion in the design oflaterally loaded drilled shaft and soil respond to lateral loads. The larger the value of
shafts is almost always the maximum tolerable deflection or the P", the greater is the capacity of the drilled shaft to carry lateral
structural capacity of the shaft itself. Ultimate soil failure does loads, and the smaller is its deflection under a given lateral load.
not control the design because mobilizing the ultimate lateral The Evans and Duncan procedure is applicable to drilled
capacity of the soil requires such large displacements that this is shafts with a length-to-diameter ratio of t0 or greater for shafts
not a realistic possibility. in firm soils and 15 or greater for shafts in soft soils..
In designing vertical drilled shafts to resist lateral loads, both
lateral deflection and structural capacity should be considered.
Procedures for addressing these issues are described in the fol- Fixed-Head Drilled Shafx
lowing sections.
The procedures and charts discussed in this section are for
fixed-head drilled shafts. Charts in dimensionless form were
5.1 LATERAL DEFLECTION developed for sand and clay (Figures 5.1 and 5.2). These charts
show the variation of Pr,/P" with Y./D. P. is the unfactored
One of the design objectives is to ensure that the lateral deflec- lateral load, Y" is the shaft displacement, and D is the diameter
tion of the drilled shaft or group of drilled shafts does not exceed of the drilled shaft. These charts model the same nonlinear be-
the tolerable limit. The lateral deflection of a group of drilled havior of soil as the p-y method of analysis. The procedure for
shafts can be related to the lateral deflection of a single drilled
shaft. Procedures for estimating lateral deflections of single
drilled shafts and groups of drilled shafts are described in the
following sections.
(1) elastic analysis, (2) subgrade reaction analysis, and (3) p-y P
analysis. Elastic analyses and subgrade reaction analyses are T 0.006
based on the assumption that the soil behaves as a linear material;
and p-y analyses model nonlinear behavior, but require the use of
computer programs and involve considerable engineering time. 0.004
''ì 5.4
0.04 o. 4.3
þn 3.8
s E 3.6
0.03 *
=- 3.3
0.02 o
0.01 =2
Figure 5.2. Lateral load versus deflectionforJìxed-head drilled 0 f00 110 120 130 140
shafts in clay. (After Evans and Duncan, I9g2) .
w, Unit weight of concrete, lb per qJ .ft
tarrz (45' + :
angle of T¡ble 5.1. R, values for drilled ¡hafts with 4: koi, E" : 29fi)0
pressure coeffrcient þ'./Z); a¡d Ó' CS00
5. Use Figure 5.1 for shafts in sand or Figure 5.2 for shafts As/Ad 18 ln. 24 ln. 30 ln 36 ln
in clay to determine the value of \,rD. 0. 0r r.06 l. 07 1.09 r. 09
6. Calculate Y, : D (YrlD). o.02 t. rl. r. t4 r. 16 1. l8
0.04 :.. 21 L.27 1. 31 r. 34
This procedure has been used to develop lateral load-deflection o. 08 t .38 r,50 1.58 t. 63
curves for some coÍlmonly used drilled shaft sections. Charts where Àa = area of atgel ånd
for drilled shafts of 18-in., 2¿t-in., 30-in., and 36-in. diameters' Àg = groÊs cro6s-Eèctlonal area of drllted 6haft
with percentages ofreinforcement equal to I percent, 2 percent,
4 percent and 8 percent, constructed in sand and cþ, are shown
in Figures 5.5 through 5.12. For these drilled shafts and soil
conditions, deflections can be estimated directly using the charts.
q=30. 0=30'
For example, a lateral load of 25 kip acting on an l8-in. drilled
shaft with 4 percent steel reinforcement, constructed in clay with
an undrained shear strength of 2 ksf, will result in a lateral ¿
deflection of about 0.1 in. (Figure 5'11). E
For sands, charts were developed for friction angles of 30 deg' J
35 deg, and 40 deg. The water table was assumed to be at or o
above the ground surface, For intermediate values of friction J
r l8ln.
a 24 tn.
a 30 ln.
36 ¡n.
D€flsctlon (ln)
ø ø
ê ê
! ¡e _o
6 ß 6
o o 0 o
G d G E
o o o o
J 5 J Jo
o E
o 6
J o
õ E
o I l8 ln. o
)6 a
36 in_
0 0.2 0-4 0.6
Deflêct¡on (ln) (Thousands) Derecrion (rn)
Moment (klp.ln)
Figure 5.6. Load versus deflection and load versus moment for Figure 5.8. Load versus deflection and load versus moment for
drilled shafts (As/As: 2Vo) in sand. drilled sha.fts (A"/As : ïVo) in sand.
0=30' 0=30'
o g.
J '!
Jo J
o jso
o o 520
J J6 õ
60 60
q 50 50
40 !
uo !
o 6
J 30 o
6 Ë
o 20
Jo J6 10
q ø
¿ 50
Þ 40 =
so G 6
J 30 )o o
E o
o 20 o E
)o r0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 01234
Dellect¡on (in) (Thousands)
Deflecllon (ln) (Thousands)
Moment (klÞ.ln) Moment (k¡p-ln)
Figure 5.7. Load versus deflection and load versus moment for Figure 5.9. Load versus deflection and load versus moment for
drilled shafts (A,/Ar: 4Vo) in sand. drilled shafts (A,/As: IVo) in clay.
60 60
60 q
5¿o 3¿o 40
õo E
.g 30 tso
g Ezo
.5 ro Eto
0 o
0.2 0.4 0.6 24 246
¡Þflect¡on (¡n) Clhousands) Cfhoussnds)
Moment (k¡Þln) moment (klÞln)
Moment (klpln)
6' so
.3 30
.5 ro
01234 01234
(Thousands) (Thousands)
Deflect¡on (ln) Moment (k¡Þ¡n) Moment (klpln)
Fígure 5.10. Load versus deflection and load versus moment for Fígure 5.12. Load versus deflection and load versus moment for
drilled shafts (A,/As: 2Vo) in clay. drilled shaf* (A"/Ar: 8Vo) in clay.
= =
! 6
ø o
Jo E
6 o
o ø
õ J
Moment (k¡pin)
Figure 5.11. Load venus deflection and load versus moment for
drilled shafts (A,/Ae: 4Vo) in clay.
202 PART 4
0.012 0.015
F 0.008
q o.oos
0.'15 M
e o.or s
Figure 5. 15. Load deformation cumes þr free-head drilled shafts
in clay. (A.fter Evans and Duncan, 1982)
Y, Y" (5.1.2.r)
where Y" : lateral displacement of a single frxed-head drilled
shaft subjected to a lateral load P.; N¿, : number of drilled
shafts in group; S : average spacing of drilled shafts; D
diameter of drilled shaft; P" : average lateral load per drilled
shaft : P"r,/N¿r; Pt, : lateral load on the group of drilled
shafts; and
shafts, thus leading to larger deflection for the group than for Table 5.2. Approrimate locs-
r/e z/r
single drilled shafts subjected to the same load per shaft. The tion of the occurrence of the
maximum bending mom€nt
bending moment in a drilled shaft within a group is also larger in free-head drilled shafts. 0.0 0,0
than that in a single drilled shaft subjected to the same loading'
0.1 0.4
This is because the interaction effects, by causing more deflec-
tion, also increase the bending moment in the shafts. o.2 0.5
o.3 0.6 Groups of Fixed-Head Drilled Shaf* 0.4 o.7
Brown et al. (1987 and 1988) found that the maximum bending
o.8 0.9
moment in a group of free-head piles occurs in the leading row
(or front row) of piles. However, current theories on lateral L.6 1.0
loading of groups of piles or drilled shafts are not able to predict L.2
this behavior. A semiempirical procedure that provides a reason-
14.0 1.4
able approximation of the maximum bending moment in the
leading row of a group of piles or drilled shafts has been devel-
¡ôa^rihÃã h.' E'n¡hf anã l(nnh l1
, Ér an¡{
P* is as defined previously in Eqs. and, and yn is Ev.P -
the load factor for the lateral load. I
e"nn Groups of Free-Head Drilled Shafts
20ó PART 4
0.9 Table 5.3. Nominal moment capacity, Mo, for drilled shafts.
;*loo -v
'a' n
0,01. 0. 037 0. 050
0 ,02 0. 067 0. 092
0.2 0, 03 0.088 0,119
0.04 0,1.07 0. 147
0. 05 0.126 0,L12
0' 0. 06 0. L44 0. 197
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 t.b
ETmM 0.07 0.161 0.208
I rMn 0.08 0.175 o.244
Figure 5.22. Normalized load-moment interaction curves for 28 day concrete cylinder strength
drilled shafts, fr: 15¡"'. :v yiel.d stress of steeL
dianeter of drilled shaft
gross cróss-sectional area of concrete
ó"Pn : 0"(0.85f"'4" + fyAy) ( the drilled shaft chosen has more capacity than required. Steps
2 To 7 can be repeated for smaller drilled shaft sections to achieve
where þ^Pn : factored nominal axial capacity of the drilled greater design economy.
shaft; þ" : capacity reduction factor, 0.75 for spiral columns
and 0.70 for tied columns; f"' : 28-day concrete cylinder
strength; f, : yield stress of steel; A" : cross-sectional area of 5,3 DESIGN EXAMPLES
concrete; and A, : cross-sectional area of steel.
Note that it is possible to develop load-moment interaction The design procedures discussed earlier in this chapter are
charts similar to those of Figures 5.21 and 5.22for values of f,,/ demonstrated in the following example problems.
f"'other than l0 or 15, and cage diameters other than 0.6D.'
The procedure for checking the structural adequacy of drilled
shafts using the normalized load-moment interaction curve is as
1. Estimate the axial load per drilled shaft and calculare the
combined axial load effect, )7,P,.
2. Determine the factored nominal axial structural capacity
of the drilled shaft, ó"P. using Eq. 5.2.3.i.
3. Calculate the factored design bending moment, 7-M, in
the drilled shaft using factored loads.
4. Estimate the nominal structural moment capacity of the
pile, Mn f¡om Table 5.3.
5. Calculate ó-M, where ó* : 0.9 for reinforced concrete.
6. Determine the ratios 2yrPr/ö^Pn and I7.M,/ó.M', and
locate a point at these coordinate values on the normalized load-
moment interaction diagram. If the point falls on or close to the
interaction curve and inside the area envelope.d by the interaction
curve and the two axes, the drilled shaft chosen is adequate. If
it falls outside this region, a larger section is needed. Steps 2
through 7 should be repeared until the point falls inside and
close to the interaction curve. If the point lalls inside the region
but far away from the inte¡action curve (e.g., near the origin),
Example 5.1 Using Equation 5.1..1-3
Usins the cha¡ts develoDed by Evans and Duncan (1982), determine the laæral deflection of Mc = 3.86 D3 (q RI) (S,,/Ep RI) 0'46
;äîir:ìilñfr fi.":ñðu¿ dúüed shaft subjected to a lateral sueam flow force of 30 kips
ã.iins uiiãirþoce of 8 ft above the groundline. The soit is a silty cla_ywit! a¡ avelagg - = (3.86) (24)3 (381s)
;ä;.ffi¡ ;Ë;îrcngtn oi z tsf alo-ng the top 16 ft- The drilleôshaft is reinforced with 8
# 7 bars. The Youngis modulus of thð concrete is 3.5 x 103 ksi. check the structural
adequacy of the section.
= 641 000 kip-in.
...1& = o.oo¿:;
l. Calculaæ the Percentage ofsæel
4=ftQÐ2 =452in.2 = o.ol
= 0.24 in.
2. Estimaæ the laæral deflection assuming the load acts along the groundline
Apply onlinear superposition to calculate laæral deflection ofdrilled shaft F
From Table 5.1, RI = 1.09
Ep Rt = 3'5 x 106 x l'09 = 3815 ksi F
Using Eq. 5.1.1-l and assuming negligible scour v,
From Fig. 5.15,
Pc = 7.34D2 (Ep Rù (sJEp Rr)o'óE3 ¡a
(# ftL=o.oolr;forY#
= 7.34 (24\2 (3S 15) 3#-)0.613
Pu = (0.0095) (3 I I l) = 29.6 kiPs.
= 311 I kips
P'= 30 =0.009ó From Fig. s.17,
P. 3lll
= 0.0048 ¡ot
$r = o.ot t
From Fig. 5.15, Ysp/D = 0.011
Mp = (0.00rß8) (641000) = 3077 kip-in.
Ys = (0.01 l) (24) = 0'26 in'
¡: ., .:.,:.
= 1.49
From Fig.5.17, .'. From Equation 5.2.1-4, the maximum bending moment in the drilled shaft
YÈt" =kv Me
= 0.027
= (1.49) (2880)
Ysvp = (0.027) (24) = 0.65 in.
= 4290 kip-in.
... Y5=f
"2 1Y5pv+ysr*¿p)
0m Mn = (0.9) (2300)
Using Equation 5.2. l-3 and applying a load factor 1." = 1.3 to the lateral sr¡eam force and
monlcnt componcnl of the st¡eam force, according tð'nnSUfO's load combination I, = 2070 kip-in.
(2.435) (r.3) (30)
*¡ -, (1.623) (t.3) (2880) T2 =0..75 = 2.0i
(3-5 - lo.Xl??sÐ' (¡s tol (lzzsz)
T3 * ¡2
ó.543m Kízn-o'75=o
This point will not plot inside the load-moment interaction diagam (F.i9.5.22) for drilled Example 5.2
shaftô with l7a reinïorcement. Thus either increase the 7¿ of steel or the diameær of the
Estimaæ the lateral deflection of the ÊrouD of fixed-head drilled shafts shown below and
drilled shaft or both.** check the strucrural adequacy of ttre iltraftì when subjected to a lateral wind load of 90 kips.
acring at a distance of ld ft above the top of the shafis. The drilled shaft is reinforced with
8 # 7 ba¡s.
18 in.
4=frQï)z =254in.2
Note: Buckling of the drilled shaft should also be checked in accordance to Section
Eo tt""l=# x 100 = 1.897o
4.1.2 for free-héad shafts with portions of the shaft unsupported laærally above ground.
(2) Estimaæ the laæral deflection of a single drilled shaft (4) Calculaæ location ofresultantforce acting on cap. ì\)
Load per drille¿ rttuft = = 15 kips.
E T Pi = (1.3) (s00) + (2.t7) (r70)
An SPT blow count of l0 corresponds to a $' of 35o (based on correlation
by Meyerhof (1956))
= 650 + 369
Using Fig. 5.5, Q'= 35" , D = l8', Ay/Ag = lVo,Ys = 0.13 in. = l0l9 kips.
Using Fig. 5.6, Q'= 35", D = l8', AylAg =ZVo,Ys = 0.12 in.
T* P* = (1.3) (90)
= I 17 kips
Pr = KpTD3
P*,y=ps,#.#.#, Eq.4.l-4 ¡ú
= 219 kipVshaft
.'. Ys
(6) Estimaæ the maximum bending moment in a single drilled shaft
(16) (1.49)
Ps = 15 kips,0'= 35"
= (2.32) (0.r2)
Using Fig. 5.5, M = 780 kip-in. for Ãylfug= lVo
= 0.28 in.
Using Fig. 5.6, M = 780 kip-in. for AylÀg=2lo
13. Evans Jr. L.T. and Duncan J.M., "SimplÍfied Analysis of 25. Osterberg J.O., "À New SirnpJ-ified Method for Load 1..)
Laterally Loaded Piles", UC Berkeley Rept. No. UCB/GT/82-04, Testíng Drilled Shafts", Foundation Dr.iÌling, Vol. XXIIf. ì.J
July, 1982, 245 pp. No.6, pp.9-11.
14, Fellenius 8.H., Sa¡nson L and Tavenas F., "Geotechnical- 26. Peck R.B.r'Hanson W.E. and Thornburn T.8., "Foundation
Guidelines - PiIe Design", PubJ.ic lforks Canada, Marine Works Engineering, Second EdÍtion, John lf,íley and Sonsr. Inc., New
Sector, Ottawa Ontario KLÀ OM2, Canada, August 1989. York, L974.
15. FHWA, "Interim Procedures for Evaluating Scour at 27. Peck R.8., "Rock Foundations for Structures", Proc. ÀSCE
Bridges", FHWA Publication to be incorporated in "Hydraulic Specialty Conf. on Rock Engineeríng for Foundations and
Engineering Circular No. 18 (EEC-18), "Scour at Bridges" Slopes, Boulder, Colorado, L976.
which is scheduled for Publication in 1989, Sept. 1988, 62
pp. 28. Potyondy J.G., "Skin Friction between Various Soils and
Construction Materia1s", Geotechnique, VoI. Xf, No. 4, 1961,
16- Focht J.A. and Koch K.J., "Rational Analysis of the pp.339-3s3.
Lateral Performance of Offshore Pile Groups,,, Proc. of the
Fifth Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, Vo1. 29. Poulos H.G. and Davis E.H., "PiIe Foundation Design and
2, Paper OTC 1896, L973, pp. 701-708. Analysis", John Wiley and Sons. 1980, 397 pp.
L7. Heins C.P. and Firmage D.À., "Design of Modern Steel 30. Prakash S. and Sharma E.D. "Pile Foundations in
Highway Bridges", John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1979t 463 Engineering Practice", John Wiley & Sons, Inc., L990, 734
PP. pp.
18. Horvath R.c. and Kenney T.C., "Shaft Resistance of Rock 31. Prestressed Concrete Institute, "PCI Desiqn Eandbook -
Socketed Drilled Piers", Proc., Symposium on Deep Precast and Prestressed Concrete", 3rd nd.itioñ, prestressed
Foundations, ASCE, Atlanta, Georgia. 1979, pp. L82-2L4. Concrete Institute, 20 North l{acker Dr., Chicago Il 60606,
19. Krohn J.P. and Slosson J.8., "Assessment of Expansive
Soils in the United States", Proc. Fourth Int. Conf. on 32. Quiros G.W. and Reese L.C., "Design Procedures for 'É
Expansive Soils, ÀSCE, Vol. 1, Denver, Colorado, June 1980, Àxially Loaded Drílled Shafts", Research Rept. 176-5F, tr
pp. s96-608. Project 3-5-72-176. Center for Eighway Research, Univ. of 5
Texas, Àustin, December 1977, 156 pp.
20" Kulhawy F.H., Trautnann C.8., Beech J.F.. O,Rourke T.D.
and McGuire Il, "Transmission Line Structure Foundations for 33. Reese L.C., Cox Íf.R., and Koop F.D., "AnaÌysÍs of
UpIift-Compression Loading", EPRI Rept. EL-2870, EJ.ectric Laterally Loaded Piles in Sand", 6th Annual Offshore
Power Research Institute, 1983. Technology Conf., Paper No. OTC 2080, 1974.
21. Matlock E. and Reese L.C., "Foundation Analysis of 34. Reese L.C. and O'Neil1 M.!ü., "Drilled Shafts:
Offshore Pile Supported Structures", Proc. Fifth-Int. Conf. Construction Procedures and Design Methods", FEÍ{A
on Soil Mech. and Found. Eng., VoI. 2, L96L, pp. 91-97. Publication No. FEWA-EI-88-042 or ADSC Publication No. ADSC-
TL-4, August 1988, 564 pp.
22" Meyerhof c.G., "Penetration Tests and Bearing Capacity
of Cohesionless SoiLs", ÀSCE, JSMFED, VoI. 82, SMlf January 35" Reese L.C. and Wright S.J., "Drilled Shaft Manual-
1956, pp. 866-1 to 866-19. Construction Procedures and Design for Axiat Loading", Vol.
L, U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Implementation Division,
23. Meyerhof G.G., "Bearing Capacity and Settlement of Pile HDV-22, Inplementatíon Package 77-2L, JttJ-y 1977, 140 pp.
Foundatj-ons", ASCE JGED, VoI. 102, No. GT3, March 1976, pp
L96-228. 36- Scott C.R., "An Introductíon to Soil Mechanics and
Foundations", Third Edition, Applied Science and Publishers
24. Moulton L.K., GangaRao H.V.S. and Hal-verson G.T., Ltd., 1980, 406 pp.
"Tolerable I'fovement Criteria for Highway Bridges", FHWÄ.,/RD-
85/L07, Federal Highway Administration, Washington D.C., 37. Skempton A.W.¡ "The Bearing Capacity of Clays", Proc. of
1985, 118 pp. the Building Research Congress, London, England, Vol. 1,
195L, pp.180-189.
38. Stas C.V. and Kulhawy F.H., "Critical Evaluation of NOTATIONS AND SìÍMBOLS
õã!ié"-l,l"thods for Foundãtions under Axial upliftNovember'
õ;õ;;";i;n ioaaing", EPRI Report No' Er'-3771,
1984, 198 PP. Symbol Represents
39. Stebbins E.E. and Willians R'C', "Wet-HoIe Drilled Shaft ENGLTSH
Construction", Proc. Drilled Foundation Seminar' Àuburn
University, FebruarY, 1986. a Factor :[or calculating the reduction factor
for end bearing of drilled shafts with large
4Q. Terzaghi K., "Evaluation of coeffícient of subgrade bases
iã""iiã";'í Geotechnique' No. 5' 1955, pp' 297-326'
as Perimeter of drilLed shaft
4L, Tomlinson M.J.' "Pile Design and Construction Practice"' constant used in the equation for predicting
Viewpoint Publication, L987, 415 pp' A
lateral displacenent of groups of drilled
42. Touma F.T. and Reese L.C., "Behavior of Boredpp' Piles in shafts
sã"a;, ASCE JGED, VoI. 100, No. GT 7, Jury L974, 749-
7 6L. Àc Cross-sectional area of concrete
43, Vesic .A.S., "Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundatíons"' Ag Gross ci:ross-sectional area of drilled shaft
ótråoter 3 in Foündation Éngineeriñg Handbook, Ed' byco" New
wi;-t;;k";" g. and Fang H.Y. van Nostrand Reinhold ÀP Àrea of base of drilled shaft
York, 19?5 , PP. L2L-147. '
As Surface area of the sides of a drilted shaft
"Uplift of
44. Yazdanbod 4., Sheikh S'A' and O'Neill Ì'1'W"Foundations over its penetration depth (in Chapter 4)
shallow underream in ¡ointed clay", Proc. ASCE, À¡ea of steel (in ChaPter 5)
iãi-it.rr.rnission ¡ine rãr¿ers, Ed-' by ariaud J'L" Àtlantic As r{
City, New Jersey, April 198?, pp' 110-127' Ë
Asoc Cross-sectional area of drilled shaft eocket U
Au Ànnular area between the bell and the shaft
b Factor :Eor calculating the reduction factor Ø
ior end bearing of drilted shafte with large
ConstanE used in the equation for predicting
lateral dieplacenent of groupe of drilled
c Cover
c' Effective cohesÍon
c Constant used in the equation for predicting
Iateral displacenent of groupe of drilled
COLE Coefficient of linear extensibilit'y
d DimensionLess depth factor for estimating tip
capacity of drilied shafts socketed in rock
ds Dianeter of steel bars
Symbol Represents Symbol Represents. l.J
D Diameter of Drilled Shaft rc Moment of inertia of concrete
Effect,ive depth of group of drilled shafts IP Moment of inertia of a drilled shaft
D6 Depth of embedment of driLled shaft into a rr Rigidity index of soil
bearÍng stratum
Dn Depth of drilled shaft errbedded in.settling rs Moment, of inertia of steel
soil and subject to downdrag 1oading Isolid Moment of inertia of a solid circul_ar cross-
Dp Diameter of the base of a drilled shaft, section
Ds Diameter of drilled shaft socketed into rock rp Influence coefficient for settlenent of
dríIled shafts socketed into rock
e Eccentricity of lateral load above ground k Reduction factor for the tip capacíty of
ex Eccentricity of J-oad on a group of dritled drilled shafts (in sand) wiLh a baee-diameter
shafts in the x-direction greater than 20 in. so as to lirrit the ehaft
settlement to 1 in.
"y Eccentricity of load on a {lroup of drillled
shafts in the y-direction ky Moment urult,iliplier
Nds Number of dritled shafts ín a grouP q Net foundation pressure applied aE 2D6/3 T
At rest horizontal stress measured from 9p Ultimate unit end bearing of a drilled shaft
pressuremeter tests Reduced u,nit end bearing for drilled shafte
Pc Characteristic load with largle bases
Pcr Critical buckling load 9s Ulti¡rate unit síde resistance of drilled
P¡ Dead load Unit upli.ft capacity of a beLled drilled
9s bell
Factored total axial load acting on a pile shaft
9roup Unit dowrrdrag load
Pi Axia1 load due to load i Uniaxial conpreesive etrength of rock
SynboI Represents synbol Represents ì\¡
Qq Ulti¡nate capacity of a group of drilled x Distance of the drilled shaft from the
shafts centroid of the cap in the x-direction
Qi Load effect due t.o load component í x width of group of drilled shafts
Qp Ultimate load carried by base of drilled
shaft v Distance of the drilled shaft from the
Qs Ultinate Load carried by side resistance centroid of the cap in the y-dírection
Qs bell UpJ.íft capacity of a belled drilled shaft Y Length of group of drilled shafts
Qu s Ultimate uplift resistance of a group of Yg l,ateral displacenent of a lat,erally loaded
drilled shaft.s group of drilled shafts
Qult lotal ultimate bearing capacÍty Ys
ToFl lateral
drilled shaft
displacement of a single
r Eccentricity factor for cal-culatíng factored
structural axial capacity of columns YsM Lateral displacernent, component due to the
bending moment Me
R Resistance corxesponding to the limit state
considered YsP LateraÌ displacernent component due to a
Ìateral load P"
R Characteristic length of soil-drilled shaft
system in clays YsMP Lateral displacement caused by the moment ¡É
(Ms + Mp) F
RJ Moment, of inertia ratio Fl
YsPM Lateral displacement caused by the lateral È
RQD Rock quality designation Ioad (P. + P¡1)
s Stress correction factor Ytor Tolerab1e lateral displacement
sd SpacÍng of discontinuj-ties z DepÈh below ground surface
S Àverage spacing of drilled shafts z Total embedded length of a drilled shaft
ru Undrained shear strength GREEK
Effective unit weight of soil öq Performance factor for the total ulti¡nate
bearing capacity of a drilled shaft
Load factor for dead load
Performance factor for the ultimate síde
Load factor for lateral load capacit¡r of a drilled ehaft
ósp Performa.nce factor for the ultimate end
Load factor for load comPonent i bearing capacity of a drilled shafl
"tL Load factor for live load öE Performance factor for the tensile strength
of steel-
Moment factor capacity
du Performance factor for the uplift
6 Angle of shearing resistance between soil and of a sirrrgle drilled shaft
drilled shaft
n Efficiency factor for the capacity of a group
of drilled shafts
It Poisson's ratio of soil
p Settlement of a group of drilled shaftE F
pe Elastic shortening U
Pbase Settlement of the base of the drilled shaft
Ptol Tolerable settlernent ttï
Chapter 2 The Natu¡e of Bridge Foundation Movements end tùe Problems lhey Cause... 220
2.1 Types of Problems Caused by Movements of Bridge Abutments and Foundations................. 220
2.4 Cntena for Tolerable Horizontal Movements of Bridges 223
4--¿^- Jâ lT-^ ^C Ge"-e.-¡l A--|.'-i- ]a Dsal¡¡ala +l¡a
+!rP lìarcaarranaæ
.4¡!¡!rÈHsÈ! nf Sa+flanant 22-a
vúE!r+ç¡ vÐç v¡ v+r sÞçsr t¡ c!¡+!,'È!{
cHnrrpn 1
Foundations of bridges should be designed so that their settle- Within the realm of load factor design of bridges, reaching the
ments and horizontal movements will not cause excessive or upper limit of tolerable movement is defined as a "serviceability
intolerable damage. It is important to understand the factors limit state," and consideration of this limit state is a speciftc
that control the magnitudes of movements that can be tolerated design requirement. Whether the design of a bridge is based on
in bridges, and to design bridge foundations so that their move- the load factor design approach or on the working stress design
ments do not excéed these limits. This manual describes the approach, it is logical that the likely magnitudes of movements,
problems that result from settlements and horizontal movements and the ability of the bridge superstructure to withstand the
of bridges, discusses the state-of practice with regard to estimat- movements without intolerable consequences, should be consid-
ing the magnitudes of movements that bridges can tolerate, and ered as part of the design process.
gives examples to illustrate how tolerable movement limits can In principle, the effects of movements on bridges can be evalu-
be estimated for various types of bridges. ated in two ways: (l) through structural analysis to examine the
Moulton et al. (1985) made an investigation of criteria for consequences ofsupport movements on the stresses in the bridge
tolerable movements of highway bridges. Based on a revierv of superstructure, and (2) through studies of the behavior of real
the literature, it was concluded that "until recently there was bridges, as exemplihed by the studies performed by Moulton and
virtually nothing ofa specihc nature in the literature with respect his co-workers, to determine the upper limits of the magnitudes
to the tolerable movement of bridges." They also found that "the of movement that are considered tolerable in practice. Both of
design practice of most agencies does not routinely involve the these procedures are discussed in the following chapters.
consideration of tolerable bridge movements." In practice, conventional structural analyses frequently result
Moulton et al. (1985) also summarized the results from a in excessively conservative criteria with regard to the magnitudes
survey of bridge movements and the types of problems that are of movements that bridges can tolerate. Consequently, in most
caused by movements of bridge foundations and abutments. The cases, flreld surveys of the behavior of real bridges provide the
data they collected showed that bridge movements and resulting most reliable means of establishing upper limits for tolerable
problems are widespread. Their study showed clearly that ex- movements.
plicit consideration of the tolerance of bridges to withstand set- An effective method of establishing the magnitude of the set-
tlements and horizontal movements is desirable, and that such tlement that can be tolerated by a bridge is to (1) use the results
consideration should logically be a part of every bridge design of flreld surveys to estimate the amount of angular distortion that
study. can be tolerated by the bridge, (2) use this limiting value of
220 p¿.nr 5
angular distortion to estimate the upper limits of tolerable settle- abutment movements; the various components of biidge founda-
ments of the bridge, and (3) use the results of field studies to tion and abutment settlements; criteria for tolerable settlements
estimate the amount of horizontal movement that can be toler- and horizontal movements ofbridges; the use ofstructural analy-
ated by the bridge. sis techniques to evaluate the possible consequences of founda-
Chapters 2 through 4 of this manual are concerned with the tion movements; and examples of the use of the information to
following topics: the types ofdamage caused by foundation and estimate tolerable movements for bridges.
cnnprBn 2
As a basis for establishing tolerable movement criteria for There seems to be general agreement among investigators who
bridges, it is useful to examine the types of problems that develop have studied the performance of bridges that horizontal movè-
in bridges when foundation movements become excessive. ments cause more severe and widespread problems than do set-
tlements (Keene, 1978; Walkinshaw, 1978; Bozozuk, 19781,
Moulton et a1., 1978; and Wahls, 1990). The types of problems
TYPES OF PROBLEMS CAUSED BY that arise as a result of differential honzontal movements be-
MOVEMENTS OF BRIDGE ABUTMENTS AND tween bridge decks and abutments, or between adjacent spans
FOUNDATIONS of bridges, include (l) shearing of anchor bolts; (2) excessive
opening of expansion joints; (3) reduced effectiveness of expan-
Uneven movements of bridge abutments and foundations can sion joints when clearance is reduced; (4) complete closing of
affect the comfort of bridge users, the appearance of the bridge, expansion joints and jamming of bridge decks into abutments or
the structural integrity and ability of the bridge to support loads, adjacent spans; (5) shifting ofabutments when expansionjoints
and even the safety of the bridge. The severity of consequences jam; (6) severe damage to abutment walls, approach slabs or
increases with the magnitude of the movements that the bridge bridge decks due to excessive loads when expansion joints jam;
undergoes as its supports settle and shift laterally. It is useful to (7) distortion and damage to bearings devices; (8) excessive tilt-
review the various types of problems that have been caused by ing of rockers; and (9) damage to rails curbs, sidewalks, and
foundation and abutment movements, in order to dehne more parapets (Keene, 1978; Walkinshaw, 1978; Emanuel, 1978; Gro-
precisely the specifltc nature of these problems. ver, 1978; Keene, 1978; Moulton et al., 1985; and Yokel, 1990).
Moulton et al. (1985) noted that even completely uniform Unfortunately, while there are well-established and fairly sim-
settlements that would cause no distortion of the bridge super- ple techniques for estimating settlements, similar procedures for
structure can reduce clearance at overpasses. Differential settle- estimating horizontal movements have not been developed. De-
ments between bridge decks and approach slabs result in the signers must estimate the possible amount of horizontal move-
familiar "bump at the end of the bridge" (Wahls, 1990). Similar ment that may occur in a bridge using experiehce and judgment,
problems arise where one span ofa bridge settles differently from or they must employ the relatively complex and time-consuming
an adjacent span, producing the condition that Keene (1978) hnite element method of analysis. It may be noted that a similar
described as "faulting at expansion joints." situation exists with respect to buildings: empirical evidence
Emanuel (1978) and Grover (1978) pointed out that differen- shows that horizontal movements tend to be more damaging
tial settlements of bridge supports may result in increased sup- than settlements, but there are no simple techniques for estimat-
port reactions and increased internal stresses in the bridge super- ing the magnitudes of horizontal movements of building founda-
structure. Grover also suggested that uneven settlements can tions.
reduce the riding quality of the bridge, and may affect the safety
of users. The results of the study conducted by Moulton et al.
(1985), however, indicate that rider discomfort is not likely to 2.2 COMPONENTS OF BRIDGE SETTLEMENTS
control the magnitude of tolerable settlements. They found from
a survey of 314 bridges in the United States and Canada that The settlements of bridges can be divided into three compo-
"foundation movements would become intolerable for some nents-uniform settlement, tilt (or rotation), and nonuniform
other reason before reaching a magnitude that would create settlement. These are illustrated in Figure 2.1
intolerable rider discomfort." It thus appears that if movements Uniform settlement corresponds to the condition in which
are within a tolerable range with regard to structural distress for each of the foundations beneath a bridge settles the same amount.
the bridge superstructure, they will also be acceptable with re- Because settlements are never precisely uniform, this is only a
spect to user comfort and safe vehicle operation. hypothetical possibility. This type of settlement does lorm a
Table 2.1. Settlement criteria for bridges expressed in terms of settle. Table 2.2: Settlement criteria for bridges expressed in terms of angular
ment magritude. distortion.
Sett.lement À¡guIar
Magnitude Basis for recomendation Recomended by Dlstortlon Basls foE ¡ecomendat.Lon RecoNended by
(m) 6/s
0.004 Tolerable fo¡ multlple- Moul-ton, er aL (1985)
oñâñ hr¡À^óê
51 Not harnful Bozozuk (1978)
0.00s lolerabLe fo! slngile-span Moulton, et al. (1985)
ro2 Rlde qual-ity and structural Grover (19?8) T¡ble 2.3. Data used by Moulton et al. (1985) to establish criteria for
nagnitudes of angular distortion,
ro2 Harmful but to.lerabLe Bozozuk (1978)
value of Percent of 119 Percent of 56 simple
angular contLnuous span bridges span brÍdges for whicb
>r02 Usually lntolerable v{ahls (1990) disÈortion for which thLs anount of this amount of
angu.Iar dlstoEtion was dlstortion was
considered to be conslde¡ed to be
+^tÃFâhlà *
For continuous span bridges, A < 0.004 is acceptable Tabte 2.4. Horizont¡l movement criteri¡ for bridges expressed i¡ terms
For simple span bridges, a < 0.008 is acceptable of movement mapitude.
lt seems logical that simple span bridges can withstand much Movement Basis for recomendation Recomended by
greater magnitudes of angular distortion than continuous span
bridges without suffering intolerable levels of damage, and the ,5 Nôt hârnful Bôzôzuk 119?gÌ
data in Table2.3 support this point of view. The authors believe 3S T^lêFãh1ê in môst cases Môrr'ltôn- et ål- (1985
that the criteria above represent a sound interpreøtion of the
tructural Dlstress 1q?
data compiled by Moulton et al. (1985), and that they provide a
Hårñfrr'ì but tolerable nozozrrk 119?81
reasonable basis for establishing limits of accæptable differential
settlements for bridges. 'I êreble wâhl < l1 qqôl
2.4 CRITERIA FOR TOLERABLE HORIZONTAL earth pressure that acts on it is the "at-rest" value. If the abut-
MOVEMENTS OF BRIDGES ment moves away from the backfill, the earth pressure will be
reduced below the at-rest value. If the abutment moves far
A number ofinvestigators have suggested criteria for tolerable enough, the e¿rth pressure can be reduced to a minimum value,
*uaseci +L-
horizon^r¿i nioverúerrts o¡-, obsei-vaiions of ihe fieid per- ^^lI^J
v4¡rçu l¡r! ^^¿:..^
4vl¡Yv -^*1.
wr!! P¡!ùùsrv.
formance of bridges, as shown in Table 2.4. These values may Ifthe backfill is a clean sand or gravel, the earth pressure can
be considered in two categories: not harmful, and harmful but be reduced to active by horizontal movement of the abutment
tolerable. Bozozuk (1978) suggests that horizontal movements away from the backfill that is about 0.004 times the height of
less than I in. (25 mm) are not harmful, and that horizont¿l the abutment wall. This is about 0.5 in. for a l0-ft high abutment
movements up to 2 in. (51 mm) are harmful but tolerable. wall, 1.0 in. for a 20-ft high wall, or 1.5 in. for a 30-ft high wall.
The data presented by Moulton et al. (1985) showed that (In metric units these correspond to 12 mm for a 3-m high wall'
horizontal movements tended to be more severely damaging 25 mm for a 6-m high wall, and 38 mm for a 9-m high wall).
when they were accompanied by settlements than when they These values are for sand or gravel backfill in a loose condition.
were not. They found that horizontal movements less than I in. The movements required to reduce the earth pressures to their
(25 mm) were almost always reported as being tolerable, while active values in dense sands or gravels are smaller than 0.004
horizontal movements greater than 2 in. (51 mm) were quite times the wall height.
likely to be considered to be intolerable. On this basis they If the backfill is a clay, or if it cont¿ins enough clay or plastic
recommended that horizontal movements be limited to 1.5 in. silt so that it is cohesive and has plasticity, the movement re-
(38 mm). quired to reduce the earth pressure to the active value is larger
Similarly, Walkinshaw (1978) and Wahts (1990) suggest 5l than it is for sands or gravels. Furthermore, such cohesive soils
mm as the magnitude of horizontal movement corresponding to exhibit creep. If a wall moves enough to reduce the pressure to
intolerable performance. the active value, and then stops moving, the earth pressures will
In summary, it appears that the value of tolerable horizontal begin to increase from the active value. Continual movement
movement suggested by Moulton et al., 1.5 in. (38 mm), is a will occur if the active earth pressure is r¡sed for design of walls
reasonable value. Although this criterion is very simple, and backfilled with cohesive soil. rühen cohesive soils are used for
likely to be oversimpliflred, the value for the limit of tolerable backfill, it is prudent to base the design on at-rest, or near at-rest
horizontal movements of bridges provides some guidance for pressures.
design. Considering these facts, it is clear that the selection of earth
An issue that is closely related to the amount of horizontal pressure for design of an abutment wall carries with it certain
movement that bridges can tolerate is the amount of movement implications with regard to movement of the wall. If active earth
at abutments necessary to reduce the earth pressure on the abut- pressures are used for the design ofa wall, it should be considered
ment to the design value. This issue is discussed in a companion how much the wall will need to move to develop those pressures.
engineering manual for retaining walls and abutments (Part 3) Design of the expansion joints should allow for suffrcient move-
and in geotechnical engineering texts and manuals. It is well ment to reduce the earth pressures to their desiga values and
known that if an abutment or retaining wall does not move, the still perform properly under all temperature conditions.
It seems logical that structural analysis methods can be used forces and bending moments caused by settlements can be added
to evaluate the effects ofsettlements on bridges, as suggested by to those due to imposed loads, and the resulting moments and
Moulton et al. (1985) and Yokel (1990). In principle, the shear shear forces can then be compared with the flexural and shear
224 PART 5
capacities of the structure to determine if the settlemênts are distortion should be limited to a value less than or equal to
tolerable. It has been found, however, that this procedure can 0.0021.
result in excessively conservative results, indicating that very The survey of damage to bridges caused by settlements re-
large overstress would be caused by rather small settlements, ported by Moulton et al. (1985) shows clearly that continuous-
even though experience indicated such settlements could be tol- . span bridges can withstand larger values ofô,/S without intolera-
erated with little or no distress. ble damage. The results of the Moulton et al. survey indicate that
One such study was performed by Meyerhof (1947), who in- angular distortions of 0.0O{ are tolerable for continuous-span
vestigated the effects of settlements on buildings. He analyzed bridges; of either steel or concrete. This value of angular distor-
the effect of foundation settlement on a five-story, three-bay tion is nearly double the value inferred from the simplified struc-
reinforced conctete building. He found that 0.315 in. of settle- tural analysis on which Eq. 3.1 is based.
ment at one of the columns (corresponding to an angular distor- Thus, for both bridges and buildings, field experience appears
tion of 0.001 in bays that were 25 ft long) corresponded to a to indicate that real structures can tolerate considerably greater
calculated increase oî 74 percent in the moment in the most magnitudes of angular distortion than would be inferred from
severely loaded beam in the building. This magnitude ofincrease the results of conventional structural analysis. The reasons for
in bending moment would certainly be expected to cause struc- this include the fact that building materials like concrete (espe-
tural damage. However, field data compiied by Skempton and cially concrete while it is curing) are able to undergo a consider-
MacDonald (1956), Polshin and Tokar (DSZ¡,-ana Grant et al. able amount of stress relaxation when subjected to deformations;
(1974), indicate that framed building structures can withstand and under conditions of very slowly imposed deformations, the
twice this amount of angular distortion without suffering even effective value of the Young's modulus of concrete is consider-
minor cracking or any other form of damage. It is thus clear ably lower than the value for rapid loading. Thus, inferences
that real frame buildings are able to withstand considerably about the stresses induced by deformations that are based on
greater differential settlements than would be inferred from the analyses that ignore the beneficial effects of stress relaxation,
results of structural analyses. and the consequences ofthe rate ofdeformation, will be overly
Conventional structural analyses also tend to result in overly conservative for these materials. Another important factor is
conservative settlement criteria for bridges. This can be illus_ that part of the settlement of real structures occurs as they are
trated through a simplified analysis of the amount of tolerable built (Keene, 1978; Yokel, 1990). Therefore, the portions ofthe
distortion ofa reinforced concrete bridge deck. Consider a case structures that are constructed last do not experience all ofthe
where the center support ofa two-span bridge with a continuous settlement, and cannot be damaged by it.
reinforced concrete deck settles by an amount ô relative to the It seems preferable in most cases to use held studies as the
ends of the deck. The bending stress induced in a simple rectan_ basis for tolerable movement criteria, rather than structural anal-
gular reinforced concrete bridge deck by this settlement can be yses. If, in unusual cases it is necessary to use structural analyses
expressed as as the basis for evaluating maximum tolerable movements, the
analyses should include consideration ofimportant factors such
as stress relaxation, creep, shrinkage, the rate of deformation,
f."* : sI f3E tì and the construction sequence.
t;sl (3.1)
:2fts (3.2)
The procedures for evaluating tolerable settlements described
S 3Er in the previous sections are illustrated in the following pages by
three examples.
conservative estimates of the settlements of all of the founda- mm 1.5 in. (38 mm).
tions. Such methods are described in the companion engineering
manual for shallow foundations (Part 1) and in foundation engi-
neering texts and manuals. The maximum likely value of differ- 4.2 EXAMPLE 2-TWO.SPAN BRIDGE
ential settlement can then be estimated based on these two pessi-
mistic assumptions: (1) the settlement of any foundation could Example 2 (Figure 4.2) concerns a two-span bridge continuous
be as large as the value calculated using conservative procedures; over three foundations-two abutment walls and a center pier'
and (2) at the same time, the settlement of the adjacent founda- Based on the recommendations of Moulton et al. (1985)' which
tion could be zero. are summarized in Table 2,2, the maximum tolerable angular
Use of these conservative assumptions would result in an esti- distortion would be 0.004. With span lengths of 130 ft (40 m)'
mated maximum possible differential settlement equal to the this amount of angular distortion corresponds to a differential
largest settlement calculated for the foundation at either end of settlement between the abutment and the center pier of ó.3 in'
any span. This conservative procedure is the one implied in (160 mm). The information summarized in Table 2.1 indicates
Figure 4.1, where maximum tolerable settlement values are in- that the maximum tolerable settlement for this (or any other)
ferred directly from values of maximum tolerable angular dis- bridge would be about 4 in. (100 mm).
tortion. In this case, because the spans are longer than 82 ft (25 m)'
Another approach to estimating maximum tolerable settle- the criterion based on angular distortion results in a larger esti
ments for the bridge is to use the values summarized in Table mate of the tolerable settlement than the values given in Table
226 PART 5
îôleÈâhle enduler d{stôrtjoñ: Deck is continuous over Èhree ar d{ stôrtloq: Deck is a slngle span spanning
lOlelâbl. e endul
between two suppo¡Ès. Based on the inte¡preõat.ioir of the data
supports. Based on recomendations of Moult.on, et al. (1995) presented by Moulton, et at. (1995), as sumarized
and lnformation sumarized in Section 2,3 of tiìis report, the 2.3-of thls report, the tolerable angular distortionlnvalue
tolerable angular dlsto¡tLon vaJ.ue would be O.OO4. would be 0.008.
Toìerahìê setttenent: The span .iengths are 40 m. The Telêrâhle sêrrrêmênr: The span length is 25 m. The tolerabLe
tolerable dlfferentiat settlènent. cãrresponding co ãngular differentlal sett.lenent corrèsponding to angular distortion of
dist.ortlon of 0.004 would be 160 m (6.3-incheé). 0.008 would be 200 m (7.9 inches).
À¡ alternat.ive approach to estimting to.lerable settlements Àn alternatlve approach to estlmating tolerable settLenents is
is to use the lnformation sumrized in Table2.l. This to use the Lnfomtion sìlmarized in Table Z. 1.. This indicates
indicates that settlements of 100 m (4 lnches) would be that settlements of 100 m (4 inches) woutd be expected to
expected to cause sone damage. but would be tolerable in cause sone damge. but would be tolerable in the èense defined
the sense defined by Moutton, et aI. (1995), by Moulton, et al. (1985).
Thus it woul-d be expecÈed that, if the maximum settlement of Thus it would be expected that, if the mxinun settlenent of
any of the four foundatlons of the bridge uas 1OO m either abutment of the bridge was 1OO m (4 inches) or Less,
(4 inches) or less, the setttenent of the bridqe would be the settlenent of the bridge wouLd be considered tåteraUte
considered tolerable by both sets of criteria. If the both criteria. If the naxinum settlement of either of the Èy
maxLmun settlement of any of the three foundations of the abutnents was 200 m (7.9 inches). t.he settlement of the
bridge was 160 m (6.3 inches), Che sertlenent of the bridge bridge would be considered tolerabl-e based on the criteria
would be considered tolerabte based on the criteria descrlbe-d in Section 2.3. but not by the older criteria in
established by Moult-on, et al-. (1985), but. not by the otder Table 2.'1.
criteria in Table 2.1.
Based on the informatlon sumarized in Table2.4 t.he maxinum
Based on the infornation sumarized in TableZ,4 the maximum to.Ierable horizontal- movenenÈs for the bridge would be about
tolerable horizontal- movements for the bridge would be about 38 m (1.5 inches).
38 m (1.5 inchesl.
Figure 4.2. Example 2-tolerable settlement and angular distor- Figure 4.j. Example 3-tolerable settlement and angular distor_
tíon for a continuous-span bridge with span lengths of I 30
ft (40 tion for a single-span bridge with a span length of 82
ft (25 m).
Keene, P. (19?B), "Tolerable Movemencs of Bridge FoundaEions''' wah1s, H. E. (1990). "Design and construction of Bridge o
TransporEation Research Record 6?8, Tolerable Movements of AFproaches", NaEional Cooperative Highway Research Program lÉ
nridge Foundations, Sand Ðrains, K-TesE' Sfopes' and Synuhesis of ltighway Pr'acEice 159, Transportatsion Research
D' c" ô
Culvercs, TransporEation Research Board' Washington' D' C" Board, NaEional Research Council, washington, 45 lr,
1-9?8, PP.1 - 6.
Kim, S. G. , Barker, R. M. Duncan, !l' M', and Rojianj-' K' B' walkinshavr, J. L. (19?8), "Survey of Bridge Movemenus in the
(1991), "Engineering Manual for necaining walLs and wesuern UniEed SuaEes". TransporÈaEion Research Record 678'
.AbuEmencs,., NCHRP ProjecE 24-4 Reporc, virginia PolyE'echnic
InsLiEuEeandst'at'eUniversiEy,Blacksburg,vA'.J.21.pages. Test, Slopes, and CulverEs, TransporEaEion Research Board'
Meyerhof, G. G. Ãg47l, "The Analysis of euilding Frames"' The washingEon, D. c., 1"9?8, PP.6 - 1L'
Structural Enoineer. vol". 25, No' 9, SepE" pp 369 -409' Yokel, F. Y. (1990), "Proposed Design CriEeria for Shallow Bridge
FoundaEions", Reporc of the U. s. DepartmenE of commerce'
Moulton, L. K', GangaRao, H' v' S', and Halvorsen' G' T'
ToleraL'le Movement criteria for Hiqhb,ay Bridoes, ReÞorE No. Nat'ionallnst'ituteofstandardsandTechnology,NaEional
Engineering LaboraLory CenEer for Building Technology'
Gaithersburg, MD, 20899, 50 Pages' l.J
Svmbol Definition
A angular distortion = [7g (dimensionless)
E young,s modulus (sLress units)
.,Specifications,, and Appendix C "Commentary" of the agency final report (refer to "synopsis of the Research") have
Appendix B
been reproduced in part 6 as submitted by the research It is worth noting that the format does not conform with that used in
parts "g"tt"y. employed in these appendixes because of the requirements dictated by
the previous of this volume. unique treatment
the NCHRp project 24-4 tasks 6 and
g-namely, "development of . . . load factor design criteria and commentary in a format suitable
other sections of the AASHTo
for consideration by the AAsHTo subcommittee on Briãges and structures . . . and identification of
that may be-affected by the proposed changes in the foundation design criteria'" The
Standard SpeciJìcations for Highway Bridges
original upi.rrãi* page designations have also been retained to preserve the accuracy ofcross
NCBRP 12.35
.4 . 1 1 .5.2 rÀTERÀL 2I 29
4.5.9 t{ÀvE EQUÀÎION À!¡Àlvsrs 30 DOWEL SIZB 2r 30
FoorrNcs 31
4 .5. 13
prtEs l'l'rr'6'2 PEDESTÀ¡s 22 4 14 STEEL Prr,Es (c) 31
4.5 DRT'EN 22
22 CONCRETE Prr.Es (c) 31
4.5.1 GENERÀT 4.5. 14.3 TIHBER P¡:IæS
4.5. t. i app¡,rcerroH 22
22 4 .5. 15 spAcrNG, cLEÀRAl{C¡ls ÀlID EI'ÍBEDMENT 31 F
4.5.L.2 Ii'IATERIALS 22 4.5. 15. 1 PrLE FOOIIrNGS 31 Þ
4.s.1.5 lsiruerno LENcrEs rIP ELEVÀTION 23
23 BENÎ CÀPSi 31 o
a.s.L.l irr,es r¡noucn EMBÀI¡K¡IENT Frt,L 23 4 16 SIZE ÀND SEÀPE 32 F
4.5.r.8 ÎESÎ PrLES 23
24 4.5.L6.2 I'INIMUU ¡IREA 32 U
¡.s.zi ÈNo gn¡Rrì¡e PILEs 24
24 4.5. 16.6 SPIRÀT RfiINFORCEMENÎ 32 att
4.5.3 NOlÀTroNs 25 SPLTCES 33
4.5.5 srr,¡crroÑ oF sorl, ÀND RocK PRoPERTTES 4.5.L7 CASI-IN-PLACE CON(:RETE PILES 33
4.5.6 snr,ecriõÑ oF DEsTGN PrLE cÀPÀcrrY 25
4.5.L7.1 MÀÎERIÀLÍi 33 'ìo
4.5.6.i--urirmre cEorrcnNrcÀl cÀPacrfv 25
4.5.L7.2 SEÀPE 33
sorl,s ROCK
. 4.5-6.1.4 AXrÀr cAPACrlPv oN 26
26 SPLrcEs 34 o
4 .5.6.3 4. s.18 STEEI, E.PILES 34 trt
¿.s.o.i l,ÀTERÀr LoÀDs oN PrLEs 27
.5. 18.2, SPLTCES 34 I
uPr,rrr LoADs oN PrrEs 27 4
27 34
4.5.7 Srnucruner, cAPAcITv oF PrrE SECTION 28
28 COLUMN ÀcrroN 35
4.s.7 .i--îoe¡ c¡¡AcrrY REQUTREI'IENTs
e.s.z.i PrLEs ExrENDrNc ABovE GRoUND suRFÀcE 28
4.s.7.ã ar,r,ow¡sr,E srRessgs rN PrLEs 28
4.6.1 GENERÀI (C) coNsrRucrroN (c) 47 ÀPPLTCÀÎION (C)
37 4 .6.5.4 FÀCÎORS OF SÀ¡ETY (C 47
4.6.L.2 !.!ATERIÀJ,S 37 4.6. s.5.1 SEÀFTS rN SOIL (C)
40 4 .6.5.6 IÀTER.AI. rOÀDrNG (C) 49 MEASURED VàLT'ES
4.6.5 GEOTECHNICÀ¡ DESIGN 40 sorL rÀYERrNc (c)
sorl, (c) 41
4 . scorrR cRouP ÀclroN (c)
4.6.5.I.2 STDE RESISTÀNCE IN cyclrc r.oaoruc ic¡ o\
sorl, (c) LÀTERÀL LOADTNG(C) 50
42 4. 6.5.6. 1. 7
4.6.5. 1.4 TIP'RESISTÀI,¡CE IN
52 coEEsrvE sorl, (c) 43 EANDLING STRESSBS
4. 6.5.2. 4. 2 coBEsIoNr,EsS 52 RETNFORCEIíENT COVER (C) s2
NCHRP 12.35 NCERP 24.4'
52 IIEEORETICÀI, ESTrlitATrON (C) 8-4-17
53 4. 11.4. 1.2 SEI,U-E¡IIPIRICAL PROCEDTRES (C)B-4-17
4.6.7 .1 GENER.AI (c) PLATE LOÀDING TEST (C) B-4-1?
(C) 54 PRESUIfPTTVE vAr,uEs B-4-18
ÎÀBLE (C) 9-4-18
PåRT C BEÀRING CÀPACrÎY òr rou¡o¡rroNs oN RocK 8-4-21
B-4-4 4.II.4.3 FAILURE BY SLIDING (C) 8-4'22 U
4.8 sCoPE (c)
B-4-4 LOSS OF CIVER-AI,I, sÎÀBrLrTY (c) Ð'4-22 4t
4.10.1 GENERÀL B-4-6 FoIJNDÀTroNs B-4'24 F
4.T0.2 SERVICEÀBILIÎY LTMIT STÀÎES B-4-7 4 . 11 .6 . 1 GENER;A! 9-4-24 U
4.10.4 STRENGTH REQUIREMENT (C} B-4-7 4 . 11 . 6. 3 CO¡ilPÀCTrClN IiTONIIORING B-4'24 c)
4.LL.2 NOTATIONS B-4-14 s1À18
B-4- 15"1 GENERAT B-4-28
4.LI.3.2 IOÀDS (C) 'l MOVEI{ENT CRTTERTÀ (c) B-4-16 4.L2.3.2.3a cogEsIvE SOIL B-4-29 F SETTLEMENT ANÀrvsEs (c) B-4-16 COEESTONLESS
sorI, (c) Ð-4-29
cosEsroNr,Ess sorI,s (c) B-4-16 4. L2.3.2 "4 r,ÀTERÀL DTSPLACE¡íENI (C)
4.L2.3.3,,1 ÀXIÀL I,OÀDING OF PILES B-4-30
B-4-L7 CAPACTIY (c) B-4-30
RocK (c)
4 . 12.3.3.,5 PrLE I.OAD rEsr (c l B-4-31.
sEcTIOl¡ 4 Sectl,o¡ { - Pou¡datlou¡i¡
FOttttDArrol¡s S€ttloneDt (RovLeed artlcle 1.2'2'2)
PART À The settlenent of foundations nay be determined usíng
orocedures described in Articles 4.4t:4'5 or 4'6 for service
GEI¡ERÀ', REQUIREHEI¡TS ÀND HATERTÀI.S iããã ãã=ig" and Àrticlee 4.11, A.L2 or 4.13 for strength
ãå.ig", oí other g""ãiárrv accepted urethodologiee' such
netnó¿Å are based-on eoil-and rõck parametera meaeured
ãi;;;aiy ãr inferred from the resullg of in eitu and/or
ll . 1 GETIER¡I. (Rovie€dl Article al . 1) laboratory test.
Foundations ehalf be deeigned to eupport all live and
dead loads, and earth and watei Pressure loadings (Þerall StabilítY
ãcàordan""'with the general prinãiples specified in this to
section. The design-shalt be n¡de either with reference The overall stabi.Iity of slopes in the vicinity of-
."*i"" loadg and ãtlowab1e 6tre6ses as provided in SERVICE foundãiions shall be c,rnside¡ed aã part of the deeign of r{
LOAD DESIGN or, alternatively, with reference to load factors, foundations. U
and factored sirength as provided in STRENGTE DESIGN' 4t
p"l""tiãr-roi ríq,.t.t..tion, undernining ór 6cour, and ease and (content of Articfe 4.3 from Fina1 Report of NCERP r¡t
cost of construction. 35, D'Appolonia' 1989.) ì't
The bearing capacity of foundations may-be esti¡rated
using procedureã deècribéd in Àrticles 4.4, 4'5 or-4'6 for
load design and Articles 4.11, 4'L2 or 4'13 for
""rní"ã desÍgn, ór other generally accePted theories'. Such
"ii""gttt are Éased on soil-and roc-k parameters measured by in
situ and/or Ìaboratory tests. The bèaring capacity rray also
be determined using load tests.
section 1¡ - FoundatioDa (¡)
soction 4 - FoundatioûE Sectio¡ 4 - Fouadatíone
End-Bearing Pile - A pile vthose suPPort capacity is derived Shallow Foundation - À foundation which derivee ite support by
principally from the iesistance of the foundation naterial on
transferring load directly to the eoil or rock at shallort
which the pile tip rests. depth. If ã single slab õovers the eupporting stratum.beneath
Factored Load - T,oad, multiplied by appropriate load factors, thè entire area óf the superstructure, the foundation is known
used to proportion a foundation in load factor design. as a cor¡bined footing. If various Parts of the structure are
supported individually, the individual supPorta are known aB
Friction PiIe - A pile whose support capacity is derived spièad footings, and Lhe foundation ie called a footing
principally fro¡o sãiI resistance nobilized along the eide of foundation.
the e¡nbedded pile.
Linit State - A li¡riting condition in which the foundation 4.1O Lrr,trr srArEs, LOAÞ À¡ID RESTSÎÀÌ¡CE FÀCÎORS
and/or the structure it supports are deemed to be unsafe FACTORS¡
(i.e., strength li¡rit statê1, or to be no longer fully useful
ìor their inf.ended function (i.e., serviceability limit 4.10.1 GEI¡ERÀ¡ 5
state). ÀIl relevant 1i-uli'L states shatl be considered"ß.s$-:ai.tËì' 5
Load Effect - The force in a foundation system (e.9., axial design to ensure an adequate degree of eafety and B
force, sliding force, bending moment, etc.) due to the applied serviceability. Io
Ioads. #s{í;': '
__r n
Load Factor - A factor used to nodify a nominal load effect, 4.LO.2 SERVrCEeArLrlr T,rr.{rr slÀÎEs H
which accounts for the uncertaintíee associated e,ith the û
determination and variability of the load effect. Service li¡rit stateÊ for foundation design shall include: õ
Load Factor Design - A design method in which safety - settlements, antl 4
provis ion,s-,.pre-.."i'ñcorporated by separately accounting f or - Iateral displacenents. E
irncertainÈies relative to load and resistance. The li¡rit state for settlenent ehall be based upon ã
Nominal Load - A typical value or a code-specified value for a>
1oad. movements shalL be to the cost of ãeËilning tne I
"å^þ"t.ãcan tolerate larger nóvenénts, or of
sup"istructure so that"it 2
Nominal Resistance - The analytically esti¡rated load-carrying coirecting the conseguences of movementÊ through naintenance u*,*.4
to dete¡¡ríne nini¡rum-lifetime cost. Hore stringent criterrff*'"
capacity of. a foundation calculated using noninal. di¡¡ensions may be established by the ovtner.
anã ¡ratãrial properties, and establ-ished soil ¡rechanics U
principles. I
Performance Factor - A factor used to nodify a nominaL 4.10.3 SrRENctsE/t,rúÏr srnres I
resistance, which accounts for the uncertainties associated Strength linit states for foundâtÍon design shal1
wíth the determination of the nominal resistance and the incl-ude: 3
variability of the actual capacity. n
Pile - À relatively slender deep foundation unit, wholly-or - bearing resistance failure,
partfv enbedded in-t-he. g¡ound, installed by drivíng, drilling, - excessive loss of contactt
ã,rg".ittg, jetting òË otherwise, and which derives its capacity - sliding at the base of footing,
fróm the eurrounáing eoil" and/oi fro¡r the soil or rock strata - Ioss of overall stabilitY, and
below ite tip. - structural capacitY.
Piping - ProgressÍve erosion of soil by seeping- water., Foundations sha1l be proportioned such that the factored
prãauéing an open pipe through the soil, through which water resistance is not Less than the effects of factored loads
flows in an uncontrolled and dangerous manner. specified in Section 3.
B-4-5 B-4-6
Sectio¡ 4 - FouudaÈio¡s TABLE 4.10.6-L: Performance Factors for Strength Ljrit States l.J
for ShaIIow Foundations Ø
Type of Limit State Performance
Foundations shall be proportioned by the urethods Factor
specified in Articles 4.1L through 4.13 eo that their design
strengths are at least equal to the required strengths. 1.. Bearing Capacity
a. Sand
The required strength is the conbined effect of the - Semi-empirical Procedure using SPT data 0.45
factored loads for each applicable load co¡nbination stipulated - Semi-ernpirical Procedure CpT data 0.55
in ^B¡ticle 3.22. The design strength is caLculated for each - Rational Method --
applicable li:nit state as the nominal resistance, R¡¡ using /¡ estimated frour SPT data 0.35
multiplied by an appropriate perfonnance (or le6istance) using {¡ esti:nated from CPT data 0.45
facLor, 6. Methods for calculating nour.inal resistance are
provided in A¡ticles 4.11 through 4.13, and valuee of b. clay
performance factors are given in Article 4.10.6. - Seni-enpirical Procedure ueing CpT dat,a 0.50
- Rational Method
using shear strength measured in lab tests 0.60
4.10.5 LOA.D COI.{BIIIATIONS ÀND LOÀD FÀCIORS using shear strength measured in field
vane tests 0.60
Foundations shall be proportioned to wj.thstand safely all using shear strength estimated from
load combinations stipulated in ÀrticLe 3.22 which are CPT data 0.50
applicable to the particular site or foundation type. With
the exception of the portions of concrete or steel piles that c. Rock
are above the ground line and are rigidly connected to the - Semi-empirical Procedure (Cart,er and Kulhawy) 0.60
superstructure as in rigid fra¡re or continuous structures,
impact forces shall not be considered in foundation design 2. sliding
( see Àrticle 3.8. 1 ) .
Sliding on clay Íe controlled by the strength of the clay |!
VaLues of "y and B coefficients for load factor design, as when the elay shear strength is less than 0.5 times the normal
given in Table 3.22.1À, sha1l apply to strength limj-t state stress, and ís controlled by the normal stress when t,he clay F
considerations; while those for service load design (a1so shear strength is greater than 0.5 timee the normal atress. '.1
given in Table 3.22.1.A) sha1J. apply to serviceability
considerations. a. Precast concrete placed on sand
using {¡ estimated from SPT data 0.90
using {¡ estimated fro¡r CPT data 0.90
b. Concrete case in place on sand
Va1ues of performance factors for different type6 of using @¡ estimated from SPT data 0.80
foundation systems at strength Limit states shall be as using @¡ estimated from CPT data 0.80
specified in Tables 4.10.6-1, 4.!O.6-2, and 4.10.6-3, unless
regional-Ly specific values are available. c. Clay (where shear strength is less than
If methods other than those given in TabLes 4.10.6-1, 0.5 times normal pressure)
4.LO.6-2, and 4.10.6-3 are used to esti¡rate the soil capacity, using shear strength measured in lab tests 0.85
the performance factors chosen shall provide the sa¡ne using shear strength measured in field
reliability as those given in these tables. tests 0.85
using shear strength estimated from CPT
data 0.80
d. Clay (where the strength is great,er than
0.5 tímes normal pressure) 0.85
Analyzer z
Clay 0.65 ô
BASE Canadian Geotech- 0. s0 o
nical Society
UPLIFT c-method 0.60 RESISTANCE trt
p-nethod 0.40 IN ROCK Pressureneter Method 0.50
(Canadian Geotech-
OF À-¡nethod 0.4s n:ilcal Society)
TANCE ÀND Load Test 0.80
Table 4.10.6-3 Continued SectioD 4 - FouDdatLoDÊ N)
UPLTFT c-method (Reese & O'NeiII) 0.55 General (C)
CAPACIT] BeIled Shafts 0.50 Provisions of this ArticLe shall appty to design of
(Reese & O'Neill) isolated footings and, where applicable, to co¡rbinèd footinge.
OF Special attention shall be givèn to footings on fitl.
SINGLE Footings shall be designed to keep the soil preEEure aa
1) Touma & Reese See nearly uniform as practicable. the distribution of soil
DRILI,ED 2't Meyerhof Discussion pressure shal1 be consistent with properties of the eoiL and
SÀND 3) Quiros & Reese in the structure, and with established principles of eöil
SHÄ.FTS 4) Reese & Wright Section mechanics.
s) Reese & O'Neill 4.
Carter & Kulhawy 0 .45 Depth (ReviÊed ârticle 4:4.5.1)
Horvath & Kenney 0.55 The depth of footings shall be determined with respect, to
the character of the foundation materials and the possibiJ.ity
Load Test 0.80 of undernining. Footings at strea¡n crossings shall be founded
at depth belorv the maximum anticipated depth of scour aa
GROUP Sand 0.55 specified in A¡ticle
CAPACIT] Clay 0 .55 Footings not exposed. to the action of stream current ¡ú
shall be founded on a firm foundation and below frost.Ievel.
Consideration shall be given to the use of either a 'lrt\
geotextile or graded granular filter layer to reduce
susceptibility to piping in rip rap oF abutment backfill.
Footings whích are founded on inclined smooth eolid rock B = footíng width (ii-n length units¡
surfaces and which are not restrained by an overburden of B' - reduced effect:i-ve footing stidth (8eè Article
resistant. material ahall be effectively anchored by neane of (in length unitg)
rock anchors, rock bolts, dowele, keys or other euitable c = eoil cohesion (:i-n units of force/length2¡
mean6. Shallow keying of large footing areae shall be avoided
where blasting is required for rock renroval. Cwlr Cw2 = correctir:¡n factorE for groundwater effect
(di-nensiolrless )
Sectio¡ 4 - Foundatioae S€ctíoû { - FouadatLo¡s t\¡
"y= total (noist) unit weight of soil (see Article Hovene¡t Críteria (Revieed Article {. (C)
6 = differential settlement between adjacent footings Vertical and horizontal novement criteria for footings
shall be developed consistent sith the function and type of
6= perfornance factor Êtructure, anticipated service life, and consequencee of
unacceptable BoveDents on structure perforaance. The
Cf = friction angle of soil tolerable movement criteria shall be eEtabliehed by empirical
procedures or structural analyaea.
the ¡raximum angular dietortion (6/e) between adjacent
foundations shall bã limited to 0.008 foi si-nple ep.í bridgee
and 0.004 for continuous span bridges. Theae 6/E timits shall
not be applicable to rigid fra¡re structurea. Rigid. frameE
shall be designed for anticipated differential settlements
based on the results of special analyaes.
l¡.11.3.1 G€r€ral (C) SettleneDt A¡alys€s (C)
Movement of foundations in both vertical settle¡rent and Foundation settlements shall be estinated using
Lateral displacement directions shall be investigated at deformation analyses based on the results of laboratory or in
service limit states. situ testing. The soil paraDeters used in the analyses ehall
be chosen to reflect the loading history of the ground, the
Lateral displacement of a struct,ure shall be evaluated construction seguence and the effect of eoil tayèring.
Both total and differential settlemenÈs, including time
- horizontal or inclined loads are present, effect, shall be considered. }tt
- the foundation is placed on embanknent slope,
- possibility of loss of foundation aupport through .lF
erosion or scour exists, or Settlene¡t of FooÈi¡ge oa CoheeLoaless Soila (C) o\
- bearing strata are significantly inclined.
Esti¡nates of settlement of cohesionless soils shall make
allowance for the fact that settlements in theee EoilÊ can be
highly erratic. Loads
No method shouLd be considered capable of predicting
Innediate settlement shall be determined usíng the settlements of footings on sand wíth precision.
service load conbinations given in Table 3.22.1À. lime-
dependent settlement shall be determined using only the Settle¡¡ents of footings on cot¡esÍonless Eoile l-ray be
permanent loads. estimated using enpirical procedures or elaetic theory.
SettlementÊ and horizontaL movenents caused by embanloent
loadings behind bridge abutments should be investigated. Aettleneat of Footiaga o¡ CohðBiy€ Soile (C)
In seis¡rically active areas, consideration shall be given For foundations on coheeive aoi16, both i¡nnediate and
to the potential settle¡rents of footings on eand resulting consolidation settlenents shall be investigated. If the
from ground motions induced by earthguake loadings. For footing width is s¡rall relatiwe to the thickness of a
guidance in design, refer to ÀASETO Guide Specifications for compressible soil, the effect of three-di¡rensional loading
Seismic Design of Eighvray Bridges (1983). shall be considered. In highly plastj.c and organic c1ay,
secondary settlenents are significant and shall be included Ín
the analysis.
Section 4 - Foundations Sectio¡ 4 - Foundatio¡rl¡ S€ttlênents of Footl.nga o Rock (C) The bearing capacity deter¡rined from a load test nay b9
extrapoLated to-adjãcent footings where the subsurface profile
The magnitude of consolidation and secondary 6ettlement6 is similar.
in rock masses containing soft seams ehall be estimated by
applying procedures discussed in Àrticle 4.LL.3.4.2. Plate Load test sh¿rll be performed in accordance with the
procedures specified in ASTM Standard Dl194-87 or ÀÀSHTO
Standard 1235-74.
4.LL.4 SÀ.FEÎY AGAIHST SOIL FÀILURE Presu¡¡ptíve \¡aluoe (Revieed Artlcle 4.{.4.1) B€ariug Capacity of Foundation Soila Presumptive values for alLowable bearíng Pressurea on
several urethods may be used to calculate uÌti¡nate bearing soil and ro¿k, given ín Table, shall be ueed only
capacity of foundation soils. The calculated value of for guidance, preliminarry design or desj-gn of temporary
ultimate bearing capacity sha1l be urultiplied by an struétures. The use of þresunptive values Ehall be based on r{
appropriate performance factor| as given in Article 4.10.6, to the results of subsurfac:è exploration to identify eoil and
dètermine the factored bearing capacity. rock conditions. AII v¿rlues used for design shall be U
confirmed by field and/or laboratory testing. Þrt
soil mechanícs theories based on measured soil parameters. 4.4.7.t.1.1) (c) trl
The soil parameter used in the analysis shall be Þ¡J
representãtive of the soil shear strength under the considered For loads eccentric: to the centroid of the footing, a c)
loading and subsurface conditions. reduced effective footirrg area (B'x L') ehall be used in
design. The reduced efl:ective area is always concentrically 'J
loadãd, so that the bearing Pressure on the reduced zØ
4.LI.4.1.2 Semi-enpirical Proc€dur€o (C) effective area is alway:i uniform.
Footings under ecc<:ntric ]oads shall be designed to z
The bearing caPacj-ty of foundation soiLs may be esti.rnated ensure that; (1) the product of the bearing capacity and an
from the resultà of in situ testÊ or. by observing foundations ô
on si¡nilar soils. The use of a particular in situ test and appropriate pèriormanðe factor exceeds the effect of vertical o
the interpretation of the results shall take local experience dè;ig; loadsl and (2) e<:centricity of loadíng, evaluated baeed 3
into consideration" The following in situ tests may be used: on fãctored loads, is lerss than 1/4 of the footing dj-nension lrt
in any direction for footings on soíls. z
- Standard penetration teÊt (SPT), For structural desjrgn of an eccentrically loaded
- Cone penetroneter test (CPT), and
foundation, a triangulat: or trapezoidal contact preaaure
- Pressuremeter test. distribution based on f:rctored LoadE shaI1 be used. Plate Loading ÎeÊt (C)
Bearing capacity may be determined by load tests Effect of Grou¡dr¡at€r lablo (C)
providing tñat ãdequáte subsurface explorations have been made
Ultimate bearing capacity shall be deter¡tined based on
to determine the soil profile below the foundation. the highest anticipated position of groundwater level at the
B-4-r7 B-4-18
8€ctLoD I - FouDdatlona Soct,ioD I - FouDdatio¡s l\)
Table Presunptive Àllonable Bearing Pressures for Table (continued)
spread FootÍng Foundations (lrodified after
U.S. Departnent of the Navy, 1982)
A1ld¡bls BslElDa Pr€Esu¡o (tsf)
Auowâble B6lrlna Pt6ssurs (¿sf) Typ6 of BearIhB Mat€Ìial Cohslst€ncy ln PIåce
Typ6 of Bêartn8 MatoEisl ConÊIstency in PIâc€ R6comend€d valus for us€
for lrsê
Flne sand, sllty ot clâyey V6ry donse 3Èo5
Vsry hård, sound rock 60 to 80 o€dlffi to flns sand (SP,SM,SC) Þêdlm dsns€ to 2Eo 4 2.5
Mâsslvê crys!olLlno 100
Itnêous and n€tMorphlc
!ock: E!aphll6, dlortbs, Looae 7¿o2 1.5
bassLÈ, tnsl6s, ¿holouShIy
c€msntsd conalomerâle
Homoten€ous lnor86nlc clay, sândy Vsry sùtff Èo hâtd StoG 4
slà¿o,6chl6È (sound
InorAanlc stl¿, sandy o¡ clay6y Vory aùiff èo hæd 2Lo 4 3
sj.It, valv€d sllt-clay-fiD€ sånd Medls Êtlff to 1Èô3 1.5
condlllon åIIoHs mlnor c!âcks)
(ML, MN ) stlff
Ssdim€nlâry rock: hatd c€mont6r Hard sound rock 75 to 25 20 Soft 0.5 to 1 0.5
shalê6 , 6lllslob€, saDdston€,
Iimesrons wiLhoul cavigi€s
1Lo3 1.5
Sectíon 4 - Foundatíoas Section 4 - Foundatio¡er
footing location. In cases r,there the groundwater table is at Load TeBt
depth less than 1.5 tj:nes the footing width below the bottour
of the footing, reduction of bearing capacity, as a result of Where appropriate, Ioad tests may be perforned to
submergence effect, sha1l be considered. deter¡rine the bearing capacity of foundations on rock.
B-4-2L B-4-22
f ¡.ê
Tabl-e Presumptive Bearing Pressures (tsf) for near a slope using.applicable factored load.conbinatÍons in
Foundationa on Rock (Àfter Putnan, 1981) Article 3.22 and a perrfornance factor of 0.75.
Soud Sound
FoIlatêd S6diB€ntary Soft SofÈ Broksn
Cod6 .. 1 -2 Rock Rock - .3 ShâLe ShsIê
the structural design of footings ehall cornply to the
provisions given in Article 4.4.|L and Àrticle 8.16.
BalLimor€ 1962 100 35 10 (4) 4.11.6 COHSTRUCTTOU COUSrDERÀTrO¡{S FOR SEåLLO}Í FOTnn'AIIO!¡S
BæA 1970 100 40 25 10 1.5 General
BosLon 197 0 100 50 10 10 (()
Chlcago 1970 100 100
The ground conditions should be monitored closeLy during
construction to dete¡r¡ine whether or not the ground conditions
CIev€Iând 1951/ 1969 25 are as foreseen and to enable.prompt intervention, if
DaIIas 1968 -
2s .28 zsv .2s .2s
necessary. The control investigatÍon should be perforned and experienced and qualified engineers. RecordE
De¿Eol¿ 1956 100 100 9600 t2 L2 of the control investigationE Ehould be kept aE part of the
IndIåna 1967 .2d 2d .2s 2d .2Su .2c final p::oject data, among other things, to permit a later
assessment of the foundation in connection nith
Kansas CI¿y 1961/ 1969 .2\ 2S\ .2Su 2S\ ,2a .2d rehabi.litation, change of neighboring structuree, etc.
Los hB€I€s 1970 10 3 1 1 I
New York City 197 0 60 60 I 4. 7L. 6.2 Excavation l,lonitoriag
New YôEk SLats 100 40 F
Prior to concreting footings or placing backfill, an 'd
Ohio 197 0 100 40 15 10 excavation shall be free of debris and exceasive water. o\
Philadêi.phta 1 969 50 15 8
Monit.oring by an experienced and trained person should
Pitrsburgh 1959/ 1969 25 25 25 I always include a thorough examination of the sides and bottom
Riclmond 1968 100 40 25 10 1.5 of the excavation, v¡ith. the possible addition of pits or
borings to evaluate .the geological condit,ionE.
Sr. Louis 1960/ 1970 100 40 25 10 1.5 1.5
Sân Francisco 1S69 3-5 3-5 3-5 The assumptions made during the design of the foundatione
regarding strength, density, and groundwater conditions should
Uniform 1S70 .2d 2d .2q .2d ,2\ -2d be verified during construction, by visual inspection.
Buildinr Codê
Section 4 - FoundationË s€ctioû 4 - Foundatio¡e
E; = soil modulus I{g = weight of blocl< of soíl, pilee and pile cap- o
fs = sleeve friction measured from a cPT at Point x = distance of the centroid of the pile from the Ø
considered centroid of the pile cap in the x-direction
= distance between pile tip and a weaker underlying x = width of smallest dimension of pile group z
soil layer v = distance of th,e centroid of the pile from the U
= depth of enbedment of pile socketed into rock centroid of the pile cap ín the y-direction o
I = iniluence factor for the effective group embedment Y = length of pile gioup or group of drilled shafts
I. = moment of inertia of a pile z = total embedded pile length t¡l
= coefficient of lateral earth pressure a = adhesion factor applied to so z
Kc = correction factor for sleeve friction in clay p = coefficíent relatiñg the vertical effective streÊs 'ì
and the unit skin fiiction of a pile or drilled shaft tr
Ks = correction factor for sleeve friction in sand = effective unit weight of soil
Kso = dimensionless bearing capacity coefficient = anqle of shearinq iesistance between Eoil and PiIe
L¡' = depth to point considered when measuring sleeve 6
ì = e¡nÉirical coef:Eiéient relating the passive lateral
friction e.ith pressure and the unit skin friction of a pile
nh = rate of increase of soil modulus with depth = pile group eff.iciency factor
N = Standard Penetration Test (SPT) blor,t count 4
p = settlement
Ñ = average uncorrected SPT blow count along pile shaft Ptol = tolerable settLement
Ncorr = average SPT-N value corrected for effect of øh' = horizontal eff,ective streas
overburden oV' = vertícaI effecLive stress
Npile = number of piles in a pile group uav = average shear stress along side of pile
oõñ-- = overconsolidation ratio ó = performance fa':tor
S€ctioa 4 - Fouadation8 Section { - Foundationg t)
óg = performance factor for the bearing capacity_of a pile Effect Of SettlinE Grou¡d t¡d Dondrag Forcel (C)
- Sroup failing as a unit consisting of the piles and
the block of soil contained within the pilee Possible development of downdrag loads on piles shall be
óq = performance factor for the total ulti¡rate bearing coneidered where eité.g'are.underlain by compreseible clayE, ailts
capacity of a piJ.e or peats, especially wherê. f.ill has reèently been placed-on the
Cq. = performance factor for the ultimate ehaft capacity of earlier surface, or where the groundwater is eubstantially
a prle Iov¡ered. Downdrag loadg shall be considered as a load when the
óSp = performance factor for the ultimate tip capacity of a bearing capacity and aettlement of pile foundatione are
prJ.e investigated. Downdrag loade shall not be conbined r¡ith
du = Perfor¡rance factor for the uplift capacity of a traneíent loads.
single pile
órg = performance factor for the uplift capacity of pile The dovrndrag loads may be calculated, ae apecified ín
9roups Article 4.L2.3.3.2 with the direction of the ekin friction forcee
reversed. The factored downdrag loads shall be aáded to the
factored veritcal dead load appied to the deep foundation in the
4.12.3 SELECTTON OF DESIGII PILE C'APACTTY assessment of bearíng capacity. The effect of reduced overburden
pressure caused by the downdrag shall be considered in
Piles shall be designed to have adequate bearing and calculating the bearing capacíty of the foundation.
structural capacity, under tolerable settlements and tolerable
lateral- displacements. The downdrag loads shall be added to the vertical dead load
applied to the deep foundation in t,he aEsessment of Eettle¡rent at
The supporting capacity of piJ-es shall be deterrnined by service Iinit Etates.
static analysis ¡¡ethods based on soil-structure interaction.
Capacity may be verified with pile load test results. use of wave
equation analysis, use of the dynamic pile analyzer or, less 4.!2.3.L.4 uplift
preferably, use of dynamic for¡nulas.
PiIe foundations designed to resiet uplift forces should be )ú
checked both for resistance to pullout and for Etructural F
4.L2.3.L Factors Affecting Axial Capacity capacity to carry tensile stresses. Uplift forceE can be caused ¡l
by lateral loads, buoyancy effects and expansive soile. o\
See Article The foll-owing sub-articles shal-l
suppJ-ement Article 4.5.6. 1. 1.
4.L2.3.2 llovene¡t U¡der Serviceability Linit, State
4.t2.3.L.L PiIe Penetration 4.L2.3.2.1 Gs¡eral
Piling used to penetrate a soft or loose upper stratum For purposes of calculating the settlements of pile çtroups,
overlying a hard or firm stratum, shall penetrate the hard or loads shall be assumed to act on an equivalent footing loèated at
firm stratum by a sufficient distance to li¡nit lateral and two thirds of the depth of enbedment of the pilee into the layer
vertical movement of the piles, as well as to attai-n sufficient which provide support as shown in Figure 4.L2.3.2.L-1.
vertical bearing capacity.
Service loads for evaluating foundatíon eettlement shall
include both the unfactored dead and live loads for pÍles in Groundwater lable And Buoyaacy (C) cohesíonless soils and oily the unfactored dead load for piles in
cohesive soils.
Ulti¡nate bearing capacity shall be deter¡rined using the
groundwater level consistent with that used to calculate load Service loads for evaluating lateral displacement of
effects. For drained loading, the effect of hydrostatic pressure foundations shall include a].]. ]-at.eral loads ín each of the Load
shal] be considered in the design. conbinations as given in Article 3.22.
Soction 4 - Foundatione SecÈion 4 - Fou¡dations
Tolerable axial and l-ateral movements for driven pile 4.L2.3.3 RsaleÈance at Str::engtb Lfnl't Stafes
foundatione shall be developed consistent with the function lifeand
The strength li¡rit Et¿,ltes that ehall be coneidered include:
type of structure' fixity oi bearings, anticipated service
and consequ"rr""= åf unacåeptable diãplacenentã on performance of bearing capacitY of Piles,
the structure. -
- uptift caPacitY of Piles,
Tolerable settlement criteria for foundations ghall be - pirnchÍng ãt piies iir etrong soil into a weaker layer, and
a.""fãpãã-"onsidering the maximum angular distortíon according to ,- Ëtructuial capacity of the piles.
Tolerable horizontal displacement criteria shall be AxLat Loadl'Dg ()f Plles (C)
a"rr"fãtãã-"ánsiaering the potèntial_ effects of combined vertical Preference shall be g5.ven to a desígn process based.upon
and hoiizontal movemént. i{here combined horizontal and vertical static analyses in co¡rbinãt:ion wÍth eithèr field nonitoring
displacements are possible, horizontal movement shall be li¡rited during driving or load tests. Load teet reeults-may be U
to i.O in. or less^. !{here vertícal displacements are smalI, ãiiiafofated €o adjacent srrbstructuree with Einilar eubsurface
ñã.i"""i"f displacements shall be limited to 2'0 in' or less condiiions. The uÍtimate bearing capacity of piles nay be
iùã"it"" et a1-., 1985). rf esti¡nated or actual movements exceed estimated ueing analytic ¡nethods or in Eitu test nethode' o
Èhese levels, epecial'analysis and/or measures shalI be F
considered. U
4.L2.3.3.2 À¡alytic EstiD¡¡tos of Pl'Ie capactty (C) U,
4.L2.3.2.3 Settlement z
Analytic nethode rnay I:e ueed to estimate the ultimate tt,
le"rin!-ãäpãcity of pite-s :ln cohegive and cohegionleee Eoils. ¡g
The settlement of a pile foundation shall not exceed the lr
tolerable settlement, as ãelected according to Article Both tótal- and ètfecfive af-resa methode nay be used provided the ô
4.L2.3.2.2. ãppiopriate eoil strength paraneters are evaluated' The o
lãii"i."""" factors foi ek:in friction and tip reeietance,
ãåii."d"a ueing ttrreã analytic methode, ehal-I be ae provided in 'to
4.L2.3.2.3a Cohesfve 8oi1 Table 4.10.6-2: ii anotne} analytic nethod ie used, application zØ
åi-pã.i"tt"ncé factors prerrented-in Table 4'10'6-2 nay not be
Proceduree ueed for shallow foundations shall be used to appropriate.
estimate the settlement of a pile group, using the equivalent U
footing location ehown ín Figure 4'12'3'2'l--L' 4.L2.3.3.3 Plle Capacl'ty lsstlnater Basod on ft Situ Aosts (C)
. ..--...t,..-.:..i.,
4.L2.3.3.7 uplift
Uplift shall be considered when the force effects calculated BaÈter pile (c)
based on the appropriaÈe strength Ii¡nit state load co¡rbinations
are tensile. . The bearing gapacity.of a- pile group containing batter pi1e6 ¡ü
may be estimated by treating thè batter þiles ae veitical piies. F
. l{!en piles are subjected to uplift, they should be Ë
investigated for both resistance tõ pullout ãnd structural Or
ability to resist tension. croup Capacity
4.L2.3.3.7a Síngle Pile Uplift Capacity (C) Coheeive Soil (C)
The ultimate uplift capacity of a single pile shall be If_the c3p is not in fir¡n contact vrith the ground, and if
estimated in a manner similar to that for éstimatj_ng the skin the soil at the surface Ís soft, the individual éapaciåy of each
friction resistance of piles in compression in artiðle a.L2.3.3.2 pile shall be rnuttiptied efficiency factor,¡l wUeie q = 0.7
for piles in cohesive soils and 4.L2.3.3.3 for pii-es in for a center-to-cent,er spaèing of three ãia¡retere'änd a = i.O for
cohesionless soiLs. Performance factors for thã uplift capacity a center-to-center spacing of six diamet,ers. For inteimediate
of single piles shall b.e as provided in Table 4.10:6-2. spacings, the value ät a ñay be determin"a ly ii"."r-----
interpolation. Pile Group uplift Capacity (C) ff the cap is not in firm contact with the ground and if the
soil. _ is stiff, then no reduction in efficiency sñarl ue iequired.
the ultimate uplift capacity of a pile group sha1l be
estimated as the lesser of the sum of the ináiviãual pite upLift
. If thçin cao is in fir¡r contact with the ground, then no
capacities, or the uplift capacity of the pile group óonsidèred reduction efficiency shalt be reguired. -
as a bl-ock. The block mechanism for cohesionleÀs sõil shall be
taken as provided in Figure c4.L2.3.3.7b-l and for cohesive soirs
as gÍven in.Figure c4.L2.3.3.7b-2. Buoyant unit weights shall be
used for soiL beLow the levè1. B-4-32
Section 4 - Fou¡dations Sectlo¡. 4 - Fou¡datl'o¡s
The group capacity shall be the lesser of: 4.L2.I STRUCIT'RIL DESIGX
the gum of the nodified individual capacities of each The structural design of driven pilea ehall Þ" il accordance
- witn [üã piãni"i""" ãt aítj."l"t 4.5.7-' which-was developed for
pile in the grouP or factor design
Ètt" capacíty-of ãn equivalent pier- coneieting of the alloerable atress ãã procedures. ùo use load
piles ãnd a-block of-soil within the area bounded by ;;;;;il;;'-'iãi ¡r'ã ãiiucior:ar deeisn of driven piles, the load
the Pilee. i;;4"; ãeeign pt"ã.ã'iãt f<¡r reinfórced conc¡setè,
concrete ana Eteei-in Secti.ons 8, 9 and 10, reepectivelyr sha1l
For the equivalent pier, the full Ehear 'strength of soil be used in place of the all'.owable Etresa design proceduree'
shall be ueed €o deter¡niãe the skin friction riesietance, the
total base ar:ea of the equivalent pier shall be used to determine
it" ã"ã bearing reeietanée, and thã additional capacity of the l.L2.L.L Buckllng Of Pll€rr (C)
cap shall be ignored.
The perfornrance factor for the caPacity of an equiealent stabilityofpilesehal}beconsideredr¡'henthepileeexÈend 5
.pier ãr biock failure shall be ae provided in Table 4'10'6-2' through rrater or "ir for a portion of their lengths' U
õttã-p"itãtrance fãctors for the grõup capacity calculated ueing ¡tt
ifr. ã"o. of the individual píle cãpacitieè, are the san'e ag those 4.L2.5 .COtrSARUClrol¡ cofSrDERAErors
fãr the eingle pile capacily as given in Table 4'I0'6-2'
Eoundation design
';;;Ë;t; Eha:Ll not be uncoupled from construction
coneideratione. ;úh as pile driiring, pile eplicing and Þ
oile inspection.eiaii-Uã a.,"" in ãccordance with the provisiona ît
1.L2.3.3.1Ob Coheslo¡lese Sotl (C) ät ttti" Ëpecification.and Divigion II' c)
The ulti¡rate bear'ing capacity of pile 9!9uP9 in.cohesionless
soil shall be the eu¡r of-the'""paêiti"ã of ã11 the piles in the õ
;;;;p: The efficienéy factor, i, shall be 1'0 where the pil-e 9ap
í;;-ã; ià in contäct r¡irh-rhe.ground. _The perfornance facLor 'tt
is'the Ba,oe""ias thãsã tor single piÍe capacities'as given in Table Þ
4.L0.6-2, ".1
4. 12 .3 .3 . 11 Dynanl'c/selemic DeeJ-gn
Refer to Guide Specifications for Seismic Design of Highway
eridgàs (1983) and l,ait and Martin (1986a, 1986b) for guidance
iãõàí¿i"à the design of driven piles subjecred to dynamic and
seismic loads.
B-4-33 B-4-34
Section 4 - Foundatio¡s Sectio¡ 4 - Fouldat.lors l.J
4.13 DRILI,ED SEA¡'ÎS K6 = dimensionless bearing capacity coefficient for
drilled shafts socketed in rock using preesuremeter
4.13.1 GET¡ER.BT
Kg = modulus modification ratio
The provisions of the specifj-cations in Articles 4.6.1
K"p = di¡nensionless bearing capacity- coefficient (see
Fi gure C4.13. 3.3.4-4 )
through 4.6.7 with t,he excepLion of Article 4.6.5, sha1l apply to LL = liquíd limit of soiL
the.strengt.h design (Ioad factor design) of drillåd shafts. N = uncorrected Standard penetration Test (SpT) blow
Article 4.6.5 covers the allowable stieås design of dril-ted count
shafts, and shall be repraced by the articles ín this section for Nc = bearing capacity factor
load factor design of diilred shafts, unless otherwise stated. Ncorr = corrected SPT-N value
The provisions of Article 4.13 shall apply to the d.esign of
Nu = uplÍft bearing capacity factor
driLled shafts, but not drilred piles instaiieå with continúous
p1 = limit pressure determiñed from pressuremeter tests
flight augers that are concreted as the auger is being extracted. within 2D above and below base ãf ehaft
Po = at rest horizontal stress measured at the base of
drilled shaft
P¡ = unfactored dead load
4.L3.2 NOIATTOIIS PL = plastíc lí¡nit of soil
a = parameter used for calculatinq F¡ 9p = ultimat.e unit tip resistance
AD = area of base of drilled shaft 9Pr = reduced ul-timate unit tip resístance of dríIled
A; surface area of a drilled pier shafts
= 9s = uLtimate unit side resistance
Asoc : cross-sectional area of socket
Au = annular space between be1l and shaft 9s bell = unit uplift capacity of a belled drilled shaft
b = perimeter used for calculating F. 9u = uniaxial compressive strength of rock core
CPT = cone penetration test 9uIt = ult!mate bearing capacity
d dimensionless depth factor for estimating tip Qo = ultimate load carried by tip of drilled shaft
capacity of drilled shafts in rock 0; = ultimate load carried by síãe of drilled shaft rú
D diameter of drilLed shaft Qsn = ultinate side resist.ance of drilled shafts socketed F
embedment of drilled.shaft
in rock -ì
D5 in layer that provides Qult = total ultimate bearing capacity o\
support = characteristic length of soil-ãrilled
= diameter of base of a drilled shaft
R shaft system in
3: cohesive soils
= diameter of a.drilled shaft socket in rock RQD = Rock Quality Designation
Ec = Young's modulus of concrete sd spacing of discontinuitiès
Ei = intact.rock modulus = Standard
SPT = Penettation Test
E* = Young's modul_us of a drilled shaft su = undrained shear strength
!r = moduLus of t.he in situ rock mass t¿ = width of discontinuit,ies
!s = soil modulus
F = reduction factor for tip resistance of 1arge dia¡neter
= characteristic
cohesionless soils
length. of soil-drilled shaft system in
drilled shaft = depth below ground surface
Hs = depth of embedment of drill_ed shaft socketed into z = total.embedded length of drilled shaft
rÞ = moment of inertia of a drilled shaft
r. = influence coefficient (see Figure C4. Greek
= infl-irence coefficient. ior set€lement of drilled'
shafts socketed in rock Q = adhesion factor applied to So
= factor that reduces the tip capacity for shafts $rith = coefficient relating the verÈical effectíve stress
a base diameter larger than 2O-inches so as to limit and the unit skin frictÍon of a drilled shaft
the shaft settlement to 1 inch ^|' = effect.ive unit weight of soil
= coefficient. of tateral earth pressure or load 6 = angle of shearing resistance between soÍI and pile
transfer factor q = pile group efficiency factor
Pbase = sett,lêment of the base of the drilled shaft
Sectlon 4 - Foundatio¡s
Sectioa 4 - Fouadations
4.',3.3.L.2 uPltft (c)
pe = elastic shortening of drilLed shaft
Ptol = tolerable settlement The provisions of Articl-e 4.L2'3'1'4 shall apply ae
ovt = vertical effective stress applicable.
= total vertical stress
>Pi = working Ìoad at toP of socket Shafts designed for and constructed in expansive.eoil ehall
ö = performance factor extenã- iã, deptÌh into moiEture-etable soils to
ö' or óf = ängle of internal friction of soilultimate bearing " ""tiicient
pi".tia" adequate anchorage-to resist. uptift' -sufficient
öq = o"ifotrn.nce factor for the total ãi""t.rr"" stiall bà proviáed between thè ground surface -and
äapacity of a drilled shaft underside of caps oi b".*" connecting shafts to preclude the
Pqs = p.ii"i*å"ce factor for the ultimate shaft capacity of ãppiiããti"" of üplift loads 'at the eñaft/cap connect'ion. due to
a drilled shaft sãã11ñ9 ground äã"ãiti""". . uplift.capacity.
of Etraight. gided
dqp = p.iiãi^""ce factor for the ultimate tip capacity of a ãrilled-sñafts. sha1l rely on.[y-on sÍde-resistance in conformance
dritled shaft with Arricle A.r¡lãl¡.ã-i"t àiiffed shafte in cohesive soils, and t.
A;ii.G ¿.rs.¡.s.à-iãi-aiilr,ed shafts in cohesionless soils. lf' o
the shaft has an ã"iaigea base, Q" shall be determined in U
conformance with Article 4.111.3'3'6' T'
Sectio¡ 4 - Fou¡datious Sectíon 4 - Fou¿datLoos l.J
constructed ín soils), and axíal compression of the
drilled shaft. andthe factored capacity selected using.judgment, and any
available experiencè with sirnÍIar conaifiónE] Group Settlement Axial Capácity rn.Rock (C):
The settlement of groups of drilLed shafts shalL be
estimated using the samè prãcedures as a.Àãii¡ã¿-i;;-pii" fn determining_the axial capaciÈy of drilled shafts.with
groups, rock-sockets, the síde resistance froin overrying rãli-ããposit.
Article 4.L2.3.2.3.
shall be ignored.
- Cohesive SoiI, See Àrticle 4.L2.3.2.3a If the rock is degradable¡ consideration of.special
- Cohesionless SoiI, See ArtÍcle construction. procedures, larger socket dinensions,-ãi-iã¿u""a
socket capacities shalL be cõnsidered.
4" tateral DÍsplacen€¡t (C) . __Tlr" performance factors for drilled shafts socketed in:¡ss¡
shall be as provided in Table 4.10.6-3.
-.The-provisions of Àrticle shalJ. apply as
applicable. Load r€Et (C)
¿.13.3.3 Rosístancê at Strength Linit States (C) I{here necessary, a full scale load test or testa sha1l be
conducted on a drilred shaft or shafta to confi-¡¡r reEpãnãe to
Thg strength limit states that must be considered incrude: load. Load tesrs shalr be conducted uei"g strãiãã ãã"ãti""ted
- capacity of drilled shafrs; 2) uplift, capaãi-y ot a rnanner and of di¡rensions and ¡raterials Identical. to thãee in.
drilled shafts, anã 3¡_punching ot arítté¿;ú¡i"-bã;;i"å planned for the production. shafts.
strong soil into a wealer layei below. i"
load testa.ehalr .be conducted forrowing prescribed written |!
procedures whÍch have been-deveroped from aécèptea -iãñaãras and F
¿. A¡ LoadI¡g of Drlltod Shafts Todified, as appropriate, for the-conditi""" ;ã-ih"-;iä;: '.t
StaTdar.d-pile load testing procedures.developed ¡v tñð-emerican Or
Society for Testing and uãtérials asì specífi^ed. í;'Àri;i"G
_.The provisions of Àrticle 4.1,2.3.3..1 shall apply
applicable. as 4.L2.3.3.5 may be nodified for tesring-drilled ¡t"tiil---
_. -The perfornance factor for axial compreseive capacity; axial
4.L3.3.3.2 Àaalytic Eetiuatee Of Dritled Sbaft,Capacity In uptift. capacity and. r.ateral capacity obtained tr".-iããã-t"rtt
Coheeive Soils shall be as provided in TabLe ã.f0.-e-S.
_ Ànalytic (rational.) nethods may be used to estimate the
ultimate Upli.ft Ca¡racity
bearing capacity of dritreã shafts in coir".ivã-soire.
The performance factors Íor side resistance and tip i"sirtance
for three analytic methods shar'r be as provided i"'tã¡iã-a.r.0.6- - .--uplift sharr be.consÍdered when (Í) upward roads act on the
J. ff another analytic method is usedr-application of the drílled shafts and (ii) swerring or eipánsiv. ãn the
performance factors in Table 4.10.6-3 may-^not be appropriate. drilled shafts. Drilr.ed shafrs-subjecÈed to ""ii"-ã"i
"piii[ iãr-ttr"ireharr
be investigated., both.for resÍstancé to pulloui
structural strength. "na Eetinat,l.o¡ Of Drílled-Shaft Capacity Iu
Cohesionleee Soils (C) Uplíft, Ca¡racity of a Single Dritled Shaft (C)
The ulti¡nate bearing capacity of, drilted shafLs in
. - - TIr" uplift capacity of a si-ngLe straight sided
be estimated ín a-manner siñilar to €hat t"r driued shaft
cohesionl-ess soils shaÌr-be ãsti¡nâted ãppi.i"ã¡rã'ìethods.,
""ing shall ihã
B_4_39 B_4_40
Sectioa 4 - Fouûdatioûa
Section 4 - FoundatLone
S€ctíoa 4 - Foundat,l,o¡e SoctLon 4 - Fou¡dat,l.ons t9
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A. Balkeema, in press, 314 pp. Gifford, D. G., Kraemer, J. R. l ÍÍheeLer, J. R., and McKown,
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B_4_43 B-4-44
Sectlo¡ 4 - Fou¡datlo¡s
Section 4 - Fou¡datl'ong
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foundationÀ for'úplift-Compreesion Loading"t
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of vol.,ri, Design Procedures and
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Goble rr' coiaãfitr""", FEIfA/iD-86/Lo2, Federal Eighway
- wEÀP86 irrogram", vols'-r-and Àdmínietration, 18L PP.
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iã""¿iti""", Meverhof G.G. ( 1976l, "Bearj'ng Capacity and Settlement
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ánd Triaxial Tests"' Proc" European Bridges, neporl-lto. FEWÀ/RD-85 / 10?, o
Conference s;il llàchanics and Foundatin Engineering' ea¡niiistration, Il.S. DePartment of -Federal^li?l:"y
rraneportatron' ztt
vol I, Wiesbaden. Vfashington, D. C", 109 PP' Þ
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of the tl"'ra, N.ttt,i racilities Engineering Co¡mand' c)
Foundation n"gi"å"ti"õ-s-ti"", The lechnical university
of NorwaY, Trondheim, 57 PP' Nottingham L. and sch,¡oertmann J' (19?51 ' 'An Invegtigation tr
of Pile c"p".iii-õãtî!"--ei""àau1"å;',iron Final Report D629 zÈ
N. and Aval1e, D' L' (Lg82l, "Aoolication of Screrv- Dept' of Civil
^"' J.
Kav, of Geotechnical to Florida Dept. of TransPortation
Ëi.iå Ëä-sïiii cravs", Proc', 'rol]titãI No' Gr I' pp 145 fngineering, irnir¡. of Florida, 159 pP' F
i:"ãi""ãir"õ-Di"i;iä;,'ascn, úo1' 108,
- 154. o,Neirt ìt.w., chazzalv o.r. and Ba with E.B. -( 197?lf ]T*l:i" "f
- ---;;r;;-pimeneionai Pile Groups Non-Lineêr soir
Kulhavry, F. H. and Goodman, R' -E' (198?)' "Foundations in ResponEe éii"-sãit-pit"- rnteraction" s"t^41tt991
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offshore ""¿
üã"""í, Edited by F. G' Bell, Butterworths Pubrrshrng
', :....1:...: .. -......-..,r:-:,-. .
B_4_47 B-4-48
Paae 5.6.5 Srnuctunn orUnUSrOr¡S AND EXTERNAL
5.2.r.i nrcro GRAvrrY AND sEMr-GRÃvrrY wÀrt,s 1
t7 F
5.2.I.3 ANCHORED fsALl,s (c) 2
5.3 sussunrac¡ nipr,on¡rroN AND TEsrrNG PRoGRÂMs (c) 5
5.8 (c) 22 trl
5.8.2 EXTERNAT srÀBrtrÍT (c)
s.8.3 gnÀRrNG cÀPÀciiv e¡ò iou¡¡parroN srÀBrr.rrY (c) 24
6 Ë
r1¡exrnrlsrBLn RETNFoRcEI'IENTs (c)
24 o
5.8.4. i (c) 25 zØ
s.a.¡.i PoLYMERTc RETNFoRcEMENTS (c) 28
(C) 10
5.8.8 DRÀINAGE 'l
5.5.2 29
5.5.4 SEISMIC PRESSURE (c) 5.8. 10 SErsMrc DESTGN (C ¡ 30
srRUcruRE nrurnsròns AND EXTERNÀI' srABrLrrY (c)
5.5.5 t2 5. 8. 10.2 INÎERNA], STABILITY
5.9.2 EXTERNAL STABTLTT]¿ (c) (c)
snARrNi; cAPacirv nnò iourqoerro¡l srABrLrrY
5.9.3 32
5.5.7 BACKFTLL (c) 5.g .4 ÀI,LOV{ABLE STRESSEÍ' ( c )
SECTION 5 - RETÀINING hTAI,IS Section 5 - Retainiag Walls hJ
5.4 troTÀrloì¡s
(Content of A¡ticle Fj_nal Report of NCERp project
L2-35| D'Àppolonia, l:l^fT"^
1989.) '
Section 5 - Retaining Walls Sectio¡ 5 - Retalniagïlalls
tcontent of Article 5.5 from Final Report of NCHRP Project 5.11 SCOPE
iz-ls, D'Appolonia, 1989. ) The provisions of this Part ahall apply for the deeign
ot rilia iravity and s,emi-rigid gravity walle, and
5.6 NONGRÀVrrv CANITLEVEREO tÏt DESTGN nongrãvity cantilevere,l rsalls. t.
lcontent of Article 5.6 fron Final Report of NCHRP Project The orobabilistic LFD basis of these specifications - o
iz-zs , D'Appolonia, 1989. which proãuces an inter:-related combination of load, Ioad. r'
;;;t;r;-;d statistica.l reliability shall be considered when ô
procedures f'or calculatÍãg resistance' The È
i.ã""aoré"'used in developing values of performance factors o
åontained in this Part arè summarízed in Appendix-A ol-!19
fcontent of Article 5.7 from Final Report of NCHRP Project ii"ái i"p".t for NCHR? Project. 24-4 (Barker, et aI" of19?1)' F'
ólüã. *ãi.tãds may bã ueed ít tte erarisrical narure bythe
iz-ls, D'Apporonia, 1989. ) ¡;;a;.; given abäve are considered, and are aPProved the 6)
ovtnel . 0
(contentofArticle5.SfromFinalReportofNCHRPProject 5.12 DEFIITITIOHS o
ìz-ls , D'Appolonia, 1989. ) OnIv terms relating to retaining walls are p:ovided.ín -l
tiri. ðäËiiãil-'-oãii-"itións for rerms relating to foundation o
iypã" LFD deeign are given in Article 4'8'
forcee exerted on
Cantilever !{aIIs- Wa1ls that resist theconsist 2
lcontentofArt'icle5.gfromFinalReportofNCHRPProject ;h;;;t ir"xot.l strength. These warle of a
iz-zs, D'Appolonia, 1989. ) o
.orr"t"t. wal1 stern, a óoncrete slab, and possibly a shear
5.10 õ
Gravitv Walls- Massive stone or concrete naeonry.walls zÊ
Project ;;ì;h-å";;;ã-p'¡.tã.iry on their weiehts to maintain
tcontent of Article 5.10 fro¡n Final Report of NGHRP
.Iã¡iriti. oirty a noirinal a¡nount oi steel.i" !}i::tt-i:1¡. tr
iz-zs, D'Appolonia, 1989. ) the expoãed facés of these walls to Prevent surface clacKang '(
due to temPerature charnges.
Retaining I{alts- Structures that provide lateral suppgft to
i;;-;;;;" of soir anct that owe thãir stability-primarily
their own weights and to the weights of any aolra rocaEeo
directly above its basre.
B-5-2 B-5-3
The backfill, whether cohesive or cohesionless, shal.ì. 5.15.6 SAFETT AGAII¡SI SOTL FÀILURE t\¡
be well drained so that no water pressutes act on the rpall c'\
and no significant pore pressures act in the backfilt. If a Gravity and semi-gravity walls, and cantilever walls
thorough drainage system is not provided to dewater the shall- be di¡rensioned to ensure stability against bearing
failure wedge, or if its adequate performance cannot be capacity failure, overturning and sliding. VÌhere a wall is
guaranteed, walls shall be designed to resist the maxi¡rum supported by clayey foundation, safety against deep-seated
anticipated water pressure. For walls backfilled with foundation failure shall also be investigated. Stãbility
cohesionLess soiJ.s, the lateral earth pressure shaLl be criteria for walls with reepect to various modes of failure
calcul-ated using buoyant unit weights beLow the groundwater shall be as shown in FÍgures 5.15.6-L through 5.L5.6-3.
Ievel and multiplied by the load factor for tateial earth
pressure. The wal-l shal_l be designed for these factored BeariDg Cepacity Failure
lateral earth pressures (7p¡) plus factored hydrostatic
water pressure (1.0-y). the safety against bearing capacity failure shall be
investigated: (1) by using factored soil pressures ¡shich are
In the case of an undrained anal-ysis of cohesive uniformly distributed over the effective Lase area, if the
backfills, the laterat earth pressure shal1 be calculated wall is supported by a soil foundation (see Figures 5.15.6-l
using equivalent fluid pressuie, which inherently includes and 5.L5.6-2); or (2) by using factored soil pressures ¡¡hich
water pressure effects. The calculated lateral earth vary linearly over the effective base area, iÍ the wall is
pressure shall then be multiplied by 1.3-y. support,ed by a rock foundation (see FÍgure 5.15.6-3).
If the groundwater leveLs differ on opposite sides of Retaining walls and their foundations are considered to
the waIJ., the effects of seepage on vTall sÈãlitity and the be adequate against bearing capacity failure if the factored
potential for piping shal-L be considered. pore piessures bearing capacity (taking into consideration the effect of
behind the wall can be deter¡uined by flow net prãcedures or load inclination) exceeds the maximum soil pressure (ÇI¡nax)
various analytical rnethods, and shalL be added to the determined uslng factored loads. MethodE for calculat-iñ!
effective horizontal- stresses when calculating t.otal lateral factored bearing capacity are provided in Art,ic1e 4.1L.4 for
earth pressures on the wall. The effective 1ateral earth walls founded on spread footings, and Ín À¡ticles
pressure shall be nultiplied by rÉf (obtained f¡om Table and for walls supported on driven píles or drílled
3.22.LA1 and the hydrostatíc pressure shal1 be factored by shafts, respectively.
1.0-y, when designing the r,rall. ¡ú
5. 15.6 .2 Slitling 'l
Where the retaining wall j-s founded on a epread
The provisions of Àrticle 5.6.4 shall apply to the load footing, safety against eliding shall be inveetigated using
factor design of walLs when considering earth(uãkes loads. the procedures specified in .årtÍcLe
Earth Loads
Pv and Pn based on exp€rience,
with allowance lor creep
Y=0.4H F
Earth Loads T'
Pa and P¡calculaûed us¡ng Coulomb ac.t¡ve earth prossure theory o
d or Pa estlmated using judgement, with allowanc€ br moveme¡¡t
of backfill relative lo wall. t!
Y=0.4H c)
Slabilitv Criteria E
A!eÞl!!u tûels È
'max ü
Used for bearing capacity check Þ
Factor€d Bearing Capacity Used for bearim capacity check (')
9r = ØRr gun
Facîored Bearino Capacity
9t= ØRrgutt ld
Figure 5.15.6-1 i Earth Loads and Ståbility Cri-t-eria _!or Hall¡ Figrure 5.15.6-2: Ealth Lo¡dE and Stâbility CriÈêria for ¡falls
with Clayey Soíls in the 8ackfill or Foundation rith Gr¡urularBaclcfilk and Foundationr
(After Duncan êt a1., 1990) on Sand or Gravel (åltêl Duncatr cÈ al., 1990)
B-5 -1 0
.A ', ..:.":-.,.....,.,...:.... -,..:_ _,
Section 5 - Retaining flalts O?erall Stabtlity (Rst'la€d Àrtl.cle (C)
The overall stability of slopes in the vicinity of
walls shall be considered.
The overall stability of the retaining
slope, and foundarion soii or rock et¡àu ¡é wal1, retained
:11 y11l:, leins ti:nirins gq_uiribriun nerhoås
Earth Loads
The,Mocr:-fi.ed Biahopr_ si'nprified Janbu or "i-;;itri;:
spence methôde of
anarysts may be ueed. lpecial explorationl teeting and
analyees may be required- for abutmenta o, .ét"irrirrq
walte construcred over eoft deposírs
P¡ based on at-rest pressure .¡"ie ãã"ããtiãIil;-'
and/or lateral flow of the eof-t soit couiã ;;;ft-il---"
Pv est¡mated using judgment unacceptable long-term settlement.e or horizontãi nãrre¡r"nte.
See Article
H f Faclored Horizontial Load
Vì Fac{or€d Vsrlical Load 'tt
. -t--
Faclored Bearing Capacity ¡g
Qr = dRr gu[ ô
Factored Horizontal Load 'J
I Factored V€rtical
Factored Eearing Capacity F
_l_ 9r = dRr gu[
Note: max¡mum toe pressufe q ñãx may exceed
the factored bear¡ng capacity, q | .
Sectioo 5 - Retaining Walls SECIION 7 N)
suBslRUCTr¡RES s
Barker R.M., Duncan J.M., Rojiani K.8., Ooi P.S.K., Tan C.K. CENERAL RE9UIRET'ÍET{TS ÀITD I,T¡,TERIÀTS
and Kim S.G. (1990), "load Factor Design Críteria for
Highway Structure Foundations", Preliminary Draft FÍna1
Report for NCHRP Project 24-4, Transportation Research Board NCERP L2-35
National Research Council.
Clough G.!f. and Duncan J.M. (1991), "Earth Pressures"'
Chapter 6 of the 2nd Edition of the Foundation Engineering 7.1 GENERÀT, 1
Handbook. 7.L.L DEFINTTTON 1
7 .I.2 LO.ADS 1
Duncan J.M., Clough G.W. and EberlinS R. (1990), "Behavior 7.I.3 SETTLEI4ENT 1
and Design of Gravity Earth Retaining Structuresr' Proc.' 7.L.4 FOIJNDÀTION AND RETÀINING WAIL DESIGN L
Symposium on Design and Performance of Earth Retaining 7.2 NOTATIONS 1
Structures, Geotechnical Special Publicatíon No. 25, ASCE,
pp. 251-277. PÀRÎ B
Kim S.G., Barker R.M., Duncan J.M. and Rojiani K.B. (1991), åJ,LOWABLE SIRESS DESIGII
"Engineering ManuaL for Abutments and Retaining Walls",
Charles E. Via Department of Civil Engineering, Virginía 7.3 PIERS 2
Polytechnic Institute and State University. 7.3. 1 PIER TYPES 2
Sectio¡ 7 - Subetructures
NCHRP 24-4
7.1.1 DErrl¡rlrot¡ 5
A substructure is any structural, Ioad-aupporting U
component generally referied to by the terms abutment, pier, It
retåining úatl, foündation or other eímilar Lerminology' l)
7.L.2 LOåX,S F
Where appropriate, piers and abut¡rente Ehall be É
desioned to ùittrËtan¿ àeãa load, erection loade, Iive loads o
ã" iÉ" roadway, wind loads on the euperstructure, forcee due z
to. stream curients, floating ice and-drift, temperature and U'
shrinkage effects, Iateral earth and \tater PresEuregt scour tr
and colÍision and earthquake loadings. ¡t
The anticipated settlement of piere and abutments z
should be egti¡nãted h,y appropriate ãnalyeisr -and the effectE tt)
7.2 ¡¡OTArrolIs
(Content of Àrticle ?.2 fro¡n Final Report of NCHRP Project
L2-35, D'Àppolonia, 1 989. )
b- | -ta
(Content of Article Final Report of project
, D'Appolonía, ]r!^from
12-35 1989. )
oIEER AnrrcLES rll ÀÀsBro 1989 APPET{DIX C
c 4.8 SCOPE
The probabilistic basis of these specifications -
which proãuces an inter-related combination of load, load ffhere EtatistÍca1 information was available,
factorl and statistical reliability should be considered reliability theory, ternpered in sone casee with judgment.
a¡hen selecting procedures for calculating lesistalce n9t was used tó derivè the valuee of performance factora given
specified trerãin. The procedures used Ín developing.the in Tables 4.10.6-1 th:cough 4.10.6-3. In casee rthere there
'*räIo"" of performance fãctors contained in thís Section are was insufficient info:rmation for calibration using
summarízed-in Appendix A of the Final Report, NCERP Project reliability theory, va)-ues of performance factore were F
24-4 (Barker, ei-aÌ., 1991). other rnethods nly be uged if chosen based on jüdgnent, eo that the desígn was coneistent o
the statistical nature of the factors given above are with that using Áso-procedures. DetailE are provided in U
considered through consistent use of reliability theory, and Appendix a of the fiñal report for Projecl: 24-4 (Barker, et ã
are approved by the Owner. al., 1991). o
In derivÍng the r¡aluee of performance factors given in F
c 4.10.4 STREIIGTE RE9UTREXEHT Tables 4.10.6-1-throur¡h, the target reliab!lity U
indices were chogen att 2.0 to to 3.5r and 3.5, tr
The basic requirement of safety in LFD for¡nat can be respectively, for drirren pilee, drilled ehafts and spread o
expressed by the following formula: footings. z
(C4.10'4-1) 'ú
{R¡ > effect of 'ytpili tr
c General
where o
6 = perforrnance factor, see Tables 4.10.6-1 Proble¡re with inr¡uificient bearing and/or exceeeive
settlements in fill c¡rn be significant, particularly if poor ¡l
through 4.L0.6-3;
Rn = nominãI resistance of foundation; (e.g., soft, wet, frozen or nòndurable) material is used or o
dnì-- = design strength (or factored resistance) i riratériat is not prope:cly compacted. Settlement of ttt
'y = Ioad factor, see Table 3.22.LA¡ furproperly placeã oi eonpactèd fitl around piers can cauee z
i¡i = coefficient for load ty-pe -i, see Table 3 '22'lA¡ suËstãntiãI- increaEes in footing loads reEulting from the U
i- = tyPe of load, such as dead load, live load, etc'; downr¡ard drag or friclÌ.ion force exerted on the pier by the- t)
Li = Ioad tYPe i; settling tifÍ 1i.e., negative skin friction). Even properly o
l;PiLi = reqúired strength (or required resistance) ' placed ánd conpacted Ìtaðkfill undergoeE sone anount of 3
ãettlenent depènding on the material type, moieture F'
The formula expresÁ¡es the notion that even in the conditions, nãthod óf placenent and ¡rethod and degree of z-l
highly unlikely sit^uation where the load-carrying.capacity cornpaction.
of-thè foundation is very low, and, at the sarne tirne, the F
Ioads are very high, the capacity of the foundation should (Revleed Artlcle C4.4.5.2,
still be large enough to support the loads. C Scour Prrctectio¡
The load factors '/ and performance factors ó account In cases where footings are founded on rocks, special
for the fact that loads. load effects (e.9., the computed attention ¡tuet be paicl to the effect of blasting.. Blaeting
pressures and sliding forces-exerting on foundations), and of highly resistant competent rock formatione typically.
the resistance can bé determined only to imperfect degrees resulfs in fracturing oi the rock to some depth below-the
of accuracy. Load factors which often have values larger. final rock gurface. ;Because blasting would likely reduce
than unity account for the uncertainties in loads and their the resistance to scour within the rock zone i-mediately
probability of occurrence. Performance factors, on the below the footing bas,e, blasting is not reco¡mended.
L-4-J c-4-4
Section 4 - Foundations Section 4 - Fou¡datio¡rs
C Load6
Deformation in cohesionless (or granular) soils often
occurs as soon as loads are applied. As a consequencet
settlements due to transient loade may be significant in
cohesionless soils, and they should be included Ín
settlement analyses. consolidation eettlements in coheeive
soils, on the other hand, are time-dependent. Consequently,
consolidation settlements due to transient loads are usually
negligibte, and are o:Eten disregarded in settlement
Existing Foundation c settlomerrt Analyees
Both in situ and laboratory teets can provide useful
information pertaininr¡ to the lóad-deformation behavior of tr,
the foundatión soils. Theee teet methods include: 'l
In situ test methods:
- cone penetrorneter (schmertnan, 1978)
- pressuremeter (Briaud, 1990)
- dilatometer (Marchettir 1980)
- screvt plaÈe (Kay and Avalle, 1982)
- plate load (ASTM, 1990)
Iaboratory test methods:
- direct shear (ASTMT 1990)
Figure C4.11.1.9: Reco¡nnended Location of a Ner't - unconfined and triaxial compression (ASTM' 1990)
Foundation on Firm soil or Rock - consolidation (ASTM, 1990)
c- 4-5
Section 4 - Foundations Section 4 - Fou¡dationa ¡.J
c 4.LL.3.4.L Settleme¡t of Footings oo Cohesionless Soils r¿here c = Su = undrained shear strengthi
Nç¡¡, Nq¡¡ = modified bearing capacity factors
Settlements of cohesionless soils occurs essentially as wlîich. are functions of footing shape,
rapidly as the foundation is loaded. The immediate enbedment, depth and load inclination, see
settlement may be estimated by seweraL established nethods. Tan, et al. (1991) or other foundation
engineerÍng textbooks or manuals for details;
Details for these procedures can be found in many text 7 = total unit weight of clay;
books and engineering manuals (e.g., Terzaghi and Peck, Df = footing depth.
1968; Sowers, 1979¡ NAVFAC, 1982; Gifford, et aI., 1987i
Tomlinson, 1989; Tan, et al., 1991). For cohesionless soils (such as sands or gravels), and
conditions r¡rhere the groundwater table iE at dept,h greater
than 1.5 ti¡res the footi,ng ¡sidth below footing base,
C 4.LL.3.4.2 Settlemenf of Footings on Cohesive Soils ultimate bearing capacity may be determined from the
expression given below:
In practice, footings are most likely founded on
overconsolidated c1ays. Settlements of footings founded on gult = 0.5 'yB Nr¡¡ + rDf Nqm (C4.11.4.L.7-21
these less compressibJ-e clays can be estimated using elastic
theory, BagueJ-in, et a1. (1978), or the tangent modulus
method, Janbu (1963, 1967). Settlements of footings on where .y = total unit weight of sand or gravel;
overconsolidated clays usually occur fairly rapidly, and it N"¡r Nom = ¡nodified bearing capacity factors
is reasonable to assume that they take place as rapidly as ' wñich are functions of 6oi1 cornpressibility,
the l-oads are applied. footing shape, embedment depth and load
inclination, see Tan, et aI. (1991) or other
foundation engÍneeríng textbooks or manuala
C Settlments of Footings on Rock for details;
B = footíng r¡idth;
Where the foundations are subjected to a very large Df = footing depth. ¡É
J-oad, or where settlement tolerance may be smalI, F
settl"ements of footings on rock may be estimated using When the position of groundwater table is at a higher .t
elastic theory. The stiffness of the rock mass should be level (less than 1.5 ti¡nes the footing width below footing o\
used in such analyses. base), ultimate bearing capacity of soils would be smaller
than that computed using Equation C4.11.4.L.L-2. The effect
The accuracy with which settlements can be estimated by of groundwater ís described in Article
using elastic theory is dependent on the accuracy of the
estimated rock mass modulus (E*). In some cases the value The reliability of bearing capacity estimateE depends
of E* can be estimated through empirical correlation wíth on the accuracy r.¡ith which the soil parameters (undrained
the value of modulus of elasticity for the intact rock shear strength or friction angle) are determined.
between joints. For unusual or poor rock mass conditions, Consequently, values of performance factors vary with the
it may be necessary to determine the modulus from in situ means by which the soil strength is determined, as indicated
tests, such as pJ-ate loading and pressuremeter tests. in Table 4.10.6-1.
If bearing resistance of footings on rock is estimated
using the serni-empirical procedure developed by Peck, et aI. c Semi-enpírica1 ProcedureÊ
(79741, settlement of the footing is expected to be less
than 0.5 inch. Because of difficulties in obtaining undisturbed sand
samples, ultimate bearing capacity of footings on gand are
best estimated using seni-empirical procedures. The
C 4.11,4.1.7 Theoretical Estimatíon ultimate bearing capacity in- sand cañ be determined based on
Standard Penetration Test (SPT) results by the following
Ultimate bearing capacity of saturated clay is related (rnodified after Meyerhof, 1956):
to its undrained shear strength by the following equation:
gult = cNcm + TDfNqm
ñs D¡
(C4.LL.4.1.1-1) gulr = (Cwl + C'o2 R1 (C4.11.4.L.2-L!
-108 -)
sêctíon { - Fouûdatioil.s
Section 4 - Foundatio¡s
9c Df c)
9ult B (Ce¡1 + Cr2 R1 (c4. o
40 -)
where q. = cone resistance.(t/-f1-2)r,B = footing width (ft)t
and othér terms are as defined previously' o
The ultimate bearing capacíty calculated using Equation |!
c4.11.4.L.2-L or C4.11.4:1.2-2 shõuld be muttipligd-by REDUCED EFFECTIVE AREA tr,
3" ô
performance factor Table 4'10'6-1 to
^ppiãpti"t" thã factored bearing capacity'
ããt".ini"" o
c Plat€ Loadiûg Test APPLICATION 2
equal to 1.5 times the footing width plus the footing depth
(Df), Cw1 = Cw2 = 1.0. For Dw = Df, Cr,¡l = 0.5 and Cw2 =
1.0; for Dw = 0, Cwl = Cw2 = 0.5. -For intermediate
positions of groundwater table, values of Ce¡1 and Cq,2 can be
determined by interpolation.
Sectio¡ 4 - Fou¡datío¡e Section 4 - Fou¡
based on the unconfined compressive strength of the intact - a natural slope or on an inclined gite
rock core sample. Depending on rock nase qualÍty (meaeured - an enbankmenL or an excavation
in terms of RI.IR or NGI sy6ten) , ulti-urate bearing capacity of - a river or a canal
a rock mass varies from a small fraction to eix times the - a lake, a reservoir or the sea shore
unconfined compressive strength of intact rock core samplea. - nine workings
- a retaining wall.
C 4.LL.4.2.2 Analytlc lletbod The mode of failure rdill be dictated by the aubsurface
conditions in the vicinity of the footing. When relatively
Depending upon the relative epacing of joints and rock honogeneous soil conditions exist and Buch conditions extend
Iayering, bearing capacity failureE for foundations on rock below the footing, the critical failure aurface will tikgly
may take eeveral forns. Except for the caee of a rock mass be circu.lar. When subsurface conditions include a
with closed joints, the failure ¡rodes are different fron particularly weak zolre or layer, or a shallow sloping rock
those in soi1. Procedurea for estj-nating bearing capacity eurface, the critícall failure aurface will likely be planar.
for each of the failure nodes can be found in Kulhawy & In many cases, both modee of failure muat be analyzed to 5
Goodnan (198?), Goodman (1989), and Sowere (1979). determine the more ct:itical failure ¡¡ode.
Even if overall stability is satÍgfactory, special rt
c {.11.4.3 Fallure by Sllding exploration, testing and analyses nay be required for bridge ô
abutmente or retaining walle constructed over soft subsoils o
sliding failure occurs if the horizontal conponent of where consolidation ;rnd/or lateral aqueeze of the eoft soil F
the factored load exceeds the factored shear resistance of could result ín unacceptable long-term Eettlements or U
the soils, or the factored shear resistance at the interface horizontal movement of abutnents. Ú
between the soil and the foundation, whichever is 1ess. o
For footings on cohesionLess soile, Bagnitude of V)
sliding resistance depends on the roughnees of the interface t!,
between the foundation and the eoil. If the base of the tl
footing is rough, as in the case where footings are cast in c)
situ, the stiding ís resÍsted by the ful1 strength of the
soil. For precast concrete footings, which nay be smoother, '.1
the shear strength of the interface nay be taken as eight- zØ
tenths of the soil strength.
For footings that rest on clay, the sliding resistance z
should be taken as the cohesion of the clay, o.q one-half the o
normaL stress on the interface between the footing and soil, o
whichever is less.
The resistance to sliding rnay be increased by widening 3
the base of footings, or by the uee of key if footinge are
founded on stiff clay or rock. (
Field observation on instru¡nented piles have shown that the D' = effective depth = 2DA/3 (c4. F
rnagnitude of downdrag is a functj-on Õf the effective atress "l
acting on the pile and rray be computed in a way si¡rilar to the Db = depth of eurbedment of piles in layer which providee
caLcuLation of positive shaft resistance. Downdrag loads can be support (Figure 4J2.3.2.l-L)
estinated using the d- or À- methods. However, an allowance
shouLd be made for the possible j-ncrease in undrained shear Ncorr = representative average corrected (for overburden) SPT
strength as consolidation occurs, since the increase in shear blow count over a depth X below the equivalent
strength rvill result in higher downdrag l-oads. Àn alternative footing.
approach would be to used the p-method where the long-term
conditions after consolidation should be considered. 20
Ncorr = [0.77 lo91g (-) ]N (c4.
Downdrag loads should not be conbined with transient loads ovt
(e.g., wind and traffic loads) and, therefore, only perrnanent
loads need be included wj-th the downdrag loads, provided that the N = measured SPT-N value within the aeat of settlement
transient loads are smalLer than the downdrag loads.
ov' = effective vertical stress (tsf)
Do\Èndrag can be reducedby applying a thin coat of bitr¡men qc = average static cone resistance over a depth X below the
on the pile surface. In the case where downdrag is a capacity equivalent footing (tÊf).
problen, the load factors for the downdrag load shall be the
reciprocal of the perfornance factor used for the method of
estimating shaft resistance (Table 4.L0.6-21. When downdrag is a
settLement problem, the load factor for the downdrag load shall
be unity. c-4-16
Sect.lo¡ 4 - Foundatloas Sectlo¡ 4 - Foundatlo¡B
C tL.L2.3.2.4 Latoral DisPlacêrûo¡t the ultj:nate bearíng r::apacity of a pile ÍE-derived fron the
tip resistance and/or sháft; iesietance ¡ekin friction)'..Both
The lateral displacement of pile grouPa can be estimated tiþ and ehaft resistances rfevelop in responae to- foundationoccur
usinqtheÞrocedures-describedin-theEngineeringManual.for ãiãpiã""r""t. The maximu¡r valueË of each are
õri"Ë"-piråã looi et ar., 1991). The prócedure was developed ;t-ãil-ralr¿ displacenent. The shaft reaiatånce ie typicallyrhe-tip.
through a paranetri" ãi"áv of å large äu¡ber-of pile groups- using i"riv-ráui-iizãa-"t dieplac,enente of about 0.1 to 0'4 in'
tt¡e ttreoriãe propããed by Évans and óuncan (1982) and by Focht and ããlãêity..however, is irobiLize¿ "f!:I the pile eettlea about St
Koch (1973). of-its áia¡neter (Kulhawy et al., 1983).
& I
.E f f thon 4OD 6 = angle of shearing resistance between the soil and the
5 o.zs
l-----l------- pile
K = coefficient of lateral earth pressure
rooo 2000 3000 4000 5000 É = Xtan ¡'
Undrained shearing strength Su in ¡b/ll?
Undrained sheering strenglh Su in kN/nÉ Esrig and Kirby (19?9) developed the ¡elationship between p
50 ro0 r50 200 and that is shown in Figure C4.L2.3.3.2-2. OCR, ór
overconsolidation ratio is defined as the ratio of the
preconsolidation pressure to the vertical effective atresa.
3 o.7s
The p-nethod has been found to work best for piles in
I o normally consolidated and lightLy overconsolidateô clays. The
method tends to overpredict skin friction of piles in heavily
E o.zs overconsolidated soils. Esrig and Kirby suggèsted that for -
heavily overconsolidated clays, the value of p ehalt not exceed
o.00 2.
ro00 2000 3000 4000 5000
Undrained shearing strerEûh Su ¡n lMt? ¡É
Ssctio! { - FouDdatiollts
Sectlo¡ tl - Fou¡datl.oo¡
'%" ô 9C
lro ,J.1
re 3 1,1
E 'tt
ll- Io
erceeds limit F
of 2.OO r $ too U
t- EE¡9! g!!* lsgE u
É ætÈXt O rûæ,
uI¡ C)
o t€q z
fio- tzs
Enil sÉ^
. fl$¡dÊ a lu¡lt'fl¡ |lt
UJ lcr q¡rr.¡ a a¡¡¡tEt
¿ HÉE ¡ EA.6l,þ o
È r5 Æ ¡
150 rca[J¡ Ë
52 çrqgU I EOE¡raO -
c oll - sFråæt t * o
umæ'g¡r C Ecg{ ztt
ta w9O€ I PCCX
200 z
t7 F
Section 4 - FouÃdatio¡s Soction 4 - Fou¡datl,ona
p = pile width or diameter
N" = bearing capacity factor = 9 (Skenpton, 1951)
SI = liniting t,ip resistance (tons square foot)
S,, = undr.ained shear. strength of the clay near the pile
base. gl = 4Ncorr for sands (C4.
gI = 3Ncorr for non_plastic silte. (C4.
C pile Capacity E6tiñate6 Bae€d OD IÀ Situ ts8t6
In situ test6_ are widely used in cohesionlêss soils because (b) Skin Friction
?Þ!:i"ilg sood suatity sampläs of cõhesionrãÃ=-"ãirã-ir--rr"ry The skin friction- of piles in cohesionless
difficurt. rn situ !Þ=tq larameters may be usea iã tr," estÍmated using rhe fottowing .q";tiã; (lrteyerhof,Eoils nay be
tip resi-stance and,skin friction oi-piIås. ".ij-"t" iõieJl,
in siru resr nerhods for predictins þii"-""på"itv-ãIã"Ëiå
''å-riãquãiËîy "r"a
standard penerrarion resr (SpT) ,"inãa lueyãrhof', iõiei--ãna tf¡e
cone penetration test (cpr) nethod (NotÈin;h"-
197s). "i¿-i"ti"ir^.rrr,, For driven displacenent piles:
1 ) SPT Method ñ
(c4. )
(I976l, correlared rhe tip capacity and shaft
_^^, _I:I:rhofof pile6
reslsÈance with the SpT blow_èount.. firis ¡rethod applies
only to sands and non-plastic silts. For non-displacenent piles (e.9., steel_E piles)!
(a) Pile rip.Capacity ¡d
The ultimate unit tip resistance.for piles, gp (in tons per (c4 . F
square foot) driven to a àepth D5 into a c-ot¡esiåniËsè ;"ii
too )
stratun can be estimated byl where:
0.4N"q¡. D5
q. = unit skin friction for driven piles (tsf)
9p = -------:- < 9t (c4.)-
Ñ = average (uncorrected) SpT-blow count along the pile
where: shaft.
Ncorr =.average SPT-N value near the pile tip corrected for
¡rith a crosed end, disptra""solid
overburden . .Displ?ggrnent.piles, have sections or hollow
sections iãrãii"ãii;-rãigË-iåi"r" or
soit durins penerrarion. "
relatively small cross-sectional il;ã;;'-e.g., pileÃ'";;;iiy';;rr"
20 ñon-a^i-liã"Ë.L"t
Ncorr = [ 0.77 loglg (-) (c4. steel_E piles and
]N pipe pites rhar do not ptug.
sorr berween rhe franges in a.steer-a-pil"riuigins-õcãui"-iñen
:ry1-:19"d tr¡e
N = measured SpT-N value cylinder of an ooen-"lgpd.steet pile piie "i'iuË Àãii-i"-trr"
pile and noves dãwn with the pilã-å; if-r_,"ar,eiã"
ov' = verl-íca1 effective stress measured at the pile tip
(in tsf)
section { - Foundlatiols
Section 4 - Fouadatlo¡e
2l CPT Method
c-4-25 c-4-26
Sectj.on 4 - FoundaÈiona sectioa a - Four¡alatioDs l.¡
l;r:: !I 20
tsrt Þ
@ 25
q 50
Corrfets and
wood piles
35 ¡ú
v yD Z+yD Stoelpíles
q (tsD F
lfr) tfil cr
40 '.t
o.7 0.7 Ð.7 (35+37.5+37.5135)/4 - 36.3
Uso 0.8 f, from Begemann o\
Îp if in high OCR Ctays
1-0 1.0 51.0 (31É37.5f4O+40+37.tr35)/6 = 37.5 Begernann Tip (Mecñan¡cat)
t.5 steel
'1.5 5r.5 (35r37.5{40+40+40+,10+37.5r35)/8 = 38.'| --- Concrete
2.O 2.O 52.0 (35+37.5+4O+40+37.5+37.4É7.5+37.$¡35.7+35y1 O= 97.5
Fugo Tp (Eedriåt)
2.5 2.5 52.5 (35+37.5J.40+40+37.5+35+6{35})/1 2 = 36.3 .
3-0 3.0 53.0 (35+37.5+4o+40+37.5+35+35+7(351)/14 - 36.1 Concrete
3.5 3.5 53.5 (35+37.5+4O+40+37.5+35f 35r¡lo+40+7{35})/1 6 For Kr wood use t.ZS Kj Steel
- 36,6
4.0 1.D 54.0 (3S|37.5{{O+40+37.$37.5r35r4O+37.512{37.5}+7{35})/t S = 36.7
Sectio¡ 4 - Fou¡datione Sectio¡ { - FouDdatioDs
Section 4 - Fout¡datiorB soctl,on I - Fou¡datio¡s t)
C 4.L2.3.3.5 Pile Load Teet C tl.L2.3.3.7a Single ptle Upllft Capaclty
Load testing can be performed as either a routine load test the design requirement for uplift ie ae follows:
or a high-level load test. A routine test is usually carried out
for the purpose of proof testing and involves tri¡riteä quality CuQs ' P¡ç,y (c4.12.3.3.?a-1)
control of the test data, a limited number of test piles, anã
only linited analysis of the test results. À high-level teet is rrhere:
usually carried out before finatizing the design and involves
more reLiable test data, a testing piogran and-method that are Qs = ulti¡nate uplift capacity due to Ehaft reiietance
adapted for the.particular site conditions and problens, and a
detailed analysis of the results. Px,y = factored tensile load effect in the pile
ÎeÉt AffaDg€Ee¡t aad Load TeBt Xethode óu = perforuance factor for uplift capacity.
Every load test ¡rust be arranged ín conformity with ÀSTM The performance factors for axíal tension are loryer than
D1143-81. If the minimum distance values recouu¡enãed in the ÀSTM those for compression. One reason for thie ie that pilee in
standard are reduced, the reliability and usefulness of the test tension unroad the soil; this reducee the overburden-effective
results could be inpaired. The test load is usually applied by stress and hence the uplÍft skin friction resistance of the pile.
means of a hydraulic jack, which is also acting as ã Lããd cell.
Hordever, where a higher accuracy and confidence in the te6t
results is needed, such as in high-leveJ. testing, a separate load C pll€ croup Uplift Capacity
cell shouLd be used.
For pile groups in coheeionlees eoil, the weight of the
Measurements of the movement of the pile end by neans of a block. that will be uplifted shall be estimated usiñg a spread of
telltale to the pi).e end and, therefore, the compreËsion of the Load of 1 in 4 (Figuie C4.L2.3.3.7b-1) fron rhe baÀé ãñ" piiã
pile, should be considered for high-tevel testing and, wherever grouP. "r
possible, also for routine tests on piles. ¡ú
Eoction I - Fou¡dlatioDg soctlo¡ { - FouDdatl.ost
C tL.L2.3.3.1Oa Coheeive SoiI Piles rvhÍch extend for a portíon of-their lengths
water or-air (e.9., pire bent þiers) sharl be assuñed tothíough
ie iixed
at some depth below the ground. stabirity shalr be determined
The efficiency of pile groups in cohesive soil is diminished
frour the individuat pile casè duè to overlapping zones of shear accordance with provisions for_cornpressioir menbers in sectiãn, in
deformation in the soil surrounding the pifèi. - 9, and_10 using an equivalent tength of the piLe equal to the
laterally unsupported 1ength plus-an e¡¡beddeà aeptË iã iixity.
In cohesive soils, the resistance for a pite group depends fþç depth to fixity can be calculated as follows (Davisson
on whether the.cap is in firm contact with thè groúnd Èeneãtt. and Robinson, 1965)
If_the cap is in fir¡r contact, the soil- between the pile and the
pile group behave as a unit. For clays Depth to fixity = 1.4R (C4.12.4.f-1)
pile spacings, block type failure rnechanism may
prevail "glf individual pile afailure
1! while
lráy occur at larger piJ.e'
For sands Depth to fixity = l.BT (C4.12.4.1-21
spacings. rt is necessary to check for Ëoth failure uréchairis¡ns where:
and design for the case that yields the ¡rini¡rum capacity.
C Cohesionleeg SoiI
R= l"ntnl
(c4.12.4.1-3) F
l*l '.t
. For piles driver,r igto sand, the group capacity is never 1ess En = modulus of elasticity of pile
than the su¡r of the individual pile cãpacitieã, beðause of the
increase in density- caused by aiiving. Thus, ihe efficiemcy In = noment of inertia of pile
factor is always taken as unity for pile groups in sand.
Es = soil modulus = 67 Su for clays (C4.12.4.1-4)
C Pile Group íu Strong Soil (Þerlyiag a ïeak or Su = undrained shear strength of clays
Conpreeeible SoiI
Meyerhof (1976) suggested that if the distance between the lrorol o'2
pile tip and the weak deposit (Ë) i6 less than 10 pile diameters,
the ultj¡rate unit tip resistance will be:
'-l*ll^'l (ca-L2.4.1-s)
ql = Iiniting unit tip resistance in t,he upper stratu¡
Section 4 - Fou¡datioae sectioû 4 - Foundatl.o¡e
Sectiou 4 - Fou¡dations Sectíon 4 - FouDdations t\)
c .ç F
o (õ
U' t--
c 3 0.6
E (D \1t
(õ (ú (l
o o
d] E
o.s 'lo
! F
U) IU Ë o.¿ ttt
po o)
U) 2
) z
.E Range of Results 0
:) 0.4 tl,
Trend Une
0.0 3456 789
0.0 o.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
,settlement of Base ú
Settlement o/ z
lo Diameter of Base 'l
Diameter of Shaft F
Normalized curves Shouing Load Transfer Figure C4. 13. 3.2.3a-2¿ Nornalized curves Shotting Load Transfer
Figure C4. 13.3.2. 3a-1: for
ï;-¡iã" Resistance versus settlement and in End Bearing versus settlement for
ñtiii.a shafts in clay (Fron Reese oiiii"a shaft; in ctay (From Reese and
O'Nei11-,1988) otNei11,1988)
SectioD 4 - FouDdatio¡E. g€ctioD ¡¡ - F.ouadati-o¡s l.)
o) (d rC',
c l-
(õ ol lo 1õ
c l(D
-r 0.6
po 8lË 10
o Ele
Ifit Range of Results for trr I F o.g
o'4 lection-Sof tenlng Response
Def tc
f l:l Range of 'Results 'É
Range of R€sults for 0.6 F
Deflection-Hardenin g Response "t
-. o\
Trend Line
c_4_43 c_4_44
Section ¿ - For¡Ddatione Section 4 - FouDdationa
The lateral displacenent of single drilled shafts and groups Refer to rígure C4. for identification of portione of a t¡l
of drilled shafts cair be estinated uÀing the procedures described driLled shalt not considered in contributing to the shaft ¡!t
in the Engineering Manual for Drilled Shafts (Ooi et a1', 1991) resistance. t)
The adhesion factor a is an enpirical factor used to o
correlate the results of fuII scale load tests with a material za
C Àxial Loadiag Of Drill€d ShaftÉ property or characteristic of the cohesive soil. The adhesion
i""iot is usually related to su and is derived from the resulte >
See Àrticle C 4.L2.3.3.1. of full-scale piJ.e and drilled-shaft load teste. Uee of the U
approach presuires the neaeured value of S¡¡ is the correct value o
ttr^t äII behavior resulting from construction and o
loading can be "n"ft
lumped into a single Parameter. NeÍther
c ÀaalyÈic Eetioates of Drilled Shaft Capacity Ia presumftion is strictly correct' but the approach is ueed due to cl
its sinplicity in dealing with a complex problem. z
Cobesíve Soile 'l
Drilled shafts in cohesive soils rnay be designed by totaf The upper five feet of the shaft is ignored in estimating Q" F
and effective stress ¡rethods of anal.ysis, for undrained and to account ior the effecta of seaEonal moieture changes,
drained toading conditions, reepectively. shafts -in cohesionlees disturbance during construction, cyclic lateral loading and low
soils sha1l be-designed by effeótive stiese urethods of anaJ'ysis lateral stresses irom freslhly-placed concrete. The lower one
for drained loading condilions or empirical methods based on in diameter above the shaft tip oi top of enlarged baee is ignored
situ test results. The c-¡rethod, a total stress ¡rethod for due to the developnent of tènsile èracke in the eoil near these
drilled shafts in cohesive soils, is presented below. regions of the shãft and â corresPonding reduction in lateral
stress and side resístancer.
c-4-45 c-4-46
S€ctiog 4 - Fou¡dations SectioD ¿l - Foundatío¡s 19
c_4_47 c_4_48
sectíoa 4 - Foundatioûo s€ctio! 4 - Fouaêatio¡a
Bells or underreans constructed in stiff fissured clay often rf D^ > 75 in. and shaft settlenente will not be evaluated,
settle sufficiently to result in the for¡nation of above the the value'of qp shall be r:educed as follows (Reese and O'Neill,
betl which will evãntually be filled by slumping soil. Slunpinq 1988):
will tend to loosen the soil i-urnediately above the bell and
decrease the side resistance along the lower portion of the 9pr = Frgp < 80 ksf (C4-
shaft. where:
The value of o for driven piles is often considered to vary
ae a function of Srr. valuee of c for drilled ehafts are 2.5
reco¡urended Ín rabfe C4. based on the resuLts of back- Fr= 1.0 (c4.
analyzed full-scaLe load tests. Thie recornmendation is baeed on aDP + 2.5b =
elininating the upper five feet and lower one dianeter of the
shaft lengih durini back-analysis of load teet results. The load
tests weré conductèd in insensitive coheeive eoils. therefore, z
a=0.0071+0.0021-=0.015 (c4.
if shafts are constructed in sensitÍve clays or clay-like shales o
or mudstones, values of a may be different than those shown in DP Ð
Table C4. Other values of c nay be used if based on ¡ = O.eS,¿tiiGl whrere 0.5 < b < 1.5 (C4.
the resuLts of load tests. ô
Dp = liP diameter in inches. o
fip resi8taDc€ U
For loaded shafts in cohesive soil subjected to The liniting value oli 80 ksf for qp and q¡¡¡ is not a n
undrained loadi-ng conditions, the ultimate unit tip resj-stance of Èheoretical li¡rit but a lj¡rit baeed on the lar'gest neagured o
drilled shafts máy be esti¡nated using the following equation values. A higher 1i¡ritin(r value nay be ueed if baged on the
(Reese and O'Neill, 1988): results of a load teet. U)
The use of Equation C4. to eetirnate the tip 'r,
9p = NsS,, < 80 ksf (C4'13 '3'3'2-21 resistance for drilled sh¿rfts having diametere greater than 75 c)
inches is not reco¡utended because the deformations requíred to
where: fulIy urobitize the calcul¿¡ted value of Qp will nortnally- be 'l
grealer than can be toler¿Àted by highway^structures. Therefore, ztt)
Nc = bearing caPacitY factor ior large diameter shafts founded on stiff to hard clay,-the
liniting value for the ultimate unit tip resistance ehall be 2
Nc=6[1+o.2(z/Dpll<9 (c4.] reduced as described in Et¡uation C4.L3.3.3.2-4. U
Dp = diameter of drilled shaft
. 2 = penetration of shaft. c Esti¡atioa t)f Drllled-Sbaft CaPaclty Ia lr
Cohesíoalesn Soilg 1
Section 4 - Fouadatio¡s Sectio¡ 4 - Fou¡datío¡e l.¿
Ta.ble C4 . Surmary of procedures f or Estiuating Side It nåy be noted that the side resistance of diilled ehafts
Resistance (q6) of DriIIed Shafts in sand in sand can be estiuated using (a) the friction angle [Touma and
Reese (1974)l or (b) the SpT blow count [Ueyerhof (1976), euiros
and Reese (L9771, and Reese and llright (L97711.
The friction angle of sands can be correlated to the
Standard Penetration Test blow count or the cone legistance as
Touna and Reese 9s - Ktv'tan{' < 2.5 tsf given ín lable C4.
( r974 )
where K = 0.7 for Db S 25 ft Table C4. Friction Angle of Sands Related to Test
K=0.6for25ftcDg<40ft Values
Quiros and Reese qs(tsf)-0-026N <2tsf Mediu.n 35' - 40' 10-30 40 - 120 o\
lL97? |
Dense 40'- 45' 30-50 120 - 200
Reese and llright Çs(tsf)=- forNl53 Very Dense > 45' >50 > 200
(L977 | 34
Table C4. Summary of Proceduree for EEtimating Baee on a downward novenent equal to either 1 inch lTouma and Reege
Resistance, gp (tsf) of Drilled Shafte in Sand (1974) and Quiros and Reõse G977ll or 5t of the baee diameter
ineeeå and Wright (L9771 and Reese and O'Neill (198811.
REFERENCE DESCRIPTION Reese and o'Neill (1988) recomtend that for base dia¡ìeterg
greater than 50 in.r gp ehould be reduced to gpr as folloets:
Tourna and Reese Loose 9p (tsf) = 0 k=1for
(L97 4\ Do < 1.67 ft
16 &'k = 0.6Do 50
MediumDense 9p (tef) = forD62 ' 9or=-9o (c4. )
- 1.67 Ït 'DP
Very Dense 9p (tsf) = Applicable
- only if where qn¡ = reduced baee resiatance for Dp > 50 in' l{
D5 > 10D o
Dp = dia¡reter of the base of the ehaft (in.) Þ
2Ng6.¡D5 4
Meyerhof 9p (tsf¡ = q- = ultinrate unit end bearing reeistance calculated ueing 'l
one of the neth¡ods in Table C4. ô
( 1e76 ) 15DP 3 Ê
( Ncorr Use of Equation C4. assumes that qn-is estimated F
ITT.:"nnr"".r. using the Reeáe and O'Neil.I (1988) equation in Table Ú
c4. Ø
Quiros and Reese Same as Touma and Reese (1974) z
(L977 | Meyerhof's expressíon for base resietance etems fro¡r.the up ît,
iaea ft¡åt the tip iesistance increases linearly wÍth enbelnent 'g
2 [" à fi.iting aeþttr of 10 shaft diameters; thêreafter, the tip td
Reese and wright 9p (tsf) =_N forN< 60 resistance rè¡rains constatìt with depth. rat
(L971 3
Five methods [Touma and Reese (1974), Meyerhof-(-1976), and
9p (tsf) = 40 forN> 60 Quiro.-anJneãse (iglll, Reese and Èright Q9171. and.Reese
õ'neitt (1988)l have been presented for estirnatÍng the ard'e Eands ztf)
forN<75 resistanèe aná-end bearing-capacities of drilled shafts in
Reese and O'Neil1 9p (tsf) = 0.6N and gravels. Comparison õf tñese methods shows that theyga¡te may
( 1988 )
9p (tsf) = ¿s forN>75 ;;;"i¿ in widely ãivergent esti¡rates of capacity- for the field U
ãonditions. Uniortunaiely, the infor¡natioã available fro¡r
-insufficient o
load tests at Present is to determÍne which of the
where Ncorr = SPT blow count corrected for overburden pressure ¡rethods is mosi rel'iable and most generally applicable'
Due to the shortage of fietd data, it ie not poeeible at
= t0.771-o91q (20lo." ) lN
pt"".trt to determine wíth precieion what values of performance
N = uncorrected SPT blow count iactors should be used for-drilled ehafte in sanda and gravele. F
Ããããiãi"grv. the best procedure aPPearB to be to eetimate thethe
Dp = b"". diameter of drill-ed shaft in ft ;;ñ;iat-;;ins all of Èhe applícable-nethods,.and-to eeLect
¡;ãa;;;å using jud-girent, and any available. e'r.'Perience
Db = enbedment of drilled shaft in sand bearing layer ,ii¡, =irif"i"ãpãóitv æfre inherent gieat variability of the
capacities of "onâitiottõ.-
drilted shafts in sand logically Euggests.fhat
.rràio"r of performance facl'-ors for shafts in sands should be
smal.Ier than for Ehafts itr claY.
c-4-5 3
Sectio¡ 4 - Foundations Sectio¡ 4 - Fou¡datioae
C Àrial Capacity In Rock
Ilpically, the axial compression l-oad on a shaft socketed Pe= ( c4 . 13.3. 3.4-1
into rock is carried solely in side resistance until a total AsocEc
shaft settlement on the order of 0.4 inches occurs. Àt this
displacement, the ultimate side resistance, eSR, is ¡robilized and
slip occurs between the concrete and rock. Àã"a result of this wtrere EÉ = depth of the socket
s1ip, any- additional load is transferred to the tip, and it is
assu¡ned that side resistance reduces to zero. ThiË assunption is EPi = working load at the top of the aocket
conservative because a portion of the fully urobilized side
resistance wilL remain after faiLure of thã bond the shaft- Àsoc = cross-sectional area of the socket
rock socket interface. Alternative procedures avãilable
which can be used to proportion the locket load"re between side and Ec = Young,s modulus of conerete.ii the eocket, coneidering
tip resistance (e.g., Caiter and Kulhawy, 19BB). the. stiffness of any steel reinforcement,
Where the rock socket capacity is derived fron side and (b) settLement of the base of the drilLed shaft, pbaser.
resistance, the settle¡rents within the socket will be small. ff which can be conputed as follows:.
the rock socket capacity is derived fron tÍp resistance, the
set.tlenents wj-I1 be larger and must be checked as an ini,egral (:Pi ) Ip
part of the design. Pbase = (C4.
The design procedures assume the socket is constructed in
reasonably sound rock that is little affected by construct.ion
(i.e., does not rapidty_degrade upon excavation-and/or exposure where fp = influence coefficient .(fron Figure C4.
to air or water) and which is cLeãned.prior to concrete. piacement
(i.e., free of soil and other debris). Ds = diameter of the base of the drilled.shaft socket
The dêsign procedure presented in this article assuaes that: E. = urodglus of.the_in situ rock, t.aking the joints and
(a) the rock strength measured during site investigation wiLl not their spacing into account. F
deteriorate during construction when water or driÌÍing fLuids are 'l
used, (b) the drilling fluid used will not form a lubiicated fil¡r o\
on the sides of the socket, and (c) the bottom of the socket is The-Young's modulus of the in situ rock, E¡, can be estimated as
properly cleaned oút. This is i_nportant if the f ol-Lo¡vs:
capacity of the drilLed shaft is based. oñ ená bearing.
The_design procedure proposed by Reese and O,NeiII (1999)
_ -bearing E. = K¡Ei (c4.
for capacity of driLled shafls socketed in rock ås=*es
that the load is carried entirely by the shaft if the computed
settlement is l-ess than 0.4 in. Conversely, Ioads that cãuse where Ei = intact rock ¡rodulus found either by testing or by:
settlements greater than 0.4 in. are assumed to be carried means of Figure C4.
entirely by the base of the drilled shaft. This ¡rethod is
conservative since loads are assumed to be carríed entírely in KE = modulus modification ratio, the rock
side resistance or entirel-y in end bearing, and no allos¡anðe is quality designation (ReD), as shovrn in
nade for the loads to be carried by a corrbination of side Fígure C4.
resistance and end bearing. The steps in the design procedure
are as follows: 2. Calculate pe + tg¿gs. If the sum is than 0.4 in.,
compute the ulti¡rate capacity based on sÍde resistance alone
L. Estimate the settLe¡rent of the portion of the drilled shaft (Step 3). If the sum is greater than 0.4 in., compute the
that is socketed in rock. This consists of two components: ultinate capacity based on base resistance alone 1-Step 4).
(a) the elastic shortening of the drilled shaft, p", which
can be computed as follows:
Sectío¡ { - Fouadatlo¡a
Soctl,oD 4 - Fouadatlo¡s
Md¡uñ 210æ
Vçy High r3/J0
1.1 I UÞÞ.r ¡ aã'o
^ r00
1.0 èro
x t.
0.9 .g o
o s i.o U
6 Í
]L 0.7 =
ll t)
(, 9
¿ o.! o
0.6 v /,a1)a F
o, H
o -/\K.up, U
0.5 _ c-c- J
\.t- - E-
I o.or
ñ. - U'
\ :È-
rn 0.2 '50- o
'100- ,l
' 5000 = 0.0r 0.r r.0 r0 100 1000 o
Unlaxlal Compresslve Strength - lb/ln'?x 10¡
2 4 6 I 10 12
Embedment Ratio H./D,
Figure C4. Figure c4. Errgineeríng Classificatfon of Intact Rock F
(l.fter Deere, 1968, and Peck, 1976, as
ELâstic settlement Influence Factor aE a pr:esented by Reese and OtNeiIl, 1988)
Function of Enbedment Ratio and Ìlodulus Ratio
(Àfter Donald, sloan and Chiu, 1980, as
presented by Reese and OrNeill' 1988)
c_4_57 c_4_58
s€ctíoD 4 - Foundatioae Soction 4 - Foundations
o .l ORANGEFISHTUNNEL where qu is the uniaxial colrpressive strength of the rock. If
HORIZONTAL- the uniaxial. compressive strength of the rock or concrete in the
I JACKING TESTS drilled shaft, whichever is less, ie greater than 280 psi, t,hen
G 0.8 q. is given by (Horvath and Kenney, 1979):
3 O orHER oATA,1978 .o
!t 0.6
t^t ss = 2.s/ã; (c4 . )
where q" and q,, are in psi.
E 4. Esti¡rate the base resistance of the drilled shaft socket
é^ from the uniaxial compression strength as follows (Cdap6¡dj,a*rF
0.2 Geotechnical Society, 1985) :
o ¡É
Sectio¡ 4 - Foundatione Sectío¡ { - Fou¡datloas (¿)
Às a mini¡rum, the written test procedures should include the - Constant lime Interval
following: Siurilar to the Maintained Load test procedure, except loade
for the Constant lime Interval test are maintained on the
- ApParatus for applying loads including reaction system and shaft for a consEant interval to permit determination of the
loading system. yield load as a function of creeP rate.
soil; this reduces the overburden effective atress and hence the
ã* irr" drilled ehafr, aE discueeed in
the uptift capacity of a bellgd drilled ehaft ehould be
c"rcoiäi"ã-;;;"tdã-a[Ãf ttt. bell behavea âs an anchor (Reese and
ó;Ñeill, 198S1. eiy ekin, friction above the bell ehould be
ãiscounëed. irt" iratacitv (Qs bell) of a belled drilled
Ehaft may be calculated"piiit ¡le follosrs:
l)hl Gr¡a QE betl o 9s bèI1 Àiri
ehaft F
i s" bell = unit uplifit capacity of a belled dr'llled o
9e bell = NuSu (C4. U
Au = annular a:rea between the bell and the shaft ô
Au =o(Dp2-t121/4 (c4. 'lo
Nu = uPlift bearinr:l caPacity factor U
Su = undrained ehe¡lr Etrength averaged over a distance of o
two ueii-aiameters 12ó,"¡ above-the baee' su If the eoil z
lil"-i"""ãiãs àttãå'- is expaneive-' ehould be tn
"uott" over 2Do-above the bottom of the baee' or ttt
orr"r ttã ãåõãrt-ãf pãn"irati"n of the drilled shaft in
"t"t.gãã T'
ihe foundin-g rrrtraturn, whichever is legs o
Dp = dia¡neter of tlr¡e bell
(a) End Beârlng T6et D = diameter of tll¡e shaft'
the value of No varies fr:o¡t 0 -at Db/DD - 0'?5ri:op to a value of I at z
ôi7po-=-2.s, ,Ë.rã-õl-iã-irre aãpg!-þfow the the of the foundine U
(b) shaft ReßlBtanc€ Test top of the o
Às ahonn iñ riqtor. c4:13'3'3'6a-1, o
iã""ai"g Êtratum ãftã"fa liíe taken at the baae of the zone of 3
;;;;;;;i roirror"-ãn"rr!"" thie nerhod conservatirrely negl9cts-
Flgure C|. osterb€rg.tôad Tê8t APpâratus for Drllled Shaftg ãi"-"iirrt-i""i"t"nË"-ã"u t" rhe soil gection and the weight of
(Àfter Osterberg, 1984) the drílled shaft. Þ
7 \
""' ¡.tJ'ß i
Yll ,,..
Sectl.oa { - pouadatl-o¡r SêctLoa 4 - Fou¡datl.o¡s t¿)
c 4.13. {.1
See Article C 4.12.4.I.
c-4-67 c-4-68