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End Block

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Robert Benaim & Associates

East Fleet House
55 Grafton Road
ENDBLOCK - Equilibrium Analysis of Endblocks


Amendment No Amendment Description Date of Issue



1.1 Printed output added Jan 1992
1.2 Curved tendon facility added Aug 1993
1.3 Horizontal Forces Listed Mar 1995
Variable Moment origin position
1.4 Value of Moment at point of Dec 1998
Application of prestress corrected

Program User Manual Version 1.4 Dec 1998

ENDBLOCK - Equilibrium Analysis of Endblocks


1. Introduction 1
2. Program execution 2
3. Program operation 4
4. Program output 6
5. Program Limitations 7
6. Appendix
A - Input

7. Appendix B - Output File Example 10
8. Figure 1 - Endblock Geometry Definition 13
9. Figure 2 - Endblock External Equilibrium forces 14

Program User Manual Version 1.4 Dec 1998

ENDBLOCK - Equilibrium Analysis of Endblocks Page 1



ENDBLOCK calculates the distribution of forces in the anchor block of a post-

tensioned prestressed concrete member in accordance with the method outlined in
CIRIA Guide 1 " A guide to the design of anchor blocks for post-tensioned
prestressed concrete members" (June 1976).

The program will work for any irregular geometric section defined by a series of
points linked by straight lines. Only one tendon at a time is considered so that the
user must consider the additive effect of multiple tendons outside the program. The
section is divided into a number of horizontal slices and the program calculates the
bending moment and shear force necessary to provide equilibrium along each slice.

The program uses the data files setup for the analysis of Section Properties using
the SECPROPS program. The user should refer to the SECPROPS manual for
details of the data file construction. The program reads the section description from
an input file which should have the file extension ".SEC". The results are written to
an output file in which the ".SEC" file extension is replaced by a ".EQB" file

The output file echoes the input data, adds the current date and time and the names
of the input and output data files. The output of the program consists of the
equilibrium shear forces and bending moments for each horizontal slice.

Program User Manual Version 1.4 Dec 1998

ENDBLOCK - Equilibrium Analysis of Endblocks Page 2


The program is executed by typing ENDBLOCK (with or without parameters) at the

DOS prompt. Typing ENDBLOCK on it's own results in a screen listing of all the
".SEC" data files present in the current directory. The user is then requested to
select a data filename from the list. It is not necessary to include the file extension
when typing the filename. By typing ENDBLOCK followed by a space and then a
filename (with or without the ".SEC" extension), the file listing and selection part is

The user is prompted for the following sequence of information

- Number of horizontal segments or slices that the section is to be divided into.

The minimum allowable value is 5 and the maximum is 50.

- The length of the end block in metres.

The length of the end block is normally the same as it's height. By typing " ="
the length is made equal to the height, otherwise the desired length should
be input.

- The applied prestressing force in the tendon in kiloNewtons at the time of


- The position along the longitudinal X axis about which moments are taken.
The user has the option of selecting [1] for origin at X = 0 or [2] for origin at X
= 0.25L. The latter comes from an interpretation of CIRIA Guide 1 which
considers the design Tension force being the calculated Moment divided by a
lever arm of 0.5h and hence the centroid of the tension and compression
forces being 0.25h from each end.

- For the start of the tendon, the horizontal and vertical components of the start

Program User Manual Version 1.4 Dec 1998

ENDBLOCK - Equilibrium Analysis of Endblocks Page 3

straight and it's angle of orientation which should be entered on the same line
and separated by spaces. The sign convention should be in accordance with
figure 1 with positive angles being defined as anti-clockwise. The length
components should be in metre units and their angle in degrees.

- For the end of the tendon, the horizontal and vertical components of the end
straight and it's angle of orientation which should be entered on the same line
and separated by spaces. The sign convention should be in accordance with
figure 1 with positive angles being defined as anti-clockwise. The length
components should be in metre units and their angle in degrees.

This format allows the user to specify a tendon which consists of a straight followed
by a circular arc and followed by a straight. Thus it is possible to specify the
following tendon shapes

straight + circular arc + straight

straight + circular arc
circular arc + straight

It is not possible to specify a reverse curve which would entail two consecutive
circular arcs.

The program now plots the section on the screen and shows the node number for
each point. The display is not to scale but it does maintain the correct X/Y aspect
ratio. Pressing any key on the keyboard clears the display and shows a brief
summary of the results on the screen. The results are written to the output file which
can be printed as required and the program terminates.

Program User Manual Version 1.4 Dec 1998


The program reads the input data defining the geometric shape from the input file
and calculates the geometry of the tendon. It is assumed that the section properties
are constant over the length of the end block and that the St Venant Principle holds
so that at the end of the anchor block, a uniform stress state is reached. The end of
the block is subject to horizontal forces from a linear bending stress distribution and
to vertical forces from an assumed parabolic shear stress distribution. These forces
in conjunction with the applied prestress force P and the curvature components H r
and Vr keep the block in overall equilibrium (see figure 2).

The effect of friction losses in the tendon is ignored and the bending stresses at the
end of the anchor zone are calculated on the basis of the horizontal prestress
component P.cosθ2 being applied at a height h 2 above the soffit
The shear force at the end is

V = - P.sinθ2
and is assumed to be resisted by the web only so it is reasonable to use a parabolic
distribution for the vertical shear force on any slice a distance y below the top
surface as
Vy = V.(3(y/h)2-2(y/h)3)

The block height is divided into a selected number of slices and for each slice the
horizontal force and moment equilibrium of that part of the block lying between top
of the block (at depth 0) and the slice (at depth y) is calculated. The bending stress
distribution is integrated over the block between depths 0 and y to calculate the
horizontal force component. The horizontal shear force for each slice is the out of
balance horizontal force.

Moments are taken about the moment origin point for each slice to determine the
horizontal moment. For straight horizontal tendons the moment origin position is of
no consequence since there are no vertical load components.
The program takes due account of the force contributions of the curved tendon
when they are intersected by a horizontal slice.

Since overall equilibrium must be achieved, the values of the horizontal shear V h
and the horizontal moment Mh must be zero on both the top and bottom surfaces
and this serves as a useful check on the output.

The first page of the output contains a header with the job data and date and time
added. The names of the input and output files are also included. The program
echoes the input data so as to provide a comprehensive check on the input
assumed by the program.

A brief summary of the section properties follows

- Cross Section Area
- Moment of Inertia
- Top Fibre Distance
- Bottom Fibre Distance
- Top fibre Modulus
- Bottom Fibre Modulus

The moment origin position

If the tendon has a curved arc then the radius of the arc is output.

The top and bottom fibre bending stress due to the prestress at the end of the
anchor zone is printed .

For each slice through the height of the section the total horizontal force, horizontal
shear and horizontal moment are printed. Also the depth at which the maximum
values occur and the maximum values are added.

The reinforcement required to resist the above effects should be calculated in

accordance with Section 3.4 of CIRIA Guide No. 1.

The program is subject to the following limitations :-

- The number of points defining the section must not exceed 60.
- All section dimensions are entered in metres.
- The method is applicable for calculating the webs only. For the flanges, the
total force in the flange due to the prestress bending stress is calculated and
this force Pf is applied to the flange as a concentrated prestress force at the
web/flange junction. The flange coordinates should be rotated by 90 degrees
to define an equivalent web so that the program is applicable.

A typical input file will take the following form :-


­5.000 3.000
­5.000 2.700
­3.000 2.700
­3.000 0.000
­2.500 0.300
­2.500 2.700
 2.500 2.700
 2.500 0.300
­2.500 0.300
­3.000 0.000
 3.000 0.000
 3.000 2.700
 5.000 2.700
 5.000 3.000

After selecting the data file the program will ask for input for the following items

Enter length of end block (m) >> =

Enter number of horizontal segments >> 20
Enter Prestress force (kN) >> 4000

Enter position of Moment Origin

[1] X = 0.0 [2] X = 0.25L >> 1
Enter H1(m) L1(m) T1(degrees) >> 1.000 1.200 36.870
Enter H2(m) L2(m) T2(degrees) >> 2.500 0.000 0.000

The corresponding output file is :-

ROBERT   BENAIM   &   ASSOCIATES                                                     Date
Equilibrium Analysis of End Blocks Program v1.4   Time   11:29:02
PROGRAM VERIFICATION                              Job No 9997
BOX GIRDER EXAMPLE                                User   MGB 

    Section Coordinates         Input Filename :­ C:\EXAMPLE.SEC
    ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­        Output Filename :­ C:\EXAMPLE.EQB

    Point    X(m)      Y(m)
    ­­­­­    ­­­­      ­­­­
      1   ­5.0000    3.0000
      2   ­5.0000    2.7000
      3   ­3.0000    2.7000
      4   ­3.0000    0.0000
      5   ­2.5000    0.2000
      6   ­2.5000    2.7000
      7    2.5000    2.7000
      8    2.5000    0.2000
      9   ­2.5000    0.2000
     10   ­3.0000    0.0000
     11    3.0000    0.0000
     12    3.0000    2.7000
     13    5.0000    2.7000
     14    5.0000    3.0000
    Section Properties Results

    Cross Section Area      (m2)        6.700000
    X­X Moment of Inertia   (m4)        8.402091
    Top Fibre Distance      (m)         1.164925
    Bottom Fibre Distance   (m)        ­1.835075
    Top Section Modulus     (m3)        7.212557
    Bottom Section Modulus  (m3)       ­4.578610

             Number of Segments  =        20
             Length of End Block =     3.000 m
             Prestressing Force  =  4000.000 kN
             Moment Origin at X  =     0.000 m
    Height above soffit at End 1 =     1.000 m
    Length of straight at End 1  =     1.200 m
    Prestress Angle at End 1     =    36.870 degrees

    Height above soffit at End 2 =     2.500 m
    Length of straight at End 2  =     0.000 m
    Prestress Angle at End 2     =     0.000 degrees

    Tendon Radius                =     3.000 m

    Top fibre Stress             =      0.97 N/mm2
    Bottom fibre Stress          =      0.02 N/mm2
     y/h       Force       Shear      Moment
               (kN)        (kN)       (kNm)

    0.000       0.000       0.000       0.000
    0.050    1413.050   ­1413.050     106.869
    0.100    2754.876   ­2754.876     420.354
    0.150    2881.936   ­2881.936     843.204
    0.200    3001.874   ­2868.534   ­1401.269
    0.250    3114.689   ­2781.348   ­2135.787
    0.300    3220.382   ­2687.041   ­2381.381
    0.350    3318.952   ­2585.610   ­2419.503
    0.400    3410.400   ­2610.396   ­2146.056
    0.450    3494.726   ­2694.722   ­1748.084
    0.500    3571.929   ­2771.925   ­1337.996
    0.550    3642.010   ­2842.005    ­916.862
    0.600    3704.968   ­2904.964    ­485.751
    0.650    3760.804   ­2960.800     ­45.729
    0.700    3809.517     190.483      82.134
    0.750    3851.108     148.892      56.769
    0.800    3885.577     114.423      37.110
    0.850    3912.923      87.077      22.086
    0.900    3933.147      66.853      10.631
    0.950    3964.127      35.873       2.138
    1.000    4000.000       0.000      ­0.018

The forces are also listed at the point corresponding to the position of the applied
prestress force which is in most cases the position of greatest shear and bending

    0.667    3777.833   ­2977.829     102.740

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