BC PPE Cheat Sheet: Study What Matters
BC PPE Cheat Sheet: Study What Matters
BC PPE Cheat Sheet: Study What Matters
- E (chapter 1 + pg. 38-40) + L (pg.16-19) + CoE. - E (chapter 9-10 + pg. 52-53, 219-229) + CoE.
- Quebec bridge disaster, Practice of - CoE (Rules of Conduct), Ethical problems (examples
Engineering/Geoscience, Employer’s interest, & strategy), 4 Key Ethical Theories, Principles of Justice,
Duty to Public common ethical issues, 4 unethical industries
- E (chapters 5, 7, 8, 13-15, + pg. 90, 93, 97-104, - E (chapter 7 + pg. 69-70) + L (chapters 1, 6-13, 18, 20-23,
142, 220, 315-318, 238) + L (chapter 16) + Act, 26-27 + pg. 4-6, 161, 165-168, 174-175, 255, 268-274, 281-282) + IP
Regulations, and Bylaws. Guides.
- discrimination, sexual harassment, dummy - alternate dispute resolution, constitution, common vs. civil law,
runs, per diem, liability insurance, commercial general torts, contracts, consideration, mistake, duress, misrepresentation,
liability, limitation period, subrogation, risk frustration, estoppel, design-build, limitation period, vicarious liability,
management, due, diligence, ISO 9000, ISO 14001, holdback, environmental audit, nuisance, PIPEDA & PIPA.
whistle blowing, peak oil, climate change.
- 6 types of intellectual property, statute law, international law,
- charter of rights & freedoms, liability for elements of an enforceable contract, amendment of contracts, breach
of contract, damages, breaches, bidding & tendering process, project
software issues, software testing, consulting activities
delivery methods, duty of care, requirements for tort, construction
and insurance requirements, business structures,
liens, union relationships, occupational health & safety, environmental
Canadian Environmental Law, duty to report, climate
assessment process.
change implications.
- E (chapter 18 + pg. 31-34, 52, 63-68, 86-88, - E (chapter 2 + pg. 41, 50-52, 63-69, 98-99, 102-4, 419-421,
262, 307-10, 427-8) + L (pg. 14, 16, 18, 19-20, 40) + 426, 66-69, 50-1, ) + L (pg. 11)
Act, Regulations, and Bylaws + CoE
- discipline vs. enforcement, discipline committee,
- fiduciary duty, joint firm, licensee, member of professional misconduct, negligence, practice review,
the public, incompetence, board of examiners, conflicts Permit to Practice (or Certification of Authorization), professional seal.
of interest
- disciplinary process, 6 causes for disciplinary action,
- Association (council, powers, appeal board), disciplinary penalties, Code of Ethics breach, mobility agreements (in
Regulations & Bylaws (creating, modifying, approving), Canada & international), Continuing professional development
Applying for a Licence, 5 experience criteria, requirements, use of seal.
professional titles, technical societies.
BC PPE Cheat Sheet - pg. 2
Exam - Specifics
Essay Strategy
● You pick between 2-3 questions. Select the one What to Bring
that is easiest for you to write ● 1 piece of photo ID
about. ● Member # or admission ticket
● Follow the double pyramid format:
○ Introduction (explain your Preparation
main points, usually 3 of 1. Purchase current law & ethics textbooks and print
them) off all other syllabus materials.
○ Body (1 paragraph for 2. Start my BC PPE Total Prep online course to:
each point) a. Download study checklist & syllabus
○ Conclusion (1 paragraph; reading sections
no new concepts; highlight main points) b. Build your knowledge with flashcards
● Before you start writing, make bullet notes for each c. Get educated - watch 7 presentations on all
argument and supporting fact/detail. 47 syllabus topics
● The computer based exam doesn’t have a d. Exam Simulation - Practice hundreds of
spell/grammar check so practice with sample sample questions and several essay
essay questions beforehand. questions too
● Acknowledge both sides of the argument even if e. Repeat b-d until your exam.
you don’t agree with them. f. Write your exam.
g. Wait 3-4 weeks for your results.
Note 1: Section D. Communication is worth only 1% so it has been omitted to save space.
Note 2: L = 3rd Edition Law text; E = 5th edition Ethics text; CoE = code of ethics.
Note 3: by using the Index in both textbooks you should find most definitions/concepts for
further reading
= most important reads; = most important definitions; = concepts to understand (also read cases)
Print this out & hang it on your wall (but don’t take it with you to the exam )