The Morphology of Tensile Structure Systems
The Morphology of Tensile Structure Systems
The Morphology of Tensile Structure Systems
September 8, 2016
A tensile structure is a construction of elements, carrying only tension and no compression or bending. Tensile structures are the most
common type of thin-shell structures. Being economically feasible, a tensile membrane structure is often used as a roof, because they can
stretch over large distances looking attractive. Most tensile structures are supported by some form of compression or bending elements,
such as masts (as in the Millennium Dome), compression rings or beams. Tensile structures have been used since long in tents allowing it to
withstand loads. Steady technological progress has increased the popularity of fabric-roofed structures. The low weight of the materials
makes construction easier and cheaper than standard designs, especially, when vast open spaces are to be covered. Its lightweight nature,
translucent and reflective properties, and environmental adaptability could also be taken advantage of, in building construction.
2) Synclastic Shapes are characterized by having the radii of the principal curvatures on the same side of the fabric (Fig. 2). In order to
counteract external forces, pressure from the within is necessary. This is why synclastic shapes are associated with air-inflated structures.
The difference of pressure created by air pumped into the building is able to counteract the external forces, in the form of wind or snow [4].
These top coatings have a large influence on the performance and appearance of the fabric. They, not only provide the fabric with some of
its UV resistance, but also, vastly improve its self-cleaning characteristics. In general, fabrics with acrylic coatings have not performed well
over long term, in tropical countries. Most of the examples appear to attract and retain significant amounts of dirt and dust after relatively
short times, in service. On sites with high UV levels, the acrylic coatings break down fairly quick and the deterioration in appearance can
occur within a few years, after installation. The fabrics with PVDF / acrylic alloy coatings are the most commonly used. They have been in
service for about 25 years. The PVDF / acrylic coating is heat-fused onto the base fabric as part of the manufacturing process. The top
surface of the fabric has a smooth slippery feel, so it is very effective in repelling dirt and resisting mould growth. With the anticipated life
being directly proportional to the amount of PVDF in the top coating, useful lives of 15-25 years are achieved with these fabrics.
One of the main advantages of fabric is its translucent properties – on an average, architectural fabrics transmit about 13% of the light
falling on the top surface. This results in a very pleasant light and airy feel to the space below. It can also result in significant cost savings on
lighting. Fabric is also very effective in reducing the transmission of radiant heat from the Sun. It is a material, which has been significantly
underutilised in the climatic conditions, prevailing in South Africa. However, global warming is likely to result in increased usage of tensile
fabric structures in future.
Lighting of Fabric
Lighting is very effective in emphasising the aesthetic appearance of fabric structures and should always be included, whenever possible.
Both back-lighting and front-lighting can be used, depending on the effect that is desired.
Cleaning Fabric
Fabric is easy to clean. It can be done using soft brushes, light duty, non-acidic detergents and copious rinsing water. Personnel can access
the fabric by means of ropes and use soft-soled shoes, to walk on the fabric [8].
In 1977, SOM – Skidmore Owens & Merrill Architects and Engineers was commissioned by the Saudi Arabia Government to design a
terminal, to serve the pilgrims to Mecca during Haj at the International Airport, in Jeddah. 80,000 people a day had to be accommodated in
transition between buses and airplanes. To protect people against the heat of the desert Sun, 440,000 m² of space had to be covered. An
enclosed building was too expensive. During the conceptual design, concrete and metal roof schemes were abandoned because they absorb
too much heat. Fabric structure alternatives were studied, in consultation with Horst Berger of Geiger Berger Associates, whose fabric roof
for the Bicentennial in Philadelphia had proven effective in improving comfort, on hot days. PTFE-coated glass fiber fabric reflects 70% of the
Sun’s heat, radiating out during night eliminating electric light because of its translucency. SOM chose a fabric structure concept, which
divides the building into 10 modules. Each module covers 320 x 137m consisting of 21 tent units, with a plan dimension of 45.75 m x 45.75
m. Two groups, of five modules each, were arranged along the two sides of a central access road. 20 gates for the planes are located at the
opposite ends of the modules.
To keep the space below open, the structural concept by SOM’s Fazlur Khan suspends the tent units from high masts, which were located at
the four corners of each tent. Interior supports consist of single columns. Along the edges and the corners, two or four columns were
combined into frames, to resist the lateral forces. This arrangement of the support system gives the architecture of the world’s largest roof,
its powerful image [10].
Tension fabric is still a relatively new building material, despite its more extensive use over the past decade or so, in architectural
applications. Discovering necessary forms and amount of pre-stressing can be extremely complex. Sometimes vaguely understood, much
care is taken in designing structures involving this material. However, the advantages of tension fabric cannot be disputed. Especially over
large areas, it is an incredibly lightweight, material saving and energy conserving solution for roofing systems. In short, it is an excellent
option for architects and engineers for designing sustainable structures.
[2] Red Sky Shelters. “The History of Tensile Architecture.” Red Sky Shelters.
[3] “Millennium Dome”, Midas User.
[4] Intents. “About Membranes” Technical. Intents.
[5] N. Browne. “CPD.” Fabric Architecture and Signature Structures.
[6] Seaman Corporation. “Utilization of Vinyl Coated Polyester Fabrics for Architectural Applications.” Seaman Corporation.
[7] U. Gandhi. Design and Construction of Tension Membrane Structures.
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