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Rashtriya Chemical Fertilizers

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(A Government of India Undertaking)

Tel: 02141-238218/238016 * FAX: 02141-238071/238206/238091
E-MAIL: thalmes@rcfltd.com

For any correspondence on this subject, please quote this :

E- tender No. : TH/MES/VMB/2016/D2-126/ 164, Date: 11.04.2016

Sub: E-tender for Removal of the existing lube oil cooler & installation of the new exchanger
in Urea 21 & 31 unit at RCF Thal
Dear Sir,

We are pleased to forward this tender enquiry to you with salient features as follows:-

1) E-tender enquiry No. As above.

2) Last date of download of E-tender 15.04.2016 up to 10.30 AM
Last date of submission of E-tender 15.04.2016 up to 10.30 AM
Date of E-tender opening 15.04.2016 up to 11.30 AM
3) Amount of Earnest Money Deposit
NIL for this contract
(See clause No.1.5 Annexure-IA).
4) Validity of E-Tender. 90 days from the last date of submission of
tender as above.
5) Mode of submission of E-tender. On line bid submission
Website for Online bid Submission:
6) Instructions to Bidders As per Annexure-IA.
7) Modalities & Special instructions for As per Annexure IB
8) Process compliance form As per Annexure IC
9) General Terms & Conditions. As per Annexure-I
10) Scope of work As per Annexure –II
11) Price Schedule (Excel format) One separate page
12) Checklist for technical bid to be filled As per Annexure –III
& attached to technical bid
Deviations from terms & conditions of the tender enquiry, if any, must be enclosed in
separate sheet marked “DEVIATIONS TO NIT” in absence of which it shall be presumed
that all terms and conditions of the subject tender enquiry are acceptable to you. Any
deviations mentioned in the text of the tender shall be ignored.

The following tenders are not accepted:

1. Late tender i.e. tender submitted after the last date and time of submission.
1|P age T H/MES/VMB/2015/245A/371 Date 29.12.2015
2. Incomplete/ conditional tender.

In addition to the above, RCF reserves the right to accept or reject in part or reject any or
all the tenders without assigning any reasons thereof. Please go through the NIT carefully
and submit your competitive quotation by the date as above on line through
https://eprocure.gov.in. In case, you are unable to submit your quotation for any reason
kindly intimate us accordingly before the last date.


For Queries Contacts:

1) RCF Helpline Number: 022-25522760 (10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.)

2) Mr. S.S. Ukhalkar (Tel:+91 2141 238218), e-mail: ssukhalkar@rcfltd.com
3) Mr. V.M.Bagale (Tel:+91 2141 238218), e-mail: vmbagale@rcfltd.com

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully

(S. S. Ukhalkar)
Encl.:- Annexures as above CM (MES)

2|P age T H/MES/VMB/2015/245A/371 Date 29.12.2015

The tenderers shall note the following before submitting the tender.

1.1 Clarification of tender:

The tenderer may visit RCF Thal at his own expenses to get acquainted with the work
involved and other details. In case any clarification is required, the tenderer is
advised to contact the concerned Plant Engineer.

1.2 Rates :
Quotations shall be submitted strictly on line. Website for Online bid Submission:
https://eprocure.gov.in. Details of contact persons

1) RCF Helpline Number: 022-25522760 (10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.)

2) Mr. S.S. Ukhalkar (Tel:+91 2141 238218), e-mail:
3) Mr. V.M.Bagale (Tel:+91 2141 238218), e-mail: vmbagale@rcfltd.com

1.3 Validity of offer/ Tender :

The validity period of the tender shall be 90 days from the last date of submission
unless stated other wise. If any tenderer unilaterally withdraws or revokes his tender
or revises the tendered rates for any item within the aforesaid period of 90 days or
after the issue of letter of intent, his Earnest Money Deposit will be forfeited.
RCF reserves the right to extend the last date of submission of tenders.

1.4 The tenderer will return all the tender forms duly subscribed by authorised person /
Proprietor / Partner on every page together with the company’s stamp as a token
of their acceptance of the terms and conditions.

1.5 Earnest Money Deposit: NIL for this contract

1.6 Submission of Documents:

Following documents shall be submitted along with the tender if not submitted
a)A statement duly signed declaring the names of the officers of RCF who are related
to them and if otherwise, same may be clearly indicated in the statement.
b) Latest Income Tax clearance certificate.
c)Attested copy of Memorandum and article of association in case of limited
company, a copy of partnership deed in case of partnership firm and declaration by a
proprietor of the firm that the said firm is a sole proprietary concern.
d)An undertaking by the contractor that the constitution of the firm shall not be
changed during the subsistence of the contract without prior consent in writing from
RCF Thal.

1.7 Cost of Bidding :

The bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of bid
and neither RCF nor its nominee / its consultants will be responsible or liable for
these costs, regardless of conduct or outcome of the bidding process.

3|P age T H/MES/VMB/2015/245A/371 Date 29.12.2015

1.8 Opening of Bids :
Unless otherwise specified, the bids received by RCF will not be opened in presence
of the bidders.
1.9 Negotiations :
Normally, RCF may not conduct any negotiations. However, RCF reserves the right to
conduct negotiations, if the conditions so warrant.
1.10 Split of work :
The work in respect of the subject tender may be awarded to two or more
contractors, if such deviation of work is possible.
1.11 e-Tendering Procedure : The procurement shall be carried out through
submission of online tenders only. No offer in physical form will be accepted and any
such offer if received by RCF will be outright rejected. Tender documents can be
downloaded from our website www.rcfltd.com or website of CPPP
www.eprocure.gov.in. Bids are to be submitted on website www.eprocure.gov.in.
Note: Terms & conditions / price clause mentioned Annexure II shall over
ride the respective term of the General Terms & Conditions (Annexure – I)

The bidders should have a valid digital signature certificate (Class-II or Class-
III) issued by any of the valid Certifying Authorities to participate in the online

The bids shall be uploaded in 1(Single) Bid System (Techno-Commercial Bid and
and Price Bid) in electronic form only through e-tendering system on
www.eprocure.gov.in website.


1. TECHNICAL BID AND PRICED BID: The Bid should contain following :-

Packet:1: Scanned copy of “Process compliance statement” printed on bidder’s

letter head with duly signed by appropriate authority.
Packet:2: Scanned copy of dully filled “Technical Bid”.( Annex-III)
Packet:3: Scanned copy stamped and signed of General terms and condition
and Scope of work. (Annex.I & II)
Packet:4: :- Price Bid i.e. BOQ given with tender to be uploaded after filling all
relevant information like Basic Prices, taxes & duties. The priced BOQ should be
uploaded strictly as per the format available with the tender failing which the offer
is liable for rejection (renaming or changing format of BOQ sheet (file) will not be
accepted by system)
Kindly quote your offer as NIT. Blank fields in uploaded BOQ sheet will indicate
that the particular tax or duty is not applicable (not payable by RCF). Landed
cost shown in the BOQ sheet is the total amount payable by RCF and Evaluated
Cost shown in last column of BOQ sheet is the amount on which Lowest bidder
will be decided.
Vendor should quote prices in BOQ only, offers indicating rates anywhere
else (scanned documents in Part-I) shall be liable for rejection

4|P age T H/MES/VMB/2015/245A/371 Date 29.12.2015

A. Modalities & Special instructions for e-Tendering:

The following steps noted below shall be the general methodology for carrying out the
process of procurement through the route of e-tendering:

1. It is mandatory for tenderer to have a valid digital signature certificate issued by

any of the valid Certifying Authority approved by Government of India for participation in
e-Tendering event at the time of submission of offer. The cost of digital signature will be
borne by respective tenderer.
2. Offer against the NIT has to be submitted online on e-Tender website mentioned in the
NIT with valid digital signature certificate. The bidders shall be required to submit their
offers in 2 separate parts- (a) ‘Technical & Un-priced Commercial Bid’ and (b)
‘Price Bid’.
3. Submission of on-line Bids / Offers electronically against E-tendering: All
interested bidders are requested to register themselves on www.eprocure.gov.in with
their digital signature certificate with the user ID for participation in the tender. Kindly
refer bidders manual kit available on bidders section on above mentioned website for
details procedure for bid submission or Bidders can take help of our Helpdesk Center (
022-2552 2760) for registration and bid submission procedures.
4. The Un-priced Technical Bids and Price Bid have to be submitted online only. However,
documents which necessarily have to be submitted in originals like EMD instrument if
applicable have to be submitted offline.
5. It is advised that the bidder uploads small sized documents (preferably up to 5 MB) at a
time to facilitate in easy uploading into e-tendering site. Standard documents required for
tenders can be uploaded in ‘My space’ facility in your account.
6. The online offer, EMD if applicable, Technical Bid & Price bids shall be opened as per the
date and time mentioned in the NIT.
7. The Technical bids opened shall be scrutinized for technical and commercial
acceptability. .
8. The offer which meets the NIT requirements, technically and commercially, shall be
eligible for further consideration. The offers will be evaluated as per the evaluation
procedure given in BOQ (Price Bid sheet). Please read instructions given below before
submission of Price Bid i.e. BOQ (spread sheet).


Please read following instructions before filling & submission of BOQ sheet.

1. Please note that e-procurement system accepts Microsoft Excel 97-2003 format only, any
modification in file format or changing name of file will results into non-acceptance of
your offer by e-Procurement System.
2. You are requested to submit your offer for Costs which are payable extra by RCF in
addition to Basic price of services should be clearly mentioned in respective white cells of
BOQ sheet, blank fields/cells in BOQ sheets will be treated as ‘Included in basic rate” of

5|P age T H/MES/VMB/2015/245A/371 Date 29.12.2015

3. Kindly fill data in fields of ‘BOQ Sheet’ as per following Instruction only:
Bidders Name: Kindly put complete name of bidding firm/company
Basic Price: Kindly put the ‘Basic rate per unit’ e.g. Rs. 500 per Item in white cell in
front of each item you want to quote.
Service tax: Kindly quote ‘service tax’ if payable extra on total basic rate of each
item, please quote service tax in ‘%’ inclusive of Education & Higher Education
cess. Excise duty will be applicable on ‘basic rate. Example: for 12.36% service
tax enter ’12.36’ in the field of excise duty (Do not enter ‘%’ key in this field)
4. Please note that lowest bidder (L1) will be decided based on Total Evaluated cost
shown in last column of sheet and total Landed cost is the amount payable to
5. Please save your BOQ sheet (Price bid) without changing name and format
and upload this completed BOQ sheet in Finance Envelope.
6. For any queries and help please contact RCF Helpdesk Number-022-
25522760 or contacts given on first page of Tender documents.

6|P age T H/MES/VMB/2015/245A/371 Date 29.12.2015


Process Compliance Form

(Tenderers are required to print this on their company’s letter head and sign,
stamp before uploading in technical bid)

M/s. RCF Ltd.

Attention :

Sub: Acceptance to the Process related Terms and Conditions for the e-

Dear Sir,

This has reference to the Terms & Conditions for e-Tendering in the NIT No.:
TH/MES/VMB/2016/D2-126/ 164, Date: 11.04.2016

We hereby confirm the following –

1) The undersigned is authorized representative of the company.

2) We have carefully gone through the NIT, Tender Documents and the Rules
governing the e-tendering as well as this document.
3) We will honor the Bid submitted by us during the e-tendering.
4) We give undertaking that if any mistake occurs while submitting the bid from our
side, we will honor the same.
5) We are aware that if RCF has to carry out e-tender again due to our mistake, RCF
has the right to disqualify us for this tender.
6) We confirm that RCF shall not be liable & responsible in any manner whatsoever for
my/our failure to access & submit offer on the e-tendering site due to loss of
internet connectivity, electricity failure, virus attack, problems with the PC, digital
signature certificate or any other unforeseen circumstances etc. .

With regards

Signature with company seal

Name –
Company / Organization –
Designation within Company / Organization –
E-mail Id:
Tel no:.
Mobile no. :

7|P age T H/MES/VMB/D2 -126

The terms repeatedly used shall mean as follows:
1.1 'Contract/work order' shall mean and include any award of work in writing with general
terms and conditions/special conditions of tender, enclosures, Annexures and
subsequent amendments thereto.
1.2 'Contract Value' shall mean the total amount payable to contractor towards the jobs
actually executed by the contractor in accordance with the order issued to contractor
by RCF.
1.3 'Contractor' shall mean the bidder whose bid has been accepted by the owner and
shall include contractor’s heirs, legal representative, successors and assigns.
1.4 'Date of contract' shall mean the date of issue of letter of intent or the date so
mentioned in the work order.
1.5 'Owner/RCF' shall mean and include the Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd. having
its Registered Office at Priyadarshini, Eastern Express Highway, Bombay-400 022, their
successors, assigns or legal representative.
1.6 'Guarantee/Warranty Period' shall mean the specified period from the date of
completion of work (as certified by RCF Engineer) during which contractor shall rectify
and remove all the defects pointed out by RCF Engineer, free of cost.
1.7 'Schedule of Rates' shall mean the bid rates of the contractor in respect of which the
bid has been accepted.
1.8 'Tenderer/Bidder' shall mean the person, firm or corporation who have submitted a
tender/bid against invitation to bids and shall include their legal representative,
successors, and assigns. It shall also include the successful tenderer whose bid has
been accepted.
1.9 'Amendment order' shall mean an order given by RCF to effect additions, substitutions
or alterations in the work order.
1.10 'Work' shall mean and include all activities as specified under the scope of work.
1.11 The 'RCF Engineer" means the engineer of RCF who is duly nominated by
management for giving instructions only to the contractor for fulfilment of terms and
conditions of the contract.
1.12 'Battery Limit' shall mean boundaries of continuous area within which the plants and
equipments are located.
1.13 Site shall mean that portion in plant / stores / building /open yard at RCF Thal,
where work is to be done.
1.14 'Job order' shall mean the written order issued by the RCF Engineer for a particular

2.0 SECURITY DEPOSIT: (Security deposit shall not be applicable in case evaluated
value is less than Rs. 10 lacs.)

8|P age T H/MES/VMB/D2 -126

2.1 The successful bidder called the contractor shall be issued a letter of intent/work
order. On receipt of the work order, the contractor shall deposit within 15 days a sum
equivalent to 10% of the contract value towards security deposit for faithful
performance of the work or furnish a bank guarantee from a nationalised bank in RCF
pro-forma for equivalent amount and valid for the contract period. The security deposit
/ bank guarantee shall be converted into performance guarantee after completion of
the work. This amount / bank guarantee shall be returned after the expiry of
guarantee / warranty period.
2.11 In case:
Difference between the quotes of L1 & L2 is more than 20% & Provided there are 3
or more techno-commercially bidders, On receipt of the work order, the contractor
shall deposit within 15 days a sum equivalent to 20% of the contract value towards
security deposit.
2.2 In case of annual rate contract and at the request of the contractor, RCF may consider
deduction of security deposit at 10% / 20% from the contractor's running bills, if EMD
amount is available with RCF.
2.3 On submission of security deposit, the EMD of the contractor shall be returned.
2.4 No interest shall be payable by RCF on the security deposit.


3.1 Full documentation consisting of either memorandum of agreement or contract letter
with all terms and conditions incorporated will be issued to the selected contractor in
triplicate. These will be signed by the Contractor in token of acceptance. The original
and one copy will be returned to the Officer concerned for safe custody and one copy
retained by the Contractor for his use.


4.1 This contract shall be governed by the various labour laws for the time being in force.
The contractor shall comply with all Central, State and Municipal laws and Rules and
legislation in force from time to time and shall be solely responsible to comply with all
obligations and payments there under.
No compensation will be entertained for the liabilities arising out of any provisions of
any Act, Laws, Rules and legislation, in force from time to time. In case RCF has to pay
any charges for non-compliance of any Act, Enactments, laws, Rules and Legislation in
force from time to time, by the contractor, the same shall recovered from the
4.2 Contractor shall submit all the relevant documents showing compliance of all the
relevant Acts, Laws, Rules and legislations as when called by RCF.
4.3 If the work entails employing more than 19 (Nineteen) contract workers, the
contractor should obtain a licence from competent authority as per provisions of The
Contract labour (Regulations and Abolition) Act, 1970.

9|P age T H/MES/VMB/D2 -126

4.4 The contractor shall be liable for payment of all claims of damages, compensation or
expenses payable as a result of any accident or injury or death sustained by workmen
employed or used by him in the execution of this contract, which he is liable to pay by
rule, law or order of Government. The expenses, if any incurred by RCF on the above
will be realized from the contractor from any amount that may be due from RCF to the
contractor. If any accident or injury or death is sustained by any worker, the
contractor should immediately inform RCF of the same in writing giving full particulars
about the injured person for preparing the accident report and giving the necessary
first aid.
The contractor shall cover the workmen deployed at RCF Thal site under Group
Personal Accident Insurance’ and no expenses on this account shall be borne by RCF.
4.5 The Contractor shall give the address, phone no and the name of the contact person
of its local office in order to give the job order. The contractor shall attend the job
immediately on giving the message at the said address.
4.6 The Contractor shall ensure that at all times the persons appointed by him to serve in
the company's premises are physically fit and are free from any disease, injury or
illness, contagious or otherwise, in order to ensure that a healthy, hygienic and clean
services are maintained.
4.7 Contractor shall comply with the provisions of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 and
ensure payment of minimum wages, as declared by Govt. of Maharashtra from time to
time, to the labours engaged by him.
4.8 The contractor shall ensure that the person or persons appointed or to be appointed
by them for service in the Company's premises do not suffer from any legal
disqualification for service by reason of his age or any law or statute in force from time
to time or any other reason whatsoever.
4.9 The contractor's workmen shall be in neat and clean uniforms and with proper safety
appliances while on duty at all times.
4.10 The employees of the contractor shall be liable to be searched by the Company's
Security Force and shall have to strictly observe the Company's directions relating to
cleanliness, wearing of identification badges etc.
4.11 No employees of the contractor shall be allowed to stay on the premises of the
Company beyond the authorised working hours.
4.12 All staff employed by the contractor shall be the Contractor's employees for all
intents and purposes. After expiry/termination of the contract, the contractor shall take
out all his employees from RCF Site. RCF shall not take any responsibility regarding
employment of Contractor's employees.
4.13 The contractor shall have Provident Fund (P.F.) account No. duly obtained from
competent authority under the Provident Fund & M. P. Act, 1952. The contractor shall
deposit monthly P. F. contributions within 15 days of the end of every calendar month
and shall submit the list of such employees along with details of P. F. contribution
deducted from the salary of the employees along with monthly P. F. challans.
The bills of the contractor will be certified and passed for payment only after
production of P.F. challans and all other documents required to be maintained under
various laws.
4.14 Contractor shall comply with provisions of Interstate Migrant Labour Act & prior
approval of GM (O) shall be taken before deployment of Interstate Migrant Labour at

10 | P a g e T H / M E S / V M B / D 2 - 1 2 6
Contractor shall take clearance from Safety Officer before start of any job within
factory premises, and his advice shall be implemented.
5.1 Report of every accident minor or major must be immediately submitted to the Chief
Safety Officer, RCF Thal by site In-charge of the contractor.
5.2 Contractor's workmen must wear safety appliance e.g. helmet, gas-masks, safety belt
etc. while working.
5.3 All tools, tackles, etc. used by the contractor shall be in safe working condition and
shall be certified by the competent person as per statutory requirements, and any
damaged/unsuitable tools & tackles must be removed from the site.
5.4 Contractor shall not undertake any work within the Battery Limits of the plants, unless
proper and valid safety permit is obtained.
5.5 For any violation of safety rules, the contractor has to take appropriate action against
his labours.
5.6 The contractor shall abide by all the directives of RCF and statutory bodies regarding
safety of his workmen, equipments etc.
5.7 The contractor shall submit within 15 days from date of contract the Names,
Permanent & Present Address / Age / Qualifications, experience & two Passport size
photographs of all employees to be placed at site, along with Proof of Age, to RCF's
Personnel Department. Any addition to the strength of workers shall also be intimated
to RCF immediately with all these details.


6.1 Contractor shall make payment of wages to contract labour in presence of RCF's
authorised representative. Contractor shall therewith comply with the provisions of The
Payment of Wages Act, 1936 and The Minimum Wages Act, 1948.
7.1 Contractor shall clean up the area after completion of his work by removing all unused
materials, scaffolding etc. provided by him or RCF. All scrap materials shall be removed
to RCF Yard, after weighment. Contractor shall remove daily, all waste materials and
shall not permit debris to accumulate except in area earmarked for this purpose.

8.1 The contractor will ensure that the instructions of site Engineer In-charge of the job
shall be faithfully and promptly carried out and in case the contractor, his employees
or any of their representative indulge in any illegal/unlawful activities or any
misconduct, the contract/work order may be terminated without any notice at the risks
and cost of the contractor.
8.2 The contractor shall maintain continuous supervision by qualified and experienced
persons on the job. The contractor's site in-charge shall be available at site all the time
so that RCF Engineer In-charge may give necessary instructions/advice to contractor.
8.3 The contractor shall prepare and submit a CPM/Bar chart on the basis of completion
time as specified by Engineer In-charge and clearly indicate completion time of
different activities, which will be scrupulously followed.

11 | P a g e T H / M E S / V M B / D 2 - 1 2 6
9.1 The contractor shall obtain gate passes duly signed by Commandant, CISF, RCF Thal
or his representative for his supervisors. For other workmen, the contractor will have
to procure tokens from CISF after depositing Rs.10/- per token. This deposit amount
will be refunded after satisfactory completion of the contract and after returning all the
tokens in good condition.


10.1 Contractor shall prepare challans for all incoming materials belonging to him,
including tools and tackles, consumables in triplicate and shall get them endorsed at
the materials gate. One copy of all such challans shall be retained by CISF. One copy
shall be deposited by the contractor with respective plant engineer to facilitate the
return of such materials after completion of the job.


11.1 The contractor has to ensure for safety of his materials, tools and tackles etc.
11.2 The contractor shall at all times protect adjacent equipments or other property and
shall clean up or repair any damage caused through the failure of his protective
measures. Extreme care shall be taken regarding this, since the working place will be
an operational area.

12.1 All materials supplied and / or used by contractor shall be subject to inspection by
Engineer-In-charge. Any material not meeting specific requirements will be rejected
and contractor shall replace the same immediately with material of specific type and
12.2 Contractor's installation procedure shall also be subject to inspection by Engineer In-
charge at all times. Any material found to have been damaged or improperly installed
shall be removed and reinstalled promptly by the contractor without any extra cost
unless the damage was caused by others.


13.1 Contractor shall make his own arrangement to carry out the job with his tools,
tackles, consumable etc. RCF shall not supply anything except materials of
construction for executing specific jobs. Contractor shall also make his own
arrangement for carrying materials to the site.
13.2 If any tools or tackles are given to contractor on loan basis for purely temporary
purpose, the charges for the same will be deducted from contractor's bills.
13.3 RCF shall supply free of cost, electricity, water and steam at one point only. Further
extension shall be in the contractor's scope.
13.4 In case of emergency, medical facility, to the extent available shall be provided on
payment of usual charges.


14.1 As regards to materials issued from RCF stores is concerned, further handling of the
same shall be in the scope of the contractor.

12 | P a g e T H / M E S / V M B / D 2 - 1 2 6
15.1 On receipt of the work order, the contractor shall submit to RCF for approval, a
detailed work schedule showing all the activities for completion of the work. The work
shall be completed as per this schedule approved by RCF.


16.1 In case any extra work other than the works specified in RCF's order arises, the
same shall be done after RCF's approval and issue of amendment to this affect.
Payment for any extra work done without prior approval of RCF may not be released.


17.1 When RCF's material is issued to contractor for repair work, the balance material and
the scrap generated from RCF's materials shall be returned to RCF after completion of
the work.


18.1 The Contractor shall give guarantee / warranty for the materials used and the
workmanship, for a period of 12 months from the date of completion of the work as
certified by RCF Engineer. The contractor shall furnish performance bank guarantee for
10% value of the contract and valid for the guarantee period + Three months or the
security deposit will be converted into performance guarantee, as the case may be.
18.2 Any defect noticed during the guarantee/warranty period shall be rectified by the
contractor, free of cost.


19.1 The completion time shall be as specified in the scope of work or as specified in each
job order.


20.1 Time is the essence of this contract and in case of non-performance or delay in
completion of the work by the contractor, mutually agreed damages at 1% of the
billed value per week or part thereof, subject to a maximum of 10% of the Billed
value, shall be levied.


21.1 RCF may terminate the contract in part or in full for its convenience by giving 3 days
notice. Default on the part of contractor shall be treated as breach of contract, and in
that case RCF reserves the right to terminate the contract and forthwith forfeit earnest
money deposit and/or security deposit and get the job done by a third party in part or
in full at the risk and cost of the contractor. RCF also retains the option of debarring
the contractor from participating in future tenders for any specific period. Payment for
the work completed at the time of termination of the contract shall be mutually
21.2 RCF shall have the right to termination the contract, if the contractor is unable or
fails or neglects to execute the work covered by the contract. Any loss incurred by RCF
in this respect will be to the 'Contractor's account. RCF will also have the right to get
the job done by a third party in part or in full at the risk & cost of the contractor.
13 | P a g e T H / M E S / V M B / D 2 - 1 2 6
RCF may also by express order/notice terminate the contract, in whole or in part, at
any time for their convenience. The notice of termination shall specify that termination
is for RCF's convenience, the extent to which performance of work under the contract
is terminated and date upon which such termination becomes effective.
Payment shall be made to the contractor for the work that is complete, at the time of
issue of notice of termination as per the terms of the contract.


22.1 PAN Number shall be mentioned on invoice.
22.2 100% payment shall be released on completion of the entire work to the satisfaction
of RCF Engineer and after conversion of security deposit into performance guarantee.
22.3 In special cases where the payment of security deposit is waived off by RCF 90%
payment shall be released on completion of the work and balance 10% shall be
released on expiry of the guarantee period, or submission of performance bank
guarantee for equivalent amount and valid for the guarantee period.
22.4 In case of a long term contract, only one bill shall be submitted every month along
with relevant documents.
22.5 Normally, payment shall be released within 30 days from the date of receipt of bill,
complete in all respects.
22.6 No claim for interest or any other compensation shall be entertained in respect of
earnest money or in respect of any money which may be in RCF's hand owing to any
dispute between RCF and Contractor or in respect of any delay on the part of RCF in
making interim or final payment.
The contract value shall be computed as follows:
23.1 The total contract value shall be inclusive of all taxes, duties, octroi etc. and remain
firm without any escalation till the entire work under the order is completed.
23.2 When the contract is awarded on unit rates basis, value of contract mentioned in the
order shall be indicative and payment shall be released depending upon the actual
work executed. However, the unit rates shall remain firm without any escalation, for
the entire contract period.
23.3 RCF reserves the right to recover the amount due from the contractor, from the bills
payable under this contract.
24.1 The validity of offers shall be 90 days from last date of opening of tender. The
tenderer cannot withdraw/ modify his tender or revoke the same within the said
period. If the tenderer withdraws/modifies or revokes the tender or revises the tender
rates or any terms within the aforesaid period of three months, his earnest money
deposit if submitted will be forfeited.
24.2 Rates shall be valid for total contract period of ONE year.


14 | P a g e T H / M E S / V M B / D 2 - 1 2 6
25.1 The contractor shall not subcontract the job or part of it to any other agency without
the written permission of RCF. In case RCF permits to employ a subcontractor if found
competent and in the interest of the work, it shall not imply any limitation of
contractor's liability to fulfil the work order.


26.1 Income tax as per the provision of Income Tax Act shall be deducted from the
contractor's bills and certificate of 'Tax Deduction at Source' shall be furnished by RCF.


27.1 In the event of any question, dispute or difference arising under this contract, the
same shall be referred to the sole arbitration of a person appointed to be the arbitrator
by CMD, RCF. It will be no objection that the arbitrator is in service of RCF or that he
had to deal with the matters to which the contract relates or that in the course of his
duties as an employee of RCF he had expressed views on all or any of the matter in
dispute or difference. The arbitrator shall give a reasoned or speaking award. The
award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties to this contract. In the
event of the arbitrator dying, neglecting or refusing to act or resigning or being unable
to act for any reason, it shall be lawful for the CMD, RCF to appoint another arbitrator
in place of out going arbitrator, in the manner aforesaid. The venue of Arbitration shall
be Mumbai.
The work under the contract shall continue during arbitration proceedings unless the
matter is such that the work cannot be continued until the decision of arbitration is
27.2 Jurisdiction of Court: The contract shall be deemed to have been entered into at
Mumbai and all courses of action in relation to the contract will thus be deemed to
have been arisen only within the jurisdiction of the Mumbai Court. In the event of any
dispute or difference between RCF and any other public sector undertaking or between
RCF and Govt. Department, relating to the interpretation and application of the
provisions of the contract, such dispute or difference shall be referred by either party
to the arbitration machinery provided by the department of Public Enterprises.


The force majeure conditions are as follows:
28.1 Neither the contractor nor RCF shall be considered in default in the performance of
their obligations as per the contract, so long as such performance is prevented or
delayed because of legal strikes, war, hostilities revolution, civil commotion, epidemics,
accidents, fire, cyclone, flood or because of any law and order proclamation, regulation
or ordinance of government or subdivision thereof or because of any act of God,
provided it shall promptly, in any case not later than 14 days of happening of the
event, notify the other, the details of the force majeure and the influence on its
activities under the contract. The proof of existence of force majeure shall be provided
by the party claiming it, to the satisfaction of the other.
28.2 Should either party be prevented from fulfilling the obligation provided for in the
contract by the existence of cause of force majeure lasting continuously for a period
exceeding 8 months, then the parties shall consult immediately with each other with
regard to the future implementation of the contract.

15 | P a g e T H / M E S / V M B / D 2 - 1 2 6
28.3 In the event of indefinite delay, even if arising out of reasons due to force majeure,
RCF shall have the right to cancel the order or part of the order without any liability on
their part to make any payment to the contractor, while reserving the right to claim
refund of any payment if advanced or paid to the contractor.


29.1 The terms and conditions mentioned in the scope of work (Annexure II) shall prevail
over the terms and conditions mentioned elsewhere in the NIT work order.
29.2 In case of contradiction in the specifications, more stringent of them shall prevail. The
decision of RCF Engineer shall be final in this regard and binding on the contractor.

30.1 RCF'S lien on all money dues:

RCF shall have a lien on and over all or any money that may become due and payable
to the contractor under these present, and/or also on and over the deposit or security
deposit amount or amount made under the contract and which may become repayable
to the contractor under the conditions in that behalf herein contained for or in respect
of any debt or sum that may become due and payable to RCF by the contractor either
under this or under any other contract or transaction of any nature whatsoever
between RCF and the contractor. In addition RCF shall at all times be entitled to
deduct that paid debt or sum due by the contractor from the money, securities or
deposit which may become payable to the contractor.


Contractor shall disclose at the time of tender, the names of relative/persons employed
directly with RCF Thal. Tenderer should also disclose names of his/her shareholder
who are employers of RCF Thal. Should a tenderer have a relation or relations, or in
the case of a firm or company, one or more of its share holders employed in RCF shall
be informed at the time of submission of the tender, failing which RCF may reject the
tender or rescind the contract.


Tenderers who do not fulfil any of the conditions mentioned herein above or any
incomplete in any respect are liable to be summarily rejected. Management may accept
or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reasons.
i) To Split of the work amongst two or more tenderers or
ii) To accept the tender in part and not entirely without assigning any reason. In case
the tender is from Govt department, public sector, RCF shall have right to give
preference as per government guidelines. Decision of RCF shall be final in regards to all
matters relating to this tender.
The following tenders will be liable to summarily rejected.
i) Tenders submitted by tenderers who resort to canvassing.
ii) Tenders which do not fulfil all or any of the condition laid down in the tender
documents or incomplete in any respect.
iii) Tenders which contain uncalled remarks or any alternative / additional conditions.
iv) Conditional tender.

16 | P a g e T H / M E S / V M B / D 2 - 1 2 6

Job - E-tender for Removal of the existing lube oil cooler & installation of the new
exchanger in Urea 21 & 31 unit at RCF Thal.
Ref. NIT No.: TH/MES/VMB/2016/D2-126/ 164, Date: 11.04.2016
Scope of Work

A. Scope of work for removal & installation of the exchanger in 21 unit:

01. After receiving work permit, Open inlet & outlet flanges of the exchanger. Size 6” x
150# each & cooling water inlet & outlet flanges 4” x 150# each. Open the
foundation bolts.
02. Make proper arrangement for removal & installation of the exchanger to avoid any
damage. Total weight of the exchanger is 3.5 MT & length is 7 meters.
03. Remove the existing exchanger from position.
04. Installed the new exchanger in position.
05. Box up inlet & outlet flanges of the exchanger. Size 6” x 150# each & cooling water
inlet & outlet flanges 4” x 150# each.
06. The removed exchanger shall be kept in maintenance bay of Urea plant.
07. Scaffolding if required is in the scope of the contractor.

B. Scope of work for dismantling & assembly of the exchanger removed from 21
unit & installation of the same in 31 unit:
01. Shifting and placing of exchanger at suitable place as per instructions of RCF
02. Opening the bolts of dome flange.
03. Placement of Assembly properly and fixing of shell with proper support structure.
04. Making proper arrangement for pulling of tube bundle from the shell.
05. Pulling of tube bundle from shell. This shall be done carefully without damaging
baffles etc.
06. Cleaning of shell thoroughly as per the instruction of RCF engineer.
07. Taking all arrangement for assembly of spare tube bundle in this cleaned shell.
08. Insert tube bundles inside the shells very carefully with a new gasket.
09. Arrangement for Hydraulic / pneumatic testing of assembly.
10. Hydraulic/pneumatic testing and rectification (tube plugging and welding) as per
11. Removal of testing arrangement.
12. After receiving work permit, Open inlet & outlet flanges of the exchanger. Size 6” x
150# each & cooling water inlet & outlet flanges 4” x 150# each. Open the
foundation bolts.
13. Make proper arrangement for removal & installation of the exchanger to avoid any
damage. Total weight of the old exchanger is 2.0 MT & length is 5 meters. Total
weight of the new exchanger is 3.5 MT & length is 7 meters.
14. Remove the existing exchanger from position.
15. Fabrication of support & piping modification required shall be done by the
contractor. The material requires shall be supplied by RCF.
16. Installed the new exchanger in position.
17. Box up inlet & outlet flanges of the exchanger. Size 6” x 150# each & cooling water
inlet & outlet flanges 4” x 150# each.
18. The removed exchanger shall be kept in maintenance bay of Urea plant.
19. Scaffolding if required is in the scope of the contractor.
17 | P a g e T H / M E S / V M B / D 2 - 1 2 6
C. Scope of work of the Contractor:
01. Contractor should obtain the necessary work permit for the job & the job is to be
started only after obtaining the same. Contractor should also renew the permit in every

02. Contractor should abide by all the safety rules laid out by RCF & safety should not be
compromised at any cost.
03. Contractor should do proper housekeeping of the worksite. This includes the area
where the line is to be dismantled, the site of fabrication & the site of erection. All the
metal scrap generated during the job is to be thrown away in metal scrap bins or in
scrap yard. The transportation for the same is to be arranged by the contractor.
04. Gas cutting sets, grinding sets, welding machines, chain blocks, slings, belts, D-
shackles, spanners & proper mode of transportation of the same to the work site is to
be arranged by the contractor. Only consumables like industrial gases, filler wires,
welding electrodes, stud-nuts, and gaskets will be provided by RCF.
05. Contractor shall visit the site before submitting the quotation.
06. The job shall be carried out on round the clock basis under constant supervision of the
07. The contractor shall carry out house keeping of the area after completion of the job.
Job shall not be certified as complete until the contractor has done house keeping to
the satisfaction of RCF engineer.
08. Contractor shall strictly follow all safety rules & regulations of RCF. Contractor shall
arrange all the PPE for workmen & supervisor.
09. Quoted rates shall be valid for a period of one year.

 Removal & installation of the exchanger in 21 unit shall be completed in 02 days
after receiving safety work permit.
 Dismantling & assembly of the exchanger removed from 21 unit & installation of
the same in 31 unit shall be completed in 03 days after receiving safety work

E. Additional Scope of Work:

a. Supervisor appointed must be having experience and qualification for the job to be
carried by the contractor.
b. Workmen’s experience, age, address and medical fitness certificate need to be
certified by the contractor before starting the job.
c. Safety training from RCF’s SAFETY DEPARTMENT must be taken by all persons
before starting the job.
d. Following safety appliances must be made available by you to your workmen at Job
Safety belt with life line, Positive Air mask with life line, Helmet with torch,
Ear plugs, Safety Shoes, Goggles, Hand Gloves & Boiler suit.
e. Safe job procedure has to be submitted by the contractor with consulting, nature of
job with concerned engineer.
f. You must follow safety provisions as per safety work permit and strict supervision on
the job.
18 | P a g e T H / M E S / V M B / D 2 - 1 2 6
g. Valid group insurance policy of workmen deputed for the job is essential.
h. The cutting torch used by the contractor shall have a double gauge regulator & a
flash back arrestor.
i. The Safety Training and Safety Pep Talk given by contractor supervisor needs to be
documented by contractor.
j. The welding machine should have separate earthing cable & the welding regulator
should have an ELCB connection.
k. The contractor supervisor shall give the safety pep talk to all his workmen daily
before starting the job and the details shall be properly documented.

01. Rates shall be valid for the entire tenure of contract. Contract tenure shall be of 1 year.
02. Taxes shall be applicable extra as per the prevailing rates.
03. The parties should visit the site before submitting the quotation.

F. Health, Safety and Environment:

Obligation to follow HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) system &


General Security Instructions:

1. Contractor shall arrange necessary Gate Entry Passes in advance with all security
2. Contractor shall be able to produce this gate pass whenever asked by RCF personnel.
3. Contractor workmen are bound to follow the safety rules and regulations prevailing at
RCF from time to time as informed.
1. Training on work place safety shall be mandatory to each contractor employee at fire
and safety department. Validity of such training shall be for one year only.
2. It is the responsibility of contractor that all his workmen are covered under this safety
3. At the time of safety training, contractor shall submit copy of valid appropriate
insurance/ workmen compensation policy covering height of working location.
General Safety Instructions:
1. Contractor shall not carry out any work without valid Work Permit issued to him. All the
conditions of the permit shall be understood & complied by him.
2. Work Permit shall be always available with contractor’s supervisor at worksite
3. Contractor shall arrange adequate supervisors. No job shall be carried out without
4. Tested & certified equipment, tools & tackles shall be used & valid test / calibration
certificates shall be submitted to RCF officials before commencement of the job.
5. Strict adherence to the Safety work permits for each hot, confined space, height job,
fragile roof job & other jobs taken up by Plants & Services is must. The instructions
written on it shall also be strictly followed at site by contractor employees. Supervisor is
responsible to ensure compliance of the requirements.
6. For the critical jobs, JSA (Job safety analysis) shall be made & training shall be imparted
to the workmen. Safe job procedure shall be submitted by the contractor. The same
shall be got approved from competent authorities of RCF
7. Contractor shall ensure that his employees understand the use of fire hydrants & fire
extinguishers & emergency communication requirements
19 | P a g e T H / M E S / V M B / D 2 - 1 2 6
8. Contractors, whose Safety Records are not satisfactory shall be viewed seriously and
necessary action (viz. Warning, monetary penalty, suspension/stoppage of work,
cancellation of Registration/Contracts) shall be taken up by RCF.
9. Contractor shall provide appropriate PPE (Personnel Protective Equipment’s) such as
safety shoes, safety helmet, safety goggle, double lanyard full body harness, dust
masks, ear plugs , face shields & other necessary PPE to all workers as per BIS
mentioned below,

SN BIS codes Information

1 IS: 2925 - 1984 Industrial Safety Helmets
2 IS: 47701 - 1968 Rubber Gloves for Electrical Purpose
IS: 6994 - 1973 [Part-
3 Industrial Safety Gloves [Leather & Cotton Gloves]
IS: 1989 - 1986 [Part-
4 Leather Safety Boots & Shoes
5 IS: 5557 - 1969 Industrial & Safety Rubber Knee Boots
Code of Practice for Selections, Care & Repair of
6 IS: 6519 - 1971
Safety Footwear
Leather Safety Footwear Having Direct Molding
7 IS: 11226 - 1985
8 IS: 5983 - 1978 Eye Protectors
9 IS: 9167 - 1979 Ear Protectors
10 IS: 3521 - 1983 Industrial Safety Belts & Harnesses

Safety precautions for compressed gas cylinders:

1. Identification of contents of industrial gas cylinders shall be as per IS – 4379. Valve
fittings for compressed gas cylinders shall be as per IS -3224. Gas cylinders shall be
handled as per IS – 3870.
2. Oxy-acetylene sets/ Oxygen/ LPG cylinder sets to be used for pre-heating & cutting jobs
shall be provided with IS 11106 specified regulators having double diaphragm pressure
gauges, valve caps & flash back arrestors. Gas cylinders shall be kept upright and
secured firmly with chain and trolleys shall be used.
Safety precautions during welding job:
1. Welding machine manual shall be available at site and rated capacity of machine shall
be clearly visible. Earthing shall be returned back from job to welding machine
2. Personnel working shall wear Safety shoes, safety goggles, welding shield with safety
helmet attached, cut resistance hand gloves & double lanyard full body harnesses with
both the lifelines anchored (for height job) at different supports. Fire blankets shall be
used for arresting sparks.
3. Contractor employee shall ensure that fire extinguisher, water hose or water filled
bucket is kept near work place.
4. Working personnel should clearly understand about hazards involved and safe working
procedure to mitigate and prevent hazards.
5. Working area shall be barricaded.
Safety precautions while using electrical appliances:
1. Contractor shall ensure all electrical appliances have three pin end connections. All
electrical hand tools shall have ELCBs. All electrical cables shall have sound & intact
insulation & shall be free from joints.
2. Contractor shall ensure complete isolation of energy while working on MCC panel. While
isolating energy electric arc suit shall be used.
20 | P a g e T H / M E S / V M B / D 2 - 1 2 6
3. Contractor shall ensure only flame-proof electrical fittings are used in hazardous areas
as per instructions by Engineer-In-Charge designated by RCFL for the job.
4. In case of jobs involving electrical connections and wiring or any other
electrical jobs, job shall be carried out by valid licensed electrical operator
only. He shall be able to produce the valid license in case asked by RCF
5. In general cases, RCF shall provide single point supply to contractor at work
premises. Power distribution after the single point supply shall be in
contractor’s scope. The distribution after the single point supply, provided by
contractor, shall be in accordance to IS.
6. Contractor shall lay temporary cable via conduits.
7. Whenever a stress relieving machine is used, RCCB shall be provided by the
contractor for the machine.
Safety precautions for working at height:
1. For height jobs, contractor employees shall wear safety helmet, safety shoes, safety
goggle, cotton/cut resistance hand gloves & double lanyard full body harnesses with
both the lifelines anchored at different supports. Scaffold shall be as per IS 4014-
1:1967. Life line shall be provided as Standby arrangement.
2. Contractor shall start work after getting height pass with valid insurance mentioning the
working height.
Safety precautions for Confined space job:
1. Contractor shall ensure safe entry permit (if oxygen % is above 19.5%) is pasted at all
the entry/exit points along with vessel permit before entering the vessel. For any hot
job, separate class I work permit shall be taken.
2. Contractor shall ensure that his employees know the hazards that may be faced during
entry and ensure accurate count of authorized entrants in a register.
3. Contractor shall ensure that a person for rescue and evacuation remains near the entry
space till the job/work is over.
4. Contractor shall ensure that cross ventilation, air hose and 24 volt lamp without cable
joint are made available before entering vessel & shall ensure that rescue and other
emergency services procedures are made and are taken care off. He shall also ensure
that authorized entrants are using all necessary PPE.
5. Contractor shall be aware of alternate light/power source e.g. invertor, DG arrangement
in case of power failure.
Penalty for violation of safety rules at work place:
The contractor shall be penalized for any violation of safety rules by their
workers/supervisors at workplace during execution of job. Monetary Penalty shall be
imposed as per below list for safety violations. Repeated violations shall lead to suspension
/stoppage of the work and cancellation of Work Order.

1. Person not wearing safety helmet during working as per job requirement: Rs.500/- per
each person.
2. Person not wearing shoes during working as per job requirement: Rs. 500/- per each
3. Person not wearing Safety belt (double lanyard full body harness) during working as per
the job requirement: Rs.1000/- per each person.
4. Person not wearing face shield or safety goggle during working as per the job
requirement: Rs.500/- per each person.
5. Person working with lifting/lowering tools/tackles without valid test certificate: Rs.
2000/- per tool/tackle.

21 | P a g e T H / M E S / V M B / D 2 - 1 2 6
6. Person working with electrical supply connection without appropriate plug-pin: Rs
1000/- per plug pin connection.
7. Working without a valid Safety Work Permit / PTW: Rs.2000/ incidence-.
8. Contractor shall submit the written commitment/action plan to any safety advisory note.
9. Gas cylinders not having pressure Gauges: Rs. 1000/- per set
10. Gas cutting torch and cylinders without Flash back arrestors, trolleys, cylinder caps,
valve operating key: Rs.1000/- per set.
11. Persons found without valid gate pass, insurance certificate, safety training: Rs.1000/-
per person.
Contractors will have to submit a certificate of fitness in respect of workers to be engaged
inside the factory and no person / contract labour shall be employed without a valid
certificate of fitness. The contractors shall get the Pre-Employment Medical Examination of
his workmen done from RCF doctors at First aid (OHC) inside the factory premises.
It is mandatory that character and antecedents verification must be made of each and
every contractor worker prior to giving permission to enter RCF premises. Contractors shall
submit a certificate of character and antecedents for each worker to be engaged inside the
factory and no person / contract labour shall be employed without a valid character
certificate and antecedents.

22 | P a g e T H / M E S / V M B / D 2 - 1 2 6
Annexure III
Job - E-tender for Removal of the existing lube oil cooler & installation of the new
exchanger in Urea 21 & 31 unit at RCF Thal.
Ref. NIT No.: TH/MES/VMB/2016/D2-126/ 164, Date: 11.04.2016
ITEM Agreed/Disagreed/Details Deviations if any
Name of bidder along with
1 phone no, fax no and name of
contact person
Agreed for instructions to
2 tenders (Annexure-IA) is
Agreed for General terms &
3 conditions (Annexure-I) is
Agreed for technical scope as
per (Annexure-II).
Validity of offers 90 days is
6 Mutually agreed damages
clause no 20 of Annexure-I is
7 Separate deviation list if
any is submitted.
8 Performance guarantee clause
no 18.0 of annexure-I is
9 Agreed for completion time as
per Annexure II.
10 Payment terms clause no: 22
of Annexure-I is agreed.
11 All quoted rates shall be firm
till completion of contract (i.e.
One Year).
12 Taxes and Duties, their
percentages and applicability
on all individual quoted rates
mentioned in priced bid.

23 | P a g e T H / M E S / V M B / D 2 - 1 2 6
If terms mentioned in
Annexure-II are contradicting
with the terms and conditions
mentioned in General Terms
13 and Conditions Annexure-I &
IA, then terms and conditions
mentioned in Annexure-II shall

14 PAN No.
15 SERVICE TAX registration no.
SERVICE TAX category (in
Service Tax Accounting code
18 VAT/TIN Regn. number
19 PF registration no.
Agreed that Tax Invoice shall
be submitted during billing.
Confirmed that site was
visited before quoting.

Signature and Seal of the bidder

24 | P a g e T H / M E S / V M B / D 2 - 1 2 6

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