Rashtriya Chemical Fertilizers
Rashtriya Chemical Fertilizers
Rashtriya Chemical Fertilizers
Sub: E-tender for Removal of the existing lube oil cooler & installation of the new exchanger
in Urea 21 & 31 unit at RCF Thal
Dear Sir,
We are pleased to forward this tender enquiry to you with salient features as follows:-
1. Late tender i.e. tender submitted after the last date and time of submission.
1|P age T H/MES/VMB/2015/245A/371 Date 29.12.2015
2. Incomplete/ conditional tender.
In addition to the above, RCF reserves the right to accept or reject in part or reject any or
all the tenders without assigning any reasons thereof. Please go through the NIT carefully
and submit your competitive quotation by the date as above on line through
https://eprocure.gov.in. In case, you are unable to submit your quotation for any reason
kindly intimate us accordingly before the last date.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
(S. S. Ukhalkar)
Encl.:- Annexures as above CM (MES)
1.2 Rates :
Quotations shall be submitted strictly on line. Website for Online bid Submission:
https://eprocure.gov.in. Details of contact persons
1.4 The tenderer will return all the tender forms duly subscribed by authorised person /
Proprietor / Partner on every page together with the company’s stamp as a token
of their acceptance of the terms and conditions.
The bidders should have a valid digital signature certificate (Class-II or Class-
III) issued by any of the valid Certifying Authorities to participate in the online
The bids shall be uploaded in 1(Single) Bid System (Techno-Commercial Bid and
and Price Bid) in electronic form only through e-tendering system on
www.eprocure.gov.in website.
1. TECHNICAL BID AND PRICED BID: The Bid should contain following :-
The following steps noted below shall be the general methodology for carrying out the
process of procurement through the route of e-tendering:
Please read following instructions before filling & submission of BOQ sheet.
1. Please note that e-procurement system accepts Microsoft Excel 97-2003 format only, any
modification in file format or changing name of file will results into non-acceptance of
your offer by e-Procurement System.
2. You are requested to submit your offer for Costs which are payable extra by RCF in
addition to Basic price of services should be clearly mentioned in respective white cells of
BOQ sheet, blank fields/cells in BOQ sheets will be treated as ‘Included in basic rate” of
(Tenderers are required to print this on their company’s letter head and sign,
stamp before uploading in technical bid)
M/s. RCF Ltd.
Attention :
Sub: Acceptance to the Process related Terms and Conditions for the e-
Dear Sir,
This has reference to the Terms & Conditions for e-Tendering in the NIT No.:
TH/MES/VMB/2016/D2-126/ 164, Date: 11.04.2016
With regards
2.0 SECURITY DEPOSIT: (Security deposit shall not be applicable in case evaluated
value is less than Rs. 10 lacs.)
10 | P a g e T H / M E S / V M B / D 2 - 1 2 6
Contractor shall take clearance from Safety Officer before start of any job within
factory premises, and his advice shall be implemented.
5.1 Report of every accident minor or major must be immediately submitted to the Chief
Safety Officer, RCF Thal by site In-charge of the contractor.
5.2 Contractor's workmen must wear safety appliance e.g. helmet, gas-masks, safety belt
etc. while working.
5.3 All tools, tackles, etc. used by the contractor shall be in safe working condition and
shall be certified by the competent person as per statutory requirements, and any
damaged/unsuitable tools & tackles must be removed from the site.
5.4 Contractor shall not undertake any work within the Battery Limits of the plants, unless
proper and valid safety permit is obtained.
5.5 For any violation of safety rules, the contractor has to take appropriate action against
his labours.
5.6 The contractor shall abide by all the directives of RCF and statutory bodies regarding
safety of his workmen, equipments etc.
5.7 The contractor shall submit within 15 days from date of contract the Names,
Permanent & Present Address / Age / Qualifications, experience & two Passport size
photographs of all employees to be placed at site, along with Proof of Age, to RCF's
Personnel Department. Any addition to the strength of workers shall also be intimated
to RCF immediately with all these details.
8.1 The contractor will ensure that the instructions of site Engineer In-charge of the job
shall be faithfully and promptly carried out and in case the contractor, his employees
or any of their representative indulge in any illegal/unlawful activities or any
misconduct, the contract/work order may be terminated without any notice at the risks
and cost of the contractor.
8.2 The contractor shall maintain continuous supervision by qualified and experienced
persons on the job. The contractor's site in-charge shall be available at site all the time
so that RCF Engineer In-charge may give necessary instructions/advice to contractor.
8.3 The contractor shall prepare and submit a CPM/Bar chart on the basis of completion
time as specified by Engineer In-charge and clearly indicate completion time of
different activities, which will be scrupulously followed.
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9.1 The contractor shall obtain gate passes duly signed by Commandant, CISF, RCF Thal
or his representative for his supervisors. For other workmen, the contractor will have
to procure tokens from CISF after depositing Rs.10/- per token. This deposit amount
will be refunded after satisfactory completion of the contract and after returning all the
tokens in good condition.
12.1 All materials supplied and / or used by contractor shall be subject to inspection by
Engineer-In-charge. Any material not meeting specific requirements will be rejected
and contractor shall replace the same immediately with material of specific type and
12.2 Contractor's installation procedure shall also be subject to inspection by Engineer In-
charge at all times. Any material found to have been damaged or improperly installed
shall be removed and reinstalled promptly by the contractor without any extra cost
unless the damage was caused by others.
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15.1 On receipt of the work order, the contractor shall submit to RCF for approval, a
detailed work schedule showing all the activities for completion of the work. The work
shall be completed as per this schedule approved by RCF.
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25.1 The contractor shall not subcontract the job or part of it to any other agency without
the written permission of RCF. In case RCF permits to employ a subcontractor if found
competent and in the interest of the work, it shall not imply any limitation of
contractor's liability to fulfil the work order.
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28.3 In the event of indefinite delay, even if arising out of reasons due to force majeure,
RCF shall have the right to cancel the order or part of the order without any liability on
their part to make any payment to the contractor, while reserving the right to claim
refund of any payment if advanced or paid to the contractor.
16 | P a g e T H / M E S / V M B / D 2 - 1 2 6
Job - E-tender for Removal of the existing lube oil cooler & installation of the new
exchanger in Urea 21 & 31 unit at RCF Thal.
Ref. NIT No.: TH/MES/VMB/2016/D2-126/ 164, Date: 11.04.2016
Scope of Work
B. Scope of work for dismantling & assembly of the exchanger removed from 21
unit & installation of the same in 31 unit:
01. Shifting and placing of exchanger at suitable place as per instructions of RCF
02. Opening the bolts of dome flange.
03. Placement of Assembly properly and fixing of shell with proper support structure.
04. Making proper arrangement for pulling of tube bundle from the shell.
05. Pulling of tube bundle from shell. This shall be done carefully without damaging
baffles etc.
06. Cleaning of shell thoroughly as per the instruction of RCF engineer.
07. Taking all arrangement for assembly of spare tube bundle in this cleaned shell.
08. Insert tube bundles inside the shells very carefully with a new gasket.
09. Arrangement for Hydraulic / pneumatic testing of assembly.
10. Hydraulic/pneumatic testing and rectification (tube plugging and welding) as per
11. Removal of testing arrangement.
12. After receiving work permit, Open inlet & outlet flanges of the exchanger. Size 6” x
150# each & cooling water inlet & outlet flanges 4” x 150# each. Open the
foundation bolts.
13. Make proper arrangement for removal & installation of the exchanger to avoid any
damage. Total weight of the old exchanger is 2.0 MT & length is 5 meters. Total
weight of the new exchanger is 3.5 MT & length is 7 meters.
14. Remove the existing exchanger from position.
15. Fabrication of support & piping modification required shall be done by the
contractor. The material requires shall be supplied by RCF.
16. Installed the new exchanger in position.
17. Box up inlet & outlet flanges of the exchanger. Size 6” x 150# each & cooling water
inlet & outlet flanges 4” x 150# each.
18. The removed exchanger shall be kept in maintenance bay of Urea plant.
19. Scaffolding if required is in the scope of the contractor.
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C. Scope of work of the Contractor:
01. Contractor should obtain the necessary work permit for the job & the job is to be
started only after obtaining the same. Contractor should also renew the permit in every
02. Contractor should abide by all the safety rules laid out by RCF & safety should not be
compromised at any cost.
03. Contractor should do proper housekeeping of the worksite. This includes the area
where the line is to be dismantled, the site of fabrication & the site of erection. All the
metal scrap generated during the job is to be thrown away in metal scrap bins or in
scrap yard. The transportation for the same is to be arranged by the contractor.
04. Gas cutting sets, grinding sets, welding machines, chain blocks, slings, belts, D-
shackles, spanners & proper mode of transportation of the same to the work site is to
be arranged by the contractor. Only consumables like industrial gases, filler wires,
welding electrodes, stud-nuts, and gaskets will be provided by RCF.
05. Contractor shall visit the site before submitting the quotation.
06. The job shall be carried out on round the clock basis under constant supervision of the
07. The contractor shall carry out house keeping of the area after completion of the job.
Job shall not be certified as complete until the contractor has done house keeping to
the satisfaction of RCF engineer.
08. Contractor shall strictly follow all safety rules & regulations of RCF. Contractor shall
arrange all the PPE for workmen & supervisor.
09. Quoted rates shall be valid for a period of one year.
Removal & installation of the exchanger in 21 unit shall be completed in 02 days
after receiving safety work permit.
Dismantling & assembly of the exchanger removed from 21 unit & installation of
the same in 31 unit shall be completed in 03 days after receiving safety work
01. Rates shall be valid for the entire tenure of contract. Contract tenure shall be of 1 year.
02. Taxes shall be applicable extra as per the prevailing rates.
03. The parties should visit the site before submitting the quotation.
1. Person not wearing safety helmet during working as per job requirement: Rs.500/- per
each person.
2. Person not wearing shoes during working as per job requirement: Rs. 500/- per each
3. Person not wearing Safety belt (double lanyard full body harness) during working as per
the job requirement: Rs.1000/- per each person.
4. Person not wearing face shield or safety goggle during working as per the job
requirement: Rs.500/- per each person.
5. Person working with lifting/lowering tools/tackles without valid test certificate: Rs.
2000/- per tool/tackle.
21 | P a g e T H / M E S / V M B / D 2 - 1 2 6
6. Person working with electrical supply connection without appropriate plug-pin: Rs
1000/- per plug pin connection.
7. Working without a valid Safety Work Permit / PTW: Rs.2000/ incidence-.
8. Contractor shall submit the written commitment/action plan to any safety advisory note.
9. Gas cylinders not having pressure Gauges: Rs. 1000/- per set
10. Gas cutting torch and cylinders without Flash back arrestors, trolleys, cylinder caps,
valve operating key: Rs.1000/- per set.
11. Persons found without valid gate pass, insurance certificate, safety training: Rs.1000/-
per person.
Contractors will have to submit a certificate of fitness in respect of workers to be engaged
inside the factory and no person / contract labour shall be employed without a valid
certificate of fitness. The contractors shall get the Pre-Employment Medical Examination of
his workmen done from RCF doctors at First aid (OHC) inside the factory premises.
It is mandatory that character and antecedents verification must be made of each and
every contractor worker prior to giving permission to enter RCF premises. Contractors shall
submit a certificate of character and antecedents for each worker to be engaged inside the
factory and no person / contract labour shall be employed without a valid character
certificate and antecedents.
22 | P a g e T H / M E S / V M B / D 2 - 1 2 6
Annexure III
Job - E-tender for Removal of the existing lube oil cooler & installation of the new
exchanger in Urea 21 & 31 unit at RCF Thal.
Ref. NIT No.: TH/MES/VMB/2016/D2-126/ 164, Date: 11.04.2016
ITEM Agreed/Disagreed/Details Deviations if any
Name of bidder along with
1 phone no, fax no and name of
contact person
Agreed for instructions to
2 tenders (Annexure-IA) is
Agreed for General terms &
3 conditions (Annexure-I) is
Agreed for technical scope as
per (Annexure-II).
Validity of offers 90 days is
6 Mutually agreed damages
clause no 20 of Annexure-I is
7 Separate deviation list if
any is submitted.
8 Performance guarantee clause
no 18.0 of annexure-I is
9 Agreed for completion time as
per Annexure II.
10 Payment terms clause no: 22
of Annexure-I is agreed.
11 All quoted rates shall be firm
till completion of contract (i.e.
One Year).
12 Taxes and Duties, their
percentages and applicability
on all individual quoted rates
mentioned in priced bid.
23 | P a g e T H / M E S / V M B / D 2 - 1 2 6
If terms mentioned in
Annexure-II are contradicting
with the terms and conditions
mentioned in General Terms
13 and Conditions Annexure-I &
IA, then terms and conditions
mentioned in Annexure-II shall
14 PAN No.
15 SERVICE TAX registration no.
SERVICE TAX category (in
Service Tax Accounting code
18 VAT/TIN Regn. number
19 PF registration no.
Agreed that Tax Invoice shall
be submitted during billing.
Confirmed that site was
visited before quoting.
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