01 RFPforIssuancedt.30.3.23
01 RFPforIssuancedt.30.3.23
01 RFPforIssuancedt.30.3.23
(Register of Commerce No. 21835)
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(Register of Commerce No. 21835)
This document shall be read in conjunction with all other parts of the Tender Documents. This document
takes precedence over the General Instructions to the Bidder.
The Bidder shall note that this RFP is issued as an Open Tender. It is mandatory for the Bidder to fulfil all the
requirements stated in Attachment No. 9 to the Form of Tender and submit all the required supporting
documents, failing which, the Bid will be rejected. In case the Bidder was evaluated and passed all required
evaluation criteria, only then its Bid will be considered for the subject RFP.
In order to participate in this tender, the bidder must register as a KOC Business Partner by applying
for registration online through KOC eBusiness Portal for an eBusiness Account. Existing eBusiness
Partners shall update their information with KOC if required.
The tender may be accessed through KOC eBusiness Portal (https://ebusiness.kockw.com) and
selecting the tender listed under Published Tenders (RFP).
The tender document and relevant tender information such as Tender Fee, Bid Bond value, pre-bid
meeting date and bid closing date are published on the eBusiness portal. Bidders are advised to check
the eBusiness portal for any new notices or revisions related to the tender.
This is an online tendering process and the bidder shall submit its bid online. Bid Bond and receipt of
Tender Fee as specified in Clause No. 18 below shall be submitted in hardcopy in addition to the
submission of scanned copy. The Company shall reject the hard copy bid except the documents as
stipulated in Clause No. 18 below.
For more details on online submission process, bidder may use eLearning material on eBusiness at
Bidders having any technical queries regarding eBusiness shall contact eBusiness Help Desk using the
contact information published on the eBusiness portal.
The bidder, on receipt of the invitation to participate in the tender, must send an email to
RaJamal@kockw.com and GAlam@kockw.com copied to LMutawa@kockw.com (Team Leader
Contracts V) referring to the invitation and bearing the RFP number and title. The Company will use
the transmitted email address to notify the bidder of all the information related to the tender.
Bidders shall download the tender documents from the eBusiness portal and submit their bid online.
The bidder must apply online as soon as possible in order to register (or to update) its company’s
information in the KOC’s database. Bidders who are not registered with KOC eBusiness account, shall
not receive eBusiness generated emails and shall not be able to submit its bid online.
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The bidder may revise and re-upload their bid (the Excel file and all other documents) any number of
times up to the bid closing time, after which the bidder will not be able to make any changes to their
There is a size limitation of 10 MB for each uploaded file. Bidder shall compress files larger than 10
MB and upload the same on eBusiness portal. If it is not possible to compress a file below 10 MB then
bidder shall submit the file in hard copy in tender box in accordance with Clause No. 18 on or before
bid closing date and time.
The bidder shall bring two copies of duly filled bid receipt to receive an acknowledgement.
The bidder shall upload questions regarding the tender (if any) on the eBusiness portal by clicking the
“Questions” tab. The Company shall respond to the questions online and all registered bidders will
receive an automatically generated email advising them to refer the e-Business portal to view the
Company’s response.
With reference to paragraph 9 of the General Instructions to the Bidder, the pre-bid meeting shall take
place online vide Microsoft Teams Application, at 10:00 hours on the date specified in the “Tender
Data” on the e-Business Portal.
Bidder who purchased the tender documents or his representative is permitted to attend the pre-bid
meeting. The attendee must submit the proof of purchase of tender documents for attending the pre-bid
meeting. However, Tender Fee shall not be applicable for Small and Medium Enterprises.
In order for us to send you Pre-Bid Meeting link, it’s mandatory to provide the email address of your
representative who will attend the Pre-Bid Meeting while you send your receipt confirmation as per
Clause No. 3 above.
With reference to paragraph 12 of the General Instructions to the Bidder, the Site visit will be arranged
at a date and time to be advised to the bidders at the pre-bid meeting. Bidder must send legible colour
copies of the Passports and Civil ID of their representatives along with a duly filled in Form (Annexure-
5) along with bidder’s letterhead addressed to the Team Leader Contracts V through e-mail address at
LMutawa@kockw.com and copy to RaJamal@kockw.com and GAlam@kockw.com or submit the
same at the Reception of the KOC Office Complex Building B1 in Ahmadi. The declaration letter shall
be submitted using the bidder letterhead.
The ‘Tender Data’ tab on the eBusiness portal shows the bid closing date. However, the bid closing
time shall be 13:00 hours.
Bidder must submit the documents specified herein between 8:00 to 13:00 hours on the bid closing date.
Bidder is also allowed to submit the bid one day before the bid closing date between 8:00 to 13:00
9.1 Notwithstanding to the provision of paragraph 14 and 15 of the General Instructions to the Bidder, the
Bidder shall submit the Form of Tenders and its Attachments as follows:
a) The bidder shall download the excel format online which consists of all the price attachments to the
Form of Tender (Attachments No. 2A, 2B & 2C) and bidder shall fill their prices and upload and submit
their bid online through eBusiness portal (Refer Attachment No. 1 also).
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b) After filling the required rates, bidder shall auto-generate the Form of Tender (FOT) by using bid
calculation tool (which shall be downloaded from eBusiness portal) and then print the auto-generated
Form of Tender and fill all their company details with sign and stamp and upload on eBusiness portal
for submitting their bids. Failure to submit these documents online shall leads to bid rejection.
9.2 Bidder shall download the Attachments No. 3 to 9 to the Form of Tender and upload the completed
document with required details and relevant attachments on eBusiness portal for submitting their bids.
a. In Attachment No. 3 to the Form of Tender, the bidder shall submit the listed legal documents
as stated therein.
b. In Attachment No. 4 to the Form of Tender, the bidder shall submit the certificates of ownership
of its firm as required. This is required from local bidders or agents of foreign bidders (if
applicable) but not from the foreign bidders themselves.
c. In Attachment No. 5 to the Form of Tender, the bidder shall submit the required government
certificates listed therein, dated no earlier than thirty (30) days from the bid closing date. Failure
to submit the required certificates shall result in the disqualification of the bid.
d. In Attachment No. 6 to the Form of Tender, the bidder shall sign the declaration of commission
in connection with State contracts and must comply with Law No. 25/1996 relating to
declaration of commission.
e. In Attachment No. 7 to the Form of Tender, the bidder shall submit the List of Local Products
for price preference, List of Products from Local Suppliers and SMEs and List of Services to
be subcontracted to Local Contractors and SMEs. Bidder shall confirm in its bid that it is in
compliance with the provisions of Public Tender Law No. 49/2016 as amended by law No. 74
of 2019, and Executive Regulation no. 30/2017 and any amendments thereto.
f. In Attachment No. 8 to the Form of Tender, the bidder shall submit its bank details.
g. The Bidder shall note that this RFP is issued as an Open Tender. It is mandatory for the Bidder
to fulfil all the requirements stated in Attachment No. 9 to the Form of Tender and its Annexures
as specified therein and submit all the required supporting documents clearly separated by
section and sub-section(s). Failing which, the Bid will be rejected. In case the Bidder was
evaluated and passed all required evaluation criteria, only then its Bid will be considered for
the subject RFP.
Important Notes:
Failure to provide all the required information shall result in disqualifying the bidder.
Details furnished by the bidder shall not be considered if submitted without supporting
documents as required.
Bidder gives consent to the Company to verify the given details and that the bidder shall
provide any additional details required by the Company to satisfactorily evaluate the bid
With reference to paragraph 20 of the General Instructions, the bidder shall submit a Bid Bond of
Kuwaiti Dinars Fifteen Thousand KD 15,000/- valid for ninety (90) days from the bid closing date
worded generally in accordance with the specimen wording contained in Annexure 2 hereto. The Bid
Bond shall be in favour of Kuwait Oil Company in the form of an unconditional bank guarantee issued
by a bank licensed to carry out banking business in Kuwait.
The bidder shall upload the Bid Bond on eBusiness while submitting the bid, and shall submit the
original in accordance with Clause No. 18 below.
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With reference to paragraph 21 of the General Instructions to the Bidder, the Performance Bond required to be
submitted by the successful bidder shall be in the value of ten percent (10%) of the Contract Not-to-Exceed
12. The provisions of Law No. 49 of 2016 governing Public Tenders as amended by Law No. 74 of 2019 and
Executive Regulations 30/2017 and any amendments thereto shall form an integral part of the Tender
Document and shall be construed as supplementary to all terms and conditions contained therein as
13.1. Tender Fees shall not be applicable for SMEs and SMEs are not required to provide the proof of
purchase of the tender documents.
13.2. The Company shall apply twenty percent (20%) price preference for bids submitted by SMEs during
the bid evaluation and award of Contract. The price preference for SMEs shall be applied only when
the nature of Services of the Tender is in line with the activity description in the license and certification
given by Kuwait Chambers of Commerce and Industry.
13.3. If Bidder is a SME, then Bidder shall ensure submitting a hard copy of the cover letter which contains
the following:
The cover letter shall be submitted along with valid certificate issued by the National Fund for Small
and Medium Enterprise Development dated no earlier than ninety (90) days from the bid closing date.
14. The successful bidder shall provide the Performance Bond within ten (10) days of being informed. In case
of non-submission of Performance Bond, the bidder may be deemed to have withdrawn their bid.
15. In case, the successful bidder does not sign the Contract with the Company within thirty (30) days after
submission of Performance Bond, the bidder may be deemed to have withdrawn their bid and the Company
may call and draw down upon the full amount of the Performance Bond.
16.1. Except for SMEs, the bidder must pay a non-refundable fee as follows and the bidder shall upload the
copy of receipt of Tender Fee while submitting the bid and original receipt of Tender Fee shall be
submitted as per Clause No. 18 herein:
Kuwaiti Dinars One Thousand (KD 1,000/-): Cash deposit in or money transfer to the Company’s
bank account 1001058663 with the National Bank of Kuwait, Ahmadi Branch, Kuwait.
Swift Code: NBOKKWKW.
IBAN: KW77NBOK0000000000001001058663
Kuwaiti Dinars One Thousand (KD 1,000/-): Cash deposit in or money transfer to the Company’s
bank account 8801243 with the Gulf Bank, Fahaheel Branch, Kuwait.
Swift Code: GULBKWKW.
IBAN: KW62GULB0000000000000008801243
Important: Kuwait Oil Company will NOT accept a bank draft for Tender Fee.
16.2. The bidder must pay any bank charges required by the transmitting bank and by the receiving bank so
that KOC account will be credited with the FULL tender fee.
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In compliance with Article (31) of Public Tender Law No. (49)/2016 and any amendments thereto, the
Bidder shall ensure its entity’s registration with Central Agency for Public Tender (CAPT) all in
accordance with the requirements provided at CAPT website at https://capt.gov.kw/en/. The rules and
regulations for registration are available at CAPT’s website in both Arabic and English. Moreover, for
any further queries, the Bidder shall contact the relevant department of CAPT.
Bidders shall, prior to the bid closing date, either physically submit in the Tender Box or courier the
original Bid Bond and the bank receipt of the Tender Fee bearing the RFP number, RFP title and the
name of the bidder.
Bidder shall submit the required hard copies in a sealed special envelope in the Tender Box kept at the
ground floor of KOC Office Complex, Building B1, Ahmadi on the bid closing date or one day prior to
the bid closing date between 8:00 Hours and 13:00 Hours. The envelope shall bear a note under the RFP
number as: e-Bidding - Original Bid bond & Tender Fee only.
Bidder shall submit the required hard copies in an sealed envelope to the address as stated below on
the bid closing date or one day prior to the bid closing date between 8:00 Hours and 13:00 Hours:
Bidders shall ensure that their bids are placed in the Tender Box before bid closing date and time.
Company shall not be responsible for any late delivery, non-delivery and damaged envelops of the bid.
All the rates/price quoted must be in Kuwaiti Dinars and shall be rounded off to the nearest three (3)
decimal places.
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We attach the original Bid Bond and Tender fee having the following details:
i) FORM OF TENDER: We have uploaded the Form of Tender online. (duly signed & stamped)
ii) BID BOND DETAILS: We have submitted our Bid Bond in original as follows:
Name of Bank:
iii) TENDER FEE DETAILS We hereby attach the original receipt of Tender Fees.
Bidder Name:
Deposit Bank:
iv) SMALL & MEDIUM ENTERPRISE: We hereby attach the SME certificate (if applicable)
Name of the Bidder:
Contact Person Name: Company
Phone Number: Stamp
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P O Box 9758
Ahmadi 61008
Dear Sirs/Madams,
This Bid Bond guarantee shall be valid for a period of 90 days from the tender closing date and no claim may
be made by you after the said 90 days.
We unconditionally and irrevocably guarantee and undertake to pay to you order upon first request from you
the full amount mentioned above regardless of any objection of Messrs________________________ and we
choose Kuwait as or place of residence for all matters relating to the execution of this Guarantee, in our
branch_______________________________ (Address).
Bank: ____________________________________________________________
Signature: ____________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________
Date: ____________________________________________________________
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Dear Sirs,
At the request of _______________________ [name of Contractor] (hereinafter called “the Contractor”) we [name
of bank] hereby unconditionally and irrevocably guarantee to pay you, notwithstanding any objection by the
Contract, any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of Kuwaiti Dinars
_________________________________________ (KD __________/-) which represents 10% of the Contract
Price upon receipt of your first written demand therefore in connection with the Contractor for GLOBAL
Our liability hereunder shall become effective upon issuing date of this Bond.
Our liability hereunder will expire after three (3) months of our receipt from you of notice of Final Acceptance
under the said Contract or (Date) ______________________, whichever is earlier. Any demand received by us
thereafter shall be null and void.
Yours faithfully,
(Name of Bank)
(Authorized Signature)
Issue Date
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Dear Sirs,
On behalf of [name of Contractor] (hereinafter called “the Contractor”) we [name of bank ] hereby
unconditionally and irrevocably guarantee to pay you, notwithstanding any objection by the
Contractor, any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of (KD)_____________ (representing
the amount of Tax Retention otherwise to be held in accordance with the Contract) (the “Bond”) upon
receipt of your first written demand thereof in connection with your Contract No._____________ with
(hereinafter called “the Contract”).
Our liability hereunder will expire on _________________ or on our receipt from you of a written
notice of the issue of the final tax clearance certificate by the income Tax Control Office of the Ministry
of Finance Kuwait, in connection with the Contract, whichever is the earlier. Any demand received by
us thereafter shall be null and void.
(Authorised Signature)
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We request Gate Passes for our following personnel to visit the Site for the subject Tender. The details
of our personnel are as under:
With regard to the Site visit of our personnel for the subject Tender, we are fully aware of all risks
associated with the Site Visit and we undertake that our personnel shall abide by the Company policies
and guidance during the Site visit. We shall be fully responsible to our personnel and we absolve
Kuwait Oil Company from any liabilities of any kind in this regard.
Designation: ____________________________________
For: ____________________________________
Date: ____________________________________
Contract No. :
WHEREAS the Company desires to have the Services executed and completed namely Global System for Mobile Communication
(GSM) Support Services
AND WHEREAS, the Contractor is willing and able to perform the Services desired by the Company.
1. The following documents shall constitute the entire agreement and the Contract between the parties:-
In the case of ambiguity or conflict between any of the listed documents, priority shall be given to the documents in the above
order. If there is a conflict between documents listed under a single subheading or among the provisions in the single document,
the conflict shall be resolved by the Superintendent, whose determination shall be final.
2. The Company agrees to pay the Contractor in consideration of the satisfactory execution and completion of the Services, in
accordance with terms of the Contract, a sum not exceeding value of __________________________________ Kuwaiti
Dinars only (KD___________/-) subject to actual Services carried out or such Variation thereof as shall become payable under
the terms and conditions of the Contract.
The parties have signed this Contract on the date stated above.
For: For:
Name: Name:
Capacity: Capacity:
- FOR -
1. Abbreviations
2. Scope of Services
3. Contract Period
5. Contractor’s Personnel
6. Method of Payment
7. Insurance
8. Service Levels
9. Liquidated Damages
12. Notices
18. Warranties
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2.1 The Contractor shall deploy full time Kuwaiti personnel as detailed in Appendix-5C on Minimum
Take-Home Salary basis.
2.2 The Contractor shall provide Maintenance and Support Services as detailed in clause 1 of Appendix-1
by Non-Kuwaiti personnel of which costs deemed included in Contract Price, as detailed in Appendix-
2.3 The Contractors shall Provide Onsite Support Services for Company Owned GSM equipment, tools &
accessories and Mobile Towers provided by the Local Service provider to Company, to the end users as
detailed in Appendix-1, by its Onsite Support Personnel described in Appendix-3.
2.4 The Contractor shall provide the Services as and when and on any location specified under Appendix-4
as required by the Company.
2.5 The Contractor shall provide Vehicles for On-Site Support Services Personnel as detailed in clause 2 of
Appendix-1 f which costs deemed included in the Contract Price.
2.6 The Contractor shall Supply and deliver new GSM equipment to the Company as detailed in clause 3 of
3.1 With reference to Clause 31 of the General Conditions of Contract, the Contract Period is Sixty (60)
months starting from the Date for Commencement, which shall be specified in writing by the
3.2.1 Prior to the Date for Commencement, a period of up to one (1) months starting from the date specified
in writing by the Superintendent after Contract Signature shall be the mobilization period
(“Mobilization Period”) during which, the Contractor shall perform the following: Mobilize all the required manpower to commence Maintenance & Onsite Support Services from the
Date of Commencement of the Contract;
Page 1 of 16 Obtain all necessary approvals, permits and passes to commence the Services; and
3.2.3 All costs associated with and incurred by the Contractor during the Mobilization Period shall be
deemed included in the Contract Price, and no additional costs shall be paid to the Contractor.
3.3 The Company, at its sole option, may extend the Contract Period by a maximum of six (6) months, at
the rates applicable in the original Contract by issuing an Adjustment Order. All of the terms and
conditions of the Contract shall be applicable for each extended Contract Period. The Company may
terminate such extension at any time by giving the Contractor one (1) month notice of its intention to do
3.4 Should the Company exercise its sole option right under the Contract to extend the duration of the
Contract, then such extension shall be binding upon the Contractor and the Contractor shall be under the
obligation to comply with such requested extension and therefore any abstention by the Contractor to
comply with the Company’s request for extension shall place the Contractor to be in breach of this
With reference to Clause No. 11 of the General Conditions of Contract, the Superintendent of this
Contract shall be Team Leader Information Technology Services and the Superintendent’s
Representative shall be specified by Superintendent in writing to the Contractor.
5.1 The Contractor shall deploy full-time Company approved On-Site Support Personnel detailed under
Appendix-3 for carrying out the Maintenance & Onsite Support Services detailed under Appendix-1.
The On-Site Support Personnel shall be based on Company premises (Full Time) for performing the
required roles and responsibilities as specified in Appendix-3.
5.2 The Contractor shall ensure that the Company approved On-Site Support Personnel, for performing
the maintenance & on-Site Support Services are mobilized during the mobilization period and
deployed from the Date for Commencement of the Contract. The roles, responsibilities, qualifications
and experience of the said personnel shall be as specified in Appendix-3.
5.3 Within one (1) week from the Date of Contract Signature, the Contractor shall submit CVs of at least
two (2) suitably qualified and experienced candidates, for each On-Site Support Personnel including
backup personnel for Company’s evaluation and approval. Within the next fourteen (14) days, the
Superintendent shall interview the proposed candidate and inform the Contractor of the personnel
deemed acceptable by the Company for the specified position.
5.4 In the event where a suitable candidate for the position defined in Appendix-3 could not be selected
or if Company rejects any candidate, the Contractor shall submit at least another two (2) CVs within
maximum fourteen (14) days of said rejection date for the Company evaluation and approval. The
Superintendent of the Contract may reject any proposed personnel in case such personnel does not
meet the qualification and experience as stated in Appendix-3
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5.5 In case of non-availability of the On-Site Personnel for what-so-ever reason including approved leaves,
the Contractor shall provide suitable replacement/back up personnel of sufficiently similar
qualifications and experience approved by the Company to perform Maintenance & On-Site Support
Services. The cost of such replacement personnel shall be deemed included in the Contract Price.
Liquidated Damages shall be applied (as applicable) in case Contractor fails to provide such
5.6 The Company shall provide the Onsite Support Personnel with suitable office accommodation,
telephone connection to Company’s telephone exchange, desktop computer, networking facility and
internet access, as needed for the performance of the job.
5.7 The Contractor shall provide to on-Site Personnel with housing, medical care, transport, the necessary
hardware and other utilities and such cost deemed included in Contract Price.
5.8 The Contractor shall provide the Onsite Support Personnel, Laptop(s) with all required Software
Licenses with compatible resources involving remote working facility and the necessary utilities for
satisfactory performance of the Services and shall ensure Service continuity throughout the Contract
Period, without any interruption, the cost of which shall be deemed included in the Contract Price.
5.9 If the performance of the Onsite Support Personnel is found unacceptable then the Company may
instruct the Contractor to remove such personnel from the Services and notify the Contractor of such
request for removal during the Contract Period. In the event of such removal, the Contractor shall
provide suitable replacement within three (3) months from the date of Company’s written
notification, at no additional cost to the Company. In any case, the replacement Onsite Personnel shall
be deployed within maximum three (3) months from the date of notification of removal of the previous
Onsite Personnel. The Contractor shall ensure that the On-Site Support Personnel is available throughout
the whole Contract Period. Liquidated Damages shall be applied (as applicable) in case Contractor fails
to provide such personnel in three (3) months.
5.10 The Contractor shall not replace the Onsite Support Personnel employed on the Services, without
obtaining a written approval from the Superintendent of the Contract. The Contractor shall notify the
Company three (3) months in advance of its intention of replacing the On-Site Support Personnel. In
the event of resignation/termination of the any Onsite Support Personnel, the Contractor shall
immediately submit at least two (2) CVs for each position and the rest of the procedure shall be as
specified in Clause No. 5.3 and Clause No. 5.4 above. The Contractor shall ensure that the selected
candidate is placed on the Services of the Company on or before the last day of the out-going On-
Site Support Personnel. The Contractor is required to ensure that the resigned/removed personnel
shall continue providing Maintenance & On-Site Support Services until Company approved
replacement personnel is deployed and the Contractor shall ensure proper handover to the
replacement personnel without any interruption to the Services.
5.11 The Contractor shall be responsible to arrange work shifts including overtime to meet the Company
requirements without prejudice to labor law provisions. Any cost incurred by the Contractor, for
purpose of complying with the labor law provisions concerning working hours, holidays and rest day
(including the cost of overtime), shall be borne by the Contractor and shall be deemed to have been
included in the Contract Price.
5.12 Personnel Nominated for Transfer to Other Contractor(s) Prior to Expiry of Contract
5.12.1 The Contractor acknowledges and hereby confirms that Contractor’s personnel who worked under
this Contract are of extreme importance to the Company and their continuity to provide services under
other Contract(s) is of utmost importance for the Company’s uninterrupted operations.
5.12.2 Six (6) months prior to the expiry of this Contract, the Superintendent shall finalize the list of
personnel required to be transferred by the Contractor to other contractor(s) and shall issue the list to
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the Contractor in writing along with the schedule date of release. Such list may include any or all
personnel working under this Contract, provided such transfer is acceptable to the personnel.
5.12.3 Three (3) months prior to the expiry of the Contract, the Contractor shall liaise with other
contractor(s) regarding personnel who are nominated for transfer by the Company and shall take all
necessary actions to ensure smooth transfer of personnel from the Contractor to other contractor(s),
without any interruptions to the services where the personnel are intended to be transferred.
5.12.4 The Contractor shall make all payments to all its personnel, including personnel who are nominated
for transfer to other contractor(s), as per Kuwait Labor Law before transferring to other contractor(s).
5.12.5 For personnel who are nominated for transfer to other Contractor(s), the Contractor shall maintain
insurances as per Clause No. 7 below, until the transfer of personnel to other contractor(s) is
5.12.6 The Contractor shall not demand any cost for releasing the personnel who are nominated for transfer
to other contractor(s) or from the personnel who are nominated for transfer and all costs related to
this Clause shall be deemed included in the Contract Price.
5.12.7 In the event of prolonged delay/refusal by the Contractor, In releasing the personnel who are
nominated for transfer by the Company to other Contractor(s) beyond the schedule date of release as
per Clause No. 5.12.2 above, Company may exercise its right for direct transfer as per the provisions
of Law and in such an event Company shall recover cost plus ten percent (10%) cost towards
overhead from the Contractor.
5.13.1 The Contractor shall ensure that a monthly salary statement is sent to its On-Site Support Personnel’s
either physically or electronically through e-mails along with salary disbursement.
5.13.2 During the Contract Period, the Contractor shall provide its On-Site Support Personnel’s and/ or the
approved replacement personnel with Vehicle/s as further detailed under Clause No. 2 of Appendix-
1 to enable making trips to remote Company locations. All costs related to the provision of vehicles,
fuel, maintenance and replacement vehicles shall be deemed included in the Contract Price.
5.13.3 The Kuwait Labor Law shall govern all types of leaves for the Contractor’s personnel.
5.13.4 The Company reserves the right to request the Contractor to summarily replace the personnel who is
absent without permission for a period of ten (10) consecutive days.
5.14.1 The Contractor shall strictly adhere to the working hours as specified in Clause 32 of the General
Conditions of Contract and shall not carry out any Services and Maintenance outside these hours
without the Superintendent’s prior permission.
5.14.2 Without prejudice to Clause No. 32.3 of the General Conditions of Contract, in case the
Superintendent requires the Contractor’s On-Site Support Personnel’s to work beyond the normal
working hours and/or on public holidays, rest days, Fridays or Saturdays to meet an emergency
requirement, the Contractor shall perform such Services and pay its On-Site Support Personnel’s for
the overtime work completed. All costs incurred by the Contractor concerning overtime of its
personnel shall be borne by the Contractor and shall be deemed included in the Contractor Price.
5.15 The Contractor shall ensure the continuous availability of the Onsite Support personnel’s on Site, at
all times for execution of Onsite Support & Maintenance Services.
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5.16 The Contractor shall provide the required transportation, tools and devices to the Onsite Support
personnel’s for efficient, uninterrupted and successful performance of the Onsite Maintenance &
support Services in accordance with the requirements specified under this Contract, the cost of which
shall be deemed included in the Contract Price.
5.17 Sharing of personnel between different/various Contracts is not allowed and this shall be considered
as a default of the Contractor and the applicable provisions thereto shall apply.
5.18 The Contractor shall provide Minimum Take Home Salaries to its Onsite Support Personnel, which
shall make them eligible for Kuwaiti Driving License to perform their jobs as per Scope Of Work of
this Tender.
5.19 The Contractor shall comply with provisions of the Ministerial Order No. 535/2015 related to summer
working hours.
5.20 Kuwaitisation
5.20.1 The Contractor at all times during the Contract period shall comply with the Kuwaitisation
requirements as stated in Appendix-5A to Contract Specification “Guideline for Kuwaitisation within
Company Contracts” (Rev.V.11 April2017).
5.20.2 The number of Kuwaiti employees required and their qualifications and Experience shall be as per
Appendix-5B to Contract Specification (Kuwaiti Job Qualification).
5.20.3 The minimum monthly take home salary of the Kuwaiti employee shall be as per Appendix-5C to
Contract Specification.
5.20.4 The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of Council of Ministers Resolution No. 1104/2008
as amended by Council of Ministers Resolution No.1868/2018.”
6.1 With reference to Clause No. 38 of the General Conditions of Contract, the Company shall pay subject
to any retention, deductions or withholding requirements under the Contract, to the Contractor the
Contract Price as follows:
6.1.1 For Onsite Maintenance & Support Services, by applying the rates stated in Attachment No. 2A to
the Form of Tender, payable monthly in arrears.
6.1.2 The Company shall pay the Contractor monthly in arrears, for the Support Personnel Kuwaiti listed in
Appendix-5C by reference to the rates in Attachment No. 2B to Form of Tender.
The Contractor shall submit its invoices, supported by monthly time attendance sheets duly approved by
the Superintendent and a complete bank statement of salary payments of all its personnel of Appendix-
5C employed on the Services. The Contractor acknowledges that the processing and the approval of its
monthly invoice shall be subject to the full compliance with this clause.
6.1.3 For the Supply of New GSM Equipment, by applying the rates stated in Attachment No. 2C to the Form
of Tender after testing, commissioning & issuance of acceptance Certificate by the Superintendent,
payable in arrears.
6.1.4 The Contractor shall submit its invoices to Accounts Payable Team. Payments to the Contractor as above
shall be made against invoices duly certified by the Superintendent.
6.1.5 Before the invoices are submitted to Accounts payable Team, the same shall be forwarded to the
Superintendent of the Contract for approval and issuing a CRP (Contract Receipt and Payment) and the
CRP shall be submitted along with Original Invoice to Accounts Payable Team reception.
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6.1.6 The Company shall make payment of undisputed amount certified or corrected by the Superintendent,
subject to any retentions as stated in Clause 6.1 above, within thirty (30) days of receipt of each invoice
with CRP (Contract Receipt and Payment) by Accounts Payable Team reception to a bank account
designated by the Contractor.
6.1.7 Any delay in payments or in processing the invoices or disputing the invoices on the part of the
Company shall not justify any delay or abstention on the part of the Contractor in continuing to carry
out its obligation under the Contract and any delay or discontinuance of providing Services by the
Contractor shall be deemed to be an act of contractual breach by the Contractor.
6.1.8 The Company reserves its rights to refuse payment for any and all unauthorized Services rendered by the
Contractor, and no claims or adjustment orders shall be accepted under the pretext of implied acceptance
by the Company, unless the Superintendent had approved such Services in writing.
6.1.9 The company shall make payment of undisputed amount certified or corrected by the superintendent
within 30 days of receipt of each invoice at Accounts Payable Team reception with superintendent of the
contract approval by system.
6.1.10 To deduct 5% of each invoice payment as a Tax retention pending the submission by the contractor Tax
clearance certificate from Ministry of Finance or shall submit Bank Guarantee in equivalent amount.
6.1.11 Any adjustments related to Bank Guarantees, the action should be from the same bank on the same
guarantee with accumulative amount and in case of Advance Payment, the stage sequence should be as
per the Contract Agreement.
With reference to Clause No. 37.8 of the General Conditions of Contract, Kuwaitization Provisional
shall be as mentioned in item no. 4 of Attachment No 1 and there is no general Provisional Sum in
this Contract.
With reference to Clause No. 37.9 of the General Conditions of Contract, the Not-to-Exceed value is
stated in Clause No. 2 of the Memorandum of Agreement.
6.4 With reference to clause 38.3 of the General Conditions of Contract, the Company shall make payment
of undisputed amount certified as correct by the Superintendent, within thirty (30) days from receipt of
the Contractor’s invoice with CRP (Contract Receipt and Payment) by Company’s Accounts Payable
Team to a bank account designated by the Contractor.
7.1 With reference to Clause 26.2 of the General Conditions of Contract, Contractor shall effect and
maintain throughout the Contract Period Erection All Risks Insurance in respect of the interest of the
Company, the Contractor and its sub-contractors covering physical loss or damage of the System for
the full value of Attachment No. 1 to the Form of Tender and the value of the Contractor’s equipment
used to execute the Services and Not-to-Exceed Value (replacement cost basis) of all works at the
Site including materials and equipment supplied by the Contractor and the Company. This insurance
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shall incorporate a period of twelve (12) month’s maintenance periods from the date of the Certificate
of Completion of the Service Order completed last and shall be endorsed to include a limit of Kuwaiti
Dinars Twenty five thousand (KD 25,000/-) any one occurrence and the number of occurrences being
unlimited on first loss basis covering the Company’s surrounding property.
7.2 With reference to Clause 26.3 of the General Conditions of Contract, the minimum limit of the
General Third Party Liability Policy, shall be Kuwaiti Dinars Twenty Five Thousand (KD 25,000/-)
for any one occurrence, the number of occurrences being unlimited. The policy shall include cover
for fire and explosion risks, the use of lifting equipment and damage to underground property.
7.3 With reference to Clause 26.4 of the General Conditions of Contract, a Workmen’s Compensation
Policy in accordance with Kuwait Labour laws and Employer’s liability Policy shall be for a limit
not less than Kuwaiti Dinars Twenty Five Thousand (KD 25,000/-) for any one occurrence and the
number of occurrences being unlimited with an endorsement to cover passive war risk injury or
7.4 With reference Clause No. 26.5 of the General Conditions of Contract, the Contractor shall maintain
Third Party Motor vehicle policy as further specified thereof.
7.5 With reference to Clause 26.6 of General Conditions of Contract, the Contractor at its own expense
shall effect and maintain throughout the Contract Period, the insurance policies specified in this Clause
7 with any of the Kuwaiti insurance companies listed in ‘KOC Contractor’s Insurance Requirement
Guidelines’ available in below link at Company’s eBusiness website;
7.6 If the Contractor fails to pay the insurance premium due to the insurance Company, the
Superintendent of the Contract shall deduct the insurance premium payable to the Insurance
Company from the Contractor’s invoice under the Contract.
7.7 The Contractor shall carryout the amendments to the insurance policies as per the review comments
issued by Company’s Insurance Team and resubmit the amended policies for Company approval and
records, within seven (7) days from being intimated in writing.
7.8 The Contractor shall be allowed to commence the Services only after approval and acceptance of
Insurance Policies by Company’s Insurance Team.
7.9 In the event of expiry of the Insurance policies before the completion of the Contract Period,
Certificates of Insurance or Renewal Endorsements must be submitted for the Company review at
least thirty (30) days prior to the expiry of the Insurance Policy.
7.10 The Company reserves the right to take appropriate action should the Contractor fail to comply with
the above Contractual obligations.
7.11 The Contractor has to endorse the Insurance policy to cover the whole Contract Period.
8.1 The Service Levels shall be tracked beginning from the time they are reported to the Contractor
through the Help Desk and/or ITSM (IT Service Management) and/or email and/or Network
management tools by the Company’s designated staff or through Company’s call-out list as notified
by the Superintendent.
8.1.1 Response Time: Response time is the time elapsed between receipt of Company’s call/
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service request by the Contractor and the time Contractor starts working on the fault.
8.1.2 Resolution Target: The Resolution Target commences when the fault report is received by
the Contractor and ends when the functionality has been restored and the related hardware and
software and/or connected systems are able to operate again in normal condition.
8.1.3 The Resolution Target time shall include the Response Time.
8.2 With reference to Clause No. 45.3 of the General Conditions of Contract, the Contractor shall rectify the
Hardware/Software/System faults according to their priority as identified by the Company within the
periods stated in the table below:
Page 8 of 16
Item Priority Time to Respond Fault Description Resolution Targets
i) Any operation
unit/hardware/Software or any other
failures that prevent, or cause delay,
to perform Company Security
The Contractor shall
Operations Services; and
rectify the fault or
As per Clause 8.3 provide work around
a) Critical ii) Causing a severe impact on business
herewith. within half-an-hour
operations; or
(i.e. thirty (30)
iii) Continuous or near continuous
interruption of Service; and
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i) Any software/Hardware or any other
faults that delays or denies the
accessibility any of the Services
deliverables through the system The Contractor shall
As per Clause 8.3 integration with KOC infrastructure; rectify the fault or
d) Low
herewith. and causes little or no impact on provide work around
business operations of end users; and within four (4) hours.
8.3 The Contractors Onsite Support Personnel shall respond as per below table.
Area_2 Burgan, Kuwait City and surrounding areas, South West Kuwait 2 Hours
excluding Wafra oil field
Area_3 Kuwait territory not included in Area_1 and Area_2. North Kuwait 4 Hours
8.4 The following shall apply to change the priority of the reported System fault:
a) The Company reserves the right to change the priority of a reported System fault.
b) The Contractor may request the Company to change the priority of a reported System fault
where it believes that the priority assigned by the Company to the System fault is not
applicable. Such request shall be raised no later than five (5) days from the date of the
reported System fault.
d) The Company shall review and agree or disagree to the Contractor’s request for change in
priority levels within five (5) working days of the receipt of the request.
9.1 In the event of non-availability of approved On-Site Support Personnel of whatever reason from the
Date for Commencement Contract, Liquidated Damages at the rate of Kuwaiti Dinars Forty (KD 40/-
) per personnel per day of non-availability shall apply until the approved On-Site Personnel is
deployed and made available to the Company.
9.2 In the event of delay of supply of New GSM equipment from the Date for Commencement,
Liquidated Damages at the rate of Kuwaiti Dinars Forty (KD 40/-) per each GSM Equipment per
each day of delay shall apply until the required equipment are deployed and made available to the
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9.3 If a System fault under Clause No. 8.2(a) above is not rectified by the Contractor within thirty (30)
minutes of reporting the problem to the Contractor (Resolution Target), Liquidated Damages at the
rate of Kuwaiti Dinars One Hundred (KD 100/-) per hour, for each hour beyond thirty (30) minutes,
shall be charged to the Contractor until the System fault is rectified or work around is provided.
9.4 If a System fault under Clause No. 8.2(b) above is not rectified by the Contractor within one (1) hour
of reporting the problem to the Contractor (Resolution Target), Liquidated Damages at the rate of
Kuwaiti Dinars Seventy Five (KD 75/-) per hour, for each hour beyond one (1) hour, shall be charged
to the Contractor until the System fault is rectified or work around is provided.
9.5 If a System fault under Clause No. 8.2(c) above is not rectified by the Contractor within two (2) hours
of reporting the problem to the Contractor (Resolution Target), Liquidated Damages at the rate of
Kuwaiti Dinars Fifty (KD 50/-) per hour, for each hour beyond two (2) hours, shall be charged to the
Contractor until the System fault is rectified or work around is provided.
9.6 If a System fault under Clause No. 8.2(d) above is not rectified by the Contractor within four (4)
hours of reporting the problem to the Contractor (Resolution Target), Liquidated Damages at the rate
of Kuwaiti Dinars Twenty Five (KD 25/-) per hour, for each hour beyond eight (4) hours, shall be
charged to the Contractor until the System fault is rectified or work around is provided
9.7 In the event the Contractor fails to comply with Clause No. 5.6 of Appendix-6, Liquidated Damages at
the rate of Kuwaiti Dinars Ten (KD 10/-) per day for each day of delay shall be charged to the Contractor.
9.8 In the event the Contractor fails to comply with Clause No. 6.11 of Appendix-6, Liquidated Damages at
the rate of Kuwaiti Dinars Ten (KD 10/-) per day for each day of delay shall be charged to the Contractor.
9.9 In the event the Contractor fail and such failure was attributable only to the Contractor to install the
Speed Monitoring Device (SMD) as per Company’s Driving Procedure (KOC.SA.016) or to submit
reports to the Company in time, then the Contractor shall pay to the Company an amount of KD 5 /-
(Kuwaiti Dinars Five Only) per day per vehicle of non-compliance. Company reserves the right to
stop Contractor’s vehicle in case of found working without Speed Monitoring Device (SMD) and
subsequently such delay (if any) related to this stoppage shall be solely attributed to Contractor only.
9.10 The aggregate limit of Liquidated Damages under this Clause shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the
Not-To-Exceed Value of the Contract. In the event the aggregate amount for Liquidated Damages
reaches ten percent (10%) of the Contract Not-to-Exceed Value, the Company shall have right to
terminate the Contract by exercising its right of default termination. Furthermore, the Company shall
be entitled to a full recovery of the Liquidated Damages amount and replacement of the Contractor
with a new contractor including recovery of all administrative costs of the process in addition to any
other remedies provided in the Contract or at law. There shall be no capping of the total amount for
9.11 Kuwatization: Deductions for Kuwaiti personnel (Appendix-5C) shall be as specified in Appendix-5A
to Contract Specification.
10.1 With reference to Clause No. 47 of the General Conditions of Contract, the original value of
Performance Bond furnished by the Contractor is ten percent (10%) of the Contract Not-to-Exceed
Value stated in Clause No. 2 of the Memorandum of Agreement and shall be valid from the date of
its issuance for the Contract Period (including any extensions thereof through Adjustment Order(s))
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plus three (3) months. In case of increase of the Contract Not-to-Exceed Value subject to Adjustment
Order, the Contractor shall adjust the value of the Performance Bond to be ten percent (10%) of the
revised Value of the Contract. Extension of validity or increase in the value of Performance bond
shall be at no additional cost to the Company.
10.2 The Company, where it considers the Contractor in default or to recover monies due to it, may at any
time without prior notice to the Contractor draw down on the Performance Bond.
10.3 The Contractor, with any increase in the Not-to-Exceed Value resulting from any Adjustment Order,
shall at the Company’s directive increase the value of the Performance Bond proportionately
10.4 The Contractor shall extend the validity of the Performance Bond to correspond with the date of the
Final Acceptance Certificate plus three (3) months. Final Acceptance Certificate shall be issued when
all the obligations under the Contract are fully performed and completed (maintenance period,
submission of social certificate etc. or other documentation as the Contract requires). This also
includes for any extension to the Contract Period made through Adjustment Order.
10.5 The Company shall withhold the release of the Performance Bond to the Contractor in the event that
the Company has assisted the Contractor in obtaining the visas for personnel for entry to the State of
Kuwait in relation to the Contract. The Contractor shall submit a certificate from the Kuwait Public
Authority for Manpower (PAM) stating that the Contractor has satisfied all requirements related to
its personnel under the Contract.
10.6 Any adjustment related to Bank Guarantees, the action should be from the same bank on the same
guarantee with accumulative amount. All Bank Guarantees shall be:
10.6.1 From a bank licensed to operate in Kuwait or endorsed by a bank branch in Kuwait (recognized by
the Central Bank of Kuwait and the Company).
10.7 At the Completion of the Contract, the Contractor shall sign a disclaimer as in the sample attached to
this Contract.
11.1 The Contractor, on the instruction of the Superintendent, shall suspend the progress of the Services
or part thereof for such time or times and in such manner as the Superintendent may consider
necessary and shall during such suspension properly protect and secure the Services. All reasonable
actual costs unavoidably incurred by the Contractor in giving effect to the Superintendent’s
instruction under this clause and in subsequently recommencing the performance of the Services shall
be payable by the Company unless such suspension is:
11.1.2 necessary by reason of weather conditions affecting the safety or quality or proper execution of the
Services or any part of the Services;
11.1.4 necessary for the proper execution of the Services or any part of it, or for the safety and health of any
person, or the safety of any property on or adjacent to the Site; or
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and provided that the Contractor gives notice to the Superintendent of its intention to claim within
seven (7) days immediately following the date of the Superintendent’s instruction to suspend the
Services. In the event that it appears likely that any such suspension will exceed seven (7) days, then
the Contractor shall promptly submit to the Superintendent, for his approval, its proposed measures
for mitigating the costs of such suspension, and upon receipt of such approval (which shall be given
within forty-eight (48) hours), shall immediately implement those measures.
11.2 The Superintendent, in an event where work cannot be satisfactorily carried out at the Site for an
aggregate period exceeding four (4) hours on any day due to inclement weather conditions such as
severe sand storm or rain (notwithstanding the provisions of clause 45.1), or for safety or for
Company’s operational reasons, may instruct the Contractor to suspend the work. The Contractor, in
such an event shall be entitled to an extension of time of one day for date for completion. Such
extension of time shall be granted to the Contractor if such interruption happens only during an
activity that lies on the critical path in a project CPM analysis. Where such interruption takes place
during the float in the CPM analysis, no extension shall be granted to the Contractor. Any such
extension of time shall be at no extra cost to the Company.
With reference to Clause No. 52 of the General Conditions of Contract, the addresses for serving notices
on the parties are:
The Company:
Fax No. 238 76977 Tel: 238 69150 Email Address: YBash@kockw.com
The Contractor:
13.1 Clause 1.37 shall be added to the General Conditions of Contract as follows:
“Company” means Kuwait Oil Company (K.S.C.), a Company registered in the State of Kuwait under
Register of Commerce No. 21835, its legal successors and assignees. Any powers or discretions
exercisable under the Contract by the Company shall, unless the context otherwise requires, be
exercisable by the Chief Executive Officer of the Company or by his appointed delegate.
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13.2 Clause 1.3.1 of General Conditions of Contract is amended to replace “Certificate of Completion
Stage (…)” with “Certificate of Completion”.
13.3 Clause 17.12 of General Conditions of Contract is amended to replace the word “messing” with
The Contractor, where it causes or allows damage to be caused to any existing pipeline, cable or other
services, road, track, pipe crossing, bridge, other installation, services, facility and the like belonging
to the Company or third parties, shall be responsible for their expeditious repair and reinstatement
to the satisfaction of the Superintendent at the Contractor’s own cost. Where the Contractor fails to
promptly repair the damage, the Company may at its discretion after giving seven (7) days’ notice to
the Contractor, rectify any damage caused by the Contractor by using other contractors or the
Company’s own resources and in such case all costs of repairs including ten per cent (10%) towards
administrative cost shall be payable by the Contractor. In case of failure, the Company shall recover
all such costs from the Contractor in accordance with clause 41.7.
The Company may on the Contractor’s failure to effect and keep in force the insurances required
under the Contract obtain and keep in force any such insurances not obtained or kept in force by the
Contractor and pay any such premium as may be necessary for the purpose and from time to time
deduct the amount so paid by the Company from any moneys due or which may become due to the
Contractor or recover the same as a debt due from the Contractor under this Contract in accordance
with clause 41.7.
The Company, notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, shall recover any amount due to the
Company under the Contract, including but not limited to overpayments, Liquidated Damages or any
other damages, cost and expenses incurred, as a debt without notice or without judicial proceedings
at the Company’s option by deduction from the Performance Bond or any money due or becoming
due to the Contractor under this Contract or any other contract(s) with the Company whether or not
the Company has exercised its rights of termination in accordance with this clause 41.
Where the Contractor does not remedy any fault within the allowable downtime or does not comply
with the Service Levels referred to in the Contract Specification, the Company shall without further
notice or judicial proceedings deduct from monies due to the Contractor the amount of the Liquidated
Damages referred to in the Contract Specification until such time as the Contractor has remedied the
fault in accordance with clause 41.7.
The Company, without prejudice to any other method of recovery and without the need for judicial
proceedings, shall deduct the amount of Liquidated Damages from any money in its hands due or
which may become due to the Contractor including bank guarantees in accordance with clause 41.7.
No prior notice shall be required for the application of Liquidated Damages which shall become due
and payable by the mere event of delay. The payment or deduction of such damages shall not relieve
the Contractor from its obligation to complete the Services or from any of its other obligations and
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The Contractor’s maximum aggregate liability for Liquidated Damages under the Contract shall not
exceed ten (10) percent of the Not-to-Exceed Value (excluding Provisional Sums). In the event that
the Contractor’s liability for Liquidated Damages reaches such maximum amount stated above, then
the Company shall have the right to terminate the Contract or part thereof pursuant to Clause 41, in
addition to the Company entitlement to full recovery of Liquidated Damages amount imposed upon
the Contractor.
14.1 The Company shall apply twenty percent (20%) price preference for Local Product in compliance
with New Public Tender law no.49/2016 as amended by law No. 74 of 2019 and Executive Regulation
no. 30/2017 during the bid evaluation/award of Contract.
14.2 Local Product, on the basis of which Contract was awarded, shall not be replaced with non- Local
product/Material. Non-compliance shall be treated as breach of the Contract and shall be dealt as per
the provisions of Clause No. 41 of General Conditions of Contract.
In an exceptional circumstances where Local Product cannot be supplied, Contractor shall approach
Superintendent of Contract with detailed justification, which Superintendent of Contract may process
as per the provisions of Article 62 of Public Tender Law 49/2016 as amended by law No. 74 of 2019.
14.3 The Contractor shall submit the supporting documents to the Superintendent during the entire
Contract Period to indicate the status of compliance with this obligation.
The Company shall apply twenty percent (20%) price preference for Small or Medium Enterprises
(SMEs) bids in compliance with New Public Tender law no.49/2016 as amended by law No. 74 of
2019 and Executive Regulation no. 30/2017 during the bid evaluation/award of Contract”.
15.1 The Site for the performance of Services shall be Company’s onshore and/or offshore Facilities
situated throughout the operational areas in North Kuwait, West Kuwait, South & East Kuwait and
Ahmadi as more detailed in Appendix-4 to Contract Specification.
15.2 The Company shall make available to the Contractor, the following facilities free of charge:
15.2.1 Office space for Engineers, Senior Technician personnel and store rooms at various locations as
15.2.2 Use of the Company’s Service Shop facilities at various telecommunication locations in order to
perform repairs pertaining to this Contract provided that the Contractor keeps the Service Shop clean,
tidy and handles its equipment properly.
15.2.3 All necessary transportation for personnel, materials and equipment as and when required for the
performance of the Services in offshore, Sea Island and Single Point Mooring from the shore jetty.
15.2.4 The use of the Ahmadi Hospital and Company clinics for Contractor’s personnel in case of emergency
only and subject to Ahmadi Hospital acceptance for treatment, for which the Contractor shall pay the
Hospital charges as applicable.
16.1 The Contractor shall ensure that processes, deliverables (output data, metadata, documentation etc.)
and Services shall be conforming to the latest version of the relevant standard/s listed in Appendix 6
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(IT Security Requirement). The Contractor shall not under any condition deviate from meeting a
requirement of any standard. However, in case a business requirement is contradicting with a
requirement of the standard, the Contractor shall raise it to the attention of the Superintendent within
two (2) weeks after the Date for Commencement. The Superintendent shall advise the Contractor in
writing of the action to be taken.
16.2 If at any time during the execution of the Contract, the Contractor is found non-complying with the
standards, the Superintendent shall bring it to the attention of the Contractor in writing and the
Contractor shall rectify the non-conformity within a time period that is agreed mutually between the
Superintendent and the Contractor.
16.3 Failure by the Contractor to rectify the nonconformity shall be considered as a breach of the Contract
and the Superintendent may terminate the Contract in accordance with Clause No. 41 of the General
Conditions of Contract.
16.4 The Contractor shall ensure that Information Classification, Labelling & Handling, shall be
conforming to the latest version of the relevant standard/s (Document No KOC-ISMS-STD-011).
The Contractor shall not under any condition deviate from meeting a requirement of any standard.
However, in case a business requirement is contradicting with a requirement of the standard, the
Contractor shall raise it to the attention of the Superintendent within two (2) weeks after the Date for
Commencement. The Superintendent shall advise the Contractor in writing of the action to be taken.
The Contractor shall provide or develop Business Continuity plans that demonstrate its Business
Continuity Management capability and cover the activities undertaken directly for or on behalf of
Corporate Information Technology Group (CITG) and those that indirectly impact the delivery of
those Services or activities to CITG. The plans shall be reviewed, updated and exercised on a regular
The Contractor shall provide Twelve (12) Months Warranty from the date of Supply of New GSM
Equipment as per Clause-3 of Appendix-1.
With reference to clause 22 of the General Conditions of Contract, the Contractor warrants that the
Product and Services it supplies pursuant to this Contract are free from all defects in design, materials
and workmanship and shall conform to all specification issued by internationally known bodies of
manufacturers and shall be fit for the intended purpose.
Page 16 of 16
(Register of Commerce No. 21835)
- FOR -
This document describes the requirements for the supply of Equipment, Maintenance of the Company’s GSM
Infrastructure extending to Company’s operational areas . The services within the scope of this Contract, for
which the Contractor shall perform supply of Equipment, maintenance & support, are the following but shall
not be limited to:
1.1. The Contractor shall provide (full time) Onsite Support Personnel as specified in Appendix-3
including provision of Vehicle for transportation of said personnel to remote locations all over Kuwait
from the date for Commencement of the Contract, for the maintenance & support services required
under this Contract.
1.2. The On-Site Support Personnel shall be responsible for planning, coordinating, scheduling,
supervising all the Company required GSM Services, in order to ensure smooth functioning of all
Company GSM related works. The Contractor shall ensure availability of sufficient Onsite Support
personnel to ensure continuous, uninterrupted and efficient performance as per the Company
requirements, terms and conditions of the Contract.
1.3. The support and maintenance services shall be provided on-site at Company Locations situated all
over Kuwait.
1.5.1. The Contractor shall maintain all GSM equipment’s and related items owned by the Company,
located anywhere inside Kuwait, listed in Appendix-2 & Appendix-4, but shall not be limited to.
1.5.2. The Contractor shall carry out visual inspection and survey for the GSM towers installed by the Local
GSM Service providers for the Company. The Contractor shall provide all Company support required
by the Local GSM Service providers for the maintenance & 24x7 Operation of the GSM towers
installed for the Company.
1.5.3. Routine Preventive Maintenance The Contractor shall perform routine preventive maintenance while the systems are in operation with
a view to identifying any deterioration in performance of components resulting in an eventual failure
as per Company approved schedule and as an when required by the Company. The Contractor shall ensure reliability of the GSM systems during the Contract Period. The Contractor shall check the equipment for cleanliness and paintwork, correct functioning and
identifying the defects of parts and the like. The Contractor shall ensure, System checks shall only be done by competent personnel experienced
in the respective nature of work. The Contractor shall arrange all the required gate passes and permits with the Support of the Company
for routine preventive maintenance. In the event of breakdown, as decided by the Superintendent or his Representative, the Contractor
shall perform all associated repair works to rectify the fault to the satisfaction of the Company. In case, the Contractor anticipates that the emergency restoration of any breakdown is going to be
delayed beyond the target Resolution Time as per the Service level under Contract Specification, it
shall immediately inform the Superintendent or his Representative the anticipated time required for
the restoration of fault and advice upon the action taken in this regard. The Contractor shall arrange all the required gate passes and permits with the Support of the Company
for any Maintenance work.
1.6.1. The Contractor shall provide support to Company GSM project activities, comprising plan and design
management for existing services, upgrades and deployment to new sites, new services
implementation for the new locations.
1.6.2. The Contractor shall provide Support to Company complementary GSM related tasks, such as
warehouse services, asset tracking, administration, etc.
1.6.3. The Contractor shall provide Asset Management, including configuration management of all
Company’s service inventory items (e.g. GSM equipment & devices.).
1.6.4. The Contractor shall perform expert troubleshooting and fixing, handling all incidents escalated by
the Company end users, hence managing both reactive and proactive requests.
1.6.5. Any incidents and service requests shall be passed from the Company End User to Contractor by
ITSM, ECM, E Mails or Phone calls.
1.6.6. The Contractor shall also be responsible for escalating any incident that requires involvement of
Local GSM Service Providers for resolution. The Contractor shall provide all the required support to
the Local Service providers for the resolution of issues raised by the Company end users.
1.6.7. The Contractor shall be responsible for the installation, modification and management of
telecommunications facilities of the GSM services for meeting the day-to-day needs of the Company.
1.6.8. The Contractor shall be responsible for the support and maintenance of the cellular devices owned
by the Company and cellular services that includes:
1.6.9. The Contractors Onsite Support activities shall include but not limited to: Troubleshooting and repair of desktop GSM, data troubleshooting or latest terminals, & GSM routers.
Faulty devices shall be repaired in workshop owned by the Company in Ahmadi; Signal survey and coordination with service providers for any solution to improve signal where
needed. Supervise and follow the work in proper way and help for solving the technical problems. Check and handle 2G,3G,4G, LTE & 5G or latest signals problems request received from end users. Do the survey for poor indoor & outdoor GSM signal and follow-up with the service providers. Coordinate and discuss with the local GSM operators to find the best solution for enhancing bad
indoor and outdoor signal. Arrange and prepare to issue temporary gate passes for the local operators to resolve GSM related
issues inside Company operational areas located all over Kuwait. Supervise all installations works done by local operators and guide them with Company safety rules
(Work permit, loading notes, tool-books talk and other Company safety rules with regulations). Check and confirm signal level improvement after operators work completed. Install and configure internet routers, desktop GSM Mobile telephones for all Rigs located in remote
areas. 24X7 support for all Drilling Rigs GSM (tools, equipment & accessories) located in remote areas. Carry out IMU’s Monthly tests (Incident Management Unit) 701, 702 & 703, in order to insure
readiness of communication equipment’s. Tabletop exercise/drill for IMU’s 701, 702 & 703 in emergency/major incident cases. Complete GSM/LTE/5G or latest solutions for Company by the local GSM operators. Installation & maintenance of GSM communication for Company Tug Boats and Routers located at
Mina Al Ahmadi. Provide Company events with GSM & LTE temporary solutions like Wi-Fi, Repeaters, Carrier on
Wheel (COW) sites etc. by local GSM service providers. Install, configure and maintain GSM equipment (GSM lines, Routers, GSM/Mobile phones,
repeaters) and follow-up with the service providers in order to cover Company Operational areas with
GSM signal. Attending Phone calls & Providing Technical Support such as, Resetting Routers, Provide Wi-Fi
Password, and Replacement of Sim card. Handle Transferring User Phone Lines requests (From Personal to Company) & Vice Versa. Update database towers (GSM, 3G, 4G & 5G or Latest) at Company areas in Company GIS system
to solve and improve bad signal coverage. Follow all GSM, 3G, 4G & 5G or latest signal problems at all Company locations inside Kuwait,
using all systems to solve with the local service providers co-operation and help.
2.1. The Contractor shall provide Vehicles, which shall meet the minimum specifications as specified in
below Clause No. 2.1.1, for transportation of the On-Site Personnel to remote locations and Sites on
frequent basis, located inside Kuwait, throughout the Contract Period.
2.2. The Contractor shall ensure that all SUV supplied under this Contract are not older than seven (7)
years at any time during the performance of the Services. All transportation requirements along with
Vehicles, drivers, gate passes and the like shall comply with KOC policies and Kuwait Laws and
2.3. In the event of any Vehicle being withdrawn from the Services for any reason including servicing,
maintenance, breakdown, inspection or overhaul, it shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to provide
an immediate replacement of the same specifications at no extra cost to the Company.
2.4. The Contractor shall ensure that it’s Vehicle keep to paved roads and recognized tracks and do not
drive over kerbs, surface drains, tree holes, manholes and the like. The Contractor shall be responsible
for the damages caused by its vehicles inside the Company operational areas including Ahmadi,
howsoever arising
2.5. The Contractor shall ensure that its Vehicles are equipped with speed monitors as per the
specifications set forth in Appendix-8.
2.6. The Contractor’s personnel shall comply with the Company Driving Procedure as detailed in
Appendix 8. In the event of non-adherence, the Superintendent reserves the right to direct the
Contractor to replace the Onsite Support Personnel at no additional cost to the Company.
3.2. The Contractor shall provide Twelve (12) Months Warranty from the Date of Supply of new GSM
Equipment to the Company.
3.3. The Contractor shall complete all required procedures for the approval of the new GSM Equipment
from the Company, after Contract Signature and before the Commence of the Contract.
4.1 During the Contract Period, the Contractor shall provide Software for the supplied Equipment and
provide Software support services for the software provided under this Contract, and shall keep the
Company informed of all new versions, upgrades or patches (program change orders) of the software.
The Contractor shall supply and install on Site all such new versions, upgrades or patches when
released, and shall also provide to the Company all the associated media and documentation.
4.2 The Contractor shall provide answers and solutions to all queries, questions and problems raised by
the Company, and shall remedy any faults in the System within the Service Levels as specified in
clause 8 of the Contract Specification.
4.3 The Contractor shall ensure the continuous operational availability of the System and its continuous
accessibility on the Company’s network, at all times during the Contract Period.
In the event the Contractor fails to rectify any fault within twenty-four (24) hours of the notification
of the fault by the Company, or the Contractor considers that it is necessary to move the System or
any of its components to the Contractor’s premises in order to repair or recondition it, and that as a
consequence, the System is rendered wholly or partially inoperative, then the Contractor shall
promptly and at its cost provide to the Company an equivalent System or any of its components while
the Company’s System is being serviced. The Company may, at its discretion, allow the replacement
part to be retained instead of the original.
The Company shall give the Contractor not less than seven (7) days prior written notice of its intention
to relocate any of the Equipment or System hardware, and the Contractor shall move and re-install
the System within such notice period to the location directed by the Company.
The Contractor shall train designated Company personnel to be notified by Superintendent of the Contract in
writing, as and when required at no additional cost to the Company.
(Register of Commerce No. 21835)
- FOR -
1. The Contractor shall Provide Maintenance & Support Services for Company owned all types of GSM/
wireless equipment, located in all operational areas of the Company, located all over Kuwait
throughout the Contract period.
2. The Contractor shall provide Maintenance & Support Services for below mentioned items but not
limited to:
2.1.1 Cellular – Mobile phones ( Mobile/Fixed GSM Phones ), GSM Towers, routers and terminals, based
on a Local Provider’s network infrastructure;
2.1.2 Incident Command Unit – Emergency vehicles (IMU 701,702& 703) fully equipped with radio, GSM
Mobile Phones, satellite phone, VSAT modem, GPS unit, GSM/LTE Repeaters, fax machine,
videoconferencing unit, UPS and batteries. This Unit is used only during emergencies/Major
Incidence to maintain the communication and coordination of operations with the Company
2.1.3 Installations - analog/digital/smart IP phone lines and devices, fax machines, IP wireless telephones,
Softphones and ICB (Integrated Conferencing Bridge). Also includes the relative supplementary
services associated to the lines and provided by the Ministry of Communication;
2.2 The Contractor shall provide Support Services for the maintenance of below mentioned mobile Towers
by the Local GSM Service providers but not limited to.
Page 1 of 3
All local GSM
Ahmadi KOC west Kuwait (Manageesh) Existing Tower
All local GSM
Ahmadi KOC (Wara Project - Burgan Area) MBTS
All local GSM
Ahmadi Ahmadi, KOC Head office. Indoor
All local GSM
Ahmadi KOC, Burgan Offices Indoor
All local GSM
Ahmadi KOC Main Burgan Complex Indoor
All local GSM
Ahmadi KOC- Ahmadi old Hospital Indoor
All local GSM
Ahmadi KOC New Hospital-Ahmadi Indoor
Managiesh Complex-KOC (Sharing All local GSM
Ahmadi Indoor
with Zain) operators
KOC Security Centre-Central All local GSM
Ahmadi Indoor
Ahmadi -block12 operators
All local GSM
Ahmadi Indoor
All local GSM
Ahmadi Equate New Building, Ahmadi Indoor
Ahmadi Indoor
BUILDING-KOC operators
Ahmadi Indoor
COMPLEX operators
All local GSM
Ahmadi KOC IT building, Sharing with STC Indoor
Square Grid All local GSM
Ahmadi KOC-Burgan (AlKhorayef-Co.)
Mast operators
Ahmadi, KOC Workshop Area, 4-legged All local GSM
Ahmadi operators
Opposite to Southern Oil Tanks. Tower
2.3 The Contractor shall provide below mentioned tools to each of its Onsite Support Personnel & shall
replace them whenever required by the Company, to perform GSM Maintenance & Support activities
without any extra cost to Company.
Page 2 of 3
23 HAMMER CLAW 1.5 lbs
24 BRUSH- 1"
28 PPE / Personal Protective Equipment
2.4 The minimum technical requirement for the new GSM Equipment to be supplied to the Company as per
Clause-3 of Appendix-1 is as mentioned below but not limited to:
Minimum Requirements
Product Name
Page 3 of 3
(Register of Commerce No. 21835)
- FOR -
The Contractor shall deploy below mentioned minimum Onsite Personnel for Maintenance & Onsite Support
1.1 The Contractor shall ensure that all of its personnel are fluent in English and are capable of
interpreting manufacturer’s manuals, drawings specification and the like in respect of all equipment
as described in the Contract.
1.2 The Contractor shall provide its personnel with necessary transportation, laptop computer with latest
configurations, necessary software and other utilities for the performance of the Services including
1.3 All personnel shall comply with Company’s Fire, HSE and IT Regulations as and when updated.
1.4 All personnel shall be responsible to keep Work Sites, equipment in a neat and clean condition. All
rubbish and debris shall be cleared promptly, and the Site shall be returned to the same condition it was
prior to its use by the Contractor.
1.5 Contractor shall have previous experience in obtaining approvals for operations in Kuwait and shall
demonstrate the ability to secure all relevant approvals for operation in critical infrastructure.
The Qualifications, Experience, Job Description & Responsibilities is not by way of limitations but in
amplification of the relevant Clauses in the Contract Specification and any additional requirements
appropriate to the Services, which is not specifically stated shall be the responsibility of the Contractor
without any extra cost to the Company.
Page 1 of 7
indoor systems, and support GSM similar radio installations, GSM
equipment. equipment, routers etc.
Preparation of technical reports,
technical specifications & contract
Contact with contractors and
Supervise and follow the work in
proper way and help for solving
the technical problems.
Page 2 of 7
GSM communication Support
during major incident/emergency
at IMU’s.
Page 3 of 7
Strong team management and Do the survey for poor indoor &
decision making skills. outdoor GSM signal and Follow-
Proficient in MS-Project, MS- up with the service providers.
Visio. Coordinate/discuss with the local
service providers operators to find
the best solution for enhancing bad
indoor and outdoor signal.
Arrange/prepare to issue temporary
gate passes for the three operators
to do survey and installation jobs
inside KOC operational areas.
Supervise all installations works
done by contractors teams and
guide them with KOC safety rules
(Work permit, loading notes, JSA,
tool-books talk and other KOC
safety rules with regulations).
Check and confirm signal level
improvement after operators work
completed with areas customers.
Install/configure internet routers,
desktop GSM mobile telephones
for all rigs.
24X7 customer support for all
Drilling Rigs located in remote
Trouble shoot all Routers, Voice
lines, Data lines, MIFI, IPAD lines
etc. include the one Which are
used by higher management.
Full communication Support
during major incident/emergency
at IMU’s.
Carry out IMU’s Monthly tests
(Incident Management Unit) 701,
702 & 703 , in order to insure
readiness of communication
Table top exercise/drill for IMU’s
701, 702 & 703 in emergency
/major incident cases.
Complete GSM/LTE solutions for
KOC old and new hospitals by the
three operators.
Provides KOC Tug Boats with
Voice lines and Routers located at
Mina Al Ahmadi.
Page 4 of 7
Provides KOC events with GSM &
LTE solutions like Wi-Fi,
Repeaters, COW sites, etc.
3 Sr. Planner Bachelor degree in any discipline As per GCC Clause 16 the
equivalent combination of employee will work as Contractors
education and experience. Representative.
ITIL-v4 Foundation Certified.
Planning, Monitoring,
Minimum 4 years’ experience in Documentation of project progress
Admin/ Secretarial skills, people (define sub goals, milestones and
management, planning, tasks, time and resource planning).
communication and budgeting.
Computer literacy: Proficiency in Provide support, Assistance and
Microsoft Office applications, participate as required in
Verbal and written development, integration,
communication skills in English. implementation , recording,
reporting communication ,training,
maintenance of appropriate
relationship with contractors and
ensuring that the project results
SLA , MIS and all related
corporate planning activities across
Recording of the requirements,
framework conditions and progress
of projects within the specified
resources ensuring that project
results conform to quality, time
and budgetary stipulations.
Cooperate with management,
contractors and steering
Working with other disciplines
Project Management and
communicating with junior
/technical team members.
Well verse with company
standards software. Handling
memos /letters by providing
unique reference numbers to all
Producing technical, business and
economic feasibility studies for
project ideas.
4 Engineer IT Bachelor’s degree in Carry out the installation,
communications engineering or maintenance and repairs of the
Computer Science, or equivalent Trunked Radio System at Main
combination of education and and Base Station locations, land
experience. mobile radios, radio telephones in
vehicles, fixed radios, portable
radio handsets, SVA, radio
telephones in Control Station,
Page 5 of 7
Minimum 4 years’ experience in radio antennae and associated
handling telecommunications feeder cables on Towers/ Buildings
Systems. and other similar radio
Experience in installation, installations, GSM equipment,
programming, testing, routers etc.
commissioning and Maintenance Preparation of technical reports,
of existing systems, towers and technical specifications & contract
indoor systems, and support GSM documents.
equipment. Provide support, Assistance and
participate as required in
development, integration,
implementation , recording,
reporting communication ,training,
maintenance of appropriate
relationship with contractors and
ensuring that the project results
SLA , MIS and all related
corporate planning activities across
Check and handle 2G,3G, LTE &
5G or Latest signals problems
which we receive from KOC
Coordinate/discuss with the local
operators to find the best solution
for enhancing bad indoor and
outdoor signal.
Check and confirm signal level
improvement after operators work
Install/configure internet routers,
desktop GSM Mobile telephones
for all Rigs located in remote
24X7 customer support for all
Drilling Rigs located in remote
Trouble shoot all Routers, MiFi,
IPAD lines etc.
GSM communication Support
during major incident/emergency
at IMU’s.
Carry out IMU’s Monthly tests
(Incident Management Unit) 701,
702 & 703 , in order to insure
readiness of communication
Table top exercise/drill for IMU’s
701, 702 & 703 in
emergency/major incident cases.
Complete GSM/LTE/5G or latest
solutions for KOC old and new
hospitals by the three operators.
Page 6 of 7
Provides KOC Tug Boats with
Voice lines and Routers located at
Mina Al Ahmadi.
3.1 The Contractor shall ensure that the following On Site Support Services Personnel are deployed full
time from the Date of Commencement of the Contract.
2 Technician Five(5)
Note: Cost of such Contractor’s non-Kuwaiti personnel deemed included in the Contract Price.
Page 7 of 7
(Register of Commerce No. 21835)
- FOR -
1. The below mentioned areas are where the GSM operations will take place which shall be as directed by
the Superintendent of the Contract.
1.1. The below table describes Company Marine location for reference only.
2. The Services Area are as mentioned below but not limited to:
Subiya الصبية NK
SABRIYA الصابرية NK
ABDALLY العبدلي NK
RATQA رتقا
MUTLAA المطالع
SALMY السالمي
UMM NIQQA أم نقا
ABDALIYA العبدالية
Page 1 of 6
MANAGEESH المناقيش
WAFRA الوفرة SK
MANGAF المنقف EK
Alahmadi االحمدي
3. The figure below shows the borders (Support Area Borders) of each area and shall be used as reference
4. The table below shows the GSM signals improvement in various Company Locations for reference only.
Page 2 of 6
Sr. No. Building/Area
1 BS 171
2 GC 19
3 Sea Island
4 Sabahiya Zain new tower
5 WK complex
6 Sabahiya Zain new tower
7 Zain 936
8 Burgan Complex
9 WK complex
10 Heavy Oil Complex Ratqa
11 Sabahiya Zain new tower
12 Magwa Zain new tower
13 Old Ahmadi Hosp
14 Security center Ahmadi
15 BS 160
16 Heavy Oil Complex Ratqa
17 Magwa Zain new tower
18 Sabahiya Zain new tower
19 Sea Island
20 NK Clinic
21 WK complex
22 New Security Bldg Burgan
23 Magwa Zain new tower
24 Sabahiya Zain new tower
25 CPF Admin Bldg Ratqa
26 Nexus Site Office Burgan
27 Project & production Gas NK
28 Sabahiya Zain new tower
29 Magwa Zain new tower
30 Heavy Oil Complex Ratqa
31 Security center Ahmadi
32 Zain site 1019, 1022 NK
33 Zain site 4052, 4069, 4070 WK
34 Zain site 4004,4067,4066,4694 Burgan
35 Project & production Gas Team NK
36 New GC 16 Control room, WK
37 Ooredoo site # 0020 NK
38 Ooredoo site # 0026 Burgan
39 Magwa Zain new tower
40 Seaisland
41 Magwa Zain new tower
42 New Al Tameer
43 WK complex
44 Magwa Zain new tower
Page 3 of 6
Sr. No. Building/Area
45 Zain site 3924, PTC ahmadi
46 Security center Ahmadi
47 GC 06 Burgan
48 B6 roof top STC tower
49 BS 132 NK
50 WK fire Station
51 Burgan complex Phase ll
52 New Al Tameer
53 Sabahiya Zain new tower
54 Exhibition center Ahmadi
55 New Al Tameer
56 Security center Ahmadi
57 Old Ahmadi Hospital
58 New Ahmadi Hospital
59 KOC guest house Ahmadi
60 Sabahiya Zain new tower
61 Zain site 4964 WK
62 New Al Tameer
63 B5 meeting with Marine team
64 Sabahiya Zain new tower
65 WSG Workshop Burgan
66 Ooredoo site 4575
67 Zain 1066 Sabriya NK
68 WSG Workshop Burgan
69 WSG complex Burgan
70 GC 30
71 EPF 50
72 BS 171
73 B6 roof top Ooredoo tower
74 New Al Tameer
75 New Al Tameer
76 New Al Tameer
77 WK complex
78 Ooredoo site 4187 WK
79 STC site GAA 143
80 EK ll Hub, Burgan near GC 19
81 Burgan Workshop
83 New CITG Complex Ahmadi
84 B2 complex Ahmadi
85 Sabahiya Zain new tower
86 Burgan complex Phase ll
87 GC 30 Control room
88 Burgan Workshop
89 Burgan Workshop
Page 4 of 6
Sr. No. Building/Area
90 New CITG Complex Ahmadi
91 Old Ahmadi Hospital
92 Old Ahmadi Hospital
93 NK new 2 Zain towers 369, 375
94 WK Mega Complex
95 New CITG Complex Ahmadi
96 GAA 171 WK
97 GC 31 Control Room NK
98 BS 132 NK
99 Sabahiya Oasis new Zain tower
100 Magwa Zain new tower
101 Burgan workshop new Zain mobile site
102 WK Mega complex
103 15 STC tower sites
104 WK Mega Complex
105 14 Zain tower sites
106 GC 21 Control room
107 BS 132 NK
108 New water center NK
109 IT C & D buildings
110 Magwa complex
111 B2 complex Ahmadi
112 NK new 2 Zain towers 369, 375
113 NK new 2 Zain towers 369, 376
114 New CITG Complex Ahmadi
115 Sea Island
116 Ooredoo site 0072
117 GC 10
118 Sea Island
119 Ooredoo site 0072
120 New CITG Complex Ahmadi
121 Ooredoo site 0072
122 B6 roof top Oreedoo site 4845
123 GC 28 control room WK
124 GC 24 control room NK
125 Rig 44 NK
126 New CITG Complex Ahmadi
127 NK new 2 Zain towers 369
128 New CITG Complex Ahmadi
129 GC 21 Control room
130 KOC HQ
131 New Al Tameer
132 Sea Island
133 KOC HQ
134 New CITG Complex Ahmadi
Page 5 of 6
Sr. No. Building/Area
135 Sea Island
136 New CITG Complex Ahmadi
137 GC 28 control room WK
138 New CITG Complex Ahmadi
139 New Al Tameer
140 GC 11 control room Magwa
141 Sea Island
142 IMU 701 Burgan
143 GC 8 control room Burgan
144 Magwa complex
145 old Al Tameer- KGOC
146 old Al Tameer- KGOC
147 Zain site 4694 Burgan
148 Zain site 1019 NK
149 New CITG Complex Ahmadi
150 WK Mega complex
151 NK new 2 Zain towers 369, 376
152 New CITG Complex Ahmadi
5. The table below shows the STC & ZAIN sites which are distributed in various Company Locations inside
Kuwait for reference only:
6. The table below shows the Installed Routers for Company Rigs, Tug boats offices which are distributed
in various location in the Company for reference only:
Mifi / Router
Zain 4G LTE Hotspot
4G Hotspot
LTE Router
7. All reference Maps and figures may be provided to the Contractor after signing of the Contract.
Southern KOC Area where GSM/LTE 5G sites are distributed in the Company.
North KOC Area where GSMLTE 5G sites are distributed in the Company.
West and East KOC Area where GSMLTE 5G sites are distributed in the Company.
Page 6 of 6
(Register of Commerce No. 21835)
The description of the Qualifications/ Experience and Job Description/ Responsibilities is not by way of
limitations and any additional requirements appropriate to the Services, which are not specifically stated shall be
the responsibility of the Contractor without any cost impact to the Company.
Technical technicians must be familiar with IT systems as IT Professional Consumer Support Technician
2. Technical Assistant-II
2.1 Other Special Requirements.
Page 1 of 8
2.1.1 Support technicians proposed for deployment at the Company must present Microsoft valid
certifications based on the following position mapping.
2.1.2 Technical technicians must be familiar with IT systems as IT Professional Consumer Support
2.1.3 DIMS/ECM, e-Beams
2.1.4 Office 365, Technical Writing as per requirement for tasks assigned to the employees.
2.2 Principal Duties & Responsibilities.
Category Qualification Job Description/ Responsibilities
Provisioning of new Telecom Services.
Technical Reports, Technical Specification &
Contract Documents preparation.
Assisting Company personnel in Planning,
design and expansion of Transmission and
access network.
Study of project documentation and
Provisioning of operational assistance,
problem identification, and resolution.
Proactive communication concerning status
of problems/ issues.
Ensuring problems/ issues are systematically
Check and handle 2G,3G & LTE signals
problems which we receive from KOC
Diploma in Teams.
Technical Computer /
1 Assistant – Electronics Ensuing new technologies from various
II discipline or manufacturers to avail and implement
equivalent upgrades for latest available technologies to
improve work performance.
Do the survey for poor indoor & outdoor
GSM signal and Follow-up with the service
Coordinate/discuss with the local service
providers operators to find the best solution
for enhancing bad indoor and outdoor signal.
Arrange/prepare to issue temporary gate
passes for the three operators to do survey
and installation jobs inside KOC operational
Supervise all installations works done by
contractors teams and guide them with KOC
safety rules (Work permit, loading notes,
JSA, tool-books talk and other KOC safety
rules with regulations).
Page 2 of 8
Category Qualification Job Description/ Responsibilities
Check and confirm signal level improvement
after operators work completed with areas
Install/configure internet routers, desktop
GSM mobile telephones for all rigs.
24X7 customer support for all Drilling Rigs
located in remote areas.
Trouble shoot all Routers, Voice lines, Data
lines, MIFI, IPAD lines etc. include the one
Which are used by higher management.
Full communication Support during major
incident/emergency at IMU’s.
Carry out IMU’s Monthly tests (Incident
Management Unit) 701, 702 & 703 , in order
to insure readiness of communication
Table top exercise/drill for IMU’s 701, 702 &
703 in emergency /major incident cases.
Complete GSM/LTE solutions for KOC old
and new hospitals by the three operators.
Provides KOC Tug Boats with Voice lines
and Routers located at Mina Al Ahmadi.
Provides KOC events with GSM & LTE
solutions like Wi-Fi, Repeaters, COW sites,
Page 3 of 8
Category Qualification Job Description/ Responsibilities
Study of project documentation and
Provisioning of operational assistance,
problem identification, and resolution.
Proactive communication concerning status
of problems/ issues.
Ensuring problems/ issues are systematically
Check and handle 2G,3G & LTE signals
problems which we receive from KOC
Ensuing new technologies from various
manufacturers to avail and implement
upgrades for latest available technologies to
improve work performance.
Do the survey for poor indoor & outdoor
GSM signal and Follow-up with the service
Coordinate/discuss with the local service
providers operators to find the best solution
for enhancing bad indoor and outdoor signal.
Arrange/prepare to issue temporary gate
passes for the three operators to do survey
and installation jobs inside KOC operational
Supervise all installations works done by
contractors teams and guide them with KOC
safety rules (Work permit, loading notes,
JSA, tool-books talk and other KOC safety
rules with regulations).
Check and confirm signal level improvement
after operators work completed with areas
Install/configure internet routers, desktop
GSM mobile telephones for all rigs.
24X7 customer support for all Drilling Rigs
located in remote areas.
Trouble shoot all Routers, Voice lines, Data
lines, MIFI, IPAD lines etc. include the one
Which are used by higher management.
Full communication Support during major
incident/emergency at IMU’s.
Carry out IMU’s Monthly tests (Incident
Management Unit) 701, 702 & 703 , in order
to insure readiness of communication
Table top exercise/drill for IMU’s 701, 702 &
703 in emergency /major incident cases.
Page 4 of 8
Category Qualification Job Description/ Responsibilities
Complete GSM/LTE solutions for KOC old
and new hospitals by the three operators.
Provides KOC Tug Boats with Voice lines
and Routers located at Mina Al Ahmadi.
Provides KOC events with GSM & LTE
solutions like Wi-Fi, Repeaters, COW sites,
Page 5 of 8
Category Qualification Job Description/ Responsibilities
Coordinate/discuss with the local service
providers operators to find the best solution
for enhancing bad indoor and outdoor signal.
Arrange/prepare to issue temporary gate
passes for the three operators to do survey
and installation jobs inside KOC operational
Supervise all installations works done by
contractors teams and guide them with KOC
safety rules (Work permit, loading notes,
JSA, tool-books talk and other KOC safety
rules with regulations).
Check and confirm signal level improvement
after operators work completed with areas
Install/configure internet routers, desktop
GSM mobile telephones for all rigs.
24X7 customer support for all Drilling Rigs
located in remote areas.
Trouble shoot all Routers, Voice lines, Data
lines, MIFI, IPAD lines etc. include the one
Which are used by higher management.
Full communication Support during major
incident/emergency at IMU’s.
Carry out IMU’s Monthly tests (Incident
Management Unit) 701, 702 & 703 , in order
to insure readiness of communication
Table top exercise/drill for IMU’s 701, 702 &
703 in emergency /major incident cases.
Complete GSM/LTE solutions for KOC old
and new hospitals by the three operators.
Provides KOC Tug Boats with Voice lines
and Routers located at Mina Al Ahmadi.
Provides KOC events with GSM & LTE
solutions like Wi-Fi, Repeaters, COW sites,
Page 6 of 8
5. Snr. Technical Assistant (Service Desk Support)
5.1. Other Special Requirements.
5.1.1. Support technicians proposed for deployment at the Company must present Microsoft valid
certifications based on the following position mapping.
5.1.2. Technical technicians must be familiar with IT systems as IT Professional Consumer Support
5.1.3. DIMS/ECM, e-Beams
5.1.4. Office 365, Technical Writing as per requirement for tasks assigned to the employees.
5.2. Principal Duties & Responsibilities.
Category Qualification Job Description/ Responsibilities
Provisioning of new Telecom Services.
Technical Reports, Technical Specification &
Contract Documents preparation.
Assisting Company personnel in Planning,
design and expansion of Transmission and
access network.
Study of project documentation and
Provisioning of operational assistance,
problem identification, and resolution.
Proactive communication concerning status
of problems/ issues.
Ensuring problems/ issues are systematically
Snr. Check and handle 2G,3G & LTE signals
Diploma in problems which we receive from KOC
Computer /
Assistant Teams.
1 Electronics
discipline or Ensuing new technologies from various
Desk manufacturers to avail and implement
upgrades for latest available technologies to
improve work performance.
Do the survey for poor indoor & outdoor
GSM signal and Follow-up with the service
Coordinate/discuss with the local service
providers operators to find the best solution
for enhancing bad indoor and outdoor signal.
Arrange/prepare to issue temporary gate
passes for the three operators to do survey
and installation jobs inside KOC operational
Supervise all installations works done by
contractors teams and guide them with KOC
safety rules (Work permit, loading notes,
Page 7 of 8
Category Qualification Job Description/ Responsibilities
JSA, tool-books talk and other KOC safety
rules with regulations).
Check and confirm signal level improvement
after operators work completed with areas
Install/configure internet routers, desktop
GSM mobile telephones for all rigs.
24X7 customer support for all Drilling Rigs
located in remote areas.
Trouble shoot all Routers, Voice lines, Data
lines, MIFI, IPAD lines etc. include the one
Which are used by higher management.
Full communication Support during major
incident/emergency at IMU’s.
Carry out IMU’s Monthly tests (Incident
Management Unit) 701, 702 & 703 , in order
to insure readiness of communication
Table top exercise/drill for IMU’s 701, 702 &
703 in emergency /major incident cases.
Complete GSM/LTE solutions for KOC old
and new hospitals by the three operators.
Provides KOC Tug Boats with Voice lines
and Routers located at Mina Al Ahmadi.
Provides KOC events with GSM & LTE
solutions like Wi-Fi, Repeaters, COW sites,
Page 8 of 8
(Register of Commerce No. 21835)
1. With reference to clause 6.1.2 of the Contract Specification, the Contractor shall pay at least the minimum
net take home pay as below for Contractor’s Kuwaiti personnel:
Regular Ceiling
Note: The minimum requirements (Nos.), the salaries and total monthly amount may be changed (±) at any
time subject to qualification and experience and in accordance to Manpower Kuwaitisation Policy,
without change of the Contract Not-to-Exceed Value or need for Adjustment Order (A/O), and the
difference in cost shall be catered from Provisional Sum for Kuwaitisation.
Page 1 of 1
Tender No: RFP NO. 2099050
Having examined all of the tender documents, including the Technical Specification and attachments, all in
connection with the above-mentioned proposed Services:
1. We, the undersigned, offer to complete the Services in strict conformity with the requirements of the
tender documents, for the Contract Price (Not-to-Exceed Value) of
KD__________________________, in words Kuwaiti Dinars ________________________
(Carried forward from Attachment No. 1 to the Form of Tender).
2. We undertake, if our bid is accepted, to perform the Services within the period stated in Clause No.
3 of the Contract Specification.
3. We agree to abide by this bid for a period of ninety (90) days from the bid closing date, and agree
that this bid shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiry of that
4. We understand and accept that, in the event that this bid is accepted, we will be required to enter into
a formal agreement with you, which will be in the form of the proposed Contract forming part of
tender documents.
5. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any bid, or to assign a reason for the
rejection of any bid.
6. We declare that the rates in the attachments to the Form of Tender shall remain fixed throughout the
Contract Period and that they include all our costs, overheads and profit.
Place of incorporation:
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(Register of Commerce No. 21835)
- TO -
- FOR -
With reference to the Particular Instructions to the Bidder, we detail below breakdown of the Contract
Price in the form of Not-to-Exceed Value, for the execution of the Services:
No. (KD)
Cost of Onsite Maintenance & Support Services
(brought forward from Attachment No. 2A)
Cost of Kuwaiti Manpower
(brought forward from Attachment No. 2B)
Cost of Supply of GSM and other Equipment
(brought forward from Attachment No. 2C)
4 Provisional Sum for Kuwaitization for 60 months 64,984.500
Note: The bidder shall download the excel format online which consist all the price attachment to the Form of
Tender ( Attachment No. 1 to the Form of Tender) and bidder shall fill their prices and submit their bid online
through e-Business portal, as specified in clause 9.1 of the Particular Instructions to the Bidder.
We understand and agree that:
a) The above rates shall be fixed for the duration of the Contract Period and shall include but not limited to;
all materials, accessories, training, transport, equipment delivery costs, duties and obligations and all
profits and overheads.
b) The above rates shall be used for the evaluation purposes and for variations within the Contract.
c) The quantities specified above are estimated only for the purpose of bid evaluation and do not form
commitment on the part of the Company. Actual requirements may vary and shall be dictated by Site
requirements and as decided by the Superintendent. The payment to the Contractor shall be based on
measurement of the actual quantity.
The estimated sum specified in Item 4) above does not constitute a commitment on the part of the Company.
Actual requirements shall be dictated by the operational needs and as decided by the Superintendent.
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(Register of Commerce No. 21835)
- TO -
- FOR -
With reference to the Particular Instructions to the Bidder, we detail below our prices for On-Site Maintenance
& Support Services (GSM) for the below Equipment’s from Appendix-2 & Appendix-4:
NO. (KD) (KD)
(A) (B) (C) (D)=(E)*(B)*(C)
Jablocom Telephone,
1 as referred in Clause 6 223 60
of Appendix-2
Raven, as referred in
2 Clause 6 of Appendix- 41 60
Internet Routers, as
3 referred in Clause 6 of 394 60
Signal Coverage
Boosters, as referred in
4 40 60
Clause 4 of Appendix-
Satellite Mobile, as
5 referred in Clause 2 of 4 60
GSM Desk Phone
6 300 48
Low Power Repeater
7 50 48
Note: The bidder shall download the excel format online which consist all the price attachment to
the Form of Tender ( Attachment No. 2 to the Form of Tender) and bidder shall fill their prices and
submit their bid online through e-Business portal, as specified in clause 4 of the Particular
Instructions to the Bidder.
We understand and accept that:
1. The above rates shall be fixed for the duration of the Contract and shall be used for the
evaluation purposes and variations within the Contract.
Page 1 of 2
2. The above costs for leasing are inclusive of maintenance and support services and
replacement of faulty parts/equipment.
3. The quantities/duration specified above are estimated and do not form a commitment on the
part of the Company. Actual requirements shall be dictated by operational needs and as
decided by the Superintendent of the Contract.
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(Register of Commerce No. 21835)
- to -
- for -
With reference to Appendices- 5A, 5B & 5C to Contract Specification, we quote our prices for Kuwaiti
Contractor Personnel:
Note: The bidder shall download the excel format online which consist all the price
attachment to the Form of Tender ( Attachment No. 2 to the Form of Tender) and bidder shall
fill their prices and submit their bid online through e-Business portal, as specified in clause 4
of the Particular Instructions to the Bidder.
1. Above monthly rate shall be inclusive of the Monthly take home salaries of the personnel and all
costs incurred by the Contractor under the Contract for the provision of personnel of (Appendix-5C)
including but not limited to; social security, transport, other utilities for the performance of the
Services, Contractor’s overheads, administrative & financing costs & profits, any other cost for the
Page 1 of 1
provision of the Kuwaiti personnel as per the Guidelines for Kuwaitization in Company contracts
which are Not payable through the Provisional Sum for Kuwaitization,
2. The estimated number of personnel specified above are for evaluation purposes only and shall not
be construed as commitment or minimum number guaranteed quantity by the Company. Actual
requirements shall be dictated by the operational needs and as decided by the Company.
3. The above rates shall be fixed for the duration of the Contract and shall be used for evaluation purposes
and variations within the Contract.
Page 2 of 4
- TO -
- FOR -
With reference to the Particular Instructions to the Bidder, we detail below our prices for the supply of New
GSM Equipment as per Clause-3 of Appendix-1:
Note: The bidder shall download the excel format online which consist all the price
attachment to the Form of Tender ( Attachment No. 2 to the Form of Tender) and bidder shall
fill their prices and submit their bid online through e-Business portal, as specified in clause 4
of the Particular Instructions to the Bidder.
We understand and accept that:
1. The above rates shall be fixed for the duration of the Contract and shall be used for the
evaluation purposes and variations within the Contract.
2. The above costs shall include Twelve (12) Months Warranty from Date of Supply of
Equipment to the Company.
3. The quantities/duration specified above are estimated and do not form a commitment
on the part of the Company. Actual requirements shall be dictated by operational needs
and as decided by the Superintendent of the Contract.
Date ___________________________
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(Register of Commerce No. 21835)
- TO -
- FOR -
1. Authorized signatory:
a) Valid signature authority letter certified by the Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
b) Power of attorney in favour of the signatory in the event where the signatory is a
representative, duly authenticated by the following authorities:
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(Register of Commerce No. 21835)
- TO -
- FOR -
1. We, the Bidder (As referred to in Article 82 of Law No. 49/2016 and Article 45 of Executive
Regulations No. 30/2017), hereby certify that none of the owner(s)/partners and employees of our
firm or sub-contractors or local agent (as applicable) is a member of the Central Agency for Public
Tenders or an employee of the Kuwait Oil Company or a member of KPC/KOC Board of Directors
2. Further, we submit a certificate from the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, indicating owner(s)
/ partner’s names of our firm / local agent. Article of Association with latest amendment etc. as
applicable. Moreover, we also submit the following (for local contractors and agents only): -
A. For Companies: Copy of Articles of Association and latest amendment hereto (if any).
A company registered in
(Country of registration)
Registered office is at
(Full physical street address)
4. If our offer is successful, we hereby agree to enter into a Contract for the subject Services/Works
under the above stated name having such particulars.
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(Register of Commerce No. 21835)
- TO -
- FOR -
With reference to the Particular Instructions to the Bidder, we hereby submit the following:
b) A certificate issued to our firm (or our agent) by the Public Authority of Manpower to confirm our
compliance to the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 1104/2008, as amended by Council of
Ministers Resolution No. 1028/2014 regarding the quota of national labour in non-government
c) A certificate issued to our firm (or our agent) by the Public Authority of Manpower stating that
there is no suspension imposed on our file due to any violations of the provisions of Law No.
6/2010, and in particular Article (10).
d) A certificate issued to our firm (or our agent) by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry
(Department of Commercial Registration) indicating owner(s) and partner(s) names.
e) A certificate from the National Fund for Small and Medium Enterprise Development, stating that
our firm is classified as a Small and Medium Enterprise (if applicable).
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(Register of Commerce No. 21835)
- TO -
- FOR -
With reference to Clause No. 27 of the General Conditions of the Contract, the Particular Instructions to
the Bidder and in accordance with the provisions of Articles 2 and 3 of Law No. 25/1996 relating to
declarations of commissions in connection with State contracts, I/we submit the following details relevant
to this Contract:
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(Register of Commerce No. 21835)
- TO -
- FOR -
With reference to the Particular Instructions to the Bidder and in compliance with the provision of
Kuwait Law No. 49/2016 on Public Tenders as amended by Law No. 74/2019, we hereby provide the
B. Details and list of products that we propose to import through Local Suppliers.
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(Register of Commerce No. 21835)
- TO -
- FOR -
The bidder shall check one of the following statements and enclose the required information if
We confirm that our bank account to be used in case we become Contractor is already
registered with the Company.
Our bank account to be used in case we become Contractor is not registered with the
Company, but we enclose in this Attachment an authenticated original letter from our bankers
giving the exact details of our bank account.
a) Bank name
b) Bank branch name
c) Address
d) Account No.
e) Branch No. or Bank No.
f) Sort Code (foreign Banks)
g) ABA No.(foreign Banks)
h) SWIFT Code (foreign Banks)
i) Account Currency
j) Account Name (Noting that your company name and the account name has to be the same)
k) IBAN No.
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(Register of Commerce No. 21835)
- TO -
- FOR -
With reference to Clause No. 9.2(g) of Particular Instructions to the Bidder, we hereby submit the
required information with all supporting documents as follows:
Bidders must complete all portions of the following to clearly indicate its organisation and structure.
(Repeat if necessary & write “Not Applicable” or “NIL” as applicable).
1. a) Full (legal/official) Name of Bidder’s company “as per the memorandum and article of
b) Acronym:
d) Registration Number mentioned in the certificate of registration issued by the concerned body
of companies in your country (Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Justice, Champers of Commerce
and the like)
Page 1 of 4
5. Contact Address to be considered for communication:
a. Name and title of bidder's personnel authorized to enter into correspondence regarding this
submittal. (Please attach an authorization of the individual designated to execute contract
binding the corporation).
b. Telephone number (including international code)
6. The name of the higher ranked personnel in the bidder’s entity (the President, CEO, GM …etc.)
7. State the nature of the bidder’s core business as indicated by its articles of incorporation:
Page 2 of 4
11. Issued and paid up Capital. (State currency)
12. The present total number of permanent employees on bidder’s payroll is:
13. Provide the following details of the Local Agent (if any)
14. As Annexure No. 1 to this section, to provide the organization structure diagram of the bidder’s
entity key personnel/positions.
15. As Annexure No. 2 to this section, to provide the structure diagram showing the relationship
between the bidder’s entity and its parent/subsidiaries & sisters entities (if Applicable).
Page 3 of 4
Local Companies:
1. Disclaimer
2. Registration form
3. Leasing Agreement or Ownership Contract of the Workshop, or Office, or Factory
International Companies:
1. Disclaimer
2. Registration form
3. Audited Annual Financial Balance Sheet
4. Certificate of origin. According to the provisions of law No. 21 of 1964 concerning the unified
law for boycott of Israel, the supplier shall present a certificate of origin showing the following
1. Statement of country in which the merchandise was manufactured.
2. The manufacturing of the merchandise did not include any material of Israeli
manufacture, regardless of proportion.
5. Justification for Registration
6. Memorandum and Articles of Association (Ministry of Justice)
Signed :
Name :
Date :
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(Register of Commerce No. 21835)
- TO -
- FOR -
Page 1 of 2
Catego Mandatory Supporting Document YES Remarks
ry Requirement /NO
Techni Applicant has at least Applicant to submit a list of
cal 10 full time technical technical resources stating,
Qualit resources, they have education, certifications, title,
y Bachelor Degree company Email Address along with
/Diploma in supporting documents from the
Business Ministry of labor and social Affairs
Administration stating the number of Applicant's
/Computer/Electro .employees
puter Science,/MIS
or equivalent
combination of
Have certificate in
courses, (Office
365 and Office
2019) certified,
Microsoft 365
Certified: can
provide the
required services
as defined in
scope of services
directly without
Joint Venture,
Page 2 of 2
(Register of Commerce No. 21835)
- TO -
- FOR -
# Minimum Requirements***
1. Submit a copy of your HSE policy and HSE manual or related documents that decribes
your HSE management system.
2. Submit a list of such procedures/ work practices established in your organization.
3. Submit a copy of your HSE training plan/ programme and sample copies of HSE training
4. Submit a copy of your procedure to ensure that the equipment utilized for the
works/services are appropriately certified, controlled and maintained in safe working
5. Submit a copy of road safety policy/guidelines to ensure the safety of all personnel while
driving for work related activities?
6. Submit details of your Organization’s HSE performance for the past three (3) years for
the following HSE indicators:
- Fatalities
Signature :
Date :
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"متطلبات الجانب المالي لعملية التقييم"
يجب أن تكون البيانات المالية المقدمة معدة باللغة العربية أو اللغة اإلنجليزية أو اللغة اإلنجليزية المترجمة بشرط أن تكون
موقعة من قبل نفس المدقق المستقل الذي قام بالتوقيع على النسخة األجنبية األصلية (يجب تقديم النسخة األجنبية األصلية مع
النسخة المترجمة).
-1ان كانت البيانات المالية المقدمة تخص الشركة المتقدمة (مقدم العطاء) فيجب توفير المتطلبات التالية
(المتطلبات إلزامية):
-نسخة أصلية من القوائم المالية المدققة للشركة المتقدمة آلخر 3سنوات مالية (وأن تتضمن تلك القوائم:
تقرير المدقق المستقل ،الميزانية العمومية ،قائمة الدخل ،قائمة التدفقات النقدية وااليضاحات المرفقة بالقوائم
المالية) موقعة من قبل المدقق المستقل.
-يجب أن يكون مكتب تدقيق الحسابات (المدقق المستقل) مرخص ويعمل بنفس الدولة التي أنشأت وسجلت
بها الشركة المتقدمة (مقدم العطاء).
-شهادة صحة البيانات المالية المقدمة (موقعة من قبل المدير المالي للشركة مقدم العطاء باإلضافة إلى ختم
الشركة مقدم العطاء) حسب نموذج شركة نفط الكويت مع عدم التعديل على النموذج سواء بالحذف أو
اإلضافة( .نسخة أصلية)
-كتاب من المدقق المستقل (موقع) يبين ما إذا كانت الشركة (مقدم العطاء) تمتلك شركة أو شركات تابعة
لها بشكل مباشر أو غير مباشر مع بيان نسبة الملكية( .نسخة أصلية)
* مالحظة:
-على الشركة المتقدمة (مقدم العطاء) أن تقدم قوائمها المالية المجمعة والمدققة إذا كانت تمتلك شركة أو شركات تابعة لها.
-تكون الميزانية العمومية مقسمة الى موجودات متداولة وغير متداولة مطلوبات متداولة وغير متداولة.
-تحتوي قائمة الدخل على تكلفة الفائدة في حال وجود قروض او مديونيات قصيرة األجل من بنوك أو مؤسسات مالية وأن لم
تكن مفصولة عن باقي التكلفة تقدم بشكل مفصل بشريطة ان تكون معتمدة من المدقق المستقل.
-تحتوي قائمة التدفقات النقدية على نسبة االستهالك للممتلكات الملموسة والغير ملموسة.
-في حال وجود تعديالت أو إعادة إدراج بعض المبالغ في القوائم المالية يجب اإلفصاح عنها من قبل المدقق المستقل مع بيان
أسباب إعادة اإلدراج إما في البيانات المالية أو بخطاب رسمي وموقع من قبل المدقق المستقل.
-في حال كان التقديم للعطاء عبارة عن تقديم مشترك ما بين أكثر من كيان تجاري (مشروع مشترك):
يجب على جميع الكيانات التجارية المشتركة بتقديم العطاء متضمن البيانات المالية ومرفقاتها وفقا لما هو مذكور أعاله على أن
تقرر متطلبات الكيانات التجارية المشتركة في حينها.
Page 1 of 4
" أو "
-2ان كانت البيانات المالية المقدمة تخص الشركة األم (الشركة المالكة للشركة
المتقدمة -مقدم العطاء) فيجب توفير المتطلبات التالية (المتطلبات إلزامية):
-نسخة أصلية من القوائم المالية المجمعة والمدققة للشركة األم آلخر 3سنوات مالية (وأن تتضمن تلك
القوائم :تقرير المدقق المستقل ،الميزانية العمومية ،قائمة الدخل ،قائمة التدفقات النقدية وااليضاحات المرفقة
بالقوائم المالية) موقعة من قبل المدقق المستقل.
-يجب أن يكون مكتب تدقيق الحسابات (المدقق المستقل) مرخص ويعمل بنفس الدولة التي أنشأت وسجلت
بها الشركة األم.
-شهادة صحة البيانات المالية المقدمة (موقعة من قبل المدير المالي للشركة األم باإلضافة إلى ختم الشركة
األم) حسب نموذج شركة نفط الكويت مع عدم التعديل على النموذج سواء بالحذف أو اإلضافة( .نسخة
-رسالة موقعة من قبل المدقق المستقل للشركة األم توضح وتؤكد العالقة بين الشركة األم والشركة المتقدمة (مقدم العطاء) مع
بيان نسبة الملكية بين الشركتين( .نسخة أصلية)
-ضمان الشركة األم موقع ومختوم من قبل كال الطرفين (كبير المسئولين الماليين للشركة األم وكبير المسئولين الماليين للشركة
المتقدمة -مقدم العطاء) حسب نموذج شركة نفط الكويت مع عدم التعديل على النموذج سواء بالحذف أو اإلضافة( .نسخة
* مالحظة:
-يجب أن تكون الميزانية العمومية مقسمة الى موجودات متداولة وغير متداولة ومطلوبات متداولة وغير متداولة.
-يجب تحتوي قائمة الدخل على تكلفة الفائدة في حال وجود قروض او مديونيات قصيرة األجل من بنوك أو مؤسسات مالية
وأن لم تكن مفصولة عن باقي التكلفة تقدم بشكل مفصل بشريطة ان تكون معتمدة وموقعة من المدقق المستقل.
-يجب تحتوي قائمة التدفقات النقدية على نسبة االستهالك للممتلكات الملموسة والغير ملموسة.
-في حال وجود تعديالت أو إعادة إدراج بعض المبالغ في القوائم المالية يجب اإلفصاح عنها من قبل المدقق المستقل مع بيان
أسباب إعادة اإلدراج إما في البيانات المالية أو بخطاب رسمي وموقع من قبل المدقق المستقل.
Page 2 of 2
Financial requirements for Pre-Qualification Evaluation
Submitted financial statements must be prepared in Arabic, English or Translated to English
provided that they are signed by the same independent auditor who signed the original foreign
language financial statements (Original foreign language financial statement must be submitted
as well).
1- If the submitted financial statements belong to the same bidder the following
requirements are mandatory:
a. The original copy of Audited and consolidated financial statement of the bidder
for the last three financial years (Which must include Independent Auditor
Report, Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement and Notes of
Accounts) Signed by the independent auditor.
b. The independent auditor must be registered and licensed in the same country that
the bidder is registered in.
d. A letter from the independent auditor stating wheatear the bidder owns any
subsidiaries or not (directly or indirectly). (Original copy)
“ OR “
Page 3 of 2
2- If the submitted financial statements belong to the parent company (A company
that owns the bidder) the following mandatory requirements must be submitted:
a. The original copy of Audited and consolidated financial statement of the parent
company for the last three financial years (Which must include Independent
Auditor Report, Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement and
Notes of Accounts) Signed by the independent auditor.
b. The independent auditor must be registered and licensed in the same country that
the parent company is registered in.
d. A signed letter from the independent auditor stating the relation and the
percentage of ownership between the bidder and the parent company. (Original
e. Parent company Guarantee signed and sealed by both the bidder and the parent
company (CFO of the parent company & CFO of the bidder company) as per
Kuwait Oil Company template without any adjustments. (Original copy)
i. The balance sheet should be divided into current assets and non-current
assets, Current liabilities and non-current liabilities.
ii. Income statement should have the interest expense for short-term loans
from bank and financial institutions. If it is aggregated into net interest
expense/income the breakdown should be provided separately and signed
and sealed by the independent auditor.
iii. Cash flow statement should have the depreciation and amortization
expense for fixed and tangible assets.
iv. If the financial statement have been restated in a following year a clear
signed and sealed statement, explaining the restatement from the
independent auditor is required.
Page 4 of 2
- The Bidder is required to provide the following requirements in order to conduct the necessary financial
(Please note that, these requirements considered as a Mandatory Requirements, if for any reasons the
Bidder are unable to provide part of theses Mandatory Requirements, this shall lead to reject the whole
A- Financial Submittals based on the financial information for the Bidder itself:
A 1.1 The Bidder shall provide copies of the recent three (3) years audited financial
statements, which shall be issued and audited (signed & sealed) by an Independent
Auditor, taking into consideration that financial information which are issued for specific
purposes such as tax declaration, financial analysis ..etc. are not accepted. The
Independent auditor must be registered and licensed in the same country that the bidder
is registered in.
A 1.2 The recent three (3) years audited financial statements, shall pertain to the Bidder
itself, and the entity name mentioned in the audited reports shall be in accordance with
the name stated in Application Letter of Submittal and section two – company
organization structure. In the event the name of the Bidder is changed recently (due to
organization changes, acquisition/merging process and the like), accordingly a
documented evidence shall be submitted stating such changes.
A 1.3 The recent three (3) years audited financial statements shall include the following as
minimum in order to be considered for evaluation:
Independent Auditor’s Report
Audited Balance Sheet Statement
Audited Profit and Loss Account
Audited Cash Flows Statement
Notes to the Accounts
Page 1 of 3
expense/income the breakdown should be provided separately and
signed and sealed by the independent auditor.
iii. Cash flow statement should have the depreciation and amortization
expense for fixed and tangible assets.
iv. If the financial statement have been restated in a following year a clear
signed and sealed statement, explaining the restatement from the
independent auditor is required.
v. If the applicant owns any subsidiaries the financial statements must be
vi. In the case of a joint venture, all partners involved must submit their
financial documents as per the required submission as if it was a single
entity. Further elaboration and details might be decided at time.
Please note that all the above are Mandatory to be included under the financial statement
for each fiscal year, if for any reasons, any of the above is missed, this shall lead to
Reject the whole application.
A 1.4 The recent three (3) years audited financial statements including all the above items
under A 1.3 shall be submitted in English or Arabic Language.
If the audited financial statements are translated from other language to English language,
consequently the translated version of the audited financial statements shall be signed
and sealed by the independent auditor.
A 1.5 The recent three (3) years audited financial statements shall be provided also in
electronic format (PDF files only) along with the original submittal.
A 3. A signed letter from the independent auditor stating if the applicant owns any subsidiaries
with ownership percentages.
B- Financial Submittals based on the financial information for Bidder’s Parent Company:
In the event the Bidder wishes to rely on their Parent Company financial credential, consequently the
Bidder shall submit the following:
B1. The evidence of ownership between the Parent Company and the Bidder, such evidence shall
be issued by the concerned body from the country where the Bidder is registered (such as
Ministry of Justice/Commerce or any other equivalent) stating clearly the percentage of share
for the owners of the Bidder.
Page 2 of 3
B2. In order to consider the submittal from a parent company, the parent company shall own a
percentage of more than 50% of the Bidder shares, if such condition is not satisfied, then the
reliance on the Parent Company financial submittals/credentials shall not be accepted.
B3. The Parent Company shall submit their Financial Submittals in accordance with items A1, A2
& A3, however all submittals are required to be under the Parent Company’s name.
B6. The Parent Company to provide the Parent Company Guarantee (PCG) in accordance with
specimen available under Attachment 3 to this section. Please note that the PCG as per the
referred specimen (without any changes), is a mandatory to accept the reliance on the Parent
Company financial submittals/credentials, if for any reasons, the PCG is not submitted, then
the financial evaluation shall not be conducted for the Parent Company financial submittal.
B 6.1 The names of the entities reflected in the PCG shall be in accordance with the name
mentioned in the Parent Company’s audited financial statements and the Bidder’s entity
name in accordance with Application Letter of Submittal and Section 2 – Company’s
organization Structure, whereby the both shall sign & seal the PCG, deference in
names shall lead to reject the PCG
C 1. The Bidder is required to fill the Financial Submittal checklist under Attachment 1 to this
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Please define the name of the Bidder: Please define the name of the Parent Company:
(Full name, not the Acronym) (Full name, not the Acronym)
__________________________________________ ___________________________________
__________________________________________ ___________________________________
No. Description
Yes No
The recent three (3) years audited financial statements, issued and audited
(signed & sealed) by an Independent Auditor
1.1 Independent Auditor’s Report
1.2 Audited Balance Sheet Statement
1.3 Audited Profit and Loss Account
1.4 Audited Cash Flows Statement
1.5 Notes to the Accounts
1.6 All the three years financial statements are audited.
Soft copy of the recent three (3) years audited financial statements covers all the
above items (PDF files only)
The nature of the company. Is it listed or not listed?
(Yes for listed, No for unlisted)
The evidence of ownership between the Parent Company and the Bidder stating the
6. percentage of share of ownership.
(Only if the Bidder is relying on a Parent Company Financial Credentials)
The Parent Company Guarantee (PCG) in accordance with specimen available under
7. Attachment 3 to this section.
(Only if the Bidder is relying on a Parent Company Financial Credentials)
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For Joint Venture Applicant Only
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Dear Sirs,
I am at your disposal for any additional questions or to clarify any discrepancies that might be
Chief Financial Officer
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“If AFS is submitted for the Parent Company “
Dear Sirs,
I, <Name>, in my capacity as Chief Financial Officer of <Parent Company Name> confirm that the
financial information included in the bid related to the subject RFP submitted by <Bidder’s Company
Name> on <Date of submission>, in order to be evaluated for the subject RFP for Kuwait Oil Company,
is correct and truly reflects the financial statement of <Parent Company Name>.
I am at your disposal for any additional questions or to clarify any discrepancies that might be
Chief Financial Officer
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Note: This Guarantee to be executed in Parent Company Letterhead.
We, (please type the Parent Company’s name) a company incorporated in (define the country of
incorporation) having its registered office at (define the address) (Hereinafter called the “Guarantor”
and may also be referred as “Parent Company”)
(please type the Bidder entity’s name) a company incorporated in (define the country of
incorporation) having its registered office at (define the address) (Hereinafter called the “Contractor”
and may be also referred as the “Subsidiary”)
A. The Kuwait Oil Company (“Company”) may enter into a contract for the execution of
Insert the Title of the Tender). In this connection, the Company has issued RFP No.XXXX and
invited the contractors/consultants (Select as appropriate) with the required experience to
participate in the said RFP.
C. The Guarantor being the Parent Company of the Contractor, has agreed that it shall to the extent
hereinafter set forth unconditionally and irrevocably guarantee the due performance by the
Contractor of all its obligations under the contract with the Company to provide the
Works/Services (select as appropriate) if entered into between the Contractor and the
1. The Guarantor unconditionally and irrevocably guarantees the due and proper performance and
observance by the Contractor of all of the Contractor’s obligations under the contract that may
be entered into with the Company to perform the required Works/Services.
2. The Guarantor shall indemnify the Company against all losses, damage, costs and expenses
which Company may incur by reason of such breach by the Contractor except that in no event
shall the Guarantor have a greater liability in relation to such breach than the Contractor.
3. That on being directed to do so by the Company by notice in writing the Guarantor shall perform
or take whatever steps may be necessary to procure/provide the performance of the obligations
of the Contractor under the contract for the Works/Services (select as appropriate) and shall
from the date of such notice assume jointly and severally with the Contractor all the rights and
obligations under the contract in every way as if the Guarantor were a party to the Contract.
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4. The Guarantor shall not be discharged or released from his Guarantee by any arrangement
made between the Contractor and the Company under any contract or by any forbearance such
as payment, extension of time for any amendment to the contract, performance, or otherwise
even though such arrangement, alteration or forbearance may be without the assent of the
5. This Guarantee shall be construed and governed in accordance with the laws of State of Kuwait.
6. This Guarantee has no time period, it shall continue until all of the obligations of the Contractor
under the contract entered into between the Company and the Contractor has been completely
performed to the satisfaction of the Company, and the Guarantor shall not be released of any
obligation or liability until any outstanding claim by the Company against the Contractor under
the related contract has been settled in full.
7. This Guarantee shall be construed in accordance with the normal usage of English Language.
SIGNED by “Name” :
Capacity :
for and on behalf of :
Note: Parent Company Stamp is required
SIGNED by “Name” :
Capacity :
for and on behalf of :
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(Register of Commerce No. 21835)
CONTRACTOR: _______________________________
1. This is to confirm that the Contract Period of the above Contract expired on ____________
and except for the [retention or the bank guarantee referred to in Clause 2 below [as the case may be
– delete as applicable], all payments due under the Contract have been received by us in full
satisfaction of all claims we have now or in the future arising out of or in connection with this
2. We agree that the [tax retention of five percent (5%) amounting to KD _________________ or the Tax
Retention Bond] [as the case may be – delete as applicable] shall be held by Kuwait Oil Company until
the production by us of a certificate from the Income Tax Office of Kuwait stating that we have
discharged our tax liability.
3. We agree that the Performance Bond shall be held by Kuwait Oil Company until submission of the
a) A certificate from Kuwait Public Authority for Manpower (PAM) stating that the Contractor
has discharged their obligation related to personnel (Required if the Company has assisted the
Contractor in importing personnel); and
b) Contract Completion and Clearance certificate from the Superintendent of the Contact.
c) Detailed Statement of end of Service benefits of all the Personnel employed for the services (copy
of actual transferred to Bank is attached.
4. Such [retention or bank guarantee – delete as applicable] when released shall be in full and final
settlement of the Contract.
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