Epojet LV PDF
Epojet LV PDF
Epojet LV PDF
Two-component epoxy
resin, with very low
viscosity for injection
in microcracks
• Bonding steel plates to concrete (béton plaqué) by Epojet LV polymerizes without shrinkage and once
low pressure injection. hardened is waterproof and resists chemical agents
present in the atmosphere.
Some application examples
• Structural repair of beams, pillars and cracked Epojet LV has very good insulating properties and
floors by low pressure injection. high mechanical strength.
oje structure and the plate reinforcements and eyes, wash with plenty of water and
seal with Adesilex PG1 or Adesilex PG2. consult a doctor.
The latter product has a longer pot life.
After Adesilex PG1 or Adesilex PG2 has SAFETY INSTRUCTION FOR THE
hardened, inject Epojet LV through the PREPARATION AND APPLICATION
injectors. Epojet LV part A is irritant when in direct
contact with eyes and skin. Part B contains
Sealing cracks by injection a strongly caustic and harmful substance.
Make a series of holes of 8-9 mm in In the consequence of repeated or
diameter on the sides of the cracks and prolonged contact, sensitivity could occur.
directed so they intercept the same cracks. Avoid contact with eyes and skin.
Blow out the cavities with compressed air In case of contact with the skin, wash with
to remove all the dust formed during the plenty of soap and water and, if any
drilling. Insert the appropriate injection symptoms of sensitivity should occur,
tubes in the holes and seal the entire consult a doctor.
working surface with Adesilex PG1 or In case of contact with the eyes, wash with
Adesilex PG2. clean running water and consult a doctor.
If the holes cannot be formed because of Use in a ventilated area.
lack of space, use flat head injection tubes Part A is dangerous to aquatic organisms:
directly onto the same cracks, fixing them avoid release to the environment.
to the concrete with expanding bolts or
seal directly with Adesilex PG1 or Cleaning
Adesilex PG2. Due to the strong adhesion of Epojet LV, it
Wait until the Adesilex PG1 or is recommended to clean working
Adesilex PG2 has hardened (at least equipment with a solvent (ethyl alcohol,
12 hours) then inject compressed air to toluene etc.) before the product dries.
make sure that the injection system is
completely free. CONSUMPTION
– Sealing cracks:
Preparing the product 1.1 kg/dm3 of cavity to be filled.
The two parts of Epojet LV must be mixed – Bonding concrete-steel:
together. Pour part B into part A and mix 1.1 kg/m2 per mm of thickness.
by hand using a trowel (for small amounts),
or with a low speed heavy duty drill (for PACKAGING
large quantities), avoiding the formation of Units:
air bubbles, until the mix is completely – 2.5 kg (2 kg drums, 0.5 kg bottles);
homogeneous. – 4 kg (3.2 kg drums, 0.8 kg bottles).
Do not use partial quantities of the parts as
this may produce an imbalance in the STORAGE
proportions which could lead to incomplete Store the product in original packaging in
hardening of Epojet LV. If partial quantities an area with a temperature not below +10°C.
are required use an electronic precision
Applying the product
Although the technical details and
Inject Epojet LV immediately after its
recommendations contained in this
preparation with a suitable pump, starting
product report correspond to the best of
from the lowest tube. Inject until the resin
our knowledge and experience, all the
overflows out of the next tube. Close the
above information must, in every case, be
lower tube and continue injecting until the
taken as merely indicative and subject to
entire crack is completely sealed.
confirmation after long-term practical
Horizontal cracks can be sealed simply by
applications: for this reason, anyone who
pouring Epojet LV directly into the crack.
intends to use the product must ensure
At +23°C Epojet LV must be used within
beforehand that it is suitable for the
70 minutes of its preparation. Avoid using
envisaged application: in every case, the
Epojet LV when the exterior temperature
user alone is fully responsible for any
and that of the substrate is less than +5°C.
consequences deriving from the use of
the product.
Precautions to be observed
during preparation and after
Epojet LV may cause irritation to the skin.
It is recommended to wear protective All relevant references
gloves and goggles during preparation and of the product are available
application of the product. upon request
When the product is applied in closed or
TECHNICAL DATA (typical values)
Part A Part B
Pot life:
– (at +23°C): 70’
– (at +30°C): 30’
Setting time:
– (at +23°C): 7-8 h
– (at +30°C): 5-6 h