Newsletter February 9 2018
Newsletter February 9 2018
Newsletter February 9 2018
Weekly Review
February 9, 2018
What a wonderful week here at school. We went and visited the Pre-K art gallery! We
saw work that was modeled after Vincent van Gogh, Henri Matisse, Claude Monet, Pablo Picasso
and many other artists. The pre-k students did a wonderful job.
In Language Arts, during Reader’s Workshop, we learned that readers sight words to help
them read more fluently. Readers also work to understand their reading, by rereading, if they don’t
understand. Readers don’t give up! In phonics, we worked on recognizing synonyms. We know
that a synonym is a word that has almost the same meaning as another word. For example, happy
and glad are synonyms. During Writer’s Workshop, we continued our unit on persuasive writing.
Persuasive writing is a form of writing in which the writer uses words to convince the reader that
the writer's opinion is correct in regards to an issue. This helps the children with their critical
writing and thinking skills. The students shared their reviews in hopes of convincing the audience
to take their recommendation.
In Spelling, we had our spelling test on words with the patterns sl, bl, and pl. The
students were challenged by our two bonus words: February and abdomen. The three sight words
this week included: little, eat and said. Please make sure that you are continuing to review these
words with your children.
In Math, we are working on adding to, and subtracting within, 40. We can do this by counting
on, or grouping to the nearest ten. We are also working on model drawing word problems and
taking math sprints to practice our math facts! The goal is to build accuracy and to see how many
problems one can complete in a minute. At home, please continue to practice addition and
subtraction MATH FACTS with your child every night! Flash cards are a great way to reinforce the
In Social Studies, we completed our unit on maps skills. This week we learned about the
states California and Virginia. We also read about and discussed the countries Canada and Mexico.
Afterward, we put everything we learned together and reviewed our map skills. Our ‘Weekly
Reader’ was called “Rosa Park’s Story”. We read about why Rosa Parks refused to stand up on the
bus and give her seat away. It wasn’t because she was physically tired; it was because she was tired
of giving in to unfair laws. Rosa Parks is one of many brave people who fought against the unjust
segregation laws. Our ‘Studies Weekly’ was called “Who Is In Charge?”. We discussed what it
means to have authority and who has it at home, in school, in our communities, state and country.
We know that laws help keep order and are created to keep us safe.
In Science, we began continued our insect unit. This week we learned about an insect’s
exoskeleton. An insect’s skeleton is on the outside of their body, unlike a human’s which is inside
our body. The insect’s exoskeleton not only protects the insect but it is also lightweight,
waterproof, and keeps germs from getting into their bodies. The students are recording what they
learn in their insect journals.
In Science Lab, we started our insect unit in the science lab. First Grade will be integrating
insects into many aspects of their day, and the science lab is one of them! We will be watching our
own mealworms transform into Darkling Beetles over the course of the next month. Mealworms
are in fact not worms, but the larva stage of the Darkling Beetle. We were introduced to these
insects, had a chance to observe them, watched a video on their complete metamorphosis, and
then completed a life cycle activity sheet about the stages of the beetle. Next week we will learn
how to take care of the mealworms as each student gets their own mealworm in a container to
keep at school. Each week they will get to observe changes and provide more food for them. I love
hearing about the things they are learning about insects in the classroom and love expanding on
topics in the science lab.
In Art, the first graders are working on a drawing for our Square 1 Art School Fundraising
Project. They had an instructional lesson on how to draw a fish and then used pastels and
watercolors to complete their drawings. More information will be coming home soon to let our
families know how they can order memorable keepsakes with their child's beautiful art! Next week
in art we will be painting our t-shirts for the 100th day of school. If you are available to help during
your child's art class I would love to have some volunteers to assist with this project.
Last but not least, if there is one thing we can suggest or encourage for you to be doing at
home is to read with your child every night. It is important that you let your child read to you so
he/she can practice reading aloud. This is a wonderful bonding time for you and your child. Please
make sure that you are also recording in the daily reading log what your child is reading at home
and returning the reading logs to school on Monday’s. Please make sure that your child is reading
for at least 15 minutes every day.
Wednesday, March 7th – Group Picture Who has authority at your house?
Day (Individual picture make up day)
Is Mexico North or South of the United
States of America?
Important Info
Please remember to send snacks with your child every day! They get very hungry and a mid-
morning, as well as mid-afternoon, snack helps out! These should be healthy snacks that
can be eaten in a 5-minute time frame!
Every Monday is Spirit Dress Day! Students may come dressed in a spirit dress shirt and
jeans! If there is no school on a Monday, Tuesday becomes Spirit Dress Day.
We love school!