ABCs of First Grade
ABCs of First Grade
ABCs of First Grade
is for Attendance
Unless your child is ill, please make every attempt to have your child present at school and on time. Our day begins at 7:45am and the dismissal time is 2:45pm. Students that arrive late are a disruption and waste valuable instruction time for the rest of the class. If your child is going to be out, please provide a written note on the first day that your child returns to school. Please include date, duration and specific reason for absence.
is for Behavior
Every student is expected to follow school and classroom rules. Students that choose to follow the rules will move up the clip chart and earn rewards. Likewise, there will be consequences for students that CHOOSE to break the rules (moving down the clip chart, time outs, parent contact, or in extreme cases a visit to the principals office, etc. )
is for Curriculum
Reading and Language Arts Mathematics Science Social Studies Physical Education
In 1st grade, we will focus on developing phonemic awareness, decoding skills, word recognition, comprehension and oral reading fluency. The more sight words a student knows, the more fluently he/she will read. Practice reading the high frequency words nightly. Whole class and small group lessons will be delivered to ensure mastery of skills. We will focus on the following throughout the year: Reading Strategies Comprehension Skills Reading Fluency Vocabulary and Wo rd Analysis Spelling, Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics Writing Listening and Speaking We do lots of writing in first grade. Children are encouraged to use phonetic spelling when they first start. Our goal is to encourage risk taking and independence in writing. Part of this process is to stress to children that phonetic spelling is acceptable, and t o build their confidence in their ability to communicate in writing even if they cant spell the word with dictionary spelling.. However, as high frequency words and spelling rules are introduced children will gradually move toward more conventional spel ling..
By the end of first grade, students Understand and use the concept of ones and tens Add and subtract numbers to 20 with ease Tell time to the half hour Count, write and order number to 120 Measure with simple units Identify and locate shapes in their environment Describe data and analyze and solve simple problem situations Each day begins with students recording todays number in Math Folders. Math instruction includes a lesson in our Go Math books.
Weather can be observed, measured and described Matter exists in three forms Plants and animals meet their needs in different ways
1st grade students will learn about: Families People from other cultures People today and long ago Holiday origins and traditions Responsibility of citizenship in a free society Symbols, icons, and traditions of the United States Maps and globes Life skills
Social Studies
Physical Education
Coach Murray and Coach Owens will meet with each class daily for 50 minutes. Please make sure your child comes to school each day with proper shoes and clothes for running, jumping, climbing, and participating in physical education activities.
is for Enrichment
Art Ms. McClendon will meet with each class once a week for 40 minutes. Library Mrs. Peoples will meet with each class once a month for 30 minutes. Counseling Ms. Williams will meet with each class once a month for 30 minutes.
is for Grades
Every week the children will be assessed in reading, and spelling. Students will be assessed in mathematics once a chapter is completed. These tests will usually be administered on Friday, sent home on Tuesday and must be returned by Thursday. Please take the time to look them over each week and review any skills or areas of weakness with your child. If your child makes a C, D, or F on any assignment, it must be signed and returned.
is for Homework
Every week students are expected to complete Reading, Math and Spelling homework. Students must also complete the reading log daily. It is important that 1st graders read for a minimum of 15 minutes EACH night. This may include practicing their decodable, shared reading with an adult or older sibling, and reading and decoding good fit books on their own.
is for Itinerary
Oh, the places we will go and the things we will learn this year as we go through 1st grade! To find out exactly where we are headed each week you will want to visit our websites. Our daily schedule and calendar are all posted there.
is for Money
Any money sent to school must be in an envelope with your childs name, the purpose and amount. Classroom donation $40 Agenda books $5
is for Notes
Please send a note with your child if: You know your child will be missing school for an extended period of time. An independent study can be arranged if a student will be out for 5 or more consecutive days. A change in pick-up or after school care will be occurring. You would like to schedule a conference or have concerns. Your child has been absent and you have not yet notified the office about the absence. Watch for notes from the office and me, and dont forget to check the Take Home folder nightly. This will be our primary way to communicate with you.
Take home folders and agendas(review every night) Newsletters (sent every Friday)
Parent/Teacher conferences will be held on September 26th and April 8th & 10th. During these conference, we will be discussing your child's strengths and weaknesses, homework, behavior and any additional concerns you may have. A sign up schedule will be sent home.
is for Questions
Please feel free to contact us anytime you have questions. You can do this in a variety of ways: Write a note Send an email Call us at school Make an appointment for a conference
Progress reports will be distributed half way through each nine weeks.
September 24th , November 26th , February April 29th 18th , and
is for Snack
Only water drinks will be allowed and the schools preference would be that each student provide their own reusable water bottle to refill at the water fountain. MES is using guidelines from US Healthy Schools Challenge; only snack items from these guidelines will be sold in school vending machines or the school cafeteria.
is for Test
Every Friday students will be tested on Reading and Spelling skills. Math test will be given once a chapter is complete. Review your childs agenda and newsletter for weekly test.
is for Website
You may find our classroom websites by going to .
is for You
You are your childs first and most important teacher. We hope that we can work together this year to make your childs 1st grade school year a huge success!
is for Zzzz
Please make sure your child gets plenty of sleep each night, so that he/she is well rested and ready for the challenges of first grade. This year will ZOOM by, so lets make the most of it.