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Spring Newsletter

Spring has Sprung!

Miss Lashs RoomGrade 4

Education is the most

powerful weapon which
you can use to change
the world.
Nelson Mandela
March 2013

Upcoming Events
March 5th

Crazy Hair Day!

March 15th

St. Patricks Day


March 27th

Family Tea


April Field Trip to the

Zoo! Forms due:
March 27th.

Out with the old

March is here, and as we begin a new season, it means that exciting
things are happening in your childs classroom. As spring break becomes
near, we begin to anticipate what lies ahead. Enclosed with this
newsletter you will find important information regarding the stars of the
weeks throughout March, along with the breakdown of the reading and
spelling word tests that will be given this month.
As always, mid-weekly newsletters will also be sent out regarding the
homework and projects that need to be completed. Also, if there are any
issues that need to be resolved please feel free to send in the
communication form that is also attached in this months newsletter.
Inside there is also this months calendar containing the important events
and special happenings that our class will get to experience this month.
Please remember, as we near the end of the year things can begin to get
extremely busy. Keep an eye out for updates throughout the week, and if
any questions or concerns arise, feel free to contact me at any time.

School: 7245479384 ext. 1432

Cell: 7245873246

pg. 1


Spring Newsletter

March, 2013

Its the Process not the Product

In this classroom, the belief is that when students create their
own ORIGINAL work, they take more away from the activity.
I am proud of the work that my

I am sure that you will be very

modeled projects; meanwhile,

students have been creating in the

pleased with their work. We

each individual gets to show their

classroom. The creativity that the

would not be able to have such

personality. It is another strong

students have been displaying is

great artwork around the room if

belief in our classroom that any

phenomenal. All of the students

it was not for the support of all of

child can be whatever they dream

are beginning to understand the

the students families.

to be, and keeping all doors open

difference between primary and

secondary colors.

The support from the families has

helped to give our classroom the

At the end of this month, students

materials needed to finally be able

will be bringing home all of their

to have children pull away from

activities from the 3rd nine weeks.

worksheets, and picture-perfect

for each student is crucial. Again,

thank you for the support, and
thank you also for creating a
wonderful classroom community.

Whats with the Fundraising?

We have been making significant

spending money as well. All of

progress with all of the

the money that has been raised so

fundraising ideas. We have been

far has helped to fund our trip to

raising money to take our

the PPG Aquarium & Zoo,

students on another trip to the Art

classroom materials, and other

Sarris Candy

Museum in Pittsburgh. The

various activities that take place

Basket Sales

money will not only pay for the

throughout the school year. (i.e.

buses, but the lunches as well as

classroom parties, art materials,

Raffle Tickets

give the students ten dollars





Spring Newsletter

March, 2013

dont like the flu!
During this time of the year, not only
allergies, but viruses and other
infections are prone to come out
and about. We want to keep
everyone in the best health as
possible. Here are some helpful tips
for avoiding being sick this spring!
Because germs are in the air so


much, at school we are frequently

It goes without saying that sleep

washing our hands. A lot of the



is essential to staying healthy.

It is important for children to

Getting the right amount will help

have a balanced diet. If there are

reenergize your childs body and

some food groups that your child

brain. Studies have also shown

does not like to eat, maybe consult

that children who are not tired are

our schools nutritionist and she

Please help at home to remind

more likely to be in good moods,

can help create a diet plan for

your student(s) to wash their

have better concentration in

your student. Along with keeping

hands frequently and to follow

school, and help excel their

a well-balanced diet, it is

the proper steps:

learning experiences.

important for young children to

students have mini-hand

sanitizers attached to their
backpacks; however, this does not
kill all of the germs.


Wet Hands

Creating a calming atmosphere

about thirty minutes before bed

take their vitamins so they can

stay healthy and grow to be big


Apply Soap


Rub Soap into a Lather

trouble sleeping. It is important to

Although these tips may seem


Sing the ABCs while

have as minimal distractions as

like common sense, we all tend to

possible to help children be well

forget about the simple things in

rested for the next day. Keeping

life. It is important to try and stay

the television or computer off can

in the best health possible because

Along with these five simple, but

be helpful, and as an alternative,

no one likes to feel under the

important, steps it is important to

have him or her read or take a

weather. Pluswe would miss

remind children to keep their


our friends in class! J

Keep in mind that is


Dry with a clean towel

hands away from their eyes, nose,

and mouth because doing so
helps prevent the spread of

can help children who have

recommended for school-age

children to sleep ten to eleven
hours a night

and strong.


Spring Newsletter

March, 2013

Our Stars of the Weeks in March

Week of March 4-8

Blaise Pheon

Jeff Dirkiweitz

The Tales of Uncle Remus: The

Adventures of Brer Rabbit
Week of March 25-27

Star Books:

Addalyn James

Where the Wild Things Are

Brock Leechalk

A Chocolate Moose
Week of March 11-15

Sophia Jackson

Mitch Sampson

Blaise Pheon: March 4th

Is Your Mama A Llama?

Sophia Jackson: March 13th

The Giving Tree

Landon Marx: March 19th

**Please remember to send in your

Brock Leechalk: March 30th

students poster to display their

family, friends, and loved ones to

Star Books:

the class for their star week.

Flat Stanley

**Also, please remember to pack

Volunteer Opportunities

your star students chosen book

(Still Available)

You Cant Eat Your Chicken Pox,

Amber Brown

to read to the classroom in their


Week of March 18-22


Carolyne Harper

Landon Marx

Star Books:

St. Patricks Day Party

(1 or 2 vol. needed)

Zoo Field Trip

(3-4 vol. needed)

Magical Tales from Many Lands

Art Museum Field Trip

(4 volunteers needed)

Spelling Tests

Major Project


March 4th- Group 1

State Reports

We will be beginning

March 11th- Group 2


March 18th- Group 3


March 25 - Group 4

March 26th


preparations for our end of the

year play.
Students will need to bring in
old painting clothes for

Reading Words Tests

building sets.

March 12th- Group 1

Also, any materials that can be of

March 19th - Group 2

use are appreciated.

(i.e. cardboard, paint,
paintbrushes, etc)


Spring Newsletter

March, 2013

Just Something to Think About:

Your Childs ABCs
A- Accept your childs limitations, but do not resign yourself to future

Keep on Reading!
As a class, the students
are up to 78 books read at
home. REMEMBER: For
every 100 books read at
home, there is a pizza
party thrown for the
class! J

Its back! The classroom
to get the most box tops
collected by the end of
March will receive a
special prize! (The prize
has been decided to stay
a secret until the end of
the challenge.)
REMEMBER to send in
as many box tops as
possible with your

B- Build their confidence.
C- Cooperate with rather than reject programs designed by
D- Direct their attentionperhaps a little extra on your part will improve
listening, understanding, and response.
E- Expect them to require more than the usual amount of time for
almost everythingmake allowance for time.
F- Forget about unfair comparisons of school progress with children of
friends, sisters, brothers, relatives, and neighbors.
G- Govern his discipline at home by that expected of siblings
permissiveness is not a kindness for your child. They will resent
peers now and you later.
H- Help them to take pride in doing those things they can do well (even
if its writing a story about garbage)
I- Institute a regular, normal program of outside activities; maybe they
can excel in other than school activities.
J- Johnny can learnyour school will be glad to make
recommendations for special helpask how you can help too.
K- Keep directions simple.
L- Let your child set their own pace in new learning situations at home.
M- Make certain that you stand ready to help them at all times.
N- Never give up hope for possible progress.
O- Open every possible door for development.
P- Patience and perseverance are two attributes necessary for all
Q- Quietall children need some.
R- Request and read available materials concerning your childs
particular problem.
S- Social acceptance is highly important to your childs welfare outside
the home.
T- Teach the concrete rather than abstract.
U- Understand the importance a routine plays in your childs life.
V- Verbalize as little as possiblequite simpledont talk to much
W- Watch your language, your meanings, and choice of words.
X- X-ray your own state of mind. You will find that your child will present
an ever challenging personal problem to you as a parentand have

Z- Zest for life and living that must not be denied that child. Make them
have the Good Felling.

(Adapted from a paper by Mary Beth Fry.)

Spring Newsletter

Miss Lashs RoomGrade 4

I cannot begin to thank all of the families
for the support, willingness to volunteer,
and donations for our classroom. You
have made not only a tremendous impact
on my first year, but your young learners
education. Every moment that is spent
with wide engaged eyes, is another
moment that the child is going to
remember for the rest of his or her life.
The enthusiasm all of the children show
in class stems from the support at home.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Your fourth grade teacher,

Miss Lash

Communication Form

Private Conference ______

Phone Conference _______

Student name: ___________________________

Conference contact information:

Name: ___________________________ Phone Number: _____________________

I have a question/concern about my child and would like to schedule an appointment that
Accommodates both of our schedules.

Please Circle the Best 2 Times for meeting:

Monday mornings (before school)
Monday evenings (after school)
Wednesday mornings (before school)
Wednesday evenings (after school)
These times do not work for me, please schedule another time.

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